Hypernova Nucleosynthesis GRB980425 SN1998bw Ken Nomoto (Kavli IPMU/ U.Tokyo) Supernova Nucleosynthesis • • • • Core Collapse Supernovae : C, O, Mg, Si, Ca, Fe, , , Thermonuclear Supernovae : Fe, Si, , Long Gamma-Ray Bursts --- Hypernovae ?? Short Gamma-Ray Bursts --- Kilonovae ?? Yields from Core-Collapse SNe [X/Fe] Z=0 20M 25M (Nomoto, Kobayashi, Tominaga 2013 ARAA 51, 457-509) Z = 0.02 Yields from Core Collapse Supernovae in Metal-Poor Environment *Comparison with Extremely Metal-Poor Stars Yield from an individual SN [environment with much less contamination less mixing] Yields of unusually faint & luminious SNe *First Stars, First SNe? Metal Poor Stars • • • • • • • • Mega Metal Poor (MMP): Hyper Metal Poor (HMP): Ultra Metal Poor (UMP): Extremely Metal Poor(EMP) : Very Metal Poor (VMP): Metal Poor (MP) : Solar: Super Metal Rich(SMR): [Fe/H] < -6 [Fe/H] < -5 [Fe/H] < -4 [Fe/H] < -3 [Fe/H] < -2 [Fe/H] < -1 [Fe/H] ~ 0 [Fe/H] > +0.5 [Fe/H]=log(Fe/H)-log(Fe/H) (Beers & Christlieb 2005) VMP Stars vs. Normal SN II (10 - 50 M) (-2.7 < [Fe/H] < -2.0) (Salpeter IMF) (Tominaga, Umeda, Nomoto 06) EMP Stars vs. Normal SN II (-4.2 < [Fe/H] < -3.5) (E51=1) (Poor fit) Co Zn Tominaga, Umeda, Nomoto (2006) T CEMP-no Star (nomral + fallback SN) (Poor fit) Si (Tominaga et al.) Co (Frebel et al. 2007) Hyper Metal-Poor (HMP) Stars [Fe/H] < -5 [C, N, O/ Fe] > 3 [X/H] C,N Na,Mg,Al Ca, Ti Fe Christlieb, Frebel, Aoki, et al. McWilliam(1995), Ryan(1996) EMP stars Co Cr trend [Fe/H] [Fe/H] Mn Zn GRB-Supernovae SN 1998bw SNe Ic SN GRB 1998bw 1997ef 2002ap 2003dh 2003lw 980425 (971115) 030329 031203 Galama et al. GRB 980425 GRB-SN Connection (GRB 030329 / SN 2003dh) Stanek et al (2003) ;Hjorth et al (2003) Broad Lines! Spectra of Supernovae & Hypernovae Ic: no H, Ia Ib SiII O Ca He Ic Hyper -novae no strong He, 94I 97ef 98bw no strong Si Hypernovae: broad features blended lines “Large mass at high velocities” Patat et al. (1999) Spectral Fitting: SN1997ef Iwamoto et al. (2000) Too Narrow Features E51=E/1051 erg Normal SN (E51=1) Small Mej Broad Features Hypernova (E51=20) Large Mej at High Vel. CO Star Models for SNe Ic Parameters [Mej, E, M(56Ni)] H-rich He Light Curve 56Fe C+O MC+O Si Fe Mms/M 56Co 56Ni Collapse MC+O/M ~ 40 13.8 ~ 35 11.0 ~ 22 5.0 Spectra τ ~ [τdyn • τdiffusion]1/2 E ∝ Mej κ Mej 1/2 R ~ V • Rc ∝ κ½Mej¾E E ∝ Mej3 -¼ 56Ni 56Co-decay GRB-SN SN2003dh SN2003lw SN1998bw SN2006aj SN1997ef SN1994I SN2002ap Hypernova – GRB Connection Three GRB-SNe = all Type Ic Hypernovae E > 1052 erg (~10×normal SN) Large Mms →Black Hole Forming SNe Aspherical MCO/M Mms/M E/1051erg M(56Ni)/M 980425 1998bw 14 40 30 0.4 030329 2003dh 11 35 40 0.35 031203 2003lw 16 45 60 0.55 GRB SN Hypernova in Prague SNe [Mms-E relation] (Rapidly rotating BH?) Nomoto et al. (2003) SNe [Mms-M(56Ni) relation] Nomoto et al. (2003) Type Ibc SNe: Bipolar Explosion 56Fe [OI] 6300A (SUBARU) 16O Maeda et al. (2002, 2005) Mixing & Fallback Supernova Carbon Enhanced Metal Poor (CEMP) Stars N M(Fe), M(BH) S (Jet-induced) SN-GRB Connection GRB-HN Magnetar Non-SN GRB M(56Ni) Bright HN . Dark HN Smaller Edep smaller M(56Ni) and larger [C/Fe] HMP stars UMP stars [C/Fe] High E Fallback Tominaga et al. (2007) EMP stars . Edep CEMP stars Dark Hypernova non-SN GRB GRB 060614 Della Valle et al. 2006 Fynbo et al. 2006 Gal-Yam et al. 2006 Hypernova Nucleosynthesis (1) M(Complete Si-burning) (Zn, Co)/Fe (Mn, Cr)/Fe Fe/(O, Si) (2) More α‐rich Zn/Fe entropy 64Ge Ti/Fe Low energy High energy Jet + Fallback ~ Mixing & Fallback (3) More O burns (Si, S, Ca)/O EMP Stars vs. Normal SN II (-4.2 < [Fe/H] < -3.5) (E51=1) (Poor fit) Co Zn Tominaga, Umeda, Nomoto (2006) T EMP stars vs. Hypernova (E51=10) (-4.2 < [Fe/H] < -3.5) (better fit) Co Zn Tominaga, Umeda, Nomoto (2006) CEMP-no-s Star (Hypernova with fallback) (better fit) Si (Tominaga et al.) Co (Frebel et al. 2007) UMP Star : [Fe/H] = -4.75 Hypernova model (E51=20:1D)Co (Norris, Christlieb, et al. 2007) HMP Stars (Frebel et al. 2004) ( [Fe/H] < -5) Jet-induced SN models (Christlieb et al. 2002) High E High Co/Fe Fallback Small Fe Co Dark Hypernova Tominaga et al. 2007 Mega Metal-Poor Star : [Fe/H] < -7.1 [X/H] C Mg Ca Fe pre-SN hot CNO cycle Ca (M > 60 M) (Keller+14) [Fe/H] < -7.1 40Ca Explosive O b. & Incomplete Si-b. Ca Mixing & Fallback M(BH) ~ 5.6 M (Ishigaki + 14) First stars --Metal-poor stars -- GRB connection Hypernovae with relativistic jets Mms ~ 20 – 130 M Larger . GRBs Metal-Poor stars GRB-HNe EMP stars No-SN GRBs UMP stars HMP stars Edep Smaller Hypernova Nucleosynthesis • Central Engine ?? Outflow from Disk ? (McLaughlin +) Magnetar ? Materials in Jets: Ye ? r-process elements ? Correlation with Fe-peak elements (Zn, Co) ?
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