ARTICLE IN PRESS Applied Mathematics and Computation xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Mathematics and Computation journal homepage: Common coupled fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces for w-compatible mappings M. Abbas a, M. Ali Khan a, S. Radenovic´ b,* a b Department of Mathematics, Lahore University of Management Sciences, 54792 Lahore, Pakistan Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Kraljice Marije 16, 11 120 Beograd, Serbia a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Coupled common fixed point Coupled coincidence point Coupled point of coincidence Cone metric space Normal and non-normal cone a b s t r a c t In this paper we introduce the concept of a w-compatible mappings to obtain coupled coincidence point and coupled point of coincidence for nonlinear contractive mappings in cone metric space with a cone having non-empty interior. Coupled common fixed point theorems for such mappings are also proved. Our results generalize, extend and unify several well known comparable results in the literature. Results are supported by three examples. Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction and preliminaries Cone metric spaces were introduced by Huang and Zhang in [11], where they investigated the convergence in cone metric spaces, introduced the notion of their completeness, and proved some fixed point theorems for contractive mappings on these spaces. Recently, in [1–19] some common fixed point theorems have been proved for maps on cone metric spaces. However, in [1,2,11–13], the authors usually obtain their results for normal cones. For more results in cone metric space we, refer to ([4–7,18,20] and references mentioned therein). In this paper we do not impose the normality condition for the cones. The only assumption is that the interior of the cone P is non-empty, so we use neither continuity of the vector metric d, nor Sandwich Theorem. Following definitions and results will be needed in the sequel. Definition 1.1 [10]. Let E be a real Banach space. A subset P of E is called a cone if and only if: (a) P is closed, non-empty and P – {h}; (b) a, b 2 R, a, b P 0, x, y 2 P imply that ax + by 2 P; (c) P \ (P) = {h}. Given a cone define a partial ordering with respect to P by x y if and only if y x 2 P. We shall write x y for y x 2 IntP, where IntP stands for interior of P. Also we will use x y to indicate that x y and x – y. There exist two kinds of cones (see [10]): normal with normal constant k P 1 and non-normal, that is which is not normal cone. The cone P in normed space E is called normal whenever there is a number k > 0 such that for all x, y 2 E, h x y implies kxk 6 kkyk. The least positive number satisfying this norm inequality is called the normal constant of P ([10]). For details see also [21]. * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Abbas), [email protected] (M. Ali Khan), [email protected], [email protected] (S. Radenovic´). 0096-3003/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.05.042 Please cite this article in press as: M. Abbas et al., Common coupled fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces for w-compatible mappings, Appl. Math. Comput. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.05.042 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 M. Abbas et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Definition 1.2 [11]. Let X be a non-empty set. Suppose that the mapping d: X X ? E satisfies: (d1) h d(x, y) for all x, y 2 X and d(x, y) = h if and only if x = y; (d2) d(x, y) = d(y, x) for all x, y 2 X; (d3) d(x, y) d(x, z) + d(z, y) for all x, y, z 2 X. Then d is called a cone metric on X and (X, d) is called a cone metric space. The concept of a cone metric space is more general than that of a metric space. Definition 1.3 [11]. Let (X, d) be a cone metric space, {xn} a sequence in X and x 2 X. For every c 2 E with h c, we say that {xn} is (c1) a Cauchy sequence if there is some k 2 N such that, for all n, m P k, d(xn, xm) c; (c2) a convergent sequence if there is some k 2 N such that, for all n P k, d(xn, x) c. Then x is called limit of the sequence {xn}. Note that every convergent sequence in a cone metric space X is a Cauchy sequence. A cone metric space X is said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence in X is convergent in X. Let (X, d) be a cone metric space. Then the following properties are often used (particularly when dealing with cone metric spaces in which the cone need not be normal): (p1) (p2) (p3) (p4) (p5) If If If If If E is a real Banach space with a cone P and if a ha where a 2 P and h 2 [0, 1), then a = h. h u c for each h c, then u = h. a b + c for each h c, then a b. u v and v w, then u w. c 2 intP,0 an and an ? h, then there exists an k such that for all n > k we have an c. For details about these properties see: [14–17,19]. It follows from (p5) that the sequence xn converges to x 2 X if d(xn, x) ? h as n ? 1 and xn is a Cauchy sequence if d(xn, xm) ? h as n, m ? 1. In the case when the cone is not necessarily normal, we have only one half of the statements of Lemma 1 and 4 from [11]. Also, in this case, the fact that d(xn, yn) ? d(x, y) if xn ? x and yn ? y is not applicable. 2. Main results Bhashkar and Lakshmikantham in [8] introduced the concept of coupled fixed point of a mapping F: X X ? X and investigated some coupled fixed point theorems in partially ordered sets. They also discussed an application of their result by investigating the existence and uniqueness of solution for a periodic boundary value problem. Sabetghadam et al. in [22] introduced this concept in cone metric spaces. They investigated some fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces which in turn extends and modify Theorem 2.1 of [8]. Recently, Lakshmikantham and C´iric´ [9] proved coupled coincidence and coupled common fixed point theorems for nonlinear contractive mappings in partially ordered complete metric spaces. Definition 2.1 [22]. An element (x, y) 2 X X is called a coupled fixed point of mapping F: X X ? X if x = F(x, y) and y = F(y, x). Inspired with Definition 2.1. Following is the concept of a coupled fixed point of a mapping F: X X ? X. Definition 2.2. An element (x, y) 2 X X is called (g1) a coupled coincidence point of mappings F: X X ? X and g: X ? X if g(x) = F(x, y) and g(y) = F(y, x), and (gx, gy) is called coupled point of coincidence; (g2) a common coupled fixed point of mappings F: X X ? X and g: X ? X if x = g(x) = F(x, y) and y = g(y) = F(y, x). Note that if g is the identity mapping, then Definition 2.2 reduces to Definition 2.1. We introduce the following definition. Definition 2.3. The mappings F: X X ? X and g: X ? X are called w-compatible if g(F(x, y)) = F(gx, gy) whenever g(x) = F(x, y) and g(y) = F(y, x). Now we prove our main result. Theorem 2.4. Let (X, d) be a cone metric space with a cone P having non-empty interior, F: X X ? X and g: X ? X be mappings satisfying Please cite this article in press as: M. Abbas et al., Common coupled fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces for w-compatible mappings, Appl. Math. Comput. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.05.042 ARTICLE IN PRESS 3 M. Abbas et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation xxx (2010) xxx–xxx dðFðx; yÞ; Fðu; v ÞÞ a1 dðgx; guÞ þ a2 dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ þ a3 dðgy; g v Þ þa4 dðFðu; v Þ; guÞ þ a5 dðFðx; yÞ; guÞ þ a6 dðFðu; v Þ; gxÞ; for all x, y, u, v 2 X, where ai, i = 1, 2, . . . , 6 are nonnegative real numbers such that plete subset of X, then F and g have a coupled coincidence point in X. ð2:1Þ P6 i¼1 ai < 1. If F(X X) # g(X) and g(X) is com- Proof. Let x0, y0 be any two arbitrary points in X. Set g(x1) = F(x0, y0) and g(y1) = F(y0, x0), this can be done because F(X X) # g(X). Continuing this process we obtain two sequences {xn} and {yn} in X such that g(xn+1) = F(xn, yn) and g(yn+1) = F(yn, xn). From (2.1), we have dðgxn ; gxnþ1 Þ ¼ dðFðxn1 ; yn1 Þ; Fðxn ; yn ÞÞ a1 dðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ a2 dðFðxn1 ; yn1 Þ; gxn1 Þ þ a3 dðgyn1 ; gyn Þ þ a4 dðFðxn ; yn Þ; gxn Þ þ a5 dðFðxn1 ; yn1 Þ; gxn Þ þ a6 dðFðxn ; yn Þ; gxn1 Þ ¼ a1 dðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ a2 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ þ a3 dðgyn1 ; gyn Þ þ a4 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ þ a5 dðgxn ; gxn Þ þ a6 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn1 Þ a1 dðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ a2 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ þ a3 dðgyn1 ; gyn Þ þ a4 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ þ a6 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ þ a6 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ ¼ ða1 þ a2 þ a6 Þdðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ a3 dðgyn1 ; gyn Þ þ ða4 þ a6 Þdðgxn ; gxnþ1 Þ; from which it follows ð1 a4 a6 Þdðgxn ; gxnþ1 Þ ða1 þ a2 þ a6 Þdðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ a3 dðgyn1 ; gyn Þ: ð2:2Þ Similarly, ð1 a4 a6 Þdðgyn ; gynþ1 Þ ða1 þ a2 þ a6 Þdðgyn1 ; gyn Þ þ a3 dðgxn1 ; gxn Þ: ð2:3Þ Because of the symmetry in (2.1), dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ ¼ dðFðxn ; yn Þ; Fðxn1 ; yn1 ÞÞ a1 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ þ a2 dðFðxn ; yn Þ; gxn Þ þ a3 dðgyn ; gyn1 Þ þ a4 dðFðxn1 ; yn1 Þ; gxn1 Þ þ a5 dðFðxn ; yn Þ; gxn1 Þ þ a6 dðFðxn1 ; yn1 Þ; gxn Þ ¼ a1 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ þ a2 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ þ a3 dðgyn ; gyn1 Þ þ a4 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ þ a5 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn1 Þ þ a6 dðgxn ; gxn Þ a1 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ þ a2 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ þ a3 dðgyn ; gyn1 Þ þ a4 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ þ a5 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ þ a5 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ; that is, ð1 a2 a5 Þdðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ ða1 þ a4 þ a5 Þdðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ a3 dðgyn ; gyn1 Þ: ð2:4Þ Similarly, ð1 a2 a5 Þdðgynþ1 ; gyn Þ ða1 þ a4 þ a5 Þdðgyn1 ; gyn Þ þ a3 dðgxn ; gxn1 Þ: ð2:5Þ Let dn = d(gxn, gxn+1) + d(gyn, gyn+1). Now, from (2.2) and (2.3) respectively (2.4) and (2.5) we obtain: ð1 a4 a6 Þdn ða1 þ a2 þ a3 þ a6 Þdn1 ; ð1 a2 a5 Þdn ða1 þ a3 þ a4 þ a5 Þdn1 : ð2:6Þ ð2:7Þ Finally, from (2.6) and (2.7) we have ð2 a2 a4 a5 a6 Þdn ð2a1 þ 2a3 þ a2 þ a4 þ a5 þ a6 Þdn1 ; that is, dn gdn1 ; g¼ 2a1 þ 2a3 þ a2 þ a4 þ a5 þ a6 < 1: 2 a2 a4 a5 a6 ð2:8Þ Consequently, we have h dn gdn1 gn d0 : ð2:9Þ If d0 = 0 then (x0, y0) is a coupled coincidence point of F and g. So let h d0. If m > n, we have dðgxm ; gxn Þ dðgxm ; gxm1 Þ þ dðgxm1 ; gxm2 Þ þ þ dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ and dðgym ; gyn Þ dðgym ; gym1 Þ þ dðgym1 ; gym2 Þ þ þ dðgynþ1 ; gyn Þ: Please cite this article in press as: M. Abbas et al., Common coupled fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces for w-compatible mappings, Appl. Math. Comput. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.05.042 ARTICLE IN PRESS 4 M. Abbas et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation xxx (2010) xxx–xxx Therefore, dðgxm ; gxn Þ þ dðgym ; gyn Þ dm1 þ dm2 þ þ dn ðgm1 þ gm2 þ þ gn Þd0 From (p5) it follows that for h c and large n: gn 1g gn 1g d0 ! h; as n ! 1: d0 c; thus, according to (p4), d(gxn, gxm) + d(gyn, gym) c. Hence, by Definition 1.3. (c1) {d(gxn, gxm) + d(gyn, gym)} is a Cauchy sequence. Since, d(gxn, gxm) d(gxn, gxm) + d(gyn, gym) and d(gyn, gym) d(gxn, gxm) + d(gyn, gym) then again by (p4), {gxn} and {gyn} are Cauchy sequences in g(X), so there exists x and y in X such that gxn ? gx and gyn ? gy. Now, we prove that F(x, y) = gx and F(y, x) = gy. For that we have dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ dðFðx; yÞ; gxnþ1 Þ þ dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ ¼ dðFðx; yÞ; Fðxn ; yn ÞÞ þ dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ a1 dðgx; gxn Þ þ a2 dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ þ a3 dðgy; gyn Þ þ a4 dðFðxn ; yn Þ; gxn Þ þ a5 dðFðx; yÞ; gxn Þ þ a6 dðFðxn ; yn Þ; gxÞ þ dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ ¼ a1 dðgx; gxn Þ þ a2 dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ þ a3 dðgy; gyn Þ þ a4 dðgxnþ1 ; gxn Þ þ a5 dðFðx; yÞ; gxn Þ þ a6 dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ þ dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ a1 dðgx; gxn Þ þ a2 dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ þ a3 dðgy; gyn Þ þ a4 dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ þ a4 dðgx; gxn Þ þ a5 dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ þ a5 dðgx; gxn Þ þ a6 dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ þ dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ; which further implies that dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ a1 þ a4 þ a5 1 þ a4 þ a6 a3 dðgxn ; gxÞ þ dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ þ dðgyn ; gyÞ: 1 a2 a5 1 a2 a5 1 a2 a5 ð2:10Þ ð1a2 a5 Þc ð1a2 a5 Þc Since gxn ? gx and gyn ? gy then for hc there exists N 2 N such that dðgxn ; gxÞ 3ða ; dðgxnþ1 ; gxÞ 3ð1þa and 1 þa4 þa5 Þ 4 þa6 Þ 2 a5 Þc dðgyn ; gyÞ ð1a3a , for all n P N. Thus, 3 dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ c c c þ þ ¼ c: 3 3 3 ð2:11Þ Now, according to (p2) it follows that d(F(x, y), gx) = h, and hence F(x,y) = gx. Similarly, F(y, x) = gy. Hence (x, y) is coupled coincidence point of the mappings F and g. h Corollary 2.5. Let (X, d) be cone metric space, F: X X ? X and g: X ? X be mappings satisfying dðFðx; yÞ; Fðu; v ÞÞ a½dðgx; guÞ þ dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ þ b½dðgy; g v Þ þ dðFðu; v Þ; guÞ þ c½dðFðx; yÞ; guÞ þ dðFðu; v Þ; gxÞ for all x, y, u, v 2 X, where a, b, and c are nonnegative real numbers such that a þ b þ c < 12. If F(X X) # g(X) and g(X) is complete subset of X, then F and g have a coupled coincidence point in X. Corollary 2.6 (Theorem 2.2 of [22]). Let (X, d) be a complete cone metric space. Suppose F: X X ? X satisfies the following contractive condition for all x, y, u, v 2 X: dðFðx; yÞ; Fðu; v ÞÞ kdðx; uÞ þ ldðy; v Þ; where k, l are nonnegative constants with k + l < 1. Then F has a unique coupled fixed point. Corollary 2.7 (Theorem 2.5 of [22]). Let (X, d) be a complete cone metric space. Suppose F: X X ? X satisfies the following contractive condition for all x, y, u, v 2 X: dðFðx; yÞ; Fðu; v ÞÞ kdðFðx; yÞ; xÞ þ ldðFðu; v Þ; uÞ; where k, l are nonnegative constants with k + l < 1. Then F has a unique coupled fixed point. Corollary 2.8 (Theorem 2.6 of [22]). Let (X, d) be a complete cone metric space. Suppose F: X X ? X satisfies the following contractive condition for all x, y, u, v 2 X: dðFðx; yÞ; Fðu; v ÞÞ kdðFðx; yÞ; uÞ þ ldðFðu; v Þ; xÞ; where k, l are nonnegative constants with k + l < 1. Then F has a unique coupled fixed point. We present now two examples showing that Theorem 2.4 is a proper extension of known results. In both examples, the conditions of Theorem 2.4 are fulfilled. Note that in both examples, the main theorems from [22] cannot be applied. This shows that Theorem 2.4 is more general, that is, the main results from [22] can be obtained as its special cases taking g = iX, identity mapping of X, ai = k, aj = l for some i, j 2 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Please cite this article in press as: M. Abbas et al., Common coupled fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces for w-compatible mappings, Appl. Math. Comput. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.05.042 ARTICLE IN PRESS M. Abbas et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 5 Example 2.9 (The case of non-normal cone). Let X = [0, 1), E ¼ C 1R ½0; 1 and P = {u 2 E:u(t) P 0, t 2 [0, 1]}. The mapping d: X X ? E is defined in the following way: d(x, y) = jx yju, where u(t) = et. Clearly, (X, d) is a complete cone metric space. Given the functions F: X X ? X and g: X ? X by gðxÞ ¼ 3x if x 2 ½0; 1; 2x if x 2 ð1; 1Þ; and ( Fðx; yÞ ¼ x 3 x 4 þ 3y if x 2 ½0; 1 and y 2 R; þ 4y if x 2 ð1; 1Þ and y 2 R: 1 It is easy to verify that F and g satisfy all the conditions of Theorem 2.4, taking a1 ¼ a3 ¼ 25 ; a2 ¼ a4 ¼ 10 and a5 = a6 = 0. Moreover (0, 0) is common coupled coincidence point of F and g. Example 2.10 (The case of normal cone). Let X = [0, 1). Assume E = R2 and P = {(x, y) 2 R2: x, y P 0}. Define d: X X ? E by d(x, y) = (jx yj, jx yj). Clearly (X, d) is a complete cone metric space. Consider the mappings F: X X ? X and g: X ? X defined by gðxÞ ¼ 5x; and Fðx; yÞ ¼ x þ j sin yj : 3 7 1 It is easy to verify that F and g satisfy all the conditions of Theorem 2.4, taking a1 ¼ 15 ; a3 ¼ 10 ; a5 ¼ a6 ¼ 25 and a2 = a4 = 0. Moreover (0, 0) is common coupled coincidence point of F and g. Theorem 2.11. Let F: X X ? X and g: X ? X be two mappings which satisfy all the conditions of Theorem 2.1. If F and g are wcompatible, then F and g have unique common coupled fixed point. Moreover, common fixed point of F and g is of the form (u, u) for some u 2 X. Proof. First we claim that coupled point of coincidence is unique. Suppose that (x, y), (x*, y*) 2 X X with g(x) = F(x, y), g(y) = F(y, x) and g(x*) = F(x*, y*),g(y*) = F(y*, x*). Using (2.1), we get dðgx; gx Þ ¼ dðFðx; yÞ; Fðx ; y ÞÞ a1 dðgx; gx Þ þ a2 dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ þ a3 dðgy; gy Þ þ a4 dðFðx ; y Þ; gx Þ þ a5 dðFðx; yÞ; gx Þ þ a6 dðFðx ; y Þ; gxÞ ¼ ða1 þ a5 þ a6 Þdðgx; gx Þ þ a3 dðgy; gy Þ; and dðgx; gx Þ ða1 þ a5 þ a6 Þdðgx; gx Þ þ a3 dðgy; gy Þ: ð2:12Þ Similarly dðgy; gy Þ ða1 þ a5 þ a6 Þdðgy; gy Þ þ a3 dðgx; gx Þ: ð2:13Þ Thus dðgx; gx Þ þ dðgy; gy Þ ða1 þ a3 þ a5 þ a6 Þðdðgx; gx Þ þ dðgy; gy ÞÞ: Since a1 + a3 + a5 + a6 < 1, therefore by (p1), we have d(gx, gx*) + d(gy, gy*) = 0, which implies that gx = gx* and gy = gy*. Similarly we prove that gx = gy* and gy = gx*. Thus gx = gy. Therefore (gx, gx) is unique coupled point of coincidence of F and g. Now, let g(x) = u. Then we have u = g(x) = F(x, x). By w- compatibility of F and g, we have gðuÞ ¼ gðgðxÞÞ ¼ gðFðx; xÞÞ ¼ Fðgx; gxÞ ¼ Fðu; uÞ: ð2:14Þ Then (gu, gu) is coupled point of coincidence of F and g. Consequently gu = gx. Therefore u = gu = F(u, u). Hence (u, u) is unique common coupled fixed point of F and g. h Example 2.12. Let X = {(x, 0): x 2 [0, 1]} [ {(0, x): x 2 [0, 1]}. Assume E = R2 and P = {(x, y) 2 R2: x, y P 0}. Define d: X X ? E by d(x, y) = (jx1 y1j, jx2 y2j), where x = (x1, x2) and y = (y1, y2). Clearly, (X, d) is a complete cone metric space. Consider mappings F: X X ? X and g: X ? X, given by Please cite this article in press as: M. Abbas et al., Common coupled fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces for w-compatible mappings, Appl. Math. Comput. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.05.042 ARTICLE IN PRESS 6 M. Abbas et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation xxx (2010) xxx–xxx gðxÞ ¼ ð0; tÞ if x ¼ ðt; 0Þ; t 2 ½0; 1; ðt; 0Þ if x ¼ ð0; tÞ; t 2 ½0; 1; and Fððx1 ; x2 Þ; ðy1 ; y2 ÞÞ ¼ x x 1 2 ; : 8 8 Note that F and g satisfy all the conditions of Theorem 2.11 if we take ai ¼ 18 ; i ¼ 1; 6. Moreover (0, 0) is the unique common coupled fixed point of F and g. Theorem 2.13. Let (X, d) be cone metric space with a cone P having non-empty interior, F: X X ? X and g: X ? X be w-compatible mappings such that dðFðx; yÞ; Fðu; v ÞÞ kU þ mV ð2:15Þ for all x, y, u, v 2 X, where, U; V 2 Sx;y u;v ¼ fdðgx; guÞ; dðgy; g v Þ; dðFðx; yÞ; gxÞ; dðFðx; yÞ; guÞ; dðFðu; v Þ; guÞg; and k, m are nonnegative real numbers such that k + m < 1. If F(X X) # g(X) then F and g have unique common coupled fixed point having the form (u, u) for some u 2 X. Proof. Following similar arguments to those given in Theorem 2.4, we construct two sequences {xn} and {yn} in X such that g(xn+1) = F(xn, yn) and g(yn+1) = F(yn, xn). Now, from (2.15), we have dðgxn ; gxnþ1 Þ ¼ dðFðxn1 ; yn1 Þ; Fðxn ; yn ÞÞ kU þ mV; ð2:16Þ that is, dðgyn ; gynþ1 Þ ¼ dðFðyn1 ; xn1 Þ; Fðyn ; xn ÞÞ kU þ mV; where U; V 2 ;yn1 Sxxn1 n ;yn i.e., U; V 2 ð2:17Þ ;xn1 Syyn1 . n ;xn We have the following 12 cases: (i): (ii): (iii): (iv): (v): (vi): (vii): (viii): (ix): (x): (xi): (xii): U = d(gxn1, gxn) and V = d(gxn1, gxn). U = d(gxn1, gxn) and V = d(gyn1, gyn), U = d(gxn1, gxn) and V = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn1). U = d(gxn1, gxn) and V = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn). U = d(gyn1, gyn) and V = d(gyn1, gyn). U = d(gyn1, gyn) and V = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn1). U = d(gyn1, gyn) and V = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn). U = d(F(xn1, yn1), gxn1) and V = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn1). U = d(F(xn1, yn1), gxn1) and V = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn). U = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn1) and V = d(F((xn, yn), gxn). U = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn) and V = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn). U = d(F((xn1, yn1), gxn) and V = d(F((xn, yn), gxn). In the cases (i), (ii), (iii), (v), (vi), (viii) and (xi) according to (2.16) and (2.17) we obtain that dðgxn ; gxnþ1 Þ þ dðgyn ; gynþ1 Þ ðm þ kÞðdðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ dðgyn1 ; gyn ÞÞ: Similarly, from (2.16) and (2.17) in the cases (iv), (vii), (ix), (x) and (xii) we again obtain that dðgxn ; gxnþ1 Þ þ dðgyn ; gynþ1 Þ kðdðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ dðgyn1 ; gyn ÞÞ; k where k 2 k; 1m ;m . Note that for U 2 {d(gx, gu), d(gy, gv), d(F(x, y), gx)}, the case of taking V =d(F(u, v), gu) is superfluous because it is the same as we take V = d(F(x, y), gx) in condition (2.15) which are the cases that have already been discussed. Thus we conclude that dðgxn ; gxnþ1 Þ þ dðgyn ; gynþ1 Þ b½dðgxn1 ; gxn Þ þ dðgyn1 ; gyn Þ for some b < 1 and for all n P 1. Following similar arguments to those given in Theorem 2.1, (x, y) is the common coupled coincidence point of F and g, where gxn ? gx and gyn ? gy. Now we will prove that coupled point of coincidence is unique. For that take (x, y), (x*, y*) 2 X X such that g(x) = F(x, y), g(y) = F(y, x) and g(x*) = F(x*, y*), g(y*) = F(y*, x*). Again using (2.15), we get dðgx; gx Þ ¼ dðFðx; yÞ; Fðx ; y ÞÞ kU þ mV; ð2:18Þ Please cite this article in press as: M. Abbas et al., Common coupled fixed point theorems in cone metric spaces for w-compatible mappings, Appl. Math. Comput. (2010), doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.05.042 ARTICLE IN PRESS M. Abbas et al. / Applied Mathematics and Computation xxx (2010) xxx–xxx 7 that is, dðgy; gy Þ ¼ dðFðy; xÞ; Fðy ; x ÞÞ kU þ mV; Sx;y x ;y ð2:19Þ Sy;x y ;x . where U; V 2 i.e., U; V 2 Again we have the following 12 cases: (i): (ii): (iii): (iv): (v): (vi): (vii): (viii): (ix): (x): (xi): (xii): U = d(gx, gx*) and V = d(gx, gx*). U = d(gx, gx*) and V = d(gy, gy*). U = d(gx, gx*) and V = d(F(x, y), gx). U = d(gx, gx*) and V = d(F(x, y), gx*). U = d(gy, gy*) and V = d(gy, gy*). U = d(gy, gy*) and V = d(F(x, y), gx). U = d(gy, gy*) and V = d(F(x, y), gx*). U = d(F(x, y), gx) and V = d(F(x, y), gx). U = d(F(x, y), gx) and V = d(F(x, y), gx*). U = d(F(x, y), gx) and V = d(F(x*, y*), gx*). U = d(F(x, y), gx*) and V = d(F(x, y), gx*). U = d(F(x, y), gx*) and V = d(F(x*, y*), gx*). In the cases (i), (ii), (i), (v), (vii) and (xi) according to (2.18) and (2.19) we obtain that dðgx; gx Þ þ dðgy; gy Þ ðk þ mÞðdðgx; gx Þ þ dðgy; gy ÞÞ: Similarly, from (2.18) and (2.19) in the cases (iii), (viii), (ix), (x) and (xii) we again obtain that dðgx; gx Þ þ dðgy; gy Þ kðdðgx; gx Þ þ dðgy; gy ÞÞ; where k 2 {0,k,m}. According to (p1) from all the above cases, we have d(gx, gx*) + d(gy, gy*) = 0, i.e., gx = gx* and gy = gy*. That is, (gx, gx) is the unique common coupled point of coincidence. Since F and g are w-compatible maps, so we have, gðgðxÞÞ ¼ Fðgx; gxÞ: ð2:20Þ Let u = g(x). By (2.20), we have, g(u) = F(u, u). Therefore (gu, gu) is a coupled point of coincidence of F and g. Consequently, u = g(u) = F(u, u). Hence (u, u) is unique common coupled fixed point of F and g. h Acknowledgement S. Radenovic´ is thankful to the Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection of Serbia. References [1] M. Abbas, B.E. Rhoades, Fixed and periodic point results in cone metric spaces, Applied Mathematics Letters 22 (2009) 511–515. [2] M. Abbas, G. Jungck, Common fixed point results of noncommuting mappings without continuity in cone metric spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 341 (2008) 418–420. [3] M. Abbas, B.E. Rhoades, T. Nazir, Common fixed points for four maps in cone metric spaces, Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (2010) 80–86. [4] I. Altun, G. Durmaz, Some fixed point results in cone metric spaces, Rendiconti del Circolo Mathematico, di Palermo 58 (2009) 319–325. [5] I. Altun, B. Damjanovic´, D. Djoric´, Fixed point and common fixed point theorems on ordered cone metric spaces, Applied Mathematics Letters 23 (2010) 310–316. [6] M. Arshad, A. Azam, P. 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