International Linkages, Value Added Trade and LAC Firms’ Productivity (DRAFT VERSION PREPARED FOR THE ETSG CONFERENCE 2014 ) Pierluigi Montalbano∗ Silvia Nenci† Carlo Pietrobelli‡ This version: August, 2014 Abstract This chapter addresses the following research questions: i) are firms characterized by international linkages more productive than other firms? ii) and, eventually, are those belonging to industries more involved in global production networks even more productive? To answer these questions we combine the World Bank Enterprise Survey data with the new OECD-WTO Trade in Value Added (TiVA) data and present three main empirical exercises: i) an analysis of the productivity premia associated to participation in international trade and presence of inward fdi; ii) a Cobb-Douglas output function expanded to firms international linkages; iii) a further expanded version of the above relationship including the TIVA-based indicators of value added trade and industry participation and position in global production networks. Our empirical outcomes confirm the presence of a positive causal relationship between participation in international activities and firm performance in the LAC region. Focusing on four big Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico) we show that the actual level of position into global value chains matters as well. These empirical results are relevant for policy-making. They contribute to help institutions to shed light on the importance of the involvement in global production networks in increasing firms performance in LAC countries. Keywords: International Trade; Trade in Value added; Global value chains; Firm productivity JEL: F14; F61; D24; L22; O54 Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Juan Blyde, Christian Volpe Martincus and Adam Szirmai for insightful comments and suggestions and participants to the IDB Workshop ”‘Determinants of Firm Performance in LAC: What Does the Micro Evidence Tell Us?”’, Washington, DC, June 5-6, 2014. The usual disclaimer applies. ∗ Corresponding Author. University of Sussex (UK) and Sapienza University (Italy) [email protected] † University of Roma Tre (Italy). [email protected] ‡ Inter-American Development Bank, USA. [email protected] 1 1 Introduction One of the key issues in the current empirical debate on the determinants of firm performance is the influence of international linkages. The aim of this paper is to study the causal relationship between international linkages and firm performance in the LAC region. The notion of firm international linkages adopted in this analysis includes two different dimensions: (i) participation in international trade; (ii) presence of inward foreign direct investments (fdi). To this end, we take advantage of the new firm level data provided by the World Bank Enterprise Survey (ES). By matching ES firm level data with the new OECD-WTO Trade in Value Added (TiVA) data set, we are able to combine different levels of data aggregation to provide a richer picture of the relationship between firm performance and country/industry actual involvement in international production networks in the LAC region. In particular, this paper addresses the following research questions: • Are firms characterized by international linkages more productive than other firms? • And, eventually, are those belonging to industries more involved in global production networks even more productive? To derive empirically the causal relationship between firms performance and their international linkages we provide: i) a static analysis of the productivity premia associated to participation in international trade and presence of inward fdi; ii) a version of the standard Cobb-Douglas output function expanded to firms international linkages; iii) a further expanded version of the above relationship including the TIVA-based indicators of value added trade as well as the degree and the typology of industry involvement in global production networks. Moreover, to control for firms’ heterogeneity by country and industry we add a full set of country (year), industry, and subnational region fixed effects, while to avoid endogeneity bias we present also instrumental variables and control function versions of the same empirical estimates. Our empirical outcomes confirm the presence of a positive causal relationship between participation in international activities and firm performance in the LAC region. Focusing on four big LAC countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico) we show that the actual level of position into global value 2 chains matters as well. These empirical results appear relevant for policymaking. They contribute to help institutions to shed light on the importance of the involvement in global production networks in increasing firms performance in LAC countries and determine how reforms can boost internal and external competitiveness to take advantage of a dynamic global economy. The work is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the literature on international linkages and firm productivity; Section 3 describes how to trace the competitiveness of countries by looking at their production of value added as well as their level of integration in global markets. Section 4 reports some stylized facts on the main LAC firm characteristics and the relevant TiVA indicators; Section 5 presents the empirical analysis; Section 6 concludes. 2 International linkages and firm productivity: review of the literature Participation in international trade can be an important source of information, knowledge spillover, technology transfers, technical assistance, competitive pressures and other productivity advantages for firms, leading to significant performance improvements (Grossman and Helpman, 1991; Clerides et al.,1998; Verhoogen, 2007; Fafchamps et al., 2008; Bernard et al. 2003). At the same time, the presence of FDI and /or multinational firms may achieve total cost reduction by utilizing low-priced production factors. These positive effects are called the “learning effects” in global activities. Looking at the trade side of the international linkages, the “learning-byexporting hypothesis” spurred a large number of empirical studies that seek to assess the causal effect of exporting at the firm level.1 However, there is no consensus among scholars on whether such learning effect exists or what specific factors may be behind it. A comprehensive survey by Wagner (2007) indicates that the evidence on this learning effect is mixed and unclear, while a significant positive effect of the export experience on firms productivity has been found in several studies such as Girma et al.(2004) for UK firms, Van Biesebroeck (2005) for sub-Saharan African countries, Fernandez and Isgut (2005) for Colombia, Alvarez and L´opez (2005) for Chile, De Loecker (2007) for Slovenia, Lileeva and Treer (2007) and Serti and Tomasi (2008) for Italy, 1 The learning effect has not been fully examined theoretically in the literature. The major exception is Clerides et al. (1998). 3 and Park et al. (2010) for China. Recently, the meta analysis conducted by Martins and Yang (2009) indicates that the impact of exporting upon productivity is higher for developing than for developed economies. Moreover, the direction of causality between openness and firm performance is controversial (see Greenaway and Kneller, 2007). Firms productivity and sunk cost play important roles in the selection mechanism of firms international activities. These costs discourage less productive firms from setting their international linkages. Therefore, firms are self-selected to participate in global markets. Such a selection mechanism according to the level of productivity is called the ’selection effect’ in exporting. The work of Melitz (2003) - in which he shows that exporting firms have relatively high productivity - is the theoretical benchmark on the selection mechanism in firms exporting, while the study of Bernard and Jensen (1999) on US firms is one of the pioneering empirical works of a vast series of subsequent analyses (L´opez, 2005, Greenaway and Kneller, 2007, and Wagner, 2007 provide surveys on the topic). Most of the surveyed studies (included Clerides et ´ al., 1998 for Mexico and Colombia and Alvarez and L´opez, 2005 for Chile) find that the more productive producers self-select into the export market (Hayakawa et al., 2012). The identification of learning effects of FDI is an important issue as well. The presence of FDI may improve the performance of domestic firms, particularly in the case of inward FDI in the form of cross border mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Integrated with the superior know-how, human capital and organization of foreign firms, the local advantages (i.e., geographic advantage, experience in the local market and knowledge of the local institutional environment) of the target domestic firm could translate into enhanced productivity (Unctad, WIR various years). Helpman et al. (2004) theoretically show that investing firms have relatively high productivity. Several studies have empirically tested this proposition (see Greenaway and Kneller, 2007, for a survey within this literature). Papers analyzing the learning effect in investing include, among others, Aitken and Harrison (1999) for MNEs in Venezuela, Murakami (2005), Kimura and Kiyota (2006), Hijzen et al. (2007) and Ito (2007) for Japanese MNEs, Navaretti and Castellani (2004) for Italian MNEs, and Hijzen et al. (2006) and Navaretti et al. (2006) for French MNEs. Studies in this literature do not necessarily succeed in detecting a positive causal effect of investing on firms productivity. While Navaretti and Castellani (2004) and Kimura and Kiyota (2006) find significantly positive 4 impacts, Aitken and Harrison (1999), Hijzen et al. (2007) and Ito (2007) detect a quite small or no positive effect. Hijzen et al. (2006) and Navaretti et al. (2006) take also into consideration a possible qualitative difference in learning effect due to the presence of two types of FDI: horizontal and vertical. They find positively significant enhancements in productivity in the French horizontal FDI but not in its vertical one. Other papers propose a specific focus on the impact of MA on firms performance. They are, among others: Arnold and Javorcik (2005) and Petkova (2008) for Indonesia, Conyon et al. (2002), Girma (2005), Girma et al. (2007) and Harris and Robinson (2002) for the United Kingdom, Bertrand and Zitouna (2008) for France, Salis (2008) for Slovenia, Piscitello and Rabbiosi (2005) for Italy, Fukao et al. (2006) for Japan and Chen (2011) for the USA. Most of the above studies find significantly positive impacts (see Hayakawa et al., 2012 for a survey). 3 Trade in valued added and global value chain (GVC): definition and measurement The increasing international fragmentation of production that has occurred in recent decades has challenged the conventional wisdom on how we look at and interpret trade. Traditional measures of trade record gross flows of goods and services each and every time they cross borders leading to a multiple counting of trade, which may lead to misguided empirical analyses. Furthermore, since nowadays a wide number of countries has developed comparative advantages in specific parts of the value chains, standard trade statistics are becoming much less informative (e.g. they are not able to reveal the foreign added value of exports producing biased assessments of revealed comparative advantages for policy-making). 3.1 Tracing trade in value added Several initiatives and efforts have tried to address the issue of the measurement of trade flows in the context of the fragmentation of world production by estimating the so called trade in value-added. Value-added reflects the value that is added by industries in producing goods and services. It is 5 equivalent to the difference between industry output and the sum of its intermediate inputs. Looking at trade from a value-added perspective is also able to better reveal how upstream domestic industries contribute to exports as well as the importance of firm participation in global value chains (OECDWTO, 2012). Furthermore, it demonstrates that access to efficient imports in a world of international fragmentation matters as much as does access to markets (Ahmad, 2013). (Ahmad, 2013). A new literature has emerged recently with the idea of tracing the value added of a country’s trade flows by combining input-output tables with bilateral trade statistics and proposing new indicators (e.g. Hummels et al., 2001; Johnson and Noguera, 2012a, 2012b; Miroudot and Ragousssis, 2009; Koopman et al., 2011 and 2014; De La Cruz et al., 2011; Stehrer, 2013). Interpretation of these indicators and results for individual countries in the temporal, geographic and industry dimensions are still in progress. In addition, advanced research on constructing appropriate databases has been recently conducted by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)2 . In this paper we use data from the new OECD-WTO Trade in Value Added (TiVA) database. The TiVA database aims at better tracking global production networks and supply chains. It is derived from official national input-output tables linked together using bilateral trade statistics in goods by industry and end-use category (BTDIxE) and estimates of bilateral trade flows in services.3 3.2 Trade in value added and GVC indicators Our aim is going beyond the information set provided by standard trade statistics. Specifically, we gather a set of TiVA indicators able to map out country trade relations and describe the competitiveness of country indus2 A related but separate data initiative is the World Input-Output Database (WIOD) funded by the European Commission and developed by the University of Groningen, based on individual countries’ supply-and-use tables (Timmer et al. 2014). Since the coverage of Latin American countries in this database is limited to two countries (namely Brazil and Mexico), it was considered unsuitable for this work. 3 The current TiVA version provides 39 indicators for 57 countries (34 OECD countries and other 23 economies including Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, the Russian Federation, and South Africa) with a breakdown into 18 industries. As in ES the industry classification adopted is based on the ISIC Rev. 3.1. The time coverage includes the years 1995, 2000 2005, 2008, 2009. 6 tries by looking at their production of value added as well as their level of integration in global markets. These indicators are the following: 1. The decomposition of the value added embodied in national exports; 2. The participation into GVCs; 3. The position in GVCs. Concerning the first point, we follow the decomposition of the value added embodied in national gross exports proposed by Koopman et al. (2011). According to this methodology, gross exports can be decomposed in the following components (see Figure 1): • Direct domestic value-added embodied in exports of goods and services (DVA). This reflect the direct contribution made by an industry in producing a final or intermediate good or service for export (i.e., value added exported in final goods or in intermediates absorbed by direct importers) (1a); • Indirect domestic value added embodied in intermediate exports (IVA). This reflects the indirect contribution of domestic supplier industries of intermediate goods or services used in other countries exports (i.e., value added exported in intermediates re-exported to third countries). (1b). • Re-imported domestic value added embodied in gross exports (RVA). This reflects the domestic value added that was exported in goods and services used to produce the intermediate imports of goods and services used by the industry (i.e., exported in intermediates that return home)(1c); • Foreign value-added embodied in gross exports (FVA). This reflects the foreign value added content of intermediate imports embodied in gross exports (i.e., other countries domestic value added in intermediates used in exports) (2 ). Components 1a, 1b, 1c represent the value of exports that is created domestically (i.e., the domestic value added - DoVA, see Figure 1), while component 2 shows the value of exports created abroad. Only components 7 Figure 1: Gross export decomposition in value added Gross exports Domestic Value added (DoVA) Foreign Value added (FVA) (1) (other countries DVA in intermediates) Direct value‐ added exports (DVA) Indirect value‐ added exports (IVA) (exported final good and intermediates absorbed by direct importers) (1a) (exported intermediates re‐ exported to third countries) (1b) (2) Re‐imported value‐added exports (RVA) (exported intermediates that return home) (1c) Source: adapted from Koopman al. (2011) 1b, 1c and 2 can be thus considered as part of the global value chain framework. By combining these value-added components it is possible to assess both the level of participation and whether a country (or industry) is likely located upstream or downstream in the global production chain. For instance, the GVC participation index takes into account the indirect domestic value added exports (IVA) and the foreign value-added exports (FVA) to summarize the importance of global production chains in country (or industry) exports by measuring the degrees of participation in GVCs. This index is given by the sum of the IVA as a share of gross exports and the FVA as a share of gross 8 exports. The higher (lower) the value of the index, the wider (lower) is the participation of a country in GVCs. To be noted that a high IVA component shows the importance of domestic production in global value chains while a high FVA component reveals that the country/industry is deeply embedded in global value chains but only captures a small part of value added. To complete information on international integration into global markets, we present a third index that characterizes the position of country (or industry) exporters in GVCs: the GVC position indicator. It measures the level of involvement of a country (or industry) in vertically fragmented production. It is determined by the extent to which the country (or industry) is upstream or downstream depending on its specialization (Koopman et al., 2011). The indicator is given by the ratio of the IVA exports and the FVA exports. At the global level, IVA and FVA equal each other, therefore, the average IVA/FVA ratio is equal to 1. A ratio larger than 1 indicates the country lies upstream in the GVC, either by producing inputs for others, either by providing raw materials, or by providing manufactured intermediates or both. A ratio lower than 1 means the country lies downstream in the GVC, i.e., it will use a large portion of other countries intermediates to produce final goods for exports (i.e., it is a downstream processor or assembler adding inputs and value towards the end of the production process). 4 It follows that the economic significance of this indicator is not unambiguous since both upstream and downstream positions are associated with heterogeneous situations. Since two countries can have identical values of the GVC position index in a given sector while having very different degrees of participation in GVCs, it is important to look at both these two indicators in order to have a correct picture of the degree of international integration of a country (or industry) (Koopman et al., 2011). 4 LAC firms characteristics and trade in valued added performance: a descriptive analysis Micro data offer crucial information for understanding the drivers of competitiveness, as aggregate performance depends strongly on firm-level factors 4 To be noted the presence of a caveat in this decomposition at the industry level since while the value added embedded in a given imported intermediate could travel across many sectors before it is exported, the adopted decomposition traces only the direct and the indirect effects. 9 (such as size, ownership and technological capacity). In particular, the micro dimension provides the necessary tool to analyze determinants of productivity, its distribution within and across sectors, the role of resource misallocation and the relationship with exports (ECB, 2013). In conducting our empirical exercise we use a subset of the ES database specifically focused on LAC countries’ firms developed by the World Bank in collaboration with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). It provides information on the characteristics of firms across various dimensions, including size, ownership, trading status, and performances, and collects data for 14,657 firms and 31 LAC countries. Tables 1A and 2A in the Appendix present a synthetic view of the international linkages under analysis (i.e. exporting, importing and foreign owned firms) by country and by industry for the whole LAC sample we use in the empirical exercises.5 In addition, in order to provide a richer picture of the phenomena under analysis and combine different level of aggregation to map out sources and components of trade in value added, we use the new OECD-WTO Trade in Value Added (TiVA) data set by industries (see Section 3). To take advantage of the joint availability of ES and TiVA data, we focus specifically on the following countries for which TiVA and ES data are both available for the same fiscal year: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico.6 Looking at both data on firms and industries from ES and TiVA we can draw a synthetic picture of the current international linkages of the four LAC countries as well as trade in value added components and GVC characteristics. Tables 1-4 present a descriptive analysis of the firms international linkages’ characteristics and TiVA indicators by industries for the above four LAC countries. This ES LAC sub-sample includes overall 5,120 firms split up quite homogeneously in the four LACs. Looking at the first five columns of the tables (ES data section) we detect that overall almost 15% of these 5 The ES uses a stratified random sampling method. The strata are business sector, location, and firm size. Indicators are representative at the country level but more care is necessary when interpreting indicators by subgroups since this sampling method does not stratify by gender of the top manager, exporter status, or ownership. We take this into account in our empirical exercise by controlling for a full set of industry, country and region fixed effects. 6 Since the information collected in the surveys refers to characteristics of the firm at the moment of the survey or to the last completed fiscal year, we use in this empirical analysis the ES survey for the year 2010 for Argentina, Chile and Mexico and 2009 for Brazil. 10 firms declare to be exporters7 and their export intensity is on average over 1/3 of their total sales.8 Only 8.5% are foreign owned firms but foreign investors own on average a significant share (85.4%). Looking at country level, the four LAC countries present a quite heterogeneous level of firms internationalization. With regards to international trade, Argentina holds the highest number of exporting firms (over 27%), while Chile, Mexico and Brazil lag behind (they show, respectively, 16.7%, 15.2% and 7% of exporting firms). Chile shows the highest export intensity (41.8%), coming before Mexico (35.5%), Argentina (33%) and Brazil (30.3%). With regards to FDI, Chile and Argentina present the highest number of foreign owned firms (both around 13%) while Brazil registers the weakest presence (3.7%). The foreign ownerships share of these firms is quite high, ranging on average from about 83% in Mexico to nearly 90% in Argentina. As already underlined these percentages are not necessarily representative of the firms’ population by country.9 For what concerns trade in value added components, columns from 6 to 10 of Tables 1-4 (TiVA data section) present the complete decomposition of the overall gross exports by industry depicted in Figure 1 (see Section 3). These columns sum up to 100% of gross exports, thus verifying that the decomposition is complete. This decomposition provides a more detailed breakout of domestic value added in exports than are usually available in the literature and shows heterogeneity across countries and industries in value added components. Figures 2 and 3 present an international comparison of the same components with some selected countries that are representative of industrialized, developing and transition economies (namely the USA, Japan, Germany, China, India, South Korea, Poland, Turkey, and South Africa). The two last columns in the TiVA section provides a synthetic view of the role and position in global production networks by industry, using the indicators of GVC participation and position illustrated in Section 3. 7 Only direct exporters with exports above 10% of total sales are considered as exporters. Because of the adopted threshold of 10% of exports on total sales the registered export intensity is slightly higher than that reported in similar analyses (see, among others, Lederman, 2010, 2013). 9 This likely source of bias in our sample does not affect by any means the subsequent empirical estimates. Since the focus of our analysis is on assessing the average causal relationship between firms performance and their international linkages, we use the available information on firms’ heterogeneity by country and industry purely as control factors. 8 11 12 22 14 174 112 8 42 165 12 13 164 37 1010 Construction Electrical Equip. Food Products Machinery Other Manufactur. Business Services Textiles & Appar. Transport & Tele. Transport Equipm. Wholesale & Reta. Wood & Paper Total 276 4 8 4 22 23 2 50 60 5 77 # exporters* 21 30.00 16.33 37.75 30.03 48.75 40.08 33.30 24.30 43.00 23.35 40.80 27.52 29.38 20.19 12.50 3.54 31.61 24.62 41.82 32.68 exp.intensity** 23.24 18.33 29.65 19.76 129 4 11 4 1 12 8 1 9 27 2 1 39 # foreign owned 10 % foreign ownership 91.70 25.20 92.56 20.92 50.00 . 99.50 0.71 94.85 15.63 91.78 18.40 100.00 . 77.50 32.40 78.83 28.89 65.00 . 77.50 26.30 92.18 23.99 87.75 24.50 89.68 22.44 45.77 45.44 74.02 37.37 67.19 38.18 66.41 45.92 41.79 28.91 44.78 51.82 37.6 DVA % 37.5 42.12 40.81 22.9 31.6 22.23 49.27 28.07 41.58 42.07 62.83 31.15 40.94 43.39 *** Indirect VA % 44.8 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.04 RVA % 0.04 12.08 13.71 3.08 30.94 10.57 12.52 5.51 12.46 16.11 8.23 24.04 7.23 18.97 FVA % 17.66 TiVA DATA Gross export decomposition in value added 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 34.63 0.87 1.79 3.19 4.99 2.32 1.20 0.12 0.56 4.25 0.55 0.06 4.12 GVC participation 2.07 1.87 2.30 12.33 0.11 3.35 1.67 185.80 0.60 0.98 0.86 0.55 25.94 1.05 GVC position 1.59 International integration Note: Note: Firms values are sample means. Standard deviations are reported in italics. * Only direct exporters (above 10% of total sales). ** Ratio of exports to total sales *** This measure is obtained from data on the TiVA variable EXGR IDCSH (i.e., Indirect Domestic Value Added %).This reflects the value-added created in upstream industries providing domestic inputs to the exporting industry 170 # firms 77 Chemicals & Mine Industries Basic Metals ENTERPRISE SURVEY DATA Firms internationalisation Firms international linkages and TiVA indicators by industries (Argentina 2010) Table 1: 13 20 19 187 110 125 72 174 23 5 165 21 1421 Construction Electrical Equip. Food Products Machinery Other Manufactur. Business Services Textiles & Appar. Transport & Tele. Transport Equipm. Wholesale & Reta. Wood & Paper Total 216 3 4 2 3 22 5 13 27 16 4 2 74 # exporters* 39 exp.intensity** 41.15 31.71 29.42 22.50 50.00 35.36 38.25 12.34 30.63 25.94 34.44 29.73 45.38 30.72 23.00 15.65 46.41 29.06 50.00 26.46 70.00 14.14 17.50 9.57 15.00 5.00 35.49 27.18 126 1 16 1 1 5 6 1 14 13 2 2 40 # foreign owned 22 % foreign ownership 89.77 19.77 83.13 28.14 80.00 28.28 80.00 28.28 80.77 27.53 100.00 0.00 51.00 . 76.33 38.32 64.00 37.82 30.00 . 100.00 . 74.38 30.49 100.00 . 83.08 26.99 44.59 45.35 75.36 34.87 63.47 39.23 73.29 37.83 38.57 39.15 20.39 . 30.63 DVA % 36.90 32.17 35.42 17.54 31.44 27.09 37.72 19.28 30.69 30.10 45.09 22.65 . 51.01 *** Indirect VA % 38.05 0.15 0.10 0.04 0.24 0.13 0.16 0.05 0.18 0.20 0.11 0.28 . 0.14 RVA % 0.20 23.09 19.13 7.06 33.45 9.31 22.89 7.38 31.30 31.13 15.65 56.68 . 18.23 FVA % 24.85 TiVA DATA Gross export decomposition in value added 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 . 100 Total 100 41.79 0.35 2.15 7.03 0.54 0.86 0.71 1.24 1.11 0.71 15.60 0.01 2.55 GVC participation 3.57 0.38 0.77 6.29 0.06 2.85 0.19 62.11 0.14 0.13 0.10 0.05 . 0.44 GVC position 0.77 International integration Note: Note: Firms values are sample means. Standard deviations are reported in italics. * Only direct exporters (above 10% of total sales). ** Ratio of exports to total sales *** This measure is obtained from data on the TiVA variable EXGR IDCSH (i.e., Indirect Domestic Value Added %).This reflects the value-added created in upstream industries providing domestic inputs to the exporting industry 328 # firms 172 Chemicals & Mine Industries Basic Metals ENTERPRISE SURVEY DATA Firms internationalisation Firms international linkages and TiVA indicators by industries (Mexico 2010) Table 2: 14 13 6 153 46 897 Transport & Tele. Transport Equipm. Wholesale & Reta. Wood & Paper Total 150 4 4 1 12 7 1 5 41 1 44 # exporters* 29 65.00 . 28.75 18.87 32.50 26.30 41.80 30.23 15.00 . 65.88 33.73 26.00 9.62 70.00 . 17.86 9.06 29.25 19.95 exp.intensity** 45.10 29.55 28.34 18.50 116 5 18 1 2 7 3 1 20 1 38 # foreign owned 20 74.67 43.88 83.29 23.46 59.00 57.98 50.00 . 76.61 30.94 74.00 25.10 83.13 27.83 70.00 . 84.45 29.12 100.00 . % foreign ownership 92.95 21.47 84.24 27.89 43.03 30.76 45.88 49.28 41.04 34.85 59.95 48.19 37.32 24.16 78.79 . 28.89 DVA % 37.28 31.19 45.57 36.59 21.70 14.55 33.05 29.88 34.11 29.87 49.69 16.02 . 21.80 ***Indirect VA % 41.45 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.11 0.04 0.01 . 0.06 RVA % 0.08 25.73 23.63 17.49 28.94 44.34 32.05 10.16 17.66 32.70 26.11 5.18 . 49.25 FVA % 21.19 Gross export decomposition in value added 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 . 100 Total 100 TiVA DATA 52.21 4.46 2.62 0.46 5.86 0.29 2.93 0.09 0.59 3.03 0.05 0.10 5.14 GVC participation 1.31 1.83 0.77 2.34 0.49 0.78 0.38 20.30 0.45 0.81 0.07 15.13 . 0.41 GVC position 2.10 International integration Note: Note: Firms values are sample means. Standard deviations are reported in italics. * Only direct exporters (above 10% of total sales). ** Ratio of exports to total sales *** This measure is obtained from data on the TiVA variable EXGR IDCSH (i.e., Indirect Domestic Value Added %).This reflects the value-added created in upstream industries providing domestic inputs to the exporting industry 116 Textiles & Appar. 18 Machinery 35 175 Food Products Business Services 3 Electrical Equip. 5 8 Construction Other Manufactur. 174 # firms 145 Chemicals & Mine Industries Basic Metals Firms internationalisation ENTERPRISE SURVEY DATA Firms international linkages and TiVA indicators by industries (Chile 2010) Table 3: 15 5 120 168 44 1792 Transport & Tele. Transport Equipm. Wholesale & Reta. Wood & Paper Total 126 1 1 17 32 3 13 15 14 5 19 # exporters* 6 18.29 10.52 10.00 . 10.00 . 30.33 27.01 38.00 40.87 40.71 28.14 23.53 14.27 44.31 34.15 13.33 2.89 34.56 31.31 exp.intensity** 23.17 7.41 27.21 28.53 66 1 2 16 6 4 3 16 4 1 12 # foreign owned 1 100.00 0.00 10.00 . 85.55 27.34 100.00 . 80.00 21.60 91.06 16.55 61.67 30.07 79.75 39.84 62.67 43.09 98.31 6.23 % foreign ownership 89.00 . 84.75 33.17 46.46 48.34 59.84 32.27 59.96 46.27 71.40 49.81 40.27 27.01 39.42 58.78 29.72 DVA % 40.92 44.55 43.95 36.11 53.55 33.99 45.73 24.31 42.63 48.91 66.15 45.31 35.34 55.40 *** Indirect VA % 47.83 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.12 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.07 RVA % 0.06 8.93 7.66 4.03 14.05 6.03 7.95 4.26 7.52 10.75 6.80 15.21 5.85 14.81 FVA % 11.19 Gross export decomposition in value added 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 100 TiVA DATA 36.20 1.42 3.64 1.51 2.62 0.68 2.09 0.10 0.76 2.07 0.87 0.14 4.26 GVC participation 4.46 3.01 3.58 17.08 0.27 8.40 2.85 14.17 1.21 0.98 0.83 0.67 5.43 1.44 GVC position 2.96 International integration Note: Note: Firms values are sample means. Standard deviations are reported in italics. * Only direct exporters (above 10% of total sales). ** Ratio of exports to total sales *** This measure is obtained from data on the TiVA variable EXGR IDCSH (i.e., Indirect Domestic Value Added %).This reflects the value-added created in upstream industries providing domestic inputs to the exporting industry 461 Textiles & Appar. 161 Machinery 109 165 Food Products Business Services 41 Electrical Equip. 176 31 Construction Other Manufactur. 193 # firms 118 Chemicals & Mine Industries Basic Metals Firms internationalisation ENTERPRISE SURVEY DATA Firms international linkages and TiVA indicators by industries (Brazil 2009) Table 4: The reported decomposition shows, on average, a high level of DVA, a negligible role of RVA and a low level of FVA for the big LAC countries with the relevant exception of Chile whose FVA accounts, on average, for 1/4 of the value of its processing exports. In particular, LAC countries present a higher level of DVA than the average level of both industrial and developing/emerging/transition countries (see Figure 2). This suggests that LAC domestic production is comparatively less involved into global value chains, contributing directly to exports and relying less on imported intermediates. Consistently, the weight of foreign value added content of intermediate imports of our four LAC countries is, on average, lower than that of developing/emerging countries. In this respect Brazil is the lowest performer since the average share of FVA of Brazilian industries is around 9%. It indicates that most of Brazilian exports reflect their own domestic value added. The details on comparisons with some relevant countries in the above regions are reported in Tables 3A, 4A and 5A in the Appendix. Regarding the GVC indicators, participation in the GVC at country level is substantial for Chile and to a lesser extent for Mexico, while the involvement of Argentina and Brazil in the GVC is well below the selected world competitors, except for South Africa (see Figure 3 and Table 3A-4A in the Appendix). These outcomes are consistent with similar analyses on LAC integration into the global production network (see Blyde et al., 2014). The second column of the international integration section presents the GVC position index that reflects whether countries are upstream or downstream in GVCs for specific industries. The higher the value of the index (higher than 1), the more upstream the country exporters are situated in global value chains. For instance, Brazil has the highest GVCs position and it is the most upstream among our LAC countries. In general, with a notable exception of Mexico (which seems acting as a final producer using inputs provided by upstream countries), our LAC countries are located upstream (i.e., away from the final customer) in global value chains, showing a value of the GVC position index more in line with developed economies, such as USA and Japan (see Figure 3 and Table 3A in the Appendix) than that of the developing/emerging and transition countries (see Figure 3 and Tables 4A and 5A in the Appendix). 16 Figure 2: TiVA international comparison Figure 3: GVC international comparison Note: The values of the GVC participation index are reported on the left hand axis, while the values of the GVC position index are reported on the right hand axis 17 5 The empirical analysis The aim of our empirical exercise is to investigate whether LAC firms characterized by international linkages actually perform better, i.e. tend to have higher productivity than other LAC firms. Specifically, we would like to look more in depth whether there is a causal relationship between the degree and typology of involvement in international production networks and firm performance in the LAC region. First and foremost, we start presenting static differences in firm productivity premia between exporters and non-exporters, foreign owned enterprises and domestic owned ones.10 This first empirical exercise is conducted pooling data for the entire sample of LAC countries included in the ES. Productivity premia are measured as the coefficients for export and inward fdi dummies in a regression of the form: θi = α1 + α2 di + ηc + ηr + ηj + i (1) where θ is the log of labor productivity11 , di is a set of dummy for exporting firms and firms characterized by foreign ownership (i.e., our proxy of inward fdi); ηc , ηr , and ηj are, respectively, country, sub-national region12 , and industry fixed effects to control for bias due to unobserved factors; is the error term. Table 5 shows the outcomes of the OLS estimates of Eq.1. It shows two main findings. First, the supposed positive relation between international linkages and firm productivity is confirmed by firm level LAC data. These findings are in line with the theoretical predictions (Helpman et al., 2004) that low productivity firms stay in the domestic market while firms with higher productivity export and/or engaged in FDI stay in the international market. Second, that the highest productivity firms export and engage in FDI at the same time. However, if we look at the estimated coefficient of the interaction dummy this seems not to be the case if the firms are simultaneously exporting and foreign owned. 10 As common in the literature, we consider firms as foreign owned only if the foreign ownership is 10 per cent or higher and as exporters only if direct exports are 10 per cent or higher of total sales. 11 Although labor productivity is a quite imperfect measure of firm productivity, our cross-sectional data set is not suited to calculate total factor productivity using the standard methodologies. 12 Sub-national data are available only for the most recent rounds of the ES. 18 Table 5: Export and FDI premia: dependent variable: (ln) labor productivity exporter inward fdi exporter*inward fdi cons FE country FE industry FE subnational region No. Obs R2 Coef. SE (robust) Coef. SE (robust) 0.144*** 0.020 0.158*** 0.022 0.170*** 0.026 0.206*** 0.036 -0.079 0.053 1.654*** 0.196 1.665*** 0.193 yes yes yes yes no no 11150 11150 0.05 0.06 ***,**,* denote significance at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent level, respectively. FE country includes fixed effects for different survey rounds for the same country As already underlined the above are essentially stylized facts which cannot provide any causal interpretation. Taking advantage of the availability of the set of firm level co-variates provided by the ES, we can test the above relationship by controlling for the standard output function with constant returns to scale Cobb-Douglas technology with labor, capital, and knowledge as follows: θi = β1 + β2 ki + β3 zi + β4 di + ηc + ηr + ηj + i (2) Eq. 2 adds - with respect to Eq. 1 - the following explanatory variables (all variables are in logs): ki that stands for ”‘capital intensity”’ and zi that stands for a bundle of firms level observables, namely ’human capital’, ’employment’, ’firm size’ and ’technological innovation’. As in Farole and Winkler (2012), the latter variable is a dummy that controls whether firms use technology licensed from a foreign owned company (excluded office software), own internationally recognized quality certification (e.g., iso), use own website and/or emails to communicate with clients and suppliers.13 To avoid bias due to unobservable factors we control, as before, for the geographical 13 Crespi et al., 2014 apply the same model but deal with the problem of selectivity bias and endogeneity in the functions of innovation and productivity. 19 and sectoral location of the firms.14 A full description of the above variables is provided in Table 6A in the Appendix. Table 6 shows the empirical outcomes of the base model. It is organized in three columns. The first column reports the estimates of Eq. 2; the second column reports the same estimates adding as in Table 5 an interacted term for firms that are simultaneously exporting and foreign owned; the third column reports the estimates of Eq.2 for the subsample of exporting firms by substituting the dummy variable for exports with a continuous variable (i.e., the value of sales exported directly). As for the export premia, this empirical exercise uses pooled data for the entire LAC data set. The signs of the relationship between labor productivity and the set of firm level explanatory variables are significant and consistent with the theory. A positive coefficient is estimated for the relation between labor productivity, capital intensity, employment and innovation while a negative coefficient is estimated for unskilled workers (a proxy of human capital) and firm size. This latter outcome suggests the absence of economies of scale for bigger firms additional to the mere increase in employment levels. Also in this case, our findings are consistent with the view that exporter and/or foreign owned firms (i.e., characterized by inward fdi) show, ceteris paribus, higher productivity. Because of the lack of panel data, our base model cannot avoid further bias due to unobserved characteristics that are correlated with both firms’ characteristics and firms’ productivity. To this end, we provide additional empirical estimates for the sub-sample of exporting firms located in the LAC region by controlling for endogeneity bias in the relation between firms productivity levels and the value of their gross exports. More specifically, in the ES data set we select some additional explanatory variables (i.e., excluded instruments) that are supposed to be correlated with LAC firms’ gross exports but not with domestic firms productivity: i.e., ’Average time to clear imports from customs (days)’ and ’Days to Obtain Import License’. They can be considered as proxies of international trade obstacles that are negatively correlated with export flows but do not depend on firms productivity. 15 14 For instance, country fixed effects capture also the heterogeneity in prices differences across countries 15 One can argue that better performing firms are more likely to better prepare trade documents and shipments and thereby spend less time in customs or in getting a license. However, in our case, the weak correlation between firm labor productivity and the above 20 Table 6: Base Model: dep: (ln) labor productivity ln K intensity ln Human K ln Employment firm size tech exporter inward fdi (1) dummies 0.119*** (15.43) -0.174*** (-13.89) 0.646*** (48.55) -0.561*** (-21.85) 0.189*** (4.96) 0.0975*** (3.74) 0.108*** (2.82) exporter*inward fdi (2) interaction 0.119*** (15.42) -0.174*** (-13.89) 0.646*** (48.52) -0.562*** (-21.87) 0.189*** (4.94) 0.104*** (3.72) 0.127** (2.46) -0.0423 (-0.58) ln export value cons FE country FE industry FE subnational region N R2 3.995*** (11.59) yes yes yes 6438 0.600 4.003*** (11.47) yes yes yes 6438 0.600 (3) exports 0.0569*** (4.88) -0.226*** (-11.94) 0.225*** (9.41) -0.702*** (-15.64) -0.242 (-1.12) 0.471*** (29.05) 2.990*** (7.98) yes yes yes 1422 0.744 ***,**,* denote significance at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent level, respectively. FE country includes fixed effects for different survey rounds for the same country. 21 Table 7 provides both IV-2SLS and control function (CF) estimates again for the pooled data (for brevity the first stage estimates are not reported in the Table). The IV outcomes are robust and significant. Moreover, the Hansen’s J statistics of over-identifying restrictions - which is consistent in the presence of heteroskedasticity - does not reject the null hypothesis that our instruments are valid. However, the Angrist-Pischke (AP) F-statistics of weak identification is significant only at the 5% level. Since the IV inconsistency actually increases with the number of instruments used, we opt for a more parsimonious behavior by using only one instrument, namely ’Average time to clear imports from customs’. We further apply the CF approach which controls for the endogeneity bias by adding directly the estimated residual of the first stage equation to the main regression providing a CF unbiased estimator which is generally more precise than the IV one (Wooldridge, 2010). The significance of the CF estimates confirms the above evidence of the presence of a relationship between trade and firm level productivity as well as the absence of reverse causality.16 This allows us to assume the absence of reverse causality even when it is not directly testable. e.g., in the case of our further TiVA estimates where the restricted sample of 4 main LAC countries, due to TiVA data set constraints, would restrict the number of available observations to a level not consistent with 2SLS testing. Finally, to provide a more detailed investigation of the linkages between firm level exports and productivity and specifically address our second research question, we present a further empirical test of Eq. 2 for the subsample of exporting firms by controlling for the decomposition of the value added embodied in national exports at the industry level as well as the GVC indicators (see Section 3). It is worth recalling that FVA and IVA are the key value added components of total exports since they indicate, respectively, the foreign value added embodied in total exports and the indirect domestic value added embodied in intermediate exports used in other countries exports. Moreover the ratio between these two components provide a measure of country/industry relative upstreamness/downstreamness (i.e., the GVC position index). Since the GVC index of participation is a linear combination of IVA and FVA, the parameters associated to these components of gross exports are jointly assumed also as indicators of GVC participation. instruments confirms that these trade obstacles are more related to causes that are external to firms (i.g., red tape procedures, institutional efficiency, etc.). 16 A lack of significance of the ρ coefficient is normally considered as a reliable test for the absence of endogeneity bias. 22 Table 7: Instrumental Variables 2SLS and CF (sample restricted to exporting countries only) dep: (ln) labor productivity (1) (2) IV CF -0.0124 0.0896*** (-0.25) (5.47) -0.302*** -0.237*** (-6.37) (-9.39) 0.0617 0.402*** (0.32) (14.80) -0.626*** -0.586*** (-6.90) (-10.34) -1.040*** 0.177 (-4.12) (0.61) 0.641*** 0.408* (3.11) (1.82) -0.197 (-0.87) 3.231*** 0.560 (4.02) (0.14) yes yes yes yes yes yes 518 1389 0.52 0.67 2 1 0.14 0.05 ln K intensity ln Human K ln Employment firm size tech ln export value ρ cons FE country FE industry FE subnational region N R2 instruments Hansen J (prob≥ z) AP (prob≥ F ) ***,**,* denote significance at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent level, respectively. FE country includes fixed effects for different survey rounds for the same country. 23 Table 8: Value added and GVC estimates (sample restricted to exporting countries and four LACs: Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Brazil) dep: ntl log labor productivity (1) Gross 0.0828*** (3.34) -0.178*** (-4.92) 0.317*** (10.86) -0.881*** (-16.08) . . 0.461*** (20.97) ln K intensity ln Human K ln Employment firm size tech ln export value IVA FVA Pos cons 1.201*** (3.22) yes yes yes 392 0.776 FE country FE industry FE subnational region N R-sq (2) GVC 0.0843*** (3.44) -0.180*** (-5.03) 0.321*** (10.91) -0.886*** (-15.39) . . 0.460*** (21.43) 0.0107 (0.13) 0.0195 (1.03) 0.0449** (2.62) 1.922*** (6.35) yes yes yes 390 0.777 ***,**,* denote significance at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent level, respectively. 24 Table 8 presents the outcomes of the value added and GVC estimates. Unfortunately, due to data constraints we can run this last test only for a restricted sample of exporting firms located in the four main LAC countries for which TiVA data are available (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico). The results are fully consistent with the theory and with the outcomes derived in the previous empirical exercises (the coefficients of the base model are all significant and show the expected signs). However, they show the absence of an additional impact of the various components of value added exports on firm productivity (both in terms of value added embodied in domestic exports and foreign intermediate imports), once controlled for the causal impact of gross exports. In other words, these estimates confirm the positive impact of the international trade participation on productivity at the firm level but suggest this to be independent from the actual decomposition of the added value of gross exports by industries. On the contrary, the robust and positive relationship between firm level productivity and the industry GVC position suggests that the position of the industry in the global value chain matters: the higher the upstreamness of its industry, the greater the impact of its international linkages on the firm productivity performance. 6 Conclusions This paper addresses two key research questions; i) are firms characterized by international linkages more productive than other firms? ii) and, eventually, are those belonging to industries more involved in global production networks even more productive? This empirical analysis provides a richer picture of the relationship between firms performance and country/industry actual involvement in international production networks in the LAC region by combining the new World Bank ES firm level data and the new OECDWTO TiVA data. Specifically, we first estimate the productivity premia associated to the participation in trade and the presence of inward fdi, while controlling for country (year), sector, and sub-national region fixed effects. Second, we analyze the relationship between firm international linkages and productivity by using a standard output function with constant returns to scale CobbDouglas technology with labor, capital, and knowledge, presenting both OLS, IV and CF estimates. Third, we run a final test of the same equation ex- 25 panded to account for TIVA-based indicators of value added trade and industry involvement in global production network. Our empirical outcomes confirm the presence of a positive causal relationship between participation in international activities and firm performance in the LAC region. Focusing on four big Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico) we show that the actual level of position into global value chains matters as well. These findings are relevant for policymaking since they shed light on the importance of the involvement in global production networks in increasing firms performance in LAC countries and determine how reforms can boost internal and external competitiveness to take advantage of a dynamic global economy. Natural improvements of this analysis are: to add information on the actual constraints preventing a country from fuller engagement in GVCs; to propose adequate criteria for the prioritization of different constraints depending on whether a country tries to go upstream and/or to integrate downstream; to broaden the variety of its exports and opportunities to attract greater GVC participation by feasible changes in the business or policy environment. References [1] Ahmad, N. (2013) Measuring Trade in Value Added, and Beyond, paper prepared for the Conference on Measuring the Effects of Globalization Washington DC, February 28-1 March 2013, mimeo. [2] Aitken, B. J., and A. E. Harrison. 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Country Antiguaandbarbud Argentina2006 Argentina2010 Bahamas2010 Barbados2010 Belize2010 Bolivia2006 Bolivia2010 Brazil2003 Brazil2009 Chile2006 Chile2010 Colombia2006 Colombia2010 Costarica2005 Costarica2010 Dominica2010 Dominicanrepubli Ecuador2006 Ecuador2010 Elsalvador2006 Elsalvador2010 Grenada2010 Guatemala2006 Guatemala2010 Total Country Guyana2010 Honduras2006 Honduras2010 Jamaica2010 Mexico2006 Mexico2010 Nicaragua2006 Nicaragua2010 Panama2006 Panama2010 Paraguay2006 Paraguay2010 Peru2006 Peru2010 Stkittsandnevis2 Stlucia2010 Stvincentandtheg Suriname2010 Trinidadandtobag Uruguay2006 Uruguay2010 Venezuela2006 Venezuela2010 26423 Total firms 162 433 334 375 1420 1436 470 320 587 362 604 348 536 882 150 150 154 152 366 605 585 500 251 3653 exporting 37 52 25 36 133 216 42 21 77 10 73 37 101 203 26 51 26 19 61 99 110 15 1 8607 importing 51 135 86 81 269 526 212 68 169 31 292 82 217 455 28 31 36 36 88 275 261 0 41 2708 foreign 41 62 38 52 123 127 45 36 71 69 68 38 65 100 31 28 24 9 47 77 63 0 27 Table 1: The LAC sample: exporting, importing and foreign owned firms by country 921 exp\&foreign 16 17 8 9 50 58 10 8 18 5 20 13 24 45 8 13 9 2 14 20 25 0 0 2002 exp\&imp 19 28 15 16 84 137 24 10 24 2 41 20 55 124 11 11 12 5 33 65 67 0 0 Table 2: The LAC sample: exporting, importing and foreign owned firms by industry Industries (Isic rev 3.1) Total firms exporting Basic Metals 1484 253 Business Service 896 122 Chemicals & Mine 3547 685 Construction 1032 75 Electrical Equip 394 94 Food Products 3924 711 Machinery 1082 205 Other Manufactur 1017 86 Other Services 1 0 Textiles & Appar 4400 713 Transport & Tele 547 79 Transport Equipm 354 39 Wholesale & Reta 6474 386 Wood & Paper 883 126 Total 26035 3574 foreign exp*foreign importer 136 74 878 107 32 4 466 207 2222 110 18 3 63 40 252 429 194 1543 86 46 494 22 9 352 1 0 1 196 101 2182 102 25 3 38 16 134 821 97 30 70 33 486 2647 892 8584 ***,**,* denote significance at the 1, 5 and 10 per cent level, respectively. 34 exp*imp 196 533 2 82 374 154 53 488 26 4 88 2000 35 39.11 43.78 41.90 49.83 57.83 57.99 29.56 46.98 70.97 52.40 59.02 67.21 45.37 68.31 36.83 71.31 77.96 45.48 52.90 Direct VA % 47.57 42.33 36.72 39.07 28.62 37.53 57.97 38.14 22.15 36.15 35.29 29.03 35.68 24.86 44.88 15.29 19.53 45.91 35.23 Indirect VA % 0.51 0.75 0.69 0.46 0.99 0.15 0.56 0.82 0.20 0.65 0.26 0.14 0.95 0.20 1.24 0.19 0.10 0.42 0.58 Re-imported VA % 12.82 13.14 20.70 10.64 12.55 4.34 11.91 14.05 6.68 10.81 5.42 3.61 18.00 6.63 17.05 13.21 2.41 8.18 11.29 Foreign VA % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 0.88 2.28 7.35 0.15 4.73 2.32 0.64 1.80 0.96 0.55 0.59 7.22 0.31 2.75 2.75 0.29 3.00 1.25 39.83 GVC participation 1.14 2.96 1.22 218.08 2.14 8.47 0.30 0.94 10.87 0.92 7.87 15.11 0.97 4.63 0.58 36.99 15.37 2.46 2.53 GVC position 50.20 25.43 29.66 . 32.33 63.58 38.80 39.11 30.28 32.62 63.67 61.83 36.91 55.41 27.32 . 64.24 41.81 35.25 Direct VA % 41.21 54.88 49.05 . 49.21 33.20 51.38 49.11 57.88 52.79 30.76 34.31 48.96 37.71 58.10 . 31.05 49.45 49.59 Indirect VA % 0.10 0.23 0.22 . 0.69 0.04 0.11 0.31 0.11 0.27 0.09 0.05 0.27 0.07 0.43 . 0.08 0.11 0.37 Re-imported VA % 8.50 19.46 21.06 . 17.78 3.18 9.71 11.48 11.73 14.33 5.49 3.81 13.86 6.80 14.15 . 4.63 8.63 14.79 Foreign VA % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 . 100 100 100 Total 0.13 5.76 6.86 0.29 9.06 1.62 0.23 2.44 0.05 1.39 0.56 3.19 0.39 4.69 5.06 0.96 4.33 0.75 47.75 GVC participation 12.14 2.14 1.47 . 1.10 87.97 2.93 0.97 11.71 2.06 89.94 63.42 2.50 7.29 0.65 . 17.64 13.25 2.23 GVC position International integration 50.74 29.70 30.92 45.81 37.62 50.14 27.51 37.27 51.53 43.59 70.17 63.95 35.81 45.03 21.90 46.63 59.85 37.77 36.59 Direct VA % Germany 32.59 32.39 31.71 39.52 36.20 41.90 48.77 36.92 33.43 33.64 23.25 27.31 34.86 34.43 41.86 38.32 29.65 40.55 35.73 Indirect VA % 0.44 1.39 0.96 0.54 0.98 0.15 0.60 1.10 0.48 0.83 0.16 0.19 0.94 0.44 1.97 0.34 0.25 0.71 1.03 Re-imported VA % 16.23 36.52 36.42 14.13 25.20 7.81 23.13 24.71 14.56 21.94 6.42 8.55 28.40 20.09 34.28 14.71 10.25 20.97 26.64 Foreign VA % Gross export decomposition in value added 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total industries providing domestic inputs to the exporting industry. Note: Indirect VA % is obtained from data on the TiVA variable EXGR IDCSH (i.e., Indirect Domestic Value Added%). This reflects the value-added created in upstream Agriculture Basic Metals Chemicals & Mine Construction Electrical Equip Finance & Insura Food Products Machinery Mining Other Manufacture Other Services Business Service Textiles & Appar Transport & Tele Transport Equipm Utilities Wholesale & Reta Wood & Paper Total Industries Japan Gross export decomposition in value added International integration USA Gross export decomposition in value added Gross export decomposition in value added and International integration in Selected Developed Countries (2009) Table 3: 0.26 5.92 8.85 0.18 3.91 0.98 0.94 5.62 0.20 0.60 0.91 5.72 0.39 2.61 0.75 7.32 2.85 1.45 49.48 1.54 0.74 0.44 12.57 0.59 5.05 0.13 0.46 5.12 0.49 14.48 10.59 0.43 1.79 8.36 0.21 3.58 0.99 0.86 GVC position International integration GVC participation 36 58.23 21.53 20.52 23.36 18.05 68.33 23.51 22.35 39.28 30.27 46.76 38.83 20.10 42.80 21.40 30.06 57.37 22.08 23.80 Direct VA % 36.89 43.15 38.04 50.59 37.07 25.25 51.11 39.98 32.36 44.97 36.22 49.66 58.77 40.41 44.45 44.11 33.08 42.59 42.47 Indirect VA % 0.06 0.42 0.50 0.40 2.30 0.09 0.26 0.87 0.39 0.64 0.37 0.29 0.42 0.23 0.67 0.47 0.21 0.49 1.10 Re-imported VA % 4.82 34.89 40.94 25.65 42.58 6.32 25.12 36.79 27.97 24.12 16.65 11.22 20.71 16.55 33.48 25.35 9.34 34.83 32.63 Foreign VA % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 0.70 4.13 5.73 0.06 17.03 0.61 0.73 3.36 0.82 1.65 0.33 0.85 3.82 0.80 1.64 0.33 2.30 1.15 46.06 GVC participation 21.87 0.54 0.38 0.36 0.19 164.21 0.35 0.17 3.87 0.21 2.42 3.72 0.17 2.29 0.23 18.56 3.33 0.48 0.41 GVC position 80.28 24.33 24.87 . 30.87 77.22 16.59 29.00 77.39 26.27 84.96 69.12 27.66 46.88 27.14 35.92 42.20 37.45 43.57 Direct VA % 16.70 53.40 47.70 . 46.87 16.21 69.89 47.97 16.40 24.39 5.64 16.88 54.32 34.07 49.11 46.75 45.92 47.73 34.41 Indirect VA % 0.01 0.07 0.10 . 0.10 0.02 0.05 0.09 0.03 0.25 0.04 0.05 0.09 0.07 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.10 Re-imported VA % 3.01 22.20 27.33 . 22.15 6.54 13.46 22.94 6.19 49.09 9.36 13.95 17.93 18.98 23.64 17.28 11.83 14.75 21.92 Foreign VA % 100 100 100 . 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 1.38 2.10 4.51 0.23 2.99 1.31 0.43 0.86 2.13 8.38 0.92 7.51 1.89 2.71 1.07 0.33 3.21 0.29 42.27 GVC participation 14.54 0.90 0.76 . 0.42 9.85 0.26 0.58 8.36 0.10 2.20 1.66 0.43 1.85 0.22 1044.81 2.89 1.28 0.93 GVC position International integration 55.16 19.26 16.21 40.23 21.39 63.22 18.39 25.31 66.38 37.64 57.13 65.15 30.15 50.04 24.69 36.55 55.84 39.00 27.62 Direct VA % South Korea 28.57 37.01 22.79 37.33 30.90 29.07 52.86 42.68 19.99 36.64 29.84 23.65 37.72 15.19 38.51 19.74 30.46 37.77 31.26 Indirect VA % 0.07 0.21 0.19 0.14 1.14 0.03 0.11 0.25 0.06 0.17 0.08 0.12 0.27 0.14 0.32 0.09 0.06 0.13 0.48 Re-imported VA % 16.20 43.52 60.81 22.31 46.57 7.67 28.64 31.76 13.58 25.55 12.94 11.08 31.87 34.62 36.49 43.63 13.64 23.10 40.64 Foreign VA % Gross export decomposition in value added 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total industries providing domestic inputs to the exporting industry. Note: Indirect VA % is obtained from data on the TiVA variable EXGR IDCSH (i.e., Indirect Domestic Value Added%). This reflects the value-added created in upstream Agriculture Basic Metals Chemicals & Mine Construction Electrical Equip Finance & Insura Food Products Machinery Mining Other Manufacture Other Services Business Service Textiles & Appar Transport & Tele Transport Equipm Utilities Wholesale & Reta Wood & Paper Total Industries India Gross export decomposition in value added International integration China Gross export decomposition in value added Gross export decomposition in value added and International integration in Selected Emerging Economies (2009) Table 4: 0.07 5.32 12.24 0.08 20.42 0.86 0.35 2.76 0.12 0.40 0.29 3.53 1.60 5.10 7.90 0.59 2.80 0.61 65.03 2.21 0.59 0.32 1.81 0.50 9.30 0.08 0.34 57.13 1.57 7.70 11.26 0.67 0.74 0.19 100.45 3.20 2.65 0.60 GVC position International integration GVC participation 37 47.49 33.18 35.05 41.06 35.65 54.90 30.26 39.20 62.00 35.44 57.79 60.46 44.04 48.89 28.09 46.19 61.89 37.44 38.22 Direct VA % 35.80 33.91 32.32 37.28 30.12 33.79 50.46 31.23 22.06 38.31 28.96 27.43 26.02 32.22 32.66 34.43 26.52 39.33 33.73 Indirect VA % 0.08 0.24 0.12 0.11 0.17 0.04 0.09 0.19 0.08 0.16 0.06 0.05 0.12 0.09 0.33 0.06 0.05 0.12 0.16 Re-imported VA % 16.64 32.67 32.50 21.54 34.07 11.27 19.20 29.38 15.85 26.09 13.18 12.06 29.81 18.80 38.93 19.32 11.54 23.12 27.89 Foreign VA % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 0.76 5.24 7.01 1.22 3.96 0.34 1.83 2.75 1.63 1.68 0.65 2.65 1.59 3.39 7.45 0.75 3.59 1.86 48.34 GVC participation 1.15 0.87 0.51 0.97 0.27 5.79 0.16 0.43 3.80 0.24 5.01 4.70 0.18 1.53 0.17 4.13 11.69 0.76 0.73 GVC position 68.42 30.55 32.73 48.77 31.88 65.04 28.27 42.07 65.61 29.21 61.93 67.64 32.09 59.83 35.49 40.49 66.74 34.64 41.66 Direct VA % 22.89 37.14 34.18 34.18 38.21 30.39 57.08 32.47 22.98 42.75 30.12 23.68 49.13 30.83 34.87 25.20 26.59 42.98 36.50 Indirect VA % 0.02 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.02 0.08 0.02 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.09 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.06 Re-imported VA % 8.68 32.23 33.04 17.01 29.84 4.56 14.62 25.40 11.38 27.96 7.93 8.65 18.72 9.32 29.54 34.26 6.66 22.34 21.79 Foreign VA % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total 0.77 6.81 5.16 0.74 1.53 0.87 0.66 1.86 0.94 0.69 0.44 1.21 4.17 4.12 3.87 0.68 2.73 0.49 37.73 GVC participation 1.49 0.40 0.41 0.43 0.18 4.37 0.11 0.24 5.67 0.23 1.35 11.42 0.54 3.88 0.08 2.86 6.53 0.94 0.73 GVC position International integration 51.38 30.00 31.89 35.79 35.11 61.27 31.53 . 61.85 46.59 55.24 52.79 33.24 50.71 25.01 54.69 53.82 32.12 47.23 Direct VA % South Africa 34.97 43.22 46.13 47.15 38.13 34.65 53.76 . 27.87 34.63 33.22 37.63 48.69 36.17 36.52 37.01 38.08 49.82 36.26 Indirect VA % 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.01 . 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 Re-imported VA % 13.63 26.75 21.96 17.04 26.73 4.08 14.69 . 10.27 18.77 11.52 9.57 18.05 13.11 38.42 8.29 8.09 18.04 16.49 Foreign VA % Gross export decomposition in value added 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total industries providing domestic inputs to the exporting industry. Note: Indirect VA % is obtained from data on the TiVA variable EXGR IDCSH (i.e., Indirect Domestic Value Added%). This reflects the value-added created in upstream Agriculture Basic Metals Chemicals & Mine Construction Electrical Equip Finance & Insura Food Products Machinery Mining Other Manufacture Other Services Business Service Textiles & Appar Transport & Tele Transport Equipm Utilities Wholesale & Reta Wood & Paper Total Industries Turkey Gross export decomposition in value added International integration Poland Gross export decomposition in value added Gross export decomposition in value added and International integration in Selected Developing and Transition Countries (2009) Table 5: 0.74 6.42 2.48 0.12 0.45 0.84 0.61 0.00 11.66 0.51 0.55 0.92 0.21 2.68 2.64 0.35 1.75 0.88 33.82 0.12 0.67 0.21 9.14 0.56 15.79 0.09 . 2.03 0.17 6.52 18.55 0.40 2.78 0.04 7.91 1.72 0.63 1.05 GVC position International integration GVC participation Table 6: Variables used in the analysis Variable name Dependent variable Labour productivity Covariates Exporter Inward fdi K intensity Human K Employment Firm size Tech Export value Excluded instruments Definition Sales per worker (US$ 2010) Firm with at least 10 percent of its annual sales derived from direct exports Firm with at least 10 percent of ownership held by private foreign investors Capital stock per worker Number of full-time unskilled workers at end of the surveyed fiscal year Number of permanent and temporary full-time workers Micro (less than 10 employees), small (between 10 and 50), medium (between 50 and 250) and large enterprises (over 250 employees) (Technology innovation). tech=1 if firms use technology licensed from a foreign owned company (excluded office software), own internationally recognized quality certification (e.g., iso), use own website and/or emails to communicate with clients and suppliers, and tech= 0 otherwise Sales exported directly (% of sales) Average time to clear imports from customs (days) Days to obtain import license 38
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