Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 1 of 19 Washburn University Summer 2014 Course Schedule Information on this document is updated nightly before midnight and will not reflect changes made after that time. For the most current information, please see, Course Descriptions and Availablility or current students and faculty can select "Search for Available Courses" in the self-service section of the faculty or student tab on MyWashburn. Searches can be narrowed by: x Course Type . All, Online, Evening and Weekend, Out-of-Sequence, Workshops, General Education type, and Early, Full, or Late Session for Summer Term Only; or x Subject/Department or Minor/Certificate program General Education Key: CP . Creative & Performing HU . Humanities NS . Natural Sciences SS . Social Sciences Printing: x To return to the Dynamic Schedule after selecting the "Print version" option, use the "back" arrow in the upper left corner. x The schedule can be printed for individual pages or by searches x To print the entire schedule, select "All Subjects" and "All Courses" first and then select "Print version" Feedback about this page may be sent to C.J. Crawford, [email protected]. Sect CRN Type Gen Ed Credit Hours Start Dates End Dates Begin Time End Time Days Bldg Room Instructor ACCOUNTING (AC) - School of Business AC224 Financial Accounting Prerequisite(s): EN101 OR EN102, AND MA116 (RECOMMENDED) OR MA110 OR MA140 OR MA141 OR MA151, AND 24 HOURS, OR CONSENT LectureA 20135 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 11:00am 12:35pm TWR Class HC 304 Ockree AC225 Managerial Accounting Prerequisite(s): AC224, MA116 (RECOMMENDED) OR MA110 OR MA140 OR MA141 OR MA151, AND BU250 OR CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT, AND 24 HOURS EA 20136 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 7:55pm TR HC 304 Scannell AC499 Internship In Accounting Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND CONSENT OF ACCOUNTING FACULTY AND 75 HOURS WITH MINIMUM 2.5 GPA Internships/Externships XA 20230 1 to 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 -Exper Sollars Business - Graduate AC699 Internship in Accounting Business - Graduate Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MACC PROGRAM AND AC425 AND CONSENT Internships/Externships GXA 20582 1 to 3 05-27-2014 -Exper 07-17-2014 Scofield ALLIED HEALTH (AL) - Allied Health Department Allied Health (General) AL186 CardiopulmonaryAssess(PTA/OTA) Prerequisite(s): AL171 OR AL185 OR CONSENT OnlineVA 20322 Web Allied Health (General) 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 AL353 Mammography Seminar MA 20457 Lecture/Lab / Hybrid 20631 OnlineWeb 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 20630 OnlineWeb 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Frank Allied Health (General) AL626 Instructional Technology GVA Roberts Allied Health (General) AL620 Rsrch Methods Hlth Care Prof GVA Tanking Allied Health (General) AL390 ST:International Healthcare Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Lecture/Travel XA 20739 -Travl Travel dates - 6/21-7/1/14. Estimated travel costs - $3400. M Kelly Allied Health (General) Pownell Diagnostic Medical Sonography AL332 Physics/Instrumentation Brd Rv Diagnostic Medical Sonography Prerequisite(s): AL331 OR CONSENT Online- 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University VA 20235 Web 2 Page 2 of 19 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Farwell AL362 Sonography Clinical II Prerequisite(s): AL361 OnlineVA 20640 Web Diagnostic Medical Sonography 3 05-18-2014 07-17-2014 Jones AL365 Sonography Clinical V Prerequisite(s): AL364 OnlineVA 20641 Web Diagnostic Medical Sonography 3 05-18-2014 07-17-2014 Jones AL372 Gen Sonography Procedures II Prerequisite(s): AL371 OnlineVA 20233 Web Diagnostic Medical Sonography 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Sorensen AL379 Clin Topics in Gen Sonography Prerequisite(s): AL392 OnlineVA 20278 Web Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 McDonald AL387 Adv Cardiac Sonography Clin Prerequisite(s): AL386 OnlineVA 20642 Web Diagnostic Medical Sonography 3 05-18-2014 07-17-2014 Farwell AL388 Clin Tops Cardiac Sonography Prerequisite(s): AL384 OnlineVA 20236 Web Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Farwell AL398 Clin Tops Vascular Sonography VA Online20234 Web Diagnostic Medical Sonography 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Jones Occupational Therapy Assistant AL161 Foundations of Occup Therapy Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO THE PROGRAM OnlineVA 20308 Web Occupational Therapy Assistant 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Bacon AL260 IS: OTA Prerequisite(s): CONSENT Independent C 20590 StudyIstdy Occupational Therapy Assistant 1 to 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Bacon Physical Therapy Assistant AL264 Physical Therapy Clinc I & Lab Prerequisite(s): AL170 AND AL186 AND AL261 AND AL271 ClinicalXA 20637 Exper Physical Therapy Assistant 3 05-27-2014 07-03-2014 8:00am AL271 Health Policy & Sys in PTA Prerequisite(s): AL171 AND AL261 OnlineVA 20196 Web 5:00pm MTWRF Sanchez Physical Therapy Assistant 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Frank Radiation Therapy AL380 Clin Rad. Therapy III VA Online20636 Web Radiation Therapy 3 05-19-2014 07-31-2014 8:00am 4:00pm AL381 Radiation Therapy Seminar MTWRF Hus Radiation Therapy VA Online20398 Web 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Dodge VB Online20399 Web 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Dodge Radiologic Technology AL231 Rad. Protec. & Bio. Effects Radiologic Technology Prerequisite(s): AL121 OR AL131 OR CONSENT MA 20072 Lecture / Hybrid 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 9:00am 1:30pm W BE 114 Lolley 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 3 of 19 AL236 Radiology Clinical III Radiologic Technology Prerequisite(s): AL121 AND AL131 AND AL135, OR CONSENT ClinicalXA 20629 Exper 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 MTRF AL260 IS: Radiology Roberts Radiologic Technology Prerequisite(s): CONSENT Independent A 20227 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Roberts Respiratory Therapy AL186 Cardiopulmonary Assess (RT) Respiratory Therapy Prerequisite(s): AL171 OR AL185 OR CONSENT MA 20198 Lecture / Hybrid 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 9:30am 11:00am AL260 IS: Respiratory Therapy M BE 111 Taylor Respiratory Therapy Prerequisite(s): CONSENT Independent B 20568 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Taylor AL289 Resp. Therapy Clinical II Respiratory Therapy Prerequisite(s): AL187 ClinicalXA 20197 Exper 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 MTWRF Johnson ANTHROPOLOGY (AN) - Sociology/Anthropology Department AN112 Cultural Anthropology A VA 20243 Lecture / Hybrid SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 OnlineWeb SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 20295 11:40am 1:35pm MTWR HC 204 Blank Sundal AN300 Euro Cultures and Societies Prerequisite(s): AN112 OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Study XA 20704 Abroad3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Travl Travel dates - 7/17-7/27/14. Estimated travel costs - $4156 (includes airfare, lodging, some meals, admissions, tours, and ground transportation). Kapusta-Pofahl AN366 Directed Readings Prerequisite(s): DECLARED MAJOR AND JUNIOR OR SENIOR STANDING AND CONSENT Independent 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 A 20690 StudyIstdy Childers ART (AR) - Art Department AR101 Survey of Art History I VA 20240 OnlineWeb HU CP 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Tilghman HU CP 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Snider 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 9:00am 11:30am MTWR AB 205 Hartley 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 9:00am 11:30am MTWR AB 205 Hartley AR103 Introduction to Art THIS COURSE IS FOR NON-ART MAJORS OnlineVA 20206 Web AR341 Art of Landscape Prerequisite(s): AR140 Art A 20484 StudioActiv AR441 Art of Landscape II Prerequisite(s): AR341 Art A 20485 StudioActiv AR500 Directed Grad Study Art Studio Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MLS PROGRAM OR DEPARTMENT CHAIR CONSENT AND UNDERGRADUATE EXPERIENCE IN THE DISCIPLINE Art GA 20515 Studio1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Activ Taylor ASTRONOMY (AS) - Physics and Astronomy Department AS101 Intro to Astronomy/Cosmology VA 20296 OnlineWeb NS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 NS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Thomas BIOLOGY (BI) - Biology Department BI100 Intro to Biology/Gen Ed Emph A 20034 Lecture / Hybrid 9:40am 11:40am MTWR ST 138 Bayless 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 4 of 19 BI100 Intro to Biology/Health Emph B VA 20431 Lecture / Hybrid NS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Online20117 Web 11:50am 1:50pm MTWR ST 105 Sadikot NS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Mullican NS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Arterburn NS 2 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 20342 Lecture / Hybrid NS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Online20118 Web NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 4 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 8:55am 10:10am MTWR ST 124 Herbig 0 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 10:20am 1:00pm MW ST 124 Herbig 4 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 8:55am 10:10am MTWR ST 007 Wagner 0 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 10:20am 1:00pm MW ST 016 Wagner 4 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 8:55am 10:10am MTWR ST 018 Laudermilk 0 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 10:20am 12:10pm MTWR ST 018 Laudermilk 4 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 1:10pm 2:25pm MTWR ST 022 Mercader 0 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 9:00am 11:40am TR ST 022 Mercader 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 8:00am 12:00pm MW ST 022 Emry 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 1:00pm 4:00pm MTWR ST 018 Hinton 2 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 8:55am 11:25am TR ST 207 Bjerke 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Mercader 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Sadikot BI100 Intro to Biology/Gen Ed Emph VB 20470 OnlineWeb BI101 Intro Biology Lab Prerequisite(s): BI100 OR CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT AA 20035 Lab / Hybrid 2:00pm 5:00pm TWR ST 128 Barkus BI202 Biology of Behavior VA 20204 OnlineWeb Najera BI203 Human Impact on Environment A VA 11:50am 1:50pm MTWR ST 138 Bayless Scherff BI206 Introductory Microbiology Prerequisite(s): BI100 AND BI101 OR BI102 A 20285 Lecture / Hybrid BI206 Introductory Microbiology Lab Prerequisite(s): BI100 AND BI101 OR BI102 AL1 20286 Lab / Hybrid BI255 Human Physiology Prerequisite(s): BI100 AND BI101 OR BI102 MUST TAKE LAB CONCURRENT WITH LECTURE A 20433 Lecture / Hybrid BI255 Human Physiology Lab Prerequisite(s): BI100 AND BI101 OR BI102 MUST TAKE LAB CONCURRENT WITH LECTURE AL1 20434 Lab / Hybrid BI275 Human Anatomy Prerequisite(s): BI100 AND BI101 OR BI102 MUST TAKE LAB CONCURRENT WITH LECTURE A 20070 Lecture / Hybrid BI275 Human Anatomy Lab Prerequisite(s): BI100 AND BI101 OR BI102 MUST TAKE LAB CONCURRENT WITH LECTURE AL1 20071 Lab / Hybrid BI302 Entomology A 20709 Lecture / Hybrid BI302 Entomology Lab AL1 20710 Lab / Hybrid BI324 Systematic Botany Prerequisite(s): BI105 A 20036 Lecture/Lab / Hybrid BI360 Human Cadaver Dissection A 20343 Lecture/Lab / Hybrid BI389 Biology Literature Review A 20436 Seminar / Hybrid BI395 Research In Biology Prerequisite(s): 15 HOURS OF BIOLOGY AND JUNIOR STANDING Scholarly 1 to 3 A 20715 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch B Scholarly 20311 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 BUSINESS (BU) - School of Business 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 5 of 19 BU250 Mgmt Info Systems Prerequisite(s): EN101 OR EN102, AND MA116 (RECOMMENDED) OR MA110 OR MA140 OR MA141 OR MA151, AND 24 HOURS EA 20131 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 7:55pm TR HC 108 VonFeldt 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 7:30am 9:05am TWR HC 304 Kotich 2:20pm TWR HC 304 Staff BU315 Legal Env of Business Prerequisite(s): EC200 AND EC201 AND 2.0 GPA AND 54 HOURS LectureA 20134 3 Class BU342 Organization & Management Prerequisite(s): EC200 AND EC201 AND TWO FROM AN112, PY100, AND SO100, AND 2.O GPA AND 54 HOURS A 20252 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 12:45pm BU345 Human Resources Management Prerequisite(s): EC200 AND EC201 AND 54 HOURS OnlineVA 20200 Web Walter BU360 Principles of Marketing Prerequisite(s): EC200 AND EC201 AND 2.0 GPA AND 54 HOURS Lecture3 EA 20178 Class 5:30pm 8:00pm MW HC 304 Price BU381 Business Finance Prerequisite(s): AC225 AND EC211 (OR MA343 OR MA140 AND MA145) AND MA141 OR MA151 AND 2.0 GPA AND 54 HOURS EA 20503 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 7:55pm TR HC 303 Hull 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 7:55pm TR HC 103 Blumreich HC 103 Martin BU416 Commercial Transactions Prerequisite(s): BU315, ADMISSION TO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS LectureEA 20733 3 Class BU449 Strategic Management Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND BU342 AND BU347 AND BU360 AND BU381 AND 2.0 GPA AND 88 HOURS LectureEA 20133 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm MW Class BU499 Internship in Business Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND CONSENT OF MAJOR AREA FACULTY AND 75 HOURS AND 2.5 GPA Internships/Externships XA 20096 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 -Exper Sollars Business - Graduate BU616 Commercial Transactions Business - Graduate Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MACC PROGRAM AND BU315 LectureGA 20734 Class 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 7:55pm BU956 Computer-Based Info Syst TR HC 103 Blumreich HC 104 Boncella HC 104 Alleyne Business - Graduate Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MBA PROGRAM OR CONSENT LectureGA 20735 3 Class 06-02-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:15pm BU974 International Business MW Business - Graduate Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MBA PROGRAM AND COMPLETION OF CORE LEVEL REQUIREMENTS, OR CONSENT GA 20179 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 7:55pm TR NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Adem NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Adem NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Salem NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Salem CHEMISTRY (CH) - Chemistry Department CH101 Chemistry in Context VA 20076 OnlineWeb CH101 Chemistry in Context/Plan 2+ 2 OnlineVP 20600 Web PLAN 2+2 students only CH103 Intro Forensic Chemistry VA 20077 OnlineWeb CH103 Intro Forensic Chem/Plan 2+2 OnlineVP 20406 Web PLAN 2+2 students only CH121 Gen. Org. & Bio Chem Lecture Prerequisite(s): MA110 (OR EQUIVALENT) OR MA116 OR MA140 OR CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT MUST TAKE LAB AND RECITATION CONCURRENT WITH LECTURE Lecture07-17-2014 A 20002 NS 5 05-27-2014 Class 8:55am 10:10am MTWR ST 316 Schmidt 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 6 of 19 CH121 Gen. Org. & Bio Chem Labortory Prerequisite(s): MA110 (OR EQUIVALENT) OR MA116 OR MA140 OR CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT MUST TAKE LAB AND RECITATION CONCURRENT WITH LECTURE LabAL 20003 NS 0 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Activ 10:15am 1:15pm TR ST 134 Staff 10:15am 11:05am MW ST 316 Schmidt CH121 Gen. Org. & Bio Chem Recitat Prerequisite(s): MA110 (OR EQUIVALENT) OR MA116 OR MA140 OR CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT MUST TAKE LAB AND RECITATION CONCURRENT WITH LECTURE Recitation AR 20004 NS 0 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 -Activ CH390 Undergrad Chemical Research Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF DEPARTMENT Scholarly A 20603 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Adem B Scholarly 20604 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Angel C Scholarly 20605 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Barton D Scholarly 20460 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Leung E Scholarly 20606 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Salem F Scholarly 20607 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Schmidt G Scholarly 20461 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Sharpe Elles Berry CRIMINAL JUSTICE (CJ) - Criminal Justice/Legal Studies Department CJ305 Crime & Justice in Film VA 20323 OnlineWeb 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 12:50pm 3:20pm TWR BE 207 Grant 3 06-16-2014 06-27-2014 8:00am 12:00pm MTWRF BE 211 Watts 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Palbicke 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Berry 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Alexander CJ355 Women in Criminal Justice A 20599 LectureClass CJ390 ST: Scotland Comp Justice B 20612 LectureClass CJ390 Policing in the Edu Enviornmen VA 20474 OnlineWeb CJ390 ST: Crimes of Intimate & Famil VB 20611 OnlineWeb CJ445 Drug Enf Policies & Prog VA 20598 OnlineWeb CJ470 Internship in Security Prerequisite(s): CJ100 AND CJ110 AND CJ220 AND CJ340 AND CJ400 AND CJ450 AND CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Internships/Externships 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 XA 20596 -Exper XB 20597 Internships/Externships -Exper 6 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Watts Watts CJ475 Police Experience A 20403 Lecture/Lab / Hybrid 10:10am 12:40pm TWR BE 301 Palbicke CJ480 Internship in Corrections Prerequisite(s): CJ100 AND CJ120 AND CJ220 AND CJ320 AND CJ400 AND CJ420 AND CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Internships/Externships XA 20595 07-17-2014 3 05-27-2014 -Exper XB Internships/Externships 20352 -Exper 6 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Alexander Alexander CJ490 Internship in Law Enforcement Prerequisite(s): CJ100 AND CJ110 AND CJ230 AND CJ310 AND CJ400 AND CJ410 AND CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Internships/Externships XA 20066 07-17-2014 3 05-27-2014 -Exper XB Internships/Externships 20353 -Exper 6 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Watts Watts 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 7 of 19 CJ495 Correctional Experience A 20404 Lecture/Lab / Hybrid 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 10:10am 12:40pm TWR BE 301 Dahl 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Grant 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Dahl 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Bayens 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Bayens 1 to 6 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Bayens CJ585 ST: Applied Penology Prerequisite(s): GRADUATE STATUS OnlineGVA 20622 Web CJ645 Comp Crim Just Systems GVA 20473 OnlineWeb CJ690 Dir Readings/Crim Just GVA 20401 OnlineWeb CJ693 Capstone Experience Prerequisite(s): GRADUATE STATUS Capstone/Thesis GA 20620 -Tutor CJ699 Thesis Prerequisite(s): GRADUATE STATUS Scholarly GA 20621 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES (CL) - Allied Health Department CL414 Clinical Chemistry I Prerequisite(s): DECLARED MAJOR IN CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES AND ACCEPTANCE INTO THE CLS PROGRAM Lecture/Lab XA 20638 4 05-19-2014 08-08-2014 -Exper Dunlap CL430 Clinical Laboratory Mgmt I XA 20639 Lecture/Lab -Exper 2 05-19-2014 08-08-2014 Dunlap COMMUNICATION (CN) - Communication Department CN101 Prin & Prac of Hum Comm VA 20058 OnlineWeb HU 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 O'Leary VB Online20056 Web HU 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Routsong CN150 Public Speaking A 20416 Lecture / Hybrid HU 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 9:40am 11:40am MTWR CA 203 Schnoebelen B 20057 Lecture / Hybrid HU 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 9:40am 11:40am MTWR CA 203 Doubledee 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Reynard 1 to 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Routsong 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Reynard 07-17-2014 Staff CN395 ST: Truth and Deception Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OnlineVA 20417 Web CN395 ST: Family Communication Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OnlineVB 20421 Web CN395 ST: Reputation Management Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OnlineVC 20724 Web CN491 Internship Prerequisite(s): COMMUNICATION MAJOR, CONSENT OF DEPARTMENT CHAIR Internships/Externships XA 20546 3 05-27-2014 -Exper ECONOMICS (EC) - School of Business EC200 Principles of Microeconomics Prerequisite(s): MA116 (RECOMMENDED) OR MA110 OR MA140 OR MA141 OR MA151, AND 24 HOURS, OR CONSENT A 20132 Lecture / Hybrid SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 7:30am 9:30am MTWR HC 103 Byrne EC201 Principles of Macroeconomics Prerequisite(s): EC200 AND MA116 (RECOMMENDED) OR MA110 OR MA140 OR MA141 OR MA151, AND 24 HOURS, OR CONSENT A 20095 Lecture / Hybrid SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 7:30am 9:25am MTWR HC 103 Ball 07-17-2014 6:00pm 8:30pm MW HC 307 Ahmad EC211 Stats for Bus & Econ Prerequisite(s): MA140 AND MA116 OR MA141 OR MA151 WITH GRADE OF C OR BETTER EA 20093 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 8 of 19 EC410 International Economics Prerequisite(s): EC200, EC201, AND 54 HOURS LectureA 20736 Class 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 9:15am 10:50am TWR HC 304 Nizovtsev EDUCATION (ED) - Education Department Education ED225 Becoming an Ed Profsn Education Prerequisite(s): ED150 AND ED200 OnlineVA 20121 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Jenkins ED267 Curr Dev In Presch Ed Education Prerequisite(s): ED160 AND ED200 AND ED243/ED343 AND ED245/ED345 OnlineVA 20409 3 05-27-2014 Web McConnellFarmer 06-26-2014 ED269 Stu Teaching in Preschool Ed Education Prerequisite(s): ED160 AND ED200 AND ED343 AND ED345 AND CONSENT, AND CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT IN ED267/367 AND ED 268/368 Practicum XA 20410 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 8:00am 10:00am MTWRF CA -Exper ED300 Integrat Tech Into Curric 200 Pyles 108 Pownell Education Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM AND CM101 OR CM110 (OR EQUIVALENT) AND ED200 A 20080 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 7:30am 9:30am ED367 Curric in Preschool Educ MTWR CA Education Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM AND ED160 AND ED200 AND ED243/343 AND ED245/345 OnlineVA 20079 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Web ED369 Stu Teaching in Preschool Educ McConnellFarmer Education Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM AND ED160 AND ED200 AND ED343 AND ED345 AND CONSENT, AND CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT IN ED267/367 AND ED268/368 Practicum XA 20081 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 8:00am 10:00am MTWRF CA 200 Pyles -Exper ED472 Issues In Mod Amer Ed VA Education Online20745 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Tutwiler ED497 Independent Study In Education Education Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM AND CONSENT OF DEPARTMENT CHAIR Independent A 20643 Study1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Istdy B Independent 20644 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 LaLonde 07-17-2014 LaLonde ED560 Adv Educational Psych Education Prerequisite(s): GRADUATE STATUS OnlineGVA 20122 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Fry ED572 Issues in Modern American Educ GVA Education Online20609 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Tutwiler ED597 Indep Study in Education Education Prerequisite(s): GRADUATE STATUS AND CONSENT OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHAIR Independent GA 20413 Study1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Istdy GB Independent 20645 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 LaLonde 07-17-2014 LaLonde ED674 ST: APSI Education Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF DEPARTMENT CHAIR AND INSTRUCTOR GCE 20677 Lecture / Hybrid 3 07-21-2014 08-08-2014 8:00am 5:00pm MTWR Tutwiler Meets at Olathe Northwest High School, 7/21-7/24/14 from 8A-5P. ENGLISH (EN) - English Department EN101 Freshman Comp THIS COURSE IS A UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENT A 20032 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 9:15am 10:50am TWR GC 231 Ritchie B 20420 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 11:00am 12:35pm TWR GC 231 Ritchie C Lecture20705 Class 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 10:10am 12:40pm TWR GC 112 Newbery EN190 Film Apprec--Fantasy Film 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University A 20424 LectureClass HU Page 9 of 19 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm TR MO 017 Sheldon 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 10:10am 12:40pm TWR CA 306 Wasserstein 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 10:10am 12:40pm TWR MO 018 Sheldon 10:10am 12:40pm TWR HC 217 Burdick 10:10am 12:40pm TWR HC 217 Attebury EN193 Pop Culture: Weird Literature A 20707 Lecture / Hybrid EN208 Business & Technical Writing Prerequisite(s): EN101 OR EN102 LectureA 20466 Class HU EN300 Adv Comp - Teaching Emphasis Prerequisite(s): GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN EN101 AND MINIMUM OF 54 COMPLETED CREDITS THIS COURSE IS A UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENT. A 3 20052 Lecture / Hybrid 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 EN300 Advanced Composition Prerequisite(s): GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN EN101 AND MINIMUM OF 54 COMPLETED CREDITS THIS COURSE IS A UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENT. LectureB 20706 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Class C 20289 LectureClass 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm TR HC 217 Attebury D Lecture20738 Class 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 10:10am 12:40pm TWR HC 206 Newbery EN300 Adv Comp - Nursing Emphasis Prerequisite(s): GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN EN101 AND MINIMUM OF 54 COMPLETED CREDITS THIS COURSE IS A UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENT. OnlineVA 20088 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Web Etzel EN300 Advanced Composition Prerequisite(s): GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN EN101 AND MINIMUM OF 54 COMPLETED CREDITS THIS COURSE IS A UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENT. OnlineVB 20089 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Web Siebert VC Online20166 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Etzel VD 20209 OnlineWeb 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Zwikstra VE Online20191 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Zwikstra VF Online20225 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Wasserstein VG 20226 OnlineWeb 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Weed VH Online20264 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Derrington VI 20585 OnlineWeb 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Derrington VJ 20737 OnlineWeb 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Kendall-Morwick 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Weed 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Wade 2 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm TR MO 017 Sheldon 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 10:10am 12:40pm TWR CA 306 Wasserstein EN332 Lit Of American West VA 20167 OnlineWeb HU EN385 Dir Reading/Writing/Resrch Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Scholarly A 20045 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch EN390 Aspects of Film: Fantasy Film A 20469 LectureClass EN393 Pop Culture:Weird Literature A 20708 Lecture / Hybrid FOREIGN LANGUAGE (FL) - Modern Language Department Japanese FL399 ST: Anime, Manga, JP culture VA Online20744 Web Japanese 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Naito-Billen FRENCH (FR) - Modern Language Department French 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 10 of 19 FR309 French Fiction and Films VA Online20687 Web French HU 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Sullivan GEOLOGY (GL) - Physics and Astronomy Department GL101 Physical Geology A 20078 Lecture/Lab -Activ NS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 9:40am 11:40am MTWR ST 105 Eifert SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Tucker SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Prasch HISTORY (HI) - History Department HI100 Survey-Early Wld Hist. VA 20728 OnlineWeb HI102 Modern World History VA 20727 OnlineWeb HI111 US History I VA 20730 OnlineWeb SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Morse VB Online20497 Web SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Erby SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Wynn HI112 US History II VA 20729 OnlineWeb HI397 Internshp in Hist Agencies Prerequisite(s): HI111 AND HI112 AND 6 HOURS UPPER DIVISION HISTORY AND CONSENT Internships/Externships A 20361 07-17-2014 3 05-27-2014 -Exper Goossen HI398 Directed Readings Prerequisite(s): SENIOR HISTORY MAJOR OR APPROVAL OF DEPARTMENT CHAIR Independent 1 to 6 05-27-2014 A 20168 StudyIstdy 07-17-2014 Prasch HUMAN SERVICES (HS) - Human Services Department HS280 Internship I Prerequisite(s): HS100 AND HS131 AND AT LEAST ONE COURSE IN AREA OF EMPHASIS AND CONSENT OnlineVA 20594 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Web McMillen HS281 Internship II Prerequisite(s): HS250 AND HS280 AND AT LEAST TWO COURSES IN AREA OF EMPHASIS AND CONSENT OnlineVA 20171 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Web McMillen HS325 Group Work in Human Services Workshops/Repeatable 20623 TopicsClass Meets 5/30-6/1 & 6/6-6/8 WA 3 05-30-2014 06-08-2014 6:00pm 10:00pm F BE 211 8:00am 5:00pm SU BE 211 Wilkinson HS360 Dir Study: Morita Therapy Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Lecture/Travel XA 20624 -Travl Travel dates - 5/18-5/26/14 3 05-18-2014 06-01-2014 8:00am 5:00pm MTWRFSU Ogawa 3 05-18-2014 06-01-2014 8:00am 5:00pm MTWRFSU Ogawa 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 McMillen 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Waters 3 05-18-2014 06-01-2014 HS376 Morita Therapy Intensive Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Lecture/Travel XA 20625 -Travl Travel dates - 5/18-5/26/14 HS380 Internship III Prerequisite(s): HS281 AND HS300 AND HS302 AND CONSENT OnlineVA 20370 3 Web HS390 ST: ResilienceInYouth&Adults VA 20462 OnlineWeb HS478 Morita Therapy Research Sem Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Lecture/Travel XA 20626 -Travl Travel dates - 5/18-5/26/14 8:00am 5:00pm MTWRFSU Ogawa HS481 Internship IV Prerequisite(s): HS325 AND HS330 AND HS380 AND UPPER DIVISION LEVEL COURSE IN AREA OF EMPHASIS AND CONSENT 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University VA 20172 OnlineWeb Page 11 of 19 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 McMillen 3 05-18-2014 06-01-2014 8:00am 5:00pm MTWRFSU Ogawa 3 05-18-2014 06-01-2014 8:00am 5:00pm MTWRFSU Ogawa 06-27-2014 8:30am 10:00am MTWRF HC 006 10:30am 12:00pm MTWRF HC 006 1:30pm 3:00pm MTWRF HC 006 8:30am 10:00am MTWRF HC 008 10:30am 12:00pm MTWRF HC 008 1:30pm 3:00pm MTWRF HC 008 HS576 Morita Therapy Intensive Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Lecture/Travel GXA 20627 -Travl Travel dates - 5/18-5/26/14 HS578 Morita Therapy Research Sem Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Lecture/Travel GXA 20628 -Travl Travel dates - 5/18-5/26/14 INTENSIVE ENGLISH (IE) - Intensive English (ESL) Department IE100 IE-Academic Purposes CONSENT/CREDIT NOT APPLICABLE TOWARD DEGREE LectureA 20691 Class B 20697 LectureClass 1 to 3 1 to 3 06-09-2014 06-09-2014 06-27-2014 Staff Staff IE102 Reading Comp I-Academic CONSENT/CREDIT NOT APPLICABLE TOWARD DEGREE LectureA 20698 Class B Lecture20701 Class 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 2:00pm 4:40pm MTWR CA 300 Staff 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 2:00pm 4:40pm MTWRF CA 306 Staff IE202 Reading Comp II-Academic A 20699 LectureClass 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 2:00pm 4:40pm MTWR CA 300 Staff B Lecture20700 Class 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 2:00pm 4:40pm MTWRF CA 306 Staff INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES (IS) - Mabee Library Department IS170 Library Research Strategies VA 20263 OnlineWeb HU NS SS 1 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Fay XE Study Abroad 20335 - full semester -travl 1 to 18 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Williams XI 20371 Study Abroad - full semester -travl 1 to 18 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Williams 1 to 18 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Williams 1 to 18 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Williams Study Abroad 20510 - full semester -travl 1 to 18 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Williams Study Abroad - full semester -travl 1 to 18 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Williams IS201 Study Abroad IS203 Study Abroad XB Study Abroad 20380 - full semester -travl IS203 Study Abroad-Magellan XM Study Abroad 20182 - full semester -travl IS203 Study Abroad XMB XN 20377 Study 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University XNM 20382 Abroad - full semester -travl Page 12 of 19 1 to 18 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Williams 1 to 18 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Williams 1 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Mactavish 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Mactavish 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Lockwood 3 05-23-2014 06-26-2014 Wohl 2 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 8:20am 10:00am TWR PC 211 Friesen 2 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 8:20am 10:00am TWR PC 121 Burns 1 to 12 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Wohl 1 to 12 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Friesen 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Gleason IS221 Study Abroad External Program XE Study Abroad 20354 - full semester -travl IS389 Int Stds Capstone Proposal VA 20440 OnlineWeb IS390 Capstone Project VA 20097 OnlineWeb KINESIOLOGY (KN) - Kinesiology Department KN248 Wellness Concepts and Applic. VA 20693 OnlineWeb SS KN315 ST: Sport Trad-History-Europe Study 20702 AbroadTravl Travel dates - 5/25-6/3/14. XA KN333 Microcomputer Apps Kinesiology Prerequisite(s): PHYSICAL EDUCATION MAJOR LectureA 20684 Class KN357 Sports Perform Train & Recond A 20692 LectureClass KN494 Internship I in Kines-Ex. Phys XA 20685 Internships/Externships -Exper KN494 Internship I in Kines-Spt Mgmt XB 20340 Internships/Externships -Exper LEADERSHIP (LE) - Leadership Institute Department LE400 Leadership Internship Prerequisite(s): LE300 OR CONSENT A 20472 Internships/Externships / Hybrid 3 LEGAL STUDIES (LG) - Criminal Justice/Legal Studies Department LG315 Legal Research II Prerequisite(s): LG250 OR CONSENT OnlineVA 20608 Web 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Martin 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Rute LG350 Professional Ethics VA 20328 OnlineWeb LIBERAL STUDIES (LS) - Liberal Studies Department LS501 ST:Gbl Polit:Gendr,Media & Dev Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MLS PROGRAM OR INSTRUCTOR CONSENT GA 20741 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:00pm 7:00pm R HC 303 Stover 07-17-2014 5:00pm 7:00pm R HC 303 Moddelmog Meets on 5/29, 6/12, 6/26, 7/17 LS502 ST:Gbl Polit:Gendr,Media &Dev Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MLS PROGRAM OR INSTRUCTOR CONSENT GA 20481 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 Meets on 5/29, 6/12, 6/26, 7/17 LS590 Directed Readings Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MLS PROGRAM OR INSTRUCTOR CONSENT Independent GA 20740 Study1 to 6 05-27-2014 Istdy 07-17-2014 Mactavish 07-17-2014 Mactavish LS599 Capstone Experience Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MLS PROGRAM OR INSTRUCTOR CONSENT Capstone/Thesis 3 05-27-2014 GA 20480 -Tutor MATHEMATICS (MA) - Mathematics and Statistics Department 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 13 of 19 MA104 Intermediate Algebra STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE ALGEBRAIC KNOWLEDGE EQUIVALENT TO MA103 OR ONE YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL OR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL ALGEBRA. DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS DEGREE REQUIREMENTS OR GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS. LectureA 20158 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 10:20am 11:35am MTWR CA 300 Gahnstrom Class B 20159 LectureClass 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm MW CA 300 Milner MA112 Essential Mathematics Prerequisite(s): A GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN MA104 OR AN ACT MATHEMATICS SCORE OF AT LEAST 22 (SAT QUANTITATIVE SCORE OF AT LEAST 505) OR A MATH DEPARTMENT ACCEPTABLE COMPASS SCORE GRAPHICS CALCULATOR REQUIRED - TI83 OR EQUIVALENT OnlineVA 20718 NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Mower Web MA116 College Algebra Prerequisite(s): A GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN MA104 OR AN ACT MATHEMATICS SCORE OF AT LEAST 22 (SAT QUANTITATIVE SCORE OF AT LEAST 505) OR A MATH DEPARTMENT ACCEPTABLE COMPASS SCORE THIS COURSE SATISFIES THE UNIVERSITY MATH REQUIREMENT. GRAPHICS CALCULATOR REQUIRED - TI83 OR EQUIVALENT LectureNam A 20038 NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 8:55am 10:10am MTWR GC 118 Class VA 20039 OnlineWeb NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 LaLonde MA140 Statistics Prerequisite(s): A GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN EITHER MA110 OR MA116 OR MA123, OR AN ACT MATHEMATICS SCORE OF AT LEAST 25 (SAT QUANTITATIVE SCORE OF AT LEAST 570) GRAPHICS CALCULATOR REQUIRED - TI83 OR EQUIVALENT A 20161 Lecture / Hybrid NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 10:20am 11:35am MTWR GC 118 Nam MA141 Applied Calculus I Prerequisite(s): A GRADE OF C OR BETTER IN EITHER MA116 OR MA123 OR AN ACT MATHEMATICS SCORE OF AT LEAST 25 (SAT QUANTITATIVE SCORE OF AT LEAST 570) GRAPHICS CALCULATOR REQUIRED - TI83 OR EQUIVALENT LectureA 20090 NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 8:55am 10:10am MTWR CA 300 Gahnstrom Class MASS MEDIA (MM) - Mass Media Department MM199 Mass Media Boot Camp VA 20360 OnlineWeb 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Stover 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Park 08-15-2014 Cassell MM393 ST:Gbl Polit:Gendr, Media&Dev Prerequisite(s): MM100 OR CONSENT A 20500 Lecture / Hybrid 5:00pm 7:00pm R HC 303 Stover Crosslisted w/PO335A. Meets 5/29, 6/12, 6/27, 7/17 MM393 ST:International Film History Prerequisite(s): MM100 OR CONSENT OnlineVA 20435 Web MM494 Internship Prerequisite(s): MAJORS ONLY AND CONSENT OF DEPARTMENT CHAIR Internships/Externships 1 to 2 05-19-2014 XA 20008 -Exper MUSIC (MU) - Music Department MU100 Enjoyment of Music VA 20085 OnlineWeb HU CP 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Meador HU CP 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Stoner-Hawkins HU CP 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Morgan MU102 Broadway Musicals: A History VA 20471 OnlineWeb MU103 Jazz History VA 20239 OnlineWeb MU108 History of Amer Rock & Roll VA 20347 OnlineWeb HU 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Hunt VB Online20437 Web HU 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Treinen 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Rivera 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Ure NURSING (NU) - School of Nursing NU335 Obstetrical Nrsing-Elective THIS IS AN ELECTIVE COURSE FOR NURSING OnlineVA 20330 Web NU335 Community Hlth-Elective THIS IS AN ELECTIVE COURSE FOR NURSING Practicum XB 20453 -Exper 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 14 of 19 NU338 Nrsg for Pain Mgt-Elective A 20721 Lecture / Hybrid 2 05-19-2014 05-30-2014 8:00am 5:00pm MTWR PC 358A Carpenter 4 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 10:00am 11:50am TR PC 204 Washburn 1:00pm 2:50pm TR PC 204 NU345 Pathophysiology AB 20517 Lecture / Hybrid VA Online20516 Web 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Tucker 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Staff 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 McBride 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Tucker 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Brown 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Brown 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Staff 4 NU502 Adv Nursing Practice Ethics Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO THE MSN PROGRAM OR CONSENT OnlineGVA 20219 2 Web NU504 Integrative Healing Therapies Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO THE MSN PROGRAM OR CONSENT OnlineGVA 20211 2 Web NU510 Professional Role Development Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO THE MSN PROGRAM OR CONSENT OnlineGVA 20251 2 Web NU608 Adult Health Practicum III Prerequisite(s): NU600, NU602, NU604, NU606 Practicum GXA 20332 -Exper NU608 Family Health Practicum III Prerequisite(s): NU600, NU602, NU604, NU606 Practicum GXB 20445 -Exper NU670 Graduate Project/Thesis Prerequisite(s): NU606 OR NU612 OR NU632 Capstone/Thesis GC 20439 -Tutor NU694 Adv Pract Psych Spec Focus Pra GXA 20719 Practicum -Exper 4 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Patzel GXB Practicum 20720 -Exper 5 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Patzel 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Collins 2 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Catanzaro 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Dinkel NU802 Epidemiology GVA 20507 OnlineWeb NU804 Emerging Concepts Informatics GVA 20508 OnlineWeb NU810 Policy Leadership Global Hlth GVA 20722 OnlineWeb POLITICAL SCIENCE (PO) - Political Science Department PO106 US Government VA 20711 OnlineWeb SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Moddelmog VB Online20712 Web SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Staff SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Hamilton PO107 Amer State & Local Gov't VA 20717 OnlineWeb PO307 Intern-State & Local Gov't Prerequisite(s): PO107 AND JUNIOR OR SENIOR STATUS AND/OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Internships/Externships 3 to 6 05-27-2014 XA 20714 07-17-2014 -Exper Beatty PO335 Adv. Comparative Politics A 20742 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:00pm 7:00pm R HC 303 Moddelmog Crosslisted w/MM393A. Meets 5/29, 6/12, 6/27, 7/17 PO386 Directed Readings Prerequisite(s): SENIOR POLITICAL SCIENCE MAJOR OR CONSENT OF DEPARTMENT CHAIR Scholarly 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 A 20716 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch Cann 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 15 of 19 PHYSICS (PS) - Physics and Astronomy Department PS101 Intro to Physics - Hist Read A 20344 LectureClass NS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 9:40am 11:40am MTWR ST 105 Smith 10:10am 12:40pm TWR HC 204 Gibson PSYCHOLOGY (PY) - Psychology Department PY100 Basic Concepts in Psychology A VA 20213 Lecture / Hybrid SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Online20020 Web SS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Forbach SS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Sonnentag SS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Turk 1 to 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Sonnentag 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Russell 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 McGuire 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Provorse 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Boydston 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Boydston PY210 Psych of Infancy & Childhood Prerequisite(s): PY100 OR PY101 OnlineVA 20646 Web PY231 Abnormal Psychology Prerequisite(s): PY100 OR PY101 OnlineVA 20169 Web PY295 PYConflictsControversies&Myths VA 20694 OnlineWeb PY301 Principles of Learning Prerequisite(s): PY100 OR PY101 OnlineVA 20695 Web PY306 Cognition Prerequisite(s): PY100 OR PY101 OnlineVA 20412 Web PY309 Theories of Personality Prerequisite(s): PY100 OR PY101 OnlineVA 20696 Web PY356 Psych of Marital & Fam Proc VA 20675 OnlineWeb PY389 Independent Study Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Independent A 20648 StudyIstdy B Independent 20649 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Gibson C Independent 20491 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 McGuire D Independent 20650 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Provorse E Independent 20651 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Russell F Independent 20652 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Sonnentag G Independent 20653 StudyIstdy 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Turk 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Boydston PY390 Directed Research Prerequisite(s): PY250 AND CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Scholarly A 20656 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch B Scholarly 20655 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Gibson C Scholarly 20657 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 McGuire D Scholarly 20658 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Provorse E 20659 Scholarly Endeavors/Research 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Russell 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 16 of 19 -Rsrch F Scholarly 20660 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Sonnentag G Scholarly 20661 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Turk 1 to 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Sonnentag 3 05-19-2014 08-03-2014 Forbach 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Boydston PY395 PYConflictsControversies&Myths Prerequisite(s): PY100 OR PY101 OnlineVA 20647 Web PY510 Intermediate Statistics Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OnlineGVA 20676 Web PY695 Independent Research Prerequisite(s): COMPLETED 6 HOURS IN PY699 THESIS Scholarly GA 20662 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch GB Scholarly 20663 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Gibson GC Scholarly 20664 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 McGuire GD Scholarly 20665 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Provorse GE Scholarly 20666 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Russell GF Scholarly 20667 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Sonnentag GG Scholarly 20668 Endeavors/Research -Rsrch 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Turk 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 READING (RD) - Education Department Education RD528 Speech & Language Dev GVA 20123 OnlineWeb Education Carlson RD584 Reading in the Content Area GVA Online20610 Web Education 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Carlson SPECIAL EDUCATION (SE) - Education Department Education SE420 Ed Plan for Yth w/ Disab A 20125 Lecture / Hybrid Education 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 12:30pm 2:30pm 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 1:10pm 2:25pm SE476 Psych Of Exceptional Student A 20551 Lecture / Hybrid 20319 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 20126 Lecture / Hybrid Rettig MTWR CA 200 Wanamaker Rettig 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 12:30pm 2:30pm 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 12:30pm 2:30pm Education SE522 Ed Plan for Yth w/ Disab GA 300 Education SE520 Ed Plan for Yth w/Disab GA CA Education SE510 Prob Of Yth w/ Disab Prerequisite(s): ED302 OR SE476 OnlineGVA 20127 Web MTWR MTWR CA 300 Rettig CA 300 Rettig Education SE556 Spec Ed. Prac I (Pre/Elem) Prerequisite(s): SE510 AND SE520, OR CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT IN SE520 Practicum GXA 20128 1 to 3 05-27-2014 -Exper SE558 Spec Ed Prac I (Mid/Sec) MTWR Education 06-26-2014 Dye Education Prerequisite(s): SE510 AND SE520, OR CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT IN SE522 Practicum 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University GXA 20129 -Exper Page 17 of 19 1 to 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Dye SE576 Psych of Exceptional Student GA Education 20553 Lecture / Hybrid 1:10pm 2:25pm MTW CA 200 Wanamaker SOCIOLOGY (SO) - Sociology/Anthropology Department SO100 Introduction to Sociology VA 20244 OnlineWeb SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Kapusta-Pofahl VB Online20427 Web SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Burton SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Decker SO101 American Social Problems VA 20683 OnlineWeb SO300 Euro Cultures and Societies N Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Study XA 20703 Abroad3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Travl Travel dates - 7/17-7/27/14. Estimated travel costs - $4156 (includes airfare, lodging, some meals, admissions, tours, and ground transportation). Kapusta-Pofahl SO314 Organizations Prerequisite(s): SO100 OnlineVA 20686 Web 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Childers SO366 Directed Readings Prerequisite(s): DECLARED MAJOR AND JUNIOR OR SENIOR STANDING AND CONSENT Independent 1 to 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 A 20689 StudyIstdy Childers SO514 Organizations Prerequisite(s): ADMISSION TO MLS PROGRAM AND CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR OnlineGVA 20688 3 06-30-2014 Web 07-31-2014 Childers SPANISH (SP) - Modern Language Department Spanish SP101 Beginning Spanish I A Spanish 20064 Lecture / Hybrid 4 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 9:40am 12:30pm SP102 Beginning Spanish II MTWR MO 378 Diaz Anchante MO 377 Tenny Spanish Prerequisite(s): SP101 OR 2 YEARS HIGH SCHOOL SPANISH OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR A 20074 Lecture / Hybrid HU 4 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 9:40am 12:30pm SP307 Contemporary Hispanic Culture VA Online20247 Web MTWR Spanish HU GonzalezAbellas 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm T BE 207 Kaufman 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm W BE 207 McCullough 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Kwong 07-17-2014 Spyres SOCIAL WORK (SW) - Social Work Department SW390 ST: Social Work and the Law EA 20176 Lecture / Hybrid SW390 ST:SW& Human-Animal Connection EB 20669 Lecture / Hybrid SW390 ST: Muticultural SW in Gen Pra VC 20671 OnlineWeb SW560 Generalist Practicum II PREREQUISITE(S): DECLARED MAJOR, SENIOR STANDING, AND CONSENT Practicum GXA 20075 3 05-27-2014 -Exper SW561 Gen Practice Seminar II Prerequisite(s): ADMITTED MSW STUDENTS ONLY AND COMPLETION OF SW525, SW550, AND SW551 GA 20073 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 1:00pm 3:45pm MW BE 301 Szafran GEA 20013 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm MW BE 301 Smith T BE 207 Kaufman SW585 ST: Mental Health and the Law Prerequisite(s): ADMITTED MSW STUDENTS ONLY AND COMPLETION OF MSW FOUNDATION COURSEWORK OR CONSENT GEA 20201 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm SW585 ST:Clin Prac&Human-Animal Conn 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 18 of 19 Prerequisite(s): ADMITTED MSW STUDENTS ONLY AND COMPLETION OF MSW FOUNDATION COURSEWORK OR CONSENT GEB 20670 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 5:30pm 8:00pm W BE 207 McCullough SW585 ST:Multicultural SW in Clin Pr Prerequisite(s): ADMITTED MSW STUDENTS ONLY AND COMPLETION OF MSW FOUNDATION COURSEWORK OR CONSENT OnlineGVC 20672 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Web Kwong SW599 Dimensions of Prof Social Work Prerequisite(s): ADMITTED MSW STUDENTS ONLY OR CONSENT. REQUIRED OF ALL REGULAR STANDING MSW STUDENTS WHO HAVE NOT TAKEN AN INTRODUCTORY COURSE TO SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE AT THE UNDERGRADUATE OR GRADUATE LEVEL OnlineGVA 20174 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Harrison Web SW604 Clin Soc Wk Prac w/ Groups Prerequisite(s): ADMITTED MSW STUDENTS ONLY AND COMPLETION OF MSW FOUNDATION COURSEWORK GA 20014 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 1:10pm 3:50pm MW BE 305 Spyres MW BE 207 Jensen SW605 Clinical Assess & Diagnosis Prerequisite(s): ADMITTED MSW STUDENTS ONLY AND COMPLETION OF ALL MSW FOUNDATION COURSEWORK OR CONSENT GA 20199 Lecture / Hybrid 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 8:55am 11:35am TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION (TA) - Allied Health Department TA360 Independent Study Prerequisite(s): CONSENT OnlineVA 20459 Web 1 to 4 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Kelly 1 to 4 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 Kelly TA370 Technology Internship Prerequisite(s): CONSENT Internships/Externships XA 20632 -Exper THEATRE (TH) - Theatre Department TH101 Drama Classics on Video STUDENTS WHO ENROLL IN OR HAVE COMPLETED TH301 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO ENROLL IN TH101 LectureHU A 20053 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Class CP 12:50pm 3:20pm TWR GC 323 Dingman TH199 Production Crew Workshops/Repeatable 20678 Topics1 to 3 Activ Students must contact the instructor during the first week of class A 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Naylor TH199 Production Running Crew Workshop/Repeatable 20679 Topics1 to 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Activ Students must contact the instructor during the first week of class, running crew requires evening hours B Naylor TH301 Drama Classics on Video STUDENTS WHO ENROLL IN OR HAVE COMPLETED TH101 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO ENROLL IN TH301 LectureHU 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 A 20054 CP Class 12:50pm 3:20pm TWR GC 323 Dingman TH399 Production Crew Workshops/Repeatable 20680 Topics1 to 3 Activ Students must contact the instructor during the first week of class A 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Naylor TH399 Production Running Crew Workshop/Repeatable 20681 Topics1 to 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Activ Students must contact the instructor during the first week of class, running crew requires evening hours B Naylor TH416 Special Theatre Projects STUDENTS MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE INSTRUCTOR Scholarly A 20682 Endeavors/Research 1 to 3 -Rsrch 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Prece Kansas Studies HISTORY (HI) - History Department HI397 Internshp in Hist Agencies Prerequisite(s): HI111 AND HI112 AND 6 HOURS UPPER DIVISION HISTORY AND CONSENT Internships/Externships 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 A 20361 -EXPER Goossen 1/17/2014 Course Schedule - Washburn University Page 19 of 19 POLITICAL SCIENCE (PO) - Political Science Department PO107 Amer State & Local Gov't VA 20717 OnlineWEB SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Hamilton PO307 Intern-State & Local Gov't Prerequisite(s): PO107 AND JUNIOR OR SENIOR STATUS AND/OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Internships/Externships XA 20714 3 to 6 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 -EXPER Beatty Lat Am, CB, & Latino/a Studies ANTHROPOLOGY (AN) - Sociology/Anthropology Department AN112 Cultural Anthropology A 20243 LectureHYBRD SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 VA 20295 OnlineWEB SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Sundal SS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Tucker SS 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Prasch 11:40am 1:35pm MTWR HC 204 Blank HISTORY (HI) - History Department HI100 Survey-Early Wld Hist. VA 20728 OnlineWEB HI102 Modern World History VA 20727 OnlineWEB SPANISH (SP) - Modern Language Department SP307 Contemporary Hispanic Culture VA Online20247 WEB Spanish HU 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 LectureHYBRD NS 3 05-27-2014 06-26-2014 Online20118 WEB NS 3 05-27-2014 07-17-2014 GonzalezAbellas Peace Studies BIOLOGY (BI) - Biology Department BI203 Human Impact on Environment A VA 20342 11:50am 1:50pm MTWR ST 138 Bayless Scherff ECONOMICS (EC) - School of Business EC201 Principles of Macroeconomics Prerequisite(s): EC200 AND MA116 (RECOMMENDED) OR MA110 OR MA140 OR MA141 OR MA151, AND 24 HOURS, OR CONSENT Lecture07-31-2014 7:30am 9:25am MTWR A 20095 SS 3 06-30-2014 HYBRD HC 103 Ball HUMAN SERVICES (HS) - Human Services Department HS390 ST: ResilienceInYouth&Adults VA 20462 OnlineWEB 3 06-30-2014 07-31-2014 Waters 1/17/2014
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