GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES, LLC GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES WHO WE ARE GCR is comprised of financial, administra5ve, legal and marke5ng experts focused on iden5fying, ve<ng and managing EB-‐5 projects. Target projects encompass de novo businesses, companies in financial distress and those looking to expand their success. With our guidance, we ensure that each step in the applica5on and underwri5ng process is correct and 5mely in order to meet the needs of our clients. GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES OUR MISSION Global Capital Resources seeks to represent and manage projects ideally suited for EB5 financing and to guide such projects through the necessary measures to ensure approval by USCIS and funding from foreign investor pools. GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES RESOURCES GCP has developed an incomparable network of resources with industry experts who are truly consummate leaders in the EB-‐5 community. These specialists, all approved by USCIS, include: § USCIS Regional Centers § USCIS & SEC AOorneys § Economists § Immigra5on Brokers § Business Plan writers GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES RESOURCES (cont) All of our resources have a proven track record of success in comple5ng EB5 financing. Our primary aOorney, alone, has completed over 80+ projects and our primary resources for funding have a pool that encompasses 4,000+ foreign investors who have commiOed to applying for EB5 immigra5on. GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES PROCESS There are two main requirements for any project: 1. The project must be sited in a Targeted Economic Area, defined as a zip code that has an unemployment of at least 150% of the na5onal average OR a rural area. 2. The project must create or save 10 jobs for every $500,000 borrowed and said posi5ons must be in place 24 months a[er the date of the loan. The jobs may be a mix of direct and indirect, as defined by a USCIS economist. From start to finish, the project should take approximately 120-‐180 days. The 5meline is as follows: 1. Submission of an execu5ve summary and/or business plan to GCR 2. A[er ve<ng the project with our USCIS aOorneys and one of our approved USCIS regional centers, we prepare the formal plan for submission to our economist and business plan writer (both USCIS approved). 3. Completed Business Plan and Economic study are submiOed to the aOorney who prepares the PPM for the foreign investors. The en5re package is submiOed to USCIS for considera5on and to our brokers for investor review. 4. On approval by USCIS, funding of the project will be released. GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES PROJECT PATH GCR ENGAGEMENT AND PROJECT VETTING USCIS APPROVAL & FUNDING USCIS ATTY Prepare PPM & Submit package to USCIS Pre-‐Review By Economist and USCIC/SEC AOorney Economic Study USCIS Biz Plan Regional Center GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES SAMPLE PROJECTS Examples of GCR projects include: Steel Mill This $171 Million start-‐up project is being prepared for submission to USCIS with an5cipated funding in Q3, 2014. With over 3,100 jobs in crea5on, this project more than meets all the necessary criteria for USCIS approval. Medical Management –Telemedicine This wound-‐care management company seeks $10 Million in recapitaliza5on to re5re debt and launch several new contracts on a na5onal basis. An5cipated funding, in Q3, 2014 will not only ‘save’ 20+ jobs but also create over 800 jobs within the first 24 months. GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES PROFESSIONAL TEAM Global Capital Resources has gathered a group of consummate professionals to assist and guide projects through the EB–5 process. Our primary aOorney is one of the preeminent EB–5 experts and has provided immeasurable guidance not only to projects, brokers and Regional Centers but also to USCIS in the development of policy and procedures. Our economist had prepared studies on $2 Billion in approved projects and is a frequent speaker at EB-‐5 conferences. Other valued assets include our team of business plan writers and escrow agents – all with excep5onal EB-‐5 qualifica5ons and success. Please see addenda for more informa5on on their qualifica5ons. GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Parry Goodman, President/CEO Based in our Weston, FL office, Mr. Goodman brings 30+ years of banking, consul5ng, underwri5ng and M & A experience to GCR. § President of BMC, a major Florida-‐based insurance administrator with offices in So. Florida, Atlanta and San Juan, PR § Chairman & Co-‐Founder, Floridian Community Bank § Merger & Acquisi5on Consultant, specializing in bank and medical managed care opportuni5es § Reinsurance and Risk Management Consultant. Health-‐care focused specializa5on. § EB-‐5 Financing – Project Management: selec5on, analysis and placement GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Andrew Wikoff, Execu5ve Vice President Based in our So. California office, Mr. Wikoff brings 30+ years of business management, business development, product development, labor consul5ng, and M & A experience to GCR. § Vice President of Marke5ng & Sales, Rugby Laboratories. § Vice President of Business Development / M & A , PBI / AKZO. § Vice President of Sales, BMC, a major Florida-‐based insurance administrator. § Senior Vice President, Labor Rela5ons Services, a labor rela5ons consul5ng prac5ce. § EB-‐5 Financing – Project selec5on, analysis and placement GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT William Schenquerman § An ac5ve partner in the development and facilita5on of United States Customs and Immigra5on Services EB 5 funding for Global Capital Resources, LLC. § Execu5ve VP Omega Construc5on Group Inc.: Responsible for overseeing the overall opera5on of this $5,000,000 a year custom construc5on opera5on. § Board of Directors Empire Pacific Co.: Advises this enterprise and par5cipates on the board of directors. § CEO Renewable Resources Alterna5ves: Oversees the development of an algea to bio diesel plant. GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT William Schenquerman (cont.) § CEO, Somnis Holdings Inc.: Oversees the investment porrolio of various different projects for this company. § President Euroline Enterprises Corp: Developed Euroline Enterprises Corp into the largest custom kitchen cabinet maker for commercial projects in So. Fla. Navigated and nego5ated the sale of the company to Home Depot in 2002. § Vice President Construc5on Lending BankBoston N.A.: Was responsible for the development and management of construc5on lending and private banking customers. Managed a porrolio of over $700,000,000 in construc5on loans and private banking. GLOBAL CAPITAL RESOURCES CONTACT Parry Goodman President / CEO 754.224.9505 Weston, FL Andrew Wikoff Exec. Vice President 770.712.3111 Irvine, CA All correspondence to: PO Box 266560, Weston, FL 33326
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