IOVS Papers in Press. Published on March 11, 2014 as Manuscript iovs.13-13723 A Pro23His Mutation Alters Prenatal Rod Photoreceptor Morphology in a Transgenic Swine Model of Retinitis Pigmentosa Patrick A. Scott1,2,4*, Juan P. Fernandez de Castro1*, Henry J. Kaplan1,3, Maureen A. McCall1,2,4 Departments of 1Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, 2Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology, 3Microbiology and Immunology, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA * These authors contributed equally to the work in this manuscript 4 Co-corresponding authors. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Word Count: 2,825 Funding: NIH EY018608 (MAMc); NIH EY-020647 (HJK); NIH HL076138-08 (JPF); Discovery Eye Foundation; Research to Prevent Blindness, New York City, NY; Kentucky Research Challenge Trust Fund (HJK); KY Science and Engineering Foundation (HJK); University of Louisville Clinical and Translational Science Grant (HJK); University of Louisville, School of Medicine Basic Research Grant (PAS); American Optometric Foundation and Beta Sigma Kappa Optometric Honor Society (PAS); Fight For Sight (PAS). 1 Copyright 2014 by The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc. Abstract 1 Purpose. Functional studies have detected deficits in retinal signaling in 2 asymptomatic children from families with inherited autosomal dominant retinitis 3 pigmentosa (RP). Whether retinal abnormalities are present earlier during 4 gestation or shortly after birth in a subset of children with autosomal dominant RP 5 is unknown and no appropriate animal RP model, possessing visual function at 6 birth has been available to examine this possibility. In a recently developed 7 transgenic P23H (TgP23H) rhodopsin swine model of RP, we tracked changes in 8 pre and early postnatal retinal morphology, as well as early postnatal retinal 9 function. 10 11 Methods. Domestic swine inseminated with semen from a TgP23H miniswine 12 founder produced TgP23H hybrid and Wt littermates. Outer retinal morphology 13 was assessed at light and electron microscopic levels between embryonic (E) 14 and postnatal ages E85 to P3. Retinal function was evaluated using the full field 15 electroretinogram at P3. 16 17 Results. Embryonic TgP23H rod photoreceptors are malformed and their 18 rhodopsin expression pattern is abnormal. Consistent with morphological 19 abnormalities, rod driven function is absent at P3. In contrast, TgP23H and Wt 20 cone photoreceptor morphology (E85 – P3) and cone driven retinal function (P3) 21 are similar. 22 2 23 Conclusions. Prenatal expression of mutant rhodopsin alters the normal 24 morphological and functional development of rod photoreceptors in TgP23H 25 swine embryos. Despite this significant change, cone photoreceptors are 26 unaffected. Human infants with similarly aggressive RP, might never have rod 27 vision, although cone vision would be unaffected. Such aggressive forms of RP 28 in preverbal children would require early intervention to delay or prevent 29 functional blindness. 3 30 31 32 Introduction 33 by mutations in genes ( most frequently expressed 34 in rod photoreceptors. In humans, RP causes a primary degeneration of rod 35 photoreceptors, whereas cone photoreceptor degeneration is protracted.1 As a 36 consequence, the most frequent first reported symptom of RP is impaired night 37 vision. Most patients with RP report symptoms between adolescence and late 38 middle age2,3. Whether retinal abnormalities are present during gestation and/or 39 shortly after birth in a subset of subjects with RP is unknown, although 40 electroretinograms (ERG) have detected visual deficits in asymptomatic children 41 from families with both autosomal dominant (6-8 years of age)4,5 and sex-linked 42 RP (5-13 years of age).6 It may be that many children with RP experience 43 degraded vision at or shortly after birth but deficits cannot be articulated until they 44 are cognizant that night blindness and/or constriction of their peripheral visual 45 fields are abnormal. 46 Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited retinal disorders caused What we know about potential early postnatal changes in RP is limited by 47 a lack of postnatal testing and appropriate animal models that have visual 48 function at birth, similar to man (e.g. the rodent retina is immature at birth and 49 reaches maturation over the first postnatal month7). We show here that a recently 50 developed transgenic P23H (TgP23H) rhodopsin swine model of RP8 is an 51 appropriate model. We show that embryonic TgP23H rod photoreceptors are 52 malformed, their rhodopsin expression pattern is abnormal and rod driven 53 function is absent at P3. In contrast, cone photoreceptor morphology (E85 – P3) 4 54 and cone driven retinal function (P3) are similar between TgP23H and Wt 55 retinae. 56 57 Materials and Methods 58 Swine 59 All experimental protocols were approved by the University of Louisville 60 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and adhere to the ARVO 61 Statement for Use of Animals in Ophthalmic and Vision Research. Methods used 62 for genotyping the offspring have been described previously.8 To generate large 63 numbers of progeny, we artificially inseminated multiple Wt domestic sows with 64 semen from TgP23H miniswine founder 53-1.8 Shortly after birth, a blood sample 65 was taken from each piglet and DNA was isolated using a phenol-extraction 66 method.9 The DNA was used in PCR with primers specific to the human 67 rhodopsin transgene and under reaction conditions that have been described 68 previously.8 Retinal function of most piglets was evaluated with the 69 experimenters masked to the piglet’s genotype. 70 71 72 Retinal electroretinography (ERG) Methods to anesthetize and prepare P3 piglets for recording the full-field 73 electroretinogram (ffERG) have been described in our companion study 74 (Fernandez de Castro et al., submitted). Briefly, prior to ffERG recordings, 75 anesthesia with isofluorane was induced in piglets by placing a mask over the 76 snout and mouth. An IV catheter was placed in the ear vein for delivery of 5 77 intravenous fluids and to maintain normal glycemic levels (60 – 140 mg/dL; with 78 Lactated Ringers Solution with 5% Dextrose). Anesthesia was maintained with 79 isofluorane (1 - 3%)10 by continuous delivery through the mask. Vital signs 80 (SpO2, CO2, respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure) and body 81 temperature were monitored and maintained within the normal range throughout 82 the experiment. Topical applications of 2.5% phenylephrine hydrochloride and 83 1% Tropicamide drops were administered to induce mydriasis of the pupils and 84 to inhibit accommodation. The cornea was kept moist with Hypromellose 85 Solution 2.5%. Size appropriate adjustable lid specula held the eyelids open. 86 The details of ffERG recording have been published previously.8,11 Stimuli 87 (flashes of various intensities) were produced and responses recorded using a 88 UTAS ERG system with a BigShot Ganzfeld (LKC, Technologies, Inc.) stimulator. 89 Testing conditions and response analyses have been described previously.11 90 Piglets were dark adapted for 20 minutes and the scotopic ERG recorded first, 91 using a strobe flash intensity of 0.01 cd·s·m-2. An averaged response was based 92 on 15 presentations with a 2 sec ISI. To measure cone-driven responses the 93 retinas were adapted and the stimulus (either a 3 cd·s·m-2 flash or 30 Hz flicker) 94 were presented 30 times on a 20 cd·m-2 adapting background. Measures of a- 95 and b-waves were obtained from averaged responses to a single flash intensity. 96 The a-wave is defined as baseline to trough and the b-wave from a-wave trough 97 to peak. 98 99 Retinal morphology 6 100 Embryonic tissue (E 85 - 105) was retrieved via cesarean section of 101 pregnant sows after induction of anesthesia and euthanasia. The gestation 102 period of the pig is 114-116 days.12 Embryos also received an injection of 103 Beuthanasia-D (1 ml/5 kg). For postnatal tissue, piglets were euthanized 104 (Beuthanasia-D (1 ml/5 kg, i.v.)) at the end of the ERG evaluations. From all, 105 eyes were enucleated and prepared for morphological analysis by immediate 106 immersion in fixative (4% paraformaldehyde for immunohistochemistry or 2% 107 paraformaldehyde/2% glutaraldehyde for ultrastructural analyses both in 108 phosphate (PO4) buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.4) for 24 hours at 4°C. 109 The results are from a total of 31 eyes at two embryonic ages and at two 110 postnatal ages (See Table 1). The embryonic ages chosen reflect preliminary 111 studies of retinal morphology that corresponded to various aspects of 112 photoreceptor development (i.e., E85 - the earliest detection of photoreceptor 113 inner segments; E105 - the earliest detection of rod and cone outer segments 114 and synaptic terminals in the outer plexiform layer (Scott unpublished 115 observations)). 116 117 118 Morphometric analysis of the outer retina Plastic sections were prepared as previously described.13 Briefly, vertical 119 and horizontal bands of fixed retinal tissue extending from the margin of the optic 120 disc to the ora serrata were dissected, dehydrated in ascending ethanol 121 concentrations, infiltrated, and embedded in JB-4 Plus resin (Ted Pella, Redding, 122 CA). Sections 4 μm thick were cut on a Leica EMUC6 Ultramicrotome (Leica 7 123 Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL), mounted on slides, dried, and stained with 1% 124 cresyl violet (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). Sections were examined at 40 or 100X 125 using a NIKON EFD-3 Episcopic-Fluorescence microscope (Nikon Inc., Melville, 126 NY). Photomicrographs were taken on a Moticam 2500 high-resolution camera 127 (Motic, British Columbia, Canada) and digitally processed using Adobe 128 Photoshop (Adobe Systems, San Jose, CA) to adjust brightness and contrast. 129 Thickness of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) (E85 – P3) was measured at 2 130 mm increments along the vertical and horizontal meridian, extending from the 131 margin of the optic disc to the ora serrata. To measure the thickness of the ONL 132 a vertical line was drawn through ten adjacent vertical columns of photoreceptor 133 nuclei using Moticam Image Plus 2.0 (Motic China Group Co., Ltd., Xiamen, 134 China) in 5 sections per location/eye and the mean calculated for each location. 135 Overall thickness of ONL was calculated by averaging the mean thickness 136 across all locations in each eye and for each age. ONL thickness was measured 137 without knowledge of the genotype. 138 139 140 Transmission electron microscopy Sections for EM were prepared as previously described (Fernandez de 141 Castro et al., submitted).13 A vertical strip of 2% paraformaldehyde/2% 142 glutaraldehyde fixed retinal tissue approximately 2 mm wide was removed dorsal 143 to the optic nerve and a 2x2 mm piece of tissue was harvested approximately 5 144 mm above the superior margin of the optic disc. Retinal tissue was rinsed in 145 buffer and then post-fixed in 2% osmium tetroxide and 1.5% potassium 8 146 ferrocyanide in dH2O for 2 h. The tissue was dehydrated in a graded series of 147 ethanols and embedded in Epon-Araldite (Electron Microscopy Sciences, 148 Hatfield, PA). Semi-thin sections (4μm) were cut and stained with 1% cresyl 149 violet. Ultra-thin sections (90 nm) were cut on an ultramicrotome (Ultracut E 150 701704, Reichert-Jung, Buffalo, NY) using a diamond knife (Micro Star 151 Technologies, Inc., Huntsville, TX), collected on copper grids, counterstained 152 with 4% methanolic uranyl acetate (Electron Microscopy Sciences, Hatfield, PA), 153 and photoreceptor morphology examined with a transmission electron 154 microscope (TEM; Model 300: Phillips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands). 155 Photomicrographs were captured with a digital camera (15 mega pixel digital 156 camera, Scientific Instruments and Applications, Duluth, GA) and Maxim DL 157 Version 5 software (Diffraction Limited, Ottawa, Canada). 158 159 160 Immunohistochemistry Sections from paraformaldehyde fixed retinas were cut (20 μm) on a 161 cryostat and stored at -80ºC until further processing. Monoclonal anti-Rho 1D4 162 (Cat. # MABN5356, Millipore, Chicago, IL, 1:500) antibody was used to label 163 rhodopsin in rod photoreceptors.14 Retinal sections were then rinsed in PBS 164 buffer and incubated with fluorophore-labeled secondary antibody Alexa Fluor 165 647 goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) (Cat. # A21235, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, 1:100). 166 After incubation in fluorophore-labeled secondary antibody, sections were rinsed 167 in buffer and mounted in either ProLong Gold antifade reagent (Cat. # P36930, 168 Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and coverslipped. Sections were cured in the dark for 9 169 48 hours at 30ºC before examination with a confocal microscope (Olympus 170 FV1000) using a 40X objective. Control sections were not exposed to primary 171 antibodies, but were processed simultaneously through all other labeling steps. 172 These no-primary control sections were included in all labeling studies. 173 174 175 Statistics All statistics related to retinal morphology were calculated and analyzed 176 using InStat 3 for Macintosh (Graphpad Software, Inc., La Jolla, CA). Unpaired t- 177 tests were used to compare measurements of mean thickness of the ONL (E85- 178 P3) in TgP23H vs. Wt, with a P value of ≤ 0.05 taken as indicating a significant 179 difference from age-matched Wt. One-way ANOVA and post-hoc t-tests were 180 also used to compare mean ONL thickness across all groups. Statistics for ffERG 181 measurements were calculated and analyzed using Prism 5 (GraphPad 182 Software, Inc., La Jolla, CA). Unpaired t-tests were used to compare amplitudes 183 of the waveforms and a P value ≤ 0.05 was interpreted as being statistically 184 significant. 185 186 Results 187 A central to peripheral gradient of photoreceptor degeneration is present at birth 188 in TgP23H pig retina 189 At the light microscopic level, the retinal morphology of the Wt hybrid at P0 190 (Figure 1A) is similar to the domestic swine published previously.15 At E105 Wt 191 photoreceptor nuclei and outer segments are easily identified in both Wt and 10 192 TgP23H littermates, and the chromatin pattern of all photoreceptor nuclei in their 193 ONL appeared similar. 194 To quantify the progression of photoreceptor degeneration over time and 195 across the retina, we measured the overall thickness of the ONL (Figure 1B) by 196 averaging the measured ONL thickness at 2 mm increments along the vertical 197 and horizontal meridian of the retina in each eye and at each age. At E85 and at 198 E105 ONL thickness of Wt and TgP23H piglets were similar. We observed the 199 first significant reduction in mean ONL thickness between P0 Wt and TgP23H 200 retina, where 35% (8/23) of retinal locations in TgP23H retina were reduced 201 relative to Wt. By P3, 74% (17/23) of Tg retinal locations were significantly 202 reduced. The reduction in ONL thickness followed a central-to-peripheral 203 progression pattern, which became more pronounced at P3 (Figure 1C). When 204 all locations were averaged, the ONL thickness of TgP23H retina was 205 significantly reduced compared to Wt at both P0 and P3 (Figure 1B; p = 0.0018; 206 <0.0001, respectively). 207 208 209 Rod photoreceptor morphological abnormalities arise prior to birth At the ultrastructural level at E85, the morphology of Wt and TgP23H 210 photoreceptors were similar. Although outer segments had not developed, their 211 photoreceptors had inner segments with connecting-cilia (Figure 2A). By E105, 212 Wt and TgP23H rod photoreceptors differed in several ways. Wt rod 213 photoreceptors had both inner and outer segments (Figure 2B), whereas 214 TgP23H rods either lacked outer segments or those present appeared truncated 11 215 with no evidence of ordered stacked discs. At E105 Wt rod photoreceptor nuclei 216 (RN) had axons and spherules that contained a few synaptic ribbons (Figure 4B, 217 black arrow heads), although clear triadic profiles were absent. Rod 218 photoreceptors in TgP23H littermates at that age lacked axons and spherules. 219 From P0 onward, Wt rod spherules (Figures 4C-E, white arrows) contained 220 ribbons, as well as synaptic and triadic profiles. By P0 some TgP23H rod 221 photoreceptor nuclei appeared pyknotic due to densification of chromatin (Figure 222 3, black arrowhead). P0 TgP23H rods failed to develop triadic profiles and their 223 synaptic terminals could not easily be identified (Figures 4C-E, black arrows). At 224 P3, ribbons were occasionally found in rod photoreceptor terminals; however, no 225 triads were found (Figure 4D, black arrows). 226 227 228 Cone photoreceptor develop normally despite rod degeneration At E105, when rod photoreceptor outer segments are absent or grossly 229 abnormal, TgP23H cone photoreceptors with inner and outer segments (CIS and 230 COS, respectively) exhibit COS that appear somewhat enlarged compared to Wt 231 (Figure 1A) and they abut the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) (Figures 1A and 232 3). At P0 and P3 some cone photoreceptors without outer segments were 233 evident (Figure 3), but the majority of cone photoreceptor axons and pedicles 234 exhibited normal morphology (Figures 3 and 4C-D; CP), which included ribbons 235 and triad profiles. 236 12 237 Rhodopsin expression is mislocalized in TgP23H rod photoreceptors although 238 postsynaptic markers are normal 239 At E85 rhodopsin expression can be detected in both Wt and TgP23H 240 swine rod photoreceptors. At this and all other ages, expression in Wt rod 241 photoreceptors is restricted to the outermost portion of the developing 242 photoreceptor layer (PRL) (Figure 5, left column). In contrast, rhodopsin 243 expression is mislocalized in TgP23H rod photoreceptors from its first detection 244 at E85 and is spread throughout the ONL (Figure 5, right column). 245 246 247 TgP23H rod driven function is absent while cone driven function is normal at P3 To characterize retinal function we used a standard ISCEV ffERG protocol 248 in Wt and TgP23H littermates.8,11,16 Figure 6 illustrates representative ERG 249 responses from a P3 Wt and its TgP23H littermate to different flash intensities. In 250 Wt piglets there are clear b-wave responses at all stimulus intensities. In 251 contrast, TgP23H littermates lack an ERG response to the rod isolating stimulus 252 (0.01 cd·s·m-2), while maintaining responses similar to the Wt in both the cone full 253 field flash stimulus (3.0 cd·s·m-2) and the 30Hz flicker stimulus (p=0.4555, 254 p=0.2723; respectively). These results are consistent with the morphological 255 characteristics of these retinae. They suggest that rod photoreceptors are 256 abnormal and rod driven retinal function, absent at birth, may never develop. In 257 contrast, even in the presence of rod degeneralion, cones and cone-driven 258 function are unaffected. 259 13 260 Discussion 261 In the present study, we show that in this TgP23H swine RP model, that 262 rod photoreceptor morphology is abnormal before birth as is rod driven function 263 in the perinatal retina. Despite this, cones and cone driven function develop 264 normally. This analysis is possible because of the physical separation of rods 265 and cones across the swine retina. Consistent with previous studies17,18, our 266 results suggest that abnormal localization of rhodopsin is correlated with the 267 robust loss of rod photoreceptors in swine embryos at birth. The severity of this 268 phenotype may have several causes and we describe the two that we think are 269 most likely. First, the insertion site of the transgene within the genome is known 270 to result in phenotypic variation in transgenic rodents, where numerous lines 271 usually are created from a single construct. In fact, we observed phenotypic 272 variation in our original description of the multiple TgP23H swine lines8, and 273 showed that across lines the transgene was located on different chromosomes. 274 Equally plausible, are modifier effects, which also are known to be related to the 275 severity or penetrance of a phenotype within the human population. This also 276 could occur since these Tg pigs are the F1 progeny of a cross of an inbred mini- 277 swine with a domestic swine. 278 The TgP23H swine rod photoreceptors show abnormal localization of 279 rhodopsin, as well as a central-to-peripheral spatial pattern of rod photoreceptor 280 degeneration. In contrast, the spatial pattern of rod photoreceptor degeneration 281 in human RP patients begins in the mid-peripheral retina and then spreads to the 282 peripheral and central retina.1 The newborn Pro347Leu rhodopsin Tg swine also 14 283 show rhodopsin mislocalization and abnormal rod spherule morphology at 4 284 weeks of age.23 In that study, rod photoreceptor counts in the superior retinal 285 quadrant did not show a spatiotemporal change, although it is possible that other 286 retinal quadrants might show differences similar to those in the P23H Tg swine. 287 The cause of these differences, across species and within species across 288 transgenes/insertion sites remains unclear. 289 Mislocalization of rhodopsin is commonly reported across hereditary 290 retinal degenerations19-23, as well as in animal models that express a mutant 291 rhodopsin protein.20,21,23,24 As a consequence, mislocalization is hypothesized to 292 be an early step in the cell death cascade within rod photoreceptors.17,25 In 293 domestic swine embryos, rhodopsin expression can be detected at E85, 294 proceeds in a central-to-peripheral fashion26 and is confined to the developing 295 rod photoreceptor outer segments.26 In TgP23H swine embryos, rhodopsin 296 expression also is detected at E85 and even this early is mislocalized. The P23H 297 point mutation prohibits the differentiation between native and mutant rhodopsin 298 expression. The exact mechanism whereby mislocalization of P23H mutant 299 rhodopsin affects rod outer segments and spherule formation is not fully 300 understood. Numerous studies describe the accumulation and trafficking of P23H 301 rhodopsin and its intracellular fate in other models.20,21,27-40 In particular, TgP23H 302 frogs and mice27 show subcellular microstructures (mutant rhodopsin 303 aggregates) that accumulate and destabilize rod outer segments. These studies 304 also suggest misfolded protein accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) 305 leading to stress that contributes to rod photoreceptor cell death.27-29 15 306 In the few studies that examined retinal function among children in families 307 with inherited RP, deficits were found using the ERG, although the children did 308 not report symptoms.4-6 It is possible that since they have no experience with 309 normal scotopic vision that they are not able to articulate visual deficits. Along 310 these same lines, children with undiagnosed color vision deficiency are unaware 311 that their photopic vision is abnormal.41 If retinal abnormalities are present during 312 gestation and/or shortly after birth in a subset of these RP patients, our model will 313 be very beneficial in developing therapeutic intervention strategies targeted at 314 delaying or preventing rod photoreceptor degeneration. 315 316 Acknowledgements: We thank Mr. Doug Emery, Mr. Ilya Chernyavskiy, Dr. 317 Leslie Sherwood, DVM and the University of Louisville Large Animal Veterinary 318 Staff for their technical assistance. 16 References 1. Milam AH, Li Z-Y, Fariss RN. Histopathology of the human retina in retinitis pigmentosa. Prog Ret Eye Res. 1998;17:175-205. 2. Haim M. Prevalence of retinitis pigmentosa and allied disorders in Denmark. Acta Ophthalmol. 1992;70, 615-624. 3. Weleber RG. Retinitis pigmentosa and allied disorders. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby. 1994:335-466. 4. 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Prevalence of congenital color vision defects among school children in five schools of the Abeshge District, Central Ethiopia. JOESCA. 2013;17:10-14. 22 Table 1. Number of swine eyes examined at each age. Figure Legends Figure 1. A. Retinal micrographs taken 5 mm above optic disc in Wt vs. TgP23H Swine. Wt sections (left column) show the normal laminar arrangement of the retina during histogenesis. Retinae from TgP23H swine at E85 (right column) exhibit no change compared to Wt. TgP23H swine at E105 - P3 lack rod outer segments, CIS appear enlarged and their outer segments (black arrows) abut the RPE, and the ONL appears thinner at P0 and P3 (Scale bar = 20 μm and applies to all panels). B. Mean thickness (averaged across all locations and all eyes) of the ONL (E85- P3) in Wt vs TgP23H swine. P0 and P3 exhibit overall significant reduction in ONL thickness. C. Mean thickness (averaged at each tested location) of the ONL along the vertical and horizontal meridia in Wt vs. TgP23H. P0 and P3 TgP23H retinae show a central-to-peripheral pattern of thinning of the ONL. Abbreviations: CIS: cone inner segment, ONH: optic nerve head, ONL: outer nuclear layer, PRL: photoreceptor, RPE: retinal pigment epithelium, asterisks = p value ≤ 0.05. Figure 2. A. TEM image of photoreceptor layer in Wt vs. TgP23H E85. Photoreceptor IS and connecting-cilium (black arrow head) appeared similar, and outer segments have not yet formed in Wt and Tg (Scale bar = 2 μm). B. TEM 23 image of photoreceptor layer in Wt vs. TgP23H swine E105 - P3. E105 Wt, ROS/RIS and COS/CIS exhibit normal morphology. E105 – P3 TgP23H, truncated ROS (black arrows) extend from RIS, COS appear normal or are lacking, and CIS appear enlarged. Abbreviations: CIS: cone inner segment, COS: cone outer segment, IS: inner segment, RIS: rod inner segment, ROS: rod outer segment, RPE: retinal pigment epithelium (Scale bar = 2 μm). Figure 3. TEM image of outer retina TgP23H swine (P0). Cone outer segments (black arrows) abut the RPE and many CIS lack cone outer segments. External limiting membrane is intact (white arrows). Outer nuclear layer shows cone nuclei (CN) in the outermost row and stacks of rod nuclei (RN1-RN4), with degenerating rod nuclei (black arrowhead). Only cone pedicles (CP) can be seen in the outer plexiform layer. Scale bar = 10 μm. Figure 4. TEM image of outer plexiform layer Wt vs. TgP23H swine (E85- P3). A. E85, no identifiable photoreceptor axons or synaptic terminals in the OPL. B. E105 Wt, axons extending from rod nuclei (RN) into OPL, as well as a few ribbons (black arrowheads), while TgP23H show no axons or ribbons. C. P0 and D. P3 Wt retinae show rod spherules (white arrows) and cone pedicles (CP) with synapses and triads in the OPL. E105-P3 TgP23H retinae show axonal retraction, no spherules or triads, and few ribbon synapses (black arrows), but cone photoreceptor axons and pedicles appear normal. E. Magnification of boxed in region in P0 showing Wt showing normal triadic profiles (white arrows) in Wt 24 and their absence in TgP23H (black arrow). Abbreviations: CP: cone pedicles, HZCN: horizontal cell nucleus, OPL: outer plexiform layer: RN: rod nucleus. Scare bar = 2 μm and applies to all panels. Figure 5. Immunolabeling with anti-Rho 1D4 (rhodopsin) antibody Wt vs. TgP23H (E85 – P3). A – C. Intense staining with anti-Rho 1D4 is restricted to the PRL in Wt retinae (left column). Anti-Rho 1D4 is delocalized to the ONL in TgP23H (right column). Abbreviations: ONL: outer nuclear layer, PRL: photoreceptor layer. Scale bar = 20 μm and applies to all panels. Figures from P0 are not shown but are the same as P3. Figure 6. Representative ff-ERG recordings for rod, cone and 30Hz flicker in Wt and TgP23H Swine (P3). A. The rod waveform and histogram show a striking difference, with a nearly extinguished response in the TgP23H, while the Wt has a clearly discernible response. In contrast, the representative cone traces and histograms show how the morphology of the components of the cone and cone flicker waveforms at P3 (B and C, respectively) are very similar between the TgP23H and Wt. 25
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