Development Planning From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Claire Lightbody 17 June 2014 11:26 Development Planning Objection to Averham Gravel Pit Hockerton Objection to Flash Farm Gravel Pit - MLP Preferred Approach Additional Consultation Response Form1.doc Dear Sirs, Please find attached my objection to the Averham Gravel Pit at Flash Farm. Hockerton Resident Claire Lightbody 1 Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Additional Consultation on Sand and Gravel Provision Response Form How to use this form Please use this form to make comments on the sand and gravel additional consultation document. Please fill in Part A once and then Part B sheet for each separate comment you wish to make. You can also comment online via our interactive service at Please email the completed forms to: [email protected] Or post them to: Planning Policy Team, Policy, Planning and Corporate Services, Nottinghamshire County Council, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP All comments must be received by Friday 11 July 2014. Further information If you have any queries or would like further information please contact the planning policy team at the addresses above, or call 0300 500 80 80 (customer contact centre). What happens next? Once the consultation period has ended we will consider all of the comments that we have received. They will be used to write the publication draft of Minerals Local Plan. There will be a formal period of representation on this before an independent examination by Government takes place. Please note that your comments will be made public and may be made available to others in accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act and/or the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Part A: Contact details Your details Name Claire Lightbody Address Post Code Telephone Number Email Address Agent details Name and job title Company Address Post Code Telephone Number Email Address N/A Part B: Your comments Para/Section/Policy No. Proposed Gravel Pit - Flash Farm, Averham Have you responded on this issue before? (please circle) No Comments As a resident of Hockerton I am already concerned by the amount of traffic through the village – some 72,000 vehicles each week, a good percentage of which are HGVs which squeeze passed each other on the narrow road. The road through our village simply wasn’t build this type of vehicle never mind the volume, the proposed Gravel Pit at Averham will lead to more dangers to our residents. I know of at least 3 recent occasions (I’ve only lived in the village for 6 months) where a child has nearly been knocked off the dangerously narrow pavement by a lorry’s wing mirror or the draft as they sped by. One of these children being Cllr Bruce Laughton’s daughter! During term time we have the local schools collecting and dropping off children; is it right that we endanger their lives further with more HGV’s? A gravel pit at Flash Farm would have a severe impact causing increased traffic through Hockerton and other villages on the A617. A rough calculation would suggest that HGV traffic would increase by approximately 100 HGVs per day in order to accommodation the proposed extraction tonnage. This would create further dangers within the village and give rise to grave risks for those walking along the narrow pavements with children and dogs. Since the Community Speedwatch campaign began we have noted over 800 speeding motorists, many of which are HGVs. However, a more alarming figure is the factual statistic that we note, on average, 1 SPEEDING VEHICLE EVERY 30 SECONDS when engaged in Speedwatch. Quite clearly more vehicles driving through the village will lead to more speeding vehicles which will lead to increased dangers. Summary – less than 100 words (if comments are longer than 100 words) I object to proposed plan to locate a sand & gravel pit aloing the A617 near to Averham. • • • The A617 through Hockerton is not sufficiently wide enough, nor appropriate for an increase in HGV traffic; The Flash Farm sand & gravel pit will significantly raise the risk to pedestrians using the dangerously narrow pavements, especially when taking children to/from the school bus; The proposed site will significantly raise the dangers for those road users turning into / out of driveways and those turning onto / out of roads from Caunton and Southwell. The increase in HGV traffic will have a significantly negative social impact on the villagers. Please don’t let a death occur before taking action to prevent one! Change to plan (how you would like the plan to be changed to address your comments) Refuse the proposed Flash Farm location in favour of a more suitable one among the proposed sites. Alternatively, include a restriction to planning that the sand & gravel pit contractor must make provision for better, safer logistics around the local villages – i.e the contractor must fund the widening of the road from Kelham to Little Carlton so traffic is routed from Kelham onto the wider A616 rather than use the unsafe, narrow A617. Signed Claire Lightbody Date June 17th, 2014 Para/Section/Policy No. Have you responded on this issue before? (please circle) No Comments I object to the proposed Flash Farm sand & gravel pit site because of the likely negative impact on the condition of the A617 from the increase in HGV traffic. HGV traffic from this gravel pit appears to have been woefully miscalculated if it has been determined to have only minimal or medium impact on the local communities, environment or roads. A simple calculation suggests over 100 HGVs a day will be required to transport the proposed tonnage (50 fully laden HGVs, 50 empty ones returning to site to be filled) which must represent a significant increase on the current HGV traffic. The impact envisaged by Hockerton villagers, many of whom aren’t scaremongering but have statistics from the Community Speedwatch as their evidence, fear the increase in HGV traffic will inevitably also have a severe impact for the residential communities located along the A617, including the already overwhelmed Kelham Bridge, resulting in increased noise, vibration, and dirt pollution, and further increase the risk of injury/death. Increased HGV traffic will inevitably cause damage to the road surface and to the edges of the roads resulting in an increased risk to motorists AND to an increase cost for Newark & Sherwood District Council and Nottinghamshire County Council when undertaking the inevitable repairs. Summary – less than 100 words (if comments are longer than 100 words) I object to proposed plan to locate a sand & gravel pit aloing the A617 near to Averham due to:• the potential damage to the road; • the economic cost of road repair ; • the negative social impact on the villages; • the increase dangers to road users • the increase dangers to pedestrians in Hockerton & Kirklington Change to plan (how you would like the plan to be changed to address your comments) Decline the proposed site at Flash Farm. Signed Date
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