ISSN: 2319-8753 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Issue 11, November 2014 Cellular Lightweight Concrete Using Fly Ash P.S.Bhandari1 , Dr. K.M.Tajne 2 Assistant Professor, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 1 Assistant Professor, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India 2 ABSTRACT: Cellu lar Light weight Concrete (CLW C) is not a new invention in concrete world. It has been known since ancient times. It was made using natural aggregates of volcanic origin such as pumice, scoria, etc. The Greeks and the Ro mans used pumice in building construction. In this paper, parametric experimental study for producing CLW C using fly ash is presented. The performance o f cellu lar lightweight concrete in term of density and compressive strength are investigated. From the result, it can be seen that compressive strength for cellular light weight concrete is low for lo wer density mixture. The increments of void throughout the sample caused by the foam in the mixture lowers the density. As a result, compressive strength will also decrease with the increments in void. As strength increases its density also increases. The test result shows that the compressive strength of replacement mixture with 1% of foam is higher than of 1.4% foam. Co mpressive strength of mixture with 1.2% foam is slightly higher than that of 1.4% foam. In this experimental study, two grades of cement such as 53 and 43 grade cement are used. Co mpressive strength of 53 grade cement is slightly higher than 43 grade cement. KEYWORDS: cellular light weight concrete, CLWC, fly ash, volcanic, pumice, foam, Co mpressive strength. I. INTRODUCTION Concrete is most important construction materials. Concrete is a material used in building construction, consisting of a hard, chemically inert particu late substance, known as an aggregate that is bonded together by cement and water. In upcoming years there has been an increasing worldwide demand for the construction of buildings, roads and an airfield which has mit igate the raw material in concrete like aggregate. In some ruler areas, the huge quantities of aggregate that have already been used means that local materials are no longer available and the d eficit has to be made up by importing materials fro m other place. Therefore a new direction towards Cellular Lightweight Concrete in building and civil engineering construction is used. The orig in of the CLW C is d ifficult to assess, it would not be an exaggeration to say that its roots are fro m the ancient period. With the increase in the demand of CLW C and the unavailability of the aggregates, technology for producing lightweight aggregates has been developed. Lightweight concrete is the type of concrete which includes an expanding agent in that it increases the volume of the mixture and lessened the dead weight. It is lighter than the conventional concrete. It was first introduced by the Ro mans in the second century where ‘The Pantheon’ has been construct ed using pumice. It is most common type of aggregate used in second century. CLW C can be achieved by o mitting the finer sizes of the aggregate or replacing them by a light weight, cellular or porous aggregate. Particularly, lightweight concrete can be categorized into three groups: i) No-fines concrete. ii) Lightweight aggregate concrete. iii) Aerated/Foamed concrete/cellu lar concrete/gas concrete. (Hjh Kamsiah Mohd, et al.) II. MATERIALS Cellu lar lightweight concrete is slurry of cement, sand, water, fly ash and preformed stable foam generated by foam generating machine. 53 and 43 grade Ordinary Po rtland Cement is used. In this mix, one part of cementious material (i.e. cement and fly ash) and 3 part of sand is used. This dry material is properly mixed in a concrete mixer. After dry mixing, water is added and mixed it until homogeneous mix is formed. While mixing, 1% foaming agent (of Copyright to IJIRSET DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2014.0311076 17635 ISSN: 2319-8753 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Issue 11, November 2014 cementious material) are added and mixed it. Due to foaming agent and mixing process, air voids are generated resulting decrease in density. Then this material is poured in a concrete mould and after 24 hours put it for curing. Co mpressive strength is determined for 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. Three samples are p repared for each test and average of these three is taken. Materials Used: 1) Ordinary Port land cement: –53 grade and 43 grade cement is used 2) Sand: - Sand passing through 2.36 mm IS sieve. 3) Water: - Potable water as per IS 456:2000 is used. 4) Fly ash: - Pozzolona fly ash is taken fro m ash-silo Khaperkheda Therma l power plant, Nagpur. 5) Foaming agent: - Foam generating admixture by SIKA A ER is used. FIG .1 SHOWS MIX PREPARED FIG .2 SHOWS CUBES PREPARED FO R TEST III. TES T RES ULTS In this section, discussions are focused on the performance of lightweight concrete. The results presented are regarding the compressive strength test and density for 53 and 43 grade OPC mix for Cellular lightweight concrete. Table1shows 28 days compressive strength and density for 53 OPC 53 grade OPC Avg.compressive Avg. density in strength in MPa kg/m3 Copyright to IJIRSET 1 14.73 1850 2 13.72 1822.10 3 13.69 1820 4 10.96 1819 5 10.47 1817 DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2014.0311076 17636 ISSN: 2319-8753 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Issue 11, November 2014 6 10.03 1817 7 9.64 1816 8 9.45 1815 9 9.45 1814.45 10 6.68 1649.27 11 6.38 1620.11 12 6.20 1615.15 13 6.18 1615.15 14 6.20 1613 15 5.07 1507.58 Fro m Tab le 1, it can be seen that compressive strength for cellular lightweight concrete is lo w for lower density mixtu re. Table2 shows 28 days compressive strength and density for 43grade OPC 43 grade OPC Avg.compressive strength in MPa Avg.density in kg/ m3 1 13.78 1828.58 2 11.09 1811.60 3 4 10.84 9.43 1810 1808 5 8.35 1801.31 6 8.39 1801.26 7 8.61 1790.82 8 8.23 1788.23 9 6.58 1651.31 10 6.07 1607.58 11 5.41 1561.80 12 5.38 1532.65 13 4.89 1461.35 14 4.41 1449.27 15 4.84 1423.65 Fro mTable2, it can be seen that compressive strength for cellular lightweight concrete is lo w fo r lower density mixtu re. Copyright to IJIRSET DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2014.0311076 17637 ISSN: 2319-8753 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Issue 11, November 2014 28 days compressive strength in Mpa 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1.4 1.45 1.5 281.55 1.6 1.65 1.7 31.75 1.8 1.85 days density in gram/cm compressive strength for different density for 43 opc Graph (1) shows the comparison of compressive strength and density for 53 and 43 grade OPC Fro m Graph1, it can be found that Compressive strength of 53 grade cement is slightly higher than 43 g rade cement, but as strength increases its density also increases. III. CONCLUSION The purpose of this experiment study is to identify the performance of cellu lar lightweight concrete in term of density and compressive strength. The results are presented in Table No. 1, 2 and graphical representation of compressive strength and density is illustrated in Graph (1). Based on result it can be seen that co mpres sive strength for cellular lightweight concrete is lo w for lower density mixture. The increments of voids throughout the sample caused by the foam in the mixture lower the density. As a result, compressive strength also decreases with the increment of thos e voids. Co mpressive strength of 53 g rade cement is slightly higher than 43 grade cement, but as strength increases its density also increases. Cellular lightweight concrete is acceptable for framed structure. Cellular light weight concrete can be suitable for earthquake areas. R EFERENCES [1] Hjh Kamsiah Mohd, Mohamad Shazli Fathi,Norpadzlihatun bte Manaf “study of lightweight concrete behavior”, Vol No : 71908 [2] Mohd Roji Samidi,(1997). First report research project on lightweight concrete, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor Bahru. [3] Formed Lightweight Concrete. 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