Days DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH & MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW Under graduate Time-table for the session 2013-14 (Tentative) B.A.I : Room No.30 B.A.II : Room No.28 B.A.III : Room No.33 12:05-1:00 8:25-9:20 9:20-10:15 10:15-11:10 11:10Period-VI Period-II Period-III Period-IV 12:05 Period-V Mon B.A.I Paper-II (SGP) B.A.II Paper-I (VMD) B.A.I Paper-I (HNP) Tue B.A.I Paper-II (SGP) B.A.II Paper-I (VMD) B.A.I Paper-II (ONU) Wed B.A.I Paper-II (SGP) B.A.II Paper-I (VMD) B.A.I Paper-I (HNP) Thu B.A.I Paper-I (VMD) B.A.II Paper-II (SGP) B.A.I Paper-I (HNP) Fri B.A.I Paper-I (VMD) B.A.II Paper-II (SGP) B.A.I Paper-II (ONU) Sat B.A.I Paper-I (VMD) B.A.II Ppaer-II (SGP) B.A.I Paper-II (ONU) B.A.I PaperII(MT)/(SGP) B.A.II Paper-I (NH) B.A.III Paper-II (NK) B.A.I Paper-II (MT)/(SGP) B.A.II Paper-I (NH) B.A.III Paper-II (NK) B.A.I PaperII(MT)/SGP) B.A.II Paper-I (NH) B.A.III Paper-III (SMM) B.A.I Paper-I (FR) B.A.II Paper-II (MT)/(PM) B.A.III Paper-III (SMM) B.A.I Paper-I (FR) B.A.II Paper-II (MT)/(PM) B.A.III Paper-I (HNP) B.A.I Paper-I (FR) B.A.II Paper-II (MT)/(PM) B.A.III Paper-I (HNP) 1:00-1:55 PeriodVII B.A.III Paper-III (FR) B.A.I Paper-I (HNP) B.A.II Paper-I(RPS) B.A.III Paper-III(NSR) B.A.II Paper-I (MT)/ (VMD) B.A.III Paper-III (FR) B.A.I Paper-I (HNP) B.A.II Paper-I(RPS) B.A.III Paper-III (NSR) B.A.II Paper-I (MT)/ (VMD) B.A.III Paper-I (MPRI) B.A.I Paper-I (HNP) B.A.II Paper-I(RPS) B.A.III Paper-II (VMD) B.A.II Paper-I (MT)/ (VMD) B.A.III Paper-I (MPRI) B.A.I Paper-II(NK) B.A.II Paper-II (HNP) B.A.III Paper-II (VMD) B.A.II Paper-II (RBS) B.A.III Paper-II (MT)/ (HNP) B.A.I Paper-II(NK) B.A.II Paper-II (HNP) B.A.III Paper-I (NH) B.A.II Paper-II (RBS) B.A.III Paper-II (MT)/ (HNP) B.A.I Paper-II(NK) B.A.II Paper-II (HNP) B.A.III Paper-I (NH) B.A.II Paper-II (RBS) NSR: Nasreen, MPRI: M. Priyadarshni, NH: Nishat Haider, RBS: R.B. Sharma, RPS: R.P. Singh, HNP: H.N. Prasad, FR: Fatima Rizvi, NK: Nazneen Khan, MT: Mohd. Tariq, VMD: VM David, SMM: SM Mirza, SGP: S.G. Puri, ONU: O.N. Upadhyay Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept. of English,L.U. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH & MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW B.A. I (Hons.) English Time-table for the session 2013-14 (Tentative) B.A. (Hons.) Part-I (Room No.30) Days Period-V 11:10 – 12:05 Monday Paper-I (Dr. V.M. David) Tuesday Paper-I (Dr. V.M. David) Wednesday Paper-II (Dr. Meenakshi Pawha) Thursday Paper-III (Dr. Fatima Rizvi) Friday Saturday Paper-III (Dr. Fatima Rizvi) Paper-II (Dr. Meenaskhi Pawha) Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept. of English Lucknow University Lucknow. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH & MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW B.A. II (Hons.) English Time-table for the session 2013-14 (Tentative) B.A. (Hons.) Part-II (Room No.28) Days Period-V 11:10 – 12:05 Monday Paper-I (Dr. O. N. Upadhyay) Tuesday Paper-I (Dr. O.N. Upadhyay) Wednesday Paper-II (Dr. S.M. Mirza) Thursday Paper-II (Dr. S.M. Mirza) Friday Saturday Paper-III (Dr. R.P. Singh) Paper-III (Dr. R.P. Singh) Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept. of English Lucknow University Lucknow. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH & MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW B.A. III (Hons.) English Time-table for the session 2013-14 (Tentative) B.A. (Hons.) Part-III Days Monday Period-IV 10:15-11:10 Paper-I Unit-IV (Dr. M. Singh) Tuesday Paper-IV Unit-IV (Dr. Nasreen) Wednesday Paper-IV Unit-II (Dr. R. Uniyal) Paper-I Unit-III (Dr. O.N. Upadhyay) Paper-V Unit-II & III (Dr. R.P. Singh) Paper-III Unit-II & IV (Dr. S.M. Mirza) Thursday Friday Saturday Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept. of English Lucknow University Lucknow. (Room No.31) Period-V 11:10-12:05 Paper-VI Unit-II & III (Dr. Nazneen Khan) Paper-II Unit-II & IV (Dr. Nishi Pandey) Paper-IV Unit-V (Dr. R.B. Sharma) Paper-IV Unit-II (Dr. R. Uniyal) Paper-I Unit-IV (Dr.M. Singh) Period-VI 12:05-1:00 Paper-VI Unit-IV & V (Dr. M. Priyadarshini) Period-VII 1:00 – 1:55 Paper-V Unit-II & III (Dr. R.P. Singh) Period-VIII 1:55 - 2:50 Paper-III Unit-III & V (Dr. R.B. Sharma) Paper-V Unit-IV & V (Dr. Fatima Rizvi) Paper-IV Unit-III (Dr. Nishat Haider) Paper-IV Unit-IV (Dr.Nasreen) Paper-VI Unit-IV & V (Dr. M. Priyadarshini) Paper-V Unit-IV & V (Dr. Fatima Rizvi) Paper-IV Unit-IV (Dr. Nasreen) Paper-VI Unit- II & III (Dr.Nazneen Khan) Paper-II Unit-II & IV (Dr. Nishi Pandey) Paper-I Unit-II (Dr. Nasreen) Paper-I Unit-III (Dr. O.N. Upadhyay) Paper-IV Unit-III (Dr.Nishat Haider) Paper-III Unit-III & V (Dr. R.B. Sharma) Paper-I Unit-V (Dr.R.P. Singh) Paper-II Unit-V (Dr.O.N. Upadhyay) Paper-II Unit-II (Dr. V.P. Singh) Paper-III Unit-II & IV (Dr. S.M. Mirza) DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW TIME TABLE FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 (Tentative) M.A. (English) IIIrd Semester Days 9.20 – 10.15 Paper-IXA 10.15 – 11.10 Paper-IXB 11.10 – 12.05 Paper-XIB 12.05 – 1.00 Paper-XA 1.00 - 1.55 Paper-XIIA Mon Unit-I (VPS) Plath (Amitav Ghosh, Naipaul and Soyinka) Paper-IXA Paper-IXB Unit-I (NP) (Stevens, and Rich) (RBS) (Stylistics Discourse Analysis) Unit-I and (SMM) (Clarke Wells) Unit-I (MP) and Paper-XA Paper-XIB Paper-XIIA Tues Paper-IXB Unit-II and (MS) (Christie and Fleming) Paper-XA Unit-II (MP) Paper-IXA (RBS) (Stylistics Discourse Analysis) Paper-XIB Unit-III (NP) (Sam Shepard and Edward Albee) Paper-IXB Unit-III (RBS) (Stylistics (NSR) (S. Rushdie and Discourse Achebe) Analysis) Paper-IXB Paper-IXA Unit-III and (VPS) (Seth and Aitkin) Paper-XIIB Unit-III (MS) Unit-III (NK) (J.Mahapatra, A.K. Ramanujan) Paper-XIA Unit-IV (RPS) (Canadian Lit) Unit-III (RBS) Paper-XB Unit-II (MP) (Australian Lit.) Unit-IV (VPS) (Short Stories) Paper-XIIA Wed Paper-XIIA Thur Unit-III (NH) (Morrison,Bellow and Faulkner) Paper-IXA Term Paper (RU) Unit-IV (MS) Paper-XIA Paper-XB Unit-I (SMM) Unit-IV (VPS) (Short Stories) Unit-II (SMM) Paper-XIA Paper-XB Paper-XB Unit-III (MPRI) (Gandhi, Nirad C. Chaudhari) Paper-XA Paper-XIA Fri Sat Unit-I Unit-IV Unit-IV Unit-II Unit-IV (FR) (RBS) (RU) (MP) (MPRI) (Narayan (Ramanujan, (Karnad and (Rushdie and Malgaonkar and Kamala Das, Currimbhoy) Bond) Mulk Raj Anand) Ezekiel etc. RU: Ranu Uniyal, VPS: V.P. Singh, NP: Nishi Pandey, NSR: Nasreen, MPRI: M. Priyadarshani, NH: Nishat Haider, MP: Meenakshi Pawha, MS: Madhu Singh, RPS: R.P. Singh, NK: Nazneen Khan, ONU: Onkar Nath Upadhyay, SGP: Shiv Govind Puri, FR: Fatima Rizvi, HNP: Hari Narayan Prasad, RBS: R.B. Sharma, SMM: S.M. Mirza Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept.of English & M.E.L., L.U. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW TIME TABLE FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 M.A. (English) Ist Semester Days 9.20 – 10.15 Paper-III 10.15 – 11.10 Paper-III 11.10 – 12.05 Paper-II 12.05 – 1.00 Paper-I 1.00 – 1:55 Paper-II Unit-I (ONU) (Arnold) Unit-II (MPRI) (Wordsworth) Unit-I (RU) (Dryden Pope) Unit-I (MT)/(RPS) and (Bacon) Unit-IV (FR) (Defoe Fielding) Paper-III Paper-III Paper-II Paper-I Paper-II Unit-IV (HNP) (Ruskin) Paper-II Unit-I Unit-II (RU) (RPS) (Dryden (Tennyson, Arnold and Pope) Browning)) Paper-III Paper-I Unit-II (VMD) (Donne and Marvel) Paper-III Unit-III (VPS) (Thomas Hardy) Paper-I Unit-III (VMD) (Charles Dickens) Unit-III (MS) (Marlowe and Ben Johnson) Paper-I Paper-II Unit-IV (NP) (Hamlet) Unit-II (VMD) (Paradise Lost) Paper-II Paper-III Mon and Tues Unit-IV (MP) and (Tempest) Unit-IV (FR) (Defoe Fielding) and Paper-III Paper-I Unit-III (MS) (Marlowe and Ben Johnson) Paper-IV (NSR) (Structure of English) Unit-I (ONU) (Social and Int. Background) Paper-I Unit-II (SMM) (Chaucer) Unit-IV (NP) Hamlet) Unit-III (MPRI) (Emma and Jane Austen) Paper-IV (NSR) (Structure of English) Paper-II Paper-I Paper-IV (NSR) (Structure Engilsh) Paper-II Wed Thur Fri Sat Paper-III Unit-III Unit-II (SGP) (SMM) (Webster and (Spenser) Congreve) Paper-III Unit-II Unit-IV of Unit-III Unit-II (ONU) (VMD) (NSR) (SGP) (Paradise (J.S. Mill) (Webster and (Coleridge and Lost) Congreve) Keats) RU: Ranu Uniyal, NP: Nishi Pandey, VPS: VP Singh, NSR: Nasreen, MPRI: M. Priyadarshani, NH: Nishat Haider, MP: Meenakshi Pawha, MS: Madhu Singh, RPS: R.P. Singh, NK: Nazneen Khan, ONU: Onkar Nath Upadhyay, SGP: Shiv Govind Puri, FR: Fatima Rizvi, HNP: Hari Narayan Prasad, RBS: R.B. Sharma, MT: Mohd. Tariq, VMD: VM David, SMM: SM Mirza Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept. of English, L.U. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW TIME TABLE FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 (Tentative) M.Phil. (English) IInd Semester Days Monday Tuesday 12.05 – 1.00 Paper-I Unit-I (NP) (Langston Hughes and Hansberry) Paper-I Unit-II (NH) 1.00 - 1.55 Paper-I Unit-III (VPS) Paper-I Unit-IV (NP) (Wendy Rose) Wednesday Paper-I Unit-II (NH) Paper-I Unit-I (ONU) (Gloria Naylor) Thursday Paper-I Unit-III (VPS) Paper-I Unit-II (ONU) (Saul Bellow) Paper-I Unit-IV (SGP) (N.Scott Momaday) Paper-I Unit-IV (SGP) (Leslie Silko) Paper-I Unit-III (NP) (Amy Tan) Paper-I Unit-I (NP) (Langston Hughes and Hansberry) Friday Saturday Marmom NP: Nishi Pandey, VPS: V.P. Singh, NH : Nishat Haider, ONU: Onkar Nath Upadhyay, SGP: Shiv Govind Puri Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept.of English & M.E.L. Lucknow University DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW TIME TABLE FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 M.Phil. (English) Semester-I Days Mon 9:20-10:15 10:15-11:10 11:10-12:05 12:05-1:00 1:00-1:55 Paper-II Paper-III Paper-II Paper-I Paper-III Unit-III Unit-III Unit-IV Unit-II Unit-III (SMM) (NK) (RBS) (FR) (NSR) Paper-III Paper-III Paper-II Paper-II TUE Paper-I Unit-II Unit-II Unit-III Unit-II Unit-III (RU) (VPS) (SMM) (HNP) (NP) Paper-III Paper-II Paper-III Paper-I WED Paper-III Unit-II Unit-III Unit-IV Unit-IV Unit-III (VPS) (SMM) (SGP) (RBS) (MPRI) THUR Paper-II Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III Paper-III Unit-II Unit-IV Unit-IV Unit-IV Unit-V (MT)/(NP) (NP) (RBS) (MP) (RPS) FRI Paper-II Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III Paper-III Unit-V Unit-V Unit-IV Unit-IV Unit-V (MS) (MS) (RBS) (MP) (RPS) Sat Paper-I Paper-II Paper-I Paper-III Paper-II Unit-III Unit-II Unit-V Unit-V Unit-V (NP) (VMD) (MS) (RPS) (MS) NP: Nishi Pandey, RU: Ranu Uniyal, VPS: V.P Singh, NSR:Nasreen, MPRI: M. Priyadarshani, NH: Nishat Haider, MP: Meenakshi Pahwa, MS: Madhu Singh, RPS: R.P. Singh, NK: N. Khan, FR: Fatima Rizvi, RBS: R.B.Sharma, SMM: SM Mirza,VMD: V.M David, HNP: HN Prasad, MT: Mohd. Tariq Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept. of English, Lucknow University Lucknow. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW TIME TABLE FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 (Tentative) M.A. (English) IInd Semester Days 2:50 Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat 9:20-10:15 10:15-11:10 11:10 – 12:05 Paper-V Unit-III & IV (NP) (Waiting for Godot and To the Light House) Paper-V Unit-I (Albert Camus) and Paper-VIII Unit-III (Bharti Mukherjee) (ONU) Paper-VII Paper-VI Unit-IV (RBS) (Contemporary Theory) Paper-VI Unit-I (MS) (Indian Literary Theories) Paper-VII Paper-V Unit-II (NSR) (The Wasteland and Hopkins) Paper-VII Paper-VI Unit-III (NP) (T.S. Eliot) Paper-VIII Unit-II (MS) (Mahadevi Verma and Mahashweta Devi) Paper-V Unit-I (Sartre) and Paper-VIII Unit-III (Anita Desai) (RU) Paper-VI Unit-II (HNP) (Arnold Coleridge) Paper-VIII Unit-II (MS) (Mahadevi Verma and Mahashweta Devi) Paper-V Unit-IV (MP) (Man Superman) Paper-VI Unit-IV (RBS) (Contemporary Theory) Paper-VI Unit-I (NP) (Aristotle) Paper-VI Unit-I (MS) (Indian Literary Theories) and (RBS) (English Language Teaching) 12:05 – 1:00 (RBS) (English Language Teaching) (RBS) (English Language Teaching) Paper-VI Unit-II (VMD) (Sidney Dryden) and 1:00 – 1:55 Paper-VIII Unit-I (RU) ( Beauvoir and V.Woolf) Paper-V Unit-II (NH) (Ted Hughes, S. Heaney) Paper-VI Unit-I (NP) (Aristotle The Poetics) Paper-VIII Unit-I (RU) ( Beauvoir and V. Woolf) Paper-V Unit-I (Albert Camus) and Paper-VIII Unit-III (Bharti Mukherjee) (ONU) Paper-V Unit-IV (MP) (Man and Superman) Paper-VI Unit-III (SMM) (Wimsatt Richards) Paper-V Unit-II (NSR) (The Waste Land and Hopkins) Paper-VI Unit-III (NP) (T.S. Eliot) 1:55 - Seminar Seminar ____ Paper-VIII Unit-IV (NH) (Durrani and Kingston) ____ ____ Paper-V Paper-V Unit-III Unit-II (ONU) (MP) Seminar (Sons and (Yeats) Lovers, Lord of the Flies) RU: Ranu Uniyal, VPS: VP Singh, NP: Nishi Pandey, NSR: Nasreen, MPRI: Maitrayi Priyadarshani, MT: Mohd Tariq MS: Madhu Singh, NH: Nishat Haider, RPS: R.P. Singh, NK: Nazneen Khan, FR: Fatima Rizvi, HNP: Hari Narayan Prasad, RBS: R.B. Sharma VMD: Vineet M. David SMM: S.M. Mirza, ONU: Onkar Nath Upadhyay, SGP: Shiv Govind Puri Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept.of English & M.E.L., L.U. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW TIME TABLE FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 Ph.D. Course Work in English Days Mon 1:05 – 2:05 2:10 – 3:10 Paper-II Paper-I Unit-II (Research & Selection of Unit-III & V Topic) (RU & SMM) (HNP) Unit-III (MS) (Citation and Documentation) Tues Wed Paper-III Unit- IV (VPS)-(Marquez & Paz) (NP)-(Walker & Dove) Seminar/Project work/ Term paper (NP) Paper-I Unit-V (ONU)-Machanics of Writing Paper-III Unit-V (RPS) Unit-IV (FR/NP)-Practical Criticism Thur Paper-III Unit-II (NK & NSR) Paper-III Unit-III (MP) Fri Paper-II Unit-IV (NH) Sat Paper-II Unit-II & V (AK & RBS) Paper-I Unit-III Library/Literature Review/Use of Computers (NP) Seminar/Project work/ Term Paper (MPRI) RU: Ranu Uniyal, VPS: V.P. Singh, NH: Nishat Haider, MS: Madhu Singh, MP: M. Pawha, RPS: R.P. Singh, NK: N. Khan, ONU: O.N.Upadhayay, NSR: Nasreen, MPRI: M. Priyadarshini,SMM : S.M.Mirza, RBS: R.B. Sharma, FR: F. Rizvi, HNP : H.N. Prasad, Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept. of English & M.E.L.,L.U. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND MODERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY OF LUCKNOW TIME TABLE FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 (Tentative) M.A. Semester- IV(English) Days Mon 9:20 – 10:15 Paper-XIVC Unit-I (MS) 10:15–11:15 Paper-XIVC Unit-II (RBS) Paper-VIVB Unit-I (RPS) Tues Paper-XIVC Unit-I (MS) Paper-XIVC Unit-IV (SMM) Paper-XIVB Unit-II (RPS) Wed Paper-XIVC Unit-II (RBS) Paper-XIVC Unit-III (MS) Paper-XIVB Unit-II (RPS) Thur Fri Sat Paper-XVIB Unit-IV (Anne, Yasmine) (NH) Paper-XIVA Unit-IV (VMD) Paper-XIVA Unit-III (SGP) Paper-XVIB Unit-I Harvest (MP) 11:10 – 12:05 Paper-XVIB Unit-IV Shyam Michael (RPS) Paper-XVIA Unit-I (SGP) 12:05 – 1:00 Paper-XIVA Unit-II (VPS) 1:00 – 1:55 Paper-XVC Unit-I (HNP) Paper-XIVB Unit-III (FR) Paper-XVB Unit-I (NP) Paper-XVIB Unit-II (Ghosh, Naheed, A.Ali) (NH) Paper-XVIA Unit-I (SGP) Paper-XIVA Unit-III (SGP) Paper-XVC Unit-I (HNP) Paper-XVIB Unit-II M. Ali Shamsie (FR) Paper-XIVA Unit-II (VPS) Paper-XVC Unit-III (NSR) Paper-XIVB Unit-IV (FR) Paper-XVB Unit-IV (MP) Paper-XVA Translation (MS) Paper-XV C Unit-II (MPRI) Paper-XIVA Unit-I (NK) Paper-XVB Unit-II (NP) Paper-XIVB Unit-IV (FR) Paper-XVIB Unit-III (VPS) Paper-XVC Unit-II (MPRI) Paper-XVIB Unit-I Rich Like Us Agha Shahid Ali (RU) Paper-XVA Translation (MS) Paper-XVIB Unit-I The GlassPalace (MS) Paper-XVA Translation (MS) Paper-XVC (Samskara) (SGP) 1:55- 2:50 Seminar Seminar Paper-XVB Unit-III (MP) Paper-XVB (NP) Paper-XVIA Unit-II (MP) Paper-XVIA Unit-III (MP) Paper-XVIA Unit-IV (NH) Paper-XVB Unit-IV (MP) Paper-XVIB Unit-III (VPS) Paper-XVIA Unit-IV (NH) Paper-XVIA Unit-IV (NH) Seminar NP: Nishi Pandey,RU: Ranu Uniyal, VPS: VP Singh, NSR:Nasreen, MPRI: Maitrayi Priyadarshani, NH: Nishat Haider, MP:M. Pawha MS: Madhu Singh, RPS: R.P. Singh, NK: N. Khan, FR: FatimaRizvi, RBS: R.B.Sharma, SMM: SM Mirza, VMD: VM David, HNP: HN Prasad, MT: Mohd. Tariq, ONU: Onkar Nath Upadhyay, SGP: Shiv Govind Puri Prof. Nishi Pandey Head, Dept. of Englsih, L.U.
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