SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY N*'li-t'on.No SSi UCC (Establishedunder settio" I of the "'at "o-f of lndia) F-9-1212@1-U'3 of the Government la]9-td9:- -*D;te:lbbslzoir ll4s9-xl9 s/0't-<a:g"errd-!: Rersiu/ExAN[/6n 2014 Circular No' SIU/Exam/ 25 of October FacultY of Law Schoor(sLS -N) to be Law symbiosis of LLB. BBA. & Timetabrefor BA. LLB. heldin October2014' l.Thi.scodeofconductshallbedisplayedineachblockbytheinstitutes' 2.Candidatesarerequiredtobepresentattherespectiveblockofexamination examination' nt."n minutesbeiorethe "o-*"n""*"nt of the Examination Hall after 3. Candidates are not allowed to enter commencemento|theexaminationrrnlessexplicitlypermittedbytheChief Conductorbut not beyond15minutes' 4'CandidatesarenotallowedtoleavetheExaminationHallforthefirst30 minutes,aftercommeniementof examination' 5.CandidatesareforbiddenfromtakinganymaterialintotheExaminationHal that canbe usedfor malpracticeat the time of examination' 6.Studentsarenotallowedtocalryanyelectronicdevicessuchasmobile phones,audio/videoplayersin the ExaminationHall' devicesarenot 7. Useof scientific calculator,electronicdictionariesandsimilar allowedunlessanduntilitisexplicitlypermittedintheconcemedquestion paper. the body' 8. The student must ensurethat nothing is written on any part of clothesandanybelongingscarriedin theExaminationHall' and 9. It is the responsibilityof the candidateto notethe examinationtimetable centreof, any changestherea{ier,as displayedon the notice boardsat the examination 10.candidate/sslrouldbring Identity card as well as ExaminationAdmit card .'Hallticket) at tlre time of Examination' a changein date or time fixed for 11. Requestfor any special concessionssuch as reasons. the university Exlminations shall not be grantedfor any pencil, scalesand water LZ. Candidatesshould bring with him/her their own Pen, bottles. ink only' Use of Pencil 13. Candidateshould write answersin BLUE/BLACK graphs etc' Scripts and other colors are perrnittedonly in case of diagrams' written with pencil oiit t of other colorswill not be evaluated. supplement/swritten in 14. Candidatesare not allowed to carry answerbook/s or or blank while leavingthe ExaminationHall. with any other 15. Candidatesare not allowed to communicatein any manner candidatesin the examinationhall while the examinationis in progress16. Candidatesshouldnot write anythingon the questionpaper' 17. Candidatesare required to follow the instruction/sgiven by the Senior/Junior Supervisor. l g. Candidatesshould not behavein rude OR disobedientmannerwith any staff during the examination. 19. The Examinationwill be held at SymbiosisLaw School(SLS N). 20. The Examinationwill be conductedin the following order: $,r^FIt Controllerof Examinations SyMBIOSI S NTE RI{ATIONALLrl\UVfRSITY ExaminationTimeTable- october2014 Institute:SLS(Noida) Progranme Name:BA.LLB' & BBA'LLB' Semester- I 2010-15@acklog) Batch: 2014-19(Fresh)2013-18,2012-11,2011-16' Day & Date Time Course Code Course Name 0rcznala2 TuesdaY 28-10-2014 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0r02240r02 Law of Tort including MV Accident and 05 ConsumerProtection Laws I 01022301 05 0l 022401 0102230103 0102240103Jurisprudence(Legal Method, Indian Legal WednesdaY 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0 1 0 2 2 3 0 1 0 System, and Basic Theory of Law) 4 29-10-2014 arc2240104 0102230101 Thursday 10.00amto 12.30Pm ua2240l0l English 30-10-2014 Friday 13 l 0-2a14 10.00amto 12.30Pm Friday 31-10-2014 10.00amto 12.30Pm Friday 10.00amto 12.30Pm ua2nu04 Institutions in Ancient and Medieval India) For BALL.B, Batsh2014- 15) -16, 0r02230104H"t"ty (Batch 2013-18,2012-17,201 l 2 0 10 - l 5 ) 01azn0ra2 0102230104 0r02240104 i Gutrtr 2ol4-lg) Organisation of Business ITundamentals 010224UA1 Friday 10.00amto 12.30Pm 01a2240102 2012-17 z0t3-18, ,2011-16,2a10-15) I 1Butrtt 31-10-2a14 3l-rc-2014 I Saturday 0l -1 1-2014 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0102230105 Sociology(ForBALL.B) 0s 01022301 SaturdaY 10.00amto 12.30Pm a102240r0s 0l - 1r-2014 BusinessAccounting (BBA LLB) (Batch 2014-19) I (BBA LLB) (Batch2013-18, Accounting 010224010s Saturday 10.00amto 12.30Pm ua2240103 2012-17,201I -16, 2010-I 5) 01-11-2014 \$P\Jt-Ex Cont ro ll er5f Es (Nrid"yn . iober 2tl4 / Timetable amin ations Page1 ProgrammeName:BA'LLB' & BBA'LLB' Semester- II Batch:2013-18,20|2-|7,70||-16,2010-15(Backlog) CourseName Day & Date MondaY t 3-10-2014 0102230202 and arc2240202 Law of Tort including MV Accident 10.00amto 12.30Pm 01022302a5Consumer Protection Laws II 010224020s TuesdaY 10.00am to 12.30Pm 14-10-2014 0r0223020r 0r02240201Law of Contract 0102230204 0n2240204 0102230204 (ForBALL.B) 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0rc2230202HistoryII l5-10-2aA 0n2240204 PrinciplesandPracticesof Business WednesdaY (ForBBALL'B) arc2240202 Management 15-l0-2014 a102240205 Accounting II (CorporateAccounts) ThursdaY 12.30 to am 10.00 Pm 0rc2240203 (For BBALL.B) l6- I 0-2014 WednesdaY arc2n0205 I (For BALL'B) 10.00amto 12.30Pm anzn0203 Political Science Friday t7 -10-2014 10.00amto 12.30Pm anzn0203English(Advanced)(ForBALL.B) 0t02n02al 10.00am to 12.30Pm u0224A203 ManagerialEconomics(For BBALL.B) 0102240201 Controllei of Examinations ! ' Sr,S1NoiA"11 C:tober 2O14/ Timetable Page2 Programme Name: BA.LLB. & BBA.LLB. Sernester- III Batch: 2013-18(Fresh) 2&12-17,2Ul1-16, 2010-15(Backlog) Day& Date Tuesday 28-lA-2014 Time 2.00pm to 4.30pm Course Code CourseName 0102230308 0r02240308 0r02230302 ConstitutionalLaws I 0t02240302 0l 02230305 0r02240305 0102230309 0102240309 Wednesday 29-r0-2AA 2.40pm to 4.30pm ara2na303 Familv Law I 4r42240303 0r02230304 4102240304 araznB07 Thursday 2.00pm to 4.30pm 30-10-2014 Friday 3l-1A-20r4 Friday 3l-l a-2aw Friday 3t-rc-20t4 Friday 3l-10-2014 Saturday 0l-1r-20t4 Saturday 0l-ll.zarc 2.00pm to 4.30pm 2.00pm to 4.30pm 2.00pm to 4.30pm 4r42240307 0r0223030 I SpecialContract 4ra2240301 0102230303 0102248A3 01022303I 0 EffectiveCommunication Skills(For 0r02230304B A L L . B )( 2 0 1 3 - 1&8, 2 j n - r 7 ) Business andManagerialCommunication 4102240310 (ForBBALL.B)(2013-18, 2012-17 &.20110102240304 16) Effective CommunicationSkills (For 4r02240301 (2010-15 BBALL.B) ) 2.40pm to 4.30pm ua2nBa2 Economics (BA LLB) (Batch2010-15& 2.00pm to 4.30pm 0r022403r1 41a224030s QuantitativeTechniques(BBA 0r02230304201r-16) LLB) 0102240302 2.AApm to 4.30pm 0102230-?01 0l 02230305PoliticalScienceI (BA LLB) 0r0223031 I 'flUtt"tt coutrolltii6-....-f E*aminatiops SLS(Noida) / Ot'oberz014 / Timetable page 3 ProgrammcNamc:BA.LLB. & BBA'LLB' Semester- IV Batch: 2tl2-17,2011-16,2010-15(Becklog) Day & Date Time Course Code CourseName olo223u4v t Monday 13-l0-2014 2.00pm to 4.30Pm ua224040r Law of Crimes:PaPerI: PenalCode 0r0223040s 0102240405 Tuesday 14-10-2014 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 0102230402 0102240402ConstitutionalLaws I arc2n0403 a102240403 2.0Apm to 4.30Pm 0r02240404 0102230404 FamilyLaw I 0r02230403 an2240403 ThursdaY r 6-l 0-2014 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 0r02240404(2011- 16,2012-17) Thursday l6-10-2014 2.A0pm to 4.30Pm WednesdaY 15-10-2av Thursday t6-10-2014 Thursday 16-10-2ar4 Friday t7 -la-2014 Friday t7-10-2a14 (For BB.A'LL.B) MarketingManagement arc2n0444Effestive CommunicationSkills (For 0102230401BALL.B) (2010-15, 201I -16) 2.0Apm to 4.30Pm (ForBA LLB) (2012-17) u02na404 Economics 2.00pm to 4.30Pm BusinessandManagerialCommunication 0102240441 (For BBALL.B)(2010-1s) 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 0102240405 Or ganizationalBehaviour (For BBALL.B) 0102240402 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 0r0223040sPoliticalScienceIII (For BALL.B) 0r02230402 Controller of Examin ati,ons _-- SLs(") I O, :ober 2014/ Timetable Page4 ProgrammeName: BA.LLB' & BBA'LLB' -V Semester Batch: 201l-16 (Backto g) 2012-17 (Fresh) CourseName Day & Date Tuesday 28-10-2014 0r02230507Law of Crimes:PaperII: Criminal Procedure 10.00am to 12.30Pm 01a2240507 Wednesday 29-10-2014 0102230s08 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0102240508Property Law 0r02230s09CompanyLaw I Thursday 10.00am to 12.30Pm 0102240509 30-10-2014 0102230510 AdministrativeLaw 10.00am to 12.30Pm 0102240510 SaturdaY 01-1l-2014 I I Public Administration(For BA LLB) 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0102230s CorporateGovernanceand Finance SaturdaY 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0n2240511 (For BBA LLB) 0l-l l-2014 Programme Name: BA.LLB. & BBA'LLB' Semester- V Batch: 2010-15(Backlog) Day & Date Time Course Code Course Name 0102230507 Friday 10.00arirto 12.30Pm 0102240507Code I 07-11-2014 ar02230504 SaturdaY Property Law 10.00amto 12.30Pm a102240504 08-11-2014 0102230505 Monday Company Law I 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0102240s05 l0- I l-2014 0102230506 Administrative Law u0224As06 Tuesday I 1-11-2014 10.00amto 12.30Pm Wednesday t2-ll-2414 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0102230503P ublic Administration(For BA LLB) Wednesday 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0rc2240s03(For BBA LLB) r2-rr-za14 Thursday t3-1r2A14 Thursday 13-11-2014 CorporateGovernanceand Finance 1 0r 0223050 I (2010-15) German a102240501 0r02230502 FrenchI QA10- 15) 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0102240502 10.00amto 12.30Pm r n ' \\,r\^/* S\r^LrlL -.... Controller b-f Examinations SLS Ot"id") i O. -ober 2014 Timetable / Page 5 Programme Name: BA.LLB. & BBA'LLB' Semester- VII Batch: 2011-16(Fresh) Course Code Day& Date Time Tuesday 28-10-2014 2.AApm to 4.30 Pm Wednesday 29-10-2414 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 2.00pm to 4.30Pm Thursday 30-10-2014 2.00pm to 4.30Pm Friday 31-10-2014 CourseName 0l02n07ar Public InternationalLaw 0102240701 0ra2230702Civil Procedure CodeandLimitationsAct I 0102240702 0t02230705 MergersandAcquisitions 0102240105 0102230708 InsuranceLaw 01022407A8 SaturdaY 01-l l-2014 2.0Apm to 4.30Pm 01a2230747 Banking Law 07 a1022407 Monday 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 0102na712 IntellectualProPertYLaw ua224A7n 03-ll-2014 Programme Name: BA.LLB. & BBA.LLB' Semester- VII Batch: 20f 0 - 15 (Backlog) Day & Date Time Friday 2.00pm to 4.30pm 07-lr-zam Course Code CourseName ar02n07a\Public 0102240701 International Law Saturday 08-11-2014 2.00pm to 4,30pm 0102230702 Civil ProcedureCode and LimitationsAct I 0102240702 Monday i 0-1I -2014 2.00pm to 4.30pm 0102230703 MergersandAcquisitions an2240743 Tuesday l l - 1 1- 2 0 1 4 2.0Apm to 4.30pm 01022307a6 Insurance Law 0102240706 Wednesday r2-rl-20t4 2.00pm to 4.30pm Thursday 2.A0pm to 4.30pm 13-11-2014 ara2n070s a102240705 Banking Law r0 ar022307 IntellectualPropertyLaw 01a2na7ra SBI^S-\.. controlir#u^inations Sl,SlNoiaul / O( :ober 201.1/ Timetabl,e Page7 ProgrammeName: BA.LLB' & BBA'LLB' Semester- VI Batch: 2011-16,2010-15(Backlog) Day& Date SaturdaY 04-la-zau Monday 06-10-2014 Time Course Code CourseName 0rc2na607 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0ra224A607CodeII 0102230608 010224A608 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0 102230605EnvironmentalLaw ar02240605 0102230610 01022406r0Principlesof Taxation Law Tuesday 10.00am to 12.30Pm u02na606 07-rc-a0r4 0r022406A6 0r02230609 010224M09 Wednesday CompanyLaw II 10.00amto 12.30Pm a102230604 08-10-2414 an22406A4 01022306rr Thursday 10.00am to 12.30Pm ar02n06a3 Philosophy(For BA LLB) 09-l a-20r4 0102240611Human Resourcesand Total QualitY Thursday 10.00amto 12.30Prn 0102240643 Management(For BBA LLB) 09-10-2014 10.00amto 12.30Pm ala223064rGermanII (Batch: 2010-I 5) ar02240641 Friday 10.00am to 12.30pm l0-10-2014 010223a602 FrenchII (Batch:2010-15) 0r02240602 Friday I 0-10-2014 "uL^fr\_ lr----Controller of Examinations I sr.sOrr"ia.)/ ot:ober 2O14/ Timetable Page6 ProgramrncNamc: BA'LLB' & BBA'LLB' Semester- VIII Batch: 2010-15(Backlog) CourseName Day & Date Monday 06-10-2014 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 0l 0223080I Law of Evidence I 010224080 01w230802 Civil ProcedureCode and Limitations Act II 0102240802 Tuesday 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 0102230803 ForensicSciense 0I 02240803 2.00pm to 4.30Prn 07-1A-2014 WednesdaY 2.A0pm to 4.30Pm 08-10-'2014 0r02n0847 Information TechnologYLaw 01a2240807 ThursdaY 09-1A-2014 2.00prnto 4.30Pm 0102230808 InternationalBanking and Finance 0I 02240808 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 0102230810 InternationalTrade and Economlcs 0102240810 SaturdaY 2.00pm to 4.30Pm 1l-10-2014 0102230806MediaLaw 0102240806 Programme Name: BA.LLB. & BBA'LLB' Semester- IX Batch: 2010-15(Fresh) Day & Date Time Course Code Course Name 05-ll 2aA ar02230901Labor and Industrial Law 0r0224A941 0r02230904 CornparativeConstitution 10.00amto 12.30Pm 0n224A944 Wednesday 05-l12414 10.00amto 12.30Pm ar02240906InvestmentLaw Tuesday 04-11-2014 Wednesday 10.00amto 12.30Pm arczn0946 Controller of Examinations , SLS [Noi da) / c .6U"r 2g?4/ Timetable Page B
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