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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy Journal of Plant Physiology 171 (2014) 723–731 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Plant Physiology journal homepage: Physiology The twins K+ and Na+ in plants夽 ˜ Benito a,1 , Rosario Haro a,1 , Anna Amtmann b , Tracey Ann Cuin c , Ingo Dreyer a,∗ Begona a Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain Institute of Molecular, Cellular and Systems Biology (MCSB), College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences (MVLS), University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK c Biochimie et Physiologie Moléculaire des Plantes, Institut de Biologie Intégrative des Plantes, UMR 5004 CNRS/UMR 0386 INRA/Montpellier SupAgro/Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 26 July 2013 Received in revised form 1 October 2013 Accepted 2 October 2013 Available online 3 March 2014 Keywords: HKT Potassium Sodium Transport mechanism a b s t r a c t In the earth’s crust and in seawater, K+ and Na+ are by far the most available monovalent inorganic cations. Physico-chemically, K+ and Na+ are very similar, but K+ is widely used by plants whereas Na+ can easily reach toxic levels. Indeed, salinity is one of the major and growing threats to agricultural production. In this article, we outline the fundamental bases for the differences between Na+ and K+ . We present the foundation of transporter selectivity and summarize findings on transporters of the HKT type, which are reported to transport Na+ and/or Na+ and K+ , and may play a central role in Na+ utilization and detoxification in plants. Based on the structural differences in the hydration shells of K+ and Na+ , and by comparison with sodium channels, we present an ad hoc mechanistic model that can account for ion permeation through HKTs. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. Introduction Potassium with ∼2.1% (position 8) and sodium with ∼2.4% (position 6) are among the top ten elements present in the continental crust (position 1: oxygen 47.2%, 2: silicon 28.8%, 3: aluminum 8.0%, 4: iron 4.3%, 5: calcium 3.9%, 7: magnesium 2.2%, 9: titanium 0.4%, and 10: carbon 0.2%; Wedepohl, 1995). They are both far more abundant than the other alkali metals rubidium, lithium, and cesium (all <0.01%). Also in seawater, the monovalent cations Na+ and K+ are amongst the major dissolved ions. There, however, Na+ dominates together with Cl− (both ∼500 mM) over Mg2+ (∼50 mM), SO4 2− (∼28 mM), Ca2+ (∼10 mM) and K+ (∼10 mM; values are for average seawater of salinity 352 ; Riley and Tongudai, 1967). Under these conditions, primitive cells might have found that accumulation of K+ along with exclusion of the more abundant Na+ provided Abbreviations: HAK, high-affinity K+ uptake transporter (name of a transporter family); HKT, high-affinity K+ transporter (name of a transporter family); KT, K+ transporter (name of a transporter family); Ktr, K+ transporter (name of a transporter family); Kup, K+ uptake transporter (name of a transporter family); P, pore-forming region; TM, transmembrane ␣-helix; Trk, transport of K+ (name of a transporter family). 夽 This article is part of a Special Issue entitled “Potassium effect in plants”. ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 913364588. E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Dreyer). 1 These authors contributed equally to this work and are listed alphabetically. 2 The Practical Salinity Scale defines salinity in terms of the conductivity ratio of a sample to that of a solution of 32.4356 g of KCl at 15 ◦ C in a 1 kg solution. A sample of seawater at 15 ◦ C with conductivity equal to this KCl solution has a salinity of exactly 35 practical salinity units (psu). 0176-1617/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. an efficient way to energize the plasma membrane. That the inorganic composition of the cytoplasm appears to be highly conserved for all eukaryotic organisms indicates that already at the outset of evolution in seawater, living cells developed a preference among the inorganic monovalent cations for K+ over Na+ for essential functions such as, for example, maintaining electro-neutrality and osmotic equilibrium. K+ therefore became an indispensable necessity for living cells; a dependency also inherited by Embryophyta, which need to survive in oligotrophic environments where K+ is present at much lower concentrations than in seawater (see Zörb et al., 2014, for more details on the bioavailability of K+ in soils). This feature remained also conserved in higher plant species that returned to the sea after their predecessors spent a period of time on land as the sea grass Posidonia oceanica, for instance (Carpaneto et al., 1997, 1999, 2004). In plants, potassium plays a vital role in a wide range of both biophysical and biochemical processes. It exists as a monovalent cation and does not participate in covalent binding; it functions to maintain charge balance. The preservation of cell turgor pressure is very sensitive to a limited K+ supply. Indeed, due to its high mobility, K+ is usually the principle cation that contributes to vacuole and cell expansion (for K+ transporters in vacuoles see Hamamoto and Uozumi, 2014; Pottosin and Dobrovinskaya, 2014). Nonetheless, over a longer time scale it can be replaced by Na+ (Jeschke and Wolf, 1988) and/or organic solutes (Talbott and Zeiger, 1996), explaining the observed highly variable (10–200 mM) vacuolar K+ levels. In contrast, cytoplasmic levels are relatively stable, near 100 mM (Leigh and Wyn Jones, 1984). It is suggested that as total tissue K+ concentration declines, the cytoplasm maintains a Author's personal copy 724 B. Benito et al. / Journal of Plant Physiology 171 (2014) 723–731 homeostatic concentration of K+ to enable K-dependent processes (Leigh and Wyn Jones, 1986; Walker et al., 1996; see also Anschütz et al., 2014). Consequently, any initial changes in tissue K+ concentrations are likely to be at the expense of vacuolar K+ , with other solutes being diverted to the vacuole to maintain the osmotic potential. At the biochemical level, potassium ions play an important role in the activation of many enzymes, especially in protein and starch synthesis, as well as in respiratory and photosynthetic metabolism (Läuchli and Pflüger, 1979; Wyn Jones et al., 1979; Marschner, 2010). Starch synthesis, for instance, has a requirement of about 50 mM K+ for normal activity. In line with this level, most Krequiring enzymes need about 10–50 mM of K+ for optimal activity. Interestingly, these levels may be reduced by the substitution of other monovalent cations for K+ (Evans and Sorger, 1966; Wyn Jones and Pollard, 1983). For example, Rb+ , Cs+ , and NH4 + are about 80% as effective as K+ at maintaining starch synthetase activity, while Na+ is approximately 20% as effective (Nitsos and Evans, 1969). Hence, in both biophysical and biochemical processes, K+ may be the most efficient monovalent cation, although to a certain extent, it can be replaced. Many halophytic plants are able to take advantage of the close similarity between Na+ and K+ , and have adapted to grow in areas of high salt. The presence of Na+ in the environment and its uptake by plants can reduce the amount of K+ required to meet the plant’s basic metabolic requirements. In addition, many non-halophytic plants are able to metabolically utilize Na+ to some degree. Under a limited K+ supply for example, Na+ (together with Mg2+ and Ca2+ ) can replace K+ in the vacuole as an alternative inorganic osmoticum (Flowers and Läuchli, 1983; Kronzucker and Britto, 2011). The released K+ is then available for more K-specific processes. That the presence of tissue Na+ is associated with a reduced K+ content in the leaves illustrates that Na+ can replace K+ in many functions, so reducing the total amount of K+ required by the plant. Sodium can alleviate K-deficiency symptoms and may decrease the critical foliar K+ concentration at which K-deficiency symptoms appear (Besford, 1978). The application of Na+ to the growth medium has been shown to stimulate the growth of many species (e.g. red beet; Subbarao et al., 2003), and for some crops, e.g. celery, carrots and forage crops, Na+ has been reported to even improve the quality of the product. This indicates that some of the metabolic effects of Na+ can be of practical value (Marschner, 2010). Nevertheless, although many plants appear to utilize Na+ to a certain degree, its excessive abundance is problematic (Kronzucker et al., 2013). Under saline conditions, the growth of many plants is limited due to an inadequate water availability and specific ion toxicity at high Na+ levels; the plant cell cytosol rarely tolerates Na+ concentrations above 20 mM (Walker et al., 1996; Amtmann and Sanders, 1999; Blumwald et al., 2000). In many biochemical processes, Na+ is not as efficient as K+ : while interference with normal metabolic functioning may be tolerated to a certain degree, Na+ does reach a noxious state at higher levels. Even natrophilic species such as Atriplex and Salicornia, cannot tolerate high levels of cytoplasmic Na+ (Greenway and Osmond, 1972). Consequently, although the full role of Na+ in plant metabolism still awaits full resolution, the general assumption related to Na+ tolerance among plants is that they compartmentalize and safely lock the absorbed Na+ in vacuoles, using it as an inorganic osmoticum in place of, or along with K+ (Bonales-Alatorre et al., 2013b). Na+ uptake under saline conditions therefore mostly reflects the need for an osmoticum during osmotic adjustment to salinity stress. When Na+ is present in excess, i.e. under long lasting salt stress conditions, the compartmentalization capacity will eventually reach its limit. To maintain an appropriately high K+ /Na+ ratio in leaves, Na+ needs to be excluded from photosynthetically active tissues and can be transported via the phloem from shoot tissues to roots (Berthomieu et al., 2003; Hauser and Horie, 2010). In this article, we outline the fundamental bases for the differences between the two monovalent alkali cations, Na+ and K+ . We present the foundation of transporter selectivity and summarize findings on transporters of the HKT-type that are reported to transport Na+ and/or Na+ and K+ (Table 1) and may play a central role in Na+ utilization and detoxification in plants. Based on the structural differences of the hydration shells of K+ and Na+ , and by comparison with sodium channels from bacteria we propose a model for ion permeation through HKTs. Physicochemical resemblance of Na+ and K+ Sodium and potassium are structurally and chemically very similar elements and exhibit homologous behavior. Both are alkali metals and belong to the s-block in the periodic table (just like the earth alkali metals calcium and magnesium). This means that their valence electrons are occupying s-orbitals, correlating with a low first ionization energy. Thus, sodium and potassium are never found in their elemental forms in nature, but readily lose their outermost electron to form monovalent Na+ and K+ cations, and reach a noble gas configuration. Due to the fully filled 1s/2s/2p (Na+ ) and 1s/2s/2p/3s/3p (K+ ) orbitals of the electron shell, their tendency to participate in covalent binding is very low. According to quantum mechanical principles, an atom or an ion does not possess a defined edge, so an absolute value for the ionic radii of Na+ and K+ cannot be provided. However, based on estimates from crystal structures, effective ionic radii can be derived (Shannon, 1976). Depending on the method and on the coordination of the ions, the values provided for Na+ range from 1.02 A˚ to 1.16 A˚ and for K+ , from 1.38 A˚ ˚ Thus, K+ is ∼1.3 times larger than Na+ . The similarities to 1.52 A. between Na+ and K+ may explain their interchangeability in some physiological processes, but the small physicochemical differences may not explain their distinct roles in others. For biological processes, it is very important to take into account the interaction of ions with polar water molecules. Indeed, when estimating the radii of the ions in water, it was shown that the proportions change. The radius of the hydrated Na+ was estimated to be 358 pm, while the K+ ion has a radius of 331 pm (Volkov et al., 1997). Additionally, ion hydration plays an important role in chemical processes such as electrostriction. Therefore, particular differences between Na+ and K+ may depend on the details of their hydration shells. From theoretical analyses of the energetic contributions of each hydration shell to the total enthalpy of hydration (−322 kJ/mol for K+ and −406 kJ/mol for Na+ ), it is proposed that the hydrated K+ and Na+ cations have a distinct behavior (CarrilloTripp et al., 2003). In solution, Na+ ions have two clearly defined hydration shells; the hydration number of the first shell is 5–6, and that of the second ∼16. In contrast, a potential second hydration shell of K+ is very loosely marked; the hydration number of the first shell is 7–8 (Fig. 1). Thus, the most striking energy difference between K+ and Na+ resides in the first shell. In the case of sodium, water molecules have a very strong interaction with the ion and a weak interaction with the rest of the solvent. On the contrary, in potassium, the interaction with the ion is almost the same as the interaction with the solvent. This weaker interaction of K+ with its first hydration shell equips it with a larger structural flexibility (Carrillo-Tripp et al., 2003; Mancinelli et al., 2007). K+ allows for a greater distortion of its hydration shell, which enables easier accommodation to different hydration or hydration-replacement cages (Carrillo-Tripp et al., 2006). Na+ in contrast, requires a cage very similar to its own surroundings in the solvent. In interactions with flexible partners such as proteins, Na+ tends to distort its surroundings more than K+ does. This might explain why Na+ Author's personal copy Table 1 Transport characteristics of HKTs from different species. Species Name Transported ion Functional characterization in Oocytes Yeast Other systems AtHKT1;1 Na+ , low affinity K+ uptake in E. coli Yes Yes E. coli, knockout plants Eucalyptus camaldulensis Hordeum vulgare Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Oryza sativa EcHKT1;1 EcHKT1;2 HvHKT2;1 McHKT1;1 K+ , Na+ K+ , Na+ Na+ , K+ K+ , Na+ Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Growth testsa Growth tests in E. coli Growth tests in E. coli OsHKT2;1 Na+ , K+ currents in oocytes Yes Yes Tobacco cells, knockout plants OsHKT1;5 OsHKT2;4 OsHKT1;1 OsHKT1;3 OsHKT2;2 Na+ Predominantly K+ , Na+ Low affinity Na+ , competitively inhibited by K+ Na+ K+ , Na+ Yes Yesb Yes Yes Yes No Growth testsa Yes No No Tobacco cells Os-HKT2;2/1 K+ , Na+ Yes Yes PhaHKT1 PpHKT1 PutHKT2;1 SlHKT1;2 TsHKT1;2 TaHKT2;1 K+ , Na+ Na+ K+ , Na+ Na+ K+ , Na+ K+ , Na+ No No No No No Yes Growth testsa Yes Yes Yes Growth testsa Yes O. sativa Pokkali O. sativa Pokkali var. Nonabokra Phragmites australis Physcomitrella patens Pucinellia tenuiflora Solanum lycopersicum Thellungiella salsuginea Triticum aestivum Uozumi et al. (2000), Rus et al. (2001), Mäser et al. (2002a), Berthomieu et al. (2003), and Xue et al. (2011) Fairbairn et al. (2000) and Liu et al. (2001) Fairbairn et al. (2000) and Liu et al. (2001) Haro et al. (2005) and Banuelos et al. (2008) Su et al. (2003) Horie et al. (2001), Golldack et al. (2002), Garciadeblas et al. (2003), Horie et al. (2007), Jabnoune et al. (2009), and Yao et al. (2010) Ren et al. (2005) Lan et al. (2010), Horie et al. (2011), and Sassi et al. (2012) Garciadeblas et al. (2003) and Jabnoune et al. (2009) Jabnoune et al. (2009) Horie et al. (2001) and Yao et al. (2010) Oomen et al. (2012) Knockout plants Overexpression in plants Overexpression in plants Takahashi et al. (2007) Haro et al. (2010) Ardie et al. (2009) Asins et al. (2013) Ali et al. (2012) Schachtman and Schroeder (1994), Rubio et al. (1995), and Gassman et al. (1996) B. Benito et al. / Journal of Plant Physiology 171 (2014) 723–731 Arabidopsis thaliana References Complementation of a K+ uptake-deficient yeast strain was monitored; no further ion transport analysis has been carried out. Two studies (Lan et al., 2010; Horie et al., 2011) also assigned a Ca2+ and Mg2+ permeability to OsHKT2;4 when expressed in oocytes. However, this could not be confirmed in a careful reinvestigation (Sassi et al., 2012). Instead, it is proposed that the Ca2+ /Mg2+ permeability results from the activation of an endogenous oocyte conductance. a b 725 Author's personal copy 726 B. Benito et al. / Journal of Plant Physiology 171 (2014) 723–731 Fig. 1. Structures of the hydration shells of K+ and Na+ in free solution. Computational simulations (Carrillo-Tripp et al., 2003) indicate that, in solution, Na+ ions have two clearly defined hydration shells. The hydration number of the first shell is 5–6, and that of the second ∼16. The hydration number of the first shell of K+ is 7–8. A potential second hydration shell of K+ is very loosely marked. cannot or can only partially replace K+ as a coordinating ion in certain enzymatic reactions, whereas Rb+ or NH4 + , which have features much more similar to K+ , are far more efficient. Structural basis for selective transmembrane K+ transport Physiological data indicate that plants have a higher capacity for K+ uptake and distribution than for Na+ (for details on K+ uptake and distribution in plants see Nieves-Cordones et al., 2014; Ahmad and Maathuis, 2014; Wigoda et al., 2014). Potassium ions can be efficiently separated from Na+ , as demonstrated for potassium channels. Organisms from all kingdoms have such transporter proteins, which under physiological conditions, are extraordinarily selective for potassium over other ions. The crystal structures obtained for bacterial and mammalian K+ channels provide very detailed insights into the selectivity mechanism (Doyle et al., 1998; Kuo et al., 2003; Jiang et al., 2003; Long et al., 2005). The central permeation pathway of a channel is formed by a 4-fold TM1-P-TM2 motif of two transmembrane ␣-helices flanking the pore helix (a short ␣-helical stretch) and a highly conserved sequence, TxGYGD (Fig. 2). The backbone carbonyl oxygen atoms of these five residues face the center of the narrowest part of the permeation pathway, while the side chains project away from the pore axis. The P-regions of all four TM1-P-TM2 motifs contribute with their electronegative carbonyls to form five similar, almost equidistantly spaced rings, which provide four binding sites for K+ ions in between them. The remainder of the channel is less selective and its wall is formed by side chains of the residues of all four TM2s. The narrow selectivity filter closely matches the geometry, charge densities and atomic distances that are typical of the inner hydration shell around the K+ ions when in free solution. During permeation, the oxygen atoms of the channel backbone can substitute for water molecules and coordinate the K+ ion (Fig. 2C). This allows K+ ions, but only K+ ions, to diffuse through the bottleneck of the channel as though in free solution. Each K+ ion ‘hops’ from one site to the next, driven by the repulsive electrical forces between ions in the pore, finally regaining its hydration shell on leaving the oxygen cages. The selectivity filter effectively discriminates against ions with even minor differences in charge density and ionic radius, including the smaller Na+ ion. This is achieved without the need for a deep energy well associated with binding, which would slow the rate of permeation. The structure of the selectivity filter of potassium channels is susceptible to disturbance. In mutagenesis studies, even conserved exchanges modify the preference of plant K+ channels for K+ over other alkali ions (Uozumi et al., 1995; Becker et al., 1996; Nakamura et al., 1997; Dreyer et al., 1998; Ros et al., 1999; Moroni et al., Fig. 2. The pore of K+ channels. (A) A structural TM1-P-TM2 motif is built of two transmembrane ␣-helices flanking a short ␣-helical stretch, called the pore helix, and the highly conserved sequence TxGYGD (schematic side view). (B) The tetrameric assembly of four TM1-P-TM2 motifs results in the formation of a central permeation pathway for K+ . The four TxGYGD stretches frame the narrowest part of the pore (schematic top view). (C) The internal half of the permeation pathway is lined by the C-terminal ends of the four TM2s. The hydration shells of the K+ ions (green) can be replaced for the cages formed by the polar oxygen atoms (red) of the backbone of the TxGYGD-stretches (side view; only two of the four subunits are displayed). 2000; Nakamura and Gaber, 2009). The results indicate that not only the pore-lining TxGYGD stretches but the entire P-region and the neighboring parts of the flanking TM2 also contribute to the ion selectivity. Another aspect of the selectivity filter is that it is not rigid; its structure results from the interaction of the permeating ions with the protein. It can dilate (Hoshi and Armstrong, 2013), and when the K+ concentration drops, the permeation pathway becomes unstable and collapses (Zhou et al., 2001). Such a collapse can have important physiological consequences. In plants, several K+ channels make use of this phenomenon to adjust their activity to the surrounding K+ concentration. Outward-rectifying K+ release channels close when the driving force for potassium would favor uptake (Johansson et al., 2006), and for inward-rectifying K+ uptake channels, the collapsing pore acts a “valve” that blocks unwanted K+ release. The threshold concentration, below which this block happens, appears to be a characteristic channel feature. The pore of AKT1-AtKC1 heteromers for example, collapses at higher K+ concentrations than that of AKT1 homomers, thus rendering the Author's personal copy B. Benito et al. / Journal of Plant Physiology 171 (2014) 723–731 heteromers more efficient in blocking K+ passage in the unfavorable outward direction (Geiger et al., 2009). In the absence of potassium, certain potassium channels can conduct sodium (Korn and Ikeda, 1995), a Na+ flux that is blocked by the addition of low concentrations of K+ . The potassium affinity, hence the ability to block the sodium current, varies among the potassium channel subtypes and can be modulated by mutations in the central permeation pathway (Starkus et al., 1997, 1998). Analysis of the permeation mechanism indicates that both sodium and potassium can occupy the pore simultaneously and that multiple occupancy results in interactions between ions in the channel pore (Ogielska and Aldrich, 1998). In this context, a recent report on a K+ channel cloned from a salt-tolerant melon (Cucumis melo) cultivar provides new insights into the issue of K+ /Na+ transport in plants. This channel appears to be extraordinarily sensitive to Na+ (Zhang et al., 2011), whereas related channels from model plants (e.g. Arabidopsis thaliana) are almost inert towards Na+ (Dreyer and Uozumi, 2011). The “blocking phenomenon” observed for the melon channel though, indicates nothing more than Na+ entering the K+ transporter and potentially permeating it. With this in mind, it can be speculated, despite the lack of molecular data, that K+ channels partially permeable for Na+ may underlie the unaffected stomatal conductance in a cultivar of Beta vulgaris, even when nearly 95% of the plant’s K+ is replaced by Na+ and when Na+ levels in the leaves approach 200 mM (Subbarao et al., 1999; for more details on the role of K+ in controlling stomatal conductance see Blatt et al., 2014). Nonetheless, during evolution, the selectivity of K+ over Na+ in plant potassium channels appears not to be driven to its limits. A study in which the selectivity filter of the Arabidopsis K+ channel KAT1 was randomly mutagenized, identified mutations that confer an enhanced K+ /Na+ selectivity (Nakamura and Gaber, 2009). It is so easy to improve K+ selectivity in laboratory experiments, so it is likely that nature would have done this long ago, if it had been beneficial to the plant. It might not necessarily be an advantage to discriminate too strictly between K+ and Na+ . Indeed, there are many transporters in plants that transport K+ along with other cations, and some members of the family of Na+ /H+ antiporters (NHXs) and cation/H+ antiporters (CHXs) also possess K+ transport activity (Yamaguchi et al., 2003; Chanroj et al., 2011; Lu et al., 2011; Chanroj et al., 2012). In a similar manner, vacuolar and plasma membrane non- or poorly selective cation channels (see Demidchik, 2014; Pottosin and Dobrovinskaya, 2014) and transporters of the HKT-type (see below) discriminate less between K+ and Na+ or even select for Na+ over K+ . Thus, a plant’s strategy to deal with the assets and drawbacks of the K+ /Na+ dualism might be more to orchestrate the activity of these transporters (MuellerRoeber and Dreyer, 2007; Bonales-Alatorre et al., 2013a) rather than improve their selectivity. Members of the HKT family transport Na+ or both K+ and Na+ As well as channels, bacteria, fungi and plants also possess two specific families of K+ transporters: Trk/Ktr/HKT (Transport of K+ [fungi, bacteria]; K+ transporter [bacteria]; High-affinity K+ transporter [plants]) and HAK/Kup/KT (High-affinity K+ uptake [fungi, plants]; K+ uptake [bacteria]; K+ transporter [plants]), which are both absent from animal cells. Details on the HAK-family are provided elsewhere (Nieves-Cordones et al., 2014; Véry et al., 2014). The HKT family comprises a large group of transporters that have been identified in all plants studied up to now (Table 1; Haro et al., 2010; see also Véry et al., 2014), even in non-flowering plants (Gomez-Porras et al., 2012). HKTs have been demonstrated to contribute toward Na+ transport and could play a role in osmotic 727 adjustment and Na+ detoxification. This group of monovalent cation transporters was discovered in 1994 in wheat (Schachtman and Schroeder, 1994), and its initial functional characterization in yeast mutants defective in K+ uptake and in Xenopus laevis oocytes suggested that it functions as a H+ –K+ symporter. Based on these results, the family was called ‘High-affinity K+ Transporter’, a designation that later turned out not to be fully appropriate. To date, there is no experimental support that these transporters play a significant role in K+ transport in planta. Instead, HKTs isolated from a wide variety of plant species are either Na+ uniporters or Na+ –K+ symporters (Corratge-Faillie et al., 2010). They appear to be key determinants for salt tolerance of plants rather than for K+ nutrition. Nevertheless, the first structural information on HKTs was obtained by comparing them with the K+ channel KcsA from Streptomyces lividans (Durell and Guy, 1999). Sequence analyses and hydrophobic transmembrane profiles support the notion that HKT/TRK/Ktr proteins share a common structure of four successively arranged protomeric TM1-P-TM2 motifs in a single polypeptide chain, which strongly resembles the four assembled identical subunits of KcsA. Similarly, HKTs form a central permeation pathway like K+ channels (Fig. 2B). This picture was further substantiated by the crystal structure of a TrkH K+ transporter from Vibrio parahaemolyticus, which is even more similar to HKTs (Cao et al., 2011). Sequence comparison of known HKT proteins, together with site-directed mutagenesis analyses, led to the proposal that there is a conserved ‘selectivity filter’ motif. One subclass of HKTs shows a Ser-Gly-Gly-Gly structure at the outer mouth of the narrowest part of the permeation pathway. In this structure, the first TM1-P-TM2 protomer contributes a serine residue, while the other three have a glycine at that position. The other subclass is characterized by a Gly-Gly-Gly-Gly structure where all four protomers contribute with a glycine. The Na+ permeability of HKTs was correlated with the Ser, but K+ permeability requires the presence of Gly in the pore domain (Mäser et al., 2002b). However, there are exceptions to this rule such as the plant transporter OsHKT2;1 from rice, EcHKT1;2 from Eucalyptus, McHKT1;1 from Mesembryantemum and TsHKT1;2 from Thellungiella. All have been shown to be permeable to K+ , despite their first pore domain containing a Ser instead of a Gly residue (Fairbairn et al., 2000; Su et al., 2003; Jabnoune et al., 2009; Ali et al., 2012). The continuous and increasing number of exceptions found indicates that K+ permeability in HKTs does not depend only on the pore Gly residue; other structural elements in addition to the key selectivity filter are likely to be involved in determining the substrate selectivity of HKT proteins. The permeability properties of HKTs are still far from being understood (Corratge-Faillie et al., 2010; Cotsaftis et al., 2012). This is mainly because the data are not as unequivocal as in the case of K+ channels. HKTs were functionally characterized after heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes and yeast, and were shown to mediate high-affinity K+ uptake and high or low-affinity Na+ uptake, depending on the transporter and external Na+ and K+ concentrations (Table 1). Some transporters function as Na+ –K+ symporters at low external Na+ and K+ concentrations, as demonstrated by Na+ stimulated K+ uptake and K+ -stimulated Na+ uptake (Rubio et al., 1995; Haro et al., 2005; Jabnoune et al., 2009). At high external Na+ concentrations, some of these transporters no longer transport K+ , becoming Na+ uniporters (Gassman et al., 1996; Horie et al., 2001; Jabnoune et al., 2009). Interestingly, OsHKT2;2/1 identified from the salt tolerant rice cultivar Nona Bokra, shows a strong permeability for Na+ and K+ , even at high external Na+ concentrations. This channel/transporter may therefore contribute to salt tolerance in Nona Bokra by enabling root K+ uptake under saline conditions (Oomen et al., 2012). The switch between uniport and symport may also be dependent on the protein density in the membrane. When HvHKT1 from barley was expressed at high levels in yeast, Author's personal copy 728 B. Benito et al. / Journal of Plant Physiology 171 (2014) 723–731 it mediates K+ or Na+ uniport. However, when protein expression was significantly decreased, the transporter acted in the K+ /Na+ symport mode (Banuelos et al., 2008). Ambiguity of Na+ /K+ transport by HKTs – dynamic interactions of the permeating ions with the pore? In order to explain the variable permeation properties, two different mechanistic models were proposed for HKTs and their close relatives of the Ktr and Trk families from bacteria and fungi: (i) carrier-mediated transport by an alternating-access model (Gassman et al., 1996; Rubio et al., 1999; Haro and RodriguezNavarro, 2002) and (ii) a pore model very similar to that of K+ channels (Durell and Guy, 1999; Tholema et al., 2005; Corratge et al., 2007). Although the alternating access model may account for the different uniport and symport modes, it can hardly explain the large currents measured after expressing HKTs in oocytes. Oomen et al. (2012) describe currents for OsHKT2;1 from rice in the range of 5–10 A. This means that 30–60 × 1012 ions are transported per second across the oocyte membrane. From this value, the transport rate per protein can be estimated by taking into account the protein expression level. For comparison, a normal expression level of plant K+ channels is 1–100 × 106 channels per oocyte. Assuming now for HKTs even a very high functional protein expression level of up to 1010 transporters per cell, this would imply a transport rate of the carrier molecule of 3000–6000 ions per second; a value that is 6–12 times higher than that of other plant carriers (∼500 s−1 ; Carpaneto et al., 2010; Derrer et al., 2013). Considering more realistic expression levels (e.g. ∼107 proteins per oocyte), the turnover rate reaches values around 106 ions per second, which is in the range of ion channels. Thus, HKTs very likely function as ion channels. As outline already before, the channel hypothesis is further supported by structural homology models based on the crystal structure of the bacterial K+ channel KcsA (Durell and Guy, 1999) and by the crystal structure of a TrkH K+ transporter from V. parahaemolyticus (Cao et al., 2011), which provided the basis for homology models for OsHKT1;5 from Oryza sativa (rice) and EcHKT1;2 from Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Waters et al., 2013). Nonetheless, the variable dynamic permeation properties of HKTs are hardly compatible with the relatively static selectivity mechanism of K+ channels. To obtain insights into the reasons for the dynamic selectivity patterns of HKTs, it would be useful to sneak a peek at other channel types. Potassium channels allow only the passage of fully dehydrated K+ , while non-selective cation channels such as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), transport hydrated ions (Hille, 2001). Sodium channels appear to lie in between these two extremes. In line with the special features of its hydration shell, Na+ passes the vestibule of the selectivity filter in a partially dehydrated state. In particular, the first hydration shell is not stripped off (Qiu et al., 2012). Furthermore, in contrast to the four coordination sites found in K+ channels (Fig. 2), sodium channels appear to have just two such sites and these differ in their ion coordination properties (Zhang et al., 2013). During transit, a Na+ ion in the extracellular bulk solution moves close to the entrance of the pore (site 1) and when there, it interacts with a polarized side chain oxygen atom in a pore residue, a serine for example. Thus, the permeating Na+ ion only makes contact with one out of the four polypeptide chains forming the selectivity filter. The ion then leaves site 1, slipping to site 2. There it is caged by eight carbonyl oxygen atoms from the backbone of the pore-forming residues of all four protomers. The vacant site 1 can then be occupied by another Na+ ion (Qiu et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2013). Selectivity is achieved by the energy barrier between the two coordination sites. A Ca2+ ion, for instance, can be well coordinated at site 1 when entering from the extracellular space, or at site 2 when coming from the intracellular side. A high-energy barrier, however, suppresses the transfer of Ca2+ between the two sites, so Ca2+ blocks Na+ permeation (Zhang et al., 2013). Interestingly, unlike K+ channels, the selectivity filter of sodium channels appears to exhibit robust stability for various ion configurations, even in the absence of ions (Qiu et al., 2012). It is tempting to postulate for HKTs an analogous single file ion permeation mechanism with two coordination sites for partially dehydrated cations (Fig. 3). Such a ‘Na+ channel-based’ mechanism would much better account for several experimental observations than a ‘K+ channel-based’ model and could intuitively be supported by the following considerations. The rigid energetic structure of the first hydration shell of Na+ hardly allows its stripping. Hence, it is likely that Na+ permeates HKTs, as in sodium channels, only partly dehydrated. The larger space required for a hydrated ion may imply that the selectivity filter can accommodate only two ion coordination sites. These sites can be entered by hydrated Na+ and, due to its flexible hydration shell (Carrillo-Tripp et al., 2006), also by K+ . The transition between the two coordination sites is hindered by an internal barrier that represents an essential entity (but very likely not the only one) of the selectivity filter. The detailed SerGly-Gly-Gly or Gly-Gly-Gly-Gly structure (Mäser et al., 2002b; also see above) may constitute such a barrier. A serine residue with the polar oxygen at its side chain may provide a preference for cation coordination, whereas the glycine residues only provide space. The affinities of ions to the two coordination sites, together with the energy barrier between them, would determine the permeability of the pore. These parameters may depend on the one hand, on their precise geometries being channel specific, but on the other hand, the interaction of permeating ions with the coordination sites and the barrier-forming side chains may slightly modify the topology. These may be the reason for the observed concentration-dependent differences in the apparent permeability of HKTs to Na+ and K+ . The proposed model would account for the different transport modes. The transporter may enable Na+ uniport (Fig. 3C, yellow path) when only Na+ ions permeate along their electrochemical gradients. Depending on the external Na+ concentration, this may proceed either by the [0|Na] ↔ [0|0] ↔ [Na|0] ↔ [0|Na] cycle or via the alternative [0|Na] ↔ [Na|Na] ↔ [Na|0] ↔ [0|Na] cycle. Additionally, the transporter may allow Na+ /K+ symport (Fig. 3C, green path) via a [0|Na] ↔ [K|Na] ↔ [K|0] ↔ [0|K] ↔ [Na|K] ↔ [Na|0] ↔ [0|Na] cycle. Finally, the transporter may theoretically also act as a K+ uniporter (Fig. 3C, purple path) through the alternative [0|K] ↔ [0|0] ↔ [K|0] ↔ [0|K] and [0|K] ↔ [K|K] ↔ [K|0] ↔ [0|K] cycles. The latter might be energetically unfavorable though due to constraints in K+ ion coordination and/or barrier passage. The model even explains the blocking effect of K+ on Na+ transport if K+ ions pass the barrier [K|0] ↔ [0|K] much slower than Na+ . During an experiment, the transporter is initially tested in the presence of Na+ only, followed by the addition of K+ to the medium. Under the first, Na+ only condition, the relatively fast Na+ uniport is measured (Fig. 3C, yellow path). Upon addition of K+ , some transporters not only transport Na+ in uniport but also enter the mode of Na+ /K+ symport or K+ uniport, i.e. they are redirected from the yellow path to the green or even purple one (Fig. 3C). This detour is accompanied by a reduced charge transport rate, so a smaller transport current is measured. The model is an ad hoc postulation. We should emphasize that at the moment, the data basis for modeling permeation through HKTs is very poor. The model may serve as guidance for future structure-function studies on HKTs, aimed at clarifying their unique permeation properties. Detailed insights into the mechanism of Na+ (K+ ) transport could provide clues for comprehending the role of HKTs in plant salt tolerance and probably also in Na+ and K+ nutrition. Author's personal copy B. Benito et al. / Journal of Plant Physiology 171 (2014) 723–731 729 Fig. 3. Structural differences in the hydration shell of K+ and Na+ point to different permeation mechanisms through ion channels. (A) Sketch of the pore-forming parts of cation channels. Panels (B) and (C) focus on the narrowest part of the selectivity filter (dashed box). (B) Permeation of K+ through the selectivity filter of a K+ channel. When entering the pore, the polar oxygen atoms of the backbone of the selectivity filter-forming stretch, TxGYGD, replace the hydration shell of K+ and take over the task of ion coordination. Repulsive forces between the ions provoke their hopping through the four coordination sites. (C) Proposed model for ion permeation through the selectivity filter of HKTs, inspired by the permeation process of Na+ ions through sodium channels. Na+ ions are coordinated by two coordination sites in a partially dehydrated form. Due to energetic constraints, only the loosely bound second hydration shell is stripped off. Na+ thus retains the first hydration shell. Nevertheless, one or two water molecules of the shell might be substituted with polar oxygens at the coordination sites (e.g. the side chain of a serine residue; indicated in blue). The flexible hydration shell of K+ also allows the coordination of this ion in the two coordination sites. It is likely that coordination of Na+ or K+ at one site affects the ion coordination at the other site. This means that the energetic conditions for the [0|0] → [K|0] transition is different from that of the [0|K] → [Na|K] and the [0|K] → [K|K] transitions, for example. Permeation can occur as a Na+ uniport (yellow arrows; [Na|0] ↔ [0|Na] ↔ [Na|Na] ↔ [Na|0], when the external Na+ concentration is high; or [Na|0] ↔ [0|Na] ↔ [0|0] ↔ [Na|0], when the external Na+ concentration is low), as a Na+ /K+ symport (green arrows; [K|Na] ↔ [K|0] ↔ [0|K] ↔ [Na|K] ↔ [Na|0] ↔ [0|Na] ↔ [K|Na]), and theoretically as a K+ uniport (purple arrows; low K+ levels: [K|0] ↔ [0|K] ↔ [0|0] ↔ [K|0]; high K+ levels: [K|0] ↔ [0|K] ↔ [K|K] ↔ [K|0]), albeit the latter might be energetically disfavored by hardly allowing the occupancy of both coordination sites by K+ . Conclusions and outlook Na+ and K+ share many commonalities, but they also exhibit clear differences. For plants, sodium is not per se, a toxic element and here Paracelsus’ principle of toxicology ‘it’s the dose that makes the poison’, holds true. Na+ can fulfill the biophysical function of K+ as an osmoticum, provided the plants have the ability to take up Na+ , translocate it to the shoot and sequester it in their vacuoles. In contrast to K+ transport, the mechanisms of Na+ transport in plants are still poorly understood. Several types of transporter are candidates for involvement in both Na+ and K+ transport. The most evidence for a role in Na+ transport is available for HKTs, even though they were initially characterized as high affinity K+ transporters. Understanding the orchestration of all these transporters is still a challenge to tackle. Nonetheless, understanding the assets and drawbacks of the K+ /Na+ dualism may be a clue coping with the agricultural problem of salinity and for developing strategies allowing the reduction of K+ fertilizer by replacing it with cheaper, in terms of money and energy, available Na+ . 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