IgG Purity/Heterogeneity and SDS-MW Assays with High-Speed Separation Method and High Throughput Tray Setup Jose-Luis Gallegos-Perez1, Keith Roby2, Ed Horton2 SCIEX Separations, a part of AB SCIEX ABSTRACT The PA800 plus Pharmaceutical System provides a comprehensive, automated, and quantitative solution for the characterization and analysis of proteins. The application menu for the PA 800 plus includes, among others, the IgG Purity/Heterogeneity (IgG PH) assay and the SDS-gel molecular weight (SDS-MW) analysis.1,2 The first method allows for the resolution of reduced and non-reduced immunoglobulins by size and to subsequently quantify the heterogeneity and impurities that may be present in IgG preparations. The SDS-MW analysis is designed to provide an estimation of the molecular weight of a protein in a sample. In this poster is presented the methodology to carry out both assays using a high speed (HS) method that compares to the conventional high resolution (HR) one giving similar results and saving method separation time. This poster also shows a high throughput buffer tray (HTT) setup to maximize the number of samples per run without causing deterioration in the separation.3 INTRODUCTION Capillary electrophoresis (CE) has become an effective replacement for manual slab gel electrophoresis processes due to its automation, quantitation, fast speed, and high efficiency. Biomolecules, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids can be separated by molecular sieving electrophoresis using gel matrices, a technique referred to as capillary gel electrophoresis.1 The PA800 plus Pharmaceutical System allows to separate reduced and non-reduced immunoglobulins by size and subsequently quantify the heterogeneity and impurities that may be present in IgG preparations. This system can also be used for the separation of protein-SDS complexes using a replaceable gel matrix. The gel is formulated to provide an effective sieving range of approximately 10 kDa to 225 kDa and unknown protein molecular weights can be estimated from a standard calibration curve of known protein sizes.2 Reagents: Reagents contained in the IgG purity (Beckman Coulter, cat. A 10663) and SDS-MW Analysis (Beckman Coulter, cat. 390953) kits were used as indicated in the corresponding application guides.1,2 Iodoacetamide (IAA), 2-mercaptoehanol. Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA), and Myoglobin (Myo) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used without any further purification. Ultrapure water (type 1) was obtained from a Milli-Q Direct Ultrapure Water System. Capillary: A Bare Fused Silica capillary was used; 50 mm i.d. x 360 mm o.d. x 30.2 cm total length. Inlet-to-detection window equal to 20 cm for the HR method and 10 cm for the HS method. Sample Preparation: Samples were prepared as is indicated in correspondent Applications Guides (see references 1 and 2) HS and HR method with conventional tray setups: Trays were set up according to the instructions in the Application Guides (see references 1 and 2) HTT configuration: •HR method: Figure 1 shows the position of the buffer vials in each inlet and outlet buffer tray using the HTT setup. In this configuration is possible to run up to 48 individual samples. •HS method: If less than 40 individual samples are being analyzed, buffer trays must be set up as shown in Figure 1 using rows from 1 to 5 only. IMPORTANT: In this case, the F-column in the SAMPLE TRAY must be kept empty, with no samples, to avoid a tray collision during analysis. •HS method and HTT setup to maximize the number of sample analyses: To use the HTT configuration with the HS method for analysis of up to 48 samples requires switching reagents in positions C and D in the outlet and inlet buffer trays to avoid tray collision when samples are injected (see Figure 2). All columns in the sample tray (from A to F) can be loaded with samples. 6 H2O 6 Gel-R Gel-S NaOH HCl H2O H2O Gel-R Gel-S NaOH HCl H2O H2O 5 H2O H2O Gel-R Gel-S NaOH HCl H2O H2O Gel-R Gel-S NaOH HCl H2O H2O Both separation methods (HR and HS) are used with a tray configuration that allows running up to 24 samples before having to change reagents. However, a high throughput buffer tray (HTT) setup can be used to maximize the number of samples per run without causing deterioration in the separation.1,2,3 Gel-S NaOH HCl H2O Gel-S Waste Waste Waste Waste Gel-S Waste Waste Waste Waste H2O 1 A Waste Gel-S Waste Waste Waste B Method Gel-S NaOH HCl C D E INLET BUFFER TRAY Tray on the left H2O Waste F H2O A Gel-S 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 Waste Waste Waste 3 Sample A Gel-R B NaOH C 2Gel-S D HCl E 1 F H2O Sample Gel-S A Waste Waste Waste C D E OUTLET BUFFER TRAY B F C D 6 H2O Waste Waste A 5 H2O Tray on the right E HGel-S 2O Waste Waste Gel-S Waste Waste Waste Waste H2O Waste H2O Waste F A * Use only rows 1-5 (see text) Figure 1: Scheme of the inlet and outlet buffer vial tray set-up for the HTT configuration using the HR or the HS method (HS method FOR LESS than 40 individual samples, see text). Gel-S = Gel used for separation, GelR = Gel used for rinsing, both are of the same gel type. A H2O A B E F H2O 2 5 H2O D Waste Waste Gel-S Waste Waste H2O Gel-S Waste Waste H2O Waste C Gel-S Waste D Waste H2O Gel-R Waste Gel-S Waste Waste E F Gel-R NaOH Gel-S HCl H2O Gel-R NaOH Gel-S HCl H2O Gel-R NaOH Gel-S HCl H2O NaOH Gel-S HCl H2O NaOH Gel-S HCl H2O 4 3 2Waste B1 D NaOH HO Gel-R Gel-S NaOH Gel-S HCl HCl C 3 H2O C 6 Gel-R Waste Waste B B 4 H2O HR HS* 7 1 Waste B 8 2 1 Gel-R 8 3 2 Gel-R H2O Waste Waste Waste 3 2 Two types of analysis methods have been optimized: Gel-S 4 3 H2O Sample Tray Waste 5 4 H2O •The HR method uses the capillary cartridge in the left to right configuration with a sample introduction inlet to detection window distance of 20.0 cm and a separation time of about 30 min. •The HS method provides faster separation with some reduction in resolution but only 15 min for separation. It method uses the capillary cartridge in the right to left configuration, with an inlet to detection window distance of 10 cm. C Waste D E Gel-S F Outlet Buffer Tray Waste 2 E 1 H2O A Waste F Gel-R B C D E H2O F Inlet Buffer Tray Figure 2. Scheme of the inlet and outlet buffer vial tray setup for the HTT configuration using the HS method to inject up to 48 individual samples. Results and Discussion HR and HS methods using the HTT setup Experimental Instrument: Separations were performed using a Beckman Coulter PA 800 plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System sold through SCIEX Separations. PDA detector settings were set according to the application guides. Instrument was controlled using 32 Karat software v.10. The sample and capillary storage temperatures were set at 15ºC and 25ºC respectively Figure 3: Repeatability of HR and HS Methods using Conventional-tray and HTT setups. Each graph contains the stacking of eight separation electropherograms per tray setup with the a) HR method or b) HS method. Each electropherogram is offset by 0.025 AU for clarity. Samples were alternately injected using the conventional (C) or the HTT setup, the order in which the samples were injected is indicated by the number. To demonstrate assay repeatability using the HTT setup, the SDS-MW Size Standard was used as a sample. For the HR and HS methods, 8 sample replicates were injected using the conventional (C)-tray array and 8 more samples for the HTT configuration. In Figure 3, the stacked electropherograms show profiles obtained in the experiments with a) HR method and b) HS method. It is evident that both tray setups produce the same analyte profile and no ghost peaks, artifacts or any other spurious signal are observed with the HTT configuration. Application of the HR and HS Methods with the IgG/Purity Heterogeneity Assay using the HTT configuration Separation reproducibility of the HR and HS-methods, using the HTT setup, were evaluated and compared. Eight replicates of the IgG control standard under non-reducing and reducing conditions were injected into the system. In Figures 4 and 5 a qualitative profile comparison of the HS and HR methods is shown. Under non-reducing conditions (see Figure 4) the observed peaks in the electropherograms correspond to the 10 kDa internal standard, the intact antibody (IgG) and the non-glycosylated heavy chain (NG). In addition, impurities such as heavy-heavy (HH) and 2 heavy 1 light chain (2H1L) are resolved from the whole antibody with both methods. Under reducing conditions, the observed peaks (see Figure 5) correspond to the 10 kDa internal standard (IS), the light chain (LC), the non-glycosylated heavy chain (NG) and the heavy chain (HC). As in the previous case, all peaks can be easily identified with either method. Figure 4: Comparison of HR and HS methods with the HTT setup for IgG Control Standard under Non-reducing Conditions. Peak identification: 10 kDa is the Internal Standard, IgG is the intact antibody, NG the nonglycosylated heavy chain, HH and 2H1L are the heavyheavy (HH) and 2 heavy 1 light chain impurities. Molecular Weight Estimation of Myoglobin (Myo) and Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Sample mixtures containing the internal standard (IS), Myo and BSA were treated under reducing or non-reducing conditions and three replicates of each condition were analyzed. Figure 6 shows the stacked electropherograms for the MW-standard and sample mixture runs. In all cases, analyte peaks were well resolved with either the high speed or the high resolution method. Molecular weights for Myo and BSA were estimated using the qualitative analysis of the 32 Karat Control and Analysis Software. Results showed a very high reproducibility (%CV < 0.52, n = 3) for the MW estimation of Myo or BSA, under non-reducing and reducing conditions. Similarly, the difference of the MW values determined by either method (HS or HR) was minimal with an absolute value difference lower than 0.2 kDa. CONCLUSIONS •The IgG Purity/Heterogeneity and SDS-MW assays can be carried out using a high speed (HS) method using the capillary cartridge in the right to left configuration. This method compares to the conventional High Resolution (HR) method giving similar results and saving method separation time. •The use of a high throughput tray (HTT) setup to maximize the number of samples per run does not cause deterioration in the separation. •The combination of the HS method with the HTT setup is an alternative for a more efficient use of the PA800 plus system running continuously on a daily basis. Figure 5: Comparison of HR and HS methods with the HTT setup for IgG Control Standard under Reducing Conditions. Peak identification: 10 kDa is the Internal Standard, LC is the Light Chain, NG the Nonglycosylated heavy chain and HC the Heavy Chain. Figure 6: Determination of Protein Molecular Weight using HR and HS methods. Peak identification: 10 kDa is the Internal Standard, Myo es myoglobin and BSA is Bovine Serum Albumin. Three injections under reduced and non-reduced conditions were analyzed. A size standard mixture was run before to inject the samples with the HS or HR-methods. REFERENCES 1. PA800 plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System-IgG Purity/Heterogeneity Assay Application Guide. A51967AD, Jan 2014. 2. PA800 plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System-SDS-MW-Analysis Assay Application Guide. A51970AD, Jan 2014 3. Milbrandt C. Increasing Sample Throughput in Process Analytical Support (PAS) on the Beckman Coulter PA800. GDO, May 2011. TRADEMARKS/LICENSING For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2014 AB SCIEX. SCIEX is part of AB SCIEX. The trademarks mentioned herein are the property of AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. or their respective owners. AB SCIEX™ is being used under license.
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