Innovation research call 2014 - In collaboration with

Innovation research call 2014:
Renewal of manufacturing?
In collaboration with
Background of the call
Some possible sub-themes (not an exclusive list)
Pre-call practicalities and role of VINNOVA
Final call practicalities (preliminary)
1. Background of the call
Background – why is this relevant and topical?
 Age of economic crisis and volatility,
growing demand for sustainability
 Long-term decline of manufacturing,
but also some early signs of revival due
• More widespread uptake of new and advanced
• New attractors for homebound relocation of
R&D, production and innovation?
 Meanwhile industrial policies are
resurfacing while innovation policies
are re-inventing themselves
• In Finland e.g. forthcoming policy white paper on
renewal of manufacturing, SHOK and INKA
programs, in Sweden e.g. VINNOVAs new SIO
• In both countries focus on intangibility,
digitalization, bioeconomy, cities as platforms for
innovation and renewal
Renewal of manufacturing?
– Some possible research themes*
Globalisation, decline of
requirements for
sustainability, volatile
energy prices, retaining
domestic companies,
RDI and production
1. Uptake and use of
new advanaced
2. Digitalization and
3. Attractivity for
reshoring and
4. New policy
instruments and
Benchmarking Finland
with Sweden and others…
New RDI programs,
local or regional hubs,
emerging technologies,
growing markets in
rapidly developing
countries, intangible
value creation,
digitalization and
servitization, relocation
Background material
Some analytical frameworks
Background material on Finland
Background material on Sweden
Some Swedish innovation research groups
Groups already funded by VINNOVA (please note that also other
Swedish groups can be funded!):
Some other Swedish research groups:
2. Some possible sub-themes
(not an exclusive list!)
 The project idea could address (i) the development of innovation
competences for using new and advanced enabling
technologies in manufacturing, including the potential
disruptiveness of these technologies at different levels of the
 The project idea could focus on (ii) the role and diffusion of
digitalization and the bioeconomy for renewing manufacturing
(including innovation competencies, other enabling factors and
 The project idea could also focus on the renewal of manufacturing
from the viewpoint of (iii) global value networks, including
attracting factors for homebound reshoring of innovation and
Benchmarking Finland with Sweden and others?
 Project ideas including (iv) industrial and innovation policy
developments are also encouraged related to any of the issues
mentioned above.
• How can the uptake of enabling technologies be supported, how can
policies stimulate and spread new innovation competencies that are vital
for renewing manufacturing?
• How is the nature of innovation policy, instruments and RDI programs
changing across countries, how can/should/is the impact of these new
policies, instruments and programs being assessed?
• How can industrial policy topics become part of a new innovation policy
agenda that currently is being formulated in Finland and other countries?
• How is policy challenged by globalization and how can it contribute to
attractivity and the homebound relocation of production and innovation?
Benchmarking Finland with Sweden and others?
 Finally, the project idea could (v) reutilize available databases and
other quantitative data (for example survey data, register data,
Internet-based data) to extend ongoing research towards new
perspectives of relevance to the renewal of manufacturing
(including related services and other intangible value creating
• Can existing data be reassessed, extended or updated to provide new
insights on any of the topics suggested above?
• Are comparative data available abroad (e.g. in Sweden) which could be
utilized and compared to Finnish data, thereby adding new perspectives?
Benchmarking Finland with Sweden and others?
3. Pre-call practicalities and
role of VINNOVA
Indicative timeline
• Launch on 30.4
• Deadline by 30.5.
at 16.15
1. Pre-call
Brief idea
2. Processing,
• Processing of
sketches and
refining of final
during early June
• Selections for final
call (~20 ideas)
event at Tekes
VINNOVA will also review
applications covering
Swedish modules
• Launch by 27.6
(or mid August).
• Deadline by mid
or late September
(or mid October)
3. Final call
proposals +
research plan
4. Final
• Processing of full
applications and
research plans
during OctoberNovember
Submission of project ideas
 This pre-call requests research project ideas with a maximum length
of 3 pages (including but not requiring references to literature and
other sources, excluding attached letters of intent in case of
collaboration with Swedish researchers) and comprising of the
following sections and content (next slide)
 The project ideas should preferably be in English (English or Swedish is
obligatory for the project ideas which include collaboration with Swedish
research teams). The project ideas (including attached letters of intent from
international collaborators as an option) should be submitted in PDF
format by 30.5. 2014 at 16.15 to both of the following email addresses:
[email protected] , [email protected]
 It is important that both the email subject field and project idea PDF:s
have the following obligatory heading: ‘Innovation research: Renewal
of manufacturing´. The PDF:s should include the sections and content
described above. Please not that email submissions are enough,
submission through Tekes electronic application system is not requested.
Structure and content of project ideas (max. 3 pages)
1. Obligatory heading: ‘Innovation
research: Renewal of manufacturing’
and a short and preliminary name for
the project idea
• Coordinating organization in charge of the
project (if joint responsibility include
information on all organizations)
2. Name of the organization
• Name of principal researcher in charge of the
3. Need for the project
• To which key issue related to the renewal of
manufacturing would the project idea relate?
• Why is this key issue of importance to Finland
(and Sweden in case of a collaborative project
with Swedish researchers)?
• What would be new and original with the
project idea compared to available research?
4. Approach of the project
• How would the project approach the key issue to
be explored, which type of methodologies and
data would be used?
• In case of an internationally comparative project,
to what extent could comparability be secured
(especially in case of a collaborative project with
Swedish researchers)?
5. Utilization of project findings
• Who could/will mainly benefit from the project
and its findings?
• How would the project ensure the involvement of
utilizers of the research findings?
6. Main collaborations
• Name of the partner organizations
• Name of principal researcher of the partner
• Viable indication of commitment for example
through a letter of intent (for example an email)
as an attachment to the project idea
7. Preliminary and indicative estimate of
total costs of the project
Funding criteria*
Pre-call phase
Final call phase
1. Public innovation research within
the themes introduced above
1. Public innovation research within the
themes introduced above
2. Well-defined, novel and
promising research idea and
empirical approach
2. Well-defined, novel and promising
research idea and empirical
3. International collaboration and
comparisons (collaboration with
Swedish researchers are especially
welcomed and encouraged, and can
also be funded by VINNOVA)
3. International collaboration and
comparisons (collaboration with
Swedish researchers are
especially welcomed and
encouraged, and can also be
funded by VINNOVA)
4. Policy relevancy and good utilization
* Focus of evaluations at different stages in bold text
4. Policy relevancy and good
utilization prospects
VINNOVA participation in the 2014 Tekes
Innovation Research call
Evaluation of
research proposals
• Tekes administrates the May pre-call for research proposals and the main call from June to
(pre- & main)
• VINNOVA evaluates all proposals (both in the pre- and main calls) with a Swedish participation
together with Tekes.
• Acceptance of a joint Finnish-Swedish proposal (both in the pre- and main calls) is based on a
joint Tekes-VINNOVA decision.
Financing of
research projects
• VINNOVA has committed to provide research funding for the Swedish parts of consortia at a
level of up to maximum 5 MSEK per year during the two-year research period (i.e. in total for two
year projects around 1 MEURO). The exact amount will be dependent on the amount and quality
of submitted Finnish-Swedish proposals. This should allow for a small number of joint research
teams to operate throughout the period.
• Upon a joint research proposal being accepted in the main call phase, the Swedish part of the
consortium will submit a call for funding directly to VINNOVA through the “specific application”
(särskild ansökan) procedure. This will subsequently be granted.
Contact at VINNOVA: Magnus Lagerholm, [email protected]
4. Final call practicalities*
Successful pre-call applications
will be invited to the final call
*More information will follow in forthcoming final call text
Tutkimussuunnitelman toivottu rakenne (max. 20 sivua!)
1. Tausta (’Background’)
 Mihin ilmiöihin, keskusteluun ja kirjallisuuteen
tarkastelu liittyy?
 Mitä teoriakehyksiä hyödynnetään?
2. Tavoitteet ja tutkimuskysymykset (’Aims
and research questions’)
 Tutkimuksen tavoitteet?
 Tavoitteita tukevia tutkimuskysymyksiä?
3. Menetelmät ja aineistot (’Methodologies
and data’)
 Mitä menetelmiä käytetään ja miksi?
 Minkälaisia aineistoja käytetään ja miksi?
 Minkälaisia aineistoja tutkimus synnyttää ja
miten näitä voi hyödyntää myös jatkossa?
4. Tulosten relevanssi (‘Relevance of
 Innovaatiopolitiikan ja muun politiikan
 Suomen elinkeinoelämän ja yhteiskunnan
uudistumisen kannalta?
 Tutkimuksen kannalta?
5. Hyödyntämissuunnitelma (’Utilization
 Miten tuloksia ja johtopäätöksiä
 Millä tavalla ja millä aikataululla
hyödyntäminen organisoidaan?
6. Tutkimukseen osallistuvat henkilöresurssit
ja niiden organisointi (’Resources and
 Ketkä henkilöt osallistuvat tutkimukseen ja
missä roolissa (ml. kansainväliset partnerit)?
 Minkälaisia osaamisia ko. henkilöillä on? (lyhyt
bio jokaisesta henkilöstä tulisi sisällyttää
7. Aikataulu ja kustannusarvio (sis.
hyödyntämissuunnitelman aiheuttamat
kulut)(’Timetable and budget’)
 Aikataulu, jossa näkyvät myös hankkeen eri
vaiheiden tuotokset ja tulosten esittelytavat
(raportit, Policy Briefs, työpajat, seminaarit
 Kustannusarvio, joka noudattaa sähköisessä
hakemuslomakkeessa olevaa rakennetta
Rahoitustasot ja kriteerit (in Finnish, sorry…)
Innovaatioympäristöä palveleva tutkimus (innovaatiotutkimus) on suunnattu julkista tutkimusta harjoittaville organisaatioille
(Euroopan Yhteisön puitelainsäädännön tutkimus- ja kehitystyöhön sekä innovaatiotoimintaan myönnettävälle valtiontuelle
kuvaaman tutkimusorganisaation määritelmän mukaisesti). 95% rahoitustaso on mahdollinen valtion budjettitalouden ulkopuolella
oleville ja julkista tutkimusta harjoittaville organisaatioille.
Tekesin osuus
1. Innovaatiotutkimus, joka liittyy tämän vuoden teemaan ja painotuksiin
2. Relevanssi ja hyödynnettävyys
3. Kansainvälinen yhteistyö
Edellisten lisäksi korostetaan laaja ja tiivistä kansainvälistä yhteistyötä, johon liittyen alla
olevat kriteerit on myös täytettävä:
 Laaja yhteistyö tarkoittaa useita osaamisia ja ryhmiä yhdistävää tutkimusta,
kotimaisen työn osalta vähintään 5 htv:n hanketta
 Tiivis yhteistyö tarkoittaa joko tutkijaliikkuvuutta vähintään 2 htv, jossa tehdään
tutkimustyötä ulkomaisessa tutkimusryhmässä tai haetaan kansainvälinen
tutkimusosaaja tai asiantuntija Suomeen, tai kansainvälistä yhteishanketta
(yhteinen tutkimussuunnitelma, Tekes rahoittaa vain kotimaista osapuolta)
Tutkimussuunnitelmassa tulee kuvata yksityiskohtaisesti (mm. htv:n erittely) ja
konkreettisesti, miten laajaa ja tiivistä kv. yhteistyötä toteutetaan hankkeen aikana.
*Yritysrahoitusta ei vaadita innovaatiotutkimuksessa
Processing of applications (in Finnish, sorry…)
Tunnustelu- ja
sparraus keskustelu
Asiakas jättää
Hanketiimin nimeäminen.
Tiimi perehtyy hakemukseen ja hakijan
Päätös tehdään
Asiakas saa ilmoituksen
Syventävä keskustelu
asiakkaan kanssa
Hakemuksen tietojen
Hanketiimi tekee
Hankevastaava kertoo asiakkaalle
myönteisen tai kielteisen rahoituspäätöksen
perusteluineen. Asiakkaalle lähetetään ilmoitus
kirjallisesti postitse ja tiedoksiantona
DM 1036318
Thanks, kiitos, tack!
Contact persons at Tekes
Christopher Palmberg, [email protected]
Pekka Pesonen, [email protected]
Jari Hyvärinen, Jussi Kajala, Ari Mikkelä, Marita Paasi
Contact person at VINNOVA
Magnus Lagerholm, [email protected]