Herpes simplex virus

About the Results
How long will it take for my results?
The results will be available approximately
two weeks after your sample collection.
How do I access my results?
Your healthcare provider should contact you
if your lab results are positive for the HSV-1
or HSV-2 strain. If you live in BC, you may
also register to receive your test results online
through my ehealth. For more information visit
What if the results are positive?
While there is no cure for herpes, there are
treatments that can relieve the symptoms
of infection outbreaks.
If you have contracted HSV, speak with your
doctor about the ways to control the severity
of an outbreak and minimize the risk of
transmitting the virus to others.
LifeLabs is a Canadian-owned company and is the
country’s largest provider of community laboratory
services with over 50 years of experience serving
the healthcare needs of Canadians. Our laboratory
testing is focused on helping patients and their
healthcare providers prevent, diagnose, treat and
monitor disease. In addition to routine laboratory
tests we offer numerous specialized assays to
investigate health concerns including but not
limited to:
HSV-1 and HSV-2 Typing Test
• Gastrointestinal function
• Cardiovascular health
• Wellness in aging
• Component-specific allergies
• Presence of communicable diseases
• Occupational exposure to harmful substances
• Substance abuse
We care about helping Canadians and we use
our knowledge of laboratory medicine to help
identify the right course of action to improve
healthcare outcomes.
1. Ashley, RI. Herpes 9:2 2002.
Did you know?
A negative result may not rule
out infection if your exposure
was recent. Check back with your
healthcare provider 12 to 16 weeks
later to confirm you are not at risk.
Follow up testing may be required.
Prevent the Spread
of the Herpes Virus
Gain the knowledge to protect
yourself and your loved ones.
For more information, contact LifeLabs:
BC LifeLabs
BC Biomedical
Ontario LifeLabs
Ontario CML HealthCare
[email protected]
LifeLabs and the LifeLabs logo are registered trademarks of LifeLabs LP © LifeLabs 2014
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LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services
offers a convenient and reliable
screening test for detecting two
strains of the Herpes Simplex Virus
About the Testing Process
About the Disease
What is the Herpes Simplex Virus?
Herpes is a very common infection that is caused
by one of two different types of viruses; Herpes
Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) or Herpes Simplex
Virus Type 2 (HSV-2). Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
infections are very common and contagious.
• HSV-1 is the most common cause of cold sores,
and can be spread through kissing, or simply
by sharing objects such as toothbrushes or
eating utensils
• Genital Herpes is one of the most common
sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It can be
caused by the HSV Type 1 or Type 2. In the past,
most genital herpes was caused by HSV-2, but
now HSV-1 is just as common in the genital area
• Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 are very contagious and
can be spread even if sores are not present
What are the symptoms of HSV infections?
HSV infections can include various unpleasant
symptoms including itching, tingling and appearance
of small blisters that break open and cause painful
sores. These sores can appear in the skin or mucous
membranes of the mouth, lips or genitals.
Who should be tested for HSV infections?
• Pregnant women who believe they may
have contracted the HSV infection because
genital herpes can be passed onto the baby
during childbirth
• Anyone who wishes to find out their
HSV status
About the Test
The infection can also include flu-like symptoms
such as fever, swollen glands and fatigue.
Visit your healthcare provider and obtain an
outpatient requisition with ‘Herpes Simplex
Serology Typing 1 or 2’ written in the section
“Other Tests”. Bring this requisition with you to
a LifeLabs Patient Service Centre near you where
your specimen will be collected. To minimize
your wait time, take advantage of our online
appointment booking service available at many
locations by visiting http://booking.lifelabs.com.
What is the HSV-1 and HSV-2 typing test?
The HSV-1 and HSV-2 test detects antibodies against
HSV-1 and HSV-2 virus in the patient’s blood.
How is this test different from previous
HSV testing?
Unlike older and less reliable blood tests,
the HSV-1 and HSV-2 typing test is based on
highly reliable and advanced G-glycoprotein
immunochemical technology. The sensitivity
of this test is 99% - 100% for HSV-1 and
97% - 100% for HSV-2. The specificity of the
test for HSV-1 is reported to be 93% - 95% and
94% - 98% for HSV-2.
More specifically:
• HSV-1 is typically associated with sores around
the mouth and lips (also called fever blisters or
cold sores)
• HSV-2 is typically linked to recurring lesions
around the genitals or rectum
How do I get tested?
For more information on Herpes
Simplex Virus visit the Public Health
Agency of Canada (PHAC) website
What type of sample is required?
The HSV-1 and HSV-2 test is done on a
blood sample.
How do I prepare for the test?
No special preparation is necessary.
Is the test covered by insurance?
This test is not currently covered by provincial
health insurance plans, but may be covered by
your extended health insurance plan. Contact
us to find out about the current fee for this test.
How do I pay for the test?
Payment may be made by Visa, MasterCard or
debit card at the time of the sample collection.