HIT YOUR TARGET WITH LRAP LRAP can help you in many ways this year, specifically if your strategic goals are to: 1. Increase enrollment. 2. Lower discount rate. 3. Increase net revenue. A trifecta that could very well secure your strategic goals, both this year, and in years to come. Consider this data from Corban University: Corban offered LRAP to a group of low-yield students in Fall 2013 and was able to increase yield, while coincidentally lowering the discount rate on that cohort, thereby significantly increasing their net revenue. Corban University increased yield in low yield cells from 15.9% to 20.5% 20.5% 15.9% With LRAP, you hold the power of a win-win yield management tool, to use as you see best, to help increase enrollment, retention, and net revenue throughout the admissions cycle. Pre-LRAP Your 3-Step LRAP Success Plan: 1. Choose low-yield cells 2. Add LRAP 3. Enjoy higher yield In admissions, timing is everything. The sooner you add LRAP into the equation for fence-sitting families, the greater your chances of prevailing over competitor institutions when final decisions are made. Having LRAP as a safety net relieves families of their financial worries and allows students to make the best-fit enrollment decision - at your institution. As you make plans to resolve enrollment challenges this year, LRAP can be a key element of your response to lowperforming cells in your financial aid matrix, or other lowyield sub-populations you wish to grow. Recent evidence from LRAP client colleges indicates enrollment increases, in cohorts of variable size, ranging from as much as 19% to a high of 43%. With LRAP Average yield in low yield cells Prior 3 Years Average (2010-2012) 44.1% 32.6% 25% 15.9% Yield High yield, non-LRAP Discount Low yield, pre-LRAP 2013 Results 42.4% 30.2% 19.2% 20.5% Yield High yield, non-LRAP Discount Low yield, with LRAP What could that increase in enrollment do for you? www.LRAPassociation.org (877) 577-5727 HOW MUCH CAN LRAP IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM-LINE? You do the math. Use this worksheet to estimate your ROI from a pilot with LRAP. LRAP Pilot ROI Calculator Number of students in pilot (We recommend 25-75) Number of students gained due to LRAP offer (On average, 68% would not attend without LRAP) Net Revenue per Student (Average of current clients) Revenue Earned for LRAP Students (Students who would not have attended without LRAP) LRAP Fees (Average pilot fees are $1400/year) Net Revenue for LRAP Pilot Students Total Net Revenue Through Graduation (The average student stays 3.3 years) Typical First-Year Results Your ROI Estimate 50 (A) ________ 34 68% x (A) $15,000 $510,000 $70,000 $440,000 $1,452,000 ROI = 529% (B) ________ (C) $________ Use your number (D) $________ (B) x (C) (E) $________ 1400 x (A) (F) $________ (D) - (E) (G) $________ (F) x 3.3 What could you do with the additional students and revenue this year? www.LRAPassociation.org (877) 577-5727
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