Financial Planner Payment – FPA Professional Practices Member information Cbus and the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) working together ■■ ■■ In recognition of the need for a wider service solution for members nationwide, Cbus has partnered with the FPA (the peak body for financial planners in Australia) to provide members with direct access to FPA Professional Practice - Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) for personal financial advice services. FPA Professional Practices (the Practices) are recognised as leaders in financial planning professionalism through alignment with the FPA. The Practices are committed to furthering the interest of the profession and acting in the best interest of consumers. The Practices meet strict qualification and service criteria as set by Cbus and the FPA to ensure that high professional standards are maintained. Referral Process If you provide your consent Cbus can refer you to an appropriate CFP in your local area to give personal advice on all of your financial and super matters according to your needs, objectives and circumstances. Note - Cbus is not the provider of any personal advice to you. If you have any enquiries in relation to personal advice that has been provided you should contact your referred financial planner in the first instance. The Financial Service Guide and Statement of Advice provided to you by the financial planner will contain details of their complaints handling process. Advice services Financial planners can help with: ■■ assessing your financial situation ■■ planning for retirement including Centrelink and DVA pensions ■■ transition to retirement strategies ■■ contribution advice and strategies including salary sacrifice, personal contributions, spouse contributions ■■ understanding your investment options including non-super assets such as shares, property etc and comparison of other super funds ■■ developing and achieving financial goals ■■ ■■ ■■ identifying your insurance needs nominating beneficiaries managing your tax liability developing a personal risk profile, assessing your tolerance to risk and how comfortable are you with markets going up and down explaining the current economic climate and what it means for you. Payment for advice You can choose to pay your financial planner directly or if the advice relates to your interest in Cbus, you can authorise the Financial Planner Payment to be deducted from your nominated Cbus account. Cbus’ financial planning referral service includes: ■■ ■■ ■■ Initial consultation at no charge to determine your goals, circumstances and objectives Pay fee-for-service only, with no commissions or other hidden costs Experienced financial planners located across Australia to help you achieve your goals. How much do you pay for financial advice? The fee you pay will depend on the complexity of advice required by you. You will receive a written quote from the referred financial planner which will require your signed authorisation to proceed with the provision and payment of advice. To authorise the deduction of Financial Planner Payments from your nominated Cbus account you must: ■■ have a minimum of $10,000 in your Cbus Super or Super Income Stream account; and The following fee limits apply: ■■ ■■ a maximum of two Financial Planner Payments per financial year. a maximum total of $7,000 for the provision of financial advice per financial year. These limits include combined transactions from your Cbus Super and/or Super Income Stream account/s. If you do not have sufficient funds in your account or you exceed the fee limits you will need to make payment directly to the financial planner. How to authorise payment Complete the attached Financial Planner Payment form, and your fee for personal financial advice may be deducted from your Cbus Super or Super Income Stream account. The Financial Planner Payment will be shown on your annual statement. Cbus recommends that you retain the Financial Planner Payment details for record-keeping purposes. Cbus’ Trustee: United Super Pty Ltd ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 Cbus ABN 75 493 363 262 Financial Planner Payment form Complete this form to authorise a payment for personal financial advice to be deducted from your nominated Cbus account. A Financial Planner Payment is only payable for personal financial advice provided in relation to your Cbus Super or Cbus Super Income Stream account by a CFP® who is part of the FPA Professional Practice Referral Program. Please use black or blue pen and CAPITAL letters. Use an X in boxes where required. Step 1: Personal details Cbus member number We need this to process your Financial Planner Payment. See your annual statement or membership card. Title Date of birth D D / M M / Y Y X Mr X Mrs X Miss X Ms X Other Gender Y Y X Male X Female First name/s Family name Telephone (home) ) ( Residential address Telephone (work) ( Telephone (mobile) ) Suburb/town StatePostcode Email address Step 2: Member authorisation of Financial Planner Payment – Member to complete and sign In order to qualify for Financial Planner Payments to be deducted from your nominated account you must have a minimum of $10,000 in your Cbus Super or Cbus Super Income Stream account. If you don’t have sufficient funds in your account, you will need to pay your financial planner directly yourself. Payment authorisation A payment may only be deducted for personal financial advice relating to my Cbus Super or Cbus Super Income Stream account. I authorise the deduction of $ X Cbus Super account, or from my X Cbus Super Income Stream account. The following fee limits apply: a maximum of two Financial Planner Payments ¡¡ per financial year a maximum total of $7,000 for the provision of ¡¡ financial advice per financial year. I confirm that the amount to be deducted from my account and paid to my financial planner relates to my Cbus account/s. These limits include combined transactions from your Cbus Super and/or Cbus Super Income Stream account/s. Date Sign here: D D / M M / 2 0 Y Y To be completed by the FPA Professional Practice – Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) only Certified Financial Planner (cfp®) details FPA Professional Practice name AFSL number CFP® declaration I understand the: 1. Fee for personal financial advice may be deducted from the Cbus member nominated account relating to the member’s interest in Cbus. 2. The information provided on this form by me is true and correct. Registered business address 3. Payment is subject to approval by Cbus. 4. I have attached a copy of the invoice provided to the Cbus member. Sign here: Email address Certified Financial Planner® name Phone number CFP® stamp (if applicable) Date D D / M M / 2 0 Y Y 1. A Financial Planner Payment is only payable to a FPA Professional Practice registered and approved by Cbus. 2. Cbus, the FPA Professional Practice and the CFP® agree that payment will be made for personal financial advice provided. Post or email the completed and signed form to the contact details below. These contact details are for your use only and not for distribution to members. Cbus Financial Planning Support Locked Bag 14 Carlton South VIC 3053 1300 305 676 Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.30pm (EST) Cbus’ Trustee: United Super Pty Ltd. ABN 46 006 261 623 AFSL 233792 Cbus ABN 75 493 363 262 [email protected] 4578 08/14
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