A TWELVE (12) MONTH SUPPLY CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS Bid Opening Date: Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Time: 2:30 P.M. TABLE OF CONTENTS INVITATION TO BID .................................................................................. 3 BID ADVERTISEMENT .............................................................................. 4 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ...............................................................5-7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDUM ................................................. 8 ETHICS STATEMENT................................................................................ 9 REQUIREMENT FOR DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST ..... 10 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM ........................11-12 W-9 FORM ............................................................................................... 13 W-8 FORM ............................................................................................... 14 BID PROPOSAL ...................................................................................... 15 CERTIFICATION AND AUTHORIZATION OF BID .................................. 16 VENDOR AGREEMENT......................................................................17-22 SPECIAL CONDITIONS......................................................................23-24 APPENDIX A: PIPE, VALVE, FITTINGS ITEM GROUPING ..............25-35 2 of 35 INVITATION TO BID June 22, 2014 Dear Vendor: The Harlingen Waterworks System invites you to submit a bid for: A TWELVE (12) MONTH SUPPLY CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS Detailed specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the HWWS Purchasing Office, 114 North L St, during regular business hours or at our website, www.hwws.com. A Bidders Conference will take place on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the HWWS Warehouse Training Room located at 114 North “L” Street. The bids must be received in the Purchasing Agents office located at 114 North L Street, Harlingen TX by 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 9, 2014. No late bids will be accepted. We request that you carefully read the “Instructions to Bidders” which are enclosed. For further information, please contact me at (956)440-6560 or e-mail: [email protected]. Sincerely, Christopher Wilmot Purchasing Agent 3 of 35 BID ADVERTISEMENT Sealed proposals will be received by the Harlingen Waterworks System at the office of the Purchasing Agent, 114 N L St, Harlingen Texas until 2:30 P.M. on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 at which time they will be opened and read aloud on the following: A TWELVE (12) MONTH SUPPLY CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS Respondents receiving an “INVITATION TO BID” notice in the mail or reading same in the newspaper may obtain Proposal Forms and Instructions to Bidders by contacting the office of: • Christopher Wilmot, Purchasing Agent, 114 North L St Harlingen, TX 78550 • Phone (956) 440-6560 • E-mail: [email protected] Questions concerning this project may be directed to the above named via email, or phone. Potential Bidders are advised that the bidding documents may be downloaded from the Harlingen Waterworks System web page address: www.hwws.com. The Harlingen Waterworks System reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all bids, waive any or all formalities or technicalities, hold bids for a period of sixty (60) days without taking action, and accept the bid to be the best and most advantageous to the HWWS. Sealed envelopes must be clearly marked: “SEALED PROPOSAL” A TWELVE (12) MONTH SUPPLY CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 2014 AT 2:30 P.M. 4 of 35 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDER Please read your specifications thoroughly and be sure that the PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS offered comply with all requirements. Any variation from the specifications must be clearly stated on a separate sheet, attached to, and made a part of your bid. If there are no exceptions, and you are the successful bidder, it will be required that the item bid be provided as specified. 1) Questions concerning terms, conditions and technical specifications should be directed to: Christopher Wilmot Purchasing Agent (956) 440-6560 e-mail: [email protected] 2) The purpose of these specifications and bidding documents is to award a Twelve (12) Month Supply Contract for the purchase of the following: PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS 3) The PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS to be furnished under this proposal shall be the type specified. All HWWS item numbers with an 800 prefix shall comply with Senate Bill S.3874, reduction of lead in drinking water act. All specifications shown are minimum. There is no intention to disqualify any bidder who can meet these specifications. 4) Bids will be submitted in sealed envelopes upon the blank form of proposal attached hereto. Each bid must be completely filled out. Your Bid must be filed with the Harlingen Waterworks System before opening day and hour. No late bids will be accepted. 5) Bids MUST give full firm name and address of bidder, and be manually signed. Failure to do so will disqualify your bid. Person signing bid must show title or AUTHORITY TO BIND HIS/HER FIRM IN A CONTRACT. Firm name and authorized signature must appear on each page that calls for this information. 6) Bids CANNOT be altered or amended after opening time. Alterations made before opening time must be initialed by bidder guaranteeing authenticity. No bids may be withdrawn after opening time without acceptable reason in writing and only after approval by the HWWS. 7) STATE SALES TAX MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN BID. 8) No substitutions or cancellations permitted without written approval of HWWS. 9) If unable to bid, bidder should return inquiry giving reasons. 10) The Bidder shall attach to his/her bid sheet a list of any exceptions to the specifications. 11) Quantities are estimated for an annual supply. The Harlingen Waterworks System has the right to increase or decrease quantities as deemed necessary without the bid price being affected. 12) Number of days to deliver the PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS must be within five (5) working days from date of receipt of purchase order. 5 of 35 13) Shipments will be on an “as needed” basis with a Purchase Order. HARLINGEN WATERWORKS SYSTEM WILL NOT ACCEPT ONE FULL SHIPMENT FOR THE QUANTITIES OF ITEMS AWARDED. 14) When delay can be foreseen, Bidder shall give prior notice to HWWS. Default in promised delivery (without acceptable reasons) or failure to meet specifications, authorizes the HWWS to purchase PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS elsewhere and charge increase in cost and handling to defaulting bidder. 15) Acceptable reasons for delayed delivery times are as follows: Acts of God, (floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.), acts of government, fire, and war. Actions beyond the control of the successful bidder. 16) Quote HWWS for F.O.B. (Freight On Board), full freight allowed, in this project. Bid in units of quantity specified -- extend and show total (as requested). In the event of discrepancies in extension, unit prices will govern. 17) All bid items will be evaluated and awarded by SECTION OR IN ANY COMBINATION THEREOF WHICHEVER IS IN THE BEST INTEREST OF HARLINGEN WATER WORKS SYSTEMS`. Award will be made to the lowest priced responsive, responsible bidder. 18) If during the performance of this contract, the price of Pipe, Valves, and Fittings significantly increases/decreases, through no fault of contractor, the price of Pipe, Valves, and Fittings under this agreement shall be equitably adjusted by an amount reasonably necessary to cover any such significant price increases/decreases. As used herein, a significant price increase/decrease shall mean any increase/decrease in price exceeding four percent (4%) experienced by contractor from the date of the contract signing. Such price increases/decreases shall be documented through quotes, invoices, or receipts. Pricing will be reviewed on a quarterly basis and will be adjusted accordingly. ALL PRICE INCREASES REQUIRE A 30 DAY PRIOR NOTICE BEFORE TAKING EFFECT. 19) HWWS may hold bids 60 days after bid opening without taking action. Bidders are required to hold their bids firm for same period of time. 20) The HWWS reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any or all formalities or technicalities, and to make such awards of contract as may be deemed to be the best and most advantageous to the HWWS. 21) The Bidder shall pay all royalties and charges which are legal and equitable for or on account of the use of patented appliances, products, or processes. Evidence of such payment or satisfaction shall be submitted upon request of the HWWS as a necessary requirement in connection with the final estimate for payment in which such patented appliance, products, or processes are used. 22) SUPPLIER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS HWWS, ITS AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, LOSSES, DAMAGES, COST OR EXPENSE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO REASONABLE ATTORNEY’S FEES) ARISING OUT OF, RESULTING FROM OR OCCURRING IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT AND/OR SUPPLIES THAT IS (I) ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY BODILY OR PERSONAL INJURY, SICKNESS, DISEASES OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR ANY 6 of 35 DAMAGE OR INJURY TO OR DESTRUCTION OF REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDING THE LOSS OF USE THEREOF; AND (II) CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY NEGLIGENT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER ACT OR OMISSION OF THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR WHOM ANY OF THEM MAY BE LIABLE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH IS CAUSED IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER ACT OR OMISSION OF A PARTY OR PARTIES INDEMNIFIED HEREUNDER. THIS INDEMNIFICATION SHALL EXTEND TO CLAIMS OCCURRING AFTER ANY CONTRACT IS TERMINATED AS WELL AS WHILE IT IS IN FORCE. 23) Bidder shall carefully examine the bid forms, specifications, and instructions to bidders. Should the bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from bid forms, specifications, or other documents, or should he/she be in doubt as to their meaning, he/she shall immediately notify the HWWS Purchasing Agent at (956) 440-6560 and obtain clarification by addendum prior to submitting any bid. a. Where in this bid package PIPE, VALVES, ANF FITTINGS is used, its meaning shall refer to the purchase of PIPE, VALVES, FITTINGS, AND ASSOCIATED PERIPHERALS as specified. All HWWS item numbers with an 800 prefix shall comply with Senate Bill S.3874, reduction of lead in drinking water act. 24) The geographical location(s) of bidder's facilities will be given due consideration in the evaluation and award of bid. All items (applicable if more than one) will be evaluated and awarded individually or in any combination thereof. 25) HWWS reserves the right to waive or take exception to any part of these specifications when in the best interest of HWWS. 26) Items shall be purchased on an “as needed” basis and invoiced accordingly. A Purchase Order number must accompany all orders at time of delivery. Delivery shall be within the time specified after execution of order by telephone, fax, or email per item #12 on Page 6 or by agreement at time of order. 27) PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS being bid must meet the latest A.W.W.A., Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Standard and must conform to the American National Standards Institute/National Sanitation Foundation Requirements. 28) A written emergency response plan must be submitted, that includes but is not limited to emergency contacts: Name, Title, and 24-hour phone numbers, specific actions, public informing procedures, health care, and emergency response time. 29) The HWWS reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to make such awards as deemed in the best interest of the HWWS. 7 of 35 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDUM SUPPLY CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS Any interpretation, correction, or change to the invitation to bid will be made by ADDENDUM. Changes or corrections will be issued by the Harlingen Waterworks System. It is the responsibility of the bidders to visit the Harlingen Waterworks System Website, at www.hwws.com, to ascertain if any addenda have been issued and to obtain, execute, and include them with the bid. Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addendum or addenda. No. 1 ________ No. 2 ________ No. 3 _________ No. 4 ________ No. 5 ________ Respectfully submitted by, By: _________________________________________________ Signature of Duly Authorized Representative Printed Name: _________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________ 8 of 35 ETHICS STATEMENT The undersigned bidder, by signing and executing this bid, certifies and represents to the Harlingen Waterworks System that bidder has not offered, conferred or agreed to confer any pecuniary benefit, as defined by (1.07 (a) (6) of the Texas Penal Code, or any other thing of value as consideration for the receipt of information or any special treatment or advantage relating to this bid. The bidder certifies and represents that the bidder has not offered, conferred or agreed to confer any pecuniary benefit or other thing of value as consideration for the recipient’s decision, opinion, recommendation, vote or other exercise of discretion concerning this bid, the bidder certifies and represents that bidder has neither coerced nor attempted to influence the exercise of discretion by any officer, trustee, agent or employee of the Harlingen Waterworks System concerning this bid on the basis of any consideration not authorized by law. The bidder also certifies and represents that bidder has not received any information not available to other bidders so as to give the undersigned a preferential advantage with respect to this bid. The bidder further certifies and represents that bidder has not violated any state, federal, or local law, regulation or ordinance relating to bribery, improper influence, collusion or the like, and that bidder will not in the future offer, confer, or agree to confer any pecuniary benefit or other thing of value of any officer, trustee, agent or employee of the Harlingen Waterworks System in return for the person having exercised their official discretion, power or duty with respect to this bid. The bidder certifies and represents that it has not now and will not in the future offer, confer, or agree to confer a pecuniary benefit or other thing of value to any officer, trustee, agent, or employee of the Harlingen Waterworks System in connection with information regarding this bid, the submission of this bid, the award of this bid or the performance, delivery or sale pursuant to this bid. The vendor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Harlingen Waterworks System, all of its officers, agents and employees from and against all claims, actions, suits, demands, proceedings, costs, damages and liabilities, arising out of, connected with, or resulting from any acts or omissions of contractor or any agent, employee, subcontractor, or Supplier of contractor in the execution or performance of this bid. I have read all of the specifications and general bid requirements and do hereby certify that all items submitted meet specifications. FIRM’S REPRESENTATIVE: _________________________________________________ (Signature) TYPE/PRINT NAME: _________________________________________________ TITLE: _________________________________________________ COMPANY NAME: _________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, & ZIP CODE: _________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: _____________________ FAX NO.: _____________________________ FEDERAL ID# AND/OR S/S #: _________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________________________________ 9 of 35 REQUIREMENT FOR DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST In accordance with Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code, Respondent shall submit a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire as detailed below: 1. The CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE (FORM CIQ) is required to be filed within 7 business days of: i. Beginning contract discussions or negotiations with HWWS; or ii. Responding to a Request for Proposal, Invitation to Bid, or a correspondence or other writing related to a potential agreement with HWWS. 2. A person required to file a conflict of interest must file an updated questionnaire not later than September 1st of each year that a contractual relationship or negotiation is pending with HWWS. The CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE (FORM CIQ) is to be completed and submitted to HWWS Purchasing Agents Office, located at 114 North L Street, Harlingen, Texas 78551 COMPLETION AND SUBMISSION OF FORM CIQ ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROSPECTIVE RESPONDENT 10 of 35 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIQ For vendor of other person doing business with local government entity This questionnaire is being filed in accordance with chapter 176 of the Local Government Code by a person doing business with the government entity. By Law this questionnaire must be filled with the records OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received th administrator of the local government not later than the 7 business day after the date the person becomes aware of facts that require the statement to be filed. See Section 76.006, Local Government Code. A person commits an offense if the person violates Section 176.006, Local Government Code. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. 1 Name of Person doing business with local government entity. 2 Check this box if you are filing an update to a previous questionnaire. (The law requires that you file an updated completed questionnaire with the appropriate filing authority not later than September 1 of the year for which an activity described in Section 176.006(a), Local Government Code, is pending and not later th that the 7 business day after the date the originally filed questionnaire becomes incomplete or inaccurate.) 3 Describe each affiliation or business relationship with an employee or contractor of the local government entity who makes recommendations to a local government officer of the local government entity with respect to the expenditure of money. 4 Describe each affiliation or business relationship with a person who is a local government officer and who appoints or employs a local government officer of the local government entity that is the subject of this questionnaire. 11 of 35 CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIQ For vendor of other person doing business with local government entity PAGE 2 5 Name of local government officer with whom filer has affiliation or business relationship. (Complete this section only if the answer to A, B, or C is YES.) This section, item 5 including subparts A, B, C, & D, must be completed for each officer with whom the filer has affiliation or business relationship. Attach additional pages to the Form CIQ as necessary. A. Is the local government officer named in this section receiving or likely to receive taxable income from the filer of the questionnaire? Yes No B. Is the filer of the questionnaire receiving of likely to receive taxable income from or at the direction of the local government officer named in this section AND the taxable income is not from the local government entity? Yes No C. Is the filer of this questionnaire affiliated with a corporation or other business entity that the local government officer serves as an officer or director, or holds an ownership of 10% or more? Yes No D. Describe each affiliation or business relationship. 6 Describe any other affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest. 7 _____________________________________________________ ______________ Signature of person doing business with the government entity Date 12 of 35 13 of 35 14 of 35 BID PROPOSAL SUPPLY CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS Pursuant to the “Request for Bid” and in accordance with the Instructions to Bidder, Special Conditions, and Technical Specifications, the undersigned offers to furnish and deliver to the Harlingen Waterworks System Warehouse located at 114 N. “L” Street, Harlingen, Texas the materials listed on the Bid Proposal Form on pages 10 through 28. Quantities are estimated. The Harlingen Waterworks System reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities as deemed necessary without the bid price being affected. All items will be evaluated and awarded by SECTION OR IN ANY COMBINATION THEREOF. Successful Bidder(s) must keep one month’s supply of designated inventory items in stock for immediate shipment to the Harlingen Waterworks System. DELIVERY DATE: Must be within Five (5) working days from date of purchase order These bid prices include all materials and delivery of such as set forth in the attached Instructions to Bidder and Special Conditions. This Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year. Shipments will be on an “as needed” basis. HARLINGEN WATERWORKS SYSTEM WILL NOT ACCEPT ONE FULL SHIPMENT OF QUANTIES AWARDED. I have read and agree to comply with all of these requirements. Respectfully submitted this ________ day of ______________________, 2014. COMPANY NAME: ______________________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE (Please Print): ______________________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE’S SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE: ______________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: ______________________________________________ FAX NO.: ______________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ 15 of 35 CERTIFICATION AND AUTHORIZATION OF BID PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she has fully read and understands this “Request for Bid” and has full knowledge of the scope, quantity, and quality of the services and materials to be furnished, including the careful examination of the Vendor Agreement, Instructions to Bidders, Specifications, and Bid Sheet and intends to adhere to the provisions described herein. It is further agreed that the quantities of materials to be furnished may be increased or decreased as may be considered necessary, at the unit price set forth on the Bid Sheet. The undersigned also affirms that they are duly authorized to submit the Bid Sheet, that the Bid Sheet has not been prepared in collusion with any other vendor, and that the contents of the Bid Sheet have not been communicated to any other Vendor prior to the official opening of this Bid. I have read and agree to comply with all of these requirements. FIRM’S REPRESENTATIVE: _____________________________________________ (Signature) TYPE/PRINT NAME: _____________________________________________ TITLE: _____________________________________________ COMPANY NAME: _____________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ CITY, STATE, & ZIP CODE: _____________________________________________ TELEPHONE NO.: _____________________________________________ FAX NO.: _____________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ DATE: _____________________________________________ 16 of 35 HARLINGEN WATERWORKS SYSTEM VENDOR AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS THIS AGREEMENT by and between the Harlingen Waterworks System, hereinafter referred to as "HWWS," and _____________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor," evidences the following: 1.01 PARTIES - The parties to this Agreement are: (a) Harlingen Waterworks System, a department of the City of Harlingen, Texas, a municipal corporation Physical Address: 114 N. L Street Harlingen, Texas 78551 Phone: (956) 440-6560 Fax: (956) 440-6590 Address Mail To: P.O. Box 1950 Harlingen, Texas 78551-1950 (b) HWWS Authorized Representative: Darrell Gunn, P.E. General Manager Phone: (956) 430-6157 (c) Vendor: ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ (d) Subject of Agreement: (e) Vendor Authorized Representative: ______________________________ PIPES, VALVES, AND FITTINGS Phone: (xxx) ____________ (f) The Vendor’s complete name is required. (g) A street address is required. Vendor may designate a post office box for mailing purposes only. 1.02 Vendor, including his employees and suppliers, will at all times remain independent contractors and will not be considered representatives or agents of HWWS. The method and manner of performance of Vendor's undertaking under this Agreement will be under the exclusive control of Vendor. 1.03 Vendor agrees to furnish HWWS with the materials or equipment described as follows: (a) According to Technical Specifications attached hereto as Exhibit A; and (b) The Bid Proposal, Bid Form, Quotes and Special Conditions, if any. (c) This Vendor Agreement, Bid Proposal, and all documents in the Bid Packet, if any, are the contract documents. 17 of 35 (d) 2.01 At HWWS' request, Vendor will provide: (1) factual information as to the existence and financial stability of Vendor; (2) a list of other municipalities being served by Vendor; and CONTRACT DATES This Agreement shall commence on October 1, 2014 and expire on September 30, 2015. 3.01 4.01 4.02 PAYMENT TO VENDOR (a) Contract Sum - Vendor will be paid the total sum of $XX for the Vendor's performance of this Agreement subject to additions and deductions agreed by HWWS and Vendor. If applicable, payments will be made monthly based on the amount of materials or equipment delivered and invoiced by Vendor. (b) If during the performance of this contract, the price of Pipe, Valves, and Fittings significantly increases/decreases, through no fault of contractor, the price of Pipe, Valves, and Fittings under this agreement shall be equitably adjusted by an amount reasonably necessary to cover any such significant price increases/decreases. As used herein, a significant price increase/decrease shall mean any increase/decrease in price exceeding four percent (4%) experienced by contractor from the date of the contract signing. Such price increases/decreases shall be documented through quotes, invoices, or receipts. Pricing will be reviewed on a quarterly basis and will be adjusted accordingly. ALL PRICE INCREASES REQUIRE A 30 DAY PRIOR NOTICE BEFORE TAKING EFFECT. (c) Request for Payment - Vendor will send an invoice to HWWS by the 10th of the month for materials or equipment delivered the preceding calendar month. Submission of an invoice by Vendor is a representation that the materials or equipment invoiced have been delivered in accord with the terms of this Agreement and that the materials or equipment delivered meet the specifications for the type of materials or equipment delivered. (d) Payment by HWWS does not imply that the materials or equipment invoiced meet applicable specifications or that the amount of materials or equipment invoiced has been received by HWWS. HWWS reserves the right to test the materials or equipment received for specification compliance and quantity delivered. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS - Vendor is responsible for procuring and maintaining insurance coverage for the following claims: (a) Claims for workers' compensation, which will be in the amount required by the laws of the State of Texas; (b) Claims by Vendor's employees for bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death; Vendor will, at its expense, purchase and maintain insurance on all of its operations including the following: (a) Comprehensive General Liability: 18 of 35 $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 aggregate coverage $1,000,000 for products and completed operations (b) Commercial Automobile Liability $500,000 each occurrence, $500,000 aggregate coverage 4.03 All insurance coverage will be occurrence coverage and will be with an insurance carrier rated A-1 or better in the most current edition of A.M. Best's ratings guides. 4.04 Certificates of Insurance 5.01 6.01 (a) Vendor will provide HWWS with Certificates of Insurance before delivering materials or equipment. (b) The Certificates will provide that no coverage will be canceled, renewal refused, or materially changed for the duration of this Agreement unless at least thirty days prior written notice is given to HWWS. WARRANTIES (a) Vendor warrants that all materials or equipment supplied by Vendor will be delivered in a good and workmanlike manner in compliance with all applicable statutes, regulations, industry standards, and applicable codes. (b) With regard to materials or equipment provided, Vendor warrants that: (1) All materials or equipment will be paid for in accord with the terms for the purchase of the materials or equipment from the provider and that the materials or equipment will be free of the rightful claim of any provider or other third person; (2) All materials or equipment will meet or exceed the requirements of this Agreement including all applicable statutes, regulations, industry standards, and applicable codes; (3) All materials or equipment will be merchantable with respect to goods of that kind as defined by § 2.314, Texas Business & Commerce Code; and (4) All materials or equipment will be suitable and fit for their intended purpose in compliance with § 2.315, Texas Business & Commerce Code. (c) Vendor hereby assigns to HWWS any warranty for any materials or equipment provided by the manufacturer and/or provider of such materials or equipment, which assignment is in addition to Vendor's warranties set forth herein. (d) Vendor will provide to HWWS the name and address of each manufacturer and provider of materials or equipment specifying which materials or equipment have been manufactured or provided by the person or entity named. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION (a) HWWS may terminate this Agreement when, in the sole opinion of HWWS, there has been significant noncompliance with this Agreement. 19 of 35 7.01 8.01 (b) In lieu of termination of this Agreement, HWWS may, in its sole discretion, elect to order delivery of materials or equipment suspended until deficiencies in the materials or equipment are corrected. If, after suspension of delivery, HWWS, in its sole discretion, determines that deficiencies are not being corrected, HWWS may terminate this Agreement. (c) A decision by HWWS to terminate the Agreement is not subject to the dispute resolution process set forth in Paragraph 7.01. RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES (a) In the event a dispute arises, except a decision by HWWS to terminate the Agreement, delivery of materials or equipment will continue to the extent possible. (b) In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved between the parties, the parties agree to select a mediator to assist in resolving the dispute. Each party to the mediation will pay an equal share of the cost of the mediation. (c) In the event the dispute cannot be resolved by mediation, the parties may agree to a binding or nonbinding arbitration or may choose to litigate the dispute. Each party to an arbitration proceeding will pay an equal share of the cost. INDEMNIFICATION (A) VENDOR SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS HWWS, THE CITY OF HARLINGEN, THEIR AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, RELATED ENTITIES, COMMISSIONERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, LOSSES, DAMAGES, COSTS, OR EXPENSES ARISING OUT OF, RESULTING FROM, OR OCCURRING IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK TO BE PERFORMED, EQUIPMENT PROVIDED, OR MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT DELIVERED THAT IS: (1) ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY BODILY OR PERSONAL INJURY, SICKNESS, DISEASE, OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON; (2) ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY TO OR DESTRUCTION OF REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDING THE LOSS OF USE THEREOF; AND (3) CAUSED IN WHOLE OR PART BY ANY NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHER ACT OR OMISSION OF: (a) VENDOR AND ANY SUPPLIER OR THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, EMPLOYEES AND/OR 20 of 35 (b) HWWS AND/OR THE CITY OF HARLINGEN AND THEIR AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, RELATED ENTITIES, COMMISSIONERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND REPRESENTATIVES OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR WHOM THEY MAY BE LIABLE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHER ACT OR OMISSION OF THE PARTIES SO INDEMNIFIED. (B) THIS INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATION SHALL NOT BE LIMITED IN WAY BY LIMITATION ON THE AMOUNT OR TYPE OF DAMAGES, COMPENSATION, OR BENEFITS PAYABLE UNDER ANY WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT, LIABILITY BENEFIT ACTS, OR OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ACTS 9.01 NOTICES (a) Any notice required by this agreement will be given at the address or telephone facsimile number shown above. (b) Notices sent by mail will be deemed delivered when received. (c) Notices sent by telephone facsimile will be deemed delivered when received except that facsimile notices sent after 5:00 p.m. at the location of the recipient will be deemed delivered the following business day. 10.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS (a) Construction and Place of Performance - This Agreement will be construed under and in accord with the laws of the State of Texas, and all obligations of the Parties created hereunder are performable in Cameron County, Texas. (b) Execution of Other Instruments - The Parties hereto agree that they will execute such other and further instruments and documents as are or may become necessary or convenient to effectuate this Agreement. (c) Paragraph Headings - The paragraph headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not to be considered in construing its terms. (d) Parties and Successors Bound - This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns, as may be applicable. (e) Prior Agreements - This Agreement supersedes any prior understandings or written or oral agreements between the Parties with respect to the subject matter of the Agreement and contains the entire Agreement between the Parties as of the date of its execution. (f) Modification - This Agreement may be modified only in writing subscribed by the Parties hereto. 21 of 35 The Parties hereby execute this Agreement as of the date first set forth by the signatures of their duly authorized representatives: HARLINGEN WATERWORKS SYSTEM By:_______________________________ By:_______________________________ Name: Name: Darrell Gunn, P.E. Title: Title: General Manager Date: _________________________ Date: _________________________ 22 of 35 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR A SUPPLY CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS Please read your specifications thoroughly and be sure that the PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS offered complies with all requirements. All HWWS item numbers with an 800 prefix shall comply with Senate Bill S.3874, reduction of lead in drinking water act. Any variations from the specifications must be clearly indicated with each item specification, attached to and made a part of your bid on the proposal form Appendix A. If no exceptions are noted and you are the successful bidder, it will be required that PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS be furnished as specified. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TERMS OF CONTRACT The terms of the Contract for furnishing PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS shall be for a ONE (1) year period. During this period, Purchase Orders will be issued for items, as needed. The terms and conditions of the two shall govern. Supplier/Contractor will not perform against this Contract without first having received an official HWWS Purchase Order. It is emphasized that HWWS does/do not guarantee to purchase any specific quantity of any item listed during the period of this contract; rather, the quantities may vary depending upon the actual needs of the Waste Water Collection. PURPOSE The purpose of these specifications is to select and purchase PIPE, VALVES, AND FITTINGS. INTENT All specifications shown are a minimum. There is no intention to disqualify any Bidder who can meet these specifications. MATERIALS Each shipment of PIPE VALVES AND FITTINGS shall meet the minimum specified requirements set by TCEQ. Any content below said minimum shall be considered a breech of contract. PROVIDER PERFORMANCE HWWS require(s) Supplier(s)/Contractor(s) of these services to meet all specifications. In the event the Supplier/contractor is unable to provide all specified obligations of this Contract, HWWS may award contract to the next lower Bidder. Supplier/Contractor must also provide proper training, acceptable to City of Harlingen, in the application and handling of materials. SHIPPING, HANDLING AND DELIVERY All deliveries shall be coordinated by the supplier/contractor to the locations designated by the ordering HWWS personnel at time of order. Deliveries will only be accepted during business operating hours of Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm or at another time agreed upon in advance by HWWS. 23 of 35 The Bidder shall verify the equipment requirements prior to submittal of bids and ensure ability to deliver the proposed material in a vehicle, which is compatible with the existing unloading system. The vendor agrees to assure that his/her carrier has all appropriate equipment such as tools, hoses, valves and suitable hydraulic or electrical devices capable of insuring a timely unloading as not to interrupt the normal operation HWWS. The Supplier/Contractor agrees to make deliveries only upon receipt of duly signed and approved Purchase Order(s) issued by the HWWS. Delivery(ies) without such Purchase Order shall be at Bidder’s risk and shall leave the HWWS the option of canceling any Contract implied or expressed herein. Supplier/Contractor shall guarantee to assure that either his/her own carrier or any common carrier used shall be covered by all appropriate insurance required by any and all State and Federal agencies for the transportation of hazardous chemicals. The Supplier/Contractor shall further guarantee to assure that all vehicles are properly placarded and/or labeled and suitably maintained and equipped for the transportation of hazardous chemicals. INVOICING All invoices must be submitted in duplicate, itemized as to quantity, part number, description, and applicable discount (if any). In addition, invoices must show the name of the Department, Division or Section to which the merchandise was delivered, and the HWWS Purchase Order Number. All delivery tickets must be signed by the receiving employee and have a description of the commodity delivered. PAYMENT Payment shall be made after the HWWS has approved the invoice or after HWWS has accepted the goods, whichever occurs later. HWWS agrees that the terms of this contract and all rights otherwise reserved by law, shall constitute the sole, controlling contract terms. INDEMNIFICATION SUPPLIER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS HWWS, ITS AFFILIATES, SUBSIDIARIES, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, LOSSES, DAMAGES, COST OR EXPENSE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO REASONABLE ATTORNEY’S FEES) ARISING OUT OF, RESULTING FROM OR OCCURRING IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT AND/OR SUPPLIES THAT IS (I) ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY BODILY OR PERSONAL INJURY, SICKNESS, DISEASES OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR ANY DAMAGE OR INJURY TO OR DESTRUCTION OF REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDING THE LOSS OF USE THEREOF; AND (II) CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY NEGLIGENT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER ACT OR OMISSION OF THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR WHOM ANY OF THEM MAY BE LIABLE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH IS CAUSED IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER ACT OR OMISSION OF A PARTY OR PARTIES INDEMNIFIED HEREUNDER. THIS INDEMNIFICATION SHALL EXTEND TO CLAIMS OCCURRING AFTER ANY CONTRACT IS TERMINATED AS WELL AS WHILE IT IS IN FORCE. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The contract may be terminated by the HWWS, at its option, upon thirty (30) days written notice, if the materials furnished do not conform to the standard set forth herein, or if the deliveries and servicing of this Contract do not conform to the requirements detailed herein. 24 of 35 APPENDIX A: BID PROPOSAL FORM - RETURN WITH BID RESPONSE Barcode UOM Item Description - 140617 12 Mo. Usage Manufacturer Inv SECTION 1 100216 each FLANGE SET - 4" (BOLTS & GASKET) 304 SS 100224 each FLANGE SET - 6" (BOLTS & GASKET) 304 SS 100232 each FLANGE SET - 8" (BOLTS & GASKET) 304 SS 100240 each FLANGE SET - 10" (BOLTS & GASKET) 304 SS 4 100248 each FLANGE SET - 12" (BOLTS & GASKET) 304 SS 15 100264 each FLANGE SET - 16" (BOLTS & GASKET) 304 SS 21 Y 55 27 14 Total for Section 1 SECTION 2 James Jones 800105003 each CORPORATION STOP, MIP X PJCTS - 3/4" LF 800105004 each CORPORATION STOP, MIP X PJCTS - 1" LF 800105008 each CORPORATION STOP, MIP X MIP - 2" LF 800116004 Mueller A.Y. McDonald Ford E3403 P15028N 74704-22 3/4 F-1100-3-NL 48 Y E3403 P15028N 74704-22 1 F-1100-4-NL 163 E1943 B2969N 73131B 2 FB500-7-NL 16 each CURB STOP, BRASS ( FIP x FIP ) - 1" LF Y E1900W B20200N 76101W 1 B11-444W-NL 221 800121003 each CURB STOP, BRASS ( FIP x FIP ) - 3/4" LF Y E2010W B20200N 76101W 3/4 B11-333W-NL 76 800130003 each VALVE, BRASS ANGLE BALL ( FIP x PJCTS ) - 3/4" LF E1969W P24258N 74606B-22 3/4 BA41-333W-NL 28 800130004 Y E1969W P24258N 74606B-22 1 BA41-444W-NL 266 E1966W B24265N 74604 3/4 BA13-332W-NL 24 800135003 each VALVE, BRASS ANGLE BALL ( FIP x PJCTS ) - 1" LF VALVE, BRASS ANGLE BALL ( FIP X METER NUT) each 3/4" LF VALVE, BRASS ANGLE BALL ( PJCTS X METER NUT) each 3/4" LF Y E1963W P24258N 74602B-22 3/4 BA43-332W-NL 64 800139003 each COUPLING, STRAIGHT (PJCTS X PJCTS) - 3/4" LF Y E2609 P15403N 74758-22 3/4 C44-33-NL 105 800139004 each COUPLING, STRAIGHT (PJCTS X PJCTS) - 1" LF Y E2609 P15403N 74758-22 1 C44-44-NL 79 800140004 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X FLARE) - 1" LF E1531 H15425N 74753 1 C28-33-NL 10 800141002 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X PJPVC) - 3/4" LF E2640 V15440N 74753-44 3/4 C87-33-NL 15 800141003 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X PJCTS) - 3/4" LF Y E2605 P15428N 74753-22 3/4 C84-33-NL 105 800141004 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X PJCTS) - 1" LF Y E2605 P15428N 74753-22 1 C84-44-NL 162 800141005 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X PJPVC) - 1" LF E2640 V15440n 74753-44 1 C87-44-NL 27 800141006 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X PJPVC) - 1 1/2" LF Y E2640 V15440N 74753-44 1 1/2 C87-66-NL 37 800141008 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X PJPVC) - 2" LF Y E2640 V15440N 74753-44 2 C87-77-NL 116 800142006 each COUPLING, BRASS (PJCTS X PJCTS) - 1 1/2" LF E2609 P15403N 74758-22 1 1/2 C44-66-NL 1 800142008 each COUPLING, BRASS (PJCTS X PJCTS) - 2" LF E2609 P15403N 74758-22 2 C44-77-NL 5 800143006 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X PJCTS) - 1 1/2" LF E2605 P15428N 74753-22 1 1/2 C84-66-NL 2 800143008 each ADAPTER, BRASS (MIP X PJCTS) - 2" LF E2605 P15428N 74753-22 2 C84-77-NL 18 800144006 each COUPLING, BRASS (PJPVC X PJPVC) - 1 1/2" LF E2610 E15404N 74758-44 1 1/2 C77-66-NL 5 800144008 each COUPLING, BRASS (PJPVC X PJPVC) - 2" LF E2610 E15404N 74758-44 2 C77-77-NL 20 800145003 each COUPLING, STRAIGHT (PJCTS X PJPVC) - 3/4" LF E2612 V15441N 74758-22*-44 3/4 C47-33-NL 12 800145004 E2612 V15441N 74758-22*-44 1 C47-44-NL 20 Y E2623 P15071N 74755-22 3/4 C04-33-NL 51 Y E2623 P15071N 74755-22 1 C04-44-NL 140 800131013 Y 800160004 each COUPLING, STRAIGHT (PJCTS X PJPVC) - 1" LF ADAPTER, BRASS (FEMALE COPPER THREAD FLARE each X PJCTS) - 3/4" LF ADAPTER, BRASS (FEMALE COPPER THREAD FLARE each X PJCTS) - 1" LF COUPLING, ELL 90 (FEMALE COPPER THREAD FLARE each X FLARE) - 1" LF E1548 H15068N 74776 1 L02-44-NL 10 800180003 each METER COUPLING ( DOMESTIC ) - 3/4" LF Y E130-2.5L H10891-12N 74620 3/4X2 3/4 C38-23-2.5-NL 502 800180004 each METER COUPLING ( DOMESTIC ) - 1" LF Y E130-2.625 H10890N 74620 1ST C38-44-2.625-NL 105 800180034 each ADAPTER, METER - 1" X 3/4" LF E128H H10889N 710J34 A24-NL 8 800180043 each METER COUPLING ( DOMESTIC ) - 1" X 3/4" LF E130 H10890N 74620 1x3/4x1.75 C38-24-2-5-NL 367 800157003 800157004 Y 25 of 35 Manufacturer Extended Unit Price & Part No. Total 800186006 each CONNECTOR, EXPANSION - 3/4" LF FLANGE, BRASS METER FEMALE (DOMESTIC) - 1 each 1/2" LF FLANGE, BRASS METER FEMALE (DOMESTIC) - 2" each LF FLANGE, BRASS METER MALE (DOMESTIC) - 1 1/2" each LF 800186008 each FLANGE, BRASS METER MALE (DOMESTIC) - 2" LF 800316007 each METER RISER - 3/4" X 7" 12 800316009 each METER RISER - 3/4" X 9" 12 412010 each SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS - 2" X 1" J995 H13420 3892 S71 412013 each SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS - 2 1/2" X 1" J995 H13420 3892 S71 1 412017 each SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) SERVICE SADDLE, BRASS each STRAP ) 17.40 OD J995 H13420 3892 S71 1 Y J975 BR1B 3816 101B 31 Y J975 BR1B 3816 101B 51 800183003 800184006 800184008 412019 412024 412032 412041 412049 413020 413025 413035 413042 413050 413060 Y - 3" X 1" - 4" X 1" ( SINGLE - 6" X 1" ( SINGLE - 8" X 1" E6213 H-14234N 714-2EHG EC-23-NL 2 E129 N/A 7610F CF31-66-NL 17 E129 N/A 7610F CF31-77-NL 14 E129M N/A 7610M CF38-66-2-NL 14 E129M N/A 7610M CF38-77-2.125-NL 16 61 ( SINGLE Y J975 BR1B 3816 101B 35 J975 BR1B 3816 101B 13 J975 BR1B 3816 101B 8 - 10" X 1" ( SINGLE - 12" X 1" ( SINGLE - 4" X 2" ( DOUBLE J979 BR2B 3826 202B 6 J979 BR2B 3826 202B 12 - 6" X 2" ( DOUBLE - 8" X 2" ( DOUBLE J979 BR2B 3826 202B 7 J979 BR2B 3826 202B 2 - 10" X 2" ( DOUBLE - 12" X 2" ( DOUBLE J979 BR2B 3826 202B 4 J979 BR2B 3826A 202B 1 J-137R H-10895 18-G2 GT114 5000 - 16" X 2 " ( DOUBLE each 5/8" X 3/4" X 1/8" NEOPRENE METER GASKET each 1" X 1/8" NEOPRENE METER GASKET J-137R H-10895 18-G4 GT120R 2500 each 1 1/2" X 1/8" NEOPRENE METER GASKET W/EARS J-129G H-10895 18-G6 GT140 250 each 2" X 1/8" NEOPRENE METER GASKET W/EARS J-129G H-10895 18-G7 GT141 500 Total for Section 2 SECTION 3 160105 MANHOLE RING & LID W/ HWWS LOGO - 5" x each 24" Y 160106 each MANHOLE LID ONLY W/HWWS LOGO - 24" Y 75 6 Total for Section 3 SECTION 4 160111 each MANHOLE INFLOW PROTECTIVE DISH - 24" 444444 each MANHOLE RING, CONCRETE - 27" X 2" 100 Y 108 Total for Section 4 SECTION 5 161527 each MANHOLE, FIBERGLASS REPAIR KIT 10 Total for Section 5 SECTION 6 170116 each TEE, MANHOLE INSERTA (SDR35) - 4" 1 170124 each TEE, MANHOLE INSERTA (SDR35) - 6" 1 171116 each CLEANOUT, 2 WAY (SDR35) H X H X H - 4" 30 171117 each ADAPTER, HUB X FIP (SDR35) - 4" 30 171118 each PLUG, THREADED (SDR35) - 4" 30 171536 each WYE 45 GASKETED (SDR35) - 8" X 4" 21 171626 each WYE 45 GASKETED (SDR35) - 6" X 4" 10 26 of 35 171637 each WYE 45 GASKETED (SDR35) - 8" X 6" 2 171643 each WYE 45 GASKETED (SDR35) - 10" X 4" 2 174016 each SPIGOT PLUG - (SDR35) - 4" 5 174024 each SPIGOT PLUG - (SDR35) - 6" 2 174032 each SPIGOT PLUG - (SDR35) - 8" 1 176616 each BEND 45 SOLVENT (SDR35) H X S - 4" 177116 each BEND 45 SOLVENT (SDR35) H x H - 4" 177124 each BEND 45 SOLVENT (SDR35) H x H - 6" 177132 each BEND 45 SOLVENT (SDR35) H x H - 8" 178116 each BEND 22 1/2 SOLVENT (SDR35) H x H - 4" 178124 each BEND 22 1/2 SOLVENT (SDR35) H x H - 6" 2 178132 each BEND 22 1/2 SOLVENT (SDR35) H x H - 8" 1 181516 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR35) GASKETED - 4" 181524 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR35) GASKETED - 6" 5 181532 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR35) GASKETED - 8" 7 181540 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR35) GASKETED - 10" 4 181548 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR35) GASKETED - 12" 4 181560 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR35) GASKETED - 15" 182016 each COUPLING, (SDR35) H X H - 4" 182024 each COUPLING, (SDR35) H X H - 6" 2 182032 each COUPLING, (SDR35) H X H - 8" 2 187526 each SEWER INCREASER (SDR35) S X G - 6" X 4" 1 191016 each VALVE, PVC BACKWATER SCH40 - 4" 192016 each VALVE, SEWER DISCONNECT - 4" 8 Y 105 6 1 Y 83 Y 51 5 Y 39 1 Kodiak# SEWUR 4-H /Valve Housing Kodiak# SEWUR 4P /Valve Plunger 1 Total for Section 6 SECTION 7 182516 each BELL ADAPTER, DONUT (PVC-CLAY) - 4" X 4" Fernco 408-401 10 182524 each BELL ADAPTER, DONUT (PVC-CLAY) - 6" X 6" Fernco 608-601 1 183538 each BELL ADAPTER, DONUT (PVC-CLAY) - 8" X 8" 173643 each SADDLE TEE, FLEX 4" OUTLET Fernco 808-801 1 Y Mission Rubber TF-400 5 173652 each SADDLE TEE, FLEX 6" OUTLET 185016 Mission Rubber TF-600 2 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (CLAY-PVC) - 4" Y Mission Rubber MR02 44 ARC 55 185024 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (CLAY-PVC) - 6" Y Mission Rubber MR02 66 ARC 30 185032 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (CLAY-PVC) - 8" Mission Rubber MR02 88 ARC 27 185040 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (CLAY-PVC) - 10" Mission Rubber MR02 1010 ARC 1 185048 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (CLAY-PVC) - 12" Mission Rubber MR02 1212 ARC 1 185060 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (CLAY-PVC) - 15" Mission Rubber MR02 1515 ARC 2 185516 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (PVC-PVC) - 4" Mission Rubber MR56 44 12 185524 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (PVC-PVC) - 6" Mission Rubber MR56 66 2 185532 each ADAPTER, RUBBER (PVC-PVC) - 8" Mission Rubber MR56 88 1 Total for Section 7 27 of 35 SECTION 8 800220003 each COUPLING, BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 3/4" LF 800220004 each COUPLING, BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 1" LF 800220006 each COUPLING, BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 1 1/2" LF 800220008 each COUPLING, BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 2" LF 800225003 each ELBOW, 90 BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 3/4" LF 800225004 each ELBOW, 90 BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 1" LF 800225006 each ELBOW, 90 BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 1 1/2" LF 800225008 each ELBOW, 90 BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 2" LF 800226008 800230003 800230004 each TEE, BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 1" LF 800230006 each TEE, BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 1 1/2" LF 800230008 each TEE, BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 2" LF 236003 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 3/4" X 1 1/2" 236004 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1" X 1 1/2" 237003 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 3/4" X 2" 237004 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1" X 2 " 237006 Y Y DOMESTIC LF 8 DOMESTIC LF 114 DOMESTIC LF 15 DOMESTIC LF 41 DOMESTIC LF 9 DOMESTIC LF 141 DOMESTIC LF 14 DOMESTIC LF 61 each ELBOW, 45 BRASS ( DOMESTIC ) - 2" LF DOMESTIC LF 15 each TEE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 3/4" LF DOMESTIC LF 1 DOMESTIC LF 95 DOMESTIC LF 19 DOMESTIC LF 30 DOMESTIC 28 DOMESTIC 49 Y Y Y Y DOMESTIC 11 DOMESTIC 243 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1 1/2" X 2" DOMESTIC 11 237008 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 2" X 2" DOMESTIC 24 239003 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 3/4" X 3" DOMESTIC 3 239004 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1" X 3" DOMESTIC 2 239006 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1 1/2" X 3" DOMESTIC 11 239008 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 2" X 3" DOMESTIC 18 240003 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 3/4" X 4" DOMESTIC 3 240004 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1" X 4" DOMESTIC 10 240006 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1 1/2" X 4" DOMESTIC 4 240008 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 2" X 4" DOMESTIC 24 241003 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 3/4" X 5" DOMESTIC 3 241004 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1" X 5" DOMESTIC 4 242003 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 3/4" X 6" 242004 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1" X 6" 242006 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1 1/2" X 6" 242008 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 2" X 6" 244015 800245014 each NIPPLE, BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 2" X 10" REDUCER BUSHING, BRASS (DOMESTIC) each LF REDUCER BUSHING, BRASS (DOMESTIC) each 3/4" LF REDUCER BUSHING, BRASS (DOMESTIC) each 1" LF REDUCER BUSHING, BRASS (DOMESTIC) each LF REDUCER BUSHING, BRASS (DOMESTIC) each LF REDUCER BUSHING, BRASS (DOMESTIC) each 1/2" LF 800180035 each PLUG, THREADED BRASS (DOMESTIC) - 1" LF 800245005 800245007 800245008 800245012 800245013 Y DOMESTIC 3 DOMESTIC 214 DOMESTIC 9 Y DOMESTIC 23 Y DOMESTIC 37 Y DOMESTIC LF 92 DOMESTIC LF 1 DOMESTIC LF 52 Y - 1" X 3/4" - 1 1/2" X - 1 1/2" X Y - 2" X 3/4" DOMESTIC LF 2 DOMESTIC LF 47 DOMESTIC LF 15 - 2" X 1 " Y - 2" X 1 DOMESTIC LF 15 Total for Section 8 SECTION 9 300008 301008 302008 ADAPTER, COPPER FIP X HUB (DOMESTIC) (WROT) each - 2" ADAPTER, COPPER MIP X HUB (DOMESTIC) (WROT) each - 2" COUPLING, COPPER HUB X HUB (DOMESTIC) each (WROT) - 2" DOMESTIC 2 DOMESTIC 2 DOMESTIC 2 28 of 35 303008 304008 ELBOW, 90 COPPER HUB X HUB (DOMESTIC) each (WROT) - 2" ELBOW, 90 COPPER FIP X HUB (DOMESTIC) (WROT)each 2" DOMESTIC 6 DOMESTIC 4 Total for Section 9 SECTION 10 275003 each CAP, PVC SCH40 - 3/4" 54 275004 each CAP, PVC SCH40 - 1" 33 275008 each CAP, PVC SCH40 - 2" 13 280003 each ADAPTER, PVC FEMALE SCH40 S X FPT - 3/4" 114 280004 each ADAPTER, PVC FEMALE SCH40 S X FPT - 1" 15 280006 each ADAPTER, PVC FEMALE SCH40 S X FPT - 1 1/2" 1 280008 each ADAPTER, PVC FEMALE SCH40 S X FPT - 2" 11 280010 each ADAPTER, PVC FEMALE SCH40 S X FPT - 2 1/2" 1 280012 each ADAPTER, PVC FEMALE SCH40 S X FPT - 3" 1 280016 each ADAPTER, PVC FEMALE SCH40 S X FPT - 4" 1 281003 each ADAPTER, PVC MALE SCH40 S X MPT - 3/4" 39 281004 each ADAPTER, PVC MALE SCH40 S X MPT - 1" 20 281006 each ADAPTER, PVC MALE SCH40 S X MPT - 1 1/2" 7 281008 each ADAPTER, PVC MALE SCH40 S X MPT - 2" 42 281010 each ADAPTER, PVC MALE SCH40 S X MPT - 2 1/2" 1 281012 each ADAPTER, PVC MALE SCH40 S X MPT - 3" 3 281016 each ADAPTER, PVC MALE SCH40 S X MPT - 4" 282003 each COUPLING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 3/4" 202 282004 each COUPLING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 1" 106 282006 each COUPLING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 1 1/2" 20 282008 each COUPLING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 2" 83 282010 each COUPLING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 2 1/2" 1 282012 each COUPLING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 3" 2 282016 each COUPLING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 4" 29 282024 each COUPLING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 6" 15 284003 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X S - 3/4" 224 284004 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X S - 1" 110 284006 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X S - 1 1/2" 7 284008 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X S - 2" 69 284010 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X S - 2 1/2" 1 284012 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X S - 3" 1 284016 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X S - 4" 6 284024 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X S - 6" 17 285003 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X T - 3/4" 72 285004 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X T - 1" 6 285006 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X T - 1 1/2" 1 285008 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH40 S X T - 2" 8 286003 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH40 S X S - 3/4" 26 286004 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH40 S X S - 1" 10 286006 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH40 S X S - 1 1/2" 2 286008 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH40 S X S - 2" 23 286010 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH40 S X S - 2 1/2" 1 1 29 of 35 286012 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH40 S X S - 3" 286016 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH40 S X S - 4" 4 286024 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH40 S X S - 6" 8 290003 each TEE, PVC SCH40 S X S X S - 3/4" 38 290004 each TEE, PVC SCH40 S X S X S - 1" 33 290006 each TEE, PVC SCH40 S X S X S - 1 1/2" 1 290008 each TEE, PVC SCH40 S X S X S - 2" 13 290010 each TEE, PVC SCH40 S X S X S - 2 1/2" 1 290012 each TEE, PVC SCH40 S X S X S - 3" 1 290016 each TEE, PVC SCH40 S X S X S - 4" 2 295003 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 3/4" X 1/2" 13 295005 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 1" X 3/4" 40 295007 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 1 1/2" X 3/4" 3 295008 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 1 1/2" X 1" 7 295009 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 1 1/2" X 1 1/4" 6 295013 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 2" X 1" 21 295014 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 2" X 1 1/2" 6 295016 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 2 1/2" X 2" 1 295018 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 3" X 2" 3 295020 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 4" X 2" 3 295021 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X S - 4" X 3" 5 296003 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 3/4" X 1/2" 11 296005 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 1" X 3/4" 31 296008 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 1 1/2" X 1" 1 296012 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 2" X 3/4" 1 296013 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 2" X 1" 1 296014 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 2" X 1 1/2" 4 296018 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 3" X 2" 1 296020 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 4" X 2" 1 296026 each BUSHING, PVC SCH40 S X T - 6" X 4" 1 288003 each COUPLING, PVC SCH80 - 3/4" 12 288004 each COUPLING, PVC SCH80 - 1" 73 288006 each COUPLING, PVC SCH80 - 1 1/2" 15 288008 each COUPLING, PVC SCH80 - 2" 48 288016 each FLANGE, PVC SCH80 - 4" 6 288022 each BUSHING, PVC SCH80 S X S - 3/4" X 1/2" 6 288024 each FLANGE, PVC SCH80 - 6" 16 288032 each FLANGE, PVC SCH80 - 8" 4 288042 each BUSHING, PVC SCH80 S X S - 1" X 1/2" 6 288043 each BUSHING, PVC SCH80 S X S - 1" X 3/4" 12 288064 each BUSHING, PVC SCH80 S X S - 1 1/2" X 1" 6 288074 each CAP, PVC SCH80 - 1" 1 288076 each CAP, PVC SCH80 - 1 1/2" 1 288078 each CAP, PVC SCH80 - 2" 1 288084 each BUSHING, PVC SCH80 S X S - 2" X 1" 6 288086 each BUSHING, PVC SCH80 S X S - 2" X 1 1/2" 6 288103 each ADAPTER, PVC SCH80 MALE S X MPT - 3/4" 12 1 30 of 35 288104 each ADAPTER, PVC SCH80 MALE S X MPT - 1" 288106 each ADAPTER, PVC SCH80 MALE S X MPT - 1 1/2" 15 288108 each ADAPTER, PVC SCH80 MALE S X MPT - 2" 25 288204 each VALVE, BALL TRUE-UNION PVC SCH80 - 1" 24 288206 each VALVE, BALL TRUE-UNION PVC SCH80 - 1 1/2" 6 288208 each VALVE, BALL TRUE-UNION PVC SCH80 - 2" 25 288303 each ADAPTER, PVC SCH80 FEMALE S X FPT - 3/4" 12 288304 each ADAPTER, PVC SCH80 FEMALE S X FPT - 1" 16 288306 each ADAPTER, PVC SCH80 FEMALE S X FPT - 1 1/2" 6 288308 each ADAPTER, PVC SCH80 FEMALE S X FPT - 2" 12 288403 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH80 S X S - 3/4" 12 288404 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH80 S X S - 1" 78 288406 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH80 S X S - 1 1/2" 20 288408 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH80 S X S - 2" 74 288416 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH80 S X S - 4" 1 288424 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH80 S X S - 6" 2 288432 each ELBOW, 90 PVC SCH80 S X S - 8" 1 288603 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH80 S X S - 3/4" 12 288604 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH80 S X S - 1" 33 288606 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH80 S X S - 1 1/2" 8 288608 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH80 S X S - 2" 26 288624 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH80 S X S - 6" 1 288632 each ELBOW, 45 PVC SCH80 S X S - 8" 1 288903 each TEE, PVC SCH80 S X S X S - 3/4" 1 288904 each TEE, PVC SCH80 S X S X S - 1" 19 288906 each TEE, PVC SCH80 S X S X S - 1 1/2" 6 288908 each TEE, PVC SCH80 S X S X S - 2" 28 24 Total for Section 10 SECTION 11 299006 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR-21) GASKETED - 1 1/2" 299008 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR-21) GASKETED - 2" 299010 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR-21) GASKETED - 2 1/2" 299012 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR-21) GASKETED - 3" Harco 4 299016 each COUPLING, REPAIR (SDR-21) GASKETED - 4" Harco 10 299040 each COUPLING, REPAIR (CL160) GASKETED - 10" Certainteed 3 314016 each COUPLING, REPAIR (CL150) GASKETED - 4" 314024 each COUPLING, (REPAIR CL150) GASKETED - 6" Y 314032 each COUPLING, (REPAIR CL150) GASKETED - 8" Y 314040 each COUPLING, (REPAIR CL100) GASKETED - 10" 314048 each COUPLING, (REPAIR CL100) GASKETED - 12" 315024 each COUPLING, (REPAIR CL160) GASKETED - 6" 315032 each COUPLING, (REPAIR CL160) GASKETED 8" Y Y Harco 32 Harco 188 Harco 1 Harco 6 Harco 30 Harco 25 Certainteed 2 Certainteed 10 Harco 22 Harco 3 Total for Section 11 SECTION 12 401040 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 3" X 8" (OD 3.46-3.70) Smith Blair Romac PowerSeal FORD 226 CL1 3121 F1 31 of 35 2 401041 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 2" X 8" (OD 2.35-2.63) 226 CL1 3121 F1 8 401042 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 4" X 8" (OD 4.95-5.35) Y 226 CL1 3121 F1 82 401043 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 6" X 8" (OD 7.05-7.45) Y 226 CL1 3121 F1 86 401044 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 8" X 8" (OD 9.27-9.67) Y 226 CL1 3121 F1 54 401045 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 4" X 8" (OD 4.45-4.73) 226 CL1 3121 F1 3 401046 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 4" X 8" (OD 4.74-5.14) 226 CL1 3121 F1 2 401047 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 4" X 8" (OD 5.22-5.62) 226 CL1 3121 F1 1 401048 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 6" X 8" (OD 5.95-6.35) 226 CL1 3121 F1 1 401049 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 6" X 8" (OD 6.56-6.96) 226 CL1 3121 F1 1 401050 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 6" X 8" (OD 6.84-7.24) 226 CL1 3121 F1 10 401051 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 6" X 8" (OD 7.45-7.85) 226 CL1 3121 F1 1 401058 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 8" X 8" (OD 8.99-9.39) 226 CL1 3121 F1 21 401059 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 8" X 8" (OD 8.54-8.94) 226 CL1 3121 F1 1 401060 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 8" X 8" (OD 7.95-8.35) 226 CL1 3121 F1 1 401062 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 12" X 15" (OD 13.14-14.34) 227 CL2 3122 F2 3 401064 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 16" X 15" (OD 19.23-19.98) 227 CL2 3122 F2 1 401083 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 10" X 15" (OD 11.04-12.24) 227 CL2 3122 F2 2 401084 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 10" X 15" (OD 10.64-11.04) 226 CL1 3121 F1 3 401095 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 10" X 15" (OD 11.60-12.40) 227 CL2 3122 F2 2 401096 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 12" X 15" (OD 12.62-13.02) 227 CL2 3122 F2 1 401097 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 14" X 15" (OD 15.07-15.82) 228 3123 F3 1 401098 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 16" X 15" (OD 18.46-19.21) 228 3123 F3 1 401099 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 12" X 15" (OD 13.65-14.85) 227 3122 F2 5 401101 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 20" X 15" (OD 21.52-22.27) 228 3123 F3 1 401103 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 16" X 15" (OD 17.10-18.30) 228 401104 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 16" X 15" (OD 16.56-17.31) 228 401105 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 20" X 15" (OD 22.12-22.87) 228 401110 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 8" X 12" (OD 9.27-9.67) 226 401117 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 16" X 15" (OD 15.92-16.67) 401123 401125 401140 Y Y CL3 3123 F3 1 3123 F3 2 3123 F3 1 3121 F1 4 228 3123 F3 2 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 24" X 15" (OD 26.87-27.67) 228 3123 F3 1 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 24" X 15" (OD 25.70-26.80) 228 3123 F3 2 each CLAMP, REPAIR F.C. 20" X 15" (OD 23.28-24.38) 228 3123 F3 CL1 1 Total for Section 12 SECTION 13 425016 425024 425032 425040 425072 425080 428048 428064 428080 428084 428085 428096 COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL - 4"X12" (OD 4.74-5.65) each W/ SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL - 6"X12" (OD 6.59-7.60) each W/ SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL - 8"X12" (OD 8.54-9.80) each W/ SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL - 10"X12" (OD 10.65each 12.26) W/ SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL TRANS 18" X 15" (OD each 19.50) W/SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL 20" X 16" (OD 21.52each 21.65) W/SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL - 12"X12" (OD 12.75each 14.38) W/ SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL TRANS 16" X 12" (OD each 17.40-17.80) AC/PVC W/SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL TRANS 20" X 12" (OD each 21.60-22.25) AC/PVC W/SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL TRANS 20" X 12" (OD each 21.60-22.65) AC/PVC W/SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL TRANS 20" X 12" (OD each 21.60-22.75) AC/PVC W/SS BOLTS COUPLING, REPAIR STEEL TRANS 24" X 12" (OD each 25.75-26.42) W/SS BOLTS Smith-Blair Mueller Romac Ford PowerSeal 462 Maxi Range 501 FC2W-12" 3506 25 Y 462 Maxi Range 501 FC2W-12" 3506 20 Y 462 Maxi Range 501 FC2W-12" 3506 36 462 Maxi Range 501 FC2W-12" 3506 4 411 Maxi Step 501 FC4A 3506 411 Maxi Step 501 FC2A 462 Maxi Range 501 FC2W-12" 3506 11 411 Maxi Step 501 FC2A 3506 4 413 Maxi Step 501 FC2A 1 413 Maxi Step 501 FC2A 2 413 Maxi Step 501 FC2A 1 413 Maxi Step TC400 FC2A 1 32 of 35 2 2 Total for Section 13 SECTION 14 Star Ford Sigma EBAA Tyler Union SmithBlair Star Grip 3000-35004000 UFR 1500 One Lok Mega Lug TUF Grip Cam Lock 100016 each RESTRAINT, MJ 4" (W/ACCESSORIES) 10 100024 each RESTRAINT, MJ 6" (W/ACCESSORIES) 20 100032 each RESTRAINT, MJ 8" (W/ACCESSORIES) 44 100040 each RESTRAINT, MJ 10" (W/ACCESSORIES) 10 100048 each RESTRAINT, MJ 12" (W/ACCESSORIES) 5 100064 each RESTRAINT, MJ 16" (W/ACCESSORIES) 2 100080 each RESTRAINT, MJ 20" (W/ACCESSORIES) 2 Total for Section 14 SECTION 15 Star Tyler Sigma SIP 500016 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ - 4" 22 500017 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ TRANSITION - 4" 10 500024 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ - 6" 84 500025 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ TRANSITION - 6" 18 500032 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ - 8" 75 500033 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ TRANSITION - 8" 5 500040 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ - 10" 13 500041 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ TRANSITION - 10" 1 500048 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ - 12" 8 500049 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ TRANSITION - 12" 1 500064 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ TRANSITION - 16" 1 500080 each ACCESSORY KIT, MJ TRANSITION - 20" 1 Total for Section 15 SECTION 16 Sigma Star Tyler/Union SIP 424024 each ADAPTER, MJ ( SWIVEL X SOLID ) 6" X 13" 13 424032 each ADAPTER, MJ ( SWIVEL X SOLID ) 8" X 13" 7 426024 each FOSTER ADAPTER - 6" 2 426032 each FOSTER ADAPTER - 8" 2 503025 each TEE, CI MJ X FLNG - 6" 8 503032 each TEE, CI MJ X FLNG - 8" 2 503035 each TEE, CI 8" MJ X 6" FLNG 6 503040 each TEE, CI MJ X FLANGE - 10" 1 614048 each TEE, CI MJ X FLANGE - 12" 1 503016 each TEE, CI MJ - 4" 2 503024 each TEE, CI MJ - 6" 2 503038 each TEE, CI MJ - 8" 2 501140 each TEE, CI MJ - 10" 1 503048 each TEE, CI MJ - 12" 1 503064 each TEE, CI MJ - 16" 1 505148 each ELBOW, 90 MJ - 12" 3 505316 each ELBOW, 90 MJ - 4" 1 33 of 35 505325 each ELBOW, 90 MJ - 6" 2 505332 each ELBOW, 90 MJ - 8" 9 506316 each ELBOW, 45 MJ - 4" 2 506324 each ELBOW, 45 MJ - 6" 5 506332 each ELBOW, 45 MJ - 8" 7 506340 each ELBOW, 45 MJ - 10" 2 506348 each ELBOW, 45 MJ - 12" 1 511044 each BELL REDUCER, MJ - 10" X 6" 2 511045 each BELL REDUCER, MJ - 10" X 8" 4 511053 each BELL REDUCER, MJ - 12"X8" 3 511054 each BELL REDUCER, MJ - 12"X10" 1 513036 each BELL REDUCER, MJ - 8" X 4" 1 513037 each BELL REDUCER, MJ - 8" X 6" 4 519116 each PLUG, P/O (W/Ears) - 4" X 2" 2 519125 each PLUG, P/O (W/Ears) - 6" X 2" 2 519135 each PLUG, P/O (W/Ears) - 8" X 2" 1 521016 each PLUG, BLIND P/O (W/Ears) - 4" 1 585072 each VALVE BOX, HD SMALL - 18" 585000 each VALVE BOX LID C.I. DROP - 5 1/4" 585073 each VALVE BOX RISER - 2" Y 43 585074 each VALVE BOX RISER - 4" Y 23 585075 each VALVE BOX RISER - 6" Y East Jordan 8550 Star 461HD Tyler/Union 461S SIP 461S VBX HD 158 1 20 Total for Section 16 SECTION 17 570019 570020 570022 570024 570025 570026 FIRE HYDRANT, each W/Acc. FIRE HYDRANT, each W/Acc. FIRE HYDRANT, each W/Acc. FIRE HYDRANT, each W/Acc. FIRE HYDRANT, each W/Acc. FIRE HYDRANT, each W/Acc. American Flow Mueller US Pipe B-84-B Super Centurion Sentinel 250 B-84-B Super Centurion Sentinel 250 B-84-B Super Centurion Sentinel 250 B-84-B Super Centurion Sentinel 250 B-84-B Super Centurion Sentinel 250 B-84-B Super Centurion Sentinel 250 YELLOW W/ SS BOLTS - 3 Ft. YELLOW W/ SS BOLTS - 3 1/2 Ft. YELLOW W/ SS BOLTS - 4 Ft. YELLOW W/ SS BOLTS - 4 1/2 Ft. YELLOW W/ SS BOLTS - 5 Ft. YELLOW W/ SS BOLTS - 6 Ft. Kennedy Guardian 1546330615132HWW Guardian 1546335615132HWW Guardian 1546340615132HWW Guardian 1546345615132HWW Guardian 1546350615132HWW Guardian 1546360615132HWW 4 9 7 4 2 3 Total for Section 17 SECTION 18 American Flow VALVE, GATE 4"MJ X 4"FLANGE (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE 6"MJ X 6"FLANGE (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE 8"MJ X 8"FLANGE (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE 10"MJ X 10"FLANGE (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE 12"MJ X 12"FLANGE (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE MJ - 4" (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE MJ - 6" (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE MJ - 8" (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE MJ - 10" (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. VALVE, GATE MJ - 12" (Epoxy Coated W/SS Bolts) Less Acc. Mueller US Pipe Kennedy 614016 each 614024 each 614032 each 614040 each 614048 each 626016 each 626024 each 626032 each 626040 each 626048 each 626564 each VALVE, BUTTERFLY MJ - 16" Less Acc. 1 626580 each VALVE, BUTTERFLY MJ - 20" Less Acc. 2 Y 2500 A2360 AUSP1-19 4 2500 A2360 AUSP1-19 16 2500 A2360 AUSP1-19 6 2500 A2360 AUSP1-19 1 2500 A2360 AUSP1-19 1 2500 A2360 AUSP1-23 9 Y 2500 A2360 AUSP1-23 13 Y 2500 A2360 AUSP1-23 15 2500 A2360 AUSP1-23 3 2500 A2360 AUSP1-23 6 34 of 35 626000 each OPERATING NUT, AFC VALVE 626001 each OPERATING NUT, CLOW VALVE 6" 4 626002 each OPERATING NUT, CLOW VALVE 8" 4 626003 each OPERATING NUT, CLOW VALVE 10"-12" 4 626004 each OPERATING NUT, MUELLER VALVE 2" 4 626005 each OPERATING NUT, MUELLER VALVE 2.5" - 8" 4 626006 each OPERATING NUT, MUELLER VALVE 10"-12" 4 626007 each OPERATING NUT, MUELLER VALVE 14"-16" 4 4 Total for Section 18 SECTION 19 590001 592001 each METER BOX (PLASTIC OVAL) METER BOX, PLASTIC W/CI LID - 15" X 27" (NO each LOGO) Y Mid States 11P Y Mid States DFW 1017 East Jordan 384 DFW 19 Total for Section 19 SECTION 20 800606006 each VALVE, BRASS GATE W/BRASS HANDWHEEL - 1 1/2" Y Hammond-UP645 Jones-EJ372 LF 800606008 each VALVE, BRASS GATE W/BRASS HANDWHEEL - 2" Y Hammond-UP645 Jones-EJ372 LF 16 60 Total for Section 20 SECTION 21 990103 each CLEANER, PVC CLEAR -1 QUART CAN Oatey# 30805 132 990104 Oatey# 31015 115 990105 each CEMENT, PVC - 1 QUART CAN SEALANT, PIPE THREAD COMPOUND SLIC-TITE each (8oz) 990106 each LUBRICANT, PIPE 1 GALLON (NO BLUE LUBE) 990116 each CEMENT, PVC GRAY HEAVY DUTY -1 QUART CAN 990120 990151 Laco# 42019 Y Ease-On 7 Oatey Phoenix 68 Oatey# 31105 30 each FLUX, SOLDERING REGULAR (16oz) Laco# 22107 3 each SANDCLOTH, 1 1/2" X 10 YDS. (120 GRIT) Oatey# 31317 9 Total for Section 21 35 of 35
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