TOMATO SOLUTIONS 2015 SEED GUIDE PHONE: 519-354-3039 FAX: 519-354-2058 E-MAIL: [email protected] CONTACT: JIM DICK or ADAM DICK PROCESSING EDITION DESCRIPTION OF TOMATO HYBRIDS FOR SALE TSH18 (97 days or 2210 heat units) is a very early maturing processing hybrid, ready for harvest about 2 days earlier than TSH04. The fruit size is larger than TSH04. This hybrid peels very well, but also has good colour and viscosity for other products. Vine size is medium compact and the best yields will be achieved with 16,000 plants per acre. TSH18 is an excellent choice for early season extension. Resistant to Verticillium and Fusarium wilt, and tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. USE FOR MAXIMUM EARLINESS AND SEASON EXTENSION TSH04 (99 days or 2260 heat units) is an early jointless processing hybrid with excellent yield for its maturity classification. Fruit size (57g) is uniform, peeled color is good and fruit peel cleanly. For product use, TSH04 has medium viscosity and good soluble solids. Vine size is moderate, and the best yields will be achieved with 16,000 plants per acre. Resistance to blossom end rot is excellent. Overall, the combination of good fruit size and firmness coupled with good peeled color increases peeled recovery. This hybrid ripens very quickly as it approaches maturity. The date for machine harvest at optimum quality can be missed easily if the crop is not being watched closely. Once the 60% ripe stage has been reached, machine harvest should be scheduled within a week. Fruit do not have to be left to become overripe to have good peeled color, unlike some other hybrids grown for whole pack. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. USE TO GET YOUR FACTORY UP AND RUNNING EARLY IN THE SEASON TSH24 (111 days or 2530 heat units) is a San Marzano type with very elongated fruit, having a height to width ratio of 2.0. This fruit shape and style matches that of the imported Italian whole pack tomatoes. Peelability is excellent. Resistance to fruit cracking due to handling and machine harvest is high, with a very low percentage of cracked fruit. Fruit weight is about 58g similar to plum shaped varieties, but due to the elongated shape, the diameter is less. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. FOR ITALIAN STYLE WHOLE PACK TSH26 (111 days or 2530 heat units) is a main mid-season hybrid that peels easily, with excellent peeled color and appearance. Fruit are ovate shaped (height:width ratio of 1.5) with small exposed stem scars for easy peel removal. Fruit size (61g) is similar to TSH04. Firmness is outstanding. Thicker fruit walls result in better dicing recovery. It is very resistant to blossom end rot. The vine and foliage are vigorous and cover the beds and growing area completely, resulting in good yields. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. FOR SUPERB PEELED COLOR AND QUALITY TSH28 (102 days or 2330 heat units) Maturity is 3 days later than TSH04, and fruit hold well for a long harvest window. Internal color is very good, and externally the color is a very deep red. Soluble solids are excellent for improving paste, sauce and crushed tomato recovery. Internal structure is excellent with thick walls and reduced locular area for high diced product recovery. Fruit are jointless, and blocky with a height:width ratio of 1.2. Fruit weight is 67g vs 57 for TSH04. Peeled color is similar to TSH04. Vine size is compact and a plant population of up to 16,000 plants per acre is recommended to optimize yields. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. PROVIDES HIGH COLOR AND QUALITY TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN EARLY AND MAIN SEASON HYBRIDS TSH29 (116 days or 2650 H.U.) is a jointless main season hybrid with good firmness which is maintained when harvesting has to be delayed. Fruit hold well under adverse conditions. Resistance to yellow shoulder syndrome is outstanding, and fruit peel easily. Vine size is larger than H9706, and yield potential is very high. Based on observations under commercial conditions, TSH29 may have some tolerance to bacterial spot. Fruit are ovate shaped with a weight of 59g. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. USE TO BOOST YOUR YIELD AVERAGE WHILE IMPROVING PEELED RECOVERY TSH33 (117 days or 2860 H.U.) is a LATER MID-SEASON jointless hybrid maturing a day or two later than TSH29 or about 4 days earlier than H9706 in 2013. Peeled color and recovery is good. Fruit size (61g) is similar to TSH29. Fruit are plum shaped with a height:width ratio of 1.3. Soluble solids and viscosity are excellent. Fruit firmness is extremely good, with virtually no cracked fruit after dropping 4 feet onto a hard surface. Resistance to fruit breakdown late in the season is excellent. When held in the field past the optimum harvest date, internal quality is maintained. Some tolerance to bacterial spot has been noted where bacterial spot has caused extensive fruit spotting on some other hybrids grown in the same plot. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck, and tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. TSH34 (114 days or 2600 H.U.) is a jointless main season hybrid with a large vigorous vine resulting in high yields. This hybrid does not require high levels of nitrogen to produce good yields, and will yield well under adverse soil conditions. Maturity is about a week earlier than later hybrids such as H9706. In 2013, a relatively late season, when planted May 23rd, harvest took place on average on September 15th, 115 days from planting, 7 days earlier than H9706, and 11 days earlier than H3406. Fruit are ovate shaped with a weight of 57g and have excellent peeled colour and quality. Based on observations under commercial conditions, TSH34 may have some tolerance to bacterial spot. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. USE FOR A SOLID MID-SEASON HYBRID BETWEEN EARLY AND LATE HYBRIDS TSH32 (109 days or 2485 H.U.) is a jointless hybrid with much larger fruit size than any of our other hybrids, averaging 81 grams with a height to width ratio of 1.34. Firmness is excellent due to the trilocular internal structure, and thick pericarp. Fruit peel easily and have a nice uniform peeled colour. This hybrid matures about 8 days later than TSH04, so is relatively early to fill the gap between the very early and the true mid-season hybrids. It must be harvested on schedule for best results. The larger fruit size will improve recovery when lye peeling, but only processors with the ability to sort the smaller tomatoes for whole pack should try using this hybrid. If only dicing or stewing, size sorting would obviously not be needed. This hybrid is one of our most successful for the basket trade fresh market, but we were impressed with the peeled quality in our peeling tests. Yield is equal to other hybrids in the same maturity range, with slightly better soluble solids for improved flavour. Processors are advised to only try a few acres to see if this hybrid will fit into their system due to the larger fruit size. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck, and tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. FOR A HIGH QUALITY DICED TOMATO FOR PROCESSORS WANTING TO IMPROVE LYE PEEL RECOVERY IN THE EARLY MID-SEASON MATURITY RANGE. TSH35 (110 days or 2500 heat units) is a San Marzano type (similar to TSH24) TSH35 - SHAKEN OFF VINE IN FIELD WITHOUT CLEANING with elongated fruit, having a height to width ratio of 1.9. This fruit shape and style matches that of the imported Italian whole pack tomatoes. Resistance to fruit cracking due to handling is high, with a very low percentage of cracked fruit. Yield is similar to TSH24 (50 t/ac in our plots). The main difference compared to TSH24 is the 15% larger fruit size (70g average) and a much larger fruit diameter which will prevent losses from fruit falling through chains on the harvester. Peeled quality is excellent. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. FOR ITALIAN STYLE WHOLE PACK TSH37 (NEW!) TSH37 ( 105.5 days or 2400 H.U.) is a jointless early season hybrid with a compact vine size. This hybrid can withstand high levels of nutrition to promote high yields without producing excessive vine. The foliage maintains excellent cover to protect fruit from sunburn. Maturity is about 2 days later than H5108. This hybrid has thick fruit walls and the ability to maintain firmness both before and after peeling for several weeks after the earliest optimum harvest date. Peeled colour is exceptional with uniform color and resistance to yellow shoulder. The uniformly sized fruit are ovate shaped with an average weight of 62 grams and have excellent peeled colour and quality. Interior color is excellent due in part to one parent having the crimson (old gold crimson) gene. The improved color is also visible in the peeled LYE PEELED SAMPLE OF TSH37 fruit. Based on observations under commercial conditions, TSH37 may have some tolerance to bacterial spot. VF resistant, tolerant to bacterial speck. Tolerant to Pinnacle herbicide. For very high quality peeled fruit for diced or regular whole pack. (seed supplies are very limited for 2015, but we encourage our customers to try a few acres as we think the quality and recovery are impressive) Pinnacle (Thifensulfuron) Tolerance: Ratings for tolerance to the herbicide Pinnacle (thifensulfuron) are included in the descriptions of each variety. However, even tolerant varieties can be damaged by Pinnacle under some conditions. Growers using Pinnacle do so at their own risk. RESULTS FROM 2014 VARIETY TRIALS (RELATIVELY COOLER THAN NORMAL SEASON): PLANT SPACING WAS 4' SINGLE ROWS X 16" = 8,165 PLANTS PER ACRE - NO ETHREL WAS APPLIED HYBRID DAYS TO HARVEST FROM MAY 23 % S.S. (R.I.) % CRACKED FRUIT AFTER 4 FOOT DROP % ROTTEN FRUIT FIRMNESS RATING 1=VERY FIRM 9=VERY SOFT *TOTAL YIELD TONS PER ACRE (single rows, not twin rows) FRUIT WT. (G) *H:W RATIO SHAPE 1ST HARVEST 14 DAYS LATER 1ST HAR -VEST 14 DAYS LATER 1ST HARVEST ON PEELED FRUIT 14 DAYS LATER ON RAW FRUIT 5.32 28.3 20.5 0.9 14.0 5.5 3.0 25.8 54 1.41 99 5.22 18.9 26.6 1.0 20.6 5.5 2.5 41.1 47 1.34 100 102 5.20 15.5 41.8 0.6 25.9 5.0 4.8 35.8 62 1.25 TSH37 104 106 5.32 7.7 11.2 0.7 12.0 2.8 2.8 38.4 62 1.42 TSH24 107 111 5.40 0.5 2.2 5.8 10.6 4.2 3.5 49.8 56 1.96 TSH32 108 109 5.58 7.4 8.6 0.8 18.7 4.0 3.0 48.0 71 1.48 TSH35 109 110 5.20 7.1 0.7 9.8 19.5 2.8 2.8 46.1 69 1.84 TSH33 110 117 5.58 13.6 6.5 4.3 18.6 2.8 2.8 40.6 55 1.32 TSH34 110.8 114 4.87 12.0 6.9 7.8 18.3 3.8 3.5 64.8 58 1.40 2014 Yield trial only seed guide avg. est. TSH18 97 97 TSH04 100 TSH28 TSH29 111 116 4.88 17.5 3.9 3.8 14.1 3.5 2.3 56.3 56 1.37 *Our yield trials are conducted with single rows and as a result, the yields on the smaller, more compact vine types such as TSH04 are lower than they would be in regular commercial production where twin rows with populations around 12,000 plants per acre or more are used. We compare yields to known check hybrids with similar vine sizes to judge the relative yields. For grading rotten fruit in the yield sample, the presence of any visible rot on the fruit no matter how small an amount, resulted in placing that fruit in the rotten category. Most of these fruit were relatively intact as shown. Fruit that were completely disintegrated were not harvested since it was impossible to pick these up, but there were very few of these even 2 weeks after the first (optimum) harvest date. Our fungicide program alternated Echo (Bravo) with Quadris Top especially later in the season with weekly applications. Anthracnose was controlled well with this program. TOMATO SOLUTIONS RESEARCH FARM Tomato Solutions research location encompasses 72 acres, most of which is covered in trees or left as meadow. Approximately 14 acres are used for tomato breeding plots, with half of that planted each year to tomatoes and the other half to cover crops to improve the soil and to control the impact of soil borne disease and nematodes which can be a problem with such a short rotation. The cover crops we have found most useful are fall rye, pearl millet, and especially tillage radish. This year we will underseed the rye in February with yellow sweet clover and terminate that in mid July so that we can seed tillage radish in late July. The radish will be terminated October 1st by flail mowing and disking. In growing our research plots, we follow standard commercial practices regarding herbicide, fungicide, and insecticide usage except where we need to modify fungicide use to select for late blight resistance. We have never used copper for control of bacterial spot in the field plots, relying instead on sanitation practices to eliminate contamination with Xanthomonas spp. In the above photo, Fields A1 and B show the breeding plots which can contain up to 1200 individual breeding lines. These are planted in mid May and terminated approximately October 21st in time to plant fall rye. Building A contains our laboratory, office space, germination room, growth chamber, and seed drying and treatment facilities. Building B contains a workshop area which is also used for grading and peeling field samples from the yield trials and selection plots. The other portion of building B is used for machinery and equipment storage. Our greenhouse for growing plug plants is located between buildings A and B. Effectiveness of Chlorine Seed Treatment used by Tomato Solutions Untreated raw seed showing fuzzy seed surface ideal for harbouring bacterial pathogens. Seed after treatment with 5000 ppm chlorine for 60 minutes, showing removal of fuzz from seed coat. Embryos are visible through bleached, disinfected seed coat. A 42 page report “TOMATO SEED DISINFECTION WITH CHLORINE” is available on our website at Demonstration of effectiveness of chlorine seed treatment in leaving a chlorine residue Tomato seed was treated with chlorine using our commercial procedure (soaked for 24 hours at 6EC prior to treatment for 60 minutes in 5000 ppm chlorine at 20EC and pH 9.5). Half of the seed was rinsed twice with sterile water and dried aseptically. The other half of the treated seed was neutralized with sodium thiosulphate (a chlorine neutralizer) and also dried overnight. Portions of the water rinsed and neutralized seed were placed on chlorine test paper (Hydrion Sanitizer Test Paper, Micro Essential Laboratory Inc.) to demonstrate the presence of chlorine residues. These paper strips turn various shades of purple depending on the amount of chlorine present in a liquid solution. When dry treated seed is placed on the strips moistened with water, the purple color indicates a chlorine residue. The dried seed was also placed on PDA seeded with bacterial canker bacteria (C.m.m.) just prior to pouring the plate and incubated to determine the effect of chlorine residues on bacterial growth. As shown below, our seed carries a chlorine residue after treatment and drying which will inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Chlorine residue shown to be present on dried seed; not present when chlorine is neutralized. Effect of chlorine residue on dried seed on growth of canker bacteria. The clear zone around each seed. indicates bacterial growth inhibition. TOMATO SOLUTIONS 23264 MULL ROAD, CHATHAM, ONTARIO, CANADA N7M 5J4 PHONE: 519-354-3039 e-mail: [email protected] Contact: Jim Dick or Adam Dick FAX: 519-354-2058 2015 PRICE per M (1000 seeds) ALL HYBRIDS CALL FOR PRICES Product Information Pelletizing is done by Germain’s Technology Group (mini-pellet, coloured orange). Only conventional breeding methods are used to produce our hybrids (no GMO’s). All seed is surface disinfected with chlorine to eliminate bacteria and fungi. No other chemical seed treatments are applied. Terms and Conditions of Sale TERMS: PAYMENT IN ADVANCE OF SHIPPING OR ON DELIVERY, UNLESS OTHER ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE. MINIMUM ORDER OF 10,000 (10M) SEEDS. Please fax, e-mail, or phone your order to us. Invoices will be faxed or mailed back to you. Seed will be sent by courier or expedited parcel post. Price includes shipping and handling Note: Photo is a representation of the variety. Actual appearance may vary. All variety information presented herein is based on field and laboratory observation. Actual crop yield, quality, and level of claimed pest and pathogen resistances, are dependent upon many factors beyond our control and NO WARRANTY is made for crop yield, quality, and level of claimed pest and pathogen resistances. Since environmental conditions and local practices may affect variety characteristics and performance, we disclaim any legal responsibility for these. NOTICE TO BUYER: WARRANTY AND CONDITIONS OF SALE: TOMATO SOLUTIONS warrants that the seed sold has been labelled as required by law. TOMATO SOLUTIONS limits its warranty to the full amount of the purchase price of the seed. TOMATO SOLUTIONS makes no other express or implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise of its seed or the crops grown from the seed. TOMATO SOLUTIONS makes no representation regarding freedom from seed borne diseases and disclaims any liability relating to such diseases whether previously known to exist or not identified until this seed is grown. Any recommendations for use of the seed are based upon TOMATO SOLUTIONS’ best judgement, but there is no warranty of results to be obtained in connection therewith. As a condition to any liability, claims for defects in the seed must be presented to TOMATO SOLUTIONS as soon as practicable and, in any event, WITHIN THIRTY DAYS AFTER DISCOVERY. By acceptance of the seed, the Purchaser acknowledges that this limited warranty and disclaimer herein before described, are conditions of sale and that they constitute the entire agreement between the Vendor and the Purchaser regarding warranty and/or any other liability or conditions. IF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO THE PURCHASER AS A CONDITION OF SALE - THEN THE PURCHASER MUST NOT PLANT THE SEED AND MUST RETURN THE SEED IN ITS ORIGINAL UNOPENED PACKAGE, AND THE PURCHASE FUNDS SHALL BE REFUNDED.
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