Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 52 Basic Information 1. Name Ida Bohlin 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California State University Long Beach 4. City Long Beach 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Communication/ Fashion 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Business 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2,5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Det finns m˚ anga olikheter vad g¨ aller undervisningen mellan Uppsala universitet och CSULB. Vid California State University Long ararna mycket mer att s¨ aga till om och det ¨ ar upp till dem att best¨ amma hur Beach har l¨ undervisningen skall se ut. Beroende p˚ a l¨ arare kan ”samma kurs” variera i sv˚ arighetsgrad, heml¨ axor, kurslitteratur och inneh˚ all. Jag upplever att man f˚ ar n¨ armare kontakt med l¨ ararna i kurser p˚ a 200 niv˚ a och upp (d˚ a det ¨ ar mindre elever i dessa kurser). Det ¨ ar obligatorisk n¨ arvaro i stort sett varje lektion och man m˚ aste r¨ akna med betydligt mycket mer heml¨ axor an i Sverige, inte s˚ a sv˚ ara heml¨ axor dock. ¨ Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Det var mycket d˚ alig v¨ alkomst f¨ or oss alkomstm¨ ote. Jennifer Orem (ansvarig p˚ a inutbytesstudenter. Vi hade i princip bara ett v¨ ternationella kansliet p˚ a CSLUB) var under all f¨ orv¨ antan. Hon tyckte mest att man var till besv¨ ar om man kom till henne med fr˚ agor. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 149 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you saar ett tisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag bodde p˚ a Grand Terrace vilket ¨ gated community ca 5-10 minuter bilf¨ ard fr˚ an CSULB beroende p˚ a trafik. Att bo p˚ a Grand Terrace var v¨ aldigt bra, l¨ agenheten var helt nym˚ alad med nylagt golv och mycket fr¨ asch. Bra avst˚ and till b˚ ade skolan och strand. Hyran l˚ ag p˚ a ca 1100 dollar per m˚ anad, jag delade denna kostnad med en annan person. I hyran inkluderades b˚ ade parkeringsplats och service om det var n˚ agot problem med ex. spis, avlopp m.m. i l¨ agenheten. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Jag skulle definitivt rekommendera CSN, jag fick ca 80,000kr f¨ orsta terminen och 60,000kr andra terminen. De tv˚ a beloppen kommer i klumpsumma s˚ a det g¨ aller att ha lite koll p˚ a budgeten f¨ or varje m˚ anad. Hyran ¨ ar j¨ amf¨ orbar med att bo i Uppsala. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? D˚ a Long Beach ligger mycket bra till geografisk spenderade jag stor del av min fritid p˚ a resor. Spenderade ¨ aven mycket tid p˚ a stranden, och ”partygatan” second street. Grillfester var ocks˚ a vanliga. Universitetet erbj¨ od inte mycket aktiviteter f¨ or oss utbytesstudenter. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Mitt utbytes˚ ar var fantastiskt och jag rekommenderar er verkligen att ta chansen att ˚ aka till USA och framf¨ orallt LA. Det finns massor av saker att g¨ ora d¨ ar och ligger otroligt bra till om man vill resa och se andra delar av USA ocks˚ a. Under mitt ˚ ar lyckades jag bes¨ oka 7 olika stater. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 150 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 187 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Hankers 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university San Francisco State University 4. City SFSU 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Theatre Arts, Creative Writing, Sociology 9. Level of studies at the exchange university 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2.5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... In certain aspects life at an American University reminds of that in a magnified Swedish High School mixed with a little bit of what were used to from Uppsala University. The first thing you realize is that youre not picking one course but several classes that you need to fit into a functioning schedule which definitely takes some puzzling on your part. Depending on how many credits you sign up for your days will pretty much be filled with classes that are all mandatory so theres no skipping class, not even the bigger lectures. Basically this means less freedom to self-arrange your study time. If youre on the undergraduate level fellow classmates are likely to be very young. I tried to pick classes that were not introductions. Even though there were quite a few 18-19 year olds in my classes there were also people my age or older (I was 24 when I went) so I didnt feel that it was a problem. All my teachers were competent, interested and engaged in their subject and in their students. My classes were comparatively small but I can imagine that bigger classes would mean less personal contact between teachers and students. The classes I took lay outside my main field of study and I mostly engaged in Theatre Arts and Creative Writing as it wasnt possible for me to take the C-kurs of Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap while abroad. As the classes I took at SFSU were more practical than the ones Im used to from Uppsala its difficult to compare them. For me most of the work was done in class so I had to spend more time in school and less time on homework than in Uppsala. At SFSU all international students had to be part of the IEEC which is the organization that handles the exchange program. IEEC organized trips, pub crawls and different events which Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 558 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 I think is awesome but what bugged me is that all the international students were forced to make a commitment and be part of one of their specialized groups. Some of them were downright redundant and because they start from scratch every semester as students come and leave they are just not doing anything for anyone and I definitely think it should have been optional to participate. Other than that, IEEC was really good for help, information and support and it was easy to contact or visit them. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. I arrived two weeks before school started which was exactly enough time for me to find a permanent place to stay. Before arriving I had booked a room at a hostel I knew since before. There are a lot of good hostels. The one I stayed at is very friendly and clean (City Center hostel) but as its right in the heart of the Tenderloin I wouldnt recommend it to anyone who feels unsafe around homeless people. General advice: avoid the Tenderloin, its rough. I had a couple of friends that had to jump between hostels in the beginning because they hadnt found housing in time. At the end of summer theres a risk all hostels get jammed so you should probably make a reservation for an extra week to make sure you find a place to live before youre kicked out. From the airport its possible to take BART (kind of a metro) directly downtown for $8.65. Otherwise taxis arent too expensive either. In SF there are also these cheaper alternatives to cabs called Uber or Lyft for which you can download apps to get help to arrange a ride. We had one week of orientation in school. It was good information but not very special. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Its a bit of a hassle to find housing in San Francisco. Theres still no point in starting the search before youve arrived because you probably want to meet the people youre going to live with and theyre not very likely to let you rent without having met you either. Craigs list is the first place to look. On there a lot of people are looking for housemates as rents (seriously) are so high that very few can afford living alone. For a room you will probably pay 800-1200 dollars/ month. Its insane, I know. I managed to get a studio downtown for $600/month but then I shared it with an American girl and it sure wasnt ideal not to have a room of my own but I still thought it was worth it for that limited time to save money. TIP: A few weeks into the first semester me and my friends discovered two neighborhoods right next to school called Park Merced and Lake Merced. There you could rent really nice and spacious apartments and townhouses. By the time we found out about it rents had gone up so much though that we couldnt afford it. Usually its cheaper the earlier on in the semester you contact them so if you know some people youd like to share with, this is a terrific option. Unfortunately theyre unfurnished so youll need to buy a bed and all that stuff. I had to do that anyway and they had really cheap bed at Ikea so it doesnt have to cost that much. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 559 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 CSN was not quite adequate unless youre really economical and eat all your meals at home. San Francisco is comparatively expensive even though food and drinks are cheaper than in Sweden. If you want to travel and not having to think about every cent you spend youre gonna want some savings to take from. Rent was slightly higher than what I pay in Uppsala but for most people I knew it was a lot more. I had no time for a part time job but theres definitely a chance to get one on campus if thats a desire you have. I would say its better to work as much as possible before you go though because the pay is low there and time will probably be an issue as well. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? In my free time I explored San Francisco as much as I possibly could. I know that city by heart now and way better than Ive ever known Stockholm. San Francisco is a very walkfriendly city which is perfect for me as Im a huge fan of foot borne forms of transportation. Youre definitely going to get a lot of exercise from walking up and down the hills that are so steep you cant even imagine until youve seen them for real. No car is needed which I love because seriously, who wants to throw money away on a crappy car that burns gas and probably breaks down all the time anyway? In San Francisco you easily get around with buses, Muni and BART even if its not always super-efficient. Most of the time the sun is shining but even if the sun is hot the air is not so bringing a jacket is usually a must. When you least expect it the fog will roll in and itll go from summer to fall in two minutes. For real. I missed the closeness to nature that Im used to from home but there are many nice parks to compensate for lack of wilderness and I would hang a lot in especially Dolores Park and Golden Gate Park. There are also some really nice beaches even though the water is too cold to actually swim in (and there are sharks!). Youre never getting bored in San Francisco as festivals and events are happening throughout the year. If youre unprepared you might just step out into the street and realize everyone there is dressed in nothing but tiny leather pants (this actually happened..!). Also you should of course visit the many museums, rent bikes to go across the bridge and go to as many Farmers markets as you can. TIP: Buy a guidebook. Its very useful. Me and my friends would check out a lot of the bars and restaurants that were mentioned in our books and many of them were really good and popular among locals. I suggest Ett annat San Francisco by Daniel Svanberg as a complement to the Lonely Planet book. IEEC also organize different trips and every Thursday night they pick out a bar to go but I must say I didnt go to a lot of them as I was too busy on my own. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Now that Im thinking back to this year I realize that Im totally glorifying the whole exchange thing. I loved San Francisco and I miss it and the friends I made so much. But its important to know that youre going to live there a YEAR and that year is not going to be only fun and happiness. Obviously. Youre going to have an everyday life there and its not that much more special than any other Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 560 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 everyday life. Youre getting your routines, youre going to school, youre doing your homework. Once youre settled in this is going to feel like home, and home is as we all know tedious at times. I think people are exaggerating this experience. When you are there it doesnt feel that special. Its just your life. Not until you get back will you understand how much you have developed and how great it actually was. Writing this report made me want to go back to the hills, the sunshine, the colorful houses, the lovely people, the rich cultural diversity and the oh-so-blue ocean. But trust me when I say that there are times youll get overly sick with all the druggies shouting after you along the streets when you just want to walk alone, and there will be a point when no matter how sorry you feel for them, you just cant take another homeless person asking you for money, and youll hate that the delayed muni makes you late for school AGAIN and youll think that the American bank system sucks (because it does). So yeah, I wont tell you it was all perfect, but it was good, at times it was awesome and Im very happy I went. Its been an amazing experience that Ill carry with me for the rest of my life and San Francisco will always be my city to where I hope Ill return one day soon. But dont put on yourselves the pressure of this having to be the time of your life. Its going to be A time of your life. One that youll most likely enjoy, but hopefully even more glorious days will come. Im still jealous of you. And dont worry, itll be great! P.S If you have any questions about anything regarding this youre more than welcome to contact me: [email protected]. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 561 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 88 Basic Information 1. Name Emma Hedermo 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university San Francisco State University 4. City San Francisco 5. Country Amerika 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Behavioural Science 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Behavioural Science 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2,5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... I found the classes very interesting because there was a focus on society and actual pratical examples, while Uppsala University has a bigger emphasis on theory. In my opinion, this makes what I learned more applicable. I especially enjoyed my class Social Inequality in Society. I learned a lot about the differences between the Swedish and the American society and it had many new angles on problems discussed in the Sociology classes at Uppsala University. The relationship between students and professors was not too different, some teachers wanted to be on first name basis and some insisted on being adressed after their academic status. I had a great experience getting to know my professors, I am thankful for their commitment and appearent engagement for their subjects. My first semester I had some trouble understanding the system of academic levels and accidentally signed up for some way too easy classes. Other than that I am very pleased with my overall impression of the academic levels. The examinations was a lot easier than the ones I have had at Uppsala University since many uses the multiple choice format. One big difference is that there was a lot of small examinations instead of a few big ones as it is at Uppsala University. There was very easy access to computers. There were computer rooms where you could borrow a stationary computer for a limited time, and another option wasto rent a laptop. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 258 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. It felt overwhelming at first, arriving among the skyscrapers and heavy traffic, but I soon learned to grasp how the city was built with its different districts that made it very manageble. Housing was a big stress at first but it worked out well after meeting some of the other students on campus and starting to search together through Craig’s List. There was an organization for international students called IEEC through which I found many of my first and lasting friends. They organized trips and parties so there was always something fun to do and the first few weeks seemed to fly by. Finding all the academic litterature was easy in the school library/book shop. At first I was nervous about reaching out to my classmates, but ones I did I made many lifelong firends. Arriving and getting settled was to me like jumping in a pool. Scary at first but once you jump in you adjust pretty quickly and everything just continued to run smoothly. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I lived in an apartment that was located very central downtown. It was far away from campus but there were good communications that only took about 30 minutes. Although I got the questions many times why I lived so far from campus I never considered doing otherwise. I liked living where I could feel the pulse of the city, it was easy access to all the different districts and the mobility made it easy to explore all of the city as soon as I had some spare time. I also enjoyed the freedome of not living on campus, making my own food, inviting friends over easily and having guests from back home. The only downside was that it was expensive, but I shared a small three bedroom apartment with two other girls that made the rent manageble. It was an old apartment that we payed way too much for, but to me it enchanced my whole experience having all these things to do so close that did not require any planning of busses and how to get home at night. The reason why we settled for an apartment that was on verge of being too expensive was partly the desperation for finally getting settled. It was a blit harder then I thought to find an apartment in San Francisco. We eventually found the apartment through Craig’s List after hours and hours spend looking online and going to open houses. My best advice is to spend that time as early as you can, although there are a lot of fun things that you would rather do, it is easier the earlier you try before the invasion of students start looking intensely. To increaseyour chances, go to the open houses, the landlords or the people renting out their Place wants to meet you, and you have a bigger chance being charming in person then on an email! Look together with some friends, it makes it more fun and you can look at larger apartments which increases your options. Just beware of the deposits for housing, they are usually really expensive and if your lease expires after you moved back to your home country you might have trouble getting it back. Start dealing about your lease early, many wants to sign for 6 or 12 months, but as an Exchange student you are usually there for 5 or 11. Since the deposit is big it is a risk to find a subleaser for the months that you are not there. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? My rent was about three times bigger than my rent in Uppsala. Csn was barely adequate because of that, but other costs for food and such is comparably cheap. I did not work part-time because the rules are so limiting, it was competition about the jobs on campus that was allowed on my Visa. That was a shame, because I would have loved the experience of working as for Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 259 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 example a waitress at a caf´e outside campus, closer to where I live and because I felt like I had a lot of spare time since I am used to working part-time. To ease the burden of the rent we had some friends staying with us in our apartment for a couple of months. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? I did spend a lot of time with IEEC, an organization for all the international students, especially my first semester. The arranged activities like canoeing and bar-hopping ofthen. I met some really great people there and smaller groups was formed that I started to hang out with when school got busy and we did not have time to go out as much. but it was still fun to go to the events once in a while and most of the international students kept meeting up for larger events like once a month or so. I was ery happy and thankful for the IEEC and the work they do. We all had to sign up for contributions within IEEC that we did on our spare time like for example having a class in Swedish once a week. I was very lucky to make make some great American friends and was invited to come with some of them home over breaks to meet their families. I got to travel some that way, and on weekend I tried to make smaller trips to surrounding cities like Oakland and Berkely. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. It was an amazing experience. I have met so many fantastic people from all over the world and learned a lot about my own capacity to make my ways around in a new country and culture. My best advice is to put yourself outside your comfort zone as much as you can and take every opportunity to do so! This can be anything from introducing yourself to some classmates to trying new food or activities. Indulge in culture, both from the country you are in and the cultures you run across through other exchange students. To me it is all the interpersonal meetings that has taught me the most and given me greatest memories. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University´s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 260 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 12 Basic Information 1. Name Sara Hovstadius 2. E-mail address: hovstadius [email protected] 3. Exchange university San Diego State University 4. City Uppsala 5. Country Sverige 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Political Science 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Juristprogrammet 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3,5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Innan jag startade mina utbytesstudier hade jag f˚ att ber¨ attat f¨ or mig av tidigare utbytesstudenter att niv˚ an p˚ a studierna var v¨ aldigt l˚ aga i j¨ amf¨ orelse med Uppsala Universitet och s˚ a¨ aven kr¨ avda insatser av studenterna. Nu i efterhand h˚ aller jag delvis med. Mitt f¨ orsta intryck var att det k¨ andes som jag var tillbaka i gymnasiet. Mina l¨ arare gjorde noteringar varje g˚ ang vi studenter r¨ ackte upp handen och till stor del handlade studierna om att l¨ ara sig saker utantill. P˚ a juristprogrammet vid UU ¨ ar deltagande vid undervisningen till stor del frivillig och det ¨ ar alltid till˚ atet f¨ or oss studenter att ha med oss b¨ ocker och anteckningar till lektioner och examinationer. Avseende det som jag hade h¨ ort om de l˚ aga insatser l¨ ararna kr¨ aver av studenterna h˚ aller jag dock inte till fullo med det jag hade h¨ ort innan. N¨ ar jag har pratat med andra utbytesstudenter ins˚ ag jag dock att det skiljer sig mycket ˚ at mellan olika kurser hur mycket arbete som kr¨ avs av studenterna. N˚ agot jag blev v¨ aldigt positivt ¨ overraskad av var l¨ ararnas insatser. Alla mina l¨ arare f¨ orutom en var otroligt bra, trevliga och engagerade. De var ocks˚ a v¨ aldigt trevliga och hj¨ alpsamma, jag var aldrig r¨ add f¨ or att fr˚ aga dem om n˚ agot. Det finns ¨ aven n˚ agot som heter office hours som ¨ ar tider du kan bes¨ oka dina l¨ arare och fr˚ aga fr˚ agor, be om hj¨ alp etc. Vissa l¨ ararna gav dig extra po¨ ang om du bes¨ okte dessa, oavsett syfte fick jag intrycket av. Ett tips ¨ ar att g˚ a in p˚ a ratemyprofessors.com innan du v¨ aljer kurser och s¨ oker p˚ a l¨ arare f¨ or att l¨ asa vad tidigare studenter har tyckt om respektive l¨ arare. I samtliga av mina fall st¨ amde omd¨ omena v¨ aldigt bra. P˚ a sidan g˚ ar det ocks˚ a att f˚ a ett intryck av kurserna de undervisar i. Som jag skrivit ovan skiljde sig det v¨ aldigt mycket mellan olika kurser, s˚ a¨ aven examinationerna. I en kurs var samtliga moment skriftliga i form av uppsatser man skrev hemma, i en kurs var det onlinequiz, i en kurs bestod tentorna av s˚ av¨ al flervalsfr˚ agor som l¨ angre uppsatsfr˚ agor. Tentorna ar uppdelade i Midterm (i mitten av terminen) och Finals (slutprov i slutet). Mina midterms ¨ Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 36 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report var lagom sv˚ ara men mina Finals var ov¨ antat tuffa. Jag rekommenderar kommande studenter att inte underskatta sina Finals! Det finns m¨ ojlighet att l¨ asa diverse idrottskurser, vilket ar ett bra s¨ att att l¨ ara k¨ anna roliga m¨ anniskor. Jag ”l¨ aste” surfing 1 g˚ ang i veckan, det var ¨ ett billigt s¨ att att f˚ a prova p˚ a att surfa. Jag l¨ aste det som en extrakurs, det var s˚ aledes inget som jag ville tillgodor¨ akna mig. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. F¨ orsta veckan i skolan var orientationweek som bestod av information, rundvandring och diverse aktiviteter f¨ or att vi studenter skulle ara k¨ anna varandra. Trots att jag k¨ ande att det var mycket on¨ odig information och att f˚ a l¨ det ibland k¨ andes som vi var d¨ ar ”bara f¨ or att” var veckan en bra start p˚ a terminen. Du f˚ ar m¨ ojlighet att fr˚ aga existerande studenter allt du beh¨ over veta och l¨ ar dig hitta p˚ a campus, vilket beh¨ ovs d˚ a det ¨ ar v¨ aldigt stort! Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag bodde i ett fint hus n¨ ara stranden tillsammans med fyra andra studenter. Tv˚ a danskar, en tysk och en annan svensk. Jag fick tag i huset genom en Facebook-sida f¨ or utbytesstudenter. Det finns m˚ anga s˚ adana sidor som jag rekommenderar alla att g˚ a med i. Fr˚ aga tidigare utbytesstudenter vilka sidor som g¨ aller f¨ or ditt universitet. Ett annat tips ¨ ar att g˚ a runt i omr˚ adet, det st˚ ar skyltar p˚ a husen om de hyrs ut och ¨ aven numret till landlorden. Det var s˚ a tjejen vars Facebook-annons jag svarade p˚ a hade f˚ att tag i v˚ art hus. Ett annat tips ¨ ar att kolla p˚ a craigslist som ¨ ar USAs motsvarighet till Blocket. Jag valde att inte bo p˚ a campus d˚ a jag hade f˚ att ber¨ attat f¨ or mig att det var fr¨ amst yngre studenter som ¨ annu inte fyllt 21 som valde att bo d¨ ar. Den andra anledningen var att jag ville vara n¨ ara str¨ anderna. Det kostar dessutom inte mindre att bo p˚ a campus. Jag ¨ ar i efterhand mycket glad ¨ over att jag tog beslutet att inte bo p˚ a campus. Jag bodde i ett omr˚ ade som heter Pacific Beach som ¨ ar som ett eget litet samh¨ alle som ligger ca 10 minuter med bil utanf¨ or downtown och cirka 15 minuter fr˚ an skolan. Det bor m˚ anga utbytesstudenter d¨ ar och jag rekommenderar alla att bo d¨ ar. Det finns kollektivtrafik som jag har f¨ orst˚ att fungerar f¨ orh˚ allandevis bra i j¨ amf¨ orelse med ¨ ovriga USA men jag hyrde bil tillsammans med mina roomies och det rekommenderar jag alla att g¨ ora. Tillexempel tar det ca 1 h att ˚ aka kollektivtrafik till skolan medan det tar 15 minuter med bil. Det kostar s˚ aklart men n¨ ar du hyr ¨ over flera m˚ anader blir det ett v¨ aldigt bra pris. Ett tips ¨ ar att dela bil med andra s˚ a blir det billigare. Biluthyrningsf¨ oretaget som de flesta hyr av heter Dirt Cheap Rental. De har bra pris och de kostar inte extra f¨ or att du ¨ ar under 25 ˚ ar, vilket det g¨ or p˚ a m˚ anga andra st¨ allen. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Boendekostnaderna i San Diego ¨ ar v¨ aldigt mycket dyrare ¨ an hemma i Sverige/Uppsala. Jag ¨ betalade 5800 kr i m˚ anaden och d˚ a delade jag sovrum med en annan tjej. Ovriga kostnader (mat, shopping etc) ¨ ar dock l¨ agre och du f˚ ar mer CSN n¨ ar du l¨ aser utomlands ¨ an hemma. Det g˚ ar absolut att leva p˚ a det du f˚ ar fr˚ an CSN f¨ or att klara din vardag. Jag rekommenderar dock att ha med sig sparpengar och s¨ oka stipendium f¨ or du kommer vilja att ˚ aka p˚ a utflykter etc n¨ ar du ¨ ar d¨ ar borta. Jag gjorde av med mycket pengar, detta ¨ ar dock s˚ aklart frivilligt men Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 37 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report du kommer inte vilja vara hemma sj¨ alv n¨ ar dina kompisar hittar p˚ a roliga saker s˚ av¨ al i San Diego som ¨ ovriga Kalifornien. Det ¨ ar inte till˚ atet att extrajobba n¨ ar du har ett studentvisum i USA s˚ a det ¨ ar inte en m¨ ojlighet. Det b¨ asta ¨ ar att f¨ ors¨ oka extrajobba s˚ a mycket du kan innan du ˚ aker f¨ or att ha s˚ a mycket sparpengar med dig som m¨ ojligt. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Jag spenderade mycket av min fritid p˚ a stranden, som m˚ anga andra ocks˚ a g¨ or i ander l¨ angst Kalifornien. Jag och mina roomies gjorde ocks˚ a m˚ anga utflykter till andra str¨ kusten och ¨ ovriga Kalifornien. Skolan och olika organisationer arrangerade m˚ anga utflykter/aktiviteter s˚ av¨ al i San Diego som utanf¨ or. Att delta p˚ a dessa tycker jag ¨ ar ett bra tillf¨ alle att l¨ ara k¨ anna andra studenter. Detta ¨ ar s¨ arskilt viktigt i b¨ orjan av terminen, d˚ a arrangerar skolan utflykter till San Diego Zoo och andra turistattraktionen i San Diego. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Jag ¨ ar otroligt glad och tacksam f¨ or m¨ ojligheten jag fick att ˚ aka p˚ a utbyte i San Diego! Jag har f¨ orb¨ attrat min engelska, f˚ att internationell erfarenhet l¨ art k¨ anna nya m¨ anniskor och f˚ att b¨ attre sj¨ alvf¨ ortroende. Jag ¨ ar v¨ aldigt glad ¨ over att jag valde att ˚ aka till just San Diego. Staden ¨ ar toppen, det finns v¨ aldigt mycket att g¨ ora och det ¨ ar v¨ aldigt kul att staden har s˚ av¨ al m˚ anga fina str¨ ander som en h¨ aftig stadsk¨ arna. San Diego State University har ett v¨ aldigt stort och vackert campus med allt man som student kan ¨ onska sig. Gym, stort bibliotek med datorer, ”restauranger”, en stor arena och gr¨ onomr˚ aden. Mina sista tips ¨ ar att ˚ aka ner cirka 2 veckor innan skolan startar s˚ a du hinner ordna boende och l¨ ara k¨ anna staden lite innan skolan b¨ orjar. M˚ anga studenter g¨ or det och de allra flesta har sitt boende klart vid denna tid. De studenter som kom ner senare fick lite problem med att hitta bostad d˚ a de flesta redan var tagna. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 38 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 133 Basic Information 1. Name Sara H¨ ogberg 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university San Francisco State University 4. City San Francisco 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Mainly psychology and sociology 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Psychology 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... At first it felt like coming back to high school having four classes at a time, a fixed schedule and the same teachers throughout the semester. However, as time went by I got used to it and instead started to appreciate the fact that you get a closer relationship with your professors than at my faculty in Uppsala. Of course, the grading is more subjective but on the other hand you have many chances of getting a good grade since both class participation and progress is counted for. Besides this, for the most part I had great professors. Some people felt like the academic level and quality of the courses were much lower than back home, however, I think it depends on what classes your taking because I had to study a lot and I felt like my professors expected us to do so. But generally I would say than students from Scandinavia get really good grades because we learn more in high school than Americans do. Also, we do not work part time as most American students do. In sum, I had a really great experience at SFSU. The best thing is the diversity of the people! People from all around the world and with very different backgrounds. I can really recommend: Social Inequality: Wealth, poverty and power with Karen Hossfeld who is a fantastic teacher. Social conflicts and conflict resolution with James Halligan, also a great professor. Women and Violence with Janelle White, a great professor. American Politics with Jason McDaniel Small Boat Sailing Introduction to human sexuality. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 394 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. The absolutely worst part was trying to find housing. My first two weeks in SF were very stressful because of the house hunting besides being in school. I almost missed everything on my orientation week because I had to go to open houses so my recommendation is to arrive as early as possible in the city in order to have time to settle down before school starts. But besides this, it went well to settle in because everyone is so nice and helpful. Also, he city is amazing! Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I shared an apartment with two other people in downtown SF. I would definitely recommend future students to find accommodation closer to downtown or the mission district rather than close to campus because then you will explore more of the city. Also, public transit during nighttime suck if you live in the outer districts. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? The rent is extreme in SF. You can find cheaper living but most people pay around 900 dollars a month in rent. Thus I would recommend everyone to save as much money as possible before going to SF because even though you get a lot of money from CSN it is not adequate if you want to travel and stuff. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? IEEC arrange many social activities which is fun to attend in the beginning of the semester when you want to meet new friends. But the city has so much to offer so I recommend exploring the city on your own. Check out the website sf.funcheap.com and do415.com to see what’s going on in the city. You can also go on free walking tours. Don’t miss out on Off the grid food trucks (especially at Fort Mason), Oakland first fridays and free museum days (every first Tuesday of the month). Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. The best year of my life so far!! San Francisco is an amazing city and California has everything you can ask for. Try to make American friends and not just international ones. Don’t be afraid to talk to your classmates or even strangers, they might become your new best friends! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 395 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 396 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 63 Basic Information 1. Name Erik Lind 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California State University 4. City San Fnracisco 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Political science/Business 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Business & Economics 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 4 years Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Den st¨ orsta skillnaden var att det var mycket fler lektioner i veckan j¨ amf¨ ort med Uppsala. Jag l¨ aste vad som motsvarar 30hp i Sverige aste d¨ arf¨ or en kurs mer ¨ an amerikanerna. Jag hade lektioner varje dag, men det g˚ ar och l¨ att ordna s˚ a att man l¨ agger sina kurser under 2-3 dagar i veckan. T¨ ank p˚ a det n¨ ar du fixar ditt schema f¨ or varje kurs har flera lektionstillf¨ allen. En annan sak som var annorlunda var att klasserna var mycket mindre. Hade en klass i en stor f¨ orel¨ asningssal men resten var av mindre storlek med ca 30 elever. Man fick p˚ a s˚ a s¨ att en n¨ ara relation till l¨ ararna och l¨ ararna kunde i princip alltid elevernas namn. Det var n˚ agot som jag uppskattade och man fick en bra relation. Under lektionerna ville l¨ ararna ofta f¨ ora resonemang och ha en dialog med studenterna f¨ or att h¨ ora deras ˚ asikter men ocks˚ a checka att elverna l¨ ast kursmaterialet. Du m˚ aste hela tiden l¨ asa litteraturen f¨ or ofta f˚ ar man l¨ axor som ska l¨ amnas in varje vecka. Annars ¨ ar examinationsformen ungef¨ ar densamma bara att man har fler tentamentillf¨ allen eller presentationer (midterms, finals) ¨ an h¨ ar i Sverige. Det positiva ¨ ar att varje tenta omfattar mindre material, men du m˚ aste hela tiden plugga f¨ or att h¨ anga med. Jag skulle s¨ aga att jag fick l¨ agga ner ungef¨ ar lika mycket tid p˚ a plugget som i Sverige. D˚ a r¨ aknar jag in att jag hade ca 15-20 timmars lektionstid ut¨ over eget pluggande. Generellt tror jag ¨ ar man ¨ ar v¨ al f¨ orberedd som svensk och kan klara av studierna bra i USA. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 184 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. De hade en ”Orientation Week” d¨ ar man fick ora och t¨ anka p˚ a information om campus omr˚ adet och om staden generellt. Vad ska man g¨ som utbytesstudent, men ocks˚ a om kulturella skillnader som man kommer st¨ ota p˚ a. F¨ orsta veckan var bra, vissa av de obligatoriska f¨ orel¨ asningarna k¨ andes lite f¨ or basic men man tr¨ affade m˚ anga andra utbytesstudenter d¨ ar vilket var bra. De hade ocks˚ a en f¨ orening f¨ or utbytesstudenter, IEEC, som anordnade flertalet events under f¨ orsta veckan. Det var bra uppstyrt och du fick mycket information om vilka organisationer och aktiviteter som fanns p˚ a campus. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag hyrde ett rum i ett hus med andra amerikaner. Jag hade inget boende innan jag kom till San Francisco och jag tror det var s˚ a f¨ or de flesta. Problemet ¨ ar att det ¨ ar v¨ aldigt sv˚ art att hitta ett boende till ett hyfsat pris. Priserna ¨ ar mycket h¨ ogre ¨ an i Sverige, men sen beror det sj¨ alvklart p˚ a hur kr¨ asen du ¨ ar med l¨ aget i staden. Jag tror att man f˚ ar vara beredd p˚ a att l¨ agga n˚ agonstans mellan $800-1200. Det fanns dem som hittade billigare, men d˚ a f˚ ar du vara beredd p˚ a att dela rum eller bo utanf¨ or stan. Jag skulle inte rekommendera det eftersom det tar tid att ta sig in centralt eller till v¨ anner. Universitetet ligger lite i utkanten av SF s˚ a f¨ ors¨ ok hitta ett boende mellan universitetet och centrum. Det finns flera facebookgrupper f¨ or studenter vid SFSU d¨ ar man kan leta efter folk som hyr ut eller letar personer att hyra ett hus eller l¨ agenhet. G˚ a med d¨ ar, det ¨ ar oftast enklare att leta tillsammans. Jag hittade n˚ agra amerikaner p˚ a universitet och det gjorde det hela l¨ attare. Det viktigast ¨ ar att f¨ orst˚ a att det kan ta tid att hitta boende. F¨ or mig tog det ca 2-3 veckor, d˚ a jag gick runt p˚ a visningar hela tiden. Det ¨ ar dessutom sv˚ arare om du bara ¨ ar d¨ ar en termin. De flesta vill skriva kontrakt p˚ a ett ˚ ar n¨ amligen. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Levnadskostnaderna ¨ ar l¨ agre i USA, f¨ orutom f¨ or hyran. Hyran var n¨ astan dubbelt s˚ a dyr som den jag har i Uppsala. Det ¨ ar den st¨ orsta utgiften och var beredd att det kommer, som jag tidigare skrev, att landa p˚ a 800-1200 USD. Mat, bensin osv ¨ ar billigare och jag ˚ at ute p˚ a restaurang i skolan varje dag. En lunch g˚ ar p˚ a 30 kr och det fanns nog en 6-7 alternativ att v¨ alja mellan. Huruvida CSN r¨ acker beror ju p˚ a vad man g¨ or i veckorna. Jag ˚ akte p˚ a en del resor runt i Kalifornien och d˚ a drar det ju iv¨ ag. Men ¨ overlag skulle jag s¨ aga att allt ¨ ar billigare f¨ orutom boendet. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Jag var med i en studentf¨ orening f¨ or utbytesstudenter och amerikaner som vart utomlands eller ska ˚ aka. Jag satt med i en kommitt´e i f¨ oreningen och det var v¨ aldigt roligt f¨ or jag l¨ arde k¨ anna fler amerikaner och andra utbytesstudenter som jag annars inte skulle ha tr¨ affat. De anordnade ett antal resor, men hade ocks˚ a events varje vecka som utbytesstudenter kunde g˚ a p˚ a, t.ex. pubkv¨ allar eller en baseballmatch. Annars s˚ a spenderade jag fritiden med v¨ anner Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 185 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report och gick p˚ a restauranger/pubar, sport evenemang, ˚ akte p˚ a roadtrips. Det finns en hel del att g¨ ora och ¨ ar man d¨ ar bara en termin s˚ a blir det lite hektiskt eftersom man vill hinna med s˚ a mycket som m¨ ojligt. Skolan hade en hel del idrottsaktiviteter (basket, fotboll, amerikansk fotboll osv) om man vill aktivera sig p˚ a fritiden. Det fanns ¨ aven ett gratisgym f¨ or studenter p˚ a campus, dock var det bara ¨ oppet s¨ allan. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Jag ¨ ar v¨ aldigt n¨ ojd med arna ˚ aka till USA och f¨ orb¨ attra min engelska och uppleva en annan mitt utbyte. Jag ville g¨ kultur. Det hj¨ alpte extremt mycket att jag bodde med bara amerikaner. Det ¨ ar n˚ agot jag skulle rekommendera andra ocks˚ a. Dock tog det lite tid f¨ or mig att hitta just n˚ agra amerikaner att bo med och det skulle s¨ akert g˚ att fortare om jag sammanstr˚ alat med andra utbytesstudenter. Men jag tror det viktigaste f¨ or att lyckas med att hitta ett boende ¨ ar att vara p˚ a plats ca 2-3 veckor innan orientation week startar. Jag ¨ onskar jag hade varit d¨ ar innan, men kunde inte pga jobb. Har du ett boende tidigt s˚ a slipper du fokusera p˚ a det och det kommer g¨ ora b¨ orjan p˚ a din vistelse mycket smidigare. Jag skulle ocks˚ a rekommendera att g˚ a med i studentf¨ oreningen IEEC. Du kommer tr¨ affa en stor blandning av m¨ anniskor och du har m¨ ojlighet att g˚ a p˚ a flera roliga evenemang. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 186 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 34 Basic Information 1. Name Anna Liss 2. E-mail address: anna liss @hotmail.com 3. Exchange university California State University 4. City Uppsala 5. Country Sverige 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Business 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Engineering 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... The studies are way easier. In average, I studied 3 hours for an exam and that usually got me a good grade. They have multiple choice questions on most of their business exams. The teachers are better in the US, they seem to care more about inspiring the students are take more pride in their work. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. I came two weeks before school started, to find housing and take care of things before school started. I knew one person from Uppsala before going, and we had met up with the rest of the people coming from Uppsala to Long Beach. I had no problems settling in, everyone is so friendly in the US so I felt at home. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I lived off campus since I heard only 18-years-olds live in the dorms. They also have a lot of rules and are controlled in a whole other way. Being 24 years old I figured it was best to live off campus. Me and two other Swedish students from Uppsala rented a car and drove around for 4 days to find an apartment. It took a couple of days, we were very picky, until we found an apartment that we liked. After one semester, on of my roomies left and we found a Mexican girl who moved in with us. I Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 98 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 really recommend living with non-Swedish people while abroad. It gives you so much more. You learn more about different cultures and your English will improve so much more. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? I took the regular CSN. I did not apply for the extra loan. It is, however, really expensive to be abroad. I spend more money this past year than I thought I would. Rent is far more expensive than back home. I paid 700 dollars a month, which is far more than here where I pay 3000 kronor. Its more cheap to go out and eat in the US, but it’s not cheap for that matter. I traveled a lot and that’s where a lot of the money went. To have a phone costs 50 dollars a month. I had saved money before going and without that money it would have been a very cheap year. The more money you have before going, the better I would say. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? I loved Long Beach but the university barely arrange anything. I think we had two social events in the beginning of the orientation week, which I missed because I was looking for a place to live. After that there was nothing more and I must say I expected much more. This made it hard to meet people, and it’s really something they should work on. On my free time, I was hanging out with my friends, traveling, going to Second Street, and having BBQs. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Like you have heard a hundred times before, this has been the best year of my life. If you even for one second are thinking about going, GO! You grow as a person so much, you meet new friends from all over the world, and you get to see things you would never see otherwise. It looks great on your resume and you get perspective on everything. I loved living i California so much the weather and the people. Everyone is so friendly and they let you into their culture in a way I think is hard to get in other parts of the world. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures I approve my pictures being published (print only) Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 99 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 131 Basic Information 1. Name Lina Melander 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university San Francisco State University 4. City San Francisco 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Mathematics/Politics/IR 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Business/Economics 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Already in Uppsala I choose not to study within the field of business and economics during my exchange. So I ended up picking a variety of courses that sounded interesting from the description. The first week of the semester at sfsu is a ”drop and add” period and I ended up changing almost all of my courses during this time. Something to remember while picking courses is that as an exchange student at sfsu you are in a very privileged position and get the chance to choose all of your courses before the regular students. Some fields of study like sociology and psychology were very popular and the spots for these classes filled up immediately. So if you know you want those courses add them straight away and do not wait to the drop and add period. Other than that all other courses were easy to add even if they were full, most professors would let you add a full class if you just asked them and went to all of the first couple of classes. The major differences between Uppsala and sfsu was probably the teacher student relationship, and this was much closer at sfsu. The academic level was generally lower, except for the mathematics courses, in many of my courses the professors based a large part of the grade on attendance. Some courses that I would really recommend for future exchange students are IR361 of IR360 witch are about terrorism and covert warfare and the intelligence community in America and are taught by an old CIA-agent. American politics was also a very interesting but make sure to look up the professor on ratemyprofessor before since apparently the level and quality of that course varied a lot. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 386 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Arriving at university we had a full week of mandatory orientation before the courses started. This was really a soft start of the semester and everything was well organized and you really got answers to everything you might be confused about. Also the social commitee IEEC had lots of events for all of the exchange students during this week, this was everything from sightseeing to bar hopping. The IEEC was a great way of meeting other exchange students and even a lot of american students were attending the events. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? First semester I rented a house togather with four other exchange students in Noe Valley which is fairly central but kinda far from campus. This was for me the perfect location since the area around campus is not a very vibrant one and I would really recommend living in the city instead and commute to school, busses and trains drive more frequently during daytime than at night. The exchange students that I lived with left the second semester and I found a new place just beside dolores park through craigslist.com. I’d really recommend finding your own place instead of staying at campus, since its far away, they have lots of house rules, and the students that stay there are generally much younger. Just make sure to answer a lot of adds at craigslist since there are a lot of people searching for rooms in the San Francisco so there is a lot of competition. It’s very expensive living in the city, where I lived in mission (witch is the best area) I payed 1200 dollars/month for a small room in an apartment I shared with 4 other people. and that was considered cheap. Its way cheaper to stay on campus but not recommendable for the full San Francisco experience. If you stay just a little bit further outside of the city you can get a cheaper room (my first semester I stayed for 850 in Noe Valley). Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Eating, drinking and transportation is cheaper in san francisco but that doesn’t really make up for the rent which is a lot more expensive. You do get a bigger loan from CSN than in Uppsala that wasn’t enough for me but I also did a fair amount of traveling. I’m sure you can make it on only CSN but for the experience I’d recommend having some savings or applying for additional grants or scholarships. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? I was very happy with what was offered for exchange students from the university and I took part in many of the events during the first semester. San Francisco is a very young and welcoming city and just by going out you meet so many interesting people. It’s very easy making new friends and by my second semester I spent most of my time with people I’ve met trough friends, room mates and classes. There is plenty of things to do day and night, you just have to go on a 20 min drive to get to the most amazing beaches outside of the city, Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 387 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Oakland and Berkley is only a 20min train ride away and theres always fun things going on in the city. Filling up your free time is no problem! Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. I had one of the best years of my life during my exchange, I was very happy with the university and fell in love with the city. Tips for future students are check craigslist for accommodation, Its definitely worth it to pay a little extra for staying in a fun area, I’d recommend mission, hayes valley or lower height. Also theres no need for a car since parking is crazy expensive. renting a car is easy and you can basically walk around the entire city, also San Francisco is very biker friendly and the taxis (especially Uber and Lyft) are affordable. My biggest tip for future exchange students is pick san francisco and have fun! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? http://doit.medfarm.uu.se/kurtattachment/1406620456759270705.JPG 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. Dolores park on a sunny saturday 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University´s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 388 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 44 Basic Information 1. Name Fredrika Moberg 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university San Diego State University 4. City San Diego 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Political Sience 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Politices Kandidatprogram 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2 ˚ ar Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Innan jag kom till San Diego fick jag h¨ ora att kurserna i USA var j¨ attemycket l¨ attare och det inte alls kr¨ avdes mycket tid till plugg. Detta ¨ man d¨ aljer. Ar ar skulle jag dock inte h˚ alla med om utan det beror helt p˚ a vilka kurser man v¨ f¨ or att l¨ asa generella kurser som inte ¨ ar relaterade till sin utbildning (tex surfing, yoga) s˚ a ar det naturligtvis inte s˚ a kr¨ avande men annars ¨ ar det ¨ and˚ a en del att g¨ ora. Jag skulle inte ¨ s¨ aga att niv˚ an p˚ a kurserna ¨ ar h¨ ogre ¨ an p˚ a de i Uppsala, snarare att det ¨ ar fler sm˚ auppgifter som m˚ aste g¨ oras, ungef¨ ar som p˚ a gymnasiet. Det ¨ ar n¨ arvarokrav p˚ a de flesta lektioner och n¨ arvaron r¨ aknas ¨ aven med i betyget. Mina kurser i Political Sience var v¨ aldigt intressanta och det var v¨ aldigt mycket att l¨ asa i de kurserna. D¨ aremot var det inte s˚ a mycket egen analys utan mer att l¨ ara sig fakta och olika f¨ orfattares argument. Kurser numrerade 100-299 p˚ a SDSU ar ”lower-division”-kurser och 300-500 ¨ ar ”upper-division” (p˚ a kandidatniv˚ a). Vill man l¨ ara ¨ sig n˚ agot anv¨ andbart skulle jag rekommendera att ta kurser numrerade 300 eller h¨ ogre. Jag l¨ aste en kurs p˚ a 100-niv˚ an och det k¨ andes v¨ aldigt mycket som gymnasieniv˚ a. En bra sak med SDSU ¨ ar att l¨ ararna ¨ ar v¨ aldigt engagerade och att man m˚ aste delta mer aktivt p˚ a lektionerna an i Uppsala. De flesta av mina exams var inte multiple choice-test utan essay exams d¨ ar ¨ man skulle skriva l˚ anga och utf¨ orligare svar, lite mer som i Uppsala men p˚ a mycket kortare tid s˚ a kraven var inte lika h¨ oga. Men m˚ anga av mina kompisar hade r¨ att m˚ anga multiple choice-test s˚ a det varierar fr˚ an kurs till kurs. Sj¨ alva lokalerna och campus-omr˚ adet tyckte jag var mycket bra. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 133 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. J¨ amf¨ ort med insparksveckorna i Uppsala var alkomstvecka inte alls n˚ agot speciellt. Universitetet h¨ oll ungef¨ ar tv˚ a info-m¨ oten med SDSU:s v¨ allm¨ an information om universitet och utbildningen. Sedan ordnades det ocks˚ a en statstur och ett bes¨ ok till San Diego Zoo men inte mycket mer ¨ an s˚ a. Dock gjorde det inte s˚ a mycket tyckte jag d˚ a det ¨ and˚ a gick snabbt att tr¨ affa andra internationella studenter. Ett tips ¨ ar att leta upp Facebook-grupper f¨ or internationella studenter p˚ a SDSU. Jag tycker att b˚ ade de amerikanska studenterna och de internationella studenterna var v¨ aldigt trevliga och ¨ oppna, s˚ a det gick som sagt mycket snabbt att hitta v¨ anner s˚ a det ska man absolut inte vara orolig f¨ or. N˚ agot annat som man m¨ arker direkt n¨ ar man kommer till San Diego ¨ ar att det (precis som i ¨ ovriga USA) ¨ ar v¨ aldigt stora avst˚ and mellan allt. Kollektivtrafiken ¨ ar inget vidare s˚ a det ¨ ar n¨ astan ett m˚ aste att k¨ opa eller hyra bil. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag delade en l¨ agenhet tillsammans med tre andra internationella studenter i omr˚ adet Pacific Beach. F¨ oretaget vi hyrde av heter Kamo Housing (http://www.sandiegostudenthousing.com/) och de hyr ut till just internationella studenter. Man blir ihopparad med studenter fr˚ an andra l¨ ander och man kan ¨ aven ¨ onska att bo med n˚ agon man k¨ anner. Jag hade v¨ aldig tur med mina roommates tre tjejer fr˚ an Tyskland, Danmark och Sverige. Jag var ocks˚ a n¨ ojd med l¨ agenheten ¨ aven om den kanske inte i alla avseende lever upp till svensk standard s˚ a m˚ aste jag s¨ aga att just den l¨ agenheten vi fick var bra, men sen kan det variera. Det g˚ ar att ans¨ oka om ett rum och fixa allt redan i f¨ orv¨ ag p˚ a deras hemsida. Annars s˚ a letar de flesta p˚ a www.craigslist.com (som Blocket) efter rum/hus. Vill man hyra ett rum ¨ ar det oftast delat rum som g¨ aller. Priset f¨ or ett delat rum (utifr˚ an min erfarenhet) ligger runt 700 dollar/m˚ anaden per person. N˚ agot som jag h¨ ogst rekommenderar ¨ ar att inte bo p˚ a campus utan att bo i n˚ agon av strandomr˚ adena, speciellt Pacific Beach eller Mission Beach. Det tar ca 20 minuter att ˚ aka fr˚ an Pacific Beach till campus med bil, dock l¨ angre med kollektivtrafik, men det ¨ ar absolut v¨ art det! I College area bor det mest freshmen, dvs yngre studenter, d˚ a de m˚ aste bo i universitetets dorms d¨ ar det ocks˚ a¨ ar str¨ anga regler ang˚ aende fester osv. Det finns heller inte s˚ a mycket att g¨ ora i sj¨ alva college area f¨ orutom att h¨ anga p˚ a campus. De allra flesta internationella studenter eller amerikaner som l¨ aser p˚ a sitt sista ˚ ar bor i Pacific Beach/Mission Beach. Det ¨ ar ¨ man i San ocks˚ a i Pacific Beach/Mission Beach d¨ ar som de flesta barer och klubbar finns. Ar Diego som utbytesstudent rekommenderar jag verkligen att bo i n˚ agot av strandomr˚ adena. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Jag tog fullt CSN plus merkostnadsl˚ an f¨ or resa och jag tyckte det r¨ ackte helt okej. Hyran ¨ ar mycket dyrare i San Diego ¨ an i Uppsala, runt 4500 i m˚ anaden f¨ or ett delat rum och upp ¨ over 5000 kr f¨ or ett eget rum. D¨ aremot ¨ ar de flesta andra levnadskostnaderna billigare i USA, speciellt mat, kl¨ ader och bensin (om man v¨ aljer att skaffa bil). Om man vill resa runt i Kalifornien och ¨ ovriga USA medan man ¨ ar d¨ ar beh¨ over man lite eget sparat ut¨ over CSN men jag skulle s¨ aga att CSN r¨ acker till det mesta ut¨ over resor. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 134 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Universitetet ordnade inga aktiviteter speciellt f¨ or utbytesstudenter. Jag tyckte inte att det spelade n˚ agon roll d˚ a det finns gott om saker att g¨ ora i San Diego-omr˚ adet ¨ and˚ a. N˚ agot ar n¨ odv¨ andigt f¨ or att kunna g¨ ora saker ¨ ar att ha en bil. Avst˚ anden ¨ ar stora och som i princip ¨ kollektivtrafiken s˚ a pass d˚ alig att det ¨ ar sv˚ art att kunna g¨ ora n˚ agot spontant utan bil, men aven vardagssaker som att handla mat. De allra flesta jag k¨ ande hyrde eller k¨ opte en bil att ¨ dela p˚ a. Jag och min roommate hyrde en bil tillsammans och det funkade j¨ attebra, speciellt d˚ a det ¨ ar s¨ akrare ¨ an att k¨ opa en bil om man inte k¨ anner sig som en expert inom omr˚ adet. Dessutom ¨ ar bensinen i USA billig s˚ a det ¨ ar absolut v¨ art att ha en bil. P˚ a fritiden reste jag runt en del, bland annat till Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco och Grand Canyon. San Diego ¨ ar perfekt om man gillar att surfa och det finns ¨ aven bra m¨ ojligheter g˚ a p˚ a olika hikes. ¨ det n˚ Ar agot man definitivt inte kommer f˚ a brist p˚ a i San Diego och Kalifornien s˚ a¨ ar det ora. saker att g¨ Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Som helhet ¨ ar jag supern¨ ojd med mitt utbyte. SDSU ¨ ar ett bra universitet och staden ¨ ar underbar! M¨ anniskorna ¨ ar trevliga, det ¨ ar sol i princip hela tiden, maten ¨ ar billig och det finns massor att g¨ ora. ˚ Ak till San Diego, du kommer inte bli missn¨ ojd! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? http://doit.medfarm.uu.se/kurtattachment/1390930902833715817.JPG 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. Solnedg˚ ang p˚ a Mission Beach 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published only in this exchange report (web/printed) Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 135 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 89 Basic Information 1. Name Nadija Novikova 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university San Diego State University 4. City Uppsala 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Electrical Engineering 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Civilingenj¨ or i energisystem 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... F¨ orsta terminen l¨ aste jag tv˚ a elkraftskurser, en kurs i CAD, en kurs i spanska samt en kurs i surfing. Andra terminen l¨ aste jag ytterligare en kurs i elkraft, en i mikroekonomi, en i programmering, en i h˚ allbarhet samt en kurs i segling. Jag ¨ ar n¨ ojd ¨ over mitt kursval och det blev precis den m¨ angd studiebelastning som jag ville ora mycket annat p˚ a ha under mitt utbyte. Jag pluggade lagom mycket och hann med att g¨ fritiden ocks˚ a. Den st¨ orsta skillnaden fr˚ an UU var att kurserna inneh¨ oll flera provmoment och inl¨ amningar som betygsattes och ditt slutbetyg baseras p˚ a alla moment. I Uppsala har du en sluttenta som aven en personligare relation med representerar ditt slutbetyg. I m˚ anga av kurserna fick jag ¨ l¨ ararna ¨ an vad jag haft vid UU, vilket motiverade mig mer. Generellt m˚ aste jag s¨ aga att jag tyckte om undervisningen vid SDSU och jag l¨ arde mig mycket under mitt utbytes˚ ar, ¨ aven fast niv˚ an i m˚ anga av kurserna var l¨ agre ¨ an motsvarande vid UU. Om du l¨ aser till ingenj¨ or och vill l¨ asa elkraft, s˚ a rekommenderar jag verkligen att l¨ asa Electric Energy Conversion, Power System Analysis och Power System Dynamics. Kurserna hade bra uppl¨ agg och l¨ araren var mycket bra. Ett tips ¨ ar att v¨ alja kurser som g˚ ar p˚ a tisdagar och torsdagar. P˚ a s˚ a s¨ att beh¨ over man bara˚ aka till skolan tv˚ a dagar i veckan och kan planera b¨ attre f¨ or andra aktiviteter och weekendresor. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 261 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Det var inte mycket mottagningsaktiviteter oten, ˚ akte p˚ a en guidad busstur i San Diego och via skolan. Vi gick p˚ a n˚ agra informationsm¨ gick p˚ a zoo. Jag l¨ arde k¨ anna n˚ agra studenter via detta, men de flesta l¨ arde man k¨ anna via sitt boende eller p˚ a fester. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Den f¨ orsta terminen hyrde vi en l¨ agenhet via ett l¨ agenhetskomplex som heter Kamo Housing. Jag och en till tjej fr˚ an Uppsala delade rum och i l¨ agenheten bodde ¨ aven en tysk och en norsk tjej n¨ ar vi flyttade in. Den norska tjejen flyttade in med sin pojkv¨ an efter ett tag, s˚ a efter ett tag fick vi en dansk tjej som flyttade in. Eftersom killen som ¨ ager l¨ agenheterna placerar ut vart man ska bo finns risken att man hamnar med n˚ agon man inte gillar. Men jag var j¨ atten¨ ojd med mina roomies och vi funkade bra ihop! L¨ agenheten ligger ca 5 minuters g˚ angdistans fr˚ an Mission Bay och ca 25 minuters g˚ angdistans fr˚ an Mission Beach. Vi betalade 700 $ var f¨ or ett delat rum. D˚ a alla mina roomies enbart stannade ett halv˚ ar, best¨ amde jag mig f¨ or att flytta p˚ a v˚ arterminen ocks˚ a. Jag tr¨ affade en annan svensk tjej fr˚ an Stockholm som ocks˚ a skulle stanna ett ˚ ar och amde oss f¨ or att flytta ihop. Vi hittade ett hus precis vid stranden (Mission Beach) vi best¨ och hittade ¨ aven en tysk och en dansk tjej, via Facebook, att dela huset med. Det fanns tv˚ a singelrum och ett delat rum samt tv˚ a badrum, vardagsrum och k¨ ok. L¨ aget var verkligen fantastiskt och vi hade utsikt ¨ over havet. Husets hyra var 3300 $ per m˚ anad och detta delade vi upp p˚ a fyra (singelrummen var lite dyrare ¨ an det delade rummet). Ett tips ¨ ar att g˚ a med i alla Facebookgrupper som finns f¨ or internationella studenter. D¨ ar kommer det upp massa annonser d¨ ar folk letar efter roomies till sina hus. Vill man vara s¨ aker ar det bra att ˚ aka till San Diego, bo p˚ a hostel och leta efter boende p˚ a p˚ a att f˚ a ett bra boende ¨ plats. Eftersom vi var lite oroliga s˚ a fixade vi l¨ agenhet via Kamo Housing hemifr˚ an, vilket ocks˚ a blev bra, men nu i efterhand n¨ ar jag blivit lite modigare hade jag nog ˚ akt dit och letat n¨ ar jag v¨ al ¨ ar d¨ ar. Craigslist ¨ ar ¨ aven j¨ attebra (USA:s motsvarighet till Blocket)! D¨ ar kan du komma i kontakt med b˚ ade folk som hyr ut ett rum, eller med en landlord som man kan hyra ett hus av och sedan leta roomies. Det l¨ oser sig alltid! Mitt heta r˚ ad ¨ ar att om du ¨ ar ¨ over 21 ˚ ar gammal s˚ a ska du bo i Mission Beach/Pacific Beach och inte vid skolan p˚ a College Area. D¨ ar ¨ ar det m˚ anga yngre som bor och det finns inte lika mycket roligt att g¨ ora. Det ¨ ar v¨ al en smaksak, men ¨ arligt talat s˚ a˚ aker man inte Kalifornien f¨ or att sedan bo uppe vid skolan n¨ ar man har m¨ ojlighet att bo vid stranden. En s˚ an chans f˚ ar man inte m˚ anga g˚ anger. Det ¨ ar kanske lite dyrare, men jag k¨ ande ¨ and˚ a att det var v¨ art det till 100 %. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Jag tog fullt CSN och hade ut¨ over det ca 50 000 i sparpengar. Jag kom hem med ca 25 000 kr s˚ a jag skulle s¨ aga att jag klarade mig bra. CSN r¨ acker helt klart men vill man leva som en kung i paradiset, vilket var min plan, s˚ a kan det vara bra att ha sparat ihop lite extra. Generellt s˚ a¨ ar det billigare ¨ an i Sverige, speciellt att ¨ ata ute. Det som kostade mest var v¨ al resorna. Under mitt ˚ ar s˚ a˚ akte jag till Vegas 4 g˚ anger, Grand Canyon 2 g˚ anger, Mexico 3 g˚ anger, angst Highway 1 upp till San Francisco och tillbaka. Jag LA 5 g˚ anger och gjorde en roadtrip l¨ Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 262 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 onskar i efterhand att jag bes¨ okt fler nationalparker som exempelvis Yosemite, men det var ¨ s˚ a mycket roligt som h¨ ande i San Diego, s˚ a det f˚ ar bli en annan g˚ ang i livet. F¨ orsta terminen hade vi ¨ aven hyrt en bil, vilket innebar en del kostnader, men det var inte s˚ a j¨ attedyrt egentligen. Vi var tv˚ a som delade den och betalade 550 $ per m˚ anad. Bensinen i USA ¨ ar ju typ h¨ alften s˚ a billig som i Sverige. Andra terminen k¨ ande vi att vi inte beh¨ ovde bil eftersom vi hade sett det mesta redan och alla v˚ ara v¨ anner hade bil, s˚ a vi carpoolade till skolan ist¨ allet. Men jag rekommenderar verkligen att ha bil ˚ atminstone f¨ orsta terminen du ar d¨ ar. USA ¨ ar ju onekligen ett billand, s˚ a det ¨ ar sv˚ art att ta sig runt utan. Det ¨ ar en frihet ¨ att ha bil. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Det kanske erbj¨ ods en del via universitetet, men jag deltog inte s˚ a mycket i det i och med att vi bodde p˚ a ett annat omr˚ ade. P˚ a fritiden h¨ angde vi p˚ a stranden, reste runt, ˚ at god mat, tr¨ anade och surfade. Vi var ett stort g¨ ang som alltid h¨ angde, b˚ ade amerikaner och andra utbytesstudenter, och det var hur kul som helst! Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Mitt enda tips ¨ ar: ˚ AK TILL SAN DIEGO! Jag kan inte ens beskriva hur underbart det har varit. Det ¨ ar som att ha levt en dr¨ om och det k¨ andes verkligen j¨ attetr˚ akigt att ˚ aka hem. Jag rekommenderar ¨ aven starkt att s¨ oka tv˚ a terminer. En termin hade aldrig r¨ ackt tycker jag. Det h¨ ar har nog varit det b¨ asta ˚ aret i mitt liv och jag ¨ ar s˚ a tacksam ¨ over att jag f˚ att den h¨ ar m¨ ojligheten. Har du n˚ agra fr˚ agor ang˚ aende boende eller n˚ agot annat s˚ a tveka inte att h¨ ora av dig. Jag k¨ anner folk d¨ ar som skulle kunna hj¨ alpa till :) GO AZTECS! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? http://doit.medfarm.uu.se/kurtattachment/1405427597957087056.JPG 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. Bild fr˚ an Boardwalken i Mission Beach 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University´s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 263 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 104 Basic Information 1. Name Helen Orbe 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California State University, Los Angeles 4. City Los Angeles 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Business 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? F¨ oretagsekonomi 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Det finns flera skillnader mellan Uppsala och CalState LA. Till och b¨ orja med s˚ a ¨ ar l¨ ararna mer engagerade av dig som individ. Detta beror p˚ a att man l¨ aser som oftast i mindre klasser, ca 30 elever per class. Dessutom ¨ ar alla lektioner obligatoriska f¨ or oss utbytesstudenter vilket leder till att man har mycket kontakt med l¨ ararna. Studieniv˚ an skulle man kunna s¨ aga ¨ ar l¨ attare j¨ amf¨ ort med Uppsala. Dock ¨ ar strukturen annorlunda, d v s man bed¨ oms inte bara p˚ a hur man levererar vid ett prov utan aven ens deltagande samt n¨ arvaro r¨ aknas. Proven ¨ ar mycket l¨ attare generellt s¨ att, det ¨ ar ¨ oftast flervals fr˚ agor samt kortfr˚ agor. Jag l¨ aste som sagt business men jag kom i kontakt med flera andra utbytesstudenter som bland annat l¨ aste historia, l¨ arare samt mode. De hade ungef¨ ar samma typ av undervisning. En aspekt till g¨ allande undervisningen var att Cal State hade samma l¨ arare under hela kursen, lite som gymnasiet till skillnad fr˚ an Uppsala d¨ ar man ofta har en f¨ orel¨ asare som har expertis inom sitt omr˚ ade. Vidare s˚ a arbetar generellt sett alla studenter heltid p˚ a Calstate, vilket ¨ aven p˚ averkar hur l¨ att det ¨ ar att bygga kontakter. Dessutom f˚ ar man v¨ alja sitt eget schema, s˚ a om man vill s˚ a kan man v¨ alja kurser fr˚ an m˚ andag till torsdag (man studerar inte i skolan p˚ a fredag/l¨ ordag/s¨ ondag) som utbytesstudent. Man kan allts˚ a ha ett schema som bara t¨ acker tv˚ a dagar ex. m˚ andag-tisdag. Det var m˚ anga studenter som utnyttjade detta, dock inte jag sj¨ alv d˚ a mina kurser var s˚ a pass specifika s˚ a jag kunde inte anpassa det efter f¨ arre dagar. Detta m¨ ojligg¨ or att ˚ aka p˚ a resor runt om i USA. Vidare l¨ aser man flera kurser parallellt, minimum kravet ¨ ar 12 credits, vilket motsvarar 75% heltidsstudier. Det ¨ ar allts˚ a ok att l¨ asa bara 12 po¨ ang men d˚ a m˚ aste man klara samtliga kurser, jag gjorde det och det gick fint. Dock rekommenderas det att man l¨ aser 15 credits. Vidare har Cali State quarter system. Detta inneb¨ ar att varje termin ¨ ar BARA 11 veckor. Tyv¨ arr visste jag inte om detta innan jag s¨ okte platsen. Jag l¨ aste endast en quarter och s˚ a Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 310 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report h¨ ar i efterhand rekommenderar jag inte att l¨ asa bara en quarter. Jag skulle personligen ˚ aka i ett 1 ˚ ar och i s˚ a fall hoppa av om diverse sk¨ al g¨ or att man l¨ angtar hem. Det ¨ ar mycket komplicerat att f¨ orl¨ anga sin vistelse om den redan ¨ ar spikad. Campus omr˚ adet har flera datorer, dock ¨ ar det ofta k¨ o till dem, dock g˚ ar det mycket bra att skriva ut fr˚ an dem. Vidare finns det wifi runt hela skolomr˚ adet som fungerade lite sis˚ ad¨ ar. Dessutom finns det ett gym lokaliserat p˚ a campus omr˚ adet som ing˚ ar i din campus Fee. Take to note: det kostar en extra avgift att plugga hos Calstate LA. Det vet ni s¨ akert redan nu n¨ ar ni l¨ aser detta. Dessutom betalar man en f¨ ors¨ akring trots att vi har en mycket bra fr˚ an Uppsala Uni som ¨ ar b¨ attre en deras. Jag skaffade en ytterligare f¨ ors¨ akring innan jag ˚ akte iv¨ ag, som var ¨ annu b¨ attre an b˚ ada dom men Cal State vill att man k¨ oper deras egna s˚ a var beredd p˚ a den utgiften, ¨ man kommer inte undan. Vidare betalas alla s˚ adana utgifter kontant p˚ a campus omr˚ adet. Cal State har ett stort campus omr˚ ade som ligger n˚ agot ¨ osterut i LA, fr˚ an Hollywood d¨ ar jag bodde tar det cirka 15 min med bil vid god trafik och en timme eller mer vid traffic jam. Vad det g¨ aller b¨ ocker s˚ a beh¨ over man k¨ opa dem sj¨ alv, detta kan man g¨ ora enkelt p˚ a campus omr˚ adet. Dessutom finns det en food court som ¨ ar helt ok, samt Star Bucks med mer! Detta var en lyx att dricka Star Bucks vid tenta tider. Omr˚ adet som man kan studera skiljer sig avsev¨ art, det ¨ ar mycket normalt att plugga ute d˚ a v¨ adret till˚ ater det. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Jag kom dit en m˚ anad innan plugget b¨ orja. Detta rekommenderas! Visumet till˚ ater det, s˚ a det ¨ ar bara att utnyttja tiden innan s˚ a man har en chans att komma i ordning. Man skriver in sig p˚ a universitet n¨ ar man anl¨ ander i LA. Detta ¨ ar viktigt. D˚ a fick man mer information ang˚ aende studier viktiga datum osv. Personalen var mycket trevlig men de har inte s˚ a stora resurser att egentligen hj¨ alpa dig. Som sagt anm¨ aler man sig, skaffar ID kort hos skolan, fixar f¨ ors¨ akringen osv. Vi hade endast en introduktionsdag som man f˚ ar betala 60 dollar f¨ or, den var obligatorisk. Under denna dag s¨ ager dom ˚ at en vad man inte f˚ ar g¨ ora och ber¨ attar om allt farligt som kan h¨ anda. Inte speciellt inspirerande men jag antar nyttig information, vissa saker st¨ ammer andra inte skulle jag s¨ aga. Dock tog vi utbytesstudenter denna att knyta kontakter, och m˚ anga jag m¨ otte den dagen blev v¨ anner under och efter min tid i LA. De andra utbytesstudenterna var mestadels asiater, tyskar, kanadensare och aussies. Vi tre som ˚ akte fr˚ an Uppsala var de enda svenskarna d¨ ar. Vilket jag anser ¨ ar kul, f¨ or d˚ a g¨ or man inte det klassiska och bara h¨ anger med svenskar n¨ ar man ˚ aker utomlands utan man var tvungen att l¨ ara k¨ anna m¨ anniskor fr˚ an andra l¨ ander och kulturer. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag bodde med tv˚ a andra roomies i Hollywood. En var amerikanska och den andra var fr˚ an Marocko. Boendet hittade jag p˚ a Carigslist. Vilket ¨ ar en stor webbsida d¨ ar man kan hitta allt. Det tog mig ungef¨ ar 2 veckor att hitta okande p˚ a plats. Jag hade sv˚ art att hitta boende d˚ a jag var student som boendet efter aktivt s¨ skulle stanna s˚ a pass kort tid. Jag rekommenderar dock inte att bo p˚ a campus, flera av de jag umgicks d¨ ar bodde p˚ a campus och de fann det mycket tr˚ akigt och v¨ aldigt begr¨ ansande. Det finns flera omr˚ aden som ¨ ar angr¨ ansande till studieomr˚ adet. N˚ agra att n¨ amna ¨ ar South Pasadena, Hollywood, Silverlake, West Hollywood. South Pasadena hade jag en v¨ an som bodde, det ¨ ar ett mycket trivsamt omr˚ ade om man vill ha lugnt och mysiga caf´eer. Silverlake ar ett mycket trendigt omr˚ ade d¨ ar artsy people bor. Hollywood ¨ ar ganska ruffigt men har ett ¨ mycket sp¨ annande och roligt uteliv, massa barer, klubbar och restauranger. West Hollywood, ar finare ¨ an Hollywood och kostar mer samt att det ligger p˚ a gr¨ ansen att vara osmidigt l˚ angt ¨ Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 311 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report borta fr˚ an skolan. Dessa omr˚ aden kostar olika, campus kostar 500+200 dollar f¨ or mat. D˚ a delar man rum med en annan samt delar k¨ ok etc med flera andra. Bor man off-campus f˚ ar man nog r¨ akna med 700 dollar. Jag betalde 900 dollar och d˚ a hade jag eget rum, badrum, balkong och tillg˚ ang till pool och parkering. Jag ¨ alskade att bo i Hollywood trots att det var ganska ruffigt som sagt, det h¨ ande alltid n˚ agonting, det fanns massa shopping osv i n¨ arheten. Ett m˚ aste n¨ ar man bor i LA ¨ ar att skaffa ¨ ar bil, speciellt om man bor off-campus. De som valde att inte g¨ ora det hade en mycket tr˚ akigare vistelse ¨ an jag sj¨ alv och de andra som hade bil. Jag k¨ opte min hos en car dealer. Man kan k¨ opa privat ocks˚ a via exempelvis craigslist. Jag valde en dealer d˚ a jag var mycket okunnig samt att man aldrig vet vem man m¨ oter n¨ ar man handlar privat. Jag k¨ opte en toyota camry 1994, betalade s¨ akert ett ¨ overpris p˚ a den. Jag betalade 3800 dollar f¨ or den och s˚ alde den n¨ ar jag l¨ amna LA till en annan utbytesstudent. Jag rekommenderar toyota bilarna, det ¨ ar ett vanligt m¨ arke, ett kvalitetsm¨ arke och s˚ a det ¨ ar billigt att byta reservdelar om n˚ agot skulle h¨ anda. Mekaniker ¨ ar mycket billigare ¨ an i Sverige samt bensin. Man m˚ aste dock r¨ akna med att betala f¨ or den obligatoriska liability insurance, jag anv¨ ande mig av AAA som ¨ ar ett mycket bra f¨ ors¨ akringsbolag. De har dessutom road assisatance, vilket inneb¨ ar om du ¨ ar medlem kommer en b¨ argnings bil, eller n˚ agon som kan byta d¨ ack osv, helt gratis! 3 ggr under ett ˚ ar kan de hj¨ alpa dig. Jag rekommenderar detta, kostade 40 dollar tror jag eller s˚ a. Jag k¨ opte ¨ aven en GPS, det b¨ asta jag gjort, min GPS talade ¨ aven om det var traffic jam och valde en annan route f¨ or att spara tid. Detta beh¨ ovs i LA, alla k¨ or bil vilket leder till trafikstockning. I skolan kunde man parkera, det kostade 90 dollar f¨ or hela terminen. Dock kunde det ibland vara trixigt att hitta en plats, mitt rekord var att cirkulera 1 timme p˚ a skolans parkeringsplats innan jag fick en plats. N¨ ar man k¨ or i Cali s˚ a beh¨ over man egentligen ett cali-k¨ orkort. Jag struntade i det, det gick bra ¨ and˚ a. Dock vill jag po¨ angtera att om man stannar 1 ˚ ar ¨ ar det v¨ art och, det g˚ ar fort och det ¨ ar l¨ ojligt enkelt, jag sj¨ alv var ju bara som sagt d¨ ar i 4 m˚ anader s˚ a jag tyckte det k¨ andes bara tidskr¨ avande. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Jag tyckte inte CSN r¨ ackte, jag hade sparat en hel del innan f¨ or detta s˚ a budgeten h¨ oll and˚ a. Boendet blev som sagt dyrare ¨ an vad jag betalar hemma, 6300 svenska betalade jag f¨ or ¨ ar mat mycket billigare i Cali. boendet i LA medan jag betalar 3500 hemma i Uppsala. Dock ¨ Om man bor p˚ a campus och inte k¨ oper bil r¨ acker det gott och v¨ al, d¨ aremot vill man k¨ opa bil osv s˚ a anser jag att man b¨ ora spara sj¨ alv innan sitt utbyte! Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Jag ˚ akte ofta till Santa Monica och Venice, f¨ or att sola, cykla, springa och shoppa. Vidare gjorde vi utbytesstudenter en hel del resor till LAS Vegas, San Fran, San Diego osv. ag n˚ agra dagar och bara uppleva Cali! Det var inga speciella Det var underbart att sticka iv¨ aktiviteter anser jag som Cal Sate LA anordna. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Genomg˚ aende i min rapport har jag varit mycket ¨ arlig ang˚ aende det praktiska. Dock ¨ ar detta bara en del av ens upplevelse. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 312 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Jag ¨ alskade att bo i LA, det b¨ asta jag gjort!! Jag rekommenderar alla att ˚ aka, ta chansen, det ¨ ar fantastiskt!! Jag har s˚ a m˚ anga otroligt sp¨ annande och roliga minnen fr˚ an mitt utbyte. ˚ AK DU KOMMER INTE ATT ˚ ANGRA DIG :) Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 313 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 105 Basic Information 1. Name Julia Segall 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California State University, Los Angeles 4. City Los Angeles 5. Country United States 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Fashion & Marketing 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? F¨ oretagsekonomi 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2 years Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Under mitt utbytes˚ ar studerade jag mode och tog ett certificate i Fashion merchandise, vilket var ett roligt och intressant ¨ amne att studera attare studier j¨ amf¨ ort med Uppsala och p˚ a just i en modestad som LA. Generellt sett var det l¨ mina kurser fick man en personlig relation till l¨ araren. Det p˚ agick ofta diskussioner i klassen mellan elever och l¨ arare, h¨ ar bed¨ oms du i mycket h¨ ogre utstr¨ ackning p˚ a participation. L¨ ararna var kompetenta inom sina omr˚ aden, men det k¨ andes som att de best¨ amde mycket sj¨ alva hur de ville l¨ ara ut. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. P˚ a CSULA har du en obligatorisk kick-off dag vilken var v¨ ardel¨ os, dock tr¨ affade jag flera av de v¨ anner som jag h¨ angde med i LA p˚ a den dagen. Skolan anstr¨ anger sig inte f¨ or att du ska trivas eller tr¨ affa v¨ anner, det ¨ ar helt upp till dig. Det ¨ ar l¨ att att m¨ ota andra utbytesstudenter, men det ¨ ar helt klart v¨ art att f¨ ors¨ oka tr¨ affa amerikaner ¨ aven om det kan vara lite sv˚ arare d˚ a m˚ anga kommer till CSULA mer som ett jobb. Jag skaffade ett rum i Hollywood och delade med en tjej fr˚ an Arizona, det var helt klart avg¨ orande f¨ or hur jag trivdes eftersom vi blev superbra v¨ anner! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 312 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisagenhet p˚ a Craigslist i Hollywood fied? Do you have any tips for future students? Hittade en l¨ som jag delade med en annan tjej. Kan starkt rekommendera att hitta boende off-campus, det avgjorde helt min upplevelse. Flera av mina v¨ anner som bodde p˚ a campus ˚ angrade det. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Jag spenderade mer ¨ an CSN, mycket f¨ or att jag reste, k¨ opte bil och bodde i Hollywood. Man kan s¨ akert f˚ a CSN att r¨ acka men jag skulle rekommendera att ha med sparpengar. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Det finns mycket att g¨ ora i LA, mer ¨ an vad du hinner med. Jag reste mycket, ˚ akte p˚ a festivaler, h¨ angde p˚ a stranden, gick p˚ a konstutst¨ allningar, shoppade secondhand p˚ a flea markets, hikeade i Runyon och var med kompisar. Jag hade ganska mycket ledig tid, fr¨ amst f¨ or att jag inte jobbade. Du l¨ agger ditt egna schema vilket g¨ or att du kan f˚ a l˚ anga weekends d¨ ar du kan sticka iv¨ ag p˚ a resor. Skolan ordnar inget men det gjorde inte mig n˚ agonting! Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. LA var utan tvekan det h¨ aftigaste jag har gjort i mitt liv. L¨ arde mig om ett helt nytt ¨ amne, m¨ otte fantastiska m¨ anniskor och fick spendera tv˚ a terminer i en underbart galen stad. Skulle garanterat g¨ ora det igen! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 313 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 93 Basic Information 1. Name Amanda Smith 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California Polytechnic State University 4. City Uppsala 5. Country Sweden 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Liberal arts (Psychology, Spanish, Communication, Anthropology) & Business (Marketing Projects, Entrepreneurship, General Management, HR Management) 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Business 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... I picked Liberal arts which was broad, something that made it easier for me to get many different subjects such as Psychology, Communication and languages. I needed to get into three business courses on a C-level to be able to transfer it as F¨ oretagsekonomi C. This was quite hard! First of all, make sure you contact FEKen to ask what courses would be eligible to transfer. I sent 10 suggestions to them to have many choices. Do this long before the application at Cal Poly starts. You CANNOT just look at the course numbers and try to figure out what level they are. They have different measurements in Uppsala. It’s hard to get into business classes at Cal Poly if you are not a business student but it is doable. Just don’t expect to get all the courses you want. Especially Marketing courses are tricky. The way to do it is to send an email to the teacher of the course and just write a really good email telling them why you want/need to take their course. Give them time to answer! Some teachers will give you a code you can use when choosing courses, very easy. As an international student you also get to pick courses first out of everyone, make sure to apply directly and you will get any course you want that is on your level. If you need higher level ones you once again need to contact the teachers and tell them you have already taken lower level courses in that area. Most often you will have to crash courses to get in though. Crashing courses = Go to that class the first day. Everyone does this and most often there will be some students there doing the same thing. Talk to the teacher (sometimes you have to sit through the first class and talk after) and they will let you in if there is room. Most people I saw crashing got in, but you might need to try a few classes to be sure. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 277 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 I picked all my courses based on polyratings.com. This is THE guide to use when choosing courses. Most teachers are rated on that website and it helps a lot using it. Read the comments too though to find out the reason behind the ratings! Some students just rate low because they got a bad grade and the website cannot always be trusted, but is still the best source. The teachers have so much freedom and one course with two different teachers can be nothing alike. The general level of difficulty among the courses I chose was lower than Business in Uppsala. The demands are much lower and different. I had three C-level business courses and they were WAY easier than F¨ oretagsekonomi C from what I understood when talking to people taking that course. The basic level courses are often extremely easy BUT some teachers are really tough so once again, check polyratings to make sure you know what you get yourself into. Most courses have a lot of ”busy work” which means homework that is not really hard but it takes time. I did more work everyday at Cal Poly than Uppsala but I didn’t use my brain as much. You can’t procrastinate, make sure you follow the assigned schedule! Go to office hours if you need help or even if you don’t. Teachers are very personal and some definitely base their grading on how much you try, etc. Most teachers love international students and will help you both get into and in class. Don’t forget polyratings.com! Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. The school has a one-day orientation with mostly information. There is a group that welcomes international students and they are really good. They do a lot of fun events and you meet lots of people from all over the world. I didn’t participate that much since we started hanging out with Americans from the start but I went to some events and they were good. There is also the orientation for the Americans (but international students can go to), WOWweek. I never went to this and I heard people both loving and hating it so hard to say if it was worth it. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I went with my boyfriend and we looked for housing on Craigslist. It was hard to find a room for two people. Eventually we ended up getting an apartment with one of the American girls who studied in Uppsala for a year. We met her on the pre-departure meeting. We were quite close to school and town and the apartment was huge. It was unfurnished but we got cheap and often free stuff from Craigslist. I don’t know much about campus housing except that some is really good (new built) and some really bad. You can end up with people partying all the time or people doing nothing at all. I’ve heard it’s quite expensive too. I would recommend living with Americans. Most of the Swedish people there did that and we all loved it. You get to know their friends and you often get to live in a big house with a lot of room. Check out Craigslist. There are also Facebook groups where you can look for housing. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? I Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 278 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 had money saved up before which was good but I would have survived either way. The first quarter is the most expensive, with deposits (often high on housing), cars, books, etc. We travelled around A LOT and because we had our own car and gas is cheap we could afford it. We also went to Mexico. SLO is more expensive than other places though but you can easily survive on CSN. There are lots of student discounts both on food and in bars, and in clothing stores. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Travelling mostly or going to the beach or hiking. The nature in SLO is awesome. There are also lots of clubs and events going on ALL THE TIME. Hard to have time for it all. I took pottery classes in the Craft Center. You can also take a lot of cool classes there for a very good price. The gym is ridiculous! HUGE and fantastic. If you like working out pick this school. If you don’t you will probably start liking it, or hang out in the huge pool. Check out the Campus life tab on the website. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Bike: You will get to borrow a bike from the awesome teacher Joel to the cost of some refreshments. Deposit of 100 dollars that you get back when you return the bike. Car: My boyfriend and I bought a car on Craigslist for 2000 dollars. I HIGHLY recommend this. We used it everywhere: going to the beach, going up to Big Sur, and travelling everywhere in California. Two Swedish guys bought a car together too. It will cost money then but you will save A LOT from not renting a car all the time. There is some paper work to do at the DMV with a car but it’s all worth it. We sold the car for 1900 dollars. Be very careful when you buy one though, a lot of people trying to fool you. I recommend going to check the car out and asking them if you can do an all-around check up (around 60 dollars) that you can pay for. There is no way of seeing what could be wrong with the car otherwise. We didn’t do this and had to do some repairs later on. Another reason to get a car - the Sunset drive in. It’s fantastic! Drivers license: You will probably be fine with your Swedish. They like Swedish people in general in California. We got an International Drivers License from Motorm¨ annen before we left. You get to rent cars cheaper with it on Avis, through AAA-membership and it doesn’t cost that much. I would get it if I was planning on renting cars there. Beware of cheap rental services, they will try to rip you off ! DO NOT try to get an American drivers license. My boyfriend did and he never got it even though he passed. The DMV is awful and you will spend too much time for nothing there. Not worth it!!! BUT you should get an American ID if you want to leave your passport at home at night. Unfortunately you have to do that there too. Go there day one and apply, 32 dollars I think. It took most international students about 2-3 months to get it (even though they say 2-4 weeks). It’s good in some places (San Diego) in California where you will not be let into bars unless you have that or your passport. SLO and SF accepts Swedish drivers licenses but it might change. Bank: Get an American bank. You will save A LOT of money and sometimes only American cards are accepted. You can get an account for free. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 279 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Cal Poly is a truly amazing school, whether you want a good education or a fun time. They have everything to offer and are very helpful to international students. The school is known to be the best state school in the state. The atmosphere is also very special, people say it’s like nowhere else. Extremely friendly! San Luis Obispo is a small town, the feeling of Uppsala. There are some really good bars but not really any clubs. If you want that kind of partying you might want to check out bigger cities. Half of the inhabitants are students though so the town feels very alive and I was never bored. The location is great, just between SF and LA and close to Big Sur, and lots of beaches close by. The weather is always sunny and warm, however nights are cold. I would pick Cal Poly and SLO a million times again. I cannot imagine a better choice, at least for myself. If you have any questions I’d be happy to help out. Just send me an email: [email protected] Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 280 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 90 Basic Information 1. Name Malin Ulriksson 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California Polytechnic State University 4. City San Luis Obispo 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Psychology, Political Science 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Program med inriktning mot personal- och arbetslivsfr˚ agor 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2,5 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Skillnaderna mellan att studera vid Uppsala ar ganska stora. F¨ or det f¨ orsta l¨ aser man Universitet och Cal Poly, som universitetet kallas, ¨ alla kurser parallellt och de examineras dels genom midterms och finals, som oftast ¨ ar prov med svarsalternativ, dels genom mindre skrivuppgifter och dylikt samt bed¨ omning av aktivitet under lektionerna. F¨ or det andra ¨ ar klasserna i de flesta kurser mycket mindre. En klass kunde best˚ a av 30 personer och l¨ araren kunde allas namn och det g¨ allde att visa intresse och engagemang under varje lektion d˚ a detta ingick i ens betyg. M˚ anga l¨ arare var ¨ aven v¨ aldigt str¨ anga med n¨ arvaro. K¨ anslan var att man p˚ a Uppsala universitet f˚ ar ett mycket st¨ orre eget ansvar f¨ or sina studier, medan Cal Poly p˚ aminde lite mer om hur det var p˚ a gymnasiet. Det skiljde sig allts˚ a mycket fr˚ an vad jag ¨ ar van vid, men att ha en n¨ armare relation med l¨ ararna var kul och bidrog mycket till l¨ arandet. Det fanns n˚ agon som gav en ber¨ om n¨ ar det gick bra och fanns d¨ ar f¨ or en d˚ a man beh¨ ovde hj¨ alp med n˚ agot. L¨ ararna har office hours varje vecka d˚ a man kunde prata med dem privat och st¨ alla fr˚ agor och f˚ a hj¨ alp med studier. Att bes¨ oka l¨ ararna under office hours visar ocks˚ a p˚ a intresse och engagemang och kan hj¨ alpa ens betyg. Jag l¨ aste tv˚ a psykologikurser Social Psyhology (PSY 252) och Teamwork (PSY 350) samt en samh¨ allsvetenskaplig kurs Introduction to International Relations (POLS 225). Psykologikurserna var p˚ a h¨ ogre niv˚ a och kr¨ avde att jag skickade in bevis p˚ a att jag redan l¨ ast psykologi, medan samh¨ allsvetenskapliga kursen var p˚ a nyb¨ orjarniv˚ a. Alla l¨ arare jag hade i samtliga kurser var mycket bra, intelligenta och engagerade. Niv˚ an p˚ a kurserna skiljde sig ˚ at. Socialpsykologin var p˚ a ett ungef¨ ar p˚ a samma niv˚ a, n˚ agot enklare, som de psykologikurser jag tagit i Uppsala medan Teamworkkursen inte kr¨ avde speciellt mycket arbete. Introduction Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 265 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report to International Relations var den kursen jag fick k¨ ampa mest med, fr¨ amst f¨ or att kurslitteraturen var ganska s˚ a tung. D¨ ar gjorde vi ocks˚ a ett quiz varje s¨ ondag f¨ or att checka av att man hade l¨ ast de kapitel som h¨ orde till kommande veckas undervisning, quizen var en del av betyget. Jag lade ner ganska mycket tid p˚ a att plugga under terminerna eftersom det g¨ allde att ligga i fas varje vecka och g¨ ora mindre uppgifter. Men detta gjorde ocks˚ a att det inte kr¨ avdes fullt lika mycket pluggande inf¨ or midterms och finals som jag pluggar inf¨ or tentor i Uppsala. Cal Poly har ett stort bibliotek som erbjuder m˚ anga studieplatser, mer eller mindre tysta. H¨ ar fanns ocks˚ a tillg˚ ang till att l˚ ana station¨ ara datorer, laptops och surfplattor. Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Cal Poly har ett International Peer Program som inneb¨ ar att man f˚ ar en kontaktperson, en annan student som frivilligt jobbar med att v¨ alkomna och hj¨ alpa internationella utbytesstudenter. Det fanns en motsvarighet till Uppsalas internationella kansli dit man kunde v¨ anda sig med fr˚ agor, alla hade i b¨ orjan av terminen ett m¨ ote med en av dem som jobbade d¨ ar f¨ or att st¨ amma av visum etc. Universitetet anordnade en introduktionsdag som jag tyv¨ arr inte kunde medverka under d˚ a jag var sjuk. Vi fick ¨ aven g¨ ora en introduktionskurs online d¨ ar vi fick l¨ ara oss om universitetet, staden och lite om amerikanska normer och seder. Jag hade lite kontakt med min International Peer Contact i b¨ orjan men tog mest hj¨ alp av de amerikanska tjejerna jag delade l¨ agenhet med. Min erfarenhet ¨ ar att amerikaner ¨ ar otroligt alkomnande och trevliga mot utbytesstudenter och i allm¨ anhet. Det fanns m˚ anga som g¨ arna v¨ ber¨ attade om Cal Poly och San Luis Obispo och visade en runt. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? D˚ a man ans¨ oker till universitetet kan man v¨ alja mellan att bo on campus och off campus. Bor man on campus ordnar universitetet ett studentrum i en dorm ˚ at en. I dorms bor fr¨ amst de som l¨ aser f¨ orsta ˚ aret och att bo d¨ ar inneb¨ ar ocks˚ a mycket regler, d¨ arf¨ or valde jag att bo off campus d˚ a man f˚ ar ordna boendet sj¨ alv. Jag delade en l¨ agenhet med tv˚ a amerikanska tjejer som ocks˚ a studerade vid Cal Poly. Det var en trea med tv˚ a sovrum och ett vardagsrum som l˚ ag ca 10 minuters promenad fr˚ an campus. Jag hade ett eget sovrum medan de andra tv˚ a tjejerna delade det andra sovrummet. Boendet hittade min kompis, som jag ˚ akte tillsammans med, p˚ a Craigs List vilket ¨ ar ungef¨ ar som USAs Blocket. Min kompis fick kontakt med en tjej som skulle p˚ a utbyte och hyrde ut sitt rum under en termin vars grannar ocks˚ a hyrde ut. Jag och min kompis bodde allts˚ a i l¨ agenheter bredvid varandra med amerikanska roommates. Jag kan verkligen rekommendera att bo med andra amerikaner om chansen finns! Jag fick st¨ andigt tr¨ ana p˚ a min engelska och de gav en bra introduktion till det amerikanska studentlivet. Vi kom ocks˚ a varandra v¨ aldigt n¨ ara och de introducerade mig och min kompis f¨ or sina kompisar. Vi hade boendet ordnat redan innan vi kom till San Luis Obispo vilket k¨ andes som en trygghet, men jag vet ocks˚ a flera som l¨ oste det p˚ a plats vilket ocks˚ a fungerade bra! Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 266 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Min uppfattning ¨ ar att det i allm¨ anhet ¨ ar billigare i USA ¨ an i Sverige. Det som kan vara dyrare ¨ ar hyran. Jag tror att jag hade tur som kom undan p˚ a en m˚ anadshyra p˚ a $ 500 vilket motsvarar ganska exakt vad jag betalar f¨ or mitt rum i korridor i Uppsala. Jag vet att m˚ anga betalade mer f¨ or sitt boende. Att handla mat i mataff¨ arerna var n˚ agot billigare och att ¨ ata ute var betydligt billigare ¨ an i Sverige. Det fanns ocks˚ a ett stort utbud ekologiska varor till mycket b¨ attre pris ¨ an i Sverige. Jag klarade mig definitivt p˚ a bidrag och l˚ an fr˚ an CSN och kombinerat med sparpengar kunde jag g¨ ora m˚ anga resor, bland annat till New York b˚ ade p˚ a dit- och hemv¨ agen, till San Francisco, Las Vegas och Hawaii. Med merkostnadsl˚ an f¨ or flygresan skulle jag uppskatta att CSN r¨ ackte till resan dit, ett n˚ agot lyxigare vardagsliv ¨ an vad CSN r¨ acker till i Uppsala, resor i Kalifornien och en del shopping. Kl¨ ader ¨ ar mycket billigare i USA Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on ar ett v¨ aldigt aktivt universitet och San Luis Obispo en aktiv stad. Campus offer? Cal Poly ¨ erbj¨ od ett stort och modern gym med tv˚ a pooler, en f¨ or tr¨ aningssim och en med solstolar och beach volleyboll, h¨ ar spenderades mycket tid I samband med gymmet fanns ¨ aven n˚ agot som hette Poly Escapes som anordnade utflykter och hyrde ut kanoter, t¨ alt, surfbr¨ ador och dylikt. Jag anv¨ ande mig aldrig av dem men tycker att det verkade som ett kul s¨ att att komma iv¨ ag och se den vackra naturen runt San Luis Obispo. Detta kostade dock pengar. San Luis Obispo ¨ ar omgiven av berg och har n¨ ara till kusten och stranden. N˚ agot som ¨ ar v¨ aldigt popul¨ art ¨ ar att g¨ ora en hike. Det gjorde vi n˚ agra g˚ anger! Vi h¨ angde ocks˚ a en del p˚ a stranden som ligger ca 15 minuter med bil fr˚ an staden. Naturupplevelserna var n˚ agot av det b¨ asta med min utbytestermin i Kalifornien. Stand up paddle boarding i Avila Beach omringad av s¨ alar, en tur l¨ angst med Highway 1 upp till San Francisco och hiken vid den vackra kusten i Montana del Oro var n˚ agra av favoriterna. Ut¨ over friluftslivet erbj¨ od San Luis Obispo ett g¨ ang kul barer och bra restauranger downtown. Downtown bestog fr¨ amst av en gata d¨ ar barerna ligger p˚ a rad tillsammans med restauranger och aff¨ arer. Shoppingen var f¨ orv˚ anansv¨ art bra, n˚ agra av de st¨ orre kedjorna finns representerade och det finns m˚ anga mysiga sm˚ a butiker. Varje torsdag anordnas en Farmers Market p˚ a huvudgatan. D˚ a st¨ angs hela gatan av och lokala b¨ onder s¨ aljer frukt och gr¨ onsaker och restaurangerna har st˚ and d¨ ar de s¨ aljer mat. Farmers Market lockar alla generationer och det ¨ ar gatumusikanter och allm¨ ant gemytlig och trevlig st¨ amning. Det ¨ ar ocks˚ a ett perfekt tillf¨ alle att handla bra r˚ avaror och man f˚ ar provsmaka i stort sett allt. Det anordnades en del aktiviteter f¨ or internationella studenter, s˚ asom middagar, fester och hikear. Jag medverkade inte s˚ a mycket i det som anordnades f¨ or utbytesstudenter utan umgicks ist¨ allet med de amerikanska v¨ anner jag fick under tiden och utnyttjade deras expertis om vad staden hade att erbjuda. Vi umgicks ocks˚ a mycket med de andra svenskarna fr˚ an Uppsala. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. Sammanfattningsvis var min utbytestermin en helt fantastisk upplevelse. Mycket beroende p˚ a alla fina m¨ anniskor jag tr¨ affat och de utflykter och resor jag gjort, men ¨ aven studierna har varit kul och jag har l¨ art mig mycket genom att studera i ett annat land. Jag hoppas att min engelska har utvecklats Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 267 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report ocks˚ a. Jag kan verkligen rekommendera att plugga utomlands. Det ¨ ar otroligt l¨ arorikt och utvecklande. Kalifornien ¨ ar fantastiskt och jag l¨ angtar redan tillbaka. San Luis Obispo ¨ ar en mysig liten stad med ett kul studentliv och jag kan verkligen rekommendera staden och universitetet! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 268 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 22 Basic Information 1. Name Stina Waerme 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California Polytechnic State University 4. City San Luis Obispo 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? KINE 260, GER 101, WGS 201 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Socionomprogrammet 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Jag studerade tre kurser som motsvarade 4 units var, Women’s Health Issues (KINE 260), German 101 och Women’s and Gender Studies. Jag ararna var fantastiska och ¨ amnena kan verkligen rekommendera b˚ ade tyska och KINE. L¨ intressanta! De st¨ orsta skillnaderna mellan Uppsala universitet och SLO var dels att man l¨ aser quartersystem och dels att man l¨ aser flera kurser paralellt. Quartersystemet passade mig v¨ aldigt v¨ al d˚ a det innebar att min termin var 10 veckor l˚ ang vilket ¨ oppnade upp f¨ or mycket resande innan terminen satte ig˚ ang. Det var relativt h¨ ogt tempo och man tvingades s¨ atta sig in i plugget direkt men det var egentligen inga problem. Jag anser att kraven p˚ a elevernas prestationer i varje klass ¨ ar l¨ agre i USA ¨ an i Sverige men sv˚ arigheten ligger i att studera flera kurser samtidigt. Jag hade alltid fredagarna lediga vilket jag definitivt rekommenderar om du vill resa mycket under terminen. I ¨ ovrigt hade jag tv˚ a lektioner ´ a tv˚ a timmar styck varje dag. uppgifterna s˚ ag lite olika ut men oftast hade man midterm + final samt ett par quizzes och n˚ ag´ on inl¨ amningsuppgift. proven ¨ ar ganska ofta flervalsfr˚ agor s˚ a pluggar och l¨ aser litteraturen kan man utan problem f˚ a riktigt bra betyg. Ingenting var alltf¨ or sv˚ art och l¨ ararna hj¨ alper mer ¨ an g¨ arna! De ¨ ar verkligen sn¨ alla och tycker bara det ¨ ar kul med en utbytesstudent i klassen. Det fanns f¨ or f˚ a platser i biblioteket enligt mig och datorer var det sn˚ alt om s˚ a jag rekommenderar att man tar med en egen. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 67 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. Det var otroligt kul att komma fram till orel¨ asning och en liten onlinekurs att genomf¨ ora inna kurserna skolan och staden. Vi hade en f¨ b¨ orjade och det var v¨ al inte jobbigt eller sv˚ art men gav inte s˚ a mycket heller tycker jag. D¨ aremot fanns det alltid personal som kunde hj¨ alpa en p˚ a skolan. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? Jag delade l¨ agenhet med min kompis som jag ˚ akte med (vi delade rum) och en amerikansk tjej. Jag hittade boendet p˚ a craigslist och fick betala en deposition och skriva p˚ a kontrakt innan vi ˚ akte till USA. Det gick f¨ orv˚ anansv¨ art smidigt och jag har h¨ ort om personer som hade j¨ attesv˚ art men SLO hade en relativt bra boendemarknad s˚ a n˚ agonting hittar man tillslut! Standarden ¨ ar l¨ agre ¨ an i Sverige men vi bodde i en stor tv˚ aa med tv˚ a badrum och rej¨ alt k¨ ok och vardagsrum. L¨ agenheten l˚ ag dessutom 5 minuter fr˚ an campus och n¨ ara det mesta. (undvik l¨ agenhet on-campus, ofta v¨ aldigt unga elever, olika f¨ orbud osv). Jag betalade 500 dollar i m˚ anaden plus lite till f¨ or el. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? CSN r¨ acker gott och v¨ al. Jag reste v¨ aldigt mycket b˚ ade innan och under terminen s˚ a jag anv¨ ande extrapengar fr˚ an ett sommarjobb men det g˚ ar ju ¨ aven att anpassa. Jag ˚ akte till new york d¨ ar jag spenderade en vecka och tog sedan amtrak tv¨ ars ¨ over USA (med stopp i Washington, Atlanta, New Orleans (˚ Ak dit!), Houston och San Diego). Sedan bilade vi upp till SLO d¨ arifr˚ an. Under terminen ˚ akte jag ¨ aven till Santa Barbara, Las Vegas San Francisco mm. Ut¨ over detta spenderade jag en hel del pengar p˚ a shopping s˚ a man beh¨ over verkligen inte leva sn˚ alt d¨ ar borta utan pengarna r¨ acker. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? Universitetet har WOW-vecka (Week of Welcome) i b¨ orjan av terminen men det ¨ ar fr¨ amst f¨ orsta˚ arselever som kommer och ¨ ar ganska dyrt. Vi skippade det och man tr¨ affar ¨ and˚ a mycket m¨ anniskor p˚ a egen hand. P˚ a fritiden kan man shoppa, hikea, bowla, resa, bada, se p˚ a sport, tr¨ ana p˚ a skolans fina gym, utomhusbio osv. Det kommer inte vara sv˚ art att f˚ a tiden att g˚ a. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. ˚ AK! Det var superkul, l¨ arorikt och h¨ aftigt! Har knappt n˚ agot negativt att s¨ aga om det egentligen. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 68 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures I approve my pictures being published (print only) Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 69 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Person 30 Basic Information 1. Name Michaela Wistrand 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California Polytechnic State University 4. City San Luis Obispo 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Psychology 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Personalvetarprogrammet 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 3 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... I studied three classes Teamwork, Social Psychology and Healthy Living. The structure of my classes and the way school work was organized felt more like Swedish highschool. Every week we had a lot of homework/papers to turn in and you have to concentrate of various different classes at the same time. Two of my classes was seated in small classrooms and attendance and participation was graded. In those classes the relationship between the teacher and students was pretty personal. One of my class was in a big lecture hall, therefore the relationship between the teacher and the 200 students was not personal at all. If you do need help you can still go and met your teacher in person at office hours outside of class, which is really helpful. It is hard to compare the academic level at Uppsala and Cal Poly. I would say that my examinations at Cal Poly was easier, since they all had multiple choice questions. However, the school work during the semester was really busy, I had a lot of papers and homework every week. Also, since I had midterms and finals at all classes at the same time I had to study like 24/7 two weeks just before the finals and I had to plan ahead to make sure I had time to study for all my classes. The study guides before tests was pretty clear and detailed, so you probably would have made it without studying 24/7. My goal was a very high grade though and I did not know if my finals was going to be hard or not. The quality of my classes was high even if every class did not always have rewarding material, but that is how it is in Uppsala too, I think. The teachers were great, very engaged and enthusiastic in their teaching. I would say that generally the teachers at Cal Poly are more engaged in their work that those generally att Uppsala University. I especially adored my Psychology teacher, she was the best, I would definitely recommend that class! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 91 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. I contacted some american girls at craigslist(like the american blocket) before my semester abroad. The girls needed a new roommate for the semester. I talked to them a lot before I moved to SLO, so when I arrived they picked me up an showed me around downtown and through the campus area. In that way it was very easy to settle in and get to know people and make new frieds. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I shared an apartment with two bedrooms and one livingroom with three american girls. Therefore I shared my bedroom with an other girl. I was a little bit worried about that before I moved in, I have not shared a room with someone since I was like 7 years old. It all worked out fine though. We hanged out in the living room or at the library most of the times, the bedroom was only there for sleeping. Also my roommate hade a boyfriend she stayed with most days of the week, so I got the room for my self a lot anyway. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? I did not work in the US, but took the CSN loan and I also saved money myself before my trip. I would not have made it with only CSN, but I also traveled for two months and shopped a lot. Food and other necessaries are pretty cheap, housing on the other hand is very expensive, a lot more than housing in Uppsala. Since I shared a room that was not a problem, that is also the way most americans do it, they have to share a room to afford housing. If you do not need an apartment by your self and do not plan to travel and shop al lot I think that CSN would be enough. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? I did not engaged in any special activities or arrangements for international students. I wanted my semester to be about american culture as much as it could, therefore I hanged out with my american friends on their activities together with some of my swedish friends from Uppsala. There is a lot of stuff to do in SLO, like hiking, go to the beach or the pool at the amazingly huge gym at campus. The natur in and around SLO is beautiful, I really recommend a trip to Morro bay(30 min by car) for hiking, you walk on cliffs right by the ocean, its gorgeous. The bars and caf´es downtown are also really fun, even if the town is small, the bars are very popular and therefor crowded with student, so the city feels a lot bigger than it really is. Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. This was my best semester Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 92 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange Report ever, that I will never forget! I would recommend to anyone to go study abroad. SLO is a super fun and beautiful city and the students at Cal Poly are very friendly and interested in international students. As soon as they heard that I was an exchange student they wanted to talk to me and know all about me. Also, try to be open-minded, I was, and got to experience things I never though I would. For example I got to fly an airplane just because I started to talk to a stranger at the gym. Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? http://doit.medfarm.uu.se/kurtattachment/1390218634529313973.JPG 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. Morro Bay 21. Publishing of pictures I approve of my pictures being published and used in Uppsala University´s marketing of international exchanges Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 93 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Person 94 Basic Information 1. Name Cecilia von Beetzen 2. E-mail address: [email protected] 3. Exchange university California State University Fullerton 4. City Fullerton 5. Country USA 6. First semester of your exchange Swedish autumn semester (HT) 7. Academic year 2013/2014 8. What subject area/s did you study during your exchange? Business, psychology and communication 9. Level of studies at the exchange university Undergraduate 10. What are you studying at Uppsala University? Business and economics 11. How many years of study had you completed before going on exchange? 2 Studies 12. Tell us about your studies on your exchange. If you are stuck for ideas you can for exemple write about: The differences between Uppsala University and the exchange. What were the teachers like? What courses would you recommend (or not) for future exchange students? The relationship between teachers and students. The academic level and quality of your courses. Access to computers. Examinations... Cal State Fullerton is famous for its business school (Mihaylo College of Business and Economics) and I would recommend anyone who studies business to attend the school. The teachers are great and most of them have worked with the subject they are teaching and can give examples from their work experiences. At Cal State Fullerton you learn more practical things than in Uppsala, something that I really liked! In all the classes there were many smaller exams and we had homework and assignments due each week, this compared to Uppsala where there usually is one large test at the end of each course. The exams were easier than in Uppsala but you also have less time to study for them. As an exchange student you get to pick your classes before other student which is a great benefit. The relationship between teachers and students is much more personal than in Sweden, and they can change your grade depending on how much you are participating in class. I took the following classes: PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology HCOM 320 Intercultural Communication MGMT 343 Human Resource Management MKTG 445 Global Marketing PSYC 351 Social Psychology MKGT 370 Consumer behavior MKTG 353 Marketing information technology MKTG 444 Project Management I liked all of my classes except for HR (didn’t like the teacher). Take a look at www.ratemyprofessors.com when picking out your classes and choose teachers with good grades! During the first two weeks students are adding and dropping classes. This means that you can attend any class you like and try to get into it if you like it. I changed many of my classes after the first week. Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 281 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 Orientation and reception 13. Tell us about how it was to arrive and settle in. It was great to arrive in sunny California! Although, Cal State Fullerton should work on how they are welcoming their exchange students. There was an information meeting lasting for 3 or 4 hours and that was it. I wish there would have been a better orientation. Accommodation 14. Describe your accommodation. What type of accommodation did you have, where you satisfied? Do you have any tips for future students? I lived at University house, 3 minutes from the school. Its a large apartment complex where students are living in one, two, three or four room apartments. I lived in a three bedroom apartment I had my own bedroom and bathroom but shared the kitchen and living room with two other students. It’s one of the most expensive places to stay at close to campus but I think it was worth it. Its furnished and it feels safe living there. You also have access to pools and a gym. They have roommate matching so it’s easy to find roommates (there are also several Facebook pages where people are renting out rooms and are looking for roommates). UCA is another good place to stay at and it’s located just as close to the school as University house. Your finances 15. Describe the cost of living. Did you find CSN adequate? How was the rent in comparison to your rent in Uppsala? Did you undertake part-time work in addition to your studies? My rent was 1160 dollars/month, which is much more than my rent in Uppsala. I had to use some of my own money in addition to the CSN loan because the rent was this high and I wanted to travel during my stay in California. I didnt have a car (something that I would recommend anyone living in LA to have). Dont buy your school books before first day of class because some teacher may tell you that you dont need them. Free time 16. What did you do in your free time? Did the university arrange any special activities? Where there any activities specifically for exchange students? Were you happy with what was on offer? One of the best things with Fullerton is that it is close to many places you should visit as an exchange student in California 30 min to Newport Beach, 40 min to Hollywood, 4 hours to Las Vegas, 4 hours to San Diego etc. I tried to travel or go to the beach when I had free time. Other than that I went to the gym, the pool or hang out with friends. The school has many academic clubs and club sports you can join as an exchange student. I was in the tennis club and the marketing club, which was a good way to get to know people and to do things in the area (such as go to baseball games with the marketing club, or play other schools with the tennis club). A great way to meet other exchange students is to go to Brian’s bar on Wednesdays! Your exchange on the whole 17. Please sum up your exchange experience. If you have any other tips for future exchange students, or any other comments feel free to include them here. As a whole my exchange year was amazing! I would recommend anyone to study at Cal state Fullerton. I loved my Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 282 av ?? Enskilda enk¨ ater f¨ or Utbytesrapport/Exchange report 2013/14 classes and everything I got to see in California. You make your schedule yourself and I would recommend taking classes in the beginning of the week so you get more time to travel during the weekends. Time flies so plan your semesters wisely and enjoy! Approval 18. Your report will be available for future exchange students in printed form at the International Office and will be sent by email to individual students requesting it. Do you also approve the publishing of your exchange report on Uppsala University’s website? Yes 19. Do you have any photos you would like to upload and include in your exchange report? 20. Please tell us a little bit about the picture/s. 21. Publishing of pictures Thank you for submitting your exchange report! Vetenskapsomr˚ adet f¨ or medicin och farmaci, Uppsala universitet Sida 283 av ??
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