Investigating nuclear pairing correlations via microscopic two‐particle transfer reactions Andrea Vitturi Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Padova 1. Pairing correlations and space correlations 2. Reaction mechanism for two-particle transfer reactions 3. Two-particle transfer as a spectroscopic tool. One example: the case of 68Ni 4. Q-value effects and the search for high-lying collective pairing states 1. Pairing correlations and space correlations Coulomb excitation, inelastic to collective states and singleparticle transfer reactions are to large extent well described by first-order one-step mechanism. The extraction of structure information is most of the times unique. But two-nucleon transfer reactions are instead more complicated processes (and multi-pair transfer are even more complicate …..) It is however widely accepted that pairing correlations strongly effect (and enhance) two-particle transfer reactions. But the quantitative connection is not obvious. Will cross section scale with the square of the two-particle transfer matrix elements? Or the radial dependence of the two-particle transition densities contain more information? And how this information enter into the reaction mechanism? Available structure information is usually provided in terms of T0, the square of the matrix element of the pair creation (or removal) operator P+ =∑j [a+ja+j]00 and it is often assumed that the cross section for twoparticle transfer just scale with T0. For this reason the traditional way to define and measure the collectivity of pairing modes is to compare with single-particle pair transition densities and matrix elements to define some “pairing” single-particle units and therefore “pairing” enhancement factors. Obs: We discuss here monopole pairing modes, i.e. 0+states Typical “pairing” response excited states gs A A+2 enhancement g.s. in 210Pb Excited 0+ states Giant Pairing Vibration in 210Pb 10 But the two-particle transfer process in not sensitive to just the pair matrix element. We have to look at the radial dependence, which is relevant for the reaction mechanism associated with processes involving pairs of particles (pair transfer, pair beak-up, pair knock-out, … ). OBS: Pairs are correlated in space, but the correlation depends on the specific involved orbitals δρP(R,r) r Catara, Insolia, Maglione, Vitturi R 206Pb R R larger R, smaller r R r (3p1/2)-2 (2f5/2)-2 Correlated g.s. (RPA) Cooper pair wave-function (pair density) δρP(R,r) R r Pillet, Sandulescu, Schuck Other example: the case of 11Li Hagi Hagino, Sagawa, Schuck The physics underlying the space correlations can be clarified in a simple one-dimensional model Two valence particles, moving in a one-dimensional Woods-Saxon potential V0, interacting via a residual density-dependent short-range attractive interaction. Modeling a drip-line system, one can choose the Fermi surface in such a way that there are no available bound states, and the two unperturbed particles must be in the continuum. The residual interaction V(x1,x2) = V0 δ(x1-x2) ρ((x1+x2)/2)/ρ0 can be chosen in such a way that the final correlated wave function is however bound ( “Borromean” system) Curro Perez-Bernal, Laura Moschini and A.V. For weakly-bound systems at the drip lines it is mandatory to include in the models the positive energy part of the spectrum. If one wants to still use the same machinery used with bound states, the most popular approach is the discretization of the continuum. All discretization procedures are equivalent as long as a full complete basis is used. In practice all procedures contain a number of parameters and criteria, that make not all procedures equally applicable in practical calculations. Computational constraints may in fact become a severe problem. As possibilities we can consider • diagonalization in a basis given by HO wave functions • impose boundary conditions in a BOX • the case of discretized wave functions with scattering boundary conditions (CDCC) • Gamow states (complex energies) Diagonalization in a box WS single-particle states obtained imposing boundary conditions at a box (R=20 fm) Single-particle energies positive energy states bound states Correlated energy of the two-particle system (as a function of the box radius) unphysical twoparticle states (basis dependent) physical two-particle bound state The value of the binding energy is converging (with some oscillations) to the final value Energy already practically correct with a box of 15 fm, but what about the wave function? In particular, how does it behave in the tail? Radial dependence δρ(x,x) Energy already practically correct with Rbox=15fm, but what about the wave function? In particular, how does it behave in the tail, essential for a proper description, e.g., of pair-transfer processes? Logaritmic scale Correlated two-particle wave-function expanded over discretized two-particle positive energy states R=15fm OBS Enormous number of components R=40fm |Φ (x1,x2)|2 X2 (fm) Two-particle correlated wave function: correlation clearly favors the situation with the two particles on the same side X1 (fm) For comparison the situation with uncorrelated wave function |Φ (x1,x2)|2 Effect of pairing correlation on the pairing density ρP (x) =< A + 2|a† (x)a† (x)|A >= Ψ(x, x) pairing enhancement factor Space correlation strongly effected by mixing of states with different parity Example: using only even single particle states to construct the two-particle correlated wave function A natural extension: alpha-clustering Catara, Insolia, Maglione, Vitturi Alpha-cluster probabilities in 232 Th, displayed in the intrinsic frame 4 particles in pure (time-reversed) Nilsson orbits Nilsson+BCS for both Protons and neutrons OBS: 1. Alpha-probability distributed over the entire surface 2. Total alpha spectroscopic factor Sα increases orders of magnitude (although still a factor 10 smaller than experiment) 2. Reaction mechanism for two-particle transfer reactions But if the qualitative behavior may be clear, the quantitative aspects of two-particle transfer require a proper treatment of the reaction mechanism. Large number of different approaches, ranging from macroscopic to semi-microscopic and to fully microscopic. They all try to reduce the actual complexity of the problem, which is a four-body scattering (the two cores plus the two transferred particles), to more tractable frameworks. To provide deep structure information, the approach must be microscopic. The fully microscopic approach is based on correlated sequential two-step process (each step transfers one particle) Microscopy: Pairing enhancement comes from the coherent interference of the different paths through the different intermediate states in (a-1) and (A+1) nuclei, due to the correlations in initial and final wave functions Basic idea: dominance of mean field, which provides the framework for defining the single-particle content of the correlated wave functions OBS: Mechanism well established Cf talk by Enrico Vigezzi for up-to-date implementations Pairing will effect in a similar way different reactions, all involving nucleon pairs (not only two-particle transfer, but also break-up of two-particle halo nuclei or two-particle knock-out reactions). In all cases the process is induced by the external one-body field, but pairing correlations in the initial nucleus enhances it. Break-up of a two-particle halo system is a rather complex 4-body process. To make it simpler let us consider again an one-dimensional case (Hagino, Vitturi, Sagawa, Perez Bernal) The perturbing interaction (that produces the break-up) is a one-body field (i.e. acting individually on each of the two particles). The enhanced twoparticle break-up originates from the correlation in the two-particle wave function, and not from the reaction mechanism Initial time Final time 3. Two-particle transfer as a spectroscopic tool: the case of 68Ni Basic outcome of microscopic description of pair-transfer processes: strong dependence of the two-particle transfer probability on the microscopic structure of the colliding nuclei. Two-particle transfer can therefore to be used as a quantitative spectroscopic tool: in particular the population of the 0+ states will be an indication of the changes in the underlying structure (in addition to the usual E2+ energies and B(E2) values) One example associated with possible breaking of shell closure: 68Ni (N=40) The case of 68Ni ( possible sub-shell at N=40 ) 68Zn 69Zn 70Zn 71Zn 72Zn 73Zn 65Cu 66Cu 67Cu 68Cu 69Cu 70Cu 71Cu 72Cu 40 Z = 28 64Ni 65Ni 66Ni 67Ni 68Ni 69Ni 70Ni 71Ni N = 40 63Co 64Co 65Co 66Co 67Co 68Co 69Co 70Co g9/2 28 If our universe was more neutron-rich HO magic numbers would have not been present 279>($4&(:%')7*;>( N292%*( N=14, 16 new shells only for smaller Z …….. 68Ni closed The N=40 shell seems to survive forlocal and disappear e.g. Stanoiu PRC 69 (2004), Hoffmann PLB 672(2009) Which mechanisms -> dramatic changes ? Ni isotopes e.g. Sorlin, Porquet PPNP 61 (2008), Phys. Scr T 152 (2013) Otsuka Phys. Scr T152 (2013) 64Cr 6000 E(2+) (keV) 12Be 32Mg 32Mg 4000 2000 2000 6C 1000 500 0 0 8O 20Ca 14Si 1500 4Be 4 6 8 Ni 10 1268Ni Neutron Number 56 0 68Ni 2000 3000 2500 =C<=-> B(E2;2+ %15(";@<AB >( 0+) ( 3500 8O E(2+) (keV) 40 E(2+) 10Ne 16S 12Mg 12 16 20 24 Neutron Number 1500 1000 500 0 28Ni 24Cr 26Fe 32 36 40 44 Neutron Number Hannawald PRLS 82 2n (1999), Sorlin, EPJA16 (2003), Aoi, PRL 102 (2009) Gade PRC 81 (2010), Ljungvall PRC81 (2010), Lenzi PRC82 (2010), W. Rother PRL106 (2011) 40 Neutron number 6*7"#$7(8%)"9(.:*#9%';*9*%(<'%=>?':/(@'%=(ABCADEAFEGAHG( Weakening of the N=40 shell. 67Co between spherical (?) OBS Quantum phase transitions in odd systems 67Co 68Ni and deformed 66Fe Spherical ? Ni Co Fe N=35 36 37 38 39 40 Deformed ? ……but what about two-particle transfer intensities ? Jytte Elseviers (Leuven, ISOLDE) 815 2743 709 2512 E0 478 t (66Ni,68Ni) p 5-‐ 2+ 2849 0.86ms 2743 0+ 2512 2+ 21+ 02+ σ (0+exc) = 0.05 x σ (gs) 02+ 0+ 01+ 0+ 2033 1770 E0 01+ 2033 1770 276ns 0 68Ni Assuming N-40 closure and neutron nature of excited 0+ state weak g9/2 0+exc 40 40 p1/2 p1/2 strong gs 40 g9/2 p1/2 g9/2 p1/2 But microscopic calculation for (t,p) gives a ratio σexc/σgs a factor 3 too large. This may imply mixing of 0p-0h with 2p-2h components Ground state = α Excited state = 40 - β 40 g9/2 p1/2 g9/2 p1/2 g9/2 + β 40 p1/2 g9/2 + α 40 66 p1/2 68 Ni(t,p) Ni 0.2 2 gs: !(p1/2) +#(g9/2) 2 + exc 0 2 : -#(p1/2) + !(g9/2) Mixing coefficient will be determined from fitting experimental value. But need for different experiment for discrimination (e.g. with heavy ions) "exc/"g.s. 0.15 pure configuration 0.1 0.05 0 0.5 2 possible values experiment 0.6 0.7 α!2 2 0.8 0.9 1 The relative cross sections transferring two particles in the p1/2 and g9/2 is reversed in the case of (14C,12C) reaction, the latter being favored in this case. But the value of the cross section ratio is still highly selective 66 68 66 14 12 68 Ni(t,p) Ni( Ni C, C) Ni 2 0.2 2 gs: !(p1/2) +#(g9/2) 2 + exc 0 2 : -#(p1/2) + !(g9/2) 2 1.5 "exc/"gs "exc/"g.s. 0.15 0.1 0.05 1 pure Exp ? pure configuration configuration possible values 0.5 experiment 00.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 ! 2 0.9 1 4. Q-value effects and the search for highlying collective pairing states Keeping fixed any other parameter, the probability for populating a definite final channel depends on the Q-value of the reaction. The dependence (in first approximation a gaussian distribution centered in the optimal Q-value) is very strong in the case of heavy-ion induced reactions, weaker in the case of light ions. The optimal Q-value depends on the angular momentum transfer and on the charge of the transferred particles. In the specific case of L=0 two-neutron transfer, the optimal Q-value is close to zero. But the actual Q-value for two-particle transfer to the (pairing collective) ground states may be different from zero ….. Experimental evidence counts Negligible transitions to GS due to Q-value effects. What information on pairing correlations? Example 96Zr+40Ca Selecting final 42Ca mass partition (two-neutron transfer) gs Corradi etal, LNL excited states Total kinetic energy loss (MeV) (or excitation energy in 42Ca) Playing with different combinations of projectile/target (having different Qgg-value) one can favor different energy windows σ(Q) = σ(Qopt ) exp(−(Q − Qopt )2 /a(Ecm )2 ) Example: Target 208Pb Final 210Pb (at bombarding energy Ecm = 1.2 Ebarrier) 208Pb (AX,A-2X) 210Pb excited states gs As a result, the correlated gs state may be populated in a much weaker way than (excited) uncorrelated states !! But the Q-value window can be used also with some profit. For example the occurrence of large positive Q-value for the ground state transition leads to optimal kinematics conditions for high-lying states. This is the region of the still hunted Giant Pairing Vibration (GPV) High-lying pairing resonances (giant pairing resonances) 0+ states In addition to the lowest collective state one expects pair transfer strength at higher energies. This distribution will be strongly affected by the existence of major shells, such that the inter-shell distance is appreciably larger than the distance between the levels within a shell. In this case a concentration of pairing strength in a single state is expected for each major shell collective non collective gpv 2hω gs A+2 Example g.s. in 210Pb Collective Giant Pairing Vibration in 210Pb Excited non-collective 0+ states 10 If our goal is to favor the excitation of a high-lying state, as in the case of the giant pairing vibration, it may be useful the use of a weakly-bound projectile (eg 6He) to populate the GPV in a stable nucleus, to profit from favorable Q-value matching (cf Fortunato, Vitturi, Von Oertzen) Q00-Qopt ≈ 10 MeV Projectiles that leads to large positive Q-values for two-particle transfer to the ground state In more details ……. 15 0 5 10 Q00-Qopt 208Pb(AX,A-2X)210Pb 15 15 Q00-Qopt ≈ 10 MeV 15.00 10.00 5.000 Proton number 0 10 10 -5.000 -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 -25.00 -30.00 5 5 6He 11Li 0 0 5 10 Neutron number 0 15 Two-neutron transfer leading to 210Pb “weakly-bound” projectiles 6He 100 0 208Pb(11Li,9Li)210Pb 5 10 15 100 10 0 gs 1 0.01 1E-3 Energy [MeV] 10 gs 0 5 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0.01 1E-3 0 10 Energy [MeV] Obs: in all cases Ecm = 1.2 EB 15 10 T/Tgs gs 1E-3 10 gs gs 1 gpv 0.1 0.1 0.01 T/Tgs 0.01 10 15 10 208Pb(18O,16O)210Pb gpv 0.1 0 10 1 0.1 1E-3 5 T/Tgs gs 1 gpv 10 gs gs 208Pb(6He,4He)210Pb 18O T/Tgs T/Tgs 10 “normal” projectile gs 11Li T/Tgs Pairing strength ( Pair transfer cross section) From pairing strength to pair-transfer cross section: modulation due to Q-value effect 0.01 1E-3 1E-3 0 5 10 15 Energy [MeV] Dasso, Sofia, ViFuri 20 10 15 20 20 208Pb(AX,A-2X)210Pb 15 Proton number Using different projectiles, Q-value effects may favor or not the excitation of the GPV. I select in the figures the part of the nuclear chart where the population of the GPV is: 5 gs > gpv 10 10 gpv >gs 5 1. larger that that of the ground state 15 5 10 5 15 20 15 20 20 Neutron number 20 5 10 208Pb(AX,A-2X)210Pb Proton number 2. larger than 10 percent of the ground state 15 gs > 10*gpv 15 10 10 5 5 gpv > 0.1*gs 5 10 Neutron number 15 20
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