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Sah: Curriculum Vitae
[email protected]
509-432-9537 (Cell)
Aug 2009-May 2014 Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Major: Microelectronics, Minor: Computer
Engineering, at Washington State University (WSU). GPA: 4.00/4.00,
Advisor: Dr. Deukhyoun Heo.
Thesis: Wideband energy efficient silicon beamforming receivers for satellite
and mm-wave applications.
Aug 2004-Aug 2009 M.Tech. Electrical Engineering, Major: Microelectronics and VLSI Design, at
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India.
Advisor: Prof. Saswat Chakrabarti
Thesis: Design of a small area wireless network for biomedical signal
Aug 2004-Aug 2009 B.Tech. Electrical Engineering, at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
Kharagpur, India. (Honors)
July 2004
Class XII. CBSE. (Distinction)
● mm-wave Low-Power Circuit Design
● Self-Test Aware RF Circuit Design
● Beamformer Design
● High Quality Passives and Packages for mm-wave and Beyond
Design of RF front-end for cable applications.
RFDVT Intern, Mobile and Wireless Group, Intern
On-wafer testing and verification of high frequency analog circuits (upto 70 GHz).
Design of tests for complex radio systems.
STAFF RF Design Engineer
Analog, RF and Mixed-Signal Application Group (ARMAG),
Research Assistant
Ultra low power low noise sub-harmonic injection locked V-band beamforming receiver for high
data rate WiGig applications (involved design of VCO, mixer, LNA and 4-to-1 combiner).
Design and study of VCO and QVCO architectures with load independent frequency of oscillation
with special emphasis on low power consumption.
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Sah: Curriculum Vitae
Design of mm-wave (55 GHz) injection locked low power VCO for on-chip wireless
network on chip (WiNOC).
Design of a 10 mW 0.7-1 GHz high spectral purity (<-84 dBc/Hz) fast locking PLL in 0.18-um
CMOS process.
Low Noise Wideband (12-40 GHz) MMIC for Multi-band beamformer receiver applications.
Design of high accuracy (<10 degree error) passive quadrature generator for beamformer
applications for 12-40 GHz band.
Authored or co-authored 25+ professional papers in journals and conferences.
Served as a reviewer for MTT IMS, ISCAS, MWSCAS, Transactions on Circuits And
Systems-I: Regular Papers, Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Transactions on
Terahertz Science and Technology, and several other IEEE journals and conferences.
S. P. Sah, P. Agarwal, and D. Heo, "On the Effects of Mismatch on Quadrature Accuracy in
Tapped Capacitor Load Independent Quadrature Oscillators", IEEE Trans. Circuits and
Systems (TCAS-I), vol. 61, no. 5, pp. 1409-1415, Aug. 2013.
S. P. Sah, X. Yu and D. Heo, "Design and Analysis of an Ultra-Wideband 15-35 GHz
Quadrature Phase-Shifter with Inductive Loading", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Tech.,
vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 3024-3033, Aug. 2013. (Most downloaded article in TMTT for the
month of Aug. 2013)
X. Yu, S. P. Sah, H. Rashtian, S. Mirabassi, D. Heo and P. P. Pande, “A 1.2-pJ/bit 16-Gb/s
60-GHz OOK Transmitter in 65-nm CMOS for Wireless Network-on-Chip,” IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory and Tech. (TMTT). Early Access, Sept. 2014.
P. Liu, S. P. Sah, X. Yu, J. Jung, P. Upadhyaya, T. N. Nguyen, and D. Heo, "Design
Techniques for Load Independent Direct Bulk-Coupled Low Power QVCO", IEEE Trans.
Microwave Theory & Tech., vol. 68, no. 10, Oct. 2013.
K. Chang, S. Deb, A. Ganguly, X. Yu, S. P. Sah, P. Pande, B. Belzer, D. Heo, “Performance
Evaluation and Design Trade-Offs for Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures”, ACM
Journal of Emerging Technology, vol. 8, no. 3, Aug. 2012.
S. Deb, K. Chang, A. Ganguly, X. Yu, S. P. Sah, P. Pande, B. Belzer, D. Heo, “Network-onchip Architectures with Millimeter-wave Wireless Interconnects”, IEEE Trans. on
Computers, no. 99, Sept, 2012.
Conference Publications
[C1] S. P. Sah, and D. Heo, “A Low Power K- and Ka-band Receiver for Beamforming
Applications,” in Proc. European Radar Conference (EuRAD), 2014.
[C2] S. P. Sah, Y. You, P. Agarwal, and D. Heo, “A 8-40 GHz, 8 mW LNA with 27 dB Peak Gain
and 5.2 dB NF for Multiband Applications,” in Proc. European Microwave Integrated
Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 2014.
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[C3] S. P. Sah, P. Agarwal, and D. Heo, “A Low Power 8th Sub-Harmonic Injection Locked
Receiver for mm-Wave Beamforming Applications,” in Proc. of RFIC 2014.
[C4] S. P. Sah and D. Heo, “An 8th Sub-Harmonic Injection Locked V-band VCO for Low Power
LO Routing in mm-Wave Beamformers,” in Proc. of RFIC 2014.
[C5] S. P. Sah, S. Mirabbasi and D. Heo, "An Inductively Gm Enhanced 34 GHz VCO with Gain
Linearization and Switched Transformer Tuning", IEEE MTT Intl. Microwave Symposium
[C6] S. P. Sah and D. Heo, " A 12 GHz IF Bandwidth Low Power 5−17 GHz V-band Positive
Transformer-Feedback Down-Conversion Mixer,” IEEE MTT Intl. Microwave Symposium
[C7] P. Agarwal, J. Baylon, S. P. Sah, D. Majumdar, D. Heo and C. Schlegel, " A 330 µW, Gmboosted VCO with -205 dB FoMT and 35 % Tuning Range Using Class-B Biasing,” IEEE
MTT Intl. Microwave Symposium 2014.
[C8] P. Agarwal, S. P. Sah, and D. Heo, " A 4.8 mW, 4.4 dB NF, Wideband LNA Using Positively
Coupled Transformer for V-band Applications,” IEEE MTT Intl. Microwave Symposium 2014.
[C9] S. P. Sah and D. Heo, Presentation at the 2014 International Solid-State Circuits Conference
(ISSCC) Student Research Preview session (Student work in progress), Feb. 2014
[C10] S. P. Sah and D. Heo, "A Low Power K− and Ka−band Receiver for Beamforming
Applications", In Proc. of Semiconductor Research Corporation TECHCON 2013, Sept. 2013.
[C11] S. P. Sah, X. Yu, P. Agarwal, H. Rashtian, P. P. Pande, D. Heo and S. Mirabbasi, "A V-band
Wide Locking Range Injection Locked CMOS VCO for Wireless Network-on-Chip Receiver
", in Proceedings of IEEE MTT Intl. Microwave Symposium 2013, June 2013
[C12] S. P. Sah, S. Zhu, T. N. Nguyen, X. Yu and D. Heo, "A 12-40 GHz Low Phase Variation
Highly Linear BiCMOS Variable Gain Amplifier ", in Proceedings of the IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2013, pp. 1119-1122, 19-23, May 2013.
[C13] S. P. Sah and D. Heo, "An Ultra-Wideband 15-35 GHz Phase-Shifter for Beamforming
Applications ", in Proceedings of The European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference
(EuMIC), 2013.
[C14] Y. You, S. Zhu, K. F. Warnick, S. P. Sah, and D. Heo, "A Low Phase Error X-band EightChannel SiGe PIN Diode Phased Array Receiver," in Proceedings of The European
Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 2013.
[C15] S. Zhu, Y. You, K. F. Warnick, S. P. Sah and D. Heo, "An 8-channel Ku Band Transmitter
Beamformer with Low Gain/Phase Imbalance between Channels", in Proceedings of
European Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2013.
[C16] P. Agarwal, S. P. Sah, Deukhyoun Heo, "A Novel Pull-Down Network for 0.75-1 GHz
ZigBee PLL with 6.7dB Improvement in Reference Spur", in Proceedings of Asia Pacific
Microwave Conference (APMC) 2013.
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Sah: Curriculum Vitae
[C17] P. Liu, S. P. Sah, J. Jung, P. Upadhyaya, D. Heo, "Load Independent Bulk-Coupled Low
Power Quadrature LC VCO", in Proceedings of IEEE MTT International Microwave
Symposium 2012, Montreal, June 2012
[C18] A. O. Mikul, S. Zhu, P. Sun, Y. You, S. P. Sah, D. Heo, "Low Phase Imbalance Broadband
Attenuator based on SiGe PIN Diode", in Proceedings of IEEE MTT International Microwave
Symposium 2012, Montreal, June 2012
[C19] X. Yu, S. P. Sah, S. Deb, P. P. Pande, B. Belzer, D. Heo, “A Wideband Body-Enabled
Millimeter-Wave Transceiver for Wireless Network-on-Chip” in Proceedings of IEEE Intl.
Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems(MWSCAS) 2011, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 2011.
[C20] X. Yu, S. P. Sah, D. Heo, “A 750 MHz – 1 GHz Low-Power Transceiver for Wireless Sensor
Applications”, in Proceedings of CSSCIT 2011, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
[C21] X. Yu, S. P. Sah, B. Belzer, D. Heo, “Performance evaluation and receiver front-end design
for on-chip millimeter-wave wireless interconnect.” in Proceedings of Green Computing
Conference 2010: 555-560.
[C22] J. Asmussen, S. P. Sah, X. Yu, D. Heo, “A wideband body biased low-noise amplifier,” 2010
International Conference on Green Circuits and Systems (ICGCS), pp.687-690, 21-23 June
[C23] M. Abid, F. Berry, F. Dias, A. Bartoli, S. P. Sah, “Implementation of Image Registration
Algorithm on a Heterogeneous Platform”, ICDSC 2007
Submitted Publications
S. P. Sah, P. Agarwal and D. Heo, “An 8th Sub-Harmonic Injection Locked VCO and PhaseShifter for Low-Power LO Distribution in mm-Wave Beamformers,” IEEE Trans. Microwave
Theory & Tech. (TMTT). Submitted: Sept 2014.
Python, C, Verilog A & D, Matlab
Cadence, Synopsys, ASITIC, SPICE, ADS, Momentum, MATLAB, TI’s CCS,
CppSim, Xilinx, Spectre RF, MMSIM
Network Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer,
Oscilloscope, FPGA, Microcontroller
Digital Sampling
● Best paper in session, SRC Techcon, Sept, 2014.
● Best Student Poster award, NSF Center for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC)
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Sah: Curriculum Vitae
winter meeting, Feb, 2014.
● Graduate and Professional Students Association (GPSA-WSU) travel grant to present at European
Microwave Week, Germany, 2013.
● Best Student Poster award, NSF Center for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC)
winter meeting, Feb, 2013.
● Best Student Poster award, NSF Center for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC)
winter meeting, Feb, 2012.
● Selected to compete at the Student Paper Competition at Intl. Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2012.
● Won French Govt. Scholarship for short-term study in France (2007)
● 0.1% merit certificate in Chemistry for being among the top 0.1% students in the test conducted
by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.
● Top 0.3% among 200,000 students in IIT-JEE, 2004.
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