An IDL based reduction pipeline for polarimetric data for the IAG polarimeter Edgar A. Ram´ırez March 2014 Abstract: This is an informal documentation for an interactive data language (IDL) reduction pipeline to analyse polarimetric data acquired with the 0.6-m optical telescope at Observatorio dos Dias (OPD) operated by the Laborat´orio Nacional de Astrof´ısica (LNA) in Brazil: This pipeline is based on an existent IRAF and Fortran routines developed by the Instituto de Astronom´ıa, Geof´ısica e Ciˆencias Atmosf´ericas (IAG) of the University of Sao Paulo (USP). 1 Essential three steeps to run 1) Make sure that IDL can find the routines by setting the path to the POLIAG folder. The easiest way to do so is setting the path within an IDL terminal. For example, if the routine is in /home/user/, make it visible to IDL typing: IDL> !PATH = Expand Path(‘+/home/user/POLIAG/’) + ‘:’ + !PATH 2) Compile the procedures and (in that order). This is to make that the procedure works properly: IDL> .r IDL> .r 3) Modify the path in the 6th line of to the location of the polarimetrystdstars.dat file (This file is distributed and should be within the /POLIAG folder). For example, if polarimetrystdstars.dat 1 is in /home/user/POLIAG/, change the 6th line to: quickpolDir = ‘/home/user/POLIAG/’ And that’s it...ready to run! 2 Run requirements Quickpol requires internet connexion to have access to the Guide Star Catalog (GSC; version 2.3), and to retrieve a digital sky survey (DSS) image of the field being analysed. The GSC catalogue is used to calculate the zero point magnitude. The DSS image (red image from the first generation survey) is used to produce the polarisation map over the DSS image. It is required to have the IDL Astronomy libraries installed (http:// Download the gzip’ed tar files of the IDL Astronomy Library (astron.dir.tar.gz ) and of the Coyote Graphics Library (coyote astron.tar.gz), and place them in a directory included in the IDL !PATH. The IDL Astronomy Library site gives detailed instructions of how to install it. It is also requiered to have installed (http://astrometry. net/use.html). If you don’t have in your system, you must install de beta version of POLIAG (see section 8), or install the software. To install software depends on your local system (Linux, Unix, or Mac). Follow the instructions given in the software site (\#build). 3 Running Compile IDL> .r To run the program just type: IDL> POLIAG 2 A widget window is then displayed which shows three tabs: Quickpol, Analisys and Filter (see Fig. 1). The three routines can be run from terminal too (see section 7). Figure 1: Tab Quickpol. 4 Quickpol Quickpol is the main program. It reduces the images, calculates the polarimetry, calculates the magnitude and the position in right ascension (Ra) and declination (Dec), and produces the final catalogue. The ‘Objects filename’ field (see Fig. 1) is to give the images to analyse. You should give a text file listing the names of the object images at each waveplate position. For example, if your images are c08ia0001.fits, c08ib0002.fits . . . c08ih0008.fits, the list in the file should be: c08ia0001.fits c08ib0002.fits .. . c08ih0008.fits This list can be done redirecting the names of the images to a file by typing in a terminal: User$ ls object suffix*.fits > object.list 3 where object.list is the output file, and object suffix is the common suffix name of the images. In this example would be ‘c08i’. Therefore, you could type: User$ ls c08i*.fits > object.list If flats and bias are provided, the imaging reduction procedure is executed. Otherwise, Quickpol assumes that the images are bias an flat field corrected, and it proceeds with the polarimetry analysis. Suppose we want to perform data reduction. In that case, text files listing the bias frames’ names and the flat fields’ names nee to be provided in the ‘Bias filename’ and ‘Flats filename’ fields, respectively (see Fig. 1). The text files listing the bias and flats frames’ names can be created as in the example above. The ‘Deltatheta’ box is the correction angle in degrees. By default is set to 00.0 degrees (no correction). Provide the angle and press enter to make sure that the angle is passed to the routine. Similarly, check that the text files listing the images, the bias, the flat fields’ names are displayed in the IDL terminal (if given). Once you have filled the field(s) press ‘GO’ to run the routine. POLIAG will prompt the user asking for the following values. Give me flux/sigma value : Signal over the mean sky value to detect the sources. Are x shift and y shift correct? (y/n): Shift between the ordinary and extraordinary images. If ‘y’, the routine continues. If ‘n’, the routine prompts the user for the correct values: Give x shift: Give y shift: Lastly, the routine asks for the ratio P/σp , and for the maximum polarisation limit. Give me pol/sigma pol value : Give me the maximum pol value (in fraction, not in percentage): Type the desired values and press enter to continue. 4 4.1 Output of Quickpol Output bias zero.fits flat bias combine.fits bias flat <objname>.fits /IDLpol/calcpol.out /IDLpol/magnit.out /IDLpol/GSC2 3.txt Description Master bias. Flat corrected by bias. Reduced images. Table with: ID X Y BestApperture. Table with: zero point magnitud; ID X Y RA DEC MAG. Table with columns: V–mag RAJ2000 DECJ2000, from GSC 2.3 catalogue. Added to that, Quickpol produces the following encapsulated postscript (eps) plots (displayed on screen too): Name magnitud.eps magvscatmag.eps magvspol.eps plotvec.eps polarisation.eps pvectors.eps QvsU.eps theta.eps Description Distribution of magnitudes. The measured magnitude vs the magnitude of the GSC 2.3 catalogue, with their respective error bars. A dashed line equality correlation, and the solid line is the best linear fit without considering the magnitudes with > 3σ in the measured magnitude. Polarisation percentage vs magnitude. Polarisation map over the red DSS image. A polarisation bar is on top of the image for reference. Distribution of the polarisation. polarisation vectors over the X and Y position of the sources. The Q–U plane. The distribution of the position angle theta (in degrees). Finally, Quickpol generates the catalogue: /IDLpol/fintab.out. The catalogue contains the following columns: ID X Y RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) RA(1950) DEC(1950) MAG MAGSIGMA P PSIGMA THETA TSIGMA (px) (px) (degrees) (degrees) (HR,MIN,SEC) (DEC,MIN,SEC) (mag) (mag) (frac) (frac) (degrees) (degrees) 5 5 Analysis Analysis does the merger of up to 4 catalogues, calculating the weighted mean of the polarisation, theta and magnitude. The catalogues must have columns in the same format as the final table of Quickpol (fintab.out). Analysis scans the catalogues and match the stars by their position Ra(J2000) and Dec(J2000) within a box with 0.002 degrees side centred in the position of the source in ‘Catalogue 1’. Provide the catalogues in the fields (see Fig. 2) and press ‘GO’ to run the routine. The output is a merged table with the name of the first catalogue + the name of the second catalogue +· · ·+ the name of the last catalogue with ‘merge.txt’ appended at the end. Figure 2: Tab Analysis. Caveat: The mean of a source is estimated if and only if the source match in all the given catalogues. This means that the mean of a source that is in catalogue 1 and in catalogue 2, but is not in catalogue 3, is not going to be estimated, and the final table will contain the source of the catalogue 1 and of the catalogue 2. This is, the source will be repeated with the ID of the catalogue 1 and with the ID of the catalogue 2. 5.1 Output of Analysis The output of Analysis is a catalogue result of the merger of the given two, three or four catalogues. The merged catalogue has the same columns as the output of Quickpol (fintab.out) with the weighted mean of the polarisation, magnitude and theta, of the stars that match in the catalogues provided. 6 The name of the merged catalogue is ‘catalogue1 + catalogue2 +· · ·+ catalogue4 + merge.txt’, where ‘catalogue1’ is the name of the first catalogue, ‘catalogue2’ is the name of the second catalogue, and so on. 6 Filter Filter performs filtering of a catalogue within the limits provided by the user in interactive mode. Give the catalogue to filter in the ’Catalogue’ field (see Fig. 3). The catalogue must have the same format as the final table of Quickpol (fintab.out). Finally, press ‘GO’ to run the routine. The routine prompts the user to set the following limits and conditions to filter the catalogue (default values in parenthesis). Give Give Give Give Give Give Give Give me me me me me me me me pol/sigma pol value (1): the maximum pol value (in fraction, not in percentage) (1.0): the minimum pol value (in fraction, not in percentage) (0.0): the maximum optical magnitud value -dimmest star- (25): the minimum optical magnitud value -brightest star- (?13): the minimum theta value (0): the maximum theta value (180): Flux/sigma sky value (1): Figure 3: Tab Filter. 7 6.1 Output of Filter The output of Filter is a filtered catalogue by the limits given by the user. The name of the filtered catalogue is the original catalogue’s name with ‘ filtered.out’ appended at the end. The filtered catalogue contains the same columns as the ‘fintab.out’ catalogue. Filter displays plots on the screen, and eps files are generated too. 7 Command-line mode The Quickpol, Analysis and Filter routines can be executed separately in command-line or terminal mode too. To start in terminal mode you need to compile the routine that you are going to use (.r, .r or .r, and follow the calling sequence described bellow (the calling sequence is also described in the, and files). The calling sequence for Quickpol is: QUICKPOL, objectfile, flats = flatfile, bias = biasfile, deltatheta = deltatheta where objectfile is a string with the name of the the text file listing the objects’ names, flatfile is a string with the name of the the text file listing the flat fields’ names, biasfile is a string with the name of the the text file listing the bias frames’ names, and deltatheta is a number with the correction angle (in degrees). For example, following the example given above, the calling sequence to run Quickpol is: IDL> QUICKPOL, ‘object.list’, flats = ‘flat.list’, bias = ‘bias.list’, deltatheta=90.0 where deltatheta is set to 90 degrees in the example (by default deltatheta is set to 0.0). If your images are flat and bias corrected, and no correction by delthatheta is required, then you should type: IDL> QUICKPOL, ‘object.list’ The calling sequence for Analysis is: ANALYSIS, fintab1, fintab2 [, fintab3, fintab4] 8 where fintabN is an ASCII file (string). To run Analysis on two catalogues type: IDL> ANALYSIS, ‘fintab1.out’, ‘fintab2.out’ The calling sequence for Filter is: FILTER, fintab1 where fintab1 is an ASCII file (string). To run filter on a catalogue type: IDL> FILTER, ‘fintab1.out’ 8 POLIAG beta The beta version of the pipeline is for computers that don’t have the software installed. In this case the pipeline asks for an image with the world coordinate system (wcs) information. ‘Give the image with the wcs on the ordinary stars:’ The image with the wcs can be obtained from the site ( It is highly recommend that you use the masked image: ‘fakesky.fits’, generated by Quickpol, for astrometric calibration using the site. This because the ‘fakesky.fits’ has the extraordinary image of the sources masked out. Once has processed ‘fakesky.fits’, the site gives various files to download. Download the new FITS image (‘new-image.fits’), and give this fits image to Quickpol. 9
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