The eROSITA X-ray Survey Telescope The eROSITA X-ray Survey Telescope Vadim Burwitz Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Germany On behalf of the eROSITA Team 2014 September 25, The International Center Goa, India Spektr-Rentgen-Gamma eROSITA (MPE/D) ART-XC (IKI/Ru) Pavlinsky et al, 9144-65 Gubarev et al., 9144-66 Navigator (Lavochkin Ass.) Fregat-SB Booster Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Spektr-Rentgen-Gamma Launch from Baikonur with Zenit-Fregat, 2016 (March 26) - 3 months: flight to L2, verification and calibration phase - 4 years: 8 all sky surveys (scanning mode: 6 rotations/day, 1 degree advance per day) - 3 years: pointed observation phase, including ~20% of GTO. 1 AO per year Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 L2 insertion orbit, correction burns Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Sky Division IKI/Ru MPE/D Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Data Rights and Policies (MPE) • German eROSITA data made public after 2 yr proprietary period • Periodic data releases envisaged (e.g. 6, 24, 48 months) • Proprietary data via eROSITA_DE collaboration (consortium) • Projects/Papers regulated by Working Groups • Individual External Collaborations • Group External Collaborations Science Working Groups: Clusters and Cosmology AGN, Blazars Normal Galaxies Compact objects Diffuse emission, SNR Stars, Solar System Infrastructure Working Groups: Time Domain Astrophysics Data analysis, source extraction, catalogs Multi-wavelength follow-up Calibration Background Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Redshift from Surveys Ru split D Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 eROSITA Collaboration Core Institutes (DLR funding): MPE, Garching/D Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg/D IAAT (Universät Tübingen)/D SB (Universität Hamburg)/D Leibniz Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam/D Associated Institutes: MPA, Garching/D IKI, Moscow/Ru USM (Universität München)/D AIA (Universität Bonn)/D Industry: Media Lario/I Mirrors, Mandrels Kayser-Threde/D Mirror Structures Carl Zeiss/D ABRIXAS-Mandrels Invent/D Telescope Structure pnSensor/D CCDs IberEspacio/E Heatpipes RUAG/A Mechanisms HPS/D,P MLI Moog/USA Valves MAP/F Painting Laserjob/D X-ray Baffles NPOL/Ru Spacecraft, Mission + many other (small) companies MPE: Scientific Lead Institute, Project Management Instrument Design, Manufacturing, Integration & Test Data Handling & Processing, Archive etc. eROSITA Telescope Front Cover 2 Star Sensors 7 X-ray Baffles 7 Mirror Modules 2 Sun Sensors 7 Electron Deflectors 2 Camera Cooling Radiators 7 Filter-Wheels 7 CCD-Cameras 7 Camera Electronics 2 Control Electronics Hexapod = I/F with S/C 2 E-Box Cooling Radiators 7 identical Mirror Modules 54 nested Mirror Shells each 7 identical pnCCD Cameras Field of View Angular Resolution HEW Energy Range Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 1° Ø ~16‘‘ on-axis ~28‘‘ survey ~0.3 - 10 keV ART-XC & eROSITA On-axis Effective Area & Grasp 2500 см2 @ 1.4 keV 1100 см2 deg2 @ 1.4 keV 450 см2 @ 8 keV 45 см2 deg2 @ 8 keV Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Performance Effective Area @ 1keV Angular Resolution (survey) Spectral Resolution Field of View Survey Duration Pointed Observation Duration Point sources eROSITA 2000 cm2 30 arcsec ~100eV 1° Ø 4 years 3 years ROSAT 350cm2 60 arcsec ~400eV 2° Ø ½ year 1 year +7½ years Extended sources Point source sensitivity: ~30 times better than ROSAT (soft band 0.5-2 keV) ~100 times better than HEAO/RXTE (hard band 2-10 keV) Chandra ~ 30 pointings ~ 2 Msec eROSITA ~ 1 pointing ~ 80 ksec Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Churazov, IKI, MPA Cluster Cosmology Design Driving Science + WL + Vikhlinin et al., 2009 COSMOS Field XMM-Newton Wm WMAP: Spergel et al. 2003 ROSAT: Schuecker et al. 2003 Clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound entities in the universe. In X-rays we see clusters as one continuous entity. Detectability of 100.000 Clusters of Galaxies, z < 1.5: – All-sky survey with sensitivity 6×10-14 erg cm-2 s-1 – Deep survey field(s) (~100 sqdeg) with 1×10-14 erg cm-2 s-1 – Individual pointed observations – Moderate angular resolution (< 28 arcsec, aver. over FoV) – – – Large collecting area (> 2000 cm2 @ 1keV) Large FoV (1° Ø) Long duration (survey 4 years 1/2 year (ROSAT) Evolution of Cluster Mass Function court. Churazov/MPA z=0 z = 0.5 z = 1.4 Number of most massive clusters is extremely sensitive to cosmology Will eROSITA detect all Clusters? Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 … and all other Science Targets Charge Exchange Cool Stars Interstellar Dust Supernova Remnants ~0.7 Mio stars Vaughan et al., 2003 Lisse et al., 1996 Isolated NS Aschenbach et al., 1995 SMBH Tidal Disruption ~3 Mio AGN Walter et al., 1997 Brusa et al. 2009 Komossa et al., 2006 Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 eROSITA Sensitivity to variables Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 19 Transient X-ray sources in eROSITA Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 HW-Status: Overview FM Telescope Structure, Front Cover incl. Mechanism MLI Mirror System FM-1 FM-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 X-ray Baffle FM-1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Mirror Assemblies (Mirror + X-ray Baffle) FM-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ready, tested (qualified) ready, some parts to be refurbished ready with X-ray Baffle, tested (acc, baf, vib, ptv, tel) ready with X-ray Baffle, tested (acceptance) ready, integrated on each mirror module Electron Deflector FM 1-8 E-Box Radiators (2) Camera Radiators Heatpipe System Camera Heatpipe System Electronics ready, all still need to be calibrated in X-rays together with QM camera ready, tested (acceptance) ready, tested (qualified) ready after modification Integrated for test integrated for test next week Cameras (Meidinger et al. SPIE 8859-10) CCDs Detector Electronics Interface & Thermal Control Electronics Harnesses QM test completed QM test close to completion QM close to completion EM tests in progress completed Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Fürmetz et al, 9144-192 eROSITA CCD Cameras and E-Boxes Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 CCD Camera Design completed completed Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Cameras and Electronics ,,, 7× Filterwheels CCDs Cameras Camera Electronics 60 printed circuit boards ~35.000 electronics components (radhard, highrel) Complex Cooling pipe system for 7 CCDs Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 The eROSITA Mirrors and Calibration Each of the 8 Mirror Modules (7 FMs and 1 spare) will go through the following procedure: • an X-ray acceptance test – HEW and effective area • Integration of the baffle unit • X-ray test after baffle integration – HEW and effective area • Environmental tests (thermal cycling and vibration) • Final calibration tests to measure the: – PSF on-axis / off-axis in the energy range 0.18 – 8.04 keV – effective area in the energy range 0.18 – 8.04 keV – contribution of scattering Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 The MPE PANTER X-ray Test Facility • • • The X-ray test Facility • Length 132 m extendible to 145 m • Main intrument chamber 3.5 m diameter • Large cleanroom for handling X-ray optics Detectors • PSPC : Position Sensitive Proportional Counter • TRoPIC : Single photon counting CCD camera • PIXI : Integrating CCD Camera X-ray Sources • Beam Monitors • Multi target electron • Proportional counters impact source • Drift Chamber • Seifert closed X-ray source • Manipulators • X-ray Monochromators • X, Y, Z translation stages • PIXI TRoPIC PSPC Tip-tilt, rotation stages X-ray source 13 m extension Instrument Chamber & Clean Room Pumping Station 3 Pumping Station 2 Pumping Station 1 28 eROSITA Mirror Development and Testing Two single mirror units ready for testing. Demonstrator mirror module with X-ray baffle. 8 12’ 16’ ’ Flight mirror module FM3 with 39 Shells On- and off-axis PSFs for FM1a X-Ray Baffle Performance with baffle without baffle X-Ray Test (QM) Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 PSFs of the eROSITA Flight Mirror Modules Mirrors shells produced and integrated at Media Lario Technologies and the X-ray Baffles at MPE Photon energy Goal Measurement FM 1 FM 2 FM 3 FM 4 FM 5 FM6 FM7 FM 8 HEW Al-K ≤15’’ (1.49 keV) 16.1 ±0.2 16.8 ±0.3 15.7 ±0.3 16.0 ±0.3 16.2 ±0.3 16.3 ±0.3 15.6 ±0.3 17.0 ±0.3 HEW Cu-K (8.04 keV) 15.2 ±0.1 15.4 ±0.3 16.7 ±0.4 16.3 ±0.3 16.2 ±0.3 16.2 ±0.3 16.6 ±0.3 18.4 ±0.4 ≤ 20’’ The of Axis PSF of eROSITA (Survey PSF) +30 +25 +20 +15 +10 +5 0 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 +5 +10 +15 +20 +25 +30 Half the focal plane scanned In 5 arcmin steps Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Single eROSITA telescope in PANTER Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Space Simulation with Cooling Shroud Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 eROSITA „End to End“ Test at PANTER • The last „end to end test“ of the eROSITA telescope before delivery to Russia will be performed at PANTER. In this critical test all systems, both hardware and software, will be checked out. • As eROSITA will be placed upright into PANTER the on board Fe55 calibration sources will be used to illuminate the CCDs. • The PANTER X-ray Test Facility is ideally suited for this „end to end“ test because it is the cleanest large vacuum chamber available to us for such a test that also provides the cooling capability for the radiators. Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 eROSITA Ground Segment • • • • • • eROSITA Data Centre Mission Planning Science Cooperations Follow-up Observations Simulation Calibration Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 eROSITA data processing pipeline Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 NRTA & SASS & Catalogues NRTA (Near Real Time Analysis) SASS (Standard Analysis Software System) Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Simulations ROSAT eROSITA Schmid, Clerc, Pace, Roncarelli Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Calibration Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 court. K. Dennerl Calibration of spatial resolution Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 Calibration of spectral resolution Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, India 2014-09-25 eROSITA status Summary • A sturdy mission emerged after many changes in the profile at the beginnings – redesign of electronics, cooling system orbit change from LEO to L2 • All is set for a delivery to Russia 3rd quarter 2015 • Launch March 26, 2016 from Baikanur ,, India 2014-09-25 Vadim Burwitz, ICG, Goa, Important Lessons • Prior to Mission launch Discussions between instrument builders and future observers should be fomented and pursued. Creation of Science and Instrument Working Groups on specific topics (object classes) to optimize the use of the observatory is important (from eROSITA experience). • Observers and Theorists should be aware when analysing data that they should interact with the instrument calibrators to achieve the best solid results. Believing in “Black Boxes” is dangerous. • Cross-calibration between X-ray instruments and other observatories has to have a high priority the IACHEC effort over the last 10 years has led to vast improvements also providing new standard candles In 2016 the IACHEC meeting takes place in India ,, Important Lessons • Prior to Mission launch Discussions between instrument builders and future observers should be fomented and pursued. Creation of Science and Instrument Working Groups on specific topics (object classes) to optimize the use of the observatory is important (from eROSITA experience). • Observers and Theorists should be aware when analysing data that they should interact with the instrument calibrators to achieve the best solid results. Believing in “Black Boxes” is dangerous. • Cross-calibration between X-ray instruments and other observatories has to have a high priority the IACHEC effort over the last 10 years has led to vast improvements also providing new standard candles In 2016 the IACHEC meeting takes place in India ,,
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