It’s Vacation Time! Wait, Do I Have Enough Paid Time Off Balance? Session ID#: 14141 Prepared by: Jude Lam Co-Founder and Managing Principal Consultant Tactics Group Incorporated REMINDER Check in on the COLLABORATE mobile app Agenda Agenda ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Introduction Business Requirements Solution Design Considerations Setup Steps Solution Deployment Considerations Conclusion Questions & Answers Introduction Introduction ■ It’s Vacation Time! Wait, do I have enough Paid Time Off balance? ■ The OTL feature discussed in this presentation will display the Accrual Plan balance on the time entry screen. ■ It’s a case study about Oxfam America implementation of the OTL feature Introduction Business Requirements Business Requirements About Oxfam America ■ Oxfam America is a leading global non-profit organization that helps fight world’s hunger, poverty and injustices by implementing long-lasting solutions that can save lives. ■ Web Site: ■ Oxfam America is part of the 17 members of the Oxfam International confederation. ■ Oxfam America is based in Boston, MA. ■ Oxfam America has over 400 employees working around the world. ■ Oracle Time and Labor is used by the US employees only. ■ Also use Financials modules, Project Accounting in addition to HR and Advance Benefit. Business Requirements Oxfam America PTO plans ■ 25% of US employees are unionized. ■ Employee paid time off package varies depending on union, exempt status, and years of services in non-profit industry, not just Oxfam America. ■ Each PTO accrual plan will have different ways to accrue and consume paid time off. Business Requirements PTO Plan Examples • • • • • • • Plan 1 Comp Time Deferred Holiday Personal FTE Union Religious Days School Days Sick FTE Plan 1 Vaca.on FTE Plan 1 Plan 3 • Deferred Holiday • PTO FTE Exempt Greater than 15 years • Sick FTE Plan 1 * Oxfam has seven PTO Plans Plan 7 • Regional Vaca.on Business Requirements Plan Element Examples Name Grant vs Grant Date/Accrual Carry Earn Freq. Over Max. Notes Comp Time Earn Weekly 35 hrs For hours above 35 weekly Deferred Holiday Earn Weekly 0 hr For works on holiday PTO FTE Exempt >= 15 Yr Earn Monthly Yr of Serv. Simple accrual plan Personal FTE Non-‐ Union Grant First Month of new 0 hr fiscal year or first month of hire Prorate when first hire, then set hours subsequently School Days Grant First Month of new 0 hr fiscal year or first month of hire Prorate when first hire, then set hours subsequently Sick FTE Plan 1 Earn Monthly Simple accrual plan * Sixteen plan elements in total for Oxfam 42 hrs Solution Design Considerations Solution Design Considerations General Process Flow Solution Design Considerations General Process Flow 1. Enter time card and route the time card for approval. 2. Approved time card data can be import into HR via Batch Element Entry interface via the “Transfer Time from OTL to BEE” Concurrent job. 3. Approved time card data will also be imported into PA module as expenditure items. 4. Run the BEE Batch Process (Validate) and BEE Batch Process (Transfer) job to import BEE into HR tables. 5. HR Accrual plan calculation engine can use HR and PA data to perform accrual calculation via Fast Formula implementation. 6. Calculated accrual plan balance will be displayed back to timecard entry screen. Solution Design Considerations Accrual Plan Design ■ PTO accrual plan individual element = Oracle Accrual Plan, e.g. School Days plan element = OA OTL School Days Accrual Plan in Oracle. ■ Each uses one accrual Fast Formula, one carry over Fast Formula, and one period calculation Fast Formula at a minimum. ■ Use a spreadsheet to organize how many Fast Formula needed. ■ Oxfam uses six accrual Fast Formula groups to support all sixteen plans. ■ Added the “Adjustment” element for any plan balance adjustment needs. This is also used for data conversion. Solution Design Considerations Time Card Entry ■ Need to tie the Absence Element to OTL Time Type via OTL Alternate Name setup, e.g. School Hours ■ Oxfam needs to link a single Time Type to both HR Absence Element as well as PA Expenditure Type, e.g. School Hours links to School Hours PA Expenditure Type and OA OTL School Hours for Accrual Plan Absence Element. ■ Use Oracle seeded “Elements Expenditure System Linkage Function” Alternate Name Type. Solution Design Considerations Element Set Design ■ OTL Preference “Timecard Allows Display of Accrual Balances” controls the OTL Accrual Plan Balance display. ■ Need to tie to an Element Set ■ Oxfam uses each Element Set to represent a single PTO accrual plan/package such as “OA OTL Boston Union Exempt” for the Boston Union Exempt plan/package. ■ The individual plan element, i.e. each separate Oracle Accrual Plan, will be linked to the Element Set for detail time card screen display. Solution Design Considerations Dimension to Group Employees ■ OTL Preference tree controls the link to different Element Set. ■ Use a dimension in OTL Preference Eligibility Criteria setup to group different employees into different Element Sets that is linked to the OTL Preference. ■ Oracle comes seeded with various grouping dimension in the OTL Preference Eligibility Criteria setup, e.g. Individual Assignment, Employee Category, Division, Job, Location, Organization, etc. ■ People Group Flexfield is not one of the seeded dimensions. ■ Oxfam uses Employee Category because we need a multidimensional combination, i.e. Union/Non-Union, exempt/nonexempt and years of services in non-profit organization industry Setup Steps Setup Steps ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Define Absence Element * Define Element Link Define Absence Type * Define HR Table Structure and Values * Define Fast Formula for Accrual Plans Define Accrual Plan * Define Element Set * Define Employee Category Lookup Run OTL Generate Flexfield and Mapping Information job Define OTL Alternate Name * Define OTL Preference * Define OTL Preference Eligibility Criteria * Assigning Accrual Plan Elements to Employees * Discussed in this session Setup Steps Overview HRMS OTL Element Set OTL Preference Oracle Accrual Plan Eligibility Criteria Absence Type Fast Formulae Employee Assignments Element Link HR Tables and Values Employee Category Absence Element Alternate Name Setup Steps Define Absence Element ■ Element setup to link to the Absence Type later. ■ Represents the Element to reduce the accrual plan balance, e.g. School Hours ■ Setup as a non-recurring element and include an “Hours” for Input Value. ■ Also define one for “adjustment” per design consideration, e.g. “OA OTL School Hours Adj” Setup Steps Define Absence Element Setup Steps Define Absence Type ■ Links the Element to the Accrual Plan where the accrual plan balance is affected. ■ Determine if the Element will increase/decrease the Accrual Plan balance. ■ Typically, define one Absence Type for each Accrual Plan unless you have one Absence Type that affects multiple Accrual Plans. Setup Steps Define Absence Type Setup Steps Define HR Table Structure and Values ■ Use HR Table Structure and Values for accrual rate lookup. ■ Define it like a spreadsheet, with Row and Column definitions. ■ Fast Formula has seeded function to retrieve values from HR Tables. ■ Oxfam uses the HR table to retrieve the initial hours “granted” based on the first month of hire. Setup Steps Define HR Table Structure and Values Setup Steps Define HR Table Structure and Values Setup Steps Define Accrual Plan ■ Link to Absence Type. ■ Additional controlling parameters such as Accrual Start option as Hire Date, Period of Eligibility – Length, etc. ■ Net Calculation Rule – increase/decrease balance based on Element. ■ Accrual Band – provide setup fields to accrual rate, ceiling and maximum carry over limit expressed in hours. ■ Additional Elements generated by Oracle based on plan name, e.g. OA OTL School Days will the following: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ OA OTL School Days OA OTL School Days Carry Over OA OTL School Days Residual OA OTL School Days Tagging OA OTL School Days Payroll Balances Setup Steps Define Accrual Plan Setup Steps Define Accrual Plan Setup Steps Define Element Set ■ Element Set determines the grouping of Elements to be displayed on OTL time entry screen. ■ Per design considerations, Oxfam uses one for each PTO accrual plan e.g. OA OTL Boston Union Exempt. ■ Also need one extra one that includes all elements for OTL to generate additional mapping information for Alternate Name setup. Setup Steps Define Element Set Setup Steps Define OTL Alternate Name ■ Map one Time Type to multiple data elements e.g. HR Element and PA Expenditure Type. ■ Use seeded “Elements Expenditure System Linkage Function” Type ■ Define two separate Alternate Name list, one for self-service time card entry and one for Super Timekeeper entry with more entries. Setup Steps Define OTL Alternate Name Setup Steps Define OTL Preference ■ Preference “Timecard Allows Display of Accrual Balance” controls the accrual plan balance display. ■ Preference Options: ▪ Display Balance – Yes/No ▪ Element Set – Put in the Element Set to display detail Accrual Plan Balance ▪ Accrual Evaluation Date – Options: Timecard Period Start Date, Timecard Period End Date, System Date ▪ Accrual Function – Oracle HR & Oracle Payroll ■ Different PTO accrual plan may have different OTL branch in the Preference setup tree, e.g. Boston Union Non-Exempt will have a separate branch on the Preference tree. Setup Steps Define OTL Preference Setup Steps Define OTL Preference Eligibility Criteria ■ Determine the dimension. ■ The higher the Precedence number, the earlier the criteria will be observed by OTL. ■ Oxfam has seven branches for seven different PTO accrual plans. ■ One for main overrides for default preference settings used by general users and one for Super Timekeeper override. Setup Steps Define OTL Preference Eligibility Criteria Solution Deployment Considerations Solution Deployment Considerations ■ Validate against the Element Set elements for employee time entry to avoid charging time against an element that is not part of Element Set that is linked to the employee. ■ Automate employee Accrual Plan enrollment and employment status change. ■ Use Oracle Alert for exception handling, e.g. Employee Category mismatch with Job Flexfield, or People Group Flexfield. Conclusion Conclusion ■ Deserve a vacation if you make it this far. ■ The feature is useful and it will reduce initial inquiries to HR/ Finance department ■ The setup is simple, but need careful considerations ■ The feature is back ported to R11i via 11i.HXT.J patch (Patch# 4428056). ■ Enjoy your time off! Questions and Answers Jude Lam, PMP Co-Founder and Managing Principal Consultant Tactics Group Incorporated Email: [email protected] Mobile: 1-865-300-4829 Web Site: Please complete the session evaluation We appreciate your feedback and insight You may complete the session evaluation either on paper or online via the mobile app
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