French III Honors 2013 Midterm Exam Review 4th period exam—mercredi 17 décembre 2014 5th period exam—jeudi, 18 décembre 2014 You can also go to the online textbook and do several practice exercises there. The first link on my webpage will take you to the website. You will need the password for our class. State Standards: 1. Communicate in a Language other than English 2. Gain Knowledge and understanding of other cultures 3. Connect with other disciplines and acquire information 4. Develop insight into the nature of language and culture. 5. Participate in multicultural communities at home and around the world. WCS Standards: I can conjugate regular -ER, -IR and –RE verbs in the present tense. 4.1.7 I can make spelling changes in certain -ER verbs: ger, yer, cer, ll/tt, e-è, é-è. 4.1.7 I can conjugate the irregular verbs mastered in French I and II in the present tense. 4.1.7 I can ask questions using interrogative pronouns. 1.1.4 I can replace nouns with direct object pronouns. 4.1.4 I can replace people with indirect object pronouns. 4.1.4 I can replace prepositional phrases with the pronouns y and en. 4.1.4 I can create an adjective from a present participle. 4.1.1 I can create a gerund from a present participle. 4.1.1 I can give and follow oral and written directions using the imperative mood. 1.2.2 I can determine meaning by using vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge and context clues to read authentic texts. 2.2.1 I can determine when to adapt pronominal verbs as reflexive verbs. 4.1.4 I can make sentences negative with special negative expressions. 4.1.3 I can identify and write about vocabulary associated with high school and college life. 1.2.1 I can compare and contrast the French educational system and that of the U.S. 2.1.1 I can identify and appreciate the values and perspectives of the target culture from within its own cultural system rather than judging non-American cultural practices according to American conventions. 2.1 I can determine the main themes and significant details on primarily familiar topics from authentic multimedia and print sources, both informational text and narratives with easily discerned storylines. 1.2/WCE.WL.38.R2 I can determine meaning by using vocabulary knowledge, background knowledge, and possibly some contextual clues. 2.2.1/WCE.WL.39. R 10 I can understand the relationship among languages based on their awareness of cognates, idioms and parallel structures. 4.1/WCE.WL.40. R 6 I can identify and appreciate differences in cultural perspectives in a broader range of topics and begin to appreciate such differences not only in topic areas presented in the curriculum. 4.2/WCE.WL.41. R 4 I can explain and compare products and/or practices of my own culture to peers in the target culture. 2.2/WCE.WL.42. W 2 I can write demonstrating a command of an expanding number of words and phrases and of a limited number of idiomatic expressions and culturally appropriate vocabulary. 1.3/WCE.WL.43. W 10 I can write emails, texts or other short messages. 1.3/WCE.WL.44. W 10 I can not only answer, but also ask questions; not only to respond, but to also initiate communication. 1.1.1/WCE.WL.45. SL 1 Test structure: Listening Reading Grammar/Vocabulary Culture Writing Grammaire & Structure: Present tense of regular and irregular verbs—including ER spelling change verbs (pg. 10-12) Present tense + depuis—to show that something began in the past but is STILL going on at the present time (notes) EX: J’étudie le français depuis 3 ans. Forming questions –4 ways for yes/no questions (notes) EX: Tu vois le nouvel élève? Vois-tu le nouvel élève ? Est-ce que tu vois le nouvel élève ? Tu vois le nouvel élève n’est-ce pas ? Avoir l’air—to say someone “seems” or “looks like” (notes) EX: Elle a l’air soupconneux. (She looks/seems suspicious.) Tu as l’air fatigué. (You look tired.) Imperative mood (giving commands) Direct and indirect object pronouns (me, te, nous, vous, le, la, les, y, en) (pg. 18-24 ; 39-46) Interrogative pronouns (qui, qu’est-ce qui, que, qu’est-ce que, quoi, qui est-ce que, à qui, de qui) (pg. 16-18) Negatives ne…pas, ne…jamais, ne…rien, ne…plus, ne…ni…ni, ne…que, ne…aucun, ne…personne (pg. 87-93) Reflexive Verbs (including idiomatic ones and reciprochal ones) (pg. 84-86) Passé composé (w/ avoir, w/ etre/ w/ reflexives) (pg. 34-38) Helping verb + past participle DR & MRS VANDERTRAMPP Agreement of past participles (with proceeding direct objects, with etre, & Reflexives) EX: J’ai vu le film. Elle s’est brossée. Elle s’est brossé les cheveux. La nouvelle fille, l’as-tu vue ? Elle est tombée. L’imparfait (pg. 68-70) (nous form of present ; drop ONS ; add endings—ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient) EX : chantons-ons= chant + ais je chantais I was singing ; I used to sing Le passé récent (notes) Venir de + infinitive to say « just did something » EX : Je viens de finir mes devoirs. Nous venons de manger. Plus-que-parfait (pg. 398-400) (helping verb in imparfait + past particple) EX : j’avais téléphoné. I had telephoned Il était arrivé. He had arrived All past tenses together within context (passé composé, imparfait, & plus-que parfait) (pg. 115-118) Passé simple—recognition only !!!! Laisser, partir, sortir, quitter Participe présent—as adjective or as gerund (pg. 71-74) Take « nous » form of present tense and drop « ons ». Add “ant”. Often proceeded by the preposition “en” . Ex. Chanter—chantons---chantant Ex: Les arbres dormants sont couverts de neige. (adjective) Il ne faut pas parler en mangeant. (gerund) Vocabulaire: La Rentree; school supplies ; school subjects (p. 3-5) Reflexive verbs (pg. 77-79) Fairy Tales Halloween Quebec Emotions Reflexive verbs Ways to say “leave” (partir, sortir, quitter, laisser) Les Misérables La Dernière Classe Culture: Quebec/ Carnaval Cajun/ Quebecois Ghost Stories Songs French School French and American Fairy Tales Les Misérables, Victor Hugo & the the 19th century La Dernière Classe (l’Alsace-Lorraine) Writing Concepts: Page of a personal diary Dialogue Telling stories in the past Writing about daily routine Writing ghost stories Essay (like we did with Quebec)
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