TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers (Phase IV, 7th Course) April 28 — June 21, 2014 Study Guide TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers (Phase IV, 7th Course) April 28 — June 21, 2014 Study Guide For more information Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow T E R I Darbari Seth Block IHC Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi – 110 003 India Tel. 2468 2100 or 2468 2111 E-mail [email protected] Fax 2468 2144 or 2468 2145 Web www.teriin.org India +91 • Delhi (0)11 Contents Welcome to the Course 5 Objectives of Mct (Phase Iv) 6 Structure of the Programme 6 Assignments 7 Individual Assignments: Term papers 7 Assignment Topics 7 Guidelines for Assignment Submission 8 Group Assignments/Presentations 9 Evaluation 9 Evaluation of Participants 9 Evaluation of Faculty / Feedback 10 Resources 10 Mct Website 10 Programme Schedule 10 Organizing Team 10 Agenda (Iim Lucknow) 11 11 Module : Management Agenda (TERI University) 12 Module: Forestry 12 Module : Environment 15 Field Visit Programme - Impact of Rehabilitation of Abandoned Mine Areas in Karakuli, Aglar and Sahastradhara Catchment Area around Mussoorie Hills 18 Module: Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation 18 Field Visit Programme - Corbett Tiger Reserve 21 Agenda (University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu) 22 Agenda (Yale University) 26 Agenda – Special Lectures and Experience Sharing/Panel Discussion 30 Faculty Resources/Speakers Profile 34 Forestry Module 34 Media Interface 36 Environment 37 Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation 39 Foreign Module 42 Special Lecture Session/Experience Sharing/Panel Discussion 46 Organising Institutions 48 Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy 48 TERI University 48 TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) 49 Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow 49 University of Eastern Finland 50 Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies 51 Wildlife Trust of India 52 Forum of Environmental Journalists (FEJI) 52 General Information about Host Cities 55 Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India 55 Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India 55 Connecticut, United States of America 55 Finland 56 Saint Petersburg, Russia 57 Welcome to the Course The TERI University led consortium takes this opportunity to welcome Indian Forest Service Officers for the 7th course of Mid-Career Training (MCT) Programme (Phase IV). The MCT is being organised by the TERI University led consortium which comprises of TERI University as coordinator (lead partner); TERI, New Delhi; Wildlife Trust of India, Noida (Wildlife Module partner); Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow (Management Module partner); Yale University, United States and University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu (Foreign Module partners) and FEJI (as Media component partner in Forestry Module) in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Dehradun. MCT is an ambitious training programme which aims to provide the best training opportunities to the officers by collaborating with premier training institutions in the country and abroad. The philosophy and approach of this programme is to provide “Next Level Competency” to the Indian Forest Service officers who are within the service bracket of 16-18 years. The officers at this stage have been exposed to a broad range of issues at the local level, and are now moving on to the next phase in their careers where they would be expected to handle issues at the national and international level. Through this training the officers will make a smooth transition to their next level of responsibility. This MCT programme, therefore, apart from imparting and updating critical knowledge skills, creates a fuller understanding of the beliefs, values and expectations of multiple stakeholders, and helps to stimulate novel insights, solutions and strengthen problem solving and leadership qualities. The course objectives involve training the forest officers to think across disciplines, to look for solutions based on problem-solving approaches, to be able to use cutting edge tools and techniques, and to be prepared for the many challenges that lie ahead. A twoweek exposure visit abroad will sensitize the Officers to gain a global perspective as well as exposure to international best practices. In this regard, this study guide gives a snapshot of the eight week training programme. It provides information on the overall structure of the programme, course curriculum, assignment, evaluation, information about organising institutes, key speakers and useful details about host cities. We hope that this MCT programme adds significant value to your professional growth and achieves its designed objectives. Wishing you all the very best! // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 5 Objectives of MCT (Phase IV) The Phase IV has been designed to achieve the following objectives: To enhance professional knowledge about application of modern technology/skills in forest management To facilitate better comprehension of far reaching developments/changes taking place in the sector at all levels including national, regional and international To ensure the understanding of the policies and programmes related to social welfare, poverty alleviation and integrated development. To familiarize participants with principles of general administration including HRD and good governance To expose participants to the best practices in the field of forestry/ environmental management during foreign visit To assimilate the processes involved in the policy planning/programme formulation and learning from the experience of other countries Structure of the Programme The programme is spread over eight weeks with four in-country modules and a foreign module. The programme structure is as follows: Sr.No. Module Duration Location 1. Management 28th - 2nd May 2014 (1 week) IIM , Lucknow 2. Forestry 5th - 13th May 2014 (1.5 weeks) IGNFA, Dehradun 3. Environment 14th - 20th May 2014 (1 week) IGNFA, Dehradun 4. Wildlife and Biodiversity 21st - 30th May 2014 Conservation (1.5 week) IGNFA, Dehradun 5. Foreign Module 2nd - 13th June 2014 (2 weeks) USA/Finland+Russia 6. Panel Discussion / Experience sharing 16th – 21st June 2014 (1 week) IGNFA, Dehradun 6 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Assignments Individual Assignments: Term papers An analytical term paper will be written by each participant. The participants will be able to select the topic from amongst several options. The list of topics has already been mailed to the participants. These term papers will be judged by external evaluators on several criteria including Level of complex, analytical thinking reflected in the written material Ability to relate the subject matter to the participant’s real world experience and skills The degree of innovativeness of ideas and application of a problem solving approach Ability to clearly express ideas and thoughts. Plagiarism of any kind in the assignment would lead to disqualification. It would be checked through software. The paper has to be submitted on or before 20th May, 2014. Three best papers would be awarded with certificate of appreciation and all the assignments would be posted on the e-group and MCT alumni website. These papers will serve as a reservoir of reading material for future sessions/batches of the MCT programme as well as for IGNFA. Assignment Topics Forest Certification : A tool for the monitoring of sustainable forest governance in the context of Forest Right Act, 2006 Economic Growth and Forest Conservation in India Forest Right Act, 2006 : A tool for implementing sustainable forest management Options for Forest-based Carbon Financing REDD+ and Sustainable Forest Management Poverty Alleviation and Forest Conservation Challenges of the Forestry Sector during 12th Five Year Plan Forests: Mitigation and adaptation to climate change Green India Mission for Implementing REDD+ Forest Conservation Act,1980: Need to strike a balance between conservation and development Ecotourism: An opportunity for conservation and livelihoods Assessment of Forest Carbon Wildlife Conservation outside Protected Areas // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 7 Human-Animal Conflicts Ex-situ and In-situ Conservation Reintroduction of the Tiger in India Valuation of Ecosystem Services Use of Geomatics in Forestry sector Forest –Tribal Interface Agroforestry: Key for achieving one third area under forest and tree cover Low Productivity: A key issue for forest management Sustainable Harvests: An Issue for forest conservation Gaps in the Implementation of Forest Right Act, 2006 Sacred Groves and Conservation Judicial Intervention and Forest Conservation Definition of Forests Does IFA, 1927 Need Amendment to Implement the National Forest Policy? Capacity of Frontline Staff and Sustainable Forest Management International Arrangement on Forests Bioenergy from Forests Drivers of Forest Degradation in India and How to Mitigate? Payment for Ecosystem Services International Forest Policy and SFM Cross Border Illegal Wildlife Trade Guidelines for Assignment Submission The paper must contain the following elements: Title - This should be in block capitals, brief and specific conveying the main subject of the contents of the paper. The title should be followed with the name of the participant (in block capitals) along with their affiliation and complete address including email id. Abstract - Abstract should summarize the content of the paper. It should be accurate, expressive, intelligible and brief (not exceeding 200 words). Do not write references or display equations in the abstract. Keyword - Three to five keywords which are prominently used in the paper and have relevance to the contents should be given following the “Abstract”. Introduction - It should introduce the topic with a background knowledge/studies related to the topic, justifying the selection of the study and also elaborate in short the objectives of the study. 8 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Presentation of the article - The contribution should be submitted in the following format: »» Title »» Name of the participant along with their affiliation/address, »» Abstract, »» Key words, »» Introduction »» Material and Methods, »» Results and Discussion, »» Conclusion and »» References- APA style format Formatting specifications »» All the figures and tables used should be numbered and referred in the text. »» Font to be used: Times New Roman »» Spacing: 2.0 »» Alignment : justified »» Size: A4 size paper with a margin of 2.5 cm »» The word limit for the assignment is maximum 7000 words. Group Assignments/Presentations Group assignment will be intimated before proceeding for Foreign Module. There would be six groups each for USA and Finland. The participants will prepare reports and presentations of their experiences / learning from the foreign module. These will be done as group tasks. Each group will be evaluated by a panel based on the merit of their report and presentation. There will also be peer evaluation of the group tasks. Final evaluation score: All the above methods will be used to arrive at a composite score for each participant. Evaluation Evaluation of Participants Evaluation parameters are: Minimum 90% attendance overall and participation in each module. Score of minimum 60% marks for individual assignments. Successful completion of group task as decided by the evaluation panel. // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 9 Evaluation of Faculty / Feedback End-lecture formal evaluation of faculty by participants in terms of »» Clarity of presentation and articulation »» Relevance, usefulness of content and value addition »» Whether course objectives were met Course review and feedback Resources Module-wise complied reading material (physical as well as digital copy) will be provided to the participants before the beginning of each module. At the end of the course the presentation made by the subject experts would be compiled and shared with the participants. MCT Website A website has been created wherein the course material and assignments will be uploaded. The website can be accessed from the following URL: teriuniv15/mct/ Programme Schedule Course lectures will be held at Ficus Hall, IGNFA. Weekly schedule of sessions will be posted on notice boards in IGNFA in advance under consultation with the course directors of IGNFA. Attendance will be taken during every session. Organizing Team Dr J V Sharma < Mr Nirbhay Bhatnagar < Dr Pia Sethi Ms Arpna Arora Mr Sandeep Arora < Mr Vikas Bhati Mr Dharmender Kumar < Mr D C Khanduri 10 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Agenda (IIM Lucknow) Module : Management Venue: IIM, Lucknow Week 1: Management Module (28th April to 2nd May, 2014) 28/04/2014 (Monday) 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM Registration and Facility Overview 09:30 AM - 10:00 AM Overview of the Programme 10:00 PM - 01:00 PM Changing NR Management Paradigms and Leadership Challenges 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM Understanding and Managing Self 29/04/2014 (Tuesday) 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM Team Building 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM Leadership and Motivation 30/04/2014 (Wednesday) 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM Negotiation and Conflict Resolution 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM Advance Communication Skills 01/05/2014 (Thursday) 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM Governance and Ethics 02:30 PM - City Visit 02/05/2014 (Friday) 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Building Organizational Culture for Performance 01:15 PM - 04:45 PM Creative Nudges for Effective People Management 05:00 PM Wrap Up Please note: Daily Yoga sessions for participants Morning Tea Lunch Afternoon Tea 06:15 AM to 07:15 AM 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM 03.30 PM to 04:00 PM // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 11 Agenda (TERI University) Module: Forestry Venue: IGNFA, Dehradun Week 2: Forestry Module (5th May to 13th May, 2014) 5th May, 2014 (Monday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) (1100-1130 hrs) 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) (1300–1400 hrs) 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) (1530-1545 hrs) 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) M-Mantra for Good Governance Mr Anil Oberoi, Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Minor State Forest Produce Cooperative Federation Ltd. Tea GIS & RS based Monitoring Systems in Forestry Sector Mr Anil Oberoi, Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Minor State Forest Produce Cooperative Federation Ltd. Lunch Forest Rights Act, 2006 Dr Arvind Kumar Jha, IFS, Additional PCCF (CAMPA), Maharashtra Tea Panel Discussion Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in The Spirit of its Preamble Presenter: Dr. J.V. Sharma, Senior Fellow TERI Chair: Mr D. Pandey, Director, Amity Institute of Global Warming and Ecological Studies, Amity University, Noida and Former Director General, FSI, Dehradun. Panelists Mr. A K Jha, IFS, Additional PCCF (CAMPA), Maharashtra Representative from Ministry of Tribal Affairs/MoEF, Government of India Mr. Sushil Saigal, Institutional Development & Governance Advisor, Forest Plus Programme, INSPIRE, New Delhi. 6th May, 2014 (Tuesday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Status of Global Forest Assessment Dr Devendra Pandey, Director, Amity Institute of Global Warming and Ecological Studies, Amity University, Noida and Former Director General, FSI, Dehradun 12 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Status of Forestry Sector in India Dr. Devendra Pandey, Director, Amity Institute of Global Warming and Ecological Studies, Amity University, Noida and Former Director General, FSI, Dehradun (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3 Session (1400-1530 hrs) Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Forestry Dr P K Joshi, Professor, TERI University rd (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Assessment of Biomass with respect to Forest Based Carbon Financing - Methodology and Case Study Mr Suresh Chauhan, Fellow, TERI 7th May, 2014 (Wednesday) Holiday 8th May, 2014 (Thursday) 1st Session (0915-1100 hrs)* Dynamics of Developing Greening Policies for Urban Areas Dr R K Goel, Director, IGNFA (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) National Forest Policy and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Mr A K Bansal, Former Addl Director General of Forests, MoEF, New Delhi (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Rehabilitation of Mined-out Areas and Degraded Land Dr Kapil Dev Sharma, Former Member & Technical Expert (Water Management), Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Environmental Management and Ecological Restoration of Mines and Mine-spoils: Case Studies Dr Kapil Dev Sharma, Former Member & Technical Expert (Water Management), Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi 9th May, 2014 (Friday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Watershed Management Approach as tool for Sustainable Development of Forests-a Case Study of Himachal Pradesh Mr. Ajay Lal, CEO, BioCarbon Project, HP Solan (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Poverty Alleviation and Forest Conservation – A Case Study Mr Rajive Kumar, Project Director, Uttar Pradesh Participatory Forest Management and Poverty Alleviation Project, Uttar Pradesh (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch * Only this session will start from 0915 hrs during the MCT Training Programme at IGNFA. // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 13 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Technological Intervention for Productivity Improvement Dr Pierelal, Chairman, Pragati Biotechnologies, Punjab (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Potential of Agroforestry in meeting the country’s demand of timber Dr H D Kulkarni, Vice President (Plantation), ITC Limited Paperboards and Specialty Papers Division, Bhadrachalam Unit 10th May, 2014 (Saturday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Judicial Interventions in the Conservation of Forests Mr Sanjay Upadhyay, Advocate Supreme Court of India &Managing Partner, Enviro Legal Defence Firm (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Implementation Concerns: Forest Related Legislations Mr Sanjay Upadhyay, Advocate Supreme Court of India & Managing Partner, Enviro Legal Defence Firm (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Forestry Research in India: Status, Issues and Opportunities Dr Ashwani Kumar, PCCF-Research and Training ,UP (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4 Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Forest Certification: National and International Dimensions Dr T R Manoharan, National Representative - India, Forest Stewardship Council, New Delhi th Week 3: Forestry Media Management (12th – 13th May 2014) 12th May, 2014 (Monday) 1st Session (0930-1015 hrs) Welcome Address and Introduction to Communication and Media Management Dr. Annapurna Vancheswaran, Director, Sustainable Development Outreach, TERI 2nd Session (1015-1100hrs) Need and Significance of Media Ms. Keya Acharya, President, Forum of Environmental Journalists in India (FEJI) (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 3rd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Media Relations: Principal Tools, Methods, and Ethics Mr S Gopikrishna Warrier, Secretary, Forum of Environmental Journalists of India and Regional Environment Manager, Panos South Asia (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 4th Session (1400-1530 hrs) Activity Based Interaction Dr. Annapurna Vancheswaran, Director, Sustainable Development Outreach, TERI Ms. Keya Acharya, President, Forum of Environmental Journalists in India (FEJI) 14 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Mr S Gopikrishna Warrier, Secretary, Forum of Environmental Journalists of India and Regional Environment Manager, Panos South Asia (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 5th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Internet Media Management Mr Joydeep Gupta, Director, Third Pole 13th May, 2014 (Tuesday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Activity based interaction Dr. Annapurna Vancheswaran, Director, Sustainable Development Outreach, TERI Ms. Keya Acharya, President, Forum of Environmental Journalists in India (FEJI) Mr S Gopikrishna Warrier, Secretary, Forum of Environmental Journalists of India and Regional Environment Manager, Panos South Asia Mr Joydeep Gupta, Director, Third Pole (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Crisis Communication Mr S Gopikrishna Warrier, Secretary, Forum of Environmental Journalists of India and Regional Environment Manager, Panos South Asia (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Reflections Dr. Annapurna Vancheswaran, Director, Sustainable Development Outreach, TERI Ms. Keya Acharya, President, Forum of Environmental Journalists in India (FEJI) Mr S Gopikrishna Warrier, Secretary, Forum of Environmental Journalists of India and Regional Environment Manager, Panos South Asia Mr Joydeep Gupta, Director, Third Pole (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Forestry & Sustainable Development Dr R K Pachauri, Director General, TERI Module : Environment Venue: IGNFA, Dehradun Week 4: Environment Module (14th May to 20th May, 2014) 14th May, 2014 (Wednesday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) India’s Sustainable Development Challenges Prof Arabinda Mishra, Professor, Department of Policy Studies, TERI University (1100-1130 hrs) Tea // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 15 2 Session (1130-1300 hrs) The Science of Climate Change Dr Suruchi Bhadwal, Associate Director, Earth Sciences and Climate Change Division TERI Mr Saurabh Bhardwaj, Associate Fellow, Centre for Global Environment Research, TERI (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3 Session (1400-1530 hrs) The Politics of Climate Change Dr Prodipto Ghosh, Distinguished Fellow, TERI nd rd (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Options for Forest-based Carbon Financing Mr. Swapan Mehra, CEO, Iora Ecological Solutions REDD plus Case study of Nagaland Mr. Suresh Chauhan, Fellow, TERI 15th May, 2014 (Thursday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) REDD Plus : National and International Dimensions Dr Jagdish Kishwan, (Fmr ADGF-WL, MoEF) and Chief Policy Advisor, Wildlife Trust of India (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) REDD Plus : A Case Study Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Valuation of Forest Resources Prof Kanchan Chopra, Former Director and Professor, Institute of Economic Growth Delhi By video conference from TERI University, Delhi (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4 Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystems: Case Study, and Institutional Mechanisms to Pay for Ecosystem Services Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Mr D K Sharma, DIG, Research and Training, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India th 16th May, 2014 (Friday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Disaster Risk Reduction in India or Disaster Management- An Over view Dr Vinod Kumar Sharma, Senior Professor, Disaster Management, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Disaster Management Act 2005 and National Policy for Disaster Management Dr Vinod Kumar Sharma, Senior Professor, Disaster Management, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi 16 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Environment Impact Assessment and Re-engineering of the Environment Clearance Process Dr G V Subrahmanyam, Adviser (RE), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Infrastructure Development & Environment Mr S P Sharma, Chief General Manager, National Highway Authority of India, New Delhi 17th May, 2014 (Saturday) Field Visit: Impact of Rehabilitation of Abandoned Mine Areas in Karakuli, Aglar and Sahastradhara Catchment Area around Mussoorie Hills Week 5: 19th May, Monday 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) International Law Mr M V Shiju, Lecturer, TERI University (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Forest Related International Instruments Mr M V Shiju, Lecturer, TERI University (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) International Forest Policy and International Agreements on Forests Dr Rekha Pai, Inspector General of Forests (EAP), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4 Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Implementation of Non-Legally Binding Instruments on sustainable development of forests Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Mr Subhash Chandra, Deputy Inspector General of Forests (Forest Policy), Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India th 20 May, 2014 (Tuesday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Policy and Planning for Emissions Reduction Strategies Dr Ritu Mathur, Associate Director, Modelling and Scenario Building, TERI (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Impact of coal mining on climate change and forest ecosystems Mr. Rajiv K Garg, Advisor, Environment & Forest) Coal India Limited (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Green Buildings Mr Apoorv Vij, Programme Manager (Technical), GRIHA (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Experience sharing // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 17 Field Visit Programme - Impact of Rehabilitation of Abandoned Mine Areas in Karakuli, Aglar and Sahastradhara Catchment Area around Mussoorie Hills 17th May, 2014 (Saturday) (0845-0930 hrs) Travel from IGNFA to Sahastradhara Mr. D. P Baluni, SDO, Dehradun (Mob: +91-9412997776) (Will accompany the team from IGNFA to Sahastradhara and coordinate the field visit) (0930-1045 hrs) Introduction of the Mine spoil rehabilitation Project at Sahastradhara and field visit of reclamation and rehabilitation works Dr. Dheeraj Pandey., DFO Mussoorie and Mr. D. P Baluni, SDO, Dehradun (1045-1145 hrs) Travel to Kiarkuli (Mussoorie) Mr. Neeraj Sharma, SDO, Mussoorie ((Mob: +91-9412439213) To coordinate the session at Kiarkuli (1145-1245 hrs) Interactive Session with Eco Task Force and Forest Department regarding Mine reclamation works in Kiarkuli micro watershed Dr. Dheeraj Pandey, DFO, Mussoorie and representative of 127 Inf Batt, Eco task force (1245-1315 hrs) Travel to Brookland Estate (DFO Mussoorie Office) and Address by DFO Mussoorie with respect to role of FCA in Maintaining Greenery of Mussoorie Dr. Dheeraj Pandey, DFO, Mussoorie (1315 hrs) Lunch Module: Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation Venue: IGNFA, Dehradun Week 5 contd…: 21 May, 2014 (Wednesday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Wildlife Conservation in India Mr Vivek Menon, Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer, Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2 Session (1130-1300 hrs) Challenges of Tiger Conservation in India Dr Y B Jhala, Head, Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, WII (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3 Session (1400-1530 hrs) Illegal Wildlife Trade Dr Samir Sinha, IFS, Field Director, Jim Corbett National Park (1530-1545 hrs) Tea nd rd 18 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Panel discussion (including MCT Phase IV participants) Critical Wildlife Habitats and Critical Tiger Habitats Chair: Dr. S. K. Khanduri, IFS, Inspector General of Forests (Wildlife), Ministry of Environment and Forests Panelists Dr S P Yadav, IFS Deputy Inspector General, National Tiger Conservation Authority ( NTCA) Dr Samir Sinha, IFS, Field Director, Jim Corbett National Park Dr. Y B Jhala, Head, Animal Ecology and conservation Biology, WII 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) 22 May, 2014 (Thursday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) An Exposition of India’s Commitments to CITES and the Global Tiger Forum Dr Jagdish Kishwan, Senior Advisor Wildlife Policy, Wildlife Trust of India (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2 Session (1130-1300 hrs) Tiger Conservation Dr. Rajesh Gopal, IFS, ADG (Project Tiger) & Member Secretary(NTCA) Ministry of Environment & Forests Government of India (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Community-based Ecotourism Initiatives in the North East Mr Sanjay Sondhi, Founder Trustee, Titli Trust, Dehradun nd (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Island Biodiversity Dr. Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun 23 May, 2014 (Friday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Elephant-human conflicts Dr. S S Bisht, Former PCCF, West Bengal and Former, Director Project Elephant (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Role of Zoos in Ex-situ Conservation Mr P C Tyagi, Head, Landscape level planning & Management, WII (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3 Session (1400-1530 hrs) Recovery Programme for Critically Endangered Pygmy Hog through Conservation Breeding and Reintroduction in Better Managed Grassland Habitat Dr. Goutam Narayan, Project Director, Pgymy Hog Conservation Programme, EcoSystems-India (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Conservation in India Dr A J T Johnsingh, Eminent Wildlife Biologist, Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore and Advisor, Species and Landscapes Program, WWF-India rd // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 19 24-26 May, 2014 (Saturday to Monday) Field Visit to Corbett Tiger Reserve 27 May to 30 May, 2014 Wildlife Module (Contd.) Week 6: 27 May, 2014 (Tuesday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Protected Area Management Effectiveness Dr V B Mathur, Director, Wildlife Institute of India (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Human-Animal Conflicts Mr P R Sinha, Country Representative, IUCN (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Saving Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes : The Terai Experience Dr Bivash Pandav, Head of the Department, Department of Endangered Species Management, WII (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Vulture Conservation in India Dr Vibhu Prakash, Principal Scientist, Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) 28 May, 2014 (Wednesday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Securing Elephant Corridors Dr. Sandeep Tiwari, Deputy Director, WTI (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Principles and Protocols for Rescues During Wildlife Emergencies and Rehabilitation of Disadvantaged Wildlife Dr N V K Ashraf, Senior Director, WTI (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3 Session (1400-1530 hrs) Conservation of marine ecosystems Dr. Deepak Apte, Chief Operating Officer, BNHS rd (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Management of the monkey menace Dr Sandeep Rattan, Senior Vet Officer, HP Forest Department 29thMay, 2014 (Thursday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Eco-development and Participatory Resource Management Dr. A. Bhattacharya, IFS, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Madhya Pradesh Forest Department (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2 Session (1130-1300 hrs) Going beyond tigers Dr. Asad Rahmani, Director, BNHS nd 20 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the conservation of biodiversity in India Dr. Hem Pande, IAS, Additional Secretary, MoEF and Chairperson, National Biodiversity Authority (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Landscape Management Mr D V S Khati, IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests, Uttarakhand 30th May, 2014 (Friday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Challenges in the Management of Aquatic Systems Mr B C Choudhary, Senior Advisor Conservation, WTI (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Leopard-human conflicts Dr. Vidya Athreya, Kaati Trust, Pune (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Rationale for adopting landscape-level conservation approaches for wildlife conservation in India Dr V K Uniyal, IFS, Head, PA Network, Wildlife Management and Conservation Education (WII) 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Experience Sharing Note: A talk on Conservation of Birds: Issues and Challenges will be given on17th June, 2014: 11:3013:00 hrs by Dr Dhananjai Mohan, Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife), Uttarakhand Field Visit Programme - Corbett Tiger Reserve (24th to 26th May, 2014) 24th May, 2014 1700 – 1830hrs Presentation on e-Surveillance and ‘M-STrIPES” (Monitoring System for Tigers’ Intensive Protection and Ecological Status) Dr S P Yadav, DIG (NTCA) and Dr Samir Sinha, Field Director, Corbett Tiger Reserve 25th May, 2014 Forenoon Field demonstration of the e-Surveillance, visit to the control room and tower; Visit to the Park Lunch Afternoon Field demonstration and hands on “M-STrIPES” Visit to the Park 26th May, 2014 Travel to Dehradun // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 21 Agenda (University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu) Venue: University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu (1st June to 14th June, 2014) Module Structure and Content 2014 Russian module is included at the end of the programme because of logistical reasons. More emphasis has paid on new bioenergy, forest fire management and forest management, but also new innovative bioproducts based on forest resources. Topic Instructor Teaching method Place Sunday 01.06.2014 Arrival in Helsinki, Welcome Dinner Prof. Tahvanainen, Prof. Pelkonen Sightseeing in Helsinki Helsinki Monday 02.06.2014 Welcoming and briefing of the course module and Finnish country and culture Forest policy and governance in Finland and in EU, EU forest strategy, forest certification, policy implementation . Finnish bioeconomy strategy as an example of holistic policy approach and examples from other EU countries. Evening reception at Indian Embassy Prof. Tahvananinen Managing Director Toivonen and other experts from TAPIO; Director Saarenmaa Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry H.E. Ambassador Manikam Lecture/problem sets, panels, Helsinki 22 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Topic Instructor Teaching method Place Tuesday 03.06.2014 Principles of public administration in Finland. Legislation development related to forests and environment Forest fire management City tour, cultural heritage and shopping Dr Halberg, President, CEO of ROLF, FDC Tapio Lecture/problems sets – reflections to situation in India, panel discussion Helsinki Wednesday 04.06.2014 Societal implications related to forests and environment – implications to sustainable forestry, Wildlife management and hunting, Urban forestry, landscape planning, National parks and management Finnish State Forests, National park, Prof Tyrväinen Lecture/ Class exercises; Field trip, hiking in Nuuksio Nationl park, Nuuksio National Park Helsinki Thursday 05.06.2014 Trip to Joensuu, Finnish national landscape, Visit to UPM (United Paper Mills) Pelkonen, company visit Tahvanainen, UPM, new innovative bioproducts in addition to traditional use Friday 06.06.2014 Finland and the European Union (regions, forests and environment, labour). The challenges of bioenergy driven ecodevelopment Fortum CHP power company, producing also liquid biofuels Dr Cronberg, member of EU parliament Pelkonen, Tahvanainen Lecture/problem sets, panel discussion, reports Fortum experts company visit Tour round countryside and lake Pielinen, cultural programme Small scale district heating plant using wood chips Pelkonen, Tahvanainen Saturday 07.06.2014 Helsinki, Punkaharju, Lappeenranta Joensuu North Karelia countryside Energy cooperative // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 23 Topic Instructor Teaching method Place Sunday 08.06.2014 Land owner’s experiences of Finnish and EU policy implementation; voluntary conservation, rural tourism and forestry; forestry providing multiple benefits incl. firewood and hunting Prof Pelkonen, Prof Tahvanainen Ms Vuorjoki’s farm and tourism activities Mr Kinnunen (forest owner, energy wood and hunting) Lecture/panel discussion/ farm visit /problem sets Joensuu Rääkkylä Monday 09.06.2014 Advanced methodologies and tools of forest management, ICT-applications and ArboLiDAR for decision making Energy wood harvesting Prof Tokola, Prof Director Kauranne, Prof Sutinen Lecture, company Joensuu visit Tuesday 10.06.2014 Outokumpu nursery Final presentations & summary seminars and farewell Director of the nursery, Finnish Forest research institute director Parviainen, Dr Lauren Prof. Tahvanainen, Prof. Pelkonen, Dr Arevalo, Maxim Trishkin Lectured field trip Lecture/problem sets Group presentations and discussions, panel, interactive innovations Outokumpu, Joensuu Wednesday 11.06.2014 Trip to Russia. Briefing to Russian forestry, society and culture, Forests sites on the way to St Petersburg Russian experts, Maxim Trishkin, Tahvanainen field trip Joensuu, Raivola, St Petersburg Thursday 12.06.2014 Russia forest policy, forest management, forest fire management, field tour (Optional cultural program e.g. ballet, separately paid) Russian experts, St Petersburg State Forest Academy Lecturing, interactive discussions St Petersburg area Friday 13.06.2014 Sightseeing in St Russian experts, Petersburg Feedback of Prof. Tahvanainen, Russian Module, Trip Trishkin back to Finland (Helsinki airport, stay overnight at Helsinki airport hotel) Interactive discussions St Petersburg, Helsinki Field trip 24 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Topic Saturday 14.6.2014 Instructor Teaching method Departure back to India Place Helsinki Faculty: Dr Paavo Pelkonen, Dr Liisa Tahvanainen, Dr Pradipta Halder, Dr Olli Saastamoinen, Dr Javier Arevalo, Mr Maxim Trishkin along with invited experts. Notable provocative thinkers (distinguished speakers) will give evening or lunchtime lectures and engage in discussions with participants to promote creative thinking about critical and emerging issues. Preliminary list of possible distinguished speakers UEF Professors Dr Tarja Cronberg Member of the EU parliament, Former Minister of Labor, former Director of the Province of North Karelia, former Director of the Peace and Conflict Research Institute in Denmark. Dr Pekka Hallberg Former President of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland Dr Ritva Toivonen Director of the Forest Development Center Tapio. Former Division Leader of the PTT Economic Research Institute. Dr Liisa Saarenmaa Deputy Director in charge of Bioeconomy Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Dr Jari Parviainen Director of the Finnish Forest Research Institute FFRI, Joensuu research centre Dr Ari Lauren Senior researcher FFRI, water issues, regeneration, planting Others Members of the Parliament Representatives of various ministries Representatives of R&D organizations and industries Forest owners // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 25 Agenda (Yale University) Venue: Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (1st June to 14th June, 2014) 1 June • NYC to New Haven • Tyrrell; Kravet Arrival & Orientation to New Haven and the United States 2 June • New Haven, CT • Tyrrell; Sirch Program Overview and Context Introduction to Yale, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, and the Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry Review of 2-week program, within overall context of managing U.S. forests for multiple values; schedule, travel arrangements, expectations, course materials and workbooks. Overview of U.S. government structure as it applies to land management: federal, state, local; federalist system and states’ rights; context for forest management and ownership patterns. Tour of Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History The mission of the Peabody Museum is to serve Yale University by advancing our understanding of earth’s history through geological, biological, and anthropological research, and by communicating the results of this research to the widest possible audience through publication, exhibition, and educational programs. 3 June • New Haven, CT • U. Massachusetts • Murphy-Dunning; Barten Urban Forestry in New Haven Lecture on Urban Forestry and visit to green spaces and tree planting sites across New Haven 26 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Managing Forests for Water: Lecture at UMass Amherst Lecture to cover topics such as connections between water and forests, natural infrastructure, ecosystem services, management examples. 4 June • Petersham, MA • Barten; Tyrrell; HF Staff; MA DCR Managing Forests for Water (Tour of Quabbin) Tour of Quabbin and field visit with Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Division of Water Supply Protection staff (assisted by Prof. Barter, Chair of DWSP Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee and Mary Tyrrell, committee member). After a brief introduction to the water supply system for the metropolitan Boston area, we will visit several sites to examine the short-term and long-term effects of watershed forest management. Long Term Ecological Research (Harvard Forest) The Harvard Forest Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program is part of a national network of long-term ecological research sites. Within this framework we examine ecological dynamics in the New England region resulting from natural disturbances, environmental change, and human impacts. Emphasis is on processes including: »» Wind and fire »» Past climate change »» Land-use and land cover dynamics »» Atmospheric pollution, especially nitrogen deposition and ozone projected increases in global temperature »» Land management, land policy and conservation 5 June • Union, CT • Ashton Ecology and Silviculture of Second Growth Forests (Yale School Forests Field Day) Understand stand dynamics of second growth mixed forests Understand how applications of thinning and regeneration methods are made to second growth mixed forests for timber, non-timber and fuelwood for state and private Landowners Understand how applications of silviculture are used to the create early seral wildlife habitat Private Landowners (Ashton, Tyrrell) The Quiet Corner Initiative will be introduced as a local partnership between Yale and private landowners in forest management as a way to influence landowner behaviors and to enhance land stewardship. // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 27 6 June • Union, CT • Ashton; Tyrrell Management of Private Forestlands (Yale School Forests Field Day) Understand the social values of private landowners of second-growth forests. Understand the management objectives of industrial private timberlands that comprise second-growth forests by visiting an active timber harvest or visit a private sawmill operation. Old Sturbridge Village Visit to Old Sturbridge Village, one of the country’s oldest and largest living history museums, depicting early New England life from 1790-1840 with historians in costume, antique buildings, water-powered mills, and a working farm. The visit will include a 1-hour guided tour. 7 June • New York City, NY • NYBG Staff New York Botanical Gardens Tour the New York Botanical Gardens. The Garden pursues its mission through its role as a museum of living plant collections arranged in gardens and landscapes across its National Historic Landmark site; through its comprehensive education programs in horticulture and plant science; and through the wide-ranging research programs of the International Plant Science Center. 8 June • New York City, NY Free Day in NYC 9 June • New York City, NY • Clyne Bronx Zoo (Clyne) Tour the Bronx zoo with Wildlife Conservation Society staff and learn about global conservation programs, zoo management, tiger conservation. Souvenir Shopping 10 June • New Haven, CT • Oliver Global Resources and Sustainable Management (Oliver) Managing sustainability in an unstable world, managing resources under uncertainty, potential emergence of wood, overview of stand dynamics. 28 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 11 June • White Mountain National Forest • WMNF Staff Federal Lands Management (White Mountain National Forest) Orientation to the Forest Service and White Mountain National Forest (Weeks Act, multiple uses, engaging the public) Forest management along a National Scenic Byway. Recreation management/wildlife/bears 12 June • White Mountain National Forest • WMNF Staff Federal Lands Management (White Mountain National Forests) How climate change has impacted local economy, forest ecology How WMNF uses climate change research for management purposes Visit to Dolly Copp Campground and discussion of ecotourism Law Enforcement in the Forest: Visit and demonstration with K9 13 June • New Haven, CT • Tyrrell; Kravet Wrap up and Closing Ceremonies 14 June Departure to India // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 29 Agenda – Special Lectures/Experience Sharing/Panel Discussion Venue: IGNFA, Dehradun (16th June to 21st June, 2014) Week 8: (16th June to 21st June, 2014) 16thJune, 2014 (Monday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Preparation of Group Presentations (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2 Session (1130-1300 hrs) Preparation of Group Presentations (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) History of Forest Administration and role and responsibility of super time scale IFS Officers Mr Ashok Sharma, Former PCCF (Research, Education & Training), Maharastra (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4 Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Experience Sharing nd th 17th June, 2014 (Tuesday) Special Lecture Sessions 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Climate Change Negotiations Ambassador C. Dasgupta Distinguished Fellow, TERI (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Role of CSR in social and economic development Mr Shri Prakash, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 30 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Conservation of Birds: Issues and Challenges Dr Dhananjai Mohan, IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife), Uttarakhand (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Monitoring of CSS under E-Green Watch - Creation of National Information System Dr Anmol Kumar. Director General, Forest Survey of India 18thJune, 2014 (Wednesday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Preparation of Group Presentations (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2 Session (1130-1300 hrs) Preparation of Group Presentations (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) US Group Presentation The Evaluation Panel for US Presentation Ms Mary L. Tyrrell, Executive Director, Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Dr Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Dr Pia Sethi, Fellow, TERI (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) US Group Presentation The Evaluation Panel for US Presentation Ms Mary L. Tyrrell, Executive Director, Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Dr Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Dr Pia Sethi, Fellow, TERI nd 19thJune, Thursday 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) US Group Presentation The Evaluation Panel for US Presentation Ms Mary L. Tyrrell, Executive Director, Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Dr Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Dr Pia Sethi, Fellow, TERI (1100-1130 hrs) Tea // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 31 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) US Group Presentation The Evaluation Panel for US Presentation Ms Mary L. Tyrrell, Executive Director, Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Dr Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Dr Pia Sethi, Fellow, TERI (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3 Session (1400-1530 hrs) Experience Sharing by US Group (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4 Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Experience Sharing by US Group rd th 20thJune, 2014 (Friday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Finland Group Presentation The Evaluation Panel for Finland Group Presentation Dr Liisa Tahvanainen, Director, International Relations, International Education and Marketing, UEF Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Dr Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Mr Sushil Kumar Awasthi, Additional Professor, IGNFA (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Finland Group Presentation The Evaluation Panel for Finland Group Presentation Dr Liisa Tahvanainen, Director, International Relations, International Education and Marketing, UEF Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Dr Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Mr Sushil Kumar Awasthi, Additional Professor, IGNFA (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3rd Session (1400-1530 hrs) Finland Group Presentation The Evaluation Panel for Finland Group Presentation Dr Liisa Tahvanainen, Director, International Relations, International Education and Marketing, UEF Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Dr Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Mr Sushil Kumar Awasthi, Additional Professor, IGNFA (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 32 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Finland Group Presentation The Evaluation Panel for Finland Group Presentation Dr Liisa Tahvanainen, Director, International Relations, International Education and Marketing, UEF Dr J V Sharma, Senior Fellow, TERI Dr Alok Saxena, IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Mr Sushil Kumar Awasthi, Additional Professor, IGNFA 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) 21st June, 2014 (Saturday) 1st Session (0930-1100 hrs) Experience Sharing by Finland Group (1100-1130 hrs) Tea 2nd Session (1130-1300 hrs) Experience Sharing by Finland Group (1300–1400 hrs) Lunch 3 Session (1400-1530 hrs) Report Submission, Evaluation and Feedback (1530-1545 hrs) Tea 4th Session (1545 – 1715 hrs) Valedictory Function rd // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 33 Faculty Resources/Speakers Profile Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Forestry Module Dr. R K Pachauri Director General TERI and Chair, IPCC Internationally coordinated scientific assessments of the magnitude, timing and potential environmental and socio-economic impacts of climate change and potential response strategies. He is an economist and industrial engineer by training Forestry & Sustainable Development Mr A K Bansal Former Addl Director General of Forests, MoEF, New Delhi Forest policy and Sustainable forest management National Forest Policy and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Dr Anil Oberoi GIS and RS in forestry Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Minor management, ICT applications State Forest Produce Cooperative Federation Ltd. M-Mantra for Good Governance Mr Rajive Kumar Project Director, Uttar Pradesh Participatory Forest Management and Poverty Alleviation Project, Uttar Pradesh Participatory forest management, Project management and Poverty alleviation. Poverty Alleviation and Forest Conservation – A Case Study Dr J V Sharma Senior Fellow, TERI Forest policy, Resource valuation, Technical forestry Panelist: Implementation of the Forest Right Act in the spirit of its preamble 34 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // GIS & RS based Monitoring Systems in Forestry Sector Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Dr Devendra Pandey Director, Amity Institute of Global Warming and Ecological Studies, Amity University and Former Director General, FSI, Dehradun Forest assessment, Technical forestry, Forest management Mr Sanjay Upadhyay Advocate Supreme Court of India &Managing Partner, Enviro Legal Defence Firm Environmental Law and Forest Law Dr Arvind kumar Jha Additional PCCF (CAMPA), Maharashtra Sustainable Forest Management, FCA, FRA Implementation and Forest Management Dr Pierelal Chairman, Pragati Biotechnologies, Punjab Clonal Technology Dr Kapil Dev Sharma Former Member & Technical Expert (Water Management), Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management specialist Dr H D Kulkarni Vice President (Plantation), ITC Limited - Paperboards and Specialty Papers Division, Bhadrachalam Unit National Representative - India, Forest Stewardship Council, New Delhi Agroforestry Status of Global Forest Assessment Status of Forestry Sector in India Panelist Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in The Spirit of its Preamble Judicial Interventions in the Conservation of Forests and Implementation Concerns: Forest Related Legislations Forest Rights Act, 2006 Panelist Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in The Spirit of its Preamble Technological Intervention for Productivity Improvement Rehabilitation of Mined-out Areas and Degraded Land and Environmental Management and Ecological Restoration of Mines and Mine-spoils: Case Studies Potential of Agroforestry in meeting Country’s demand of timber Dr T R Manoharan Forest certification Forest Certification: National and International Dimensions // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 35 Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Dr P K Joshi Professor, TERI University Environmental Studies, Applications of RS&GIS for vegetation analysis including landscape and biodiversity characterization and climate change studies Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Forestry Mr Ajay Lal CCF cum CEO, BioCarbon Project, HP Solan Forest policy, forest carbon Watershed Management Approach as tool for Sustainable Development of Forests-a Case Study of Himachal Pradesh Dr Ashwani Kumar PCCF-Research and Training ,UP Forestry Research and Forestry Research in Education, Forest Genetics and India: Status, Issues Tree Improvement. and Opportunities Mr. Sushil Saigal Institutional Forest Plus Programme and Forest Policy Development & Governance Advisor, Forest Plus Programme, INSPIRE Panelist Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in The Spirit of its Preamble Mr Suresh Chauhan Fellow, TERI, New Delhi Biomass Assessment, CDM Project Development Assessment of Biomass with respect to Forest Based Carbon Financing - Methodology and Case Study Dr R K Goel Director, IGNFA Urban greening, Environmental conservation, Pollution control and related laws, Watershed Development Dynamics of Developing Green Policies for Urban Areas Communicating Sustainable Development Media Management / Sustainable Development Communication Media management Need and Significance of Media Media management Media Relations: Principal Tools and Methods and Crisis Communication Media Interface Dr Annapurna Vancheswaran, TERI Director, Sustainable Development Outreach, TERI Ms Keya Acharya President, FEJI Mr S Gopikrishna Warrier Secretary, FEJI & Regional Environment Manager, Panos South Asia 36 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Mr Joydeep Gupta Director, Third Pole Environmental economics, Environmental management and trains journalists to improve their reportage on environmental issues Internet Media Management Dr. Prodipto Ghosh Distinguished Fellow, TERI International negotiations, climate change The Politics of Climate Change Dr Jagdish Kishwan (Fmr ADGF-WL, MoEF) and Chief Policy Advisor, Wildlife Trust of India Climate Change and Forests, REDD+, International Negotiations on Forestry and Wildlife in UNFCCC, CITES, WHC (UNESCO) Policy Analysis and Development, Research Management REDD Plus : National and International Dimensions Dr J V Sharma Senior Fellow, TERI Forest policy, Resource valuation, technical forestry REDD Plus : A Case Study Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystems: Case Study and Institutional Mechanisms to Pay for Ecosystem Services Implementation of Non-Legally Binding Instruments on sustainable development of forests Prof Arabinda Mishra Professor, Department of Policy Studies, TERI University Environmental and Resource Economics, Economics of climate change India’s Sustainable Development Challenges Mr Subhash Chandra Deputy Inspector General of Forests (Forest Policy), Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India Forestry Forest Policy, Forest Instrument(NLBI) Forest & Environmental Laws Forestry & Climate Change, REDD+ issues Urban Greens Management, Urban Forestryt Implementation of Non-Legally Binding Instruments on sustainable development of forests Mr Suresh Chauhan Fellow, TERI, New Delhi CDM project development REDD plus Case study of Nagaland Environment // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 37 Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Mr Swapan Mehra CEO, IORA Ecological Solutions, New Delhi Domestic and International Climate Policy, Carbon Forestry and REDD+ Project Development Options for Carbon based Forest Financing Dr Ritu Mathur Associate Director, Modelling and Scenario Building, TERI Integrated modeling & analysis Policy and Planning for Emissions in the energy-environmenteconomy domain; scenario Reduction Strategies building; mitigation analysis; socio-economic assessments, techno-economic analysis. Prof Kanchan Chopra Former Director and Professor, Institute of Economic Growth Delhi Environmental Economics, valuation Valuation of Forest Resources – Video Lecture Dr Vinod Kumar Sharma Senior Professor, Disaster Management, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi Training, research, and documentation of natural disasters Disaster Risk Reduction in India or Disaster Management- An Over view Disaster Management Act 2005 and National Policy for Disaster Management Mr M V Shiju Lecturer, TERI University Environmental law International Law Forest Related International Instruments Dr Rekha Pai Inspector General of Forests (EAP), MoEF, GoI Forest policy, Forest protection, International issues related to forestry, community participation International Forest Policy and International Agreements on Forests Dr Suruchi Bhadwal Associate Director, Earth Sciences and Climate Change Division TERI Climate Change specializes in Impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation assessments The Science of Climate Change Mr D K Sharma DIG, Research and Training, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India PA Governance, Public Policy, NTFP Management, Forest Fire Management, Environmental Law and policy issues Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystems: Case Study and Institutional Mechanisms to Pay for Ecosystem Services 38 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Dr G V Subrahmanyam Advisor (RE), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India Environment Management System Auditing, Conservation of Biodiversity, Environment Impact Assessment of Developmental Projects Environment Impact Assessment and Re-engineering of the Environment Clearance Process Mr Rajiv K Garg Advisor, Environment & Forest) Coal India Limited Forest Management Information System Implementation of FCA, Mine Rehabilitation Forest Management Impact of coal mining on climate change and forest ecosystems Mr Apoorv Vij Programme Manager (Technical), GRIHA Planning and Architecture, Operationalization of SVAGRIHA and GRIHA LD rating systems Green Buildings Mr S P Sharma General Manager, NHAI Infrastructure Development and Environment Perspective Infrastructure Development and Environment Mr Saurabh Bhardwaj Associate Fellow, Centre for Global Environment Research, TERI Climate Change Modelling, Processing, Grid computing architecture The Science of Climate Change Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation Mr Vivek Menon Executive Trustee, ED and CEO, WTI Wildlife conservation and management A multi-disciplinary approach to wildlife conservation Dr Rajesh Gopal IFS, Additional Director General of Forests & Member Secretary, NTCA Tiger conservation, Wildlife management, wildlife policy Tiger Conservation Dr Y B Jhala Head, Animal Ecology and conservation Biology, WII Population ecology; nutritional Challenges of Tiger ecology; quantitative Conservation in India ecology; animal behaviour; Panelist: conservation biology Critical Wildlife Habitats and Critical Tiger Habitats Dr V B Mathur Dean, Faculty of Wildlife Sciences, WII Wildlife and protected area management, natural heritage conservation, environmental and strategic environmental assessment, information technology, remote sensing and GIS applications and biodiversity informatics Protected Area Management Effectiveness // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 39 Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Dr S K Khanduri IFS, Inspector General of Forests (Wildlife), Ministry of Environment and Forests Environment & Climate Change, Wildlife management, Forestry (Research and Working Plan) Panelist: Critical Wildlife Habitats and Critical Tiger Habitats Mr P C Tyagi Head, Landscape level planning & Management, WII Anti-poaching strategies for wildlife, Man- Animal conflicts, wildlife management Role of Zoos in ex-situ conservation Dr Samir Sinha IFS, Field Director, JIM Corbett National Park Tiger conservation, wildlife management Illegal Wildlife Trade Panelist: Critical Wildlife Habitats and Critical Tiger Habitats Dr Vibhu Prakash Principal Scientist, ornithology with specialisation Bombay Natural in birds of prey History Society (BNHS) Vulture Conservation in India Mr P R Sinha Director, Wildlife Institute of India Wildlife policy, biotechnological applications in conservation and participatory resource conservation. Human-animal conflicts Dr Bivash Pandav Head of the Department, Department of Endangered Species Management, WII Wildlife ecology, Tiger conservation Saving Tigers in Human Dominated Landscapes : The Terai Experience Mr Sanjay Sondhi Founder Trustee, Titli Trust, Dehradun Conservation research and action in W. and E. Himalaya Education and outreach Alternate livelihoods focused on community based ecotourism. Focus Faunal groups: Lepidoptera, Avifauna, Herpetofauna Communitybased Ecotourism Initiatives in the North East Dr A J T Johnsingh Eminent Wildlife Biologist, Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore and Advisor, Species and Landscapes Program, WWF-India Wildlife Biology Conservation in India 40 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) IFS Deputy Inspector General, National Tiger Conservation Authority ( NTCA) Management and protection of tiger reserves. He has been conferred with the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi National Award for Wildlife Conservation Panelist: Critical Wildlife Habitats and Critical Tiger Habitats Dr Jagdish Kishwan (Fmr ADGF-WL, MoEF) and Chief Policy Advisor, Wildlife Trust of India Climate Change and Forests, REDD+, International Negotiations on Forestry and Wildlife in UNFCCC, CITES, WHC (UNESCO) Policy Analysis and Development, Research Management An Exposition of India’s Commitments to CITES and the Global Tiger Forum Dr. Alok Saxena IFS, Addl. Director, IGNFA, Dehradun Remote Sensing & GIS, Biodiversity Conservation and Island Biodiversity Island Biodiversity Dr. S S Bisht Former PCCF, West Bengal and Former, Director Project Elephant Elephant conservation and ecology Elephant Human Conflict Dr.Goutam Narayan Ecosystems-India Captive breeding, Wildlife biology, Pygmy hog conservation and reintroduction, grassland management Recovery Programme for Critically Endangered Pygmy Hog through Conservation Breeding and Reintroduction in Better Managed Grassland Habitat Dr Sandeep Tiwari WTI Wildlife biology, Ecology and behaviour of Asian elephants, research and conservation, management of wildlife corridors Securing Wildlife Corridors Dr N V K Ashraf Senior Director-WTI Small carnivore conservation Wildlife status surveys Wildlife rescue and conflict animal management Wildlife health Ex-situ conservation Principles and Protocols for Rescues During Wildlife Emergencies and Rehabilitation of Disadvantaged Wildlife Dr S P Yadav // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 41 Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Dr Deepak Apte BNHS Marine biodiversity conservation, education and community conservation with fishing communities Conservation of marine ecosystem Dr A. Bhattacharya Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Madhya Pradesh Forest Department Ecology, Environment Pollution, Served as CEO, MP Ecotourism Development Board for four years Eco-development and Participatory Resource Management Dr Asad Rahmani Director, BNHS Ornithology, Bird conservation, bustard conservation Going beyond tigers Dr Hem Pande IAS, Chairperson, National Biodiversity Authority Biodiversity, Bio-safety, International Cooperation, Global Environment Facility and Animal Welfare issues. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the conservation of biodiversity in India Dr D V S Khati IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests, Uttarakhand Wildlife Management; Landscape Protected Areas & Management Community; Human Resource Development; IT application in Wildlife & Forestry; Wildlife Forensic and intelligence gathering Mr B C Choudhary Senior Advisor Conservation, WTI Aquatic and marine biologist Challenges in the Management of Aquatic Systems Dr V K Uniyal IFS, Head, PA Network, Wildlife Management Administrative reforms in the forest service, policy research in wildlife, protected area planning and management and participatory resource management methodologies Rationale for adopting landscapelevel conservation approaches for wildlife conservation in India Dr Dhananjai Mohan IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife),Uttarakhand Bird Community Ecology; Himalayan avifauna; bird habitat studies; birds and disturbance gradients Conservation of Birds: Issues and Challenges Dr Vidya Athreya Wildlife biologist Kaati Trust, Pune Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Human leopard conflict issue Leopard-human conflicts Dr Sandeep Rattan Senior Vet Officer, HP Forest Department Senior Vet Officer Management of the monkey menace 42 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Executive Director, Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry, Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Multi-stakeholder dialogues, Forest Health and Private Forests Program overview and context Private land management Introduction to the Yale School Forests and the Quiet Corner Initiative Pinchot Professor of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and Director, Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry, Yale University, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Morris K. Jessup Chair of Silviculture and Forest Ecology and Director of School Forests Global Forest Resources, Forest Resource Management, Training Foresters Global Resources and Sustainable Management Tree seedling ecology, physiological and morphological adaptations of leaves to environment, forest microenvironments, silviculture of non-timber forest crops Forest resources, conservation Ecological Silviculture Introduction to the Yale School Forests and the Quiet Corner Initiative Managing public lands to sustain their ecological, social and economic values and in that capacity has work closely with stakeholders in both rural and urban environments. Urban ecology, Agroforestry, Environmental justice, monitoring and evaluation methods. Federal Lands Management and White Mountain National Forest Foreign Module Yale University Dr. Mary Tyrell Prof. Chadwick Dearing Oliver Prof. Mark Ashton Prof Paul K. Barten, Tom Wagner Colleen MurphyDunning Professor of Forest Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst Forest Supervisor on the 800,000 acre White Mountain National Forest since 2002. Director of the Urban Resources Initiative. Colleen received her B.S. in Public and Environmental Affairs from Indiana University, and a M.S. in Forestry from Humboldt State University Urban Forestry and Forests for Water Harvard Forest Urban Forestry and Forests for Water // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 43 Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) University of Eastern Finland, Jonesuu Dr Paavo Pelkonen, Professor, University of Production of wood and peat Eastern Finland for energy Dr Tarja Cronberg Member of the EU parliament, Former Minister of Labor, former Director of the Province of North Karelia, former Director of the Peace and Conflict Research Institute in Denmark Policy Finland and the European Union (regions, forests and environment, labour) Dr Jari Parviainen Director of the Finnish Forest Research Institute FFRI, Joensuu research centre Climate Change Watershed management Outokumpu nursery Final presentations & summary seminars and farewell 44 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Trip to Joensuu, Finnish national landscape, Visit to UPM (United Paper Mills) Finland and the European Union (regions, forests and environment, labour). The challenges of bioenergy driven eco-development Tour round countryside and lake Pielinen, Energy cooperative Land owner’s experiences of Finnish and EU policy implementation; voluntary conservation, rural tourism and forestry; forestry providing multiple benefits incl. firewood and hunting Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Dr Liisa Tahvanainen, Director, International Relations, International education and Marketing, UEF Bioenergy, landscape, forest management, rural tourism, energy wood production, Finland and the European Union (regions, forests and environment, labour). The challenges of bioenergy driven eco-development Trip to Helsinki, Finnish national landscape, Visit to Power Company Russian Forestry Tour round countryside and lake Pielinen, Russia discussions Land owner’s experiences of Finnish and EU policy implementation; voluntary conservation, rural tourism and forestry; forestry providing multiple benefits incl. firewood and hunting Prof Tyrväinen Finnish State Forests, National park Urban forestry, landscape planning, National parks and management Societal implications related to forests and environment – implications to sustainable forestry, Wildlife management and hunting, Urban forestry, landscape planning, National parks and management Dr Ari Lauren Senior researcher FFRI Water issues, regeneration, planting Outokumpu nursery Final presentations & summary seminars and farewell // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 45 Name of Resource person Dr Ritva Toivonen . Designation Prof Tokola, Prof Director Kauranne, Prof Sutinen Faculty, UEF Dr Liisa Saarenmaa Deputy Director in charge of Bio-economy Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Dr Halberg, President, CEO of ROLF Dr Maxim Trishkin Faculty Director of the Forest Development Center Tapio. Former Division Leader of the PTT Economic Research Institute Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Forest policy Sustainable forestry, water and governance protection, climate issues in in Finland and forestry, forest protection, in EU, EU forest private forestry, forest policy strategy, forest and policy implementation certification, policy measures implementation. Finnish bioeconomy strategy as an example of holistic policy approach and examples from other EU countries. Advanced Forest management, ICTapplications and Energy wood methodologies and tools of forest harvesting management, ICT-applications and ArboLiDAR for decision making Energy wood harvesting Forest policy, forest Forest policy governance, forest certification and governance in Finland and in EU, EU forest strategy, forest certification, policy implementation. Finnish bio-economy strategy as an example of holistic policy approach and examples from other EU countries. Legislations Principles of public administration in Finland. Legislation development related to forests and environment Russian Forestry Expert Trip to Russia. Briefing to Russian forestry, society and culture, Forests sites on the way to St Petersburg Feedback of Russian Module 46 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Name of Resource person Designation Area of expertise Topic/subject assigned (Indicative) Special Lecture Session/Experience Sharing/Panel Discussion Mr Ashok Sharma Former PCCF (Research, Education and Training), Maharashtra Forest Planning & Management, Forest Policies & Law, and Watershed Management History of Forest Administration and role and responsibility of super time scale IFS Officers Ambassador C. Dasgupta, Distinguished Fellow, TERI. Mr Dasgupta is presently a Member of PM’s Council on Climate Change; Member of the UN Committee on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights; and Co-Chair of the India – EURound Table. International affairs and global environmental issues Climate Change Negotiations Mr Shri Prakash Distinguished Fellow, TERI. Mr Prakash retired as Member (Traffic), Indian Railway Board and Secretary to Government of India. Operations, Planning, Information Technology, besides General Management and CSR. Corporate Social Responsibility Dr Dhananjai Mohan IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife),Uttarakhand Bird Community Ecology; Himalayan avifauna; bird habitat studies; birds and disturbance gradients Conservation of Birds: Issues and Challenges Dr Anmol Kumar Director General, Forest Survey of India Natural Resources and Wildlife Management Monitoring of CSS under E-Green Watch - Creation of National Information System // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 47 Organising Institutions Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA) was constituted in the year 1987 by renaming the erstwhile Indian Forest College, which was originally established in 1938 for training senior forest officers. It is situated in the New Forest campus of Forest Research Institute (FRI) on Chakrata Road (NH-72), five kilometres from Dehradun town. IGNFA is currently functioning as a Staff College for the officers of the Indian Forest Service (IFS). The primary mandate of the Academy is to impart knowledge and skills to the professional foresters and help them develop competence for managing the country forest and wildlife resources on a sustainable basis. In the Academy training is provided at different levels of seniority in the Indian Forest Service besides training the new entrants to the service. IFS were created in 1966 under the All India Services Act 1951. However, this was only a revival of a well-organized Indian Forest Service which existed during the British Raj from 1865 to 1935. (Link: http://www.ignfa.gov.in/) TERI University TERI University provides world-class facilities and resources to its students and faculty so as to usher in innovative and multidisciplinary research. TERI University aspires to contribute globally by serving society as a seat of advanced learning and to promote learning through teaching and through creating and sharing knowledge. Apart from doctoral research, TERI University provides opportunities for M.Sc. degree programmes in various fields and subjects like Environmental Studies, Natural Resources Management, Environmental & Resource Economics, Water Resources Management, Geoinformatics, Climate Science & Policy and Plant Biotechnology. The University uses modern pedagogical tools for teaching which are richly supplemented by field visits, live industry projects and hands-on applications. The University provides the very best in equipment and instruments, including state-of-the art computer hardware and software, well-equipped laboratories, video-conferencing facilities and South Asia’s most comprehensive library on energy and environment. (Link: http://www.teriuniversity.ac.in/) 48 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) TERI was formally established in 1974 with the purpose of tackling and dealing with the immense and acute problems that humankind is likely to face. Over the years, the Institute has developed a wider interpretation of this core purpose and its application. TERI has created an environment that is enabling, dynamic and inspiring for the development of solutions to global problems in the fields of energy, environment and current patterns of development, which are largely unsustainable. The Institute has grown substantially over the years, particularly, since it launched its own research activities and established a base in New Delhi, its registered headquarters. It is the only developing country institution to have established a presence in North America and Europe and on the Asian continent in Japan, Malaysia and the Gulf. The strength of the Institute lies in not only identifying and articulating intellectual challenges straddling a number of disciplines of knowledge but also in mounting research, training and demonstration projects leading to development of specific problem-based advanced technologies that help carry benefits to society at large. TERI now has staff strength of over 1000 employees, drawn from a range of disciplines and experience, supported by infrastructure and facilities, which are world class and distinctively state-of-the-art. The Forestry and Biodiversity Group, of TERI has major research interest in technical forestry, participatory forestry approaches, governance, rehabilitation of degraded areas, CDM and REDD Plus, monitoring and evaluation, biodiversity studies, livelihoods, medicinal plants, capacity building activities, economic analysis and issues of forest policy and law. The Centre for Global Environmental Research (CGER) has expertise in global environmental issues, climate change negotiations, climate adaptation and mitigation strategies among several other areas. The Plant Biotechnology Group of TERI has cutting edge expertise in the area of biotechnological interventions in forestry and in cell culture techniques. (Link: http://www.teriin.org/index.php) Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow, is one of the premier national level Institutes of Management in India, involved in generating and imparting knowledge in the field of management. Since its inception in 1984, the guiding philosophy of the Institute, throughout, has been creation of knowledge, influencing management practices and integrating globally. The Institute tries to achieve its objectives through its well designed and globally recognized various Postgraduate Programmes in Management, by undertaking consulting assignments to provide management solutions to corporate and non-corporate sectors, and by conducting Management Development Programmes for enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of working executives/officers. The Institute conducts cutting edge // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 49 research in various domains of management for generating new knowledge. This truly global management school offers Postgraduate Programme in Management (PGPM), Postgraduate Programme in Agribusiness Management (PGPABM), Part Time Postgraduate Programme in Management for Working Managers (WMP), International Programme in Management for Executives (IPMX), Fellow Programme in Management (FPM). IIM Lucknow stands tall on the foundation of an excellent, committed and deeply knowledgeable faculty, innovative and unique pedagogical tools and an eclectic and diverse student community that has a burning desire to make new paths of its own. In last three years, approximately 300 officers of Indian Forest Service (IFS), 207 officers of Indian Economic Service (IES), 150 officers of Indian Statistical Service (ISS) have participated in various Advanced Management Programmes conducted by us. In the same period, we have conducted General Management Programmes for about 146 probationers of Indian Economic Service (IES), Indian Statistical Service (ISS), and Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IAAS). In total, in last three years IIM Lucknow has conducted 325 programmes in which a total of about 6500 participants have participated. (Link : http://www.iiml.ac.in/) University of Eastern Finland With approximately 13000 students and 3000 members of staff, the University of Eastern Finland is one of the largest universities in Finland. The university has campuses in Joensuu, Kuopio and Savonlinna. The operations of the new university underscore multidisciplinarity. The four faculties of the University of Eastern Finland, i.e. the Philosophical Faculty, the Faculty of Science and Forestry, the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, offer teaching in more than 100 major subjects. The School of Forest Sciences, University of Eastern Finland (UEF) conducts leading edge research in forestry and environmental management and policy, and has hosted many centers of excellence in education and research at the national and at the EU level. University of Eastern Finland is holding a UNEP partnership and has carried out a special training course on international environmental diplomacy. The School of Forest Sciences has given a special contribution to the development of international training networks such as the European Silva network and the global IPFE network. Value of UEF Training Connecting people in the strong networks in Finland and in the European union Offering contacts to global forest industries Providing in depth knowledge and practical solutions for rural development in forested regions Strong international perspective – over 50% of graduate students are from outside Finland and are educated jointly in an Erasmus Mundus or CBU consortium 50 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Offers a truly global view - School doing long-term research throughout the world Strong and long experience in high-level training Strong connections and ongoing collaborations with forestry and environmental management practitioners; a strong applied focus to teaching and research. (Link: www.uef.fi , www.uef.fi/metsa) Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies As a Professional School, the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES) seeks to provide unequalled education and training in the multiple dimensions of contemporary environmental issues toward developing solutions for a more sustainable future. The overriding objective is to provide the next generation of national and international leaders with the knowledge, skills and experience needed to advance environmental decision making, formulate effective solutions to enhance environmental goals, and meet the challenges and opportunities of environmental management, in ways that provide broad, sustainable, resilient and equitable advances for human well-being in a complex and interdependent world. In the Doctoral Program F&ES provides opportunities for our students to conduct outstanding scholarly research that generates new knowledge and understanding that is relevant to major problems and opportunities in environmental management and sustainable development. In the Masters Programs F&ES provides broad-based training in environmental science, management and policy tailored to the needs of individual students built on a sound foundation of fundamental concepts and skills. In Yale College, F&ES provides opportunities for all undergraduates to develop their understanding of environmental concepts, issues and challenges. In the Environmental Studies major, F&ES offers students a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary program that will enable them to comprehend the dimensions of environmental issues and how current environmental challenges can best be addressed. Since its founding in 1900, the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies has been in the forefront of developing a science-based approach to forest management, and in training leaders world-wide. The Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry, established in 2000, continues this tradition. Its mission is to integrate, strengthen and direct the School’s forestry research, education and outreach to address the challenges of sustaining forests in the 21st century and a globalized world. The Global Institute fosters leadership through innovative programs, activities, and research to support sustainable forest management both domestically and worldwide. // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 51 Value of Yale Training Exposure to world-renown experts for high-level discussions Over 100 years’ experience training environmental leaders Offers a truly global view – over 30% of students are from outside the United States; faculty and students conduct research all over the globe. Faculty strong on thinking “outside the box” and challenging existing views; will provide an outstanding platform for participants to debate key India policy issues Strong and long experience in high-level training Strong connections and ongoing collaborations with forestry and environmental management practitioners including the US Forest Service; a strong applied focus to teaching and research. (Link: http://environment.yale.edu/) Wildlife Trust of India Wildlife Trust of India is a national conservation organisation committed to effective action for the protection of India’s natural heritage. WTI’s principal objectives include managing or preventing wildlife crises and mitigating threats to individual wild animals, their populations and habitats through holistic strategies and practical interventions. WTI works with the mission to conserve wildlife and its habitat and to work for the welfare of individual wild animals, in partnership with communities and governments. WTI’s vision is ‘A secure natural heritage of India ‘. WTI works on species recovery, rescue and rehabilitation, enforcement and law, securing habitats, wild aid and works closely with communities for reducing their dependence on wildlife and securing wildlife habitat. (Link: http://wti.org.in/oldsite/) Forum of Environmental Journalists (FEJI) The Forum of Environmental Journalists (FEJI) in India: FEJI is a national network of around 500 professional, Indian journalists, writing on, or interested in learning more, on environmental issues of concern. It is a public charitable Trust, first set up in 1988 by Darryl D’Monte in Mumbai and now reconstituted in Bangalore. Its honorary office bearers are all professional journalists. With strong ties to International Forum for Environmental Journalists and to senior editors and journalists in South Asia, FEJI conducts media training, study tours, media fellowships, lectures and activities that fit the organization’s mandate of environmental dissemination. (Link: www.feji.org.in) 52 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // General Information about Host Cities Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India About the City: Lucknow is popularly known as the The City of Nawabs. It is also known as the Golden City of the East, Shiraz-i-Hind and The Constantinople of India. Lucknow stands out as a city that takes pride in the endearing but subdued articulation of its essence and identity. Its mystical elegance and amorous ethos rarely fail to fascinate a perceptive mind. Indeed, it is difficult to remain unimpressed by its ‘tehzeeb’ (cultural refinement), hospitality, politesse, cuisines and ‘Shaam-e-Awadh’. At the same time, Lucknow is placed among the fastest growing cities of India and is rapidly emerging as a manufacturing, commercial and retailing hub. This unique combination of rich cultural traditions and brisk economic growth provides Lucknow with an aura that refuses to fade away. Weather: Lucknow has a warm humid subtropical climate with cool, dry winters from December to February and dry, hot summers from April to June. The rainy season is from mid-June to mid-September. For further information visit: http://lucknow.nic.in/ Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India About the City: Dehradun is the capital city of the state of Uttarakhand in the northern part of India. Dehradun is located in the Doon Valley on the foothills of the Himalayas nestled between two of India’s mightiest rivers - the Ganges on the east and the Yamuna on the west. The city is famous for its scenic landscape and pleasant climate and provides a gateway to the surrounding region. Dehradun is also renowned for its natural resources, publishing services and particularly for its prestigious educational institutions. It hosts some of India’s best schools and institutions of national importance such as the IMA, FRI, IIRS, WII, ONGC, IIP, DRDO. Weather: The climate of Dehradun is generally temperate, although it varies from tropical; from hot in summers to severely cold, depending upon the season and the altitude of the specific location. The nearby hilly regions often get snowfall during winter, but although the temperature in Dehradun can reach below freezing during severe cold waves this is not a frequent occurrence. For further information visit: http://dehradun.nic.in/ // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 53 Connecticut, United States of America Weather: In Connecticut summers are humid and very warm, with temperatures exceeding 90 °F (32 °C) on 7–8 days per year. Winters are cold with moderate snowfall interspersed with rainfall and occasionally mixed precipitation. The average June temperatures are; Month June Average high °C 27.1 Average low °C 16.6 Precipitation mm 101.2 Food and drink: Both bottled and tap water are safe for consumption. Tap water is regulated (by the EPA) to be safe when coming from the tap, and bottled water is regulated (by the FDA) to be safe when bottled. Variety of food options are available, suiting individuals taste and preferences. Money and shopping: USA uses Dollar. The current exchange rate is approximately 1 USD= 59.92 INR. International Visa and Master cards are all accepted in USA. Time: Time there is five hours behind of Greenwich Mean Time. The daylight saving time is +1 hour Smoking: The Connecticut state has restrictions on smoking in restaurants, government and private worksites. Electricity: Electrical current is 110V (120V), 60 Hz. Flat pin plugs are used – Type A and B. Telephone numbers: The telephone country code for USA is +1. For further information visit - http://www.cityofnewhaven.com/ Finland Weather: Weather in Helsinki enjoys a climate varying between maritime and continental. In summer (June to September), temperatures range 15 to 30 °C, with plenty of sunshine. A cool autumn (October to November) leads into a very cold winter (December to March), when there is lots of snow, it is dark almost all day long and the sea can freeze over. The spring (April to May) is short but cool, fresh and vibrant. The average June temperatures are: Month June Average high °C 20.2 Average low °C 11.6 Precipitation mm 81.2 Food and drink: You can drink the tap water in all Finnish towns and villages; it’s very clean and delicious. Finnish food is of a very high hygiene standard. 54 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // Money and shopping: Finland uses the euro (EUR, €). The exchange rate is approximately the following: 1 € ~ Rs 82.38 INR. International Visa and Master cards are all accepted in Finland. Time: The Finnish time is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. Smoking: The non-smoking policy is very strict in Finland, meaning that smoking is prohibited in all public facilities (schools, busses, bus stops, shopping malls etc). Cafés, bars and restaurants are normally smoke free too. On the campus of the University of Eastern Finland, smoking is allowed only at marked smoking points outside. Electricity: Electrical current in Finland is 220V (230V), 50 Hz. Plugs used are Type C and F. Telephone numbers: The telephone country code for Finland is +358. General emergency number: 112 For further information visit - http://www.visitfinland.com/ Saint Petersburg, Russia Weather: St Petersburg’s White Nights, which run from the end of May through to midJuly, are legendary. Saint Petersburg has humid continental climate. Distinct moderating influence of the Baltic Sea cyclones result in warm, humid and short summers and long, cold wet winters. From late May onwards, the weather is normally warm and humid, but not excessively so and evenings can be cooler even when the sun is still shining, so it’s worth bringing at least one warm sweater. The average temperature for the month of June is as follows: Month June Average high °C 24 Average low °C 14 Precipitation mm 78 % humidity 72 Food and drink: It is not recommended to drink tap water. Bottled water is a safer choice. Food is of a very high hygiene standard and various options are available to suit individual preferences. Money and shopping: Russia uses Rouble. The exchange rate is approximately 1 Rouble ~ Rs1.67 INR. International Visa and Master cards are all accepted in Russia Time: The Russian time is four hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. Smoking: As per Russian anti-smoking law, smoking is officially banned in public areas including workplaces, stairwells of apartment buildings and near schools and hospitals. It also sets minimum prices for cigarettes and allows for higher tobacco taxes. // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // 55 Electricity: Electrical current in Russia is 220V (230V), 50 Hz. Plugs used are Type C and F. Telephone numbers: The telephone country code for Russia is +7. For further information visit - http://www.stpete.org/ 56 // TERI University led Consortium Mid-Career Training of IFS Officers // www.ignfa.gov.in/ www.teriuniversity.ac.in/ www.teriin.org/index.php www.iiml.ac.in/ www.wti.org.in/oldsite/ www.uef.fi www.environment.yale.edu/ www.feji.org.in
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