Volume 7 Issue 1 September 2014 Helen E. Taylor School Principal’s Message Helen E. Taylor School PWSD76 Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! I am excited about this new school year! We have a wonderful group of students, great staff and many superb programs being offered! Please be aware that the Student-Parent Handbook which can be found on our website.. If you wish to have a paper-version, please call the school. Our school profile, programs, complete staff list, as well as policies and procedures can be found in this handbook. Parents and family members are always welcome to attend our assemblies, special events and especially the many exciting team-building, school-spirit activities that will take place throughout the year. Helen E. Taylor School holds regular monthly assemblies, The Advantage Hockey Academy, HET Running Club, Drama Club, sports teams, swimming lessons, Roots of Empathy, a two-day ski trip, Science Fair, Math Day and field trips! We are especially excited about the Grade nine trip to Italy in April and the Grade Six Edmonton trip in May! Look for more information later on about these trips! Please be aware that both trips will involve a substantial amount of fundraising and we will need your support in this area. Bottles can be dropped off at the school at any time! Thank you! Our school strives to build strong partnerships within our school & community. Your child will bring home your HET Calendar Fridge Magnet showing important 2014-15 school dates. A monthly School Newsletter will also be sent home to each family, and will be posted on our school website. If you do not wish to receive paper copies of the school newsletter and would rather they be emailed to you, please call the school office. If you have an email address that you check regularly, please provide this address to the school. In this day of digital communication, emails are often a quicker and more reliable way of communicating and reaching each other. Please complete the slip on the back of this newsletter and return it to the school as soon as possible. This information is for school use only and will not be shared with anyone. Please remember, that as your principal, I strongly believe in open, honest communication between stakeholders. If you have questions, concerns or ideas, please take the time to call or drop in to see me. I look forward to meeting and re-connecting with all of you! Sincerely, Lynda Miller, Principal Final School Council Meeting for the School Council 2013-14 school year is September 9 @ 6:30 pm Helen E. Taylor School Library Thank you to the 2013-14 School Council Executive for your efforts & dedication! Tuesday, September 9 5:30-6:30 pm Students must be accompanied by an adult Helen E. Taylor School Teachers & Staff CHAIR: Jessica McKinlay PAST CHAIR: Joe LaValley VICE-CHAIR: Cheryl Yewell SECRETARY: Linda Toerper TREASURER: Anna Underwood ELEMENTARY GRADE REPS: Shannon Obst Trinaca Thiessen JR. HIGH GRADE REPS: Anna Underwood Wendy Doerksen Grade 5L: J oelanne Liland Grade 5G: Rane Gr inde Grade 6: Danika Hynes Sarah McDonald Grade 7: Candice Collins Grade 8: Dawn Mar ie Balsiky Josh Boettcher Grade 9: Rob Robinson Educational Assistants: Belinda Sieker Lisa Wiseman Anna Underwood Inside this issue: Principal Message Welcome Back BBQ Librarian: J anice Willsey Page 1 School Council 1 Things to Know 2 HET Advantage! 3 Discipline Policy 4 September Calendar 5 Return Your Slip 5 Admin. Assistant: Rene Metituk Principal: Lynda Miller Principal Designate: Rob Robinson Bus Drivers: Lorna Dahl Diana Ketchum Ruth Sieker Char Majoros Chris Stacey May Blew Shannon Obst Electronic Devices: Helen E. Taylor School staff accepts no responsibility for personal electronic devices such as Cell Phones, IPods, MP3 Players or Lap Tops, whether they are in student lockers, on teacher desks or signed in at the office. Cameras, and their use at school, are not allowed unless prior permission has been received from a teacher. Due to privacy issues and the potential for disruption, cell phones must remain “off and away” at all times. Personal use of devices includes NO TEXTING and NO TALKING during the school day. This includes during lunch breaks and recess. Students may carry their personal device on their person, HOWEVER the device must be powered off. The only exception to this rule is when a teacher or staff person gives his/her permission during specific school-related activities. Cell phones are not allowed in the gym change rooms or during exams at any time due to picture-taking capabilities. FIRST OFFENCE of Electr onic Device misuse: The electr onic device will be kept in the office until picked up by a parent. SECOND OFFENCE of Electr onic Device misuse: The student will r eceive an In-school suspension and the phone or electronic device will be kept in the office until picked up by parent. Check with your bus driver, as IPod’s & MP3 Players may or may not be allowed on the school bus to and from school. Dress Code Reminders *Students need suitable clothes for physical education and shop. JH students are required to wear appropriate gym clothing as part of their Phys. Ed. mark. *Clothing should be clean, tidy and appropriate to an educational setting. No midriff skin or beach wear is allowed at Helen E. Taylor School. *Students are to avoid wearing design or word motifs that are suggestive, indecent or contain profanity. *Students are to avoid wearing “colors” or other items of dress that may suggest gang-related behaviors. *Hats worn indoors are only allowed on “casual Fridays”. Hats must be kept in student lockers. Appropriate underwear is to be worn not seen. *Skirts must be a reasonable length. When arms are hanging down, the edge of the skirt must meet the finger tips. *Short-shorts are not allowed. *No spaghetti-strap tops or tops that expose underwear are allowed. If in doubt, please call the school and speak to a staff member. FNMI First Nations Métis Inuit Support Success for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students Alberta Education is committed to improving education outcomes for First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) students and to closing the gap in education achievement between FNMI and other provincial students. First Nations and Métis leaders and FNMI parents and families work together to support student success through collaborative partnerships with schools and by developing culturally relevant programs, resources and student supports. FCSS Family Community Support Services The County of Grande Prairie FCSS School Liaison Program will be available to our school again this year! The purpose of the School Liaison Program is to improve the quality of life for children and families by: Offering resources & programs to students that will develop an increased awareness about themselves & others Providing services that support the students academic functioning Support relationships through a wide range of counseling services Our School Liaison Worker for 2014-15 is Gabrielle Boulet-Frattni SHP Student Health Program The Student Health Program was developed and is directed through a partnership among school divisions, Child and Family Services Authority and Alberta Health Services. SHP works with parents, teachers and others involved with the child to ensure a comprehensive understanding of problems and to take a coordinated, collaborative approach to assisting the child. A therapist may consult with other school based service providers and/or develop and oversee a plan to meet the goals for the child and/or provide therapy. A referral process for this service is followed and is made through the child's school (teacher/principal). Once the referral is made, the SHP Therapist will arrange to see the child at the school during school hours. Our Student Therapist for 2014-15 is TBA Helen E. Taylor School ROCKS! Our School Liaison Worker for 2013-14 is Bonnie Belcourt The Student Incentive Program is intended to be an effective way of recognizing and acknowledging positive student behaviors within our school. PIANO Lessons at HET Student names are recorded on ROCKS cards and entered into random draws for prizes! Piano instruction is offered at all levels. Students can prepare for Royal Conservatory exams, Canada Conservatory exams, theory exams or just learn to play the piano for their own enjoyment! Students will be allowed to leave class to take their individual piano lesson in the music room at HET on Thursday mornings. The exact time will be arranged in consultation with HET teachers. Please call Gwen Bartek at 780-832-0852 Complete GPRC Fine Arts Conservatory registration packages are available in the office. What does ROCKS stand for? R-Respect O-Ownership C-Cooperation K-Kindness S-Safety Random Draws are made at each monthly assembly All names are entered in to win BIG Mega Year-end Prizes! HELEN E. TAYLOR SCHOOL DISCIPLINE POLICY and PROCEDURES OUR MISSION: At Helen E. Taylor School, maintaining the dignity of each person is critical in managing behavior. We believe in the responsibility model. Teaching individuals to take responsibility for their behavior is more motivating in creating behavioral change than teaching individuals to be obedient in order to avoid punishment. B- Behave respectfully E- Empathize with others S- Stand up for others T- Treat others with respect “Discipline is a noun, something all children should possess. Discipline is not a verb, something we do to children.” Maria Montessori BULLYING is defined as: When a person is the target, over time, of repeated negative actions. When one person has more power, so the person being victimized feels they can’t defend him/herself. When a person, who is the target, may feel embarrassed, hurt, scared, and/or angry UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIORS Unacceptable behaviors are those that interfere with the safety and well being of ALL staff and students. They include all aspects of bullying: Physical Aggression – pushing, grabbing, hitting, pinching, spitting, tripping, etc. Social Alienation – gossiping, embarrassing others, ethnic slurs, excluding from a group, etc. Verbal Aggression – mocking, put-downs, swearing at others, etc. Intimidation – threatening others to do something, threatening with a weapon, playing a dirty trick, etc. Sexual Harassment – remarks, gestures, or actions of a sexual nature Cyber Bullying – Using the Internet to bully another person by means of e-mail, chat rooms, social media, etc. RED SLIP PROGRAM The Red Slip is a written record that is kept in the office for the remainder of the year. The Red Slip records the following: Verbal Warnings given to student for Infractions Assignment of consequence and Caring Behavior as chosen by the student The Red Slip is completed and sent to the principal by the end of the day. At the end of the day the teacher will contact the parent. Should the student continue to display inappropriate behaviors after repeated warnings, he-she will be sent directly to the office. Should a student receive two or more Red Slips in one day, he-she will automatically be sent to the office. Should the infraction be of a serious nature, the student will be referred immediately to the principal and the parents will be contacted. In-school suspensions are usually served in the time-out room located in the office. This area is supervised by staff and students receive regular breaks as required. Infractions: Displaying Disrespectful Behavior Inappropriate hallway behavior Name calling Late for school / class Littering Throwing objects Inappropriate dress Bus issues Lack of diligence in pursuing studies Consequences: Verbal reminder Student removed from situation Detention School Chores Students phones home Note/email home from teacher Major Infractions: Displaying Disrespectful Behavior Fighting/Willful injury to others Bullying Use of alcohol/drugs/tobacco Vandalism Theft/Extortion Repetitive minor infractions Leaving school boundaries Willfully disobedient Open opposition to authority Consequences: Administrative involvement Parents informed Detention Loss of privileges In-school suspension Out-of-school suspension Documentation in cume file CARING BEHAVIORS Written note of apology Spoken apology Written reflection about the incident Teaching Opportunity Public Service Announcement Student Lesson Community Service DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES: Step 1: Teachers deal with any inappropriate student behaviors immediately and consistently. These minor infractions are to be documented by the teacher according to the Red Slip program. Step 2: Should the child continue to display inappropriate behavior after the 3 rd warning and the assignment of consequences, the teacher will send the student to the office. That child will be assigned an In-school suspension for the remainder of that day and possibly the next day. The administrator will contact the parents. Step 3: Following an in-school suspension, if the inappropriate behavior persists, the school administrator will notify the parents and request a meeting with the parents. At this meeting, the students’ teachers will review the student’s behavior and the parents will be informed that further escalation of inappropriate behavior will result in suspension from school. Step 4: Further inappropriate behavior will result in a suspension from school, not exceeding 5 school days as per PWSB #33 policy IGD – Student Suspension. Serious violations of student conduct will be referred to the Principal immediately and may be escalated to Step 3 or 4 depending on the severity of the incident. A copy of this Discipline Policy will go home with students on the first day of school. It must be returned to the school with a Parent Signature. September 2014 Calendar! SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 Labor Day No School WEDNESDAY 2 3 THURSDAY FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY 5 Student First Day Back! 6 Wembley Parade & Demolition Derby Intramural Team Building Fun all Week!! 7 8 Staff Meeting Early Dismissal 9 10 11 Welcome Back BBQ 5:30-6:30 pm 12 13 19 20 CSW No School School Council Annual General Meeting 6:35 pm 14 15 16 17 18 School Photo Day! 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 CSW No School 28 29 30 2014-15 School Fees Grade 5 6 7 8 9 Texts Supplies P.A. 50.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 60.00 5.00 60.00 40.00 60.00 40.00 School fees for Budget include: Swim Cultural Rec Fees Agendas 60.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 10.50 5.00 7.00 7.00 10.50 5.00 14.00 10.50 5.00 14.00 10.50 5.00 14.00 Total 159.00 109.50 94.50 129.50 129.50 Textbooks, Photocopying, Supplies, Practical Arts, Swim fees, Cultural events, Agendas Recreational Fees, Busing School Fees are payable at the main office and can be made by cash or cheque. Sorry, debit is not available. All School Fees paid PRIOR to October 1, 2013 will be entered into a draw! You may win the cost of your school fees back! Should you be encountering financial difficulties, please call the school principal. There are various payment options available for school fees, such as posted-dated cheques, monthly payments or working your school fees off. September 2014 Newsletter Return Slip To encourage students to deliver the newsletter to their parents, we will be drawing for a Family Movie Pass Please have your child return this slip to his/her teacher or write a note to the teacher stating you have read it on-line! Student’s Name: _________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ______________________________ My Email Address is: ______________________________________________ If prefer to be contacted by: _____ Email ______ Phone _____ Both Email & Phone
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