Rushden Site, Monoworld Environmental Impact Assessment MMA Project Number: 12963 Date: 14/10/2014 Produced by: Mark Chandler Revision: R0 Issued by: MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd Summer Field House 99 Old Bath Road, Charvil, Reading, Berkshire, RG10 9QN Tel: +44 (0) 0118 321 5636 Fax: +44 (0) 0118 321 5636 CONTENTS RUSHDEN SITE, MONOWORLD EXTERNAL LIGHTING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Clause Description Page No. 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Legal Requirements 3 3.0 Site Location 4 4.0 Baseline Conditions 5 5.0 Proposed Lighting 5 6.0 Conclusion 7 MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd – Rushden Site, Monoworld - Environmental Impact Assessment 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION This external lighting environmental impact assessment is a desk top exercise to establish the baseline conditions and the likely impact to the surrounding environment of the proposed lighting at the Rushden Site proposed by Monoworld 2.0 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS This section summarises government policy on the environment with respect to external lighting. 2.1 Statutory Documents The research paper ‘clean neighbourhoods and environment bill’, bill 11 of 200405 suggests under Town and County Planning (assessment of environmental effects) Regulations 1988, developers should submit an assessment of the impact proposed external lighting will have on the environment. While not specifically requiring external lighting schemes to be submitted for approval it does suggest planning authorities have the right to request such information as part of the approval process. “The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 has made light pollution a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, which came into force on 6th April 2006.”(1)Section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (c43) is amended as follows: "artificial light emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance." Although this specific act refers to artificial light emitted from a premises it is good practice to ensure any newly installed external street lighting does not emit light on property frontages. Nor should any new installation produce excessive upward light (know as light pollution) or be installed so as to ‘over light’ any street in relation to the external street lighting requirements detailed in the British and European lighting standards. No prescriptive limits or rules are set for such assessments, but the following guidance documents have been referred to while compiling this assessment and in producing the external street lighting design for this specific project: - British and European Standards for External Street lighting – BS5489:2013 - British and European Standards for the lighting out outdoor work places – BS EN 12464: 2014 - Guidance notes for the reduction of obtrusive light – The Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP). - Environmental considerations for exterior lighting – Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). - Outdoor Environment. Lighting guide 6 – CIBSE. MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd – Rushden Site, Monoworld - Environmental Impact Assessment 3 3.0 SITE LOCATION The proposed site location Rushden Site, Monoworld:- MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd – Rushden Site, Monoworld - Environmental Impact Assessment 4 4.0 BASELINE CONDITIONS The following describes the site in relation to existing sources of lighting. Sensitive receptors to light are identified. A review of areas and features of the landscape are also described. The proposed development at the Rushden Site for Monoworld will require an infill lighting system. Using table 12.1 below, it would indicate that the area would be classified as E2 Low District Brightness Areas. Table 12.1: Obtrusive Light Limitations for Exterior Lighting Installations Guidelines and threshold values for the environmental zones published by the ILP provides a guideline on technical limits Environmental Zones E1 - Intrinsically Dark Landscapes E2 - Low District Brightness Areas E3- Medium District Brightness Areas E4 - High District Brightness Areas Sky Glow UWLR (Max%) Light into Windows Ev (Lux) Before Curfew Light into Windows Ev (Lux) After Curfew Source Intensity I (Kcd) Before Curfew Source Intensity I (Kcd) After Curfew Building Luminance L (Cd/m2) Average Before Curfew 0 2 1 2.5 0 0 2.5 5 1 7.5 0.5 5 5 10 2 10 1 10 15 25 5 25 2.5 25 Notes to table: UWLR (Upward Light Ratio) is the maximum permitted percentage of luminaire flux that goes directly into the sky; Ev is Vertical illuminance in Lux; I is Light Intensity in Candelas; L is Luminance in Candelas per square metre. 5.0 PROPOSED LIGHTING The proposed lighting scheme will ensure that the neighbouring residences do not have light spillage onto their property as that would be deemed to be unacceptable in line with current guidelines. It is proposed that the lighting impact can be minimised by using accepted methods of lighting control, essentially limiting illuminance and controlling light spill. It is proposed that the external lighting shall be installed on an 8m column. There will also be the requirement for some building mounted LEDs. Generally lighting shall be selected to provide safety and security without polluting the boundary site residents. All luminaires are to have electronic control gear. The lamps specified for this lighting scheme are 15 klm LEDs, these are of a white light source to similarly match what is currently installed All new lighting has been designed in accordance with BS EN 12464: 2014, with the lighting class shown below having been agreed with Monoworld for the type of usage of the site. MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd – Rushden Site, Monoworld - Environmental Impact Assessment 5 Working Area (5.7.1) – Agreed with client Eave = 20 Lux Uo = 0.25 Within the lighting calculations and detailed lighting drawing (MMA12963-001) the spill lighting from the site has been shown using a 1 Lux contour line from the site. This is in accordance with the 1 Lux minimum levels through windows for an environmental zone E2 taken from the ILP obtrusive lighting report: 2011. Should the proposed fittings be assessed as intrusive, it would be possible to fit a rear shields to the WRTL Luma LED unit, however it would need to be a generic shield rather than a manufacturer specific unit. For the flood lighting units a lantern inclination of 60 degrees has been used within the calculation, as it appears the existing floods use a 60 degrees tilt. The proposed WRTL Luma LEDs use a 5 degree lantern inclination and achieve a G4 glare rating. G4 would be deemed as excellent in terms of reducing glare and comparable with what we would expect to see on a trunk road lighting scheme. A flood light would omit far more glare than the units we have specified. Within this design we have only included the proposed forecourt area of the new building and used the existing lighting as contribution only. We have not considered the remainder of the site. This is the area requested by Monoworld. An image of the existing flood lighting unit has been sent to the manufacturer. They have then advised us of the specification currently installed. Monoworld will need to confirm this is correct and matches what is already installed. The manufacturer has stated the existing flood lights are 250w HQI with a colour temperature of 4000k. The match this we have specified neutral white LEDs which are also 4000k colour temperature so the white light colour will match on site. Below is an image of the unit proposed (available side entry and post top): - MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd – Rushden Site, Monoworld - Environmental Impact Assessment 6 6.0 CONCLUSION Desk top assessments on the proposed site and development indicate (with respect to identified sensitive receptors) that overall surrounding light pollution levels will not be significantly influenced by the proposed development. It is proposed that the lighting impact can be minimised using accepted methods of lighting control, essentially limiting illuminance and controlling light spill. These accepted methods have all been adopted within the proposed lighting design to keep the overall impact of the lighting to a minimum. Due to the specification of the equipments the proposed lighting system with be very energy efficient so the drain on natural resources will also be kept to a minimum. In summary it is our considered opinion that the proposed development will not have any significant negative impact on the immediate environment with respect to lighting pollution or energy usage and that all sensible steps have been taken within the design stage of this lighting scheme to keep the impact to the environment to a minimum. Prepared By: th Mark Chandler 14 October 2014 ……………………… (Signed) ………………………………. (Print Name) ………………..…… (Date) Reviewed By: th Simon Winch 14 October 2014 ……………………… (Signed) ………………………………. (Print Name) ………………..…… (Date) MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd – Rushden Site, Monoworld - Environmental Impact Assessment 7 DATE: 13 October 2014 DESIGNER: MMA Lighting Consultancy PROJECT No: MMA12963 PROJECT NAME: Monoworld - Rushden Rushden Site - Monoworld 5m building mounted and 8m column Standard - BS EN 12464: 2014 Class - 5.7.1 Eave - 20 Lux Uo - 0.25 Outdoor Lighting Report PREPARED BY: Designed by: MMA Lighting Consultancy Ltd 99 Old Bath Road Summer Field House Charvil Reading RG10 9QN email: [email protected] tel: 0118 321 5636 fax: 0118 3215636 w:\clients\monoworld\rushden development\calculations\monoworld - rushden - area calculation.rtma DATE: 13 October 2014 DESIGNER: PROJECT No: MMA12963 PROJECT NAME: Monoworld - Rushden MMA Lighting Consultancy Layout Report General Data Dimensions in Metres Angles in Degrees Grid Origin 493727.0m x 267261.0m Area 96.1m x 96.3m Sample Spacing 1.50m x 1.50m Luminaires Luminaire A Data Luminaire B Data Supplier Supplier PHILIPS WRTL Type Type Luma 1 R6 Lamp(s) Lamp(s) 20-80 DS-CW 1 1800-18100 NW LED LampFlux(klm)/Colour HQI-T 250 250W Lamp Flux (klm) 15.00 NW/70 File Name SUPERIOR RANGE FLOODLIGHT 16.00 File Name LUMA 1A R6 DS-NW 1 15000 NW LED.ldt DFCPM250.ldt Maintenance Factor 0.67 Maintenance Factor 0.65 Lum. Int. Class G4 Lum. Int. Class None Lamp S/P Ratio 1.61 Lamp S/P Ratio 0.00 No. in Project No. in Project 4 11 Luminaire C Data Supplier PHILIPS WRTL Type Luma 1 R6 Lamp(s) 20-80 DS-CW 1 1800-18100 NW LED LampFlux(klm)/Colour 15.50 NW/70 File Name LUMA 1A R6 DS-NW 1 15500 NW LED.ldt Maintenance Factor 0.74 Lum. Int. Class G4 Lamp S/P Ratio 1.61 No. in Project 1 Layout No. Type X Y Height Angle Tilt Cant Out- Target Target Target reach X Y Z 1 B 493726.23 267359.39 7.00 351.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 2 A 493759.01 267329.61 5.00 335.00 5.00 0.00 0.40 3 A 493747.73 267309.16 5.00 331.00 5.00 0.00 0.40 4 A 493751.75 267316.76 5.00 331.00 5.00 0.00 0.40 5 B 493795.11 267314.95 7.00 215.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 6 B 493775.98 267279.10 7.00 102.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 7 B 493726.19 267359.51 7.00 245.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 8 B 493788.51 267331.52 7.00 209.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 9 B 493788.58 267331.59 7.00 285.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 10 B 493842.12 267294.66 7.00 271.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 5627722601 2 DATE: 13 October 2014 DESIGNER: PROJECT No: MMA12963 PROJECT NAME: Monoworld - Rushden MMA Lighting Consultancy Layout Continued No. Type X Y Height Angle Tilt Cant Out- Target Target Target reach X Y Z 11 B 493855.85 267288.30 7.00 269.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 12 B 493828.94 267305.41 7.00 183.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 13 B 493828.94 267305.40 7.00 294.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 14 B 493800.59 267265.36 7.00 3.00 60.00 0.00 0.40 15 A 493742.52 267298.75 5.00 331.00 5.00 0.00 0.40 16 C 493759.18 267274.31 8.00 67.00 5.00 0.00 0.40 5627722601 3 DATE: 13 October 2014 DESIGNER: PROJECT No: MMA12963 PROJECT NAME: Monoworld - Rushden MMA Lighting Consultancy Horizontal Illuminance (lux) Grid 1 grass 267357.31m mh cl 56.15 not lifted g bushes tarmac 7B 1B fl 58.88 bike store concrete up concrete tarmac sign concrete building up grass mh cl 58.61 UTL grass flag pole l/s turnstile brick setts concrete flag pole security light ic cl 58.85 rfc intercom up g ramp up mh cl 59.09 il 56.59 0.20∅ concrete area of trees (ht 8.00) mh cl 59.13 UTL security light concrete c/box ic cl 59.13 electrics g 2A brick setts mh cl 59.25 UTL (damaged) 9B 8B rubble trench concrete grass grass temporary building g g cover cl 59.16 UTL concrete up g mh cl 59.10 UTL 4A 5B gas pipe up mkr ramp up post tl 59.37 oil tank area of trees (ht 11.00) 3A oil tank ramp up g boll ramp up up concrete mh cl 59.09 UTL rough ground concrete boll g gas pipe 15A mh cl 59.20 UTL concrete 5.0 mh cl 59.40 il 57.64 0.35∅ brick/metal clad building roof level 68.62 boll 0.20∅ up boll g concrete 0.10∅ 6B 0.10∅ area of trees (ht 11.00) 0.15∅ up 16C g 0.10∅ mh cl 59.19 UTL boll/sign 0.10∅ 0.10∅ 0.10∅ ic cl 59.24 wfc grass rough ground mh cl 59.20 il 58.18 0.30∅ cover cl 59.09 wfc multi g 267261.00m brick setts g 0.05∅ 14B 0.10∅ 0.10∅ 493727.00m 493823.08m 0 22 44 66 87 Results Eav 20.86 Emin 5.28 Emax 87.33 Emin/Emax 0.06 Emin/Eav 0.25 5627722601 4
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