CURRICULUM VITAE SERAINA C. ANAGNOSTOPOULOU ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS-76 PATISSION ST 10434 ATHENS GREECE TEL +30 210 8203413 E-MAIL [email protected] DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH August 3rd 1979, Athens, Greece EDUCATION Oct. 2003-March 2007: Ph.D. - City University, Cass Business School, London, UK Ph.D. Thesis Title: ‘Accounting Valuation Issues on R&D’ Oct. 2001-June 2002: MSc - University of Reading, ICMA Centre, UK MSc in International Securities, Investment and Banking Oct. 1997-June 2001: BA - Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece BA in Economics Sept. 1991-June 1997: Greek-French School ‘Saint Joseph’, Athens, Greece CFA Charterholder ACADEMIC POSITIONS July 2013-present: Assistant Professor of Accounting, Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Sept. 2009-June 2013: Lecturer in Accounting (tenure-track), Department of Accounting and Finance, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Oct. 2009-Feb. 2013: External scientific collaborator, International Hellenic University (IHU), Thessaloniki, Greece- supervision/marking of MSc and MBA dissertations Oct. 2007-May 2012: Member of the teaching faculty of the Professional Seminar Series organised by the Centre for Executive Training (KEK) of the Athens University of Economics and Business March 2007-August 2009: Adjunct lecturer in Accounting, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Sept. 2005-June 2006: Teaching Assistant, Cass Business School, City University, London, UK RESEARCH INTERESTS Accounting quality and earnings management Market-based accounting research, financial statements analysis Economic consequences of the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Intangible assets/R&D expenses and firm valuation Financial analyst earnings’ forecasts Financial management in private (unlisted) vs. public (listed) firms Μergers and Acquisitions (M&As) - 1 -PAGE 1 OF 7 - NOVEMBER 1 2014 PUBLICATIONS IN (REFEREED) ACADEMIC JOURNALS 1. Anagnostopoulou, S.C., and Tsekrekos, A.E. (2014) ‘Accounting Quality, Information Risk and Implied Volatility around Earnings Announcements’, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, in press, DOI: 10.1016/j.intfin.2014.10.006. 2. Anagnostopoulou, S.C., and Tsekrekos, A.E. (2014) ‘Earnings Management in Firms Seeking to Be Acquired’, The British Accounting Review, in press, DOI: 10.1016/ 3. Ferentinou, A.C., and Anagnostopoulou, SC. (2014) ‘Accrual-based and Real Earnings Management Before and After IFRS Adoption: The Case of Greece’, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, forthcoming. 4. Anagnostopoulou, S.C., and Tsekrekos, A.E. (2013) ‘Do Firms that Wish to Be Acquired Manage their Earnings? Evidence from Major European Countries’, International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 30, pp. 57-68, DOI: 10.1016/j.irfa.2013.06.002. 5. Anagnostopoulou, S.C. (2013) ‘Cash Holdings: Determining Factors and Impact on Future Operating Performance for Listed vs. Unlisted Firms’, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Volume 16 (2), DOI: 10.1142/S0219091513500136. 6. Anagnostopoulou, S.C. (2014) ‘Analyst Forecast Dispersion, R&D and Stock Returns: Evidence from the UK’, Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, forthcoming, Volume 6 (Editor: Cheng F. Lee). 7. Anagnostopoulou, S.C. (2012) ‘Working Capital Management and Firm Listing Status’, Multinational Finance Journal, Volume 16 (3/4), pp. 1-41. 8. Anagnostopoulou, S.C. (2010) ‘Does the Capitalization of Development Costs Improve Analyst Forecast Accuracy?: Evidence from the UK’, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Volume 21 (1), pp. 62-83, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467646X.2009.01036.x. 9. Anagnostopoulou, S.C., and Levis, M. (2008) ‘R&D and Performance Persistence: Evidence from the UK’, International Journal of Accounting, Volume 43 (3), pp. 293320, DOI: 10.1016/j.intacc.2008.06.004. 10. Anagnostopoulou, S.C. (2008) ‘R&D Expenses and Firm Valuation: A Literature Review’, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Volume 16 (1), pp. 5-24, DOI: 10.1108/18347640810887735. BOOK REVIEWS (INVITED) Book review for ‘Mergers and Acquisitions: The Critical Role of Stakeholders’, by Helén Anderson, Virpi Havila and Fredrik Nilsson, Routledge, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-41553652-3, published in the quarterly Newsletter of the European Accounting Association, #43, Issue 3/2013, pp. 25-26, CHAPTERS IN EDITED VOLUMES 'The Impact of Research and Development Expenses on Analyst Forecast Revisions', 2014, to appear in volume in honour of Prof. Dimitrios Papadopoulos, University of Macedonia, Department of Accounting and Finance, Thessaloniki, Greece. - 2 -PAGE 2 OF 7 - NOVEMBER 2 2014 PRESENTATIONS AT (REFEREED) CONFERENCES WITH PUBLISHED PROCEEDINGS Paper Title: ‘Accounting Quality, Information Risk and Implied Volatility around Earnings Announcements’- with Andrianos Tsekrekos: - 2nd International Conference on Futures and other Derivative Markets (ICFDM) 2013, Renmin University, Beijing, China 11/2013 (presented by co-author) - European Accounting Association 2014 Conference, Tallinn, Estonia (also accepted for presentation at the British Accounting Association 2014 Conference, London, UK) Paper Title: ‘Accrual-Based and Real Earnings Management before and after IFRS Adoption: The Case of Greece’ - with Aikaterini Ferentinou: 12th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Accounting and Finance Association (HFAA) 2013, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece (presented by co-author) Paper Title: ‘Earnings Management in Firms Seeking to Be Acquired’ - with Andrianos Tsekrekos: - European Financial Management Association 2013 Conference, Reading, UK - European Accounting Association 2012 Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia - Multinational Finance Society 2011 Conference, Rome, Italy (presented by co-author) Paper Title: ‘The Effect of Financial Leverage on Real and Accrual-based Earnings Management’ - with Andrianos Tsekrekos: - European Accounting Association 2013 Conference, Paris, France - American Accounting Association 2012 Conference, Washington D.C., USA Paper Title: ‘Tax Incentives as Determinants of Accounting for and Spending on R&D: An International Analysis’ - with Apostolos Ballas: - European Accounting Association 2013 Conference, Paris, France (presented by co-author) - 4th International Conference in Accounting and Finance 2012, Corfu, Greece (presented by co-author) Paper Title: ‘Cash Holdings: Determining Factors and Impact on Future Operating Performance for Listed vs. Unlisted Firms’, 20th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management 2012, Rutgers University, NJ, USA Paper Title: ‘Analyst Forecast Dispersion, R&D and Stock Returns: Evidence from the UK’: - European Accounting Association 2011 Conference, Rome, Italy (presenter and discussant) - Multinational Finance Society 2010 Conference, Barcelona, Spain (presenter and discussant) - European Financial Management Association 2009 Conference, Milan, Italy (presenter and discussant) (also accepted for presentation at the Financial Management Association 2009 European Conference, Turin, Italy, and the VIII Workshop on Empirical Research in Financial Accounting, Seville, Spain, 2011) Paper Title: ‘Does R&D Influence Revisions in Earnings’ Forecasts as it Does with Forecast Errors?: Evidence from the UK’: - European Accounting Association 2008 Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands - European Financial Management Association 2008 Conference, Athens, Greece (presenter and discussant) Paper Title: ‘R&D and Performance Persistence: Evidence from the UK’ - with Mario Levis: - 5th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA) 2006, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece - 3 -PAGE 3 OF 7 - NOVEMBER 3 2014 - European Financial Management Association 2006 Conference, Madrid, Spain, - British Accounting Association 2006 Conference, Portsmouth, UK - European Accounting Association 2006 Conference, Dublin, Ireland - 1st EIASM Workshop on Intangibles 2005, Ferrara, Italy Paper Title: ‘R&D, Dispersion of Forecasted Earnings and Subsequent Returns: Evidence from the UK’ - with Mario Levis, European Accounting Association 2007 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal Paper Title: ‘R&D, Volatility and Rate of Growth of Forecasted versus Realised Earnings: Evidence from the UK’ - with Mario Levis, 1st International Conference in Accounting and Finance 2006, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece CONFEENCE PRESENTATIONS (WITHOUT PUBLISHED PROCEEDINGS) ‘R&D and Performance Persistence: Evidence from the UK’, European Accounting Association Doctoral Colloquium, Gullholmen, Sweden, 05/2005 British Accounting Association Doctoral Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK, 03/2005 SCHOOL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 2010-present: Editorial Board, International Journal of Accounting Reviewer (ad hoc - 2008-present): International Journal of Accounting, European Journal of Finance, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Applied Financial Economics, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Managerial Finance, Asia Pacific Management Review, Corporate Governance, American Accounting Association 2012 Meeting, Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association (HFAA) 2013 and 2014 Meetings Principal Contact Person with the CFA Institute, with regard to the participation of the MSc Programme in Accounting and Finance of the Athens University of Economics and Business in the University Recognition Programme organised by the CFA Institute, 2014present Faculty advisor - along with Associate Professor D. Giamouridis - of the university student team which competed in the CFA Institute Global Investment Research Challenge in 2011, 2012, and 2013 (winners of the national competition in 2011 and 2013, and competitors in the EMEA Region Challenge organised in Madrid, Spain, March 2011, and in London, UK, April 2013) Member of the Steering Committee of the MSc in Accounting and Finance of the Athens University of Economics and Business, 2011-2014 Representative of the Department of Accounting and Finance at the University Senate, 2010-2011 Member of the Department of Accounting and Finance website committee, 2010- present Co-organiser of the Department of Accounting and Finance Academic Seminar Series, 2009-2010 Ad hoc supervisor of students participating in the student work experience programme (Athens University of Economics and Business), 2010-present (>30 students) TEACHING EXPERIENCE Postgraduate: Cost Accounting, MSc in Accounting and Finance (full-time) course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2014 - 4 -PAGE 4 OF 7 - NOVEMBER 4 2014 Management Accounting, MSc in Accounting and Finance (part-time) course, 2007-2014, and MSc in Accounting and Finance (full-time) course, 2011-2014 Business Analysis and Valuation, MSc in Accounting and Finance (full-time) course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2008-2010 Dissertation guidance seminar, delivered to MSc in Accounting and Finance (with a specialisation in Accounting) full-time and part-time students, 2014-today Executive Seminar Series on IFRS organised by the Centre for Executive Training, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2007-2012 (IAS 2, IAS 24, IAS 33, IAS 38, IAS 40 and IFRS 6) Supervision (>35 theses)-marking (> 60 theses) of MSc dissertations, MSc in Accounting and Finance, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2007-2014 Supervision (3 theses)-marking (20 theses) of MSc dissertations, MSc in Banking and Finance, MSc in Management, and EMBA, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, 2009-2013 Marking of MSc dissertations (8 theses), MSc Executive Programme in Applied Economics and Finance, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2009-2012 Employed in the marking of exam scripts of university graduates in the civil servant recruitment examinations organised by the Greek Recruitment Board (ASEP), March-April 2007 Excel I & II, Cass Business School MSc Courses Induction module, tutor, September 2005 Undergraduate: Cost and Management Accounting, Erasmus Programme course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2014 Management Accounting, BSc in Accounting and Finance 3rd year course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2011-2014 Financial Accounting, BSc in International and European Economic Studies 1st year course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2010-2014 Accounting, BSc in Informatics 1st year undergraduate course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2008-2014 Introduction to Computerised Accounting and Finance, BSc in Statistics 2nd year course, Athens University of Economics and Business , 2010 Cost Accounting, BSc in Accounting and Finance 2nd year course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2010 Introduction to Accounting, BSc in International and European Economic Studies 1st year course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2007-2009 Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, Erasmus Programme course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2008 Principles of Financial Accounting, BSc in Accounting and Finance 1st year course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2007-2008 Principles of Financial Accounting, BSc in Economics 1st year undergraduate course, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2008 Introduction to Financial and Management Accounting, Cass Business School 1st year undergraduate course, teaching assistant, terms 1 & 2 - academic year 2005-2006 (module leader: Professor Dylan Thomas) Principles of Finance, Cass Business School 2nd year undergraduate course, teaching assistant, term 1 - academic year 2005-2006 (module leader: Professor Ian Marsh) PHD COMMITTEES Roumpelaki, Nektaria, ‘Implications of Earnings Management (Provisional)’, Department of Accounting and Finance, Athens University of Economics and Business, in progress - 5 -PAGE 5 OF 7 - NOVEMBER 5 2014 (supervisor, 2013-today). Apostolidi, Maria, ‘The Macroeconomic Nature of Aggregate Accounting Profitability’, Department of Accounting and Finance, Athens University of Economics and Business, April 2014 (examiner). WORK EXPERIENCE October 2006-April 2007: Alpha Bank, Athens, Greece Financial Reporting Analyst - Worked within the Financial Reporting Division (Banking supervision, Accounting and Management Information Systems - MIS sub-divisions) as a financial analyst August 2002-September 2003: Alpha Bank, Athens, Greece Corporate Treasury Sales Dealer - Worked in the Dealing Room, within the Treasury Division, giving information on the markets and negotiating repo, depo, loan, FX spot and forward rates with the bank’s big corporate customers LANGUAGES Greek: Native English: Cambridge Proficiency - 06/1993 French: Sorbonne II and DALF - 05/1996 Spanish: Diploma Superior de Español - 05/2004 German: Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung - 08/2000 Italian: CELI 4-Università di Perugia - 06/2000 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CFA Charterholder since September 2009 Awarded the certificate of the Client Advisor by the Athens Derivatives Exchange (ADEX), January 2003 (Result: 98%) ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP S 2003-2006 Awarded three-year doctoral bursary by the City University - Cass Business School 1997 Awarded scholarship by the Greek state for coming 6th in the University access Exams - 6 -PAGE 6 OF 7 - NOVEMBER 6 2014 OTHER INFORMATION Passed the examination and awarded the Introductory Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education by the City University Education and Training Centre in November 2005 Member of the European Accounting Association and the CFA Institute GMAT score of 690 (Percentile 92-11/2000) - 7 -PAGE 7 OF 7 - NOVEMBER 7 2014
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