Profile: P 1200 III Pivoting arm for exchanging III Interchangeable die tables die tables for D, B, BB and other sizes III Pressing compartment accessible from four sides III Compact design III latest machine technology and sturdy design III menu-driven control III Rapid die table changeovers result in increased annual productivity III High productivity of small batches for research and developement II Extremely easy cleaning II Minimal space requirement II User.friendly operation II Economical maintenance _Jror.~ 2 ml'I'I!'f~ [~mmimI 3 Versatility III Rapid die table changeover III Secure swing-out system for die table removal III Comprehensive, user-friendly technology and sturdy machine design I'i!IIErgonomic height III Precise die table positioning III Maximum 230.400 tablets/hour I'i!IIReproducible production parameters III Different levels of operator access I'i!IIHigh-performance basic equipment I'i!IIComprehensive 4 validation ~ 0 ~ ..j J c:: 0 u c:: .~0 ..jJ ~ ~ Q) ~ 0 '" Construction Number Punch of punch 32 30 24 20 EU 19 EU 19 EU1" BBS (IPTITSM (9) BB (IPTITSM 19) B (IPTITSM 1") 0 48.000 230.400 45.000 216.000 36.000 170.800 30.000 120.000 stations I EU 19 type min. max. Tablet Ou1putlh 20 EU 1".441 I 30.000 120.000 kN 80' 80 80 80 80 kN 50 50 50 50 50 Max. tablet diameter mm 11 13 16 25 25 Max. fillingdepth mm 18 18 18 18 (22) 18 (22) Max. tablet thickness mm 8,5 8,5 8,5 8,5 (11) 8,5(11) Pitch circle diameter mm 280 280 280 280 280 Die table rotation speed min' 25-120 25-120 25-120 25-100 25-100 Max. compression force Max. pre-compr. force Die diameter mm 22 24 0,16 38, Die height mm 22,22 22,22 2,22 23, 23.8 Punch shaft diameter mm 19 19 19 25. 5 25.35 mm 133.6 1 3,6 (133,35) mm 1-4 1-4 Punch length Upper punch penetr. depth Weights Power 133, Tablet press supply data ools only permit Operating up to 70 kN. If tools voltage 330-510 are large and filling depths I I (133.35) 133.6(1 1-4 V. 50/60 approx Hz. 38.1 3,35) 12500 kg. Total fusing are high the machine Operating 35 N6. cannot 133.6 1-4 rack 100 kg Power consumption be run at the highest 6,5 kW capacity. "",,~,,~~,,~, "",~. -,~ "",",.,. IIT~~~=~o II II !f'-'r ",_'m , , TSC/C-Trrmlnel ---""" "',.-""'. ,"'"""", Do , ""m ~~ ",<>0 ,,,,,.'-5m ,,,,,.,,,,,, , 1m1 ~ ~t 8 ~I!i ,<>.r""'m '''''''''''T--i--~ '''''''::''''.."''''''''=t!:::' ~~ [I '00Ji SO-6<>O 9 Global representation WILHELM FETTE GMBH FETTE ASIA PACIFIC Gerd HiifImann Grabauer Ste.24 . D-21493 Schwarzenbek Postfach 1180. D-21484 Schwarzenbek Tel.: Fax: e-mail: Internet: SAI KUNG POST OFFICE Hong Kong Telefon: + 852-2791 Fax: + 852-2791 5330 5390 Mobil: 0085298867648 FINLAND BANG & BONSEMER OY Iti1ahdenkatu 18 A ARGF.NTINA P.O.Box93 Machain4639 FlN-00211 Helsinki Tel.: 003589-68108222 Fax: 003589-6924174 11-56101, Yehud 30, Rue Roger Salengro BRAZIL Rua Bixira, 243 03119 Tel.: Fax: Mobil: -20 -Sao -Mo6ca Paulo -SP, Brazil 0055 1169665500 0055 1169665795 Schmidt-2ooo Ste. 78 1124Sofia Tel.: Fax: e-mail: 00359.2.9460110 00359.2-946 1343 [email protected] CHILE ALCAMAN Ltda., Representaciones Casil1a263 RCH-Correo30/Vitacura Tel.: 00562-2421979 Fax: 00562-2421979 e-mail: [email protected] CIS PETER BINDER GMBH SchelmenwasenstraBe 22 70567 Stuttgart (Fasanenbof) Tel.: 0711-7272570 Fax: 0711-72725757 Prozess & Verpackungslechnik Graf-Eberslein-Str. 87 Tel.: 005255596277 Fax: 005255751044 e-mail: [email protected] RICHARD Tel.: 0221-842041 Fax: 0221-840787 e-mail: [email protected] NEAR EASTiMIDDLEEAST ]OHS. RIECKERMANN MonckebergstraBe 10 20095 Hamburg Tel.: 04().32020141 Fax: 040-327752 e-mail: [email protected] Ingenieurbiiro Hans-Schullen-Str. 10 51109 Ktiln GREECE NETHERlANDS BIENFAIT Filter- & 351, Patission Streel GR-l1144 Athen Proceslechniek bv 00301-2025575/576 00301-2289558 04122-903911 04122-903939 [email protected] pam pharmaceutical and allied machinery company pvt. ltd. 127, Kandivili Industria1 Estate IND-Bombay-400 067 Tel.: 009122-8682650 Fax: 009122-8683091 e-mail: pam.ppamc@ MANES MACCHINE WT GU35 OAX Tel.: 0044 1420-473344 Fax: 0044 1420-488030 e.mail: [email protected] Via Pietro Colletta, 1-20135 Milano SRL Even better: -. SPAIN FARMA AI.IMENTA, Edificio ECU SI. NEW ZEAlAND (see China) 009221-443605 009221-4546105 PO\.Ai'l;"D TRADE & CONSUI.T LTD. ul. Szolc-Rogozinskiego 12135 p1-02-m Warszawa Tel.: 0048 22-6435995 Fax: 004822-6411938 e-mail: [email protected] (Madrid) Tel.: 003491-6400517 Fax: 003491-6400314 e-mail [email protected] SWITZERLAND LODAG Ingenieurbiiro fUr Verfaltrenslechnik AG EngelbergslraBe CH-6243Ego1zwil. ill Tel.: 004141-9803744 Fax: 004141-9804544 11\IWAN ATTRAGlAND INDUSTRIAL CO.,I.TD. P.O.Box 55-1507 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel.: 008862-25435076 Fax: 008862-25814295 e-mail: [email protected] n'RKEY ALKEM TEKNIK HIZMET Ltd. Sti. Hanimefendi Sok. No. 117/8 Ginar Apt. NO.8 TR-80260 Sisli!lstanbul Tel.: 0090212-2301383 Fax: 0090 212-2320093 e-mail: [email protected] VENEZUEI.A SERVIFARMA s.d. li: w ~ JiirgenBetz Apartado 76.167 Caracas 1070-A Tel.: 00582-2429069 Fax: 00582-2429069 e-mail: [email protected] ~~ G;~ j\l SOC. AVANC;:O, IDA Ruii Sao Francisco Xavier Tel.: 003902-5425181 Fax: 003902-55187194 e-mail: [email protected] why not come and visit us. Tel.: 0031325-530321 Fax: 0031235-422480 e-mail: [email protected] Tel.: Fax: SLOVENIA (see Croatia) PORTUGAL 27 -. The representatives in each country and the engineers Waarderweg 54 N1-2031 BP Haarlem PAKISK'I M.A. SAM! International 2991300-C, 2nd Floor, Main ThriqRoad P.O.Box 10574 PK-Karachi-75400 Uelersen IT.UY MACHINERY D.F. EUROPACK IlIi"DIA REPUBLIC information. 03100 Mexico, OHG SLOVAKREPUBLIC MRS. KUBECOVA Spitalska 33 81101 Bralislava Tel.: 0042 17-52964511 Fax: 004217.52921013 e-mail: [email protected] E-28230 Las Rozas Tel.: 06438-4204 Fax: 06438-5086 e-mail: Igritter.hans.maier@ Tel.: Fax: e-mail: (see Slovak Republic) Uni112, Higbview, GB-Bordon, Hampshire TRADIMPORT Adolfo Prielo 1219 CoL Del \\ilJe SCHULZ RUMAI~IA NOVA91 IMPORT-EXPORT S.R.L Calea Calarasilor 249, Bloc 65, ap 15 Sector 3, BucureSli Tel.: 0040 13275905 Fax: 004013227031 Mobil: 004092515099 Ctra. N-VI, km.23200 Spezialmaschinen GmbH RhonstraBe 7 65510 Hiinsletten 25429 CROATIA Branka Holland Biankinijeva19 10000 Zagreb Tel.: 00385 1641072 Fax: 00385 1641072 Mobil: 00385 982 368 22 JAPAN BOSCH Packaging Machinery K.K. Halchobori NF Bidg. 4F 2-21-6Halchobori ChuOoku, Tokyo 1~32 Tel.: 00813-32062821 Fax: 00813-32062822 e-mail: masaru.wada@ NOTES.BOSCH.DE MEXICO HUNGARY GINSBERG & BEIER GMBH AnSenhandeI Gr. Sand 38 (A.A.101566 - Postanschrift) Calle 121 No. 15A-23of. 302 Sanrare de Bogota, D.C. Tel.: 00571-2138172 Fax: 00571-2159206 e-mail: [email protected] ENGLAJ\"D EURO.PHARMA GmbH Karlsruhe Tel.: Fax: COLUMBIA I-PACKLTDA CZECH 00331-48776363 00331-48777770 Tel.: 0721-988333 Fax: 0721-883003 e-mail: [email protected] T.G. RITTER 0055 11 9272 8222 Georgiev Fontenay-sous-Bois Tel.: Fax: 76199 BULGARIA Evlogi F-94120 GERMANY PROPACK MAQUIDREX Michael Drechsler [email protected] Tel.: 009723-6322626 Fax: 009723-6322628 e-mail: ismapack@ inlemel-zahaz.nel ECOPAC S.A. BEI.GIUM (see France) 001 973-5860450 e-mail: ISRAEL PACKIS BeilNur,43HaatzmaulRoad P.O.B.255 FIlANCE AUSTRillA (see China) Fax: IREI.A1II"D (see England) JUAN R. WENTZEL RA-1430 Buenos Aires Tel.: 005411-45460667 Fax: 005411-45459036 e-mail: [email protected] 400 Forge Way Rockaway N.J. 07866 Telefon: 001 973-5868722 P.O. Box 224 +49 (0) 41 5112-0 +49 (0) 415183 33 71 [email protected] hnp:/! ALGERIA (see France) FETTE AMERICA (Repres. Office) 13-15 Tercena - 2754 Queluz Portugal Tel.: 00351-21-4392949 Fax: 00351-21-4392769 e-mail: [email protected] at our company headquarters Our Lab is very well equipped will be pleased for demonstrations to provide you with further and compression trials. ~.::; e= ,,0 ~c~0 .-.,,!!'" COO 'C..: "-Z
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