&,"lt* @//. E/""* TUSHARVORA & ASSOCIATES B.Com.,LL.B.(SPL.), F.C.S. V*rryt"ry &*ra"rr:" FORMNo.MGT-13 Report ofScrutinizer Act,20L3andRule21(2)of Companies (Management lPursuantto Section109of the Companies and AdministrationlRules,20141 To, The Chairman of 24thAnnual General Meeting of the members of AIA Engineering Limited, 115,GVMMEstate, OdhavRoad,Odhav, Ahmedabad-382410 The 24thAnnual General Meeting ofthe members ofAlA Engineering Limited (the Company) held on Thursday, the 11th September, Z0L4 at 10.00 A.M, at H. T. Parekh Convention Center, Ahmedabad ManagementAssociation,ATIRA Campus,Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Marg, Ahmedabad-15. DearSir, I, Tushar Vora, Practicing Company Secretary,appointedas Scrutinizerfor the purposeof the poll taken on the belowmentionedresolution(s), at the 24thAnnualGeneralMeetingof the EquityShareholders of AIA Engineering Limitedheld on Thursday,the 11thSeptember,2014 at 10.00A.M.at H. T. ParekhConvention Center,AhmedabadManagement Association, ATIRACampus,Dr. Vikram SarabhaiMar& Ahmedabad-15, submitmy reportasunder: 1. After the time fixed for closingof poll by the Chairman,one ballot box kept for polling was lockedin my presencewith due identificationmarks placedby me. 2. The lockedballot box was subsequently openedin my presenceand poll paperswere diligently scrutinized. The poll paperswere reconciled with the recordsmaintainedby the Company/Register andTransferAgentofthe Companyandthe authorizations/proxies lodgedwith the Company. 3. The poll papers,which were incompleteand/or which were otherwisefound defectivehavebeen treatedasinvalidand keptseparately. 4. Theresultofthe ooll is asunder: 52, Arpan Society,Nr. MayurHigh School,PaliyadNagar, Naranpura,Ahmedabad- 380013 Phone: 079-27912121 Mobile : 98258 45205 E-mail : [email protected] TUSITARVORAE ASSOCIATES Tonlor,VT7"ro B.Com., LLB. (SPL.), F.C.S. C"tgo-y Seqetazzs Item No.7 - Ordinary Resolution Resolutionto receive,considerand adoptthe AuditedBalanceSheetas at the year ended31st March2014andthe Statement of Profitand Lossof the Companyfor theyearendedon that date andtheReports 0ftheDirectors andAuditors thereon. 0J Votedin favourof resolution: NumberofMembers presentandvoting[in personor proxyl 18 Numberofvotescastby them (SharesJ % oftotal numberofvalid votescast 2769521 100 Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxyl Numberofvotescastby them (Shares) o/ooftotal numberofvalid votescast Nil N.A. N.A. 0lJ Votedagainstthe resolution: flll) InvalidVotes Totalnumberof memberspresentand voting Iin personor proxy) whosevotes weredeclaredinvalid Total number of votes cast by them (SharesJ 3 997963 Item No.2 - Ordinary Resolution Resolutionto declareDividendon EquitySharesfor the financialyearended31" March,2014. (l) Votedin favourofresolution: Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxyl 18 Numberofvotescastby them (Shares) % oftotal numberofvalid votescast 2769521 100 Numberof Members presentandvoting[in personor proxyl Numberofvotescastby them(Sharesl o/oof total number ofvalid votes cast Nil N,A, N.A. (lll Votedagainstthe resolution: (lll) InvalidVotes Totalnumberof memberspresentand voting(in personor proxyJwhosevotes weredeclaredinvalid Totalnumberofvotescastby them (SharesJ ArpanSociety,Nr-MayurHighSchool,paliyadNagar,Naranpura, _ gaOo Ahmeoaoao Phone:079-27912121,Mobile:982584S2OS, E_mail: [email protected] TASIIAR VORA & ASSOCIA'TES Tonl",,VZ7",o B.Com., LLB. (SPL.), F.C.S. G."gb-rJ, Seaetartiat . Item No.3 - Ordinarv Resolution Resolutionto appointa Directorin placeof Dr. S.Srikumar[DIN-01025579], who retiresby rotationandbeingeligible,offershimselffor re-appointment. (ll Votedin favourof resolution: Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor Droxvl 9 Numberofvotescastby them[Shares) o/oof totalnumberofvalid votescast 339788 12.27 Numberofvotescastby them(Shares) % of totalnumberofvalid votescast 2429733 87.73 (llJ Votedagainstthe resolution: Numberof Members presentandvoting[in personor proxvl 9 (lll) InvalidVotes Totalnumberof memberspresentand voting Iin personor proxy) whosevotes were declaredinvalid 3 Totalnumberofvotescastby them (Shares) 991,963 Item No.4 - Ordinarv Resolution Resolution to appoint M/s. Talati & Talati, Chartered Accountants [CAt Registration No.110758W1 as StatutoryAuditorsof the Companyto hold officefrom the conclusionof this meetinguntil the conclusion of the nextAnnualGeneralMeetingandto fix their remuneration. 0J Votedin favourof resolution: Numberof Members presentandvotingIin personor proxvl 1,2 Numberofvotescastby them(Shares) % oftotal numberofvalid votescast 1480855 53.+7 UI) Voted againstthe resolution: Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxy) Numberofvotescastby o/oof totalnumberofvalid voles cast 6 1,288666 46.53 (llll InvalidVotes Totalnumberof memberspresentand voting [in personor proxy) whosevotes weredeclaredinvalid Totalnumberofvotescastby them IShares) 32,ArpanSociety,Nr. MayurHighSchool,patiyadNagar,Naranpura, _ 38OOl Ahmedabad Phone:079-2791 2121,Mobite:98288 45205,E_mail: [email protected] TUSIIAR VORA E ASSOCIATES Too,for,nZ7"ro B.colll., LLB. (SPL.), F.C.S. G.rgo-tlr Secretcnbr Item No,5 - Ordinarv Resolution Resolutionto appointMr. DileepC.Choksi[DIN-00016322] as an Independent Directorto hold officefor a periodof fiveconsecutive yearsfrom 11thSeptember 2014to 10thSeptember 2019. fll Votedin favourofresolution: Numberof Members presentand voting (in personor proxy) Numberofvotescastby % oftotal numberofvalid votescast 77 2769421, 100 Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxyl Numberofvotescastby o/oof total number ofvalid votes cast Ni1 N.A. N,A. 0IJ Votedagainstthe resolution: (lll) lnvalidVotes Totalnumberof memberspresentand voting [in personor proxy) whosevotes weredeclaredinvalid 3 Total number ofvotes cast by them IShares) 991963 Item No.6 - SpecialResolution Resolutionto appointMr. SanjayS.Majmudar[DIN-00091305] as an IndependentDirectorto hold officefor zndterm of five consecutive yearsfrom 11thSeptember2014 to lOthSeptember 201,9. (l) V o t e di n f a v o u ro f r e s o l u t i o n : Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxyl Numberof votescastby them (Shares) % of totalnumberofvalid voles cast 17 2 76 9 4 2 1 100 Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxy) Numberof votescastby o/oof total numberof valid voles cast Nil N.A. N.A. Ull Votedagainstthe resolution: (1JIJ InvalidVotes Totalnumberof memberspresentand votingIin personor proxy)whosevotes weredeclaredinvalid Total number of votes cast by them (Shares) 3 991963 4 32,ArpanSociety ;iety,Nr. MayurHighSchool,PaliyadNagar,Naranpura, - 3gOOl Ahmedabad Phone: O7S-2791 079. 2121, Mobile: 9825845205,E-mail: [email protected] TUSHAR VORA & ASSOCIATES Tr-rfor,VTToro Cotgo-t7 B.Com., LLB. (SPL.), F.C.S. {ecretona" Item No.7 - SpecialResolution Resolutionto appointMr. RajendraS.Shah[DIN-00061922] as an Independent Directorto hold yearsfrom 11thSeptember officefor a periodof fiveconsecutive 2014to 10thSeptember 2019. tll V o t e di n f a v o u ro f r e s o l u t i o n : Numberofvotescastby them (Shares) o/oof total number of valid votes casr 2769+27 100 Numberof Members presentandvoting(in uersonor proxv) Numberofvotescastby them (Shares) % of total number ofvalid voles casl Nil N,A, N.A. Numberof Members presentandvoting(in Dersonor Droxyl 1,7 (ll) Votedagainstthe resolution: (llll InvalidVotes Total number of members presentand voting [in person or proxy) whose votes were declaredinvalid Totalnumberof votescastby them (Shares) 3 991963 Item No,I " Special Resolution Resolution to borrow moniesin excessof the aggregateof the paid-up capital of the company and its free reserves - providedthat the total amount borrowed and outstandingat any point of time,apart from temporaryloansobtainedshall not exceedRs.500crore duringany financial year. fll Votedin favourof resolution: Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor Droxvl 17 Numberofvotescastby % of total numberofvalid voles casl 2 76 9 4 2 1 100 Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxv) Numberofvotescastby o/ooltotal numberofvalid votescast Nil N.A. N.A. (l I) Votedagainstthe resolution; 0lll lnvalidVotes Totalnumberof memberspresentand votingIin personor proxy)whosevotes weredeclaredinvalid Totalnumberofvotescastby them (Shares) 32,ArpanSociety,Nr. MayurHighSchool,paliyadNagar,Naranpura, _ 38001 Ahmedabad Phone:079-2791 2.121,I/obile:98258 45205,E-mail: [email protected] fro,ro,,VTVo"o TUSIIAR VORA & ASSOCIATES B.coIn.,LLB. (SPL.),F.C.S. G"tgo-ty Uectetarzb Item No.9 - SpecialResolution Resolutionto paya sumnot exceeding 0.25%per annumof Net profits0f the Company to Directorsother than ManagingDirectoror Whole-timeDirectorof the Companyor to someor any of themin suchamountsor proportionsandin suchmanneras maybe decidedby the Board ol Directorsfor a periodof fiveyearscommencing from 1"tApril 2014. flJ Votedin favourofresolution: Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxy) 17 Number ofvotes cast by them (Sharesl %oof total number ofvalid votes cast 2769421 100 Numberof Members presentandvoting[in personor Droxvl Numberofvotescastby them (Shares) % of total numberofvalid vorescast Nil N.A. N.A. UIJ Votedagainstthe resolution: 0 l l ) I n v a l i dV o t e s Totalnumberof memberspresentand voting (in personor proxy) whosevotes were declaredinvalid 3 Totalnumberof votescastby them (Shares) 991,963 Item No.70 - Ordinqrv Resolution Resolution to ratif,/ the remuneration of Rs.3.50Lacs to M/s. Kiran J. Mehta & Co. Cost Accountantsappointedby the Board of Directorson the recommendations of the Audit year Committee to conductthe Auditof CostRecords pertainingof the Companyfor the Financial endingon 31"tMarch2015. tl) V o t e di n f a v o u ro f r e s o l u t i o n : Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxy) 17 (ll) Numberofvotescastby them(Shares) % of totalnumberofvalid vorescast 2769421 100 Number ofvotes cast by o/ooftotal number ofvalid votes cast N.A, N,A. Voted againstthe resolution: Number of Members present and voting Iin person or proxyJ Nil 32,ArpanSociety,Nr. N4ayur _ 380013 HighSchool,patiyadNagar,Naranpura, Ahmedabad Phone:079-27912121,Mobile:9825845205,E-mait: [email protected] frnfr,,VT7o"o TUSIIAR VORA & ASSOCIATES B.Com.,LLB. (SPL.),F.C.S. G"ty-tS, Seczetaz.zan ( l l l J I n v a l i dV o t e s Totalnumberof memberspresentand voting[in personor proxy]whosevotes weredeclaredinvalid 3 Totalnumberofvotescastby them (Shares) 991,963 Item No.77- SpecialResolution Resolutionto consentfor the re-appointment pvt. Ltd. for holdingof of powertecEngineering 0fficeor Placeof Profitunderthe Company. (l) V o t e di n f a v o u ro f r e s o l u t i o n : Numberof Members presentandvoting(in personor proxv) 16 Numberofvotescastby them(SharesJ 7ooftotal numberofvalid votescast 2 76 9 2 9 6 100 Numberof Members presentandvotingIin personor proxyl Numberofvotescastby them [Shares) o/ooftotal number ofvalid votes cast Nil N.A. N.A. (ll) Votedagainstthe resolution: (lll) InvalidVotes Totalnumberof memberspresentand voting(in personor proxy)whosevotes weredeclaredinvalid 3 Totalnumberofvotescastby them IShares) 991,963 5. A compactDisc(cDl containinga list of Equityshareholders who voted"F0R","AGAINST, andthose whosevoteswere declaredinvalidfor eachresolutionis enclosed. 6. The poll papersand all other relevantrecordswere sealedand handedover to the company Secretary/Directorauthorizeby the Boardfor safekeeping. Thanking Name; Tushar Vora Practicing Company Secretary Scrutinizer FCS:3459, COP:1745 Place : Ahmedabad Date : 12thseptember,2014 32,Arp€nSoclgty, MayurHighSchoot,patiyadNagar,Naranpura, _ 380013 Ahmedabad ryrr Phone: 079-27912'121,Mobite: ?BZSA 4S2OS, E-mait: [email protected]
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