09/04/2014 CONTACT LENSES: MY MOST INTERESTING CASES Andrea M. Janoff, OD, FAAO Assistant Professor of Optometry Chief of Service, Cornea & Contact Lens Nova Southeastern University College of Optometry HYBRID OPTIONS FOR ECTASIA & IRREGULAR ASTIGMATISM Softperm® -1985, Wesley Jessen – not avail Low Dk-Styrene GP/Hema Skirt 3 Steep BCs for Keratoconus SynergEyes Designs for KCN Synergeyes KC ® , 2005 & ClearKone ®, 2009 Both Paragon HDS 100 GP Both Low Dk Poly-Hema Skirt UltraHealth™, 2013 130 Dk GP / 84 Dk Silicone Hydrogel Skirt CASE 1 – KERATOCONIC PATIENT 25yo female w/ Keratoconus: +CL Awareness, OD +Vogt’s striae, +Apical Scarring, +Munson’s Sign OU + Steep Sim-K OU = Advanced KCN 1 09/04/2014 CASE 1 – KERATOCONIC PATIENT – TOPO OU CASE 1 – KERATOCONIC PATIENT IN SOFTPERM® WITH FLAT SC OD /FLAT BC OS Habitual CL: Softperm® Hybrid (Wesley Jessen) OD 6.9BC / -3.75DS /14.3 OAD DVA 20/60 Fit Assess: Adequate GP Fit Flat Skirt Fit - Edge Fluting OS 6.5BC / -3.00DS / 14.3 OAD DVA 20/50 Fit Assess: Flat GP Fit w/ Steepest BC +Punctate Epithelial Erosions over apex, from flat fit CASE 1 – KERATOCONIC PATIENT IN SOFTPERM® - NEEDS MODIFIED FIT Steep Rx Availability: -3.00DS to -16.00DS, in 0.50D steps > -8.00DS Fixed BC w/ SC, 6D Flatter than BC BC 6.9mm (49.00D) w/ SC 7.85mm (43.00D) BC 6.7mm (50.37D) w/ SC 7.60mm (44.37D) BC 6.5mm (51.87D) w/ SC 7.35mm (45.87D) Parameters: GP Diam 8.0mm / OZD 7.0mm OAD 14.3mm 2 09/04/2014 CASE 1 – KCN PATIENT NEEDS INDEPENDENT PARAMETER MODIFICATION: PIGGY-BACK Flexlens Piggy-Back SCL Formerly Paragon Vision Sciences, Now XCEL BC Range: 6.08-10.80mm, in 0.3mm steps Diameter Range: 12.5-16.0mm, in 0.5mm steps Material: Was only available in Hydrogel, now available in Sihy (Definitive Material) Power plano, but available in higher Rx Anterior Cut-out: 6.5-12.5mm, in 0.1mm steps Manufacturer: 1.0mm Larger than GP OAD I use 8.6-8.8 larger to reduce GP dislocation CASE 1 – KCN PATIENT EMPIRICAL REFIT TO TRICURVE GP OVER FLEXLENS PB, OD GP Portion : Tricurve GP mimicks Hybrid GP* Boston ES Material with Custom Thin Design BC 6.85 mm / Rx -4.00 DS / CT 0.08 mm OAD* 8.0 mm / OZD* 7.0 mm SC 7.65mm Radius / 0.3 mm Width PC 8.65mm Radius / 0.2 mm Width Hydrogel Portion : Flexlens Piggyback BC 7.20mm / Rx plano / Hydrogel OAD 14.5mm / Cut-Out Diam 8.6mm (GP Diam+.6) CASE 1 – CUSTOMIZED PIGGYBACK DESIGN IN KERATOCONUS: MIMICKING A HYBRID LENS 3 09/04/2014 SYNEREGEYES KC ® (2005) Aspheric BC Expected Fit: LFT Fixed Parameters: GP Diam 8.4mm GP OZD 7.8mm OAD 14.5mm Adjustable Parameters: BC 5.7mm to 7.10mmm, in .2mm steps SC 0.7mm Flatter than BC = Steep SC SC 1.0mm Flatter than BC = Medium SC SC 1.3mm Flatter than BC = Flat SC CASE 2 – 5YO MALE W/ BLEPHAROPHIMOSIS REFERRED FOR HYBRID: SCARRING VS ECTASIA Blepharophimosis: Congenital - narrowed horizontal palpebral fissure Occurs alone or in Syndrome: BPES Autosomal dominant inherited mutation in FOXL2 gene Blepharophimosis-Ptosis-Epicanthus Inversus Synd. Blepharophimosis: Narrow Horizontal PFD of 20-22mm (nml is 25-30mm) Ptosis: Severe, Bilateral and Symmetric - 2° to Dysplasia of Levator Epicanthus Inversus: Fold arises from lower lid, obscures Medial Canthus Telecanthus: NML Interpupillary + wide Intercanthus distances “E” Diagnosed at six months of age: +Blepharophimosis; +Ptosis w/ vertical head tilt (back), chin up, and over-action of frontalis muscle. CASE 2 – 5YO MALE W / BPES, REFERRED FOR HYBRID: SCARRING VS ECTASIA Pre-surgical: +Telecanthus +Epicanthus Inversus Other facial features in BPES: short philtrum, broad nasal bridge and low set ears. Strabismus Amblopia - Esotropia most common deviation. Pre-surgical: Normal Hirshberg Reflex No Vert/Horiz Deviation, OS 4 09/04/2014 CASE 2 – 5YO MALE W / BPES, REFERRED FOR HYBRID: SCARRING VS ECTASIA Ptosis Surgery OU at 2yo to widen vertical IPA S/P Levator muscle resection to correct Ptosis, OU Post Surgical Developments, OS: Recalcitrant corneal abrasion Central corneal ulcer – MK - from improper Tx of abrasion Stromal scarring w/ irregular astigmatism 30^ Constant Left Esotropia – CLET CASE 2 – 5YO MALE W / BPES, REFERRED FOR HYBRID: SCARRING VS ECTASIA OD: Hyperopia + Regular Astigmatism OS: Hyperopia + Irregular Astigmatism +2.50-4.25x165 DVA 20/200 Was referrred for Hybrid OS, Patch Tx w/ eventual Strab Sx 5yo: 30^ CLET, 40 L-Hypotropia, +global fusion CASE 2 – 5YO MALE W / BPES, REFERRED FOR HYBRID: FIT W / CUSTOM PIGGYBACK HVID 7mm OS – unable to insert Hybrid due to 14.5 OAD and patient’s postsurgical tight lids small HVID Fit Aspheric GP for 2º Irregular Astigmatism: Custom Visions Ultrathin® 8.3mm OAD Determined OAD/BC after trial with 8.5mm Spherical GP; anticipated better Nafl pattern w/ Aspheric back surface for corneal irregularity 5 09/04/2014 CASE 2 – 5YO MALE W / BPES, REFERRED FOR HYBRID: FIT W / CUSTOM PIGGYBACK Fit with Flexlens Piggyback® 13.0mm OAD based on pt’s HVID; Estimated BC and Ordered Cut-out Diameter .7mm> than GP Diameter: 13.0 OAD / Plano / 8.2BC / 9.0mm cut-out Flexlens Piggyback®: well centered 13mm OAD SCL with 9.0mm cut-out diam appearing as a white ring on photograph, taken w/o GP. Hioxifilcon B, 49% water, clear material was used as no Sihy available at this time. CASE 2 – 5YO MALE W / BPES, REFERRED FOR HYBRID: FIT W / CUSTOM PIGGYBACK Ordered GP to trial w/ Fluresoft over ordered Flexlens – GP BC /Power were modified for best fit and vision - Orx determined once Over Ret done. DVAOS improved to 20/70 Patch therapy performed, occluding OD x 2 hrs/day DVA OS further improved to 20/30 OS With concentration “E” was able to reduce the angle of deviation on command, indicating he was ready for a more extensive VT CLEARKONE ® (2009) Spherical Base Curve Expected Fit: Fixed Parameters: ~100μ Clearance GP Diam 8.4mm GP OZD 7.8mm OAD 14.5mm Decentered ectasia & Keratoconus Adjustable Parameters: 12 Vaults in 50 micron steps (50μ – 600μ) 4 Skirts (Steep, Steep2, Medium, Flat) Powers: +10.00 to -20.00 6 09/04/2014 CASE 3 - POST LASIK ECTASIA / POST PK REFERRED FOR HYBRID VS SCLERAL GP 41 yo female – hx of Lasik OU with eventual PK OS Wears Biofinity MF OD and Alden Toric, during day Unable to see at night – home bound after sundown Has trialed all lens modalities from Synergeyes KC to Semi Slceral GP, all with out success *Pt has 7.5mm Pupil in Dim lighting* With Hybrid-ClearKone® + Scleral GP, discomfort Good DVA/Some Discomfort w/ Flexlens ® SCL carrier for Lens Mode small diameter GP DVA best OS w/ Donut Prosthetic carrier: Alden 8mm black with 3.5mm Clear Zone CASE 3 - W ITH DONUT PROSTHETIC PBS – 1ST X NIGHT DRIVING AFTER 7 YRS Large Pupils 2 to Systemic Meds IOP’s too low for GLC gtts Pt likes her eye color – does not want STD Prosthetic OS DVA 20/20- /1st x night driving ULTRAHEALTH™ (2013) RG Aspheric BC Expected Fit: Fixed Parameters: ~100μ Clearance GP Diam 8.4mm GP OZD 6.0-6.5mm OAD 14.5mm Adjustable Parameters: 11 Vaults in 50 micron steps (50μ – 550μ) 4 Skirts in mm (Flat 2=8.7, Flat=8.4, Medium=8.1, Steep=7.9) Powers: +25.00 to -25.00 Laser Marking: H for UH, Vault, and SC 7 09/04/2014 ULTRAHEALTH™ (2013) AS OCT: ~100µ APICAL CLEARANCE GP Thickness Central Clearance: ~50µ loss w/ wear Cornea ULTRAHEALTH™ (2013) New Material Super Hi Dk GP portion: 130 Dk – petrafocon A Silicone Hydrogel Skirt: 84 Dk / hem-larafilcon A Sihy does not absorb Sodium Fluorescein - use std Nafl New Fitting Protocol-view lens after 3-4mins on eye Start with Flat Skirt 8.4mmSC / 250µ BC diagnostic lens If Apical Clearance, Vault in 100µ steps til 1st touch When 1st Touch is light, will order 100µ higher Vault When 1st Touch is heavy, will order 150µ higher Vault SC w/ assessed with last Dxtic trial lens: If NO lens mov’t or NO visible ILZ, trial same Vlt, Flatter SC If XS mov’t or XS bearing at ILZ, trial same Vlt, steeper SC ULTRAHEALTH™ (2013) New Fitting Protocol-view lens after 3-4mins on eye Start with Flat Skirt 8.4mmSC / 250µ BC diagnostic lens If Apical Touch, Vault in 100µ steps til 1st Clearance If lens prior to 1st Clear was Light Touch, will order 50µ higher Vault If lens prior to 1st Clearance was Moderate to Heavy Bearing, will order 100µ higher Vault SC w/ assessed with last Dxtic trial lens: If NO lens mov’t or NO visible ILZ, trial same Vlt, Flatter SC If XS mov’t or XS bearing at ILZ, trial same Vlt, steeper SC If NO lens mov’t or NO visible ILZ, trial same Vlt, Flatter SC 8
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