RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 RCV GPS/IMU Description Information on the implementation of Arduino GPS/IMU for the Research Concept Vehicle January 21, 2014 Mikael Nybacka Postal address Royal Institute of Technology KTH Vehicle Dynamics SE-100 44 Stockholm Sweden Visiting address Teknikringen 8 Stockholm Telephone +46 8 790 6000 Telefax +46 8 790 9304 i Internet www.ave.kth.se RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 Contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3 2 Components used ................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Arduino MEGA 2560........................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Sparkfun and additional components ................................................................................ 4 3 Output ..................................................................................................................................... 5 4 Data logging and calibration................................................................................................. 6 5 Code ........................................................................................................................................ 6 6 Comparison with VBOX3i INS ............................................................................................ 7 7 Appendix Code – Main_RCV ............................................................................................... 8 8 Appendix Code – IMU_data ............................................................................................... 12 9 Appendix Code – Calibrate_sensors .................................................................................. 14 10 Appendix Code – Display_update .................................................................................... 17 11 Appendix Code – LCD_print ............................................................................................ 17 12 Appendix Code – Log_data............................................................................................... 18 13 Appendix Code – Serial_Data........................................................................................... 19 ii 1 Introduction This document describes briefly the design of the GPS/IMU implementation using Arduino components and software for the Research Concept Vehicle at KTH Transport Labs1. 2 Components used 2.1 Arduino MEGA 2560 The main board of the IMU is the Arduino MEGA 2560 that is a 5V board that also have output for 3.3V. The Arduino Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560 (datasheet). It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Mega is compatible with most shields designed for the Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila. The Mega 2560 is an update to the Arduino Mega, which it replaces. The Mega2560 differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features the ATmega16U2 (ATmega8U2 in the revision 1 and revision 2 boards) programmed as a USB-toserial converter. Revision 2 of the Mega2560 board has a resistor pulling the 8U2 HWB line to ground, making it easier to put into DFU mode. Revision 3 of the board has the following new features: • pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adapt to the voltage provided from the board. In future, shields will be compatible both with the board that use the AVR, which operate with 5V and with the Arduino Due that operate with 3.3V. The second one is a not connected pin, that is reserved for future purposes. • Stronger RESET circuit. • Atmega 16U2 replace the 8U2. Microcontroller Operating Voltage Input Voltage (recommended) Input Voltage (limits) Digital I/O Pins 1 2 ATmega2560 5V 7-12V 6-20V 54 (of which 15 provide PWM output) http://www.kth.se/en/forskning/forskningsplattformar/transport/initiativ/t-labs http://www.velocitybox.co.uk/index.php/en/products-main/gps-data-loggers/144-vbox-3i-dual-antenna-vb3isl 3 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 Analog Input Pins DC Current per I/O Pin DC Current for 3.3V Pin Flash Memory SRAM EEPROM Clock Speed 16 40 mA 50 mA 256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader 8 KB 4 KB 16 MHz 2.2 Sparkfun and additional components The following components are also added and installed to the Arduino MEGA 2560. 1. GPS Shield with GPS EM-406A a. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10710 b. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/465 2. microSD Shield with Logic Level Converter a. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/465 b. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11978 3. Basic 16x2 Character LCD - Red on Black 5V with Trimpot 10K with Knob a. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/791 b. http://www.lawicel-shop.se/prod/Trimpot-10K-withKnob_873824/Sparkfun_64668/SWE/SEK 4. 5-Way Tactile Switch BoB a. http://www.lawicel-shop.se/prod/5-Way-Tactile-SwitchBoB_882404/Sparkfun_64668/SWE/SEK 5. 9 Degrees of Freedom - Razor IMU a. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10736 6. FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V a. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9873 Item 6 is needed in order to program item 5. 4 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 3 Output The output is serial via the black and brown wires. The black wire is TX3 (Serial 3 Transmit) and the brown wire is RX3 (Serial 3 Read). The output has a baudrate of 57600 and sends new data every 10 milli seconds. The format of the output data is as below: 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Milli seconds Milli s Int Sattelites in view No unit Int Latitude deg Float Longitude deg Float Velocity m/s Float AccX 2 m/s Float 8 AccY 2 m/s Float 9 AccZ 2 m/s Float 10 11 Rollrate Pitchrate Yawrate rad/s Float rad/s Float rad/s Float 12 13 Roll angle rad Float Pitch angle rad Float Special care need to be taken since the Angles (output 12, 13, and 14) is only valid at low speed or low lateral and longitudinal acceleration, meaning when the car do not drive dynamically. The angles is calculated with a Kalman filter using atan(ax/az) as input and correcting with gyro. 5 14 Heading euler Float RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 4 Data logging and calibration The IMU/GPS has a joystick on the top of the unit, if pressing this DOWN (direction from the LCD) you will calibrate the IMU data. This should only be done when standing still and on a flat surface. Memory function is not implemented yet so this has to be done for each drive. If pressing the joystick UP (direction towards the LCD) the logging to the internal memory card will start and to stop it you press the joystick. Name of the log file will show on the display for a second. 5 Code The code used is altered code from the following open source projects: • Kristian Lauszus, http://blog.tkjelectronics.dk/2012/09/a-practical-approachto-kalman-filter-and-how-to-implement-it/, https://github.com/TKJElectronics/Example-Sketch-for-IMU-includingKalman-filter. • Peter Bartz, https://github.com/ptrbrtz/razor-9dof-ahrs • TinyGPS++ library, http://arduiniana.org/libraries/tinygpsplus/ • Alexander Breivig TimedAction Library, http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/TimedAction 6 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 6 Comparison with VBOX3i INS The RCV IMU/GPS was benchmarked to the VBOX3i (RLVB3iSL)2 where the Kalman Filter in the VBOX was turned off and the elevation mask was set to default value. RCV Lat/Long (blue), VBOX Lat/Long (red) RCV Vx (blue), VBOX Vx (red) −18.0712 14 −18.0714 12 −18.0716 Longitudinal speed (m/s) 10 Long (deg) −18.0718 −18.072 −18.0722 8 6 4 −18.0724 2 −18.0726 −18.0728 59.3482 59.3484 59.3486 59.3488 Lat (deg) 59.349 59.3492 0 59.3494 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (s) 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 1. GPS data long vs lat in the left graph and GPS velocity in the right graph. RCV IMU (blue) and VBOX (red). RCV Ax (blue), VBOX Ax (red) RCV Ay (blue), VBOX Ay (red) 4 12 10 2 8 1 6 Lateral acceleration (m/s2) Longitudinal acceleration (m/s2) 3 0 −1 −2 4 2 0 −3 −2 −4 −4 −5 −6 −6 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (s) 60 70 80 90 −8 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (s) 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 2. Longitudinal acceleration (left) and Lateral acceleration (right). RCV IMU (blue) and VBOX (red). RCV yaw−rate (blue), VBOX yaw−rate (red) 40 RCV roll angle (blue), VBOX roll angle (red) 30 30 20 20 10 0 0 Roll angle (deg) Yaw Rate (deg/s) 10 −10 −20 −10 −20 −30 −30 −40 −40 −50 −60 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (s) 60 70 80 90 −50 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (s) 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 3. Yaw rate (left) and roll angle (right). Note that roll angle is not valid during dynamic lateral driving. RCV IMU (blue) and VBOX (red). 2 http://www.velocitybox.co.uk/index.php/en/products-main/gps-data-loggers/144-vbox-3i-dual-antenna-vb3isl 7 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 7 Appendix Code – Main_RCV #include <Thread.h> #include <ThreadController.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <TinyGPS++.h> // Initialize file for logging on flash File file; // Initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins LiquidCrystal LCD(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2); // The TinyGPS++ object TinyGPSPlus gps; // Thread for logging Thread loggingThread = Thread(); //Thread for serial Thread serialThread = Thread(); // Thread for serial debug Thread serialDebugThread = Thread(); // Thread for reading and filtering IMU data Thread readIMUThread = Thread(); // Thread for reading and filtering IMU data Thread readGPSThread = Thread(); // Define Joystick connection #define UP A1 #define CLICK A2 #define LEFT A3 #define DOWN A4 #define RIGHT A5 // Define the different baud rates #define GPSRATE 4800 #define SERIAL_SPEED 57600 #define IMU_SPEED 115200 int LED2 = 8; int LED3 = 7; // Defining variables for IMU data parsing char incomingString[64]; float in_values[9]; static float accel_corr[3]; static float angles_corr[3]; static float gyro_corr[3]; boolean started = false; 8 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 boolean ended = false; #define SOP '[' #define EOP ']' byte index = 0; char filename[] = "LOGGER00.CSV"; char data_in; int startTime=0; long int lastTimeLog=0; long int lastTimeSerial=0; int LOGGED_BUTTON_PRESSED=0; int CALIBRATE_BUTTON_PRESSED=0; long int lastDisplUpdate=0; long int lastDisplUpdate2=0; String headerString = ""; int counter=0; //----------------------------------//-------SETUP----------------------//----------------------------------void setup() { //Serial.begin(SERIAL_SPEED); Serial1.begin(GPSRATE); Serial2.begin(IMU_SPEED); Serial3.begin(SERIAL_SPEED); pinMode(UP,INPUT); pinMode(DOWN,INPUT); pinMode(LEFT,INPUT); pinMode(RIGHT,INPUT); pinMode(CLICK,INPUT); digitalWrite(UP, HIGH); /* Enable internal pull-ups */ digitalWrite(DOWN, HIGH); digitalWrite(LEFT, HIGH); digitalWrite(RIGHT, HIGH); digitalWrite(CLICK, HIGH); loggingThread.onRun(log_data); loggingThread.setInterval(60); serialThread.onRun(serial_data); serialThread.setInterval(10); serialDebugThread.onRun(serial_debug_data); serialDebugThread.setInterval(10); readIMUThread.onRun(read_imu_data); readIMUThread.setInterval(10); readGPSThread.onRun(smartDelay); readGPSThread.setInterval(500); LCD.begin(16,2); /* Setup serial LCD and clear the screen */ LCD.clear(); LCD_print("RCV KTH LOGGER!",0,0,1); // make sure that the default chip select pin is set to output, even if you don't use it: pinMode(SS, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SS, HIGH); // davekw7x: If it's low, the Wiznet chip corrupts the SPI bus 9 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 // see if the card is present and can be initialized: if (!SD.begin(10,11,12,13)) { //Serial.println("Card failed, or not present "); // don't do anything more: while (1) ; } headerString += String("Milli sec"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Time step milli"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Sattelites in view"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Lat (deg)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Long (deg)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Velocity (m/s)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("AccX (m/s^2)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("AccY (m/s^2)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("AccZ (m/s^2)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Roll-rate (rad/s)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Pitch-rate (rad/s)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Yaw-rate (rad/s)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Roll (rad)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Pitch (rad)"); headerString += String(","); headerString += String("Heading (euler)"); LCD.clear(); LCD_print("Setup complete",1,0,1); //delay(1000); LCD_print("Click DOWN",0,0,1); LCD_print("Then UP to calib.",1,1,0); //delay(2000); } //----------------------------------//--------LOOP----------------------//----------------------------------void loop() { displayUpdate(); if(readGPSThread.shouldRun()) readGPSThread.run(); if(readIMUThread.shouldRun()) readIMUThread.run(); // -------------------------------------------// ------------CORRECTING IMU DATA------------- 10 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 // -------------------------------------------if (digitalRead(DOWN) == 0 ){ /* Check for DOWN Button */ lastDisplUpdate=millis(); LCD_print("Calibrating",0,0,1); LCD_print("IMU",1,1,0); accel_corr[0]=calibrateAccX(in_values); accel_corr[1]=calibrateAccY(in_values); accel_corr[2]=0;//calibrateAccZ(in_values); gyro_corr[0]=calibrateGyroX(in_values); gyro_corr[1]=calibrateGyroY(in_values); gyro_corr[2]=calibrateGyroZ(in_values); angles_corr[0]=calibrateAngleX(in_values); angles_corr[1]=calibrateAngleY(in_values); angles_corr[2]=0;//calibrateAngleZ(in_values); LCD_print("Calibrating",0,0,1); LCD_print("DONE!",1,1,0); } // -------------------------------------------// ------------SERIAL TRANSMISSION------------// -------------------------------------------// checks if thread should run //if(serialDebugThread.shouldRun()) // serialDebugThread.run(); if(serialThread.shouldRun()) serialThread.run(); // uncoment for rel life running on serial 3 // -------------------------------------------// ------------LOGGING TO FILE----------------// -------------------------------------------if (digitalRead(UP) == 0 || LOGGED_BUTTON_PRESSED){ /* Check for Up button */ if(LOGGED_BUTTON_PRESSED==0){ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) { filename[6] = i/10 + '0'; filename[7] = i%10 + '0'; if (! SD.exists(filename)) { // only open a new file if it doesn't exist file = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE); delay(10); file.println(headerString); file.println(); file.flush(); break; // leave the loop! } } } if(millis()>lastDisplUpdate2+3000){ LCD_print("LOGGING",0,0,1); LCD_print("CLICK 2 END",1,1,0); lastDisplUpdate2=millis(); lastDisplUpdate=millis(); } displayUpdate(); LOGGED_BUTTON_PRESSED=1; int startTime = millis(); 11 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 lastDisplUpdate=millis(); if(loggingThread.shouldRun()) loggingThread.run(); if (digitalRead(CLICK) == 0){ LOGGED_BUTTON_PRESSED=0; LCD_print("SAVED",0,0,1); LCD_print(filename,1,1,0); file.close(); //lastDisplUpdate2=millis(); lastDisplUpdate=millis(); displayUpdate(); } } } 8 Appendix Code – IMU_data void read_imu_data(){ while (Serial2.available() > 0){ data_in = Serial2.read(); //delay(1); //DID WE FOUND THE BEGIN MARKER? if (data_in == SOP){ started = true; index = 0; incomingString[index] = '\0'; } //DID WE FOUND THE END MARKER? else if (data_in == EOP){ ended = true; break; } //READ 64 BITES INTO THE STR_IN ARRAY else{ if (index < 53-1){ incomingString[index++] = data_in; incomingString[index] = '\0'; } } } //Serial.println(String(incomingString).length()); if(String(incomingString).length() >= 46){ parse_imu(incomingString,",",10); } } void parse_imu(char* str, char *delim, int index){ char *act, *ptr; static char copy[64]; int i; strcpy(copy, str); for (i = 0, act = copy; i <= index; i++, act = NULL) { in_values[i] = atof(strtok_r(act, delim, &ptr)); if (in_values[i] == NULL) { 12 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 break; } } } 13 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 9 Appendix Code – Calibrate_sensors //This is pretty simple. It takes 100 readings and calculate the average. //gyros float resultGyroX;//x-axis float resultGyroY;//y-axis float resultGyroZ;//z-axis //accelerometers float resultAccX;//x-axis float resultAccY;//y-axis float resultAccZ;//z-axis //angles float resultAngleX;//x-axis float resultAngleY;//y-axis float resultAngleZ;//z-axis //gyros float calibrateGyroX(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultGyroX += in_values[3]; delay(1); } resultGyroX = resultGyroX/100; return resultGyroX; } float calibrateGyroY(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultGyroY += in_values[4]; delay(1); } resultGyroY = resultGyroY/100; return resultGyroY; } float calibrateGyroZ(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultGyroZ += in_values[5]; delay(1); } resultGyroZ = resultGyroZ/100; return resultGyroZ; CALIBRATE_BUTTON_PRESSED=0; 14 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 } //accelerometers float calibrateAccX(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultAccX += in_values[0]; delay(1); } resultAccX = resultAccX/100; return resultAccX; } float calibrateAccY(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultAccY += in_values[1]; delay(1); } resultAccY = resultAccY/100; return resultAccY; } float calibrateAccZ(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultAccZ += in_values[2]; delay(1); } resultAccZ = resultAccZ/100; return resultAccZ; } //Angles float calibrateAngleX(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultAngleX += in_values[6]; delay(1); } resultAngleX = resultAngleX/100; return resultAngleX; } float calibrateAngleY(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultAngleY += in_values[7]; delay(1); } resultAngleY = resultAngleY/100; return resultAngleY; 15 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 } float calibrateAngleZ(float in_values[]) { for(int i=0;i<100;i++) { read_imu_data(); resultAngleZ += in_values[8]; delay(1); } resultAngleZ = resultAngleZ/100; return resultAngleZ; } 16 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 10 Appendix Code – Display_update void displayUpdate(){ if(millis()>lastDisplUpdate+1000){ LCD_print("KTH TL RCV",0,0,1); LCD.setCursor(0,1); LCD.print(gps.speed.kmph()); lastDisplUpdate=millis(); } } 11 Appendix LCD_print Code – /*LCD_print(const char *str, int line, int pos, int clrscrn) str is the pointer to the characters to be written to the screen line is the line number that the user wants to have the characters posted to. Mind you screen used in this demo had only two lines, there is no support for going past the available number of lines. pos is the position relative to the start of the line clrscrn will clear the screen if it is 1 and do nothing if it is anything else*/ #define SCREEN 35 int LCD_print(const char *str, int line, int pos, int clrscrn) /* assumes 2*16 screen size*/ { int counter = 0; if(line == 0){ line = pos; if(clrscrn == 1){ LCD.clear(); LCD.setCursor(0,0); } LCD.setCursor(0,line); while(*str){ LCD.print(*str++); /*not the most efficient but it works...*/ counter++; if(counter >= SCREEN) /* doesn't allow overlap onto first screen*/ { break; } } } else if (line == 1){ line = pos; if(clrscrn == 1){ LCD.clear(); LCD.setCursor(0,line); } LCD.setCursor(0,line); 17 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 while(*str){ LCD.print(*str++); /*not the most efficient but it works...*/ counter++; if(counter >= (SCREEN/2)) /*doesn't allow overlap onto first screen*/ { break; } } } else{ return -1; } } 12 Appendix Code – Log_data void log_data(){ //smartDelay(0); char tmp[10]; String logDataString = String(millis()); logDataString += ","; logDataString += String(millis()-lastTimeLog); logDataString += ","; dtostrf(gps.satellites.value(),1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(gps.location.lat(),1,6,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(gps.location.lng(),1,6,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(gps.speed.kmph(),1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[0]-accel_corr[0],1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[1]-accel_corr[1],1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[2]-accel_corr[2],1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[3]-gyro_corr[0],1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[4]-gyro_corr[1],1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[5]-gyro_corr[2],1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[6]-angles_corr[0],1,2,tmp); 18 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[7]-angles_corr[1],1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; logDataString += ","; dtostrf(in_values[8]-angles_corr[2],1,2,tmp); logDataString += tmp; file.println(logDataString); //file.print(millis());file.print(", "); //file.print(gps.satellites.value());file.print(", "); //file.print(gps.location.lat(),6);file.print(", "); //file.print(gps.location.lng(),6);file.print(", "); //file.print(gps.speed.kmph());file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[0]-accel_corr[0]);file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[1]-accel_corr[1]);file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[2]-accel_corr[2]);file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[3]-gyro_corr[0]);file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[4]-gyro_corr[1]);file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[5]-gyro_corr[2]);file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[6]-angles_corr[0]);file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[7]-angles_corr[1]);file.print(", "); //file.print(in_values[8]-angles_corr[2]);file.print(", "); //file.print(millis()-lastTimeLog); // //file.println(); lastTimeLog=millis(); file.flush(); } //static void smartDelay(unsigned long ms) static void smartDelay() { unsigned long start = millis(); do { while (Serial1.available()) gps.encode(Serial1.read()); } while (millis() - start < 0); } 13 Appendix Code – Serial_Data void serial_data(){ Serial3.print(millis());Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(gps.satellites.value());Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(gps.location.lat(),6);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(gps.location.lng(),6);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(gps.speed.kmph());Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(in_values[0]-accel_corr[0]);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(in_values[1]-accel_corr[1]);Serial3.print(","); 19 RCV GPS/IMU Description 21 January 2014 Serial3.print(in_values[2]-accel_corr[2]);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(in_values[3]-gyro_corr[0]);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(in_values[4]-gyro_corr[1]);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(in_values[5]-gyro_corr[2]);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(in_values[6]-angles_corr[0]);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(in_values[7]-angles_corr[1]);Serial3.print(","); Serial3.print(in_values[8]-angles_corr[2]); Serial3.println(); //lastTimeSerial=millis(); } void serial_debug_data(){ //Serial.print(millis());Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(gps.satellites.value());Serial.print(", "); //Serial.print(gps.location.lat(),6);Serial.print(", "); //Serial.print(gps.location.lng(),6);Serial.print(", "); //Serial.print(gps.speed.kmph());Serial.print("\t "); //Serial.print(in_values[0]-accel_corr[0]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[1]-accel_corr[1]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[2]-accel_corr[2]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[3]-gyro_corr[0]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[4]-gyro_corr[1]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[5]-gyro_corr[2]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[6]-angles_corr[0]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[7]-angles_corr[1]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[8]-angles_corr[2]); Serial.print(in_values[0]-accel_corr[0]);Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(in_values[1]-accel_corr[1]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[2]-accel_corr[2]);Serial.print(","); Serial.print(in_values[3]-gyro_corr[0]);Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(in_values[4]-gyro_corr[1]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[5]-gyro_corr[2]);Serial.print(","); Serial.print(in_values[6]-angles_corr[0]);Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(in_values[7]-angles_corr[1]);Serial.print("\t"); //Serial.print(in_values[8]-angles_corr[2]);//Serial.print("]"); Serial.println(); //lastTimeSerial=millis(); } 20
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