'LVWULEXWHGE\)DUEHVW%UDQGV 6XPPLW$YH0RQWYDOH1-ZZZIDUEHVWFRP LACTONAT EC Calcium Caseinate 2100 Specification chemical protein (N x 6.38) as is water (102°C) ash (825°C) fat lactose min. 88.5 % max. 6.0 % max. 4.5 % max. 2.0 % max. 0.3 % IDF 92:1979 IDF 78C: 1991 IDF 89: 1979 IDF 126A: 1988 IDF 79B: 1991 6.5 - 7.0 7.5 - 15 0.5 - 0.6 IDF 115A: 1989 ADPI VDLUFA C 26.4 physical pH scorched particles bulk density (g/ml) organoleptical colour odour taste creamy white typical/ no off flavour typical/ free from off taste microbiological total plate count /g yeasts /g moulds /g enterobacteriaceae /g coliforms /0.1g salmonella /25g < 5,000 < 50 < 50 < 10 neg. neg. IDF 100B: 1991 IDF 94B: 1990 IDF 94B: 1990 VDLUFA M 7.4.2 IDF 73A: 1985 IDF 93B: 1995 components calcium caseinate packaging 25kg net, paper bag with PE- inliner minimum shelf life 24 months in the originally sealed bag under cool and dry storage conditions Calcium Caseinate 5/09 Specification LS00574 Lactoprot Deutschland GmbH Feldstraße 5 D-24568 Kaltenkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)4191/99 900 Fax: +49 (0)4191/88 051 E-Mail: [email protected] www.lactoprot.de Seite 1 von 2
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