O;olk; v/;;u Business Studies (319) f'k{kd vafdr ewY;kadu i=k Tutor Marked Assignment dqy vad% 20 Max. Marks: 20 fVIi.kh% (i) Note: lHkh iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus vfuok;Z gSaA izR;sd iz'u ds vad mlds lkeus fn, x, gSaA All questions are compulsory. The marks allowed for each question are given at same place. (ii) mÙkj iqfLrdk ds izFke i`"B ij Åij dh vksj viuk uke] vuqØekad] vè;;u dsUnz dk uke] fo"k; Li"V 'kCnksa esa fyf[k,A Write your name, enrolment number, AI name and subject on the top of the first page of the answer sheet. 1- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 40&60 'kCnksa esa nhft;s % 2 Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words : (a) ,d efgyk us vHkh ulZ dh i<+kbZ iwjh dh gS rFkk vktdy viuh chekj eka dh ns[kHkky dj jgh gSA og dkSu lh ekuoh; fØ;k esa lafyIr gSA ;fn og ,d gLirky esa deZpkjh ds rkSj ij dk;Z djuk izkjHHk djrh gS rks ;g dkSu lh ekuoh; fØ;k gksxhA nksuksa izdkj dh fØ;kvksa dk vFkZ nhft,A A lady has just completed her course in nursing and presently she is looking after her ailing mother. Name the type of human activity she is engaged in. If she joins a hospital as an employee what type of human activity will it be? Give the meaning of both types of activities. (b) ,d MkDVj tks viuh Lo;a dk MkDVjh dk;Z dj jgk gS us vc ,d ufl±x gkse esa dk;Z djuk izkjEHk dj fn;k gSA iwoZ esa og fdl izdkj dh vkfFkZd fØ;k dj jgk Fkk vkSj vc og fdl izdkj dh fØ;k dj jgk gSA nksuksa fØ;kvksa dh ifjHkk"kk Hkh nhft,A A doctor who had been running his own practice now joins a nursing home on salary basis. Which type of economic activity he was engaged in earlier and which type other is engaged in at present. Also define both activities. (c) ykHk tksf[ke dk ikfjrksf"kd gSA O;kolkf;d tksf[ke dh D;k fo'ks"krk,a gSaA fdUgha nks dk mYys[k dhft,A Profit is said to be the reward of risk. What are the characterstics of business risk? State any two. (d) ,d [kkn~; izla;dj.k dEiuh iQy mxk jgh gS vkSj ckn esa mudk jl fudkydj Vhu ds MCcksa esa iSd djrh gSA dEiuh dkSu&dkSu ls izdkj ds mn~;ksx esa yxh gSaA muds uke crkb, rFkk ,sls m|ksxksa dh fdUgha nks fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft,A A food processing company is growing fruits, and extract of juice. The juice is packed in the bottles/ boxes. Name the type of industries the company is engaged and state any two characterstics such industies. O;olk; vè;;u (Business Studies) 73 2. fuEufyf[kr pkj iz'uksa esa ls fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 40&60 'kCnksa esa nhft;s% 2 Answer any one out of the following four questions in about 40-60 words: (a) vf/dka'k okf.kT; cSad cM+s 'kgjksa rd lhfer FksA vc mudks xzkeh.k {ks=kksa esa 'kk[kk,a [kksyus ds fy, izsfjr fd;k x;k gSA muds dk;ks± ls xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk ,oa cSad fdl izdkj ls ykHkkfUor gksaxs\ Earlier most of the commercial banks had been confined to big cities are now encouraged to open their branches in rural areas. How will rural economy and the banks will be benefitted by opening branches in rural areas? Explain. (b) cSad vius izkFkfed dk;Z tek Lohdkj djuk ,oa ½.k iznku djus ds vfrfjDr vius xzkgdksa ds ,tsUV ds :i esa Hkh dk;Z djrs gSaA cSadksa }kjk iznku dh tkus okyh ,sls fdUgha pkj ,tsUlh lsokvksa dk mYys[k dhft,A In addition to their primary functions of accepting deposits and lending money banks act as agents of their customers. State any four agency services provided by bank. (c) ,d O;olk;h us vius xksnke dk vfXu chek djk;k gSA xksnke esa oLrqvksa dh vkx ds vfrfjDr fdlh vkSj izdkj dh gkfu gksus ij D;k mls {kfriwfrZ] izkIr gksxh\ vius nkaos dk gdnkj cuus ds fy, mls fdu 'krks± dks iwjk djuk gksxk\ mYys[k djsaA A businessman has taken a fire insurance policy on his godown. In case of any loss of goods in the godowns due to reasons other than fire will he get compensation from the insurance company? State the conditions which he should fulfill so that he becomes entitled for the claim. (d) xkaoksa ds ,d lewg ds xzkeh.k la'; es gSa fd og tks lfCt;ka mxk jgs gSa mUgsa eaMh rd Vªdksa ls ys tk,a vFkok jsyxkM+h lsA mUgsa lq>ko ns dj lgk;rk iznku dhft, fd mUgsa ifjogu ds fdl lk/u dk mi;ksxh djuk pkfg, tks muds fy, lokZf/d mfpr gksA lq>ko ds leFkZu esa fdUgha nks fcUnqvksa dk mYys[k dhft,A Villagers of a cluster of villages are in a dilema. Whether to take vegitables grown by them to mandi by brucks or by train? Help them by suggesting the mode of transport that will be most suitable for them. State any two points in favour of your suggestion. 3. fuEufyf[kr pkj iz'uksa esa ls fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 40&60 'kCnksa esa nhft;s% 2 Answer any one out of the following four questions in about 40-60 words: (a) Hkwe.Myh;dj.k dh uhfr ds fØ;kUo;;u djrs gq, gekjh ljdkj us gekjh vFkZO;oLFkk dks fo'o dh vFkZO;oLFkk esa lekfgr djus ds fy, dne mBk, gSa ;g dne dkSu&dkSu ls gS\ mYys[k dhft,A While implementing the policy of globalisation our government has taken steps to integrate our economy with the world economy . What are these steps? State. (b) uke dkMZ vkSj tek dkMZ esa tkjhdrkZ cSad vkSj bu dkMks± ds ekè;e ls Hkqxrku dh lhek ds vk/kj ij vki vUrj dSls djsaxs\ How will you distinguish between debit card and credit card on the basis of having an account with the issuing bank and the limit of payment through these cards. 74 O;olk; vè;;u (Business Studies) (c) ,d lk>snkjh iQeZ dh lcls egÙoiw.kZ lhek vlhfer nk;Ro gSA lk>snkjh iQeZ fdl izdkj ls bl lhek ls ysfdu lk>snkjh dh ewyHkwr fof'k"Vrk,a cuk;s j[krs gq, iQeZ viuk cpko dj ldrh gSA ,slh fLFkfr esa lk>snkjksa dh vf/dre la[;k fdruh jgsxh\ The most important limitation of partnership is unlimited liability. How can a partnership firm save itself for this limitation but retain the basic characterstics of partnership? What will be the maximum number of partners in this cases? (d) ,d MkDVj ufl±x gkse esa dk;Z dj jgk gS rFkk ,d vè;kid viuk dksfpax laLFkku pyk jgk gSA bldk vFkZ gqvk fd MkDVj ukSdjh esa gS vkSj vè;kid Lojkstxkj esaA MkDVj dSls Lojkstxkjh vkSj vè;kid ukSdjh okyk cu ldrk gS\ A doctor is employed in a nursing home and a teacher is running his coaching institute. How can the doctor becomes self employed person and teacher in a wage employment. 4. fuEufyf[kr pkj iz'uksa esa ls fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 100&150 'kCnksa esa nhft;s% 4 Answer any one out of the following four questions in about 100-150 words: (a) vkidk ,d fe=k tks fd dV~Vj jk"Vªoknh gS] gekjs ns'k esa cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ksa dks dk;Z ds fy, vuqefr ds fo#¼ gSA mls larq"V dhft, fd ;g ns'k ds vkfFkZd fodkl ds fy, egÙoiw.kZ gSA blds i{k esa de ls de pkj rdZ nhft,A One of your friends who is nationalist is against the multinational companies to be allowed to function in our country. Convince him, they are useful for the economic development of our country. Giving at least four arguments in its favours. (b) ,d csjkstxkj O;fDr dks jkstxkj dk;kZy; esa iathdj.k djk ysuk pkfg,A blls mls jkstxkj izkfIr esa lgk;rk feysxhA ysfdu cgqr de csjkstxkj yksx vius vkidks jkstxkj dk;kZy; esa iathÑr djk jgs gSA bldss dkj.kksa dks la{ksi esa le>kb,A Un employed person should get himself or herself registered with employment exchange, this will help him/her in getting employment. But a very less percentage of unemployed, poeple are regestering themselves with the employment exchange. Briefly explain the reasons for the sames. (c) lkekftd mÙkjnk;Roksa dh iwfrZ dj O;olk; ,sls i;kZoj.k dk fuekZ.k djrk gS tks mldh liQyrk esa lgk;d gksxk cgqr ls i{k blesa #fp j[krs gS blesa #fp j[kus okyk ,d egÙoiw.kZ oxZ ljdkj gSA ljdkj ds izfr O;olk; ds mÙkj nkf;Ro dkSu&dkSu ls gSa fdUgha pkj dk mYys[k dhft,A By fulfilling the social obligations business creates as environment which is conducive to its success. Many parties are interested in it. An important interested group is government. What are the responsibilities of business towards government? State any four. (d) vki tc vius fj'rsnkj ds dkj[kkus esa x;s rks vkidks ,d fofp=k lh xa/ feyh vkidk xyk #a/ lk x;k rFkk vkidks lakl ysus esa dfBukbZ gqbZA ;g vkSj dqN ugha i;kZoj.k iznw"k.k gSA vkSn~;ksfxdj.k blds fy, fdl izdkj ls mÙkjnk;h gS\ le>kb,A O;olk; vè;;u (Business Studies) 75 White visiting factory of your relative you find a strange smell and feels throat choking and difficulty in breathing . It is nothing but environmental pollution. How is industrialisation responsible for the environmental pollution? Explain. 5. fuEufyf[kr pkj iz'uksa esa ls fdlh ,d iz'u dk mÙkj yxHkx 100&150 'kCnksa esa nhft;s% 4 Answer any one of the following four questions in about 100-150 words: (a) vkt ds bl ;qqx esa tc cM+s&cM+s O;olk; cM+s iSekus ij pyk, tk jgs gSa ,slk yxrk gS fd NksVs O;olk; 'kk;n viuk egÙo [kks cSBs gSA D;k vki blls lger gSa\ y?kq O;olk;ksa ds c<+rs egÙo ds i{k esa rdZ nhft,A In this era of very big businesses run on large scale has, small business seems to have lost its importance? Do you agree? Give argument's in favour of the growing significance of small businesses. (b) vkids ,d fe=k us fyf[kr ijh{kk ikl dj yh gS rFkk mls ,d izfl¼ dEiuh esa ,d dk;Zdkjh ds in ds fy, lk{kkRdkj ds fy, cqyk;k x;k gSA ysfdu og fo'okl [kks jgk gS rFkk mls le> ugha vk jgk gS fd lk{kkRdkj dk lkeuk dSls djsaA mls lq>ko nsa fd og lk{kkRdkj ds fy, fdl izdkj ls rS;kjh djsaA One of your friends have qualified the writtten test and is called for interview for an executive post in a reputed company. But he is losing confidence and do not know how to face the interview. Suggest him how he should prepare for the interview. (c) vFkZ'kkL=k dk ,d fon~;kFkhZ tksj&'kksj ls Hkwe.Myh;dj.k ,oa mnkjhdj.k dh odkyr dj jgk gSA mldk nkok gS fd gekjs ns'k esa cgqjk"Vªh; dEifu;ka gekjh vf/dka'k vkfFkZd leL;kvksa dk lek/ku dj nsaxhA ysfdu nwljk fon~;kFkhZ mlds bl n`f"Vdks.k ls lger ugha gSA ;fn vki mlds LFkku ij gSa rks vki vius n`f"Vdks.k dks fdl izdkj ls fl¼ djsaxs\ A student of economics is vehemently advocating for globalisation and liberalisation. As per his claims Multinational companies in our country will solve most of the economic problems of our country. But another student does but endorse his viewpoint. If you are is his position how will your prove your view point? (d) oLrq ,oa lsokvksa dk Ø;&foØ; lEiw.kZ okf.kT; ugha gSA fofHkUu ,slh fØ;k;sa gSa tks blesa lgk;d gksrh gSA ;g fØ;k;sa dkSu&dkSu lh gSa\ le>kb,A Trading of goods and survices is not complate commerce. It is to be facilited by performing various other activities. What are these activities? Explain. 6. uhps fn;s x;s pkj ifj;kstuk dk;ks± esa ls dksbZ ,d ifj;kstuk dk;Z rS;kj dhft;s% 6 Make any one of the four projects given below: (a) ,slk ekuk tkrk gS fd O;olk; ds fy, ykHk eq[; vfHkizsj.kk 'kfDr gSA D;k vki blls lger gSa\ vius mÙkj ds leFkZu esa rdZ nsaA Profit is said to be the main driving force in business. Do you agree? Give points in support of your answer. 76 O;olk; vè;;u (Business Studies) (b) HkaMkj.k oLrqvksa ds mRiknu ,oa muds mi;ksx ds chp dh le;kof/ nwjh dks ikVrk gSA vkSj blls O;olk; ds fodkl dks lgk;rk feyrh gSA ;g fdl izdkj ls O;olk; ds fy, mi;ksxh gS\ le>kb,A Warehousing bridges the time gap between production of goods and their cousumption. How is it useful for business? Explain. (c) foØe tks fd ,d fof'k"Vrk izkIr bUthfu;j gS rFkk ,d eksVj ikVZ~l dh fuekZ.k bdkbZ dks liQyrkiwoZd lapkyu dj jgs gSaA vc og vius O;olk; dks c<+kuk pkg jgs gSaA mlds fe=k lq>ko ns jgs gS fd ,d ;k nks O;fDr;ksa dks lk>snkj cuk ysuk pkfg,A ysfdu mldh dqN 'kadk,a gSaA mls vius rdZ ds i{k esa dksbZ pkj fcUnq nsdj larq"V dhft, fdl izdkj ls lk>snkjh mlds O;olk; ds fodkl ds fy, lgk;d jgsxhA Mr. Vikram, a qualified engineer is running motor parts manufacturing unit very successfully. Now he wants to expand the business. His friends suggest that he should take one or two persons as partners. But he has some doubts. Convince him how partnership will be helpful in the growth of his business by giving at least four points in favour of your argument. (d) ,d O;kikjh us vius xksnke dk vfXuchek djk;k tks fd 'kgj ds ?kuh vkcknh okys {ks=k esa fLFkr gS ysfdu mlus chek dEiuh dks ;g mtkxj ugha fd;k fd xksnke ds lehi gh ,d xSj dkuwuh :i ls ,d eksfYMax dh bdkbZ izpkyu esa FkhA ckn esa vkx yx xbZ ysfdu chek dEiuh us {kfr iwfrZ dk Hkqxrku djus ls euk dj fn;kA chek ds fdl fl¼kUr dk mYya?ku gqvk Fkk\ mls le>kb,A ;fn mlus rF; dks mtkxj dj fn;k gksrk mlds nkos dk fuiVku fdl vk/kj ij gksrkA le>kb,A A trader took an insurance policy, against fire, on his godown located in a very congested area of the city but did not disclose to the insurer that a moulding unit was operating illegally near the godown. Later on fire destroyed his godown but insurance company refused to pay the compensation. Which principle of insurance the trader has violated? Explain it. Had he disclosed the fact? How could his claim been settled? Explain. O;olk; vè;;u (Business Studies) 77
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