Report Wynyard Quarter Area 7 IDP - Transportation Assessment Prepared for Waterfront Auckland By Beca Ltd (Beca) 21 October 2014 Beca // 21 October 2014 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 Executive Summary Development Proposals 2 Quarter Area 7 IDP is proposed to accommodate 25,000m of non-permanent accommodation and is proposed to be serviced off Halsey Street. Transport Effects Overall the proposed Wynyard Central IDP for Quarter Areas 7 complies with the maximum permitted parking ratio outlined in Rule and less than outlined in the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. a. Trip Generation Assessment – March 2013 In terms of Rule bullet point 1, the trip generation ceiling target for all activities from Wynyard Quarter is 2,500 vehicle trips per hour outbound during the PM peak. The estimated total trip generation of 1,868 is well below this celling target. Rule bullet point 2 states that the proposed office activity, together with all other existing, permitted and consented activities, will not exceed the predicted total trips for the relevant Quarter Area set out in Table 2 of Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. For Quarter Area 7 table 2 allocates 6 vehicle trips to the inbound AM hour and 16 vehicle trips to the outbound PM hour, with Quarter Area 7 predicted to generate 85 trips in or outbound in the peak hour. The 6 and 16 trips are based on residential accommodation not a hotel, which will generate a high trip flow in PM peak hour. This rule is not satisfied for Quarter Area 7 IDP. The two-way outbound movement of 3,294 vehicle trips and the project PM peak hour two-way trips of 170 vehicle, giving a total of 3,464 vehicle trips is below the ceiling target of 3,650 vehicle trips. b. Trip Generation Assessment – March 2014 In terms of Rule bullet point 1, the trip generation ceiling target for all activities from Wynyard Quarter is 2,500 vehicle trips per hour outbound during the PM peak. The estimated total trip generation of 2,230 is well below this celling target. Rule bullet point 2 states that the proposed office activity, together with all other existing, permitted and consented activities, will not exceed the predicted total trips for the relevant Quarter Area set out in Table 2 of Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. For Quarter Area 7 table 2 allocates 6 vehicle trips to the inbound AM hour and 16 vehicle trips to the outbound PM hour, with Quarter Area 7 predicted to generate 85 trips in or outbound in the peak hour. The 6 and 16 trips are based on residential accommodation not a hotel, which will generate a high trip flow in PM peak hour. This rule is not satisfied for Quarter Area 7 IDP. The two-way outbound movement of 3,708 vehicle trips and the project PM peak hour two-way trips of 170 vehicle, giving a total of 3,878 vehicle trips is above the ceiling target of 3,650 vehicle trips, however this is primarily due to the heavy left turn movement from Beaumont Street to Westhaven Drive. The proposed Quarter Area 7 developments will provide 2 loading space respectively which meets Part of the District Plan requirements. Beca // 21 October 2014 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 It is envisaged that visitor and secure long stay cycle parking would be incorporated in the IDP for Quarter Areas 7 and this should be managed through a consent condition consistent with Annexure 9 Bicycle Facilities in the Auckland Council District Plan: Central Area Section. In our opinion, the proposed Wynyard Central IDP for Quarter Areas 7 complies with the transportation requirements of the Part 14.9 of the District Plan and the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. Beca // 21 October 2014 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 Introduction ..........................................................................................................1 1.1 Background .................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Wynyard Central - Quarter Area 7 ............................................................................... 1 1.3 Report Structure ........................................................................................................... 2 Planning and Policy Framework ..........................................................................3 2.1 Resource Management Act - 1991 .............................................................................. 3 2.2 Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy - 2005 .................................................... 3 2.3 District Plan – Wynyard Quarter Precinct .................................................................... 3 Transportation Network and Land Uses .............................................................5 3.1 Existing Site ................................................................................................................. 5 3.2 Passenger Transport ................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Traffic Volumes ............................................................................................................ 6 3.4 Walking & Cycling ........................................................................................................ 8 Assessment of Transport Effects ........................................................................9 4.1 5 Car Parking Demand and Traffic Generation .............................................................. 9 Summary & Conclusion .....................................................................................12 5.1 Summary.................................................................................................................... 12 5.2 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 13 Appendices Appendix A – Proposed Area 7 layout Appendix B – Vehicle Trip Generation, Car Parking and Loading Space Calculations Beca // 21 October 2014 // 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 1 Introduction Beca Ltd (Beca) was commissioned by Waterfront Auckland to prepare an updated Transport Assessment for the Wynyard Central IDP for Quarter Area 7 in Wynyard Quarter following a variation to development of Parcel 4 in Quarter Area 4 affecting the original assumption of the vehicle trips originally assumed for Quarter Area 4. 1.1 Background Quarter Area 7 is located within Wynyard Quarter, which was subject to Plan Change 4. The purpose of Plan Change 4 was to allow for the comprehensive redevelopment of Wynyard Quarter and enable a transition from an industrial, marine and bulk liquid storage area to a mixed use commercial, residential and marine industry/fishing locality. Combined with this it is proposed to accommodate high quality open space, food and beverage, and retail activities. Plan Change 4 has since been adopted in part, within Part 14.9 of the District Plan - the Wynyard Quarter Precinct provisions. Part 14.9 sets an aspiration where single occupancy private vehicle trips represent no more than 30% of all trips. Walking, cycling, public transport and private vehicle passenger trips should account for 70% of overall trips to and from Wynyard Quarter. In addition to this, the requirements for maximum car parking provision are stricter than the previous provision as well as several travel management criteria to be met by developments within the Quarter. A critical component of the travel management framework is the following suite of vehicle trip generation ceiling targets: i. 3650 vehicle per hour two way; ii. 2500 vehicle per hour one way inbound and outbound during the weekday morning peak (7.00am – 9.00am); and iii. 2500 vehicle per hour one way outbound or inbound during the week day afternoon peak (4.00pm – 6.00pm) It is envisaged that the Quarter will be developed over a number of years as existing leases expire, 2 and that Wynyard Quarter will ultimately accommodate 686,900m Gross Floor Area (GFA). The allocation of GFA between Quarter 1 -7 and allocation of vehicle trips per Quarter Area are contained In Table 2: Private Vehicle Trip Allocations passenger in the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan, references in Part 14.9 of the District Plan. 1.2 Wynyard Central - Quarter Area 7 Quarter Area 7 as shown in Figure 1-1 comprises a 1.57 hectare rectangular land area to the east of Halsey Street. The deep-water access to Viaduct Harbour, its aspect to Eastern Viaduct, and future accessibility from the Central Area makes this Quarter Area ideally placed to accommodate 2 marine events activities. The District Plan provides for the establishment of 14,998m GFA in Quarter Area 7. There are two accesses proposed off Halsey Street for Area 7. The first access is proposed to be located north of Madden Street and will primarily be used by vehicles entering or leaving the hotel Porte-cochère area. The second access is proposed to be located south of Jellicoe Street, and provides access to the basement car park and the loading bays. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 1 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 Figure 1-1: Quarter Development Areas The proposed site layout for Quarter Area 7 is included in Appendix A. Quarter Area 7 is proposed 2 to accommodate 25,000m of non-permanent accommodation and serviced off Halsey Street. 1.3 Report Structure The remainder of this report is structured as follows: n Section 2 reviews the existing and proposed transport planning policy relevant to Quarter Areas 7; n Section 3 reviews the existing site, and the transport network; n Section 4 assesses the effects of the IDP; and n Section 5 draws together a summary and conclusion. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 2 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 2 Planning and Policy Framework 2.1 Resource Management Act - 1991 The Resource Management Act (RMA) sets out the duties of local authorities and other statutory planning authorities to consider the impact of development proposals, including transport impacts. The Act also requires Territorial Local Authorities (TLAs) to produce and update the District Plans against which all resource consent applications are assessed. 2.2 Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy - 2005 The Auckland Regional Land Transport Strategy (ARLTS) sets the policies and objectives to shape the future of land transport within the Auckland region up to 2016. The strategy outlines the requirements for an integrated approach to transportation in order to accommodate the growth predicted for the Auckland region. The method proposed to achieve the objectives of the ARLTS is to integrate transport and land use and ensure that they support each other in promoting the use of non-vehicular traffic. This will be supported by upgrading and improving the passenger transport network to accommodate existing travel demand and proposed growth areas. 2.3 District Plan – Wynyard Quarter Precinct Transport has been identified as one of the key constraints to the re-generation of Wynyard Quarter and so a series of transportation rules have been developed to respond to the specific needs of this area. These rules are focussed on reducing the need to travel to the Quarter as a car driver through promoting alternative modes of transport. The rules include new maximum car parking provision, peak traffic generation numbers, and the provision of site travel management plans for certain individual developments. The proposed activities within Quarter Area 7 as part of this IDP will be assessed against Part 14.9 of the Auckland Council District Plan Updated on 16/10/2012. 2.3.1 Transportation Objectives & Policies The Auckland Waterfront Vision 2040 set out for transportation is ‘the management of private vehicle impacts on existing road infrastructure and the need for fully integrated public transport’. Part of the Operative District Plans outlines the transport objective for Wynyard Quarter as “maintain or enhance the safety and capacity of the internal and wider transport network’. The policies that aim to assist meeting this objective are targeted at reducing / managing private vehicle travel to and from Wynyard Quarter particularly during peak periods. This will be achieved through encouraging the use of alternative modes of transport and the provision of alternative and efficient passenger transport services compatible with the intended character and amenity of the area. The first method proposed to assist in meeting these objectives requires the establishment of a voluntary Transport Management Association and the implementation of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan to provide a framework to assist to reduce single occupancy private vehicles and to promote more sustainable trip making. The association has now been established and is chaired by Auckland Transport with the objective to promote travel initiatives that encourage alternatives to car travel to improve accessibility into and around the area. The second method is development control Rule limiting the amount of office floor space within Wynyard Quarter. The third method is development control Rule setting permitted maximum car parking ratios based on activities. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 3 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 The fourth method is requirement for restricted discretionary activity consent for activities with potential to generate more than minor volumes of traffic to ensure that appropriate activity specific travel management measures are implemented. The fifth method is on-going consultation with relevant transport authorities to establish an appropriate regular public transport system serving Wynyard Quarter and connecting it to the central city area. The sixth method of new infrastructure through development and/or financial contribution. The seventh and final method is on-going monitoring of traffic effects (both internal and external to Wynyard Quarter). 2.3.2 District Plan Transportation Assessment Criteria a. Car Parking Standards Rule outlines the maximum permitted parking ratios that shall be applied to activities within the Quarter as shown in Table 2-1. Table 2-1: Parking Ratio b. Activities Type Maximum Parking Ratio Non-Permanent Accommodation 1 space per 200m of GFA 2 Loading Standards The requirement for loading bays is set out in Part of the District Plan, which is summarised in Table 2-2 below. Table 2-2: Loading Requirements - Other Activities Gross Floor Area of Activity (sq.m No. of Loading Spaces 0 – 20,000 1 20,001 – 50,000 2 (one on-street for courier services) Over 50,000 3 + 1 per 37,160sq.m (one on-street for courier services) c. Consultation with Public Transport Authorities On-going consultation is required with the public transport authorities to establish a regular local public transport service to / through Wynyard Quarter. This is currently taking place between Auckland Transport and Waterfront Auckland. d. Funding Funding of new infrastructure may be requested through development and / or financial contributions. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 4 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 e. Monitoring of Traffic Effects On-going monitoring is required of the traffic effects, both internal and external to Wynyard Quarter. It is anticipated that the monitoring will be undertaken by Auckland Transport. 3 Transportation Network and Land Uses 3.1 Existing Site Quarter Area 7 (Parcel 8) is home to the old Team New Zealand sheds which are currently used for events. 3.2 Passenger Transport Two bus routes currently penetrate into Wynyard Quarter, which are Route 10 and the City Link service. The routes of these services within the vicinity of Wynyard Quarter are illustrated in Figure 3-1. Route 10 serves Ponsonby, Point Chevalier, Mount Albert and Onehunga. This service operates on weekdays only at a frequency of: n one bus per half hour between 06:30 and 09:00 n one bus per hour between 09:00 and 15:00 n one bus per half hour between 15:00 and 18:00 The City Link service travels between Wynyard Quarter and Karangahape Road, via Queen Street at a frequency of: n one bus every 15-minutes on Monday to Saturday between 06:30 and 23:30 n one bus every 20-minutes on Sundays and Public Holidays between 07:00 and 23:00 Figure 3-1: Existing Bus Routes There are bus stops on Jellicoe Street between Beaumont Street and Daldy Street. . The bus services provide connections to Britomart, which is the passenger transport hub of Auckland City. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 5 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 In addition to these services penetrating Wynyard Quarter, there are existing bus services on Fanshawe Street that provide access to Britomart. The Tram has a tourist attraction function and is not expected to be used by event uses. Furthermore, the Wynyard Crossing has reduced the walking distance to Britomart from the events area to 1.2km walk, which is considered to be satisfactory for accessing events of the type considered in this report. As identified above, this bridge was well utilised during the 2011 Rugby World Cup with a high proportion of visitors to Wynyard Quarter coming from Auckland’s CBD. 3.3 Traffic Volumes The Council undertook traffic counts in March 2013 and March 2014 on Beaumont Street, Daldy Street and Halsey Street immediately north of their intersections with Fanshawe Street and at Westhaven Drive and Viaduct Harbour Avenue. The March 2013 and 2014 weekday peak traffic count data are summarised in Table 3-1. Table 3-1: Weekday Peak Traffic Count Summary Weekday Peak Period Direction AM Peak Inbound PM Peak March 2013 Peak (Vehicles per Hour) March 2014 Peak (Vehicles per Hour) 1,594 1,442 Outbound 913 898 Combined 2,507 2,340 Inbound 1,295 1,356 Outbound 1,384 1,785 Combined 2,679 3,141 The background traffic from March 2014 count shows a significant increase in the outbound movement for the PM peak hour. In particular the outbound movement on Westhaven Drive has increased from 78 vehicle trips in March 2013 to 516 vehicle trips in March 2014. Further breakdown of the data indicates that majority of the outbound traffic on Westhaven Drive is arriving from the left turn movement on Beaumont Street. It is noted that the inbound traffic (for the same peak hour) does not show the same level of increase indicating that traffic may have arrived within the Quarter earlier than the peak hour survey period. 3.3.1 March 2013 Analysis The previous analysis was undertaken based on the March 2013 traffic counts, and considered the following committed traffic generation changes within Wynyard Quarter: n Predicted increase in traffic resulting from the ASB office development n Reduction in traffic associated with construction traffic for the ASB office n Increase in traffic resulting from the Quarter Area 2 development n Reduction in traffic associated with the re-development of Quarter Area 2 n Increase in traffic resulting from the Quarter Area 4 redevelopment n Concepted Brigham Street Carpark The calculation of these traffic flows based on the March 2013 traffic counts is summarised in Table 3-2 below. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 6 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 Table 3-2: Peak Hour Traffic Threshold Summary March 2013 Scenario AM Peak Hour Inbound 2013 Counts Outbound PM Peak Hour Total Inbound Outbound Total 1,594 913 2,507 1,257 1,384 2,679 ASB Office 56 14 70 14 56 70 ASB Construction -97 -24 -122 -24 -97 -122 Existing Quarter Area 2 -123 -31 -154 -31 -123 -154 Quarter Area 2 232 58 290 58 232 290 Quarter Area 41 219 192 411 180 251 431 Brigham Street Car Park 80 20 100 20 80 100 Resultant Traffic Flow for Assessment 1,961 1,142 3,102 1,474 1,783 3,294 Plan Change Ceilings 2,500 - 3,650 - 2,500 3,650 It is identified that the total traffic generation of Wynyard Quarter in the short term based on surveyed March 2013 period and committed development does not exceed the thresholds identified in the District Plan. 3.3.2 March 2014 Analysis Traffic assessment has also been undertaken using the March 2014 traffic count (Table 3-3), and takes into account the following committed traffic generation changes within Wynyard Quarter: n Increase in traffic resulting from the Quarter Area 2 development; n Reduction in traffic associated with the re-development of Quarter Area 2; and n Increase in traffic resulting from the Quarter Area 7 redevelopment Table 3-3: Peak Hour Traffic Threshold Summary March 2014 Scenario AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Total 2014 Counts 1,442 898 2,340 1,356 1,785 3,141 Existing Quarter Area 2 -123 -31 -154 -31 -123 -154 Quarter Area 2 232 58 290 58 232 290 Quarter Area 4 219 192 411 180 251 431 Resultant Traffic Flow for Assessment 1,770 1,117 2,887 1,563 2,145 3,708 Plan Change Ceilings 2,500 - 3,650 - 2,500 3,650 1 Flows extracted from Wynyard Quarter Area 4 IDP – Transportation Assessment, October 2014 Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 7 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 It is identified that the total traffic generation of Wynyard Quarter in the short term based on surveyed March 2014 period and committed development does slightly exceed the threshold identified in the District Plan, however this is primarily due to the heavy left turn movement from Beaumont Street to Westhaven Drive. 3.4 Walking & Cycling 3.4.1 Walking Wynyard Quarter benefits from being a flat site, which makes for easy walking and cycling. Walking to Quarter Area 7 from the CBD is likely to be via Viaduct Harbour and Te Wero bridge, which links to the existing bars and restaurants in the eastern viaduct. This is also the main routes for people walking to and from Britomart public transport services. These routes would connect with the east/west pedestrian street running through the centre of the proposed Quarter Area development. The Te Wero bridge also encourages pedestrian traffic into Wynyard Quarter as part of a recreational waterfront walk. 3.4.2 Cycling Cycle routes linking Wynyard Quarter to the wider cycle network are illustrated on Figure 3-2, which is an extract from the Auckland Cycle Network Long Term Plan as part of the Auckland Integrated Transport Plan. Figure 3-2: Auckland CBD Cycle Network Long Term Plan Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 8 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 4 Assessment of Transport Effects 4.1 Car Parking Demand and Traffic Generation The following traffic and parking generation rates are set out to assess the short-term effects of the proposed development. It is anticipated that traffic demand will reduce over time as development intensifies in Wynyard Quarter and as passenger transport improvements are made. The traffic generation and parking rates set out below are reflective of the long-term traffic demands of Quarter Area 7 proposed developments. 4.1.1 Car Parking Based on activities GFA within the proposed IDP for Quarter Area 7 outlined in Section 1.3, Table 4-1 below outlines the: n maximum permitted based on IDP GFA and per Rule n proposed number of car parks proposed; and n maximum permitted as outlined in Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transportation Plan allocation for each Quarter Area. The calculation of the parking requirement and proposed are shown in Appendix B. The total proposed car parks are no greater than the maximum car parks permitted of 75 for Quarter Area 7 under the IDP. Also, the proposed Quarter Area 7 development provides 100 respectively less car parks than that set out in Table 6, Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. This is illustrated below in Table 4-1. Table 4-1: Car Parking Provisions Quarter Area Maximum Permitted Car Parks based on IDP GFA Maximum Permitted Car Parks based on Max Permitted + Restricted Discretionary Office GFA Proposed Car Parks Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan 7 75 75 75 175 Overall the proposed Wynyard Central IDP for Quarter Areas 7 complies with the maximum permitted parking ratio, as outlined in Rule and 100 car parks less than that outlined in Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 9 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 4.1.2 Trip Generation The number of peak hour vehicle trips related to the proposed IDP for Quarter Areas 7 are shown in Table 4-2 with the trip generation calculation provided in Appendix B. When calculating the peak hour vehicle trip generation per hour, the following assumptions have been made: n Non-permanent Accommodation uses: A generation rate of 0.34 vehicle trips per 100m2 outbound in the peak hour These are the rates agreed during the Plan Change process. Table 4-2: Peak hour Single Direction Vehicle Trip Generation Activity Use Quarter Area 7 Non-permanent Accommodation 85 a. Trip Generation Assessment – March 2013 The assessment is based on the critical PM peak outbound movement. The traffic generated during the weekend peak is not anticipated to have any significant effects because of the low traffic flows on the local road network. Based on the resultant maximum traffic flow from existing and consented developments presented in Table 3-2 of 1,783 vehicle trips outbound in the PM peak hour and the projected PM peak hour outbound trips for Quarter Area 7 is 85 vehicle trips, giving a total of 1,868 inbound vehicle trips per PM peak hour is estimated to be generated. In terms of Rule bullet point 1, the trip generation ceiling target for all activities from Wynyard Quarter is 2,500 vehicle trips per hour outbound during the PM peak. The estimated total trip generation of 1,868 is well below this celling target. Rule bullet point 2 states that the proposed office activity, together with all other existing, permitted and consented activities, will not exceed the predicted total trips for the relevant Quarter Area set out in Table 2 of Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. For Quarter Area 7 table 2 allocates 6 vehicle trips to the inbound AM hour and 16 vehicle trips to the outbound PM hour, with Quarter Area 7 predicted to generate 85 trips in or outbound in the peak hour. The 6 and 16 trips are based on residential accommodation not a hotel, which will generate a high trip flow in PM peak hour. This rule is not satisfied for Quarter Area 7 IDP. The two-way outbound movement of 3,294 vehicle trips and the project PM peak hour two-way trips of 170 vehicle, giving a total of 3,464 vehicle trips is below the ceiling target of 3,650 vehicle trips. b. Trip Generation Assessment – March 2014 The assessment is based on the critical PM peak outbound movement. The traffic generated during the weekend peak is not anticipated to have any significant effects because of the low traffic flows on the local road network. Based on the resultant maximum traffic flow from existing and consented developments presented in Table 3-3 of 2,145 vehicle trips outbound in the PM peak hour and the projected PM peak hour outbound trips for Quarter Area 7 is 85 vehicle trips, giving a total of 2,230 outbound vehicle trips per PM peak hour is estimated to be generated. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 10 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 In terms of Rule bullet point 1, the trip generation ceiling target for all activities from Wynyard Quarter is 2,500 vehicle trips per hour outbound during the PM peak. The estimated total trip generation of 2,230 is well below this celling target. Rule bullet point 2 states that the proposed office activity, together with all other existing, permitted and consented activities, will not exceed the predicted total trips for the relevant Quarter Area set out in Table 2 of Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. For Quarter Area 7 table 2 allocates 6 vehicle trips to the inbound AM hour and 16 vehicle trips to the outbound PM hour, with Quarter Area 7 predicted to generate 85 trips in or outbound in the peak hour. The 6 and 16 trips are based on residential accommodation not a hotel, which will generate a high trip flow in PM peak hour. This rule is not satisfied for Quarter Area 7 IDP. The two-way outbound movement of 3,708 vehicle trips and the project PM peak hour two-way trips of 170 vehicle, giving a total of 3,878 vehicle trips is above the ceiling target of 3,650 vehicle trips, however this is primarily due to the heavy left turn movement from Beaumont Street to Westhaven Drive. 4.1.3 Loading The proposed Quarter Area 7 developments would require 2 loading space respectively. The location of the proposed loading spaces for each building/parcel which meets this requirement is shown in Appendix B and complies with the District Plan dimensional and location requirements in Rule 4.1.4 Cycle Parking It is envisaged that visitor and secure long stay cycle parking would be incorporated in the IDP for Quarter Areas 7 and this should be managed through a consent condition. The design and location of the cycle parking (including quantum of cycle parking as well as the type of facility (Visitor or Secure)) shall be consistent with Annexure 9 Bicycle Facilities in the Auckland Council District Plan: Central Area Section. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 11 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 5 Summary & Conclusion 5.1 Summary 5.1.1 Development Proposals 2 Quarter Area 7 is proposed to accommodate 25,000m of non-permanent accommodation and serviced off Halsey Street. 5.1.2 Transport Effects a. Car Parking Overall the proposed Wynyard Central IDP for Quarter Areas 7 complies with the maximum permitted parking ratio as outline in Rule and 100 car parks less than that outlined in Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. b. Trip Generation Assessment – March 2013 In terms of Rule bullet point 1, the trip generation ceiling target for all activities from Wynyard Quarter is 2,500 vehicle trips per hour outbound during the PM peak. The estimated total trip generation of 1,868 is well below this celling target. Rule bullet point 2 states that the proposed office activity, together with all other existing, permitted and consented activities, will not exceed the predicted total trips for the relevant Quarter Area set out in Table 2 of Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. For Quarter Area 7 table 2 allocates 6 vehicle trips to the inbound AM hour and 16 vehicle trips to the outbound PM hour, with Quarter Area 7 predicted to generate 85 trips in or outbound in the peak hour. The 6 and 16 trips are based on residential accommodation not a hotel, which will generate a high trip flow in PM peak hour. This rule is not satisfied for Quarter Area 7 IDP. The two-way outbound movement of 3,294 vehicle trips and the project PM peak hour two-way trips of 170 vehicle, giving a total of 3,464 vehicle trips is below the ceiling target of 3,650 vehicle trips. c. Trip Generation Assessment – March 2014 In terms of Rule bullet point 1, the trip generation ceiling target for all activities from Wynyard Quarter is 2,500 vehicle trips per hour outbound during the PM peak. The estimated total trip generation of 2,230 is well below this celling target. Rule bullet point 2 states that the proposed office activity, together with all other existing, permitted and consented activities, will not exceed the predicted total trips for the relevant Quarter Area set out in Table 2 of Part A of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. For Quarter Area 7 table 2 allocates 6 vehicle trips to the inbound AM hour and 16 vehicle trips to the outbound PM hour, with Quarter Area 7 predicted to generate 85 trips in or outbound in the peak hour. The 6 and 16 trips are based on residential accommodation not a hotel, which will generate a high trip flow in PM peak hour. This rule is not satisfied for Quarter Area 7 IDP. The two-way outbound movement of 3,708 vehicle trips and the project PM peak hour two-way trips of 170 vehicle, giving a total of 3,878 vehicle trips is above the ceiling target of 3,650 vehicle trips, however this is primarily due to the heavy left turn movement from Beaumont Street to Westhaven Drive. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 12 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 5.1.3 Loading The proposed Quarter Area 4 and 7 developments will provide 2 loading space respectively which meets Part of the District Plan requirements. 5.1.4 Cycling Parking It is envisaged that visitor and secure long stay cycle parking would be incorporated in the IDP for Quarter Areas 7 and this should be managed through a consent condition consistent with Annexure 9 Bicycle Facilities in the Auckland Council District Plan: Central Area Section. 5.2 Conclusion In our opinion, the proposed Wynyard Central IDP for Quarter Areas 7 complies with the transportation requirements of the Part 14.9 of the District Plan and the Wynyard Quarter Transport Plan. Beca // 21 October 2014 // Page 13 3121348 // NZ1-9593397-14 0.14 Appendix A Proposed Area 7 Layout Appendix B Vehicle Trip Generation, Car Parking and Loading Space Calculations Wynyard Central: Quarter Area 7 Vehicle Trip Generation Quarter Area Parcel 7 8 Non-permanent Accommodation 25000 AM Peak Inbound 85.0 Trip Generation AM Peak Outbound 85.0 PM Peak Inbound 85.0 PM Peak Outbound 85.0 Wynyard Central: Quarter Area 7 Permitted Car Parking and Loading Calculation GFA Carpark Numbers Quarter Area Parcel Non-permanent Accommodation 7 Total 8 25000 25000 Non-permanent Loading Accommodatio Spaces n Required 1/200m2 125.0 125 1.25 2 Wynyard Central Quarter Area 7 IDP Vehicle Trip Generation.xlsx
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