HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS 420 BAR RATED UP TO 420 LPM FLOW Pressure (ISO 10771-1:2002) Max. working: 42 MPa (420 bar) Test: 62 MPa (620 bar) Bursting: 126 MPa (1.260 bar) Collapse, differential for the filter element (ISO 2941): series standard 2 MPa (20 bar) series H+ 21 MPa (210 bar) Bypass Valve Setting: COMPONENTS 600 kPa (6 bar) ± 10% Working Temperature From -25° to +110° C Compatibility (ISO 2943:1999) Full with fluids: HH-HL-HM-HV-HTG (according to ISO 6743/4) For fluids different than the above mentioned, please contact our Sales Department. Materials Head: Bowl: Bypass valve: Seals: Indicator housing: COMPONENTS Cast iron Steel Steel NBR Nitrile (FKM - on request fl uoroelastomer) Brass How to Order FILTER F PB PRESSURE FILTERS Pressure Filter - PB Application Example COMPONENTS 11 CC BY 5E SERIES PB FILTER SIZE 11/12/13/21/22/31/32/33/34/35 ELEMENT MEDIA FA 5 micron FB 7 micron FC 12 micron FD 21 micron CC 10 micron HA 5 micron HB 7 micron HC 12 micron HD 21 micron BYPASS N = NONE 20 BAR COLLAPSE PRESSURE BYPASS REQUIRED 210 BAR COLLAPSE NON BYPASS SYSTEM CARE BY = BYPASS @6 BAR DIFFERENTIAL CLOGGING INDICATOR 03 = NONE 5E = 5 BAR VISUAL POP UP 5F = 8 BAR VISUAL POP UP 6E = 5 BAR ELECTRICAL 6F = 8 BAR ELECTRICAL 7E = AS 6E WITH LED 7F = AS 6F WITH LED T2 = AS 6E WITH THERMOSTATIC 30°C T3 = AS 6F WITH THERMOSTATIC 30°C SYSTEM CARE A I R F I LT E R S 219 PRESSURE FILTERS HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS Pressure Filter - PB HOUSINGS Connection Article No Flow Rate Max Lpm FPB11 1/2" FPB11 65 LPM £173.80 €191.20 FPB12 3/4" FPB12 85 LPM £175.60 €193.20 FPB13 3/4" FPB13 85 LPM £192.10 €211.40 FPB21 3/4" FPB21 85 LPM £258.60 €284.40 FPB22 1" FPB22 130 LPM £290.00 FPB31 1" FPB31 150 LPM £404.40 €319.00 Body without €444.80 bypass valve FPB32 11/4" FPB32 340 LPM £428.00 €470.80 FPB33 11/4" FPB33 340 LPM £487.40 €536.10 FPB34 11/2" FPB34 420 LPM £719.70 €791.70 FPB35 11/2" FPB35 420 LPM £745.20 €819.70 FPB11 1/2" FPB11B 65 LPM £173.80 €191.20 FPB12 3/4" FPB12B 85 LPM £175.60 €193.20 FPB13 3/4" FPB13B 85 LPM £192.10 €211.40 FPB21 3/4" FPB21B 85 LPM £258.60 €284.40 PB - FILTER FAMILY SERIES 11 - FILTER HOUSING SIZE CC - ELEMENT MEDIA Body Size Price £ Price € FOR ELEMENT PART NUMBER FPB22 1" FPB22B 130 LPM £290.00 FPB31 1" FPB31B 150 LPM £404.40 FPB32 11/4" FPB32B 340 LPM £428.00 €319.00 Body with 6 BAR bypass €444.80 valve €470.80 FPB33 11/4" FPB33B 340 LPM £487.40 €536.10 FPB34 11/2" FPB34B 420 LPM £719.70 €791.70 FPB35 11/2" FPB35B 420 LPM £745.20 €819.70 E - ELEMENT Example: Part EPB11CC : element in 10 micron cellulose media for a size ''11'' housing ELEMENT to be added Element Filtration FA 5 micron FB 7 micron FC 12 micron FD 21 micron CC HA HB 7 micron HC 12 micron HD 21 micron Size 11 Size 12 Size 13 Size 22 £39.10 €43.00 £43.20 €47.60 £59.90 €65.90 £53.20 €58.50 £74.90 €82.40 £34.90 €38.40 £38.20 €42.10 £53.20 €58.50 £48.20 €53.00 £67.40 €74.1 £30.80 €33.90 £33.30 €36.60 £45.80 €50.40 £40.80 €44.90 £57.40 €63.20 £26.60 €29.30 £29.10 €32.10 £39.90 €43.90 £34.90 €38.40 £49.90 €54.90 10 micron £16.50 €18.20 £18.10 €19.90 £22.20 €24.40 £19.80 €21.80 £24.60 €27.00 5 micron £89.90 €98.90 £123.10 €135.50 £135.60 €149.10 £144.80 €159.30 £164.70 €181.20 £79.00 €86.90 £104.80 €115.30 £116.50 €128.10 £125.60 €138.20 £142.30 €156.60 £68.20 €75.00 £91.50 €100.70 £98.20 €108.00 £108.20 €119.00 £123.10 €135.50 £59.10 €65.00 £79.90 £88.20 20 BAR COLLAPSE PRESSURE A BYPASS HOUSING MUST BE USED 210 BAR COLLAPSE PRESSURE NON BYPASS HOUSING CAN BE USED Size 31 €87.90 Filtration FA 5 micron FB 7 micron FC 12 micron FD 21 micron CC 10 micron £32.50 HA 5 micron £195.50 €215.10 £262.90 €289.20 £322.80 €355.10 £432.70 €475.90 £519.20 €571.10 HB 7 micron £168.90 €185.80 £228.80 €251.70 £277.10 €304.80 £366.10 €402.70 £439.30 €483.30 HC 12 micron £145.60 €160.20 £198.90 €218.70 £239.70 €263.60 £321.10 €353.20 £385.40 €423.90 HD 21 micron £125.60 €138.20 £170.60 €187.60 £208.00 €228.80 £279.60 €307.50 £335.50 €369.00 210 BAR COLLAPSE PRESSURE NON BYPASS HOUSING CAN BE USED Size 33 £95.70 €105.20 £106.50 €117.20 Element 20 BAR COLLAPSE PRESSURE A BYPASS HOUSING MUST BE USED Size 32 €97.00 Size 35 €76.90 £116.50 €128.10 £163.10 €179.40 £216.40 €238.00 £259.60 €285.60 £61.50 €67.70 £102.30 €112.50 £144.80 €159.30 £186.30 €205.00 £223.60 €246.00 £53.20 €58.50 £84.90 €93.40 £126.50 €139.10 £159.70 €175.70 £191.70 €210.90 £46.60 €51.20 £74.00 €81.50 £109.00 €119.90 £139.80 €153.70 £167.70 €184.50 €35.80 £41.20 €45.30 £49.90 €54.90 CLOGGING INDICATOR Description Size 34 £69.90 For flowrates please refer to the clean filter pressure drop flow rate tables Code for 5 BAR Code for 8 BAR Price £ Price € £6.30 €6.90 VISUAL POP UP 5E 5F £67.30 €74.00 ELECTRICAL 6E 6F £71.90 €79.10 ELECTRICAL WITH LED 7E 7F £88.80 €97.70 ELECTRICAL WITH THERMOSTAT T2 T3 £100.40 €110.50 VISUAL & ELECTRICAL 72 73 £97.90 €107.70 NONE - PLUGGED 220 Size 21 03 £65.70 €72.30 £78.90 €86.80 PB HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S INSTALLATION DRAWING FPB 2 H4 ) ) % )$0,/<6,=(/(1*7+ D1 % (/(0(17 )$0,/< 6,=(/(1*7+ ( 3 % %63WKUHDG 137WKUHDG 6$(WKUHDG 6$()ODQJHSVL 6$()ODQJHSVL 32576,=( 1QRWDYDLODEOH *QRWDYDLODEOH)IRU3%RQO\ PRESSURE FILTERS H2 ) % PB H2 H1 ) % 32577<3( % 1 6 ) * ) % H5 H3 D1 H5 7<3( ) ),/7(5&203/(7( % ),/7(5+286,1* 3 % P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S ORDERING AND OPTION CHART H1 PRESSURE FILTERS H3 H4 7,4 FPB 1 PRESSURE FILTERS Pressure Filter - PB %<3$669$/9( R 30 6($/6 RQUHTXHVWRQO\ 30 6($/6 1 1%5 ) ).0 1 1%51LWULOH ) ).0)OXRURHODVWRPHU +$ +$ +$ +' ILEHU PF +& +' +& +' +& +' ! ΔS03DEDU ! ΔS03DEDU ! ΔS03DEDU && FHOOXORVH P L4 ! &/2**,1*,1',&$7256 L1 SRUWSOXJJHG ΔS03DEDU ( YLVXDOGLIIHUHQWLDON3DEDU FILTER HOUSING D1 FPB11 1/2"-3/4" ( ) ( ) ) YLVXDOGLIIHUHQWLDO N3DEDU ( HOHFWULFDO GLIIHUHQWLDO N3DEDU ) HOHFWULFDO GLIIHUHQWLDO N3DEDU ( LQGLFDWRU(ZLWK/(' D2 H1 H2 H3 ) LQGLFDWRU)ZLWK/(' 7 HOHFWGLIIN3DEDUZLWKWKHUPRVWDW& 86 166 79 87 7 HOHFWGLIIN3DEDUZLWKWKHUPRVWDW& ( ) 7 7 ( ) ( ) ( ) 7 H4 24 7 ( ) 7 63 7 +& +' +& +' +% && ( ) ( ) H5 +$ && && && && +$ +% +% +% +% )$ )% )& )' D2 +% ILEHU PF +& ILEHU PF )$ )% )& )' )$ )% )& )' )$ )% )& )' )$ )% )& )' L2 D2 ),/7(50(',$ L3ΔS03DEDU )$ ILEHU PF ! )% ILEHU PF ! ΔS03DEDU )& ILEHU PF ! ΔS03DEDU )' ILEHU PF ! ΔS03DEDU +$ ILEHU PF ! ΔS03DEDU ( ) ( ) ( ) 7 L1 88 7 ( ) ( ) L2 +% ILE PFEDU +& ILE PFEDU +' ILE PFEDU && FHO P EDU L1 :KHQWKHILOWHULVRUGHUHG ZLWK).0VHDOVWKHILUVWGLJLW RIWKHLQGLFDWRUFRGHLVDOHWWHU SOHDVHVHHSDJH ( L3 R kg 100 4.4 7 N.B. M8Indicator 12.5 series 72 & 73 only on request M8 12.5 100 4.6 12.5 L4 100 R 5.2 kg ) 7 46 ),/7(50(',$ )$ L3 ILE PF EDU )% ILE PF EDU )& ILE PF EDU )' ILE PF EDU +$ ILE PFEDU L2 R : ZLWKRXW & N3DEDU 5 UHYHUVHIORZYDOYH 3 UHYHUVHIORZE\SDVVYDOYH L4 1/2"-3/4" 86 196 109 FPB12 FILTER HOUSING ; ; $&&(6625,(6 ;; QRDFFHVVRU\DYDLODEOH 1/2"-3/4" 86D2 296 209 FPB13 D1 H1 H2 87 87H3 ;; 24H4 ;; 63H5;; 88L1;; 46L2;; M8L3 FPB21 3/4" - 1" 94 226 116 112 35 77 108 65 M8 - 100 6.6 FPB11 FPB22 1/2” -- 3/4” 3/4" 1" 94 86 166 317 20779 11287 35 24 77 63 10888 65 46 M8M8 -12,5 100 100 4,4 8.2 88 46 M8 12,5 100 4,6 media209 340media 0,25media87 85 2960,15 355media24 63310media 88 46 M8 12,5 100 5,2 65 M8 - 100 6,6 M8 - 100 8,2 63 88 FILTER ELEMENT FILTER ELEMENT (cm2) 63 FPB12 1/2” - 3/4” 86 196 media kg 109media 87 Area 24 A B C kg 2 C+ F+ & C+ H+ H+ (cm Media A B C kg kgMedia F+ MediaArea ) FPB13 EPB11 1/2” - 3/4”45 25 86 EPB11 FPB21 EPB12 EPB12 45 25 EPB13 FPB22 EPB21 50 EPB22 3/4” - 1” 45 45 25 25 94 F+ & C+ 116 85 116 EPB13 45 52 EPB21 5223.5 23,5 115 115 45 3/4” - 1” 52 EPB22 25 25 0.20 210 23,5 210 F+ H+ C+ 0,55 0.25 500 355 475 340 435 310 116 112 0.55 500 0.45112 935 35 35 108 435 0,45 0.25 0,25 0,40 0.40 975 975 975 975 780 780 0.35 0,35 935 0.55 0,55 1.830 915 77 475 0,30 94 211 317 0.30 207 23.5 52 211 0,20 0.15 226 H+ 1.830 1.785 815 915 77 1.785 1.465 815 108 46 øB C 24 65 1.465 øA A 51 51 221 PB INSTALLATION DRAWING Pressure Filter - PB FPB 34-35 D1 D1 H4 H4 FPB 31-32-33 H5 H3 P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S H5 ) ) % )$0,/<6,=(/(1*7+ 1QRWDYDLODEOH R *QRWDYDLODEOH)IRU3%RQO\ ΔS03DEDU ΔS03DEDU ΔS03DEDU ΔS03DEDU 128 337 199 107 1" - 11/4";; QRDFFHVVRU\DYDLODEOH 128 457 319 - 11/2" 1” - 1” 1/4 - 1” 1/2 128 337 199 128 558 420 ; 1/2 $&&(6625,(6 1” - 1” 1/4;- 1” 128 245 128 EPB31 52 EPB32 EPB33 EPB34 EPB35 EPB11 45 EPB12 78 4542.5 1” - 1” 1/4 - 1” 1/2 78 25 128 42.5 52 138 138 ( H4 ( H5 ( L1 ( ( ) ( ) ) 7 7 138 ;; 138 138 138 138 ( ) ( ) H4 44 44 44 ( ) ( ) ) 7 H5 7 44 ;; 4444 94 94 ) 7L1 7 143 143;; 143 143 94 94 143 L1 ( ) ( ) ) 143 7L2 7 && +% ILE PFEDU +& ILE PFEDU +' ILE PFEDU L3 && FHO P EDU ( ) ( ) 94 ;; 94 94 44 44 94 +& +' && && && && +% +& +' 88 L2 ( ) 88 7L3 88 7 M10 88 ;; :KHQWKHILOWHULVRUGHUHG ZLWK).0VHDOVWKHILUVWGLJLW RIWKHLQGLFDWRUFRGHLVDOHWWHU SOHDVHVHHSDJH L3 L4 L4 88 210 211 330 210 0,20 0.40 0.80 F+ 44 H+ 94 C+ 143 1.30 3.695 3.170 1.20 0,25 0,40 1.80 975 6.585 975 5.685 780 6.585 1.40 1.60 935 2.00 0,55 1.830 5.025 915 2.695 0,45 0,35 13.9 17.2 100 43 13,9 100 22.0 100 25.0 M10 100 43 11,0 100 17,2 43 100 22,0 43 100 25,0 øB 0,55 0.70 500 2.000 475 1.470 435 1.720 0,30 1.00 100 100 M10 H+ 138 11.0 43 88 media 0,25media 355media 340media 310media 0,15 kg 100 M10 M10 C+ 658 F+ & 520 kg 43 43 88 85 R M10 88 88 M10 M1043 143 R N.B. M10 43 Indicator series 72 & 73 only on request Area (cm2) media kg media C kg 2 C+ F+ & C+ H+ Media F+ Media H+94(cm Media C 558 kg420 kg Area ) 143 138 44 530 23,5 +& +' +$ )% ILE PF EDU )& ILE PF EDU )' ILE PF EDU +$ ILE PFEDU 43 5242.5 23,5 430 115 78 +& +' +% +$ ),/7(50(',$ 30 )$ ILE PF EDU M10 78 EPB21 42.5 +& +' +% )$ L4 )% )& )' 88 45 78 319 +$ +% )$ )% )& )' 1 1%5 ) ).0 143 25 118 116 25 520 457 EPB13 EPB22 222 42.5 685 128 FILTER ELEMENT FILTER ELEMENT A B A1/4 - 1” 1/2B 128 FPB34 1” - 1” +$ 6($/6 ø123 8.145 1.785 4.325 815 7.045 1.465 C 1” - 1” 1/4 - 1” 1/2 +$ +% ) YLVXDOGLIIHUHQWLDO N3DEDU ( HOHFWULFDO GLIIHUHQWLDO N3DEDU FILTER HOUSING ) HOHFWULFDO GLIIHUHQWLDO N3DEDU FILTER HOUSING D1 ( LQGLFDWRU(ZLWK/(' D2 H1 H2 H3 ) LQGLFDWRU)ZLWK/(' D1 7 HOHFWGLIIN3DEDUZLWKWKHUPRVWDW& D2 H1 H2 H3138 128 245 107 FPB31 7 HOHFWGLIIN3DEDUZLWKWKHUPRVWDW& FPB35 R ΔS03DEDU ΔS03DEDU )$ )% )& )' )$ )% )& )' )$ )% )& )' ( YLVXDOGLIIHUHQWLDON3DEDU FPB33 D2 ΔS03DEDU ΔS03DEDU Δ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øA A 51 51 HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S FLUID SPEED (when selecting the lter size, we suggest to consider also the max recommended uid speed (in pressure lines normally 5 < v < 10 m/s). 800 Recommended range 750 700 5 < v < 10 m/s 650 600 [l/min] 500 FLOW RATE 550 400 450 PRESSURE FILTERS Pressure Filter - PB PB 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1” 1/4 1” 1/2 PORT SIZE PRESSURE DROP CURVES (6p) The “Assembly Pressure Drop (¨p)” is obtained by adding the pressure drop values of the Filter Housing and of the Clean Filter Element corresponding to the considered Flow Rate and it must be lower than 120 kPa (1,2 bar). FILTER HOUSING PRESSURE DROP (mainly depending on the port size) 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 1 100 0,75 75 0,5 50 0,25 25 0 FPB 11-12-13-21-22 1/2" 3/4" 1" 25 50 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 1 100 0,75 75 0,5 50 0,25 25 0 75 100 125 150 l/min FPB 31-32-33-34-35 1" 1” 1/4 1” 1/2 100 200 300 400 500 600 l/min CLEAN FILTER ELEMENT PRESSURE DROP WITH F+ AND C+MEDIA (depending both on the internal diameter of the element and on the lter media) 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 EPB 11 FA FB FD FC CC 10 20 30 40 l/min 50 60 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 EPB 12 FA FB FC 10 20 30 40 l/min FD 50 CC 60 223 Pressure Filter - PB P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S PB CLEAN FILTER ELEMENT PRESSURE DROP WITH F+ AND C+MEDIA (depending both on the internal diameter of the element and on the lter media) 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 EPB 13 FA FB FD 15 30 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 FA 25 50 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 2 200 FB 1,5 150 FC 1 100 0,5 50 CC EPB 32 FB FC FD CC 100 150 200 250 300 l/min EPB 34 FA FB FC FD CC 100 200 300 400 500 600 l/min EPB 21 FB FA FC FD CC 25 50 75 100 125 150 l/min 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 0 75 100 125 150 l/min FA 50 2 90 FD 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 75 EPB 22 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 CC 45 60 l/min 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 FC 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) EPB 31 FA FB 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 l/min FA 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 EPB 33 FB FC FD CC 100 200 300 400 500 600 l/min 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 FD CC 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 FC EPB 35 FA FB FC FD CC 100 200 300 400 500 600 l/min 224 N.B. All the curves have been obtained with mineral oil having a kinematic viscosity 30 cSt and specic gravity 0,9 kg/dm3; for uids with different features, please consider PRESSURE FILTERS PRESSURE FILTERS HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S PRESSURE DROP CURVES (6p) The “Assembly Pressure Drop (¨p)” is obtained by adding the pressure drop values of the Filter Housing and of the Clean Filter Element corresponding to the considered Flow Rate and it must be lower than 120 kPa (1,2 bar). CLEAN FILTER ELEMENT PRESSURE DROP (depending both on the internal diameter of the element and on the lter media) WITH H+ MEDIA (recommended with no bypass option) 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 200 1,5 150 1 0,5 EPB 11 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 200 1,5 150 100 1 100 50 0,5 50 HA 0 10 HB 20 HC 30 40 l/min 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 HA HB HD 15 30 45 60 l/min 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 75 HB HC HD 25 50 HA HB HC HD 50 2 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 100 150 200 250 300 l/min HC HD 10 20 30 40 l/min 2 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 HA HB 25 50 HC 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 60 HD 75 100 125 150 l/min EPB 31 HA HB 50 HC HD 100 150 200 250 300 l/min 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 50 EPB 21 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 75 100 125 150 l/min EPB 32 HA HB 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 90 EPB 22 HA 0 60 HC 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 50 EPB 13 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 HD EPB 12 PRESSURE FILTERS PBPressure Filter - PB EPB 33 HA HB HC HD 100 200 300 400 500 600 l/min 225 Pressure Filter - PB P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S CLEAN FILTER ELEMENT PRESSURE DROP (depending both on the internal diameter of the element and on the lter media) PB WITH H+ MEDIA (recommended with no bypass option) 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 EPB 34 HA HB HC HD 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 2 200 1,5 150 1 100 0,5 50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 l/min EPB 35 HA HB HC HD 100 200 300 400 500 600 l/min BYPASS VALVE PRESSURE DROP When selecting the lter size, these curves must be taken into account if it is foreseen that any ow peak is to be absorbed by the bypass valve, it also must be of proper conguration to avoid pressure peaks. The valve pressure drop is directly proportional to uid specic gravity. 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 12 1200 9 FPB 11-12-13 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 20 2000 900 15 1500 6 600 10 1000 3 300 5 500 0 10 6p (bar) 6p (kPa) 20 2000 15 1500 10 1000 5 500 0 20 30 40 l/min 50 60 0 FPB 21-22 15 30 45 60 l/min 75 PRESSURE FILTERS PRESSURE FILTERS HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS 90 EPB 31-32-33-34-35 50 100 150 200 250 300 l/min N.B. All the curves have been obtained with mineral oil having a kinematic viscosity 30 cSt and specic gravity 0,9 kg/dm3; for uids with different features, please consider the factors described in the rst part of this catalogue. All the curves are obtained from test done at the UFI HYDRAULIC DIVISION Laboratory, according to the specication ISO 3968:2005. In case of discrepancy, please check the contamination level, viscosity and features of the uid in use. REVERSE FLOW VALVE NORMAL FLOW REVERSE FLOW For hydraulic systems where reverse ow can occurr, the pressure lters series FPB2+ and FPB3+ are available with a free reverse ow valve allowing the uid to pass through the lter element in the normal direction and to bypass the lter element in the reverse direction (option “R”). The reverse ow valve is available also with incorporated bypass valve for the normal ow direction, set at 6 bar (option “P”). In normal ow conditions the whole ow pass through the lter element. In the option “P”, if the differential pressure across the element exceeds 6 bar the bypass is activated. In reverse ow conditions the ow bypasses the lter element. 226 Pressure drop through the valve in the reverse direction: 0,4 bar at 100 L/min 0,6 bar at 200 L/min 0,8 bar at 300 L/min 57 HYDRAULIC OIL FILTERS P R E S S U R E F I LT E R S CLOGGING INDICATOR A visual or visual-electrical differential indicator is available as an option and allows monitoring of the element conditions, giving an exact indication of the right time to replace the element. CLOGGINGINDICATOR INDICATOR CLOGGING For further further technical information informations other options page 182-183. &and other options seeseepage 272 - 273 FILTER HOUSING The head by high performance cast iron and the bowl by extruded steel ensure the best fatigue resistance to the working pressures. FILTER ELEMENT The filter element is manufactured with filter medias selected in the UFI laboratory and mechanically supported to maintain the highest performance even at high differential pressures. SEAL GUARANTEED A perfect O-ring seal is always ensured as it is not dependent on the tightening torque applied to the bowl. EASY MAINTENANCE The hexagon end of the bowl allows for easy maintenance by using a simple hexagon wrench. Differential PRESSURE FILTERS PB Pressure Filter - PB PRESSURE FILTERS SPARE SEAL KIT NBR SERIES 5E - 5F SERIES 6E - 6F SERIES 7E - 7F FKM FPB11 521.0002.2 521.0086.2 FPB12 521.0002.2 521.0086.2 FPB13 521.0002.2 521.0086.2 FPB21 521.0003.2 521.0030.2 FPB22 521.0003.2 521.0030.2 FPB31 521.0004.2 521.0087.2 FPB32 521.0004.2 521.0087.2 FPB33 521.0004.2 521.0087.2 FPB34 521.0004.2 521.0087.2 FPB35 521.0004.2 521.0087.2 FILTER HOUSING FILTER ELEMENT CLOGGING INDICATOR SPARE PARTS ELEMENTS (For filling up see table “Ordering and option chart”) B P B X X E P B Is this datasheet the latest release? Please check on our website. Technical data subject to variations without prior notice. PB - EN - 03/2011 SERIES T2 - T3 227
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