Full Day Kindergarten Update In September, we will welcome 120 Full Day Kindergarten students to IRC! The Kindergarten classes will include both Junior and Senior Kindergarten students in each of our four classrooms. Based on our planning, each of the kindergarten programs will have approximately 30 students in a class with a teacher, an Early Childhood Educator and a lunchroom supervisor. Due to parent interest, we are fortunate to be able to offer a Before and After Care program for our kindergarten families in September. The YMCA will be offering this program for approximately 40 children. In order to accommodate our increasing student population; we will need an additional portable classroom for September 2014. --------------------------------------------- June Goodbyes to IRC Staff: The following IRC staff will be moving onto new opportunities next year: Mr. Beach Ms. Das Ms. Fraser Ms. Giraldi Ms. Karkavitsas Ms. Lopes Mr. McGinn Ms. Maddison Ms. Rutherford Special Needs Assistants: Mr. Avalos & Ms. Hardie Please join me in thanking these wonderful staff members for their commitment to our students and community. We wish them all the best for the future! Summer 2014 Indian Road Crescent Public School 285 Indian Road Crescent (416) 393-9025 2014-2015 School Hours Kindergarten 9:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. Grades 1 to 6 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Lunch (JK- Grade 6) 11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Please call the main office when your child is going to be absent. IRC Parent Council Parent council meetings are held regularly in the IRC school staffroom and all parents are welcome to attend. Please plan to join us for the first parent council meeting of 20142015 which will take place on: Tuesday September 16th, 2014 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Childcare is available in the gym for school-aged children. Classroom Organization for September 2014: Kindergarten #1: Room 101Ms. Vandermeer Kindergarten #2: Room 102To be determined Kindergarten #3: Room 103Ms. Campbell Kindergarten #4: Room 202Ms. Goegan Indian Road Cres. IRC Staff Changes Welcome to the following staff who will be joining IRC in September: Early Childhood Educators: Lorna Seeley Lorna Blackwood Natasha Stephens Paola Chorowski Educational Assistant: Jennifer Burton Teachers: Tori Smith Lisa Goegan (welcome back!) Grade 1: Room 207Ms. Sotirakos Grade 1/2: Room 104Ms. Kennedy Grade 1/2: Room 106Ms. Lock Grade 2: Room 206Ms. McKenna Grade 2/3: Room 204Ms. Grossmann Grade 3: Room 203Ms. Braz Grade 4: Room 209Ms. Oseghale Grade 5: Portable #1Ms. Smith Grade 6: Portable #2Ms. Hagen Gr. 4-6 Developmental Disability Program-Room 205Mrs. Gunn *The June report card will indicate the Room number for your child in September. Staying Sharp This Summer Staying Sharp This Summer The following are some fun summer math activities students can enjoy while they improve, build or practice math skills. These electronic supports are easy to access and provide a variety of activities, games and videos at different grade levels. Gizmos: http://www.explorelearning.com / Prodigy: https://www.prodigygame.com/L ogin/ TVO: http://homeworkzone.tvokids.co m/hwz/math Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/ Mathies: http://oame.on.ca/mathies/inde x.html FunBrain: http://www.funbrain.com/ STAY INFORMED! Subscribe to the Parent Council blog @ INDIANROADPUBLICSCHOOL. BLOGSPOT.CA (Enter the above link as one word without spaces) February 2007 "CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 32 GRADE SIX IRC GRADUATES!" Keep TDSB Kids Reading June may be the final month of our Just Read It and Writers- InResidence program but the Toronto Public Library offers summer reading programs for all ages through the TD Summer Reading Club. Our teacherlibrarian, Mr. Hodan, received information about the summer 2014 program and has already shared the information with students and staff. Students will also receive information with their report cards. This year’s titles include books by two of our TDSB Writers-In-Residence: Cary Fagan and Kyo Maclear. _____________________________ Principal For A Day Being Principal for the day was AWESOME!!!! I liked contacting people with the walkie talkie. It must be hard keeping track of everything in the school, even though we have a small school. Thanks for being an awesome principal! (Submitted by Grace Perry Howarth) ----------------------------------------------Thank you to everyone who participated or volunteered with this year’s Fun Fair! Mr. Beach’s Grade 5 class won the class pizza award for having the most parent volunteers! Pizza Party-Fri. June 27th @ lunch Planning Ahead for 2014-2015 Labour Day- September 1st, 2014 Thanksgiving, October 13th, 2014 P.A Day- November 14th, 2014 P.A Day- December 5th, 2014-06-18 Winter Break: December 22nd, 2014– January 4th, 2015 P.A Day- January 23rd, 2015 P.A Day- February 13th, 2015 Family Day- February 16th, 2015 March Break: March 16th-20th, 2015 Good Friday- April 3rd, 2015 Easter Monday- April 6th, 2015 Victoria Day- May 18th, 2015 P.A Day- June 5th, 2015 Last Day of school- June 25th, 2015 Solar Panel Installation @ IRC! We are excited to tell you that Indian Road Crescent P.S. will have solar panels installed on its roof this summer. Construction will begin on July 7, 2014 and be completed by September 2014. During this time you will see some construction taking place around the school which includes workers on the roof installing the solar panels as well as some work on the south side of the school, by the caretaking entrance off Humberside. The Solar Schools Project is an exciting initiative that will see solar panels installed on the roofs of 311 TDSB schools starting in the summer of 2014. As one of the greenest school boards in Canada, TDSB is proud that this project will generate energy equivalent to the amount used annually by approximately 4,250 households in Toronto. The revenue generated from the solar panel installation will be used to fund school rooftop repairs and replacements. Over the course of the project, approximately 4.3 million square feet of school roofs will be repaired or replaced. IRC teachers will be encouraged to take advantage of the solar infrastructure that will be built to engage your child in the ongoing debate about the global impact of energy use on the environment and in particular, the specific decisions that need to be made in Ontario to reduce the impact of our own energy consumption. As a certified EcoSchool, we are very excited about this project. Thank you to everyone for your tolerance during the roof repairs that took place this past month in preparation for the solar panels.
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