Subependymal and Intraventricular Hemorrhages in the Newborn Richard W. Leech, MD and Paul Kohnen, MD The pathogenesis of intraventricular hemorrhage in the newborn includes that of subependymal hemorrhage (SEH), the single most common pathologic alteration seen in the brains of 417 consecutively autopsied infants. A clearly recognizable relationship of SEH to gestational age and clinical status exists in that all SEH occur in premature infants under 2500 g birthweight (although only 56% of all premature infants have SEH) and 95% of SEH occur in infants with the respiratory distress syndrome (although only 60% of infants with the respiratory distress syndrome have SEHl). The pathogenesis appears to involve a combination of hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, venous stasis and rupture of the thin-walled veins so prominent in the germinal matrix (Am J Pathol 77:465-476, 1974). INTRAVENTRICULAR HEMORRHAGE (IVH) is often cited as a major cause of death in the newborn 13 and is generally recognized as a disease of the small premature. Valdes-Dapena and Arey 1 found that IVH played a role in the death of 26% of 501 infants studied, two-thirds of IVH occurring in infants weighing under 1000 g and most of these occurring before 36 hours of age. Many factors have been associated with IVH, including hypoxia and pulmonary disease, growth retardation, social status and abnormal clotting status.2- Most investigators state that IVH results from rupture of the large veins lying in the germinal matrix6-8 or from venous infarcts of the germinal matrix,9 implving a relationship to subependymal hemorrhage (SEH), but there are few adequate anatomic or statistical studies actually relating IVH to SEH. In addition, there is verv little uniformity of reporting in the literature, so that it is difficult to estimate the true incidence of the different types of intracranial hemorrhages. Because etiologic considerations have been intermixed with pathoanatomic classifications, one must conclude that the simple recording of intraventricular or intracranial hemorrhage is all too often inadequate and even misleading, so that the several statistical analyses based on such results and relating cerFrom the Laboratorv of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology, Universitv of WVashington School of Medicine, Seattle, Wash. Suprted in part bv Neuropathology Training Grant 5TO1 NS05231-15 from the National Institutes of Health, US Public Health Service. Accepted for publication Julv 29, 1974. Address reprint requests to Dr. R. W. Leech, Department of Pathology, Neuropathology RJ-05. Universitv of Washington School of 'Medicine, Seattle, WVA 98105. 465 LEECH AND KOHNEN 466 American Joumal of Pathology tain clinical situations to the occurrence of such hemorrhages are inadequate and correspondingly misleading. In an attempt to resolve these difficulties in the interpretation of the pathogenesis of IVH, and with the hypothesis that SEH may have other complications which may be incompatible with further survival of the infant, with or without neurologic deficit, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the frequency and relationship of SEH to IVH. Furthermore, if SEH and IVH are to be prevented or treated, it is necessary to establish the exact metabolic and clinical status of the infant at the precise time of occurrence of SEH, a situation which at the moment cannot be recognized clinically.10 Materials and Methods We reviewed material from 417 consecutive autopsies of stillborn and newborn infants seen at the University Hospital from January 1967 through December 1970. All cases had been examined grossly and described bv members of the Neuropathology Laboratory. Routinely recorded were the presence or absence of IVH and SEH and whether the latter was ruptured or not. In most cases, the site of rupture was usually determined by careful gross dissection after the first routine transverse (coronal) section through the brain at the level of the mammillary bodies revealed evidence of hemorrhage. After making radial cuts through the dorsolateral angle of the lateral ventricle, one could gently elevate the intraventricular clot and see its continuity through a small rupture of the ependyma with a subependymal hemorrhage, which most commonly extended over the bead of the caudate nucleus near the foramen of Monro. Hemorrhage into the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli was also recorded; but, unfortunately, the dura was not always present with the brain at the time of brain-cutting, and the recording at the time of autopsy was found to be generaly inadequate for evaluation of the true degree of intradural hemorrhage. Subarachnoid hemorrhage was also commonly present, and an estimate was generaDy made as to whether or not the subarachnoid hemorrhage was primary or secondary to IVH with extension into the subarachnoid space. Adequate histologic material was available on 109 cases, generally consisting of sections of an individual SEH stained routinely with hematoxvlin and eosin and, in selected cases, for iron. Results There were 184 cases of intraventricular hemorrhage, representing 44% of the total 417 cases (Table 1). Of the 184 cases of IVH, rupture of subependymal hemorrhages accounted for 165 (90%), hemorrhage into the choroid plexus accounted for 8 more cases, and no source was detectable in 11 cases (usually because of the massive amounts of intraventricular blood clot present and subsequent destruction of the very fragile brain on cutting). There were 36 additional cases of unruptured SEH; thus, one could conclude that at least 82¶ of SEH had ruptured to produce IVH. Vol. 77, No. 3 December 1974 Table 1-Prevalence of Diagnosis Total IVH NoIVH Total SEH Ruptured SEH Unruptured SEH No SEH IVH from other sites Choroid plexus U nidentified Sex (M/F) Sex ratio HEMORRHAGE IN NEWBORNS Intraventricular 467 and Subependymal Hemorrhages by Clinical IRDS Other* Stillborn Total 311 175 136 190 158 32 106 17 7 10 65 8 57 9 6 3 54 2 1 1 41 1 40 2 1 1 39 0 0 0 417 184 233 201 165 36 199 19 8 11 199/112 37/28 21/29 257/160 1.8:1 1.3:1 1:1 1.6:1 * Pneumonia, sepsis, meningitis, enterocolitis, congenital heart disease, etc. IRDS = Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome, IVH = intraventricular hemorrhage, SEH = subependymal hemorrhage There was an absolute and relative preponderance of SEH and IVH in infants with the idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome (IRDS) with a total prevalence of about 60%. There was only 1 case of IVH and 1 additional case of unruptured SEH in stillborns for a total prevalence of only 5% (Table 1). SEH had its greatest frequency in the small premature (Table 2) under about 33 weeks gestation (1900 g birthweight). SEH could occur within 5 hours after birth, but the peak incidence did not occur until 11 or more hours after birth (Table 3, Text-figure 1). Only 46% of small premature infants surviving less than 10 hours had SEH, whereas 71% of those surviving more than 10 hours had SEH. Ninety percent of SEH occurred in the germinal matrix overlying the caudate nucleus adjacent to the foramen of Monro, and the rest were about equally distributed in the germinal matrix overlying the body of the caudate nucleus (lateral to the bulk of the thalamus) and in the germinal matrix in the lateral aspect of the occipital horn in the region of the trigone. SEH has occurred wherever germinal matrix is Table 2-Prevalence of Cases with Subependymal Hemorrhage to Total Number of Cases by Birthweight and Clinical Diagnosis Birth weight (g) 500-1899 1900-2499 2500 Total IRDS 181/273 9/23 0/15 190/311 Other 8/28 1/8 0/29 9/65 Stillborn Total 1/20 190/321 11/39 0/57 201/417 1/8 0/13 2/41 468 LEECH AND KOHNEN American Joumal of Pathology Table 3-Ratio of Number of Cases with IRDS and SEH to Total Number of Cases with IRDS as Functions of Birthweight and and Postnatal Survival Time Postnatal survival time (hrs) Birthweight (g) 500-1899 1900-2499 2500 Total 5 6-10 11-24 25-36 37-48 48 Total 11/23 0/0 0/0 11/23 5/13 2/4 0/0 7/17 45/61 3/6 0/7 48/74 23/36 1/2 0/2 24/40 20/25 1/4 0/2 21/31 77/111 2/7 0/3 79/121 181/269 9/23 0/14 190/306 found, including occasional examples in the temporal horn and roof of the fourth ventricle. There was no predilection for one side over the other (54 right, 47 left side, 7 not specified). Rupture into the ventricle to produce IVH occurred in 82% of the cases with SEH, slightly more often when the SEH was bilateral (85 cases) than unilateral (74 cases). Intracerebral hemorrhage of more severe degree than simply subependymal occurred in only 12 cases. Intradural hemorrhages occurred in about 31% of the population, but there was no relationship to birthweight (Table 4). Unfortunately these data are only approximate since the dura was not always described in detail by the general pathologist at the time of autopsy or always retained with the brain and described in detail by the neuropathologist. Unless one examines the falx and tentorium by transillumination, one can easily miss small intradural hemorrhages. : I', -E xt 0 1 2 4 3 Days Survival 5 6 >6 TET-FIG 1-Prevalence of subependymal hemorrhages (±+ 1 SD with number of cases studied at each interval) in 278 premature infants weighing 500 to 1899 g at birth and dying with IRDS and in 19 stillborn infants of similar weight. Vol. 77, No. 3 December 1974 HEMORRHAGE IN NEWBORNS 469 Table 4-Prevalence of Intradural Hemorrhage by Birthweight Intradural hemorrhage Birthweight (g) 500-1899 1900-2499 2500 Total Present Absent 97 14 15 126 219 28 33 280 Total described 316 42 48 406 There were no examples of grossly obvious old SEH with residual lesions during the 4-year period studied, but examples of such lesions have been found both before and after this period. Considering the 109 cases in which adequate material for histologic exaiination was available, we sought microscopic evidence for increasing duration of the SEH, such as red blood cell ghosts, erythrophagocytosis, macrophages without and then with hemosiderin. Independent evidence for increasing duration of necrosis of the germinal matrix included karyorrhexis of the germinal cell nuclei and then karyolysis. There were 8 cases with hemosiderin-containing macrophages and 3 cases with the only other evidence of less prolonged SEH. These 11 cases occurred in infants dying 0 to 10 or more days after birth (Table 5). Although the rare case under 42 hours of survival showed evidence of old hemorrhage (ghost red blood cells, etc), it was only after 43 hours of survival that hemosiderin could be detected. Although venous congestion was uniformly present, venous thrombi were not found, and infarcts of the germinal matrix were not found except in those 11 cases in which there was evidence for longer duration of the hemorrhage. In such cases there were zones of pallor and karyorrhexis of the germinal cell nuclei. Because of the random nonserial nature of the sections, only 4 cases were found to contain veins which had ruptured. In each case a fibrin clot was found adherent to the site of rupture. Table 5-Histologic Examination of SEH Survival time (hr) Total No. 0-42 43-96 97-168 169+ 182 72 26 20 Ghost RBC, Percent No. with No. sampled erythroHemosiderin hemosiderin SEH histologically phagocytosis present present 110 63 2 0 0 53 32 3 2 6 19 10 2 2 20 4 4 4 4 100 470 LEECH AND KOHNEN American Joumal of Pathology Discussion Although most previous studies 1` have considered only IVH, it seems more appropriate to include the milder cases with unruptured SEH since it seems most likely that the pathogenesis of IVH is essentially the same as that of SEH. That is, at least 90% of IVH could be demonstrated grossly to have come from SEH, while over 80% of the cases of SEH had ruptured to produce IVH. Although the statistical error related to the omission of SEH is relatively small (about 20%), the study of SEH is of considerable importance in its own right since it is the most common gross lesion seen in the brain of autopsied infants. Furthermore, cases with unruptured SEH may have fewer or milder other complications which the infant may survive, possibly with varying degrees of neurologic deficit (eg, intracerebral hemorrhage or simple unruptured SEH with destruction of germinal cells which provide the glial cells, or building blocks, for the future cerebral white matter especially). Previous hypotheses to explain the occurrence of IVH or SEH have included trauma, hypoxia-acidosis, physical factors (such as thin-walled veins susceptible to distension and rupture) and venous thrombosis with infarction. Trauma has been generally discounted by most authors,89 and we would further discount it since the frequency of intradural hemorrhage (presumably secondary to molding of the head at birth and probably a lesion preceding dural tears and subdural hemorrhage) remains constant for all age ranges and in all diagnostic categories (Table 4 and Text-figure 2) in contrast to the clear association of SEH with prematurity and IRDS (Tables 1 and 3). Previous studies have varied so greatly, both in the manner of reporting and in the type of population studied, that it is very difficult to compare our results with those of others, but Table 6 attempts to sum- Tm-nc 2-Prevalence of subependymal (open columns) and intradural (hatched columnrs) hemorrhages related to birthweight. ZI Birthweight (g) HEMORRHAGE IN NEWBORNS Vol. 77, No. 3 December 1974 n s .-0 E E .6-- - 0 o CMC4 -0 0 - - C. 0 0 0 0 a.' 0 '-4 0a; oCDC Ev 0 C Go6rC o -44 C\I '.4 -0 ' o MD R ; EE0 0m en 0D C%J co "% V-4 cm~ to CV) -a I Co .0 0 Co w 0 0 cn Co la n 0 10 C%i C%j '-4 0C 0 Co 0 co CV CO 0 S Z= 6 C.) 6 0) cm - 0to a 0 .0 0 CL 0) Q3. 6 z 0 '-4 0 4- rl- " o r-*_ c%j C 0t CC) mg '-4 0 C)J 0 cM 0 C'" 0 cm C%J c%J E 0c - Ul) MV %C cmJ _E Co 0 -I c7b a as oC o U) Un _-4 Lo qrr co W-- co co o) C -u - 0s 2- .5-0 C_ Q6 U 6 a 0 SCL U) 0 4- E 2* , I Q CD Cq I )C C1- L I 0- 471 472 LEECH AND KOHNEN American Journal of Pathology marize the situation as clearly as possible. A large part of the diculty can be attributed simply to differences in the populations coming to autopsy as the result of changes in obstetrical practices. In earlier reports, traumatic subdural hemorrhages were a common 4'11,12 16 or even the most common713'14 cause of intracranial hemorrhages, whereas we have found not a single such example. Indeed, the high frequency and mixture of traumatic lesions (dural tears and rupture of the vein of Galen with subdural hemorrhages) with other lesions (SEH, IVH and intracerebral hemorrhages) led Schwartz 11 to conclude that it was not possible to distinguish whether a lesion was traumatic or anoxic in origin. Only within the past several decades were Gruenwald and Ross and Dimette 8 able to show that the gestational age and manner of presentation and delivery were quite different, subdural hemorrhages occurrng in mature infants with difficult deliveries,'1 and SEH occung in prematures without such difficult deliveries. Even so, arguments persist concerning the cause of IVH, whether mostly from choroid plexus 14 or from SEH."3 It seems quite clear that confusion will continue to result from misiterpretation of most of these early reports, where postulated etiologies, such as anoxia vs trauma4'7'16 are more or less mixed with imprecise statements of the sites of hemorrhage, such as intracranial vs subdural, intracerebral vs intraventricular or subependymal, and subarachnoid in continuity with IVH or separate from IVH.4'5'7 Considerations only of IVH without regard to possible sources2'3 or presentations of detailed case reports without adequate summaries of the entire population"11 lead to further statistical difficulties when one attempts comparisons with our results or those reported by others. Briefly then, there is no unanimity of opinion as to what constitutes a traumatic or anoxic intracranial hemorrhage. Some reports have been presented from a purely pathoanatomic view, some from a presumed etiologic basis, and others from the simple presence or absence of hemorrhage without consideration of sources or site. From the early pathoanatomic studies we have come full circle to the present presentation in which the role of trauma, although less apparent, cannot be entirely excluded, and in which the role of hypoxia and its companion acidosis, although more readily apparent, cannot be positively fixed. According to our results (Tables 1 and 2) there are clearly recognizable relationships to gestational age and clinical status: 100% of SEH occur in premature infants under 2500 g birthweight, although only 56% of all premature infants have a SEH. Furthermore, 95% of SEH occur in infants with the respiratory distress syndrome, although Vol. 77, No. 3 December 1974 HEMORRHAGE IN NEWBORNS 473 only 60% of infants with IRDS have SEH. Many observers 4' '9 have commented on the role of hypoxia and pulmonary disease in premature infants with IVH, although the most recent investigators, Fedrick and Butler2 and Harke et al 3 believe that these relationships are artifactual. In our material (Tables 1 and 2) the presence of IRDS is the single most striking feature. The two most consistent concomitants have been hypoxia and metabolic acidosis, most infants having lived long enough to develop respiratory distress and its metabolic complications, even though not all have lived long enough to develop hyaline membranes. We cannot refine the clinical correlates better at this time since we have little or no information pertaining to the precise time of rupture of the SEH, which is after all the "moment of truth" for these infants. What is apparent, however, is that SEH can occur at any tim even prenatally, but only rarely (5% in stillborn)-and that evidence of old SEH can be found irregularly in those infants living over 43 hours, so that one can conclude that SEH does not occur particularly at birth but at some time, even many days, after birth. In our experience and in that of others,,8" SEH occurs wherever there is a germinal matrix. Thus, it seems likely that some aspect of this highly cellular and fragile growth zone of the developing brain must account for the inverse relationship of SEH to birthweight and gestational age. That the germinal matrx occurs predominantly in the distribution of the terminal vein and its tributaries complicates the interpretation somewhat, since venous stasis-thrombosis may precede or follow infarct-necrosis. Ross and Dimette 8 found that all but 2 of their 30 cases of SEH occurred in the lateral one-half of the matrix, suggesting origin of the hemorrhage from the tributaries of the terminal vein and not from the vein itself. We have noted that the ruptured veins are quite variable in size, but this is based on only 4 proven cases. However, more than 80% of the hemorrhages are of recent duration and not associated with necrosis of the surrounding matrix elements by histologic criteria. Hence, although we found no evidence for venous infarction, we would otherwise agree with Towbin,9 who formulated an interaction between systemic hypoxia with venous congestion and resultant SEH. Finally, although there is a consistent relationship of SEH to the clinical presence of hypoxia and metabolic acidosis, it is necessary to determine what underlying abnormality is present that could have a more direct bearing on the occurrence of hemorrhage in the newborn. Hathaway et all7 have emphasized the common occurrence of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) in severely ill newborn 474 LEECH AND KOHNEN American Joumal of Pathology infants, and Jensen et aid8 found significantly decreased levels of fibrinogen and factor V in sick premature infants, mainly with IRDS, as compared to thriving premature infants. Thus, of the two major complications of DIC as outlined by Simpson and Stalker,"9 it is the hemorrhagic diathesis rather than the microvascular obstruction which is possibly most important in the production of SEH. There are no experimental or clinical data directly bearing on this possibility and our own material does not answer the question. It would seem, however, in view of the strong relationship of SEH to IRDS and the high frequency of abnormal coagulation in such sick infants, that it is the latter point to which we must ultimately direct our attention if this problem is to be solved. In summary, then, SEH is the result of several interacting but related factors including: a) hypoxia and metabolic acidosis, usually as the result of respiratory distress and b) venous stasis with distension of fragile thin-walled veins in a milieu of c) a fragile, poorly supporting, germinal matrix, characteristically present in the younger premature infant and d) abnormal coagulation. Rupture of the distended veins results in SEH, and further expansion of the SEH leads to rupture of the ependyma with IVH and further extension of the blood via the path of least resistance through the ventricles into the subarachnoid space about the medula. References 1. Valdes-Dapena MA, Arey JB: The causes of neonatal mortality: an analvsis of 501 autopsies on newborn infants. J Pediat 77:336-374, 1970 2. Fedrick J, Butler NR: Certain causes of neonatal death. II. Intraventricular haemorrhage. Biol Neonate 15:257-290, 1970 3. Harcke HT, Naeye RL, Storch A, Blanc WA: Perinatal cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage. J Pediat 80:37-42, 1972 4. Ahvenainen EK: Intracranial hemorrhage and associated diseases in premature infants. Ann Pediat Fenn 11:1-5, 1965 5. Gray OP, Ackerman A, Fraser AJ: Intracranial hemorrhage and clotting defects in low-birth-weight infants. Lancet 1: 545-548, 1968 6. Gruenwald P: Subependymal cerebral hemorrhage in premature infants, and its relation to various injurious influences in birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 61:1285-1292, 1951 7. Claireaux AE: Cerebral pathology in the newborn. Guy's Hosp Rep 108: 2-20, 1959 8. Ross JJ, Dimette RM: Subependymal cerebral hemorrhage in infancy. Am J Dis Child 110:531-542, 1965 9. Towbin A: Cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage and subependvmal matrix infarction in the fetus and premature newbom. Am J Pathol 52:121-139, 1968 Vol. 77, No. 3 December 1974 HEMORRHAGE IN NEWBORNS 475 10. Blanc WA, Rapmund G, Silverman WVA: Falling hematocrit values in the premature infant as a sign of intraventricular hemorrhage. J Dis Child 94: 430, 1957 11. Schwartz P: Birth Injuries of the Newborn. New York, Hafner Publishing Co, 1961, p 95 12: Saunders C.:Intracranial hemorrhage in the newborn. J Obstet GCnaecol Br Emp 55:55-61, 1943 13. Hemsath FA: Ventricular cerebral hemorrhage in the newborn infant. Am J Obstet Gynecol 28:343-354, 1934 14. Craig WS: Intracranial hemorrhage in the newborn. Arch Dis Child 13: 89-124, 1938 15. Grontoft 0: Intracerebral and meningeal haemorrhages in perinatallv deceased infants. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 32:308-334, 1953 16. Haller ES, Nesbitt REL, Anderson GW: Clinical and pathologic concepts of gross intracranial hemorrhage in perinatal mortality. Obstet Gvnecol Surv 11:179-204, 1956 17. Hathaway WVE, Mull IMM, Pechet GI: Disseminated intravascular coagulaticn in the newborn. Pediatrics 42:223-240, 1969 18. Jensen AH, Josso F, Zamet P, Monset-Counchard M, Mlinkowski A: Evolution of blood clotting factor levels in premature infants during the first 10 days of life: a study of 96 cases with comparison between clinical status and blood clotting factor levels. Pediat Res 7:638-644, 1973 19. Simpson JG, Stalker AL: The concept of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Clin Haematol 2:189-198, 1973 Dr. Kohnen's present address is Department of Pathology, Arizona Medical Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ &5724. 476 LEECH AND KOHNEN American Joumal of [End of Article] Pathology
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