The Sea Breeze M ARCH 2014 Pastoral Note As is always the case, people who worship with a congregation come and go. Some go in death, some because work or family or circumstance or health make it necessary for them to move and find a faith community in another town. And there are always those who leave because there is a conflict around something: what or how the pastor preaches; personnel decisions that are made; actions that a committee takes that are disagreed with; denominational politics such as the stance on homosexuality, same-sex marriage, divorce, adoption, immigration, climate change, recycling and on and on. Conflict, disagreement, hurt feelings and messiness always have been and always will be a part of our communal life. Because we are conflicted, disagreeing, hurting, messy human beings who stand in need of the grace of God. Always. As July 1 approaches, there has been some conversation about how to invite persons who have left, but not found another place to call their church home and are hoping to return to worship at AUMC once I am gone. All of the ideas that have been suggested have a flaw in them somewhere that has the potential to injure and cause even more hurt feelings. There is no perfect, fool-proof way to make sure that everyone who has ever left because they have become disgruntled with something or someone at the church gets invited back. The very closest we can come is this: if you know someone who you think fits the above description give them a call or send them a note telling them that you miss them and you want to make sure they know that they will be warmly welcomed and are encouraged to return to worship and the life of the community. This is your work as a member of this congregation. The second thing that can be done is this: if you think of yourself as someone who fits any of the above descriptions and you are aching to come back to worship here as soon as July arrives, imagine the voice of the Divine, Holy, Loving, Inclusive God calling out to you saying, “Beloved, you are invited. I am inviting you. I want you to find a church home. I want you to find a place and a community to love you and support you and welcome you and nurture you in your spiritual journey. Come. Please. Come home.” I won’t be in worship on July 6 to worship with you. But there will be worship and if you are among the aching, longing, waiting ones, you are and will be welcome. Your Pastor, Cindy ARCATA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1761 Eleventh Street, Arcata, California 95521 707-822-1963 Fax: 707-822-1935 [email protected] Reverend Cindy Storrs, Pastor [email protected] 707-834-3507 Worship and Church Family Information March 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 March 30 Liturgist Rev. Cindy Storrs Martha Longshore Rev. Cindy Storrs Judy Longshore Barbara Ratzlaff Greeter/Ushers Darryl Wood April Joyce & Ella Melendrez John & Maralee Davis Elwood & Deanna Bartlett Patsy Svarvari & April Joyce March Birthdays... Sharon Sligh (3) , Susan Marshall (7), Neal Sligh (9), Joyce Harmon (10), Kate Longshore-Neate (13), Colman Fockens (17), David Goodman (26), Carol Moore (27), Trudi Walker (28) and Anniversaries… Matt Coke & Adrienne Arnold (10) Richard & Gail Paselk (18) Thank you to... … Martha, Autumn and Judy Longshore for their weekly hosting of the college and young adult ministry meeting (12-stones); … Judy Longshore for her hard work in securing a grant from the Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry for the 12-stones college ministry group; …Dr. Michael Fratkin for joing the 12-stones Fellowship for a “Death Café” - conversation about life and living and dying well - and all the other conversation that is a part of that; … Larry Wood for the “mud fence” and straw in the courtyard to help save the grass; … the Chancel and Handbell Choirs for their inspiring “duet”; … Those who have assisted with Coffee Hour and the Breakfast meals. In Our Prayers… Judy and Daniel Byers; Rev. Wanda Celli; Cap and MaryAnne Ioelu; Jean Nearn; Bethany Wilson; Adrianne Arnold; St. Bernard’s Parish and the Humboldt County Catholic community; Patsy Svarvari and her family; Ella Melendrez; Mary Lou Razetto; Ali Ware and Family; LoBerta Gwin; John McNeely; Larry Wood; Family and friends of Marjorie Fitzpatrick; Walter Sweet; Ray Rice; Rev. Michael Pina; Marlan & Helen Stover; Mickey Mossman; Dot Sundstrom; NPA student and faculty. Sea Breeze ~ page 2 S U N D A Y M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y NPA weekdays 7:30am to 4pm Church Office Hours Monday-Friday 8-11am 1 S A T U R D A Y 10-11 pm AA (FS) 8 9-3:30 Readiness 360 at the Church of the Joyful Healer 10-11 pm AA (FS) 7 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 6:30-7:30pm DBSA (7) 7-8pm NA (FS) 6 9-11am Tiny Tots (SH) 4pm Kidco (SH) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 5-6:30pm Bones (7) 7:15-8:45pm Nar-Anon (7) 5 4pm Kidco (SH) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 7pm Ash Wednesday Ser. (S) 7:30-8:30pm AA (FS) 4 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 6:30-9:30 NPA meeting (S/SH) 6:30pm Trustees Meeting (PO) 29 22 15 4pm Kidco (SH) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 6:30pm Fat Tuesday Potluck at Jason and Bethany’s in Blue Lake 7-8pm Al-Anon (7) 7:30-9pm AA (FS) 14 2-5pm Ukrainian Egg Decoratting (SH) 10-11 pm AA (FS) 13 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 4-7pm Humboldt Meals Solutions meal pick up (K) 6:30-7:30pm DBSA (7) 7-8pm NA (FS) 12 9-11am Tiny Tots (SH) 4pm Kidco (SH) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 5-6:30pm Bones (7) 7:15-8:45pm Nar-Anon (7) 11 4pm Kidco (SH) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 7:30-8:30pm AA (FS) Deadline to order meal from Humboldt Meal Solutions 21 10-11 pm AA (FS) 20 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 6:30-7:30pm DBSA (7) 7-8pm NA (FS) 19 9-11am Tiny Tots (SH) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 5-6:30pm Bones (7) 7:15-8:45pm Nar-Anon (7) 18 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 6pm 12-Stones 7:30-8:30pm AA (FS) 28 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 7pm Church Council (PO) 7-8pm Al-Anon (7) 7:30-9pm AA (FS) 27 10-11 pm AA (FS) _______________________ 26 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 4-7pm Humboldt Meals Solutions meal pick up (K) 6:30-7:30pm DBSA (7) 7-8pm NA (FS) 31 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 25 9-11am Tiny Tots (SH) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 5-6:30pm Bones (7) 7:15-8:45pm Nar-Anon(7) 24 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 7-8pm Al-Anon (7) 7:30-9pm AA (FS) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 6pm 12-stones 7:30-8:30pm AA (FS) Deadline to order meal from Humboldt Meal Solutions 17 10 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 7pm SPRC (PO) 4pm Kidco (SH) 5pm Centering Prayer (PO) 7-8pm Al-Anon (7) 7:30-9pm AA (FS) 3 MARCH 2014 2 9:15am Meals Ministry (K) 10am Worship (S) 11 Coffee Hour (SH) 9 Daylight Savings Time Begins - Spring Forward! 9:15am Meals Ministry (K) 10am Worship (S) 11am Coffee Hour (SH) 16 9:15am Meals Ministry (K) 10am Worship (S) 11am Coffee Hour (SH) 23 9:15am Meals Ministry (K) 10am Worship (S) 11am Coffee Hour (SH) _____________________ 30 9:15am Meals Ministry (K) 10am Worship (S) 11am Coffee Hour (SH) Other Important Information... Humboldt Meal Solutions There will be 2 meals offered for March - March 14 & 28. The menu: • March 14 - Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Salad - $10 • March 28 - Polenta (with or without meat), Roasted Veggies - $8 Order by the Wednesday before each meal date. Pick up from 4-7 PM on each Friday listed above. Cash or checks please. Question or comments contact Doug at 826-7005 or [email protected]. I Am the Church, You Are the Church, We Are the Church Together: We feed 100 homeless people every month. We supported Eagle Scout projects totaling several hundred hours, and celebrate with our Scouts on Scout Sunday in the 2013-2014 year. We do Christian Education for our children for 8 person-hours each month. We staff and host the Tiny Tots First Five playgroup for 30 person-hours on average each month in the service of neighborhood families. We host neighborhood 12 Step programs 56 hours each month. We host Humboldt Light Opera’s KidCo for 28 hours each month. We share our facility with 120 high school students plus staff 5 days a week, 9 hours a day. We help with worship a total of 40 person-hours a month, on average. We do administrative church work for 80 person-hours per month. We do church maintenance and hospitality about 50 person-hours a month. We donate to United Methodist mission and education projects on average $75 a month. We support community programs for people in Ukrainian Egg Decorating need on average at $120 per month. Thanks! With Love, God Saturday, March 15 2-5pm Don’t forget daylight savings time begins March 9th - Spring forward one hour!! 2 friendly reminders - While we appreciate all those who offer personal items to enhance worship and other ministries, Arcata UMC is not responsible for those items being lost, damaged or stolen. Please also check and lock every door when you leave the facility. Thank you. Sea Breeze ~ page 4 In the Social Hall Led by Diane Johnson, Member of the Church of the Joyful Healer. This event will be a great gathering of members from the Arcata UMC, UMC Joyful Healer, Arcata Presbyterian, Eureka 1st UMC, Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and Catalyst Church! Free will offering to “Imagine No Malaria” Please RSVP to the office, 822-1963, by March 9th Some in the congregation have heard talk of Readiness 360. Some remember filling out an online form to help with creating a profile of our church and where we are now, what is important to us, and our spiritual propensities. Here is a bit more information about the program. Arcata UMC was invited to join Readiness 360 at last year’s Annual Conference by members of Bishop Warner Brown’s Cabinet. During this past year, the program has been launched in eight churches in the California Nevada Annual Conference, including the UM Church of the Joyful Healer in McKinleyville, as a pilot program of church formation and renewal. We think we are very fortunate to have been chosen to be a part of this experiment. Last fall, our church was asked to form a Team of people who would commit to working with members of the Cabinet and experienced Conference leaders and experts in various aspects of team building, spiritual growth and church vitality. Those who answered this call are your Team: Claudia Goodman, April Joyce, Darryl Wood, Carol Moore, Elaine Dubois, Doug Hendricks, Don and Barbara Ratzlaff, Martha Longshore, Judy Longshore, Rev. Cindy Storrs, Pastor Bethany Cseh and Pastor Jason Cseh. As part of Readiness 360, we are learning what it means to build a team, recognizing our common interests and our individual personal styles. Our Team has a Coach, Rev. Susan Kemper of San Francisco, who meets with us regularly. We have received information from the Conference about the demographics of our community within a two mile radius of the church, to help us assess who and what we can do to better serve and understand our neighbors in Arcata. On Saturday, February 8, we met with District Superintendent Greg Bergquist and 2 members of the Conference “I Relate” Team to discuss cultural diversity, what it looks like here in Arcata, how we tend to respond to it, and how we might grow more and more to value and welcome these differences. Our goals include discovering ways we, as a spiritual community, can put ourselves forward in solidarity with, service to and support of one another and our neighbors. Undoubtedly you have questions you could ask of your team. Please feel free to do this. Do you have suggestions of ways we can do church better? To help one another grow spiritually? To be better neighbors? Tell one of us about these, please. And please pray for your Team and our Coach, Susan, regularly. It is so important to us. Being your Team is a huge commitment of time and energy on our part, and we need and value your support. Thank you. Judy Longshore Matters ~ Finance ~ Stewardship ~ Tithing ~ Giving ~ Communion Offering for March From the Treasurer 2014 has barely begun, but we at This month our communion offering will be taken to purchase Arcata UMC do great work. It is large print Bibles for as many of the people at Mad River Adult through your tithing and pledges Day Health Care’s Bible Study as we can afford. You may be that ministry can happen! The aware that Pastor Cindy leads this Bible Study each Monday at finances continue to be tight. Adult Day for people who are elderly or physically and mentally Thank you to all who have challenged. They have been asking for large print Bibles so they contemplated and prayed upon can read on their own for about a year and a half. These Bibles typically run $40.00 each plus tax and shipping, and there are at what their tithing gift should be least 6 people who would like to have one. Our secretary, April, this year. Please remember that has researched every source possible for second hand large print special communion offerings are Bibles, and there seem to be none available. This offering will intended to be 2nd mile giving help provide Bibles to people who have been longing to read gifts beyond your usual tithe. God’s word. Can you please help? All your gifts are important. Thank you, Judy Longshore, Lay Leader. Stewardship ~ Tithing ~ Giving ~ Money Matters Stewardship ~ Tithing ~ Giving ~ Money Matters ~ Finance ~ Stewardship ~ Tithing ~ Giving ~ Stewardship ~ Tithing ~ Giving ~ Money Matters Stewardship ~ Tithing ~ Giving ~ Money The Extreme Weather Shelter (EWS) still needs your support. Thank you to all who gave generously last month. Here is a reminder of what the EWS is: The Arcata EWS is a way for local churches to shelter homeless people when the nighttime temperatures drop to near freezing and below; the winds are excessive and or the rain is either substantial in one night or substantial and sustained for several nights. Clients will be screened at the Annex (formerly the offices for the North Coast Resource Center) and if found to be suitable participants, they will receive clean, dry clothing for the night; a meal and a snack; as well as place to store their belongings. They will be transported to the local church (we are currently slated to receive guests on Mondays and Thursdays) where they will find some kind of sleeping pad, bedding and a warm, dry place to sleep. It is up to each church (currently, St. Albans, First Presbyterian and Arcata UMC are housing clients) to make decisions about facility use and guidelines. Clients will be sheltered from 7PM to 7AM. Ways you can help: • pray for this ministry, for the homeless, for the Arcata House Partnership staff • give generously to Arcata House Partnership • volunteer to stay overnight • volunteer to greet the volunteers and give them a tour of the facility when they arrive • provide any of these items that are always in high demand: • coffee Fat Tuesday • sugar March 4 - 6:30pm • milk/creamer At Jason and Bethany’s • wallets 449 Greenwood Dr. - Blue Lake • small backpacks • reusable cloth/fabric bags Ash Wednesday Service • sweats March 5 - 7pm • snacks Sea Breeze ~ page 6 If you know of someone who would like to receive the Sea Breeze but is not, please notify the office at 822-1963 or by email [email protected] PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS Mon, 10 am-12noon and by appointment Parsonage: (707) 839-7496 Pastor’s Cell: (707) 834-3507 E-mail: [email protected] TINY TOTS PLAYGROUP A FREE fun time for kids aged 0-5 and their moms and dads too! Thursday mornings 9 -11 am JOIN US FOR WORSHIP Sundays at 10am fellowship/coffee hour at 11 am CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 9-11am (707)822-1963 Fax: (707)822-1935 E-mail: [email protected] SERVICES & PROGRAMS Centering Prayer Weekdays 5 pm Meals Ministry Sundays 9:15 am Bible Study Sundays 6:30 pm UMC ONLINE AUMC website: United Methodist Communications: Cal-Nev United Methodist website: The Upper Room Online: United Methodist Church on Facebook: Also, look for Arcata UMC on Facebook! Mission Statement of the Arcata United Methodist Church To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Bishop: Rev. Warner H. Brown, Jr. District Superintendant: Rev. David Samelson Pastor: Rev. Cindy Storrs Pastoral Interns: Jason and Bethany Cseh Accompanist: Justin Ross Bell Choir Director: April Sousa Chancel Choir Director: Meadow Bell Childcare: Alison Wood Custodians: Blake Nearn Lay Leader: Judy Longshore Office Manager: April Sousa
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