Antimicrobial Stewardship: A-team or computer-associated decision support system CDSS: What is the magnitude of inappropriate antibiotic use? Erasmus MC Cross-sectional point prevalence survey on May 4 and 16, 2013 E-surveillance: What is the magnitude of inappropriate antibiotic use? Erasmus MC Cross-sectional point prevalence survey on May 4 and 16 2013 Inclusion: patients using at least 1 therapeutic antibiotic drug Exclusion antiviral, antiparasitic, or antifungal medication or admission to ICU, Sophia children’s hospital or psychiatric ward. Evaluation by 2 ID specialists standardized method developed by Gyssens et al. JAC 1992. 30:724–727 Results 996 patients admitted 337 patienten (33,8%) used ≥1 antibiotic drugs 221 patients (22,2%) used 307 therapeutic antibiotic drugs Method: JAC 1992. 30:724–727 Conclusie 29,3 % of antibiotics is prescribed inappropriately Literature (32%-47%) Prezies data Intern Med J. 2012 June; 42(6): 719–721]. Percentage effective empirical antibiotic therapy Kerremans et al., 2009 To be improved: • Empirical therapy • IV-oral switch • Narrowing down • Correct dose • Correct dosing interval • Correct duration • Correct choice • Antimicrobial resistance The Ultimate A-team? AST/CDSS and antibiotic use Decreased Remained stable JAC 2008;62:608 Int J Med Inform 2007;76:760 Inf.Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012;33:434 JAC 2009;63:400 No reduction in cost Cephalosporins quinolones Glycopeptides aminoglyc. Carbapenems Beta-lactams Number of computerized approvals for restricted antimicrobial drugs per month: total number of approvals (standard + non-standard indications) and non-standard approvals (approved individually by the ID clinicians). Buising K L et al. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 2008;62:608616 © The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] AST/CDSS and antimicrobial resistance Improved or remained stable At least 6 months intervention necessary JAC 2010;65:1062 JAC 2008;62:608 Inf.Control Hosp Epidemiol 2012;33:434 CDSS and medication errors rates of renal function deterioration were lowered from 12.4% to 9.5% dosing conformity improved Am J kidney Dis 2010;56:809 Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012;50:375 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:308 AST/CDSS and empirical therapy Significant improvement matching empiric antibiotic therapy Approptiate antibiotic therapy Control ITT per protocol 65% 73% 85% Initial susceptibility mismatch Pre-intervention intervention 48/197 (24%) 23/151 (15%) JAC 2006;58:1238 Int Qual Health Care 2006;18:224-31. Thus CDSS seems a useful tool in CDSS But implementation not worldwide………. 94% improved practice When (1) integrating CDSSs into clinicians’ workflow; (2) CDSSs that offered recommendations rather than mere assessments; (3) decision support at the time and place of decision-making; (4) computer assessment of eligibility for services. BMJ. 2005;330:765. Development of an AST CDSS Advice empirical therapy Not mentioned in chart (1/3) More than one possible diagnosis Prevous cultures into account Questions 1. presumed diagnosis 2 empirical or targeted therapy Outcome Advice according to SWAB Consult infectious diseases/medical microbiology Vd Bosch et al., CID in press Development of an AST CDSS IV-oral switch Target culture (among cultures taken) Alternative antibiotic drug Rules: Clinical improvement Fever, WBC, CRP ? Hemodynamically stable: pulse, RR? Development (inter)national consensus for switch rule in CDSS Conclusion AST: Decrease antibiotic use Increase correct antibiotic use Decrease susceptibility mismatch CDSS: High potential as AST tool More than generating lists for A-team Interactive use of SWAB guidelines Development Testing Implementation Acknowledgements Roel Verkooijen Jan Prins Hassana Akhloufi Michiel van Agtmael Heleen van der Sijs Monique Jaspers Damian Melles IT- team Alieke Vonk Staff MMIZ Johan Mouton SWAB
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