Time Series Clustering: Analysis of Dynamic Systems SAS Talks January 23, 2014 TIME SERIES CLUSTERING: ANALYSIS OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS JANUARY 23, 2014 SPEAKERS David • Manager, Emerging Technologies Magnify Analytic Solutions Stacy • J. Corliss, PhD Hobson Director, Customer Loyalty SAS Institute Overview and History A Basic Example Plotting the Results Standardization Non-Periodic Events Summary A Typical Cluster Analysis in SAS Cluster Analysis First developed in the 1930’s by several statisticians including H. Driver and A. Kroeber, J. Zubin, and R. Tryon Uses various distance measures to group observations into subsets with similar properties Groupings can be based on distance from a centroid or the distribution or density of the observations An example of unsupervised learning; often nonparametric An Example of PROC FASTCLUS title2 'Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS'; proc fastclus data=iris summary maxc=10 maxiter=99 converge=0 mean=mean out=prelim cluster=preclus; var petal sepal; run; An Example of PROC FASTCLUS title2 'Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS'; proc fastclus data=iris summary maxc=10 maxiter=99 converge=0 mean=mean out=prelim cluster=preclus; var petal sepal; run; An Example of PROC FASTCLUS title2 'Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS'; proc fastclus data=iris summary maxc=10 maxiter=99 converge=0 mean=mean out=prelim cluster=preclus; var petal sepal; run; An Example of PROC FASTCLUS title2 'Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS'; proc fastclus data=iris summary maxc=10 maxiter=99 converge=0 mean=mean out=prelim cluster=preclus; var petal sepal; run; An Example of PROC FASTCLUS title2 'Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS'; proc fastclus data=iris summary maxc=10 maxiter=99 converge=0 mean=mean out=prelim cluster=preclus; var petal sepal; run; An Example of PROC FASTCLUS title2 'Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS'; proc fastclus data=iris summary maxc=10 maxiter=99 converge=0 mean=mean out=prelim cluster=preclus; var petal sepal; run; An Example of PROC FASTCLUS Cluster Analysis Applied to Time Series Data **** NOAA Precipitation Data ****; data work.noaa; infile "/home/sas/NESUG/noaa_mi_1950_2009_tab.txt" dsd dlm='09'x lrecl=1500 truncover firstobs=2; input state_code :3.0 division :3.0 year_month :$6. pcp :6.2 ; length year 8.0 month 8.0; year = left(year_month,1,4); month = right(year_month,5,2); run; Plotting the Results goptions device=png; symbol1 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=blue; symbol2 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=red; symbol3 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=yellow; symbol4 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=green; legend1 frame cframe=ligr label=none cborder=black position=center value=(justify=center); axis1 label=(angle=90 rotate=0) minor=none; axis2 minor=none; proc gplot data=work.cluster3; plot year * month = cluster /frame cframe=ligr legend=legend1 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2; run; Plotting the Results goptions device=png; symbol1 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=blue; symbol2 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=red; symbol3 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=yellow; symbol4 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=green; legend1 frame cframe=ligr label=none cborder=black position=center value=(justify=center); axis1 label=(angle=90 rotate=0) minor=none; axis2 minor=none; proc gplot data=work.cluster3; plot year * month = cluster /frame cframe=ligr legend=legend1 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2; run; Plotting the Results goptions device=png; symbol1 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=blue; symbol2 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=red; symbol3 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=yellow; symbol4 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=green; legend1 frame cframe=ligr label=none cborder=black position=center value=(justify=center); axis1 label=(angle=90 rotate=0) minor=none; axis2 minor=none; proc gplot data=work.cluster3; plot year * month = cluster /frame cframe=ligr legend=legend1 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2; run; Plotting the Results goptions device=png; symbol1 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=blue; symbol2 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=red; symbol3 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=yellow; symbol4 font=marker value=u height=0.6 c=green; legend1 frame cframe=ligr label=none cborder=black position=center value=(justify=center); axis1 label=(angle=90 rotate=0) minor=none; axis2 minor=none; proc gplot data=work.cluster3; plot year * month = cluster /frame cframe=ligr legend=legend1 vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2; run; Cluster Analysis Applied to Time Series Data Cluster Analysis Applied to Complex Periodic Data mV Beat Number Rate of Change Variables **** interval percent change ****; proc sort data=work.doe; by year week; run; data work.doe; set work.doe; by year week; retain pw_price_index; output; if first.week then pw_price_index = annualized_price_index; run; data work.doe; set work.doe; by year week; weekly_pct_change = (annualized_price_index - pw_price_index) * 100; run; Rate of Change Variables **** interval percent change ****; proc sort data=work.doe; by year week; run; data work.doe; set work.doe; by year week; retain pw_price_index; output; if first.week then pw_price_index = annualized_price_index; run; data work.doe; set work.doe; by year week; weekly_pct_change = (annualized_price_index - pw_price_index) * 100; run; Rate of Change Variables **** interval percent change ****; proc sort data=work.doe; by year week; run; data work.doe; set work.doe; by year week; retain pw_price_index; output; if first.week then pw_price_index = annualized_price_index; run; data work.doe; set work.doe; by year week; weekly_pct_change = (annualized_price_index - pw_price_index) * 100; run; Rate of Change Variables **** interval percent change ****; proc sort data=work.doe; by year week; run; data work.doe; set work.doe; by year week; retain pw_price_index; output; if first.week then pw_price_index = annualized_price_index; run; data work.doe; set work.doe; by year week; weekly_pct_change = (annualized_price_index - pw_price_index) * 100; run; Standardization of Variables proc standard data=work.doe mean=0 std=1 out=work.doe_stan; var week annualized_price_index weekly_pct_change supply supply_pct_change; run; proc fastclus data=work.doe_stan maxc=6 maxiter=20 out=work.cluster1; var week annualized_price_index weekly_pct_change supply supply_pct_change; run; Use of PROC STANDARD proc standard data=work.doe mean=0 std=1 out=work.doe_stan; var week annualized_price_index weekly_pct_change supply supply_pct_change; run; proc fastclus data=work.doe_stan maxc=6 maxiter=20 out=work.cluster1; var week annualized_price_index weekly_pct_change supply supply_pct_change; run; Use of PROC STANDARD proc standard data=work.doe mean=0 std=1 out=work.doe_stan; var week annualized_price_index weekly_pct_change supply supply_pct_change; run; proc fastclus data=work.doe_stan maxc=6 maxiter=20 out=work.cluster1; var week annualized_price_index weekly_pct_change supply supply_pct_change; run; Standardization of Volatile Data Identification of Seasons 2 12 22 32 42 Blue: Post-holiday lull Purple: Winter Season Red: Spring Run-up Amber: Summer Driving Season Yellow: Holiday Spikes Green: Fall Season 52 One-Time Events of Variable Duration One-Time Events of Variable Duration **** Time series of high velocity absorption events ****; data work.first_date; set work.hva; by event_id jd_minus_24e5; if first.event_id; first_date = jd_minus_24e5; keep event_id first_date; run; (and similarly for the last date of each event, which are merged with the first date) data work.hva; merge work.hva work.first_last; by event_id; percent_duration = (day_of_event / duration) * 100; run; One-Time Events of Variable Duration **** Time series of high velocity absorption events ****; data work.first_date; set work.hva; by event_id jd_minus_24e5; if first.event_id; first_date = jd_minus_24e5; keep event_id first_date; run; (and similarly for the last date of each event, which are merged with the first date) data work.hva; merge work.hva work.first_last; by event_id; percent_duration = (day_of_event / duration) * 100; run; One-Time Events of Variable Duration **** Time series of high velocity absorption events ****; data work.first_date; set work.hva; by event_id jd_minus_24e5; if first.event_id; first_date = jd_minus_24e5; keep event_id first_date; run; (and similarly for the last date of each event, which are merged with the first date) data work.hva; merge work.hva work.first_last; by event_id; percent_duration = (day_of_event / duration) * 100; run; One-Time Events of Variable Duration **** Time series of high velocity absorption events ****; data work.first_date; set work.hva; by event_id jd_minus_24e5; if first.event_id; first_date = jd_minus_24e5; keep event_id first_date; run; (and similarly for the last date of each event, which are merged with the first date) data work.hva; merge work.hva work.first_last; by event_id; percent_duration = (day_of_event / duration) * 100; run; Absolute versus Relative Measures Time Series Clustering of Non-Periodic Events Time series cluster analysis can be applied to events that change over time to identify distinct, successive stages in dynamically evolving systems Both cyclical and non-repeating events may be analyzed Both point in time and rate of changes variables should be considered Standardization of model variables may be necessary prior to cluster analysis to obtain the best distinction between clusters Events of variable duration may be analyzed by rescaling the time to % of total duration Fisher, R.A., 1936, Annals of Eugenics, 7, 2, 179 Tryon, R. C., 1939, Cluster analysis. Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers The SAS Institute, Cary, N.C. www.support.sas.com QUESTIONS? PLEASE USE THE Q&A PANEL SAS Global Forum 2014 Washington, D.C. March 23-26, 2014 www.sasglobalforum.org Thank You David J. Corliss [email protected] [email protected] sas.com
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