INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY Vol. 3 (2014), No. 2, 51 - 56 ON THE GEOMETRY OF SUBMERSIONS A. Ya. NARMANOV and A. S. SHARIPOV Abstract. In this paper we study the geometry of the level surfaces of functions of certain class. It is proved that the level surfaces of these functions generate a foliation whose leaves are manifolds of constant Gaussian curvature. 1. Introduction Let M be a smooth Riemannian manifold of dimension n with Riemannian metric g, F -foliation of dimension k on M , where 0 < k < n [6]. We denote by Lp - a leaf of the foliation F passing through the point p 2 M , by Tq F the tangent space of leaf Lp at the point q 2 Lp , and by H(q) - orthogonal complement of Tq F: As a result, we get two sub-bundles T F = fTq F g; T H = fH(q)g of the tangent bundle T M , and we have the orthogonal decomposition T M = T F H. Thus every vector …eld X expanded in the form X = X v + X h , where X v 2 T F , X h 2 T H. If X h = 0 (respectively X v = 0), the …eld is called the vertical ( horizontal) vector …eld. The Riemannian metric g on a manifold M induces Riemannian metric ge on the leaf Lp . Canonical injection i : Lp ! M is an isometric immersion with respect to these metrics. A connection r (Levi-Civita connection) e on Lp which de…ned by the Riemannian metric g induces a connection r e [1]. coincides with the connection de…ned by the Riemannian metric r Let Z be a horizontal vector …eld. For each vertical vector …eld X we de…ne the vertical vector …eld S(X; Z) = (rX Z)v : and we get the tensor …eld of type (1,1) X; Z ! SZ X = S(X; Z): This tensor …eld gives the bilinear form lZ (X; Y ) = hSZ X; Y i; where hX; Y i - the inner product de…ned by the Riemannian metric g. ————————————– Keywords and phrases: riemannian manifold, connection, foliation, leaf, hessian, submersion, Gauss curvature. (2010)Mathematics Subject Classi…cation: 53C12, 57R30 Received: 03.12.2013. In revised form: 20.06.2014. Accepted: 17.07.2014. 52 A. Ya. Narmanov and A.S.Sharipov Tensor …eld SZ is called the second fundamental tensor, and the form lZ (X; Y ) is called the second main form with respect to the horizontal …eld Z. Mapping SZ : Tq F ! Tq F de…ned by the formula Xq ! S(X; Z)q is selfendomorphism with respect to the scalar product de…ned by the Riemannian metric ge. If the vector …eld Z is a vector of unit length, the eigenvalues of this endomorphism called the principal curvatures of Lp at the point q , and the corresponding eigenvectors are called the principal directions. The mean curvature HZ and the Gauss-Kronecker curvature KZ of the leaf Lp at the point q are determined by the principal curvatures [1]: HZ = k1 trSZ ,KZ = detSZ , where k = n m: Let f : M ! B be a di¤erentiable map of maximal rank, where M; B a smooth manifolds of dimensions respectively. Such maps are called submersions. By the theorem on the rank of a di¤erentiable function for each point p 2 B inverse image f 1 (p) is a submanifold of dimension k = n m. Thus submersion f : M ! B generates a foliation on a manifold of dimension k = n m whose leaves are submanifolds Lp = f 1 (p); p 2 B. The geometry and topology of the foliations generated by submersions were subject of numerous studies [2],[4],[5],[6]. If the di¤erential df of mapping f : M ! B preserves the length of horizontal vectors, the submersion f : M ! B is called the Riemannian submersions. Geometry of Riemannian submersions investigated in numerous studies, in particular in [5] derived the fundamental equations of the Riemannian submersion. 2. MAIN RESULT We consider the case where the manifold B is one-dimensional manifold, to be more precise we consider smooth function f : M ! R. If Critff g the set of critical points of the function f , then on the manifold M n Critff g arises foliation F of dimension n 1 (or codimension one foliation), leaves of which are level surfaces of function f . In [6] it is studied the geometry of the level surfaces of the functions for which X(jgradf j2 ) = 0 for each vertical vector …eld X. In particular, it is proved that the level surfaces form the so-called Riemannian foliation. In this paper, we show that the level surfaces of the function of this class are the surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature. Theorem 2.1. Let f : M ! R be a smooth function. Suppose that Critf = ? and X jgradf j2 = 0 for each vertical vector …eld X. Then every leaf of foliation F (level surface of f ) is a manifold of constant Gaussian curvature. Proof. As is known the Hessian is given by hf (X; Y ) = lZ (X; Y ) = hrX Z; Y i where Z = gradf , r- the Levi-Civita connection de…ned by Riemannian metric g. ON THE GEOMETRY OF SUBMERSIONS 53 The map X ! hf (X) = rX Z (Hesse tensor) is a linear operator and is given by a symmetric matrix A: hf (X) = rX Z = AX: We denote by ( ) the characteristic polynomial of the matrix A with a free term ( 1)n det A and de…ne a new polynomial ( ) by the equation ( ) = det A ( 1)n ( ): Since (A) = 0 we have that A (A) = det A E , where E - is the identity matrix. The elements of the matrix (A) are cofactors of the matrix A. This matrix is denoted by Hfc . It is well known that the Gaussian curvature of the surface is calculated by the formula ([1], p.110) K = det S = 1 c n+1 Hf (gradf ) ; gradf : jgradf j To prove the theorem it su¢ ces to show that X (K) = 0 for each vertical vector …eld X at any point q of a leaf Lp . By hypothesis of the theorem we have X jgradf j2 = 0 and so X therefore we need to show that 1 jgradf jn+1 =0 rX Hfc Z; Z + Hfc Z; rX Z = 0: We know that if X(jgradf j2 ) = 0 for each vertical vector …eld X, each gradient line of f is a geodesic line of Riemannian manifold [4]. By de…nition, Z the gradient line is a geodesic if and only if rN N = 0; where N = jZj . We calculate the covariant di¤erential 1 1 1 1 rN N = rZ N = ( rZ Z + Z( )Z) = 0 jZj jZj jZj jZj 1 ). This means that the gradient and get rZ Z = Z, where = jZjZ( jZj vector Z is the eigenvector of matrix A: Let X10 ; X20 ; ; Xn0 1 ; Z 0 - be mutually orthogonal eigenvectors of A at the point q 2 Lp such that X10 ; X20 ; ; Xn0 1 the unit vectors, Z 0 - the value of the gradient …eld at a point q. Locally, they can be extended to the vector …elds X1 ; X2 ; ; Xn 1 ; Z to a neighborhood of (say U ) point q so that they formed at each point of an orthogonal basis consisting of eigenvectors. We construct the Riemannian normal system of coordinates (x1 ; x2 ; ; xn ) in a neighborhood U via vectors X10 ; X20 ; ; Xn0 1 ; Z 0 ([1], p.112). The components gij of the metric g and the connection components kij in the normal coordinate system satis…es the conditions of ([1], p. 132): gij (q) = ij ; k ij (q) = 0: 54 A. Ya. Narmanov and A.S.Sharipov We show that X( ) = 0 for each vertical …eld X. From the equality X( )= X (jZj) Z 1 jZj jZj X Z 1 jZj and from the condition X(jZj) = 0 follows equality X Z 1 jZj = X (Z ( )) = [X; Z] ( ) Z (X ( ; )) 1 where = jZj , [X; Z]-Lie bracket of vector …elds X; Z. From the condition of the theorem follows X (Z ( )) = 0. In [6] it is shown that X jgradf j2 = 0 for each of the vertical vector …eld X if and only if [X; Z] a vertical …eld. Therefore [X; Z] ( ) = 0. Thus, is a constant function on the leaf L. Now we denote by 1 ; 2 ; : : : ; n 1 the eigenvalues of the matrix A corresponding to the eigenvectors X1 ; X2 ; : : : ; Xn 1 . Then in the basis X1 ; X2 ; : : : , Xn 1 ; Z matrix A has the form: 0 1 0 ::: 0 1 B 0 0 C 2 ::: C A=B @ ::: ::: ::: ::: A 0 0 ::: n By hypothesis of the theorem, the vector …eld rX Z is vertical …eld. It follows Codazzi equations have the form ([3], p.29) (rX A)Y = (rY A)X From this equation we get rXi AXj = rXj AXi ; rXi AZ = rZ AXi (1) at any point of U for each vector …eld Xi . From …rst equation of (1) we take following equality Xi ( j )Xj + j rXi Xj = Xj ( i )Xj + i rXj Xi : (2) Since rXi Xj = kij Xk = 0 at the point q by properties of normal coordinate system, from (2) follows equality Xi ( j )Xj = Xj ( i )Xj : By the linear independence X1 ; X2 ; ; Xn 1, (3) we have that Xi ( j ) = 0 for i 6= j for all i. From second equation of (1) we take following Xi ( )Z + rXi Z = Z( i )Xi + i rZ X i : (4) Since rXi Z = rZ Xi = 0 at the point q from the linear independence of vectors Xi ; Z we have that Xi ( ) = 0; Z( i ) = 0 for all i. ON THE GEOMETRY OF SUBMERSIONS 55 On the other hand rZ AXi = Z( i )Xi + From (5) we get that 2 i Xi i rZ Xi ; rXi AZ = rZ AXi ; rXi Z = + Z( i )Xi = Xi ( )Z + i Xi : i Xi : (5) (6) 2 i Since Z( i ) = 0,Xi ( ) = 0 at the point q from the (6) follows that = and X( i ) = i : In particular, this implies that if i 6= 0 then i = X( ) = 0, Z( ) = Z( i ) = 0 for all i. Thus, in the neighborhood U of the point q non-zero eigenvalues of the matrix A are constant and equal . Given this fact we compute X (K). We denote by m the number of zero eigenvalues of A. If m = 0, all the eigenvalues are equal to the number . In this case, by the de…nition of the matrix Hfc we get that Hfc Z = n 1 Z. Consider the case when m > 0. If m > 1, then Hfc = 0. If m = 1 than i = 0 for some i and AXi = rXi Z = 0: This means that the vector …eld Z is parallel along the integral curve of a vector …eld Xi (along i - coordinate line). If i = n we have = i = 0 for all i and Hfc = 0: Without loss of generality we assume that i < n: In this case vector Hfc Z @ : In this case we get have only one nonzero component bi and Hfc Z = bi @x i rX Hfc Z = X(bi ) @ @ + bi r X : @xi @xi @ @ vertical and rX @x = 0: Thus in the case m = 1 As we know that Xi = @x i i E D we have rX Hfc (gradf ); gradf = 0 Let us consider the case m = 0: In this case we have equalities Hfc Z = n 1 Z and rX Hfc Z = X n 1 Z + n 1 rX Z: As mentioned above …eld rX gradf is a vertical vector …eld for each vertical vector …eld X (the E …eld AX is vertical). From this equalities follows D c rX Hf (gradf ); gradf = 0 at the point q: The theorem is proved. Examples: 1. M = R3 n f(x; y; z) : x = 0; y = 0g,f (x; y; z) = x2 + y 2 . Level surfaces of this submersion are manifolds of zero Gaussian curvature. 2. M = R3 n f(0; 0; 0),f (x; y; z) = x2 + y 2 + z 2 . Level surfaces of this submersion are manifolds of constant positive Gaussian curvature. 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