6 THE PINNACLE SCHOOL Recognised by the Directorate of Education,NCT of Delhi (school ID No. 7925-282) Affiliaterl with C.B.S.E., Delhi t:ide Affilintion No.2730411 (School Code No. 6583et lo fearn is ttt lltttl Date :24th January, 2014 To, All parents of The Pinnacle School. Dear Parents, Due to alleged complaints and misrepresentation by one of our ex-teacher namely Mrs. Bindu Khanna who was suspended in April 2010 and subsequently terminated from the school on account of misbehaviour, misconduct and anti-school activities, the Director of Education, GNCT of Delhi had purportedly withdrawn the recognition of the schpol with effect from 01 -04-2014 vide an impugned Order dated 02-01-2014. The school challenged the purported order of the Director of Education by filing a Writ Petition No. 506 of 2014 in the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi and the Hon'ble Judge Mr. Manmohan had admitted the writ and after hearing the case, he has granted status-quo with regard to the school vide Order dated 22-01-2014. The functioning of the school shall continue as earlier. This is for your kind information Please. We sincerely thank all parents for their kind support and co-operation, We further assure you that the Management will take all necessary legal steps to protect the smooth functioning of the school. With warm regards, G.il4'l^b Princidal ffi Principal rHE PINNACLE gcHgql O-etocf, Panchsheel Enclave New Delhi- 1 10 017 Encl": llu^'Jl" INI"J G"l QrJ'' 22- ot * 2otk D-BLOCK, PANCHSHEEL ENCLAVE, NEW DELHI ILOOLT Telephone:011264909521011'26498609Fax:01141749202 E-mail:'thepinnacleschoolO gmail.com Web : www.thepinnacleschool'com 38 $- * trN TIIE HIGH COURT' OF DELX{{ AT NtrW DELHI +- w.P.(c) s06120r4 TFIE MANACINC CONTMITTEE OII ""' Petitionels TI-m PINNACLE SCHOOL & Through: Mr. Arvind Nigarn, Seniol Advocate with Mr. Mohit Sharma, Advocate' ANR' i t VCI'SUS GOVERI{MENT OF NCT OF DLEHI & ANR. ...,. Respondents Through: Ms. Zubeda Begum, Advocate with Ml. V.K. Tandon and Mr. Amiet Andlay, Advocates. CORAIVI: HOTTBLE MII.. JUSTICE. MANV{OFNAN ORDtrR. oh (.-'r ZZ.0t.Z0t4 Allowed, subject to just exceptiotls' Accordingly, present application stands disposed of' W.P.(C) 506/2014 & CM Appl. 974/2014 present writ petition has been filecl challenging the order dated 02nd January, 2014 passed, by the Director of Education as well as for quashing of the reporl dated 29th November, 2013 given by a Committee constituted by an order of the Minister of Education. w P (c) s06/20t4 page I of 3 the petitioner submits that Mr. Arvind Nigam, learned senior counsel for is in violation of principle of impugned order datecl 02nd Janu ary,2014, has not even been given a hearing natural justice inasmuch as the petitioner states that the impugned prior to passing of the impugned order. He further passed by a Director of Education' order dated 02nd Janu ary,2014 has been Decembet,2013. who had been relieved from his post on 3 1't # ' i nr ry--1-^l^ D^^'iffi UnSel fOf loo' ' ontheotherhand,Ms.ZubedaBegum,learrredStandingco present writ petition Government of NCT of Delhi, states that remedy maintainabie as an alternate efficacious is is not available with the and Rule 58 of the Delhi petitioner by way of an appeal under Section 4(7) School Education Act,1973 r order hasractually Ms. Zubeda Begum further states that the impugned on 31't Decetnber' 2013' but has been passed by the Directol of Education been dispatched on 02"d lanuary,2014' petiiioner submits In rejoinder, Mr. Nigam, learned senior counsel fbr as an alternate remedy is only a that the pres'ent writ petition is maintainable fo*, rule of prudence and not a statutory prohibition' is of the view that Having heard learned counsel for parties, this Court senior counsel for there is merit in the argument advanced by learned petitioner. this courl directs However, as the scope of an appeal is much Iarget, under the Delhi School the petitioner to fi1e a statutory appeal as directed weeks' Education Act, 1973 within a period of four w P (c) s06/2014 page 2 of 3 ' , 1^--^^ +L^ equities' tiil the app eal is hearcl and disposed However; to baiance the ^^1 status qr-io with regarcl to the schooi of by the Hon',ble Lieutenant Govemor, as of todaY shall continue' fl*: apply for impleadment in the to liber-ty given is l(hanna Ms. Bindu The said Flon'ble Lieutenant Governor' proceeclings to be filed before the to saY, the accordance with law' Needless application would be decided in are left open: rights and contentions of all the parties petition and apPlication stand With the aforesaid observations' present disposed of. C)rder dasti. JAI{UARY 22,,2014 js W 'n, #.r ': 1r' " ^^Lr lXs*'.' {'y/ !, fl Y} poge w.P.(c) s06/2014 ,! ) ) ra uJ
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