Debt Policy - University of Wolverhampton

Debt Policy Working Instructions
2014 - 2015
1) Summary
Please use the Debt Policy for the framework and agreed working principles between the Students’
Union, Finance and Accommodation Services.
The following document will outline the working practises to be undertaken by Accommodation
Accommodation Debt Management Procedures
If any student falls into arrears with any fees or charges, the University will take the following steps to
recover the debt.
Instalment One – Due date 3rd November 2014
Day 0 3rd November 2014
Instalment One due date 3rd November 2014
Invoices due to be paid and direct debits will be posted.
Day 1 4th Nov 2014
Finance to send first reminder giving 7 days to make payment.
Any rejected direct debit will be represented on the 10th November 2014
Day 8 – 11th Nov 2014
Finance to send second reminder email stating they have until day 15 to pay
Day 1-15 3rd -18th Nov 2014
Accommodation Services and SU to undertake interviews at students request regarding financial
circumstances. Eg loan delayed or if a student requires a repayment plan to be set up to start
repaying debt either Finance or Accommodation Service will set this up with the student.
Notes regarding interviews or repayment plans are to be made on the students KX and Financial
Finance will make telephone calls to debtors to chase payments and identify and reasons for delay in
Day 15 18th Nov 2014
Finance to send third reminder email to state that if no payment plans have been set up and or
students have not made contact with either SU, Finance or Accommodation Services the debt will be
referred to STA on the 2nd instalment due date and the £200 referral charge will be raised against the
students account as at 12th January 2015
Instalment Two – Due date 12th January 2015
Day 0 12th January 2015
Invoices due to be paid and direct debits will be posted.
Instalment One and two debt recovery
Day 1 13th January 2015
Accommodation Services will compile a list of all students that have an outstanding debt as at 13th
January 2015 for instalment one, two and any semester one debt.
Where students have not paid instalment one the £200 STA charge will be raised against the student
account and the paperwork will be collated for the debt of instalment one and two (if not paid) to be
referred to STA.
Instalment two only debt recovery
Day 1 13th January 2015 Instalment two debt only
Finance to send the first reminder letter to students that have defaulted on instalment two payment
giving 7 days to make payment
Any rejected direct debit will be represented on the 19th January 2015
Day 8 – 20th January 2015 Instalment two debt only
Finance to send second email stating they have until day 15 to pay
Day 1-15 13th January – 27th January 2015 Instalment two debt only
Accommodation Services and SU to undertake interviews at students request regarding financial
circumstances. Eg loan delayed or if a student requires a repayment plan to be set up to start
repaying debt either Finance or Accommodation Service will set this up with the student.
Notes regarding interviews or repayment plans are to be made on the students KX and Financial
Finance will make telephone calls to debtors to chase payments and identify and reasons for delay in
Day 15-18 27th January 30th January 2015 Instalment two debt only
Finance to send out third reminder email to state that if no payment plans have been set up,
students have not made contact with either SU or Accommodation Services the debt will be referred
to STA on the 3rd instalment due date (20th April 2015) and the £200 referral charge will be raised
against the students account at 20th April 2015
Note: if student has not paid instalment one and two only one £200 will be allocated against the
Instalment Three – Due date 20th April 2015
Day 0 20th April 2015
Finance will process any direct debits or payments on the due date
Instalment two and three debt recovery
Day 1 21st April 2015
Accommodation Services will compile a list of all students that have an outstanding debt as at 21st
April 2015 for instalment two, three and any semester two debts
Where students have not paid instalment two the £200 STA charge will be raised against the student
account and the paperwork will be collated for the debt of instalment two and three (if not paid
instalment three) to be referred to STA.
Instalment three only debt recovery
Day 1 21st April 2015 instalment three debt only
Finance to send the first reminder letter to students that have defaulted on instalment three
payment giving 7 days to make payment
Any rejected direct debit will be represented on the 27th April 2015
Day 8 – 28th April 2015 instalment three debt only
Finance to send second email stating they have 15 days to pay
Day 1-15 21st April - 4th May 2015 instalment three debt only
Accommodation Services and SU to undertake interviews at students request regarding financial
circumstances. Eg loan delayed or if a student requires a repayment plan to be set up to start
repaying debt either Finance or Accommodation Service will set this up with the student.
Notes regarding interviews or repayment plans are to be made on the students KX and Financial
Finance will make telephone calls to debtors to chase payments and identify and reasons for delay in
Day 15 4th May 2015 instalment three debt only
Finance to send a debtors list as at 15th May 2015, all debtors’ paperwork to be collated and £200
charge to be raised to the student account.
Day 22 – 11th May 2015 instalment three debt only
Finance to send debtors information over to STA
Note: if a student has not paid instalment one, two and three only one £200 will be allocated against
the account. If a student has not paid instalment one, paid instalment two and not paid instalment
three the debt from instalment three will be added to the STA debt for instalment one.
Cancellation Charges
If the student accepts a place within the University Accommodation, but then the University of
Wolverhampton decide not to offer the student a place on a course or the students Visa is refused ,
the whole rent prepayment of £300.00 will be returned. Accommodation Services will only refund
the prepayment upon written confirmation from the University Admissions Unit that the student
has not been offered a place on a course or written confirmation from the immigration authority
stating the students Visa has been refused.
Should the student fail to take up occupation under the terms of the Agreement within 7 days of
the commencement date the University will be entitled to retain up to £200 from the £300 rent
prepayment. The remainder will be returned and the licence agreement terminated.
If a student leaves the University during the course of their Licence Agreement they will be invoiced
up to a £200 Cancellation Charge. The student is also liable to pay rent up until the actual date of
departure from the residence and return of key.
Should the student cancel her/his Licence Agreement;
Prior to the release of the A-Level results, a £50.00 charge will be retained from the £300.00 rent
On or after the A-Level results are released, but prior to the commencement of the Accommodation
Licence Agreement, a £100.00 charge will be retained from the £300.00 rent prepayment.
Financial Support Contacts
Making contact with Finance
Finance staff can be contacted by various means.
E: vision helpdesk
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 01902 321256
Appointments can also be made to meet Finance staff to discuss any fee related issue.
Making contact with Accommodation Services
Accommodation staff can be contacted by various means.
E: vision help desk
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 01902 321282
Appointments can also be made to meet Accommodation Services staff to discuss any accommodation fee
related issues.
Making contact with the Student Financial Support Team
The Student Financial Support Team will provide information on a number of finance-related issues; they
can be contacted by various means
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 01902 321070
All student financial support queries with be dealt with from the Student Centre North (opposite the
Cashiers Office within the MX Building.) The Student Financial Support Team will be the single point of
contact for all current students with any financial enquiries or support.
Making contact with Students’ Union
The Students’ Union Advice and Support Centre offers confidential and impartial advice in relation to
money and debt advice. They can be contacted by various means;
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 01902 322038
Appointments can be made with advisers at the Students’ Union Advice and Support Centre to discuss any
Appendix One
Interview template
Referral STA: £200
Payment Plan: Yes
STA Reference: …………….
Date Sent: ……………………
Student Debt Interviews
Student No.
Date of Interview
City – Walsall – Telford
Block – Room
Invoice Number
Invoice Amount
Due Payment Date
Overview of student circumstances:
Financial Agreements – outcome of the meeting:
Payment Plan Agreement: Please state amounts to be paid and agreed dates
Date Due
Date Paid
Student Signature
Interviewing officer signature
Appendix Two
Day 15 Automated 3rd reminder letter to be sent from Finance
Student Name
Student Address
Student Address
Student Number:
Invoice Number:
Dear Student,
The University of Wolverhampton have contacted you on two separate occasions regarding your failure to
pay your accommodation invoice. The automated reminder letters have informed you where you can seek
help and support regarding your debt and the timescales that need to be adhered to.
If you have not cleared your account as per the University accommodation debt policy, your invoice/s will
be referred to an external debt collection agency and a default charge of £200 will be added to your student
It is imperative that you arrange to either clear your debt or arrange a payment plan with Accommodation
Services or the Finance Department to prevent any further charges being incurred.
Yours sincerely
Clare Magson
Customer Services Manager
Accommodation Services