Laclede County Fair 1. Laclede County Fair 2. 3. 4. Livestock Book 2014 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Market, Steer, Hog and Lamb Show 2014 RULES To be eligible to show and sell you must be a member of FFA, JFA 4-H, or any interested youth. Any youth must not have passed age 19 by Fair date, unless graduated from high school the previous school year. Market steer exhibitors must be a minimum of 8 years of age by Fair date. Exhibitor MUST live in Laclede or an adjoining county. Market animals must be kept and fed in Laclede or an adjoining county for the period between the first weigh-in and the Fair. Animals must be youth’s own project. Steers must be sole property of exhibitor for 160 days prior to show. Market hogs and lambs must be sole property of exhibitor for 70 days prior to show. Market animals that have been exhibited at any other terminal show and sale are not eligible for show and sale at the Laclede County Fair. Weigh-in for market steers will be on February 8, 2014; market hogs and lambs on May 10, 2014. Exhibitor must be present at weigh-in, fair weigh-in, show and sale. To sell, the animal must be shown by the person in whose name it is entered. Each exhibitor may weigh in two of each species. Each exhibitor is limited to the show and sale of one market animal. All animals shown that qualify for sale MUST go through the sale and be delivered immediately to buyer. No animals will be loaded prior to the end of the sale. Buyers must have a Bill of Sale before animal will be loaded. One hundred animals will sell. The number of market animals to sell will be an equal percentage of each species based upon the total number of animals that qualify for the sale. The market animal with the highest rate of gain in each of the market animal species will sell, as well as the top 5 placing animals in the live show. Any animal that qualifies only on the basis of rate of gain or live show placing will sell at the end of the sale order. Sale order will be posted at 8 AM the morning following the live show. Animals not making the sale may be sold at base bid or taken home. 10. Market hogs will be electronically evaluated and those weighing 220 pounds to 300 pounds are eligible to sell. Market lambs will be electronically evaluated and must fall in the weight of 90-140 lb. Any animal not within the weight range is eligible to show for premiums but will not sell. 11. Animals that are sold through the market sale will not receive premiums from the live show. 12. Live classes will be determined by weight. 13. Steer, Hog and Lamb index will be based on 40% live show, 40% carcass score, and 20% rate of gain. 14. No steer with a broken mouth may be shown; meaning a full set of baby teeth is required. This will be checked at weigh-in. 15. Market hogs may be barrows or gilts. Wether or ewe lambs are allowed. 16. At weigh-in first weight is official - no re-weighs. 17. Exhibitor needs to be present in barn 2 hours before show and sale. 18. Exhibitors and parents only are allowed in the Fair Barn after 1:00 am. USE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR ILLEGAL DRUGS BY EXHIBITORS WILL BE CAUSE FOR RELEASE OF ANIMAL FROM SHOW AND SALE. NO EXCEPTIONS. 19. A stall fee of $5.00 per head for cattle; $2.00 per head for sheep, hogs and goats. 20. An entry fee of $5.00 per head for market steers and $3.00 per head for market hogs and lambs will be charged at weigh-in (February for steers May for hogs and lambs). Expenses incurred by the livestock committee (tags, etc.) will be deducted from these entry fees and the remainder will be awarded to the Supreme Champion of each market species. 21. Exhibitors must comply with Missouri State Fair ethics rules. ***NOTICE*** All market animals offered for sale at the Laclede County Fair must be free of drug residues at the time of sale. It is the owners'/exhibitors' responsibility to guarantee that all withdrawal times have been adhered to for any medications, growth promotants, feed additives, etc., that have been used on the sale animals. If any medication has been used in an extra-label manner, including over dosages, the label withdrawal times may not apply. Extra-Label use should only be done in consultation with a veterinarian and a withdrawal time must be established and certified to by the veterinarian. Blood, urine, tissue, or other samples may be collected as indicated for drug residue testing as determined by the Laclede County Fair Board. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SHOW REGULATIONS 1. All animals must be bona fide property of the exhibitor. 2. The following are eligible to show: a. Regularly enrolled 4-H club Members carrying the animals shown as part of their 2013-2014 4-H Program. b. Regularly enrolled Vocational Agriculture students or FFA members carrying animals shown as part of their 2014 supervised practice program. c. Regularly enrolled JFA Members carrying animals as projects in 2013-2014. 3. Each Exhibitor may enter two animals in each class (except market animals). 4. Any member of the same club or chapter may show the animals. 5. All animals must be in good health and meet all regulations. 6. Exhibitors from adjoining counties will be permitted to show in youth division providing those counties who have fairs extend the same privilege to Laclede County youth. 7. All exhibitors must come from Laclede or an adjoining county 8. For champion there must be two or more animals of that breed shown. 9. Classes with less than 2 animals may be combined with the next oldest class by Fair officials. 10. Removal of animals before scheduled release time will FORFEIT premiums 11. Open beef cattle will be allowed for exhibition purposes only. A limit of 5 head will be allowed each open exhibitor. Cattle presented for exhibition must be halter broke and tied in the livestock barn. Tie-in and release times as well as health requirements will be the same as for junior exhibitors. 12. All cattle presented as open beef exhibits will be assessed a $5.00 per head stall fee. MARKET STEER SCORING SYSTEM Animals must be weighed in (February 8, 2014 and weighed out (July 8, 2014) for rate of gain calculation, must be scanned (ultrasound) for carcass data collection (fat thickness, rib-eye area and percent ether extractable fat) and must be shown in the live animal show to be eligible for premiums. Carcass data will be generated from ultrasound measurements taken by a qualified/certified technician. No animals will be harvested for data collection. 1. To be eligible for Champion or Reserve Champion beef carcass; carcasses must be from steers with a minimum average daily gain of 2.2 pounds. A carcass that qualifies on the basis of yield grade and quality grade but does not qualify on the basis of weight and or average daily gain will not be named Champion or Reserve Champion 2. Initial ranking of carcasses will be derived from the USDA yield grade equation: USDA Yield Grade=2.5+(2.5 x fat thickness) +(0.2 x estimated %KPH fat (2.5%)) -(0.32 x ribeye area) +(0.0038 x hot carcass weight (62% of live weight). 3. The numerical yield grade derived from this formula will then be adjusted for ultrasonic ribeye area (REAU), ultrasonic fat thickness (FTU), hot carcass weight (HCW) and ultrasonic quality grade (%FATU) using the following adjustment factors for the final Beef Carcass Index (BCI) to determine points for the carcass portion of the market steer show. Ultrasonic Ribeye Area (in2)/Adjustment to BCI >16.5 16.0-16.5 15.0-15.99 14.0-14.99 13.0-13.99 12.0-12.99 11.0-11.99 10.0-10.99 <10.0 +.50 -.30 -.60 -.40 -.20 0.0 +.40 +.60 +1.0 +.60 +1.2 Hot Carcass Weight(lbs) Adjustment to BCI >950 900-950 800-899 700-799 600-699 551-599 <550 +1.2 +.50 +.20 -.10 0.0 +.50 +1.2 Ultrasonic Quality Grade (%FATU) - Adjustment to BCI >5.99 (Prime) 5.00-5.99 (High Choice) 4.51-4.99 (Avg Choice) 4.00-4.50 (Low Choice) 3.50-3.99 (High Select) 3.00-3.49 Low Select) <3.00 (Standard or less) -1.50 -1.0 -.80 -.50 0.0 +1.0 +2.0 MARKET SWINE CARCASS CONTEST All market hogs will be measured with ultrasound at the time of weigh in for estimation of 10th rib fat thickness and 10th rib loin eye area. These measurements, plus carcass weight (72% of live weight) will be used to calculate % percent lean. No animals will be harvested for data collection. Hog carcasses must have a minimum 10th rib fat thickness of .25 inches and a minimum loin eye area of 4.50 square inches to be named champion or reserve champion swine carcass. Carcasses meeting the above minimum requirements will be ranked using the USDA Percent (%) Lean muscle Yield Equation: % Lean Yield = (88.307 - (.036 x Hot carcass weight (72 % of live weight) (18.574 x 10th rib fat thickness, inches) + (3.734 x 10 th rib loin eye area, square inches)/170) x 100 Ultrasonic Fat Thickness (FTU in) Adjustment to BCI <.15 .15-.20 .21-.30 .31-.40 .41-.50 .51-.60 .61-.70 >.70 +.6 +.4 0.0 -.10 0.0 +.40 MARKET LAMB CARCASS CONTEST All market lambs will be measured with ultrasound at the time of weigh in for estimation of 12th rib fat thickness, 12th rib body wall thickness and 12th rib loin eye area. These measurements, plus carcass weight (52% of live weight) will be used to calculate Percent Boneless Closely Trimmed Retail Cuts (%BCTRC). No animals will be harvested for carcass data collection. Lamb carcasses must meet a minimum ribeye area standard (1.4 + (HCW x .02)) for their carcass weight, have no more than a USDA Yield Grade (YG) of 2.9 (USDA YG = 0.4 + (10 x 12th rib fat thickness, inches) and have a minimum 12th rib fat thickness of .10 inches to be named champion or reserve champion lamb carcass. Additionally, lambs must have all baby (temporary) teeth in place at weigh in and scanning. Carcasses meeting the above standards will be ranked using the Estimated Percent (%) Boneless Closely Trimmed Retail Cuts equation (%BCTRC): %BCTRC = 49.936 - (.0848 x Hot Carcass Weight (52% of live weight)) - (4.376 th x 12 rib fat thickness, inches) + (2.456 x loin eye area, square inches) GOATS 1. Doe under 3 months 2. Doe 3 months to 6 months 3. Doe 6 months to 9 months 4. Doe 9 months to 12 months 5. Doe 12 months to 2 years 6. Champion Doe 7. Buck under 3 months 8. Buck 3 to 6 months 9. Buck 6 to 9 months 10. Buck 9 months to 12 months 11. Champion Buck 12. Market Goat (Doe or Wether) Blue Red 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 Rosette 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 Rosette 15 10 White 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 SHEEP 15 15 15 Rosette 15 15 15 Rosette 25 15 15 10 10 5 POULTRY - JUNIOR DIVISION Single entries. Limit 4 entries per person. DEFINITION OF FOWL: Cock-Male Bird, 1 year old and older; Cockerel - Male Bird less than 1 year old; Hen - Female Bird, 1 year old and older; Pullet - Female Bird, less that 1 year old. Exhibitors MUST provide their own exhibit cages. Classes include all breeds. FOWL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Large Fowl Bantams Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion Turkey Broilers (3-4 lb.) Pen of 4 Fryers (4-5 lb.) Pen of 4 Roosters (5 lb. & Up) Pen of 4Open Fowl Blue 6 6 9 6 6 6 2.5 Red White 4 2 4 2 Rosette Rosette 6 3 4 2 4 2 4 2 2 1.5 WATERFOWL - Limit 2 entries per class. Definitions: Duck - old drake - male 1 year and older; young drake - male younger than 1 year; hen one year old or older; pullet younger than one year; goose - old gander - males over 1 year; young gander - males under 1 year old; hen - female over 1 year; pullet - under 1 year. WATER FOWL Blue Red White Ducks 1. DEFINITION OF SHEEP: Flock-Ram any age, aged ewe, yearling ewe and lamb ewe. NOTE: September 1 is to be used as the base of computing ages of sheep in all classes, but only those animals that have lamb teeth will be eligible to show in lamb classes, and only those animals with yearling teeth will be permitted to show in yearling classes. Blue Red White 1. Ram, over 2 years 2. Ram, under 2, over 1 year 3. Ram, lamb 4. Champion Ram 5. Ewe, 2 years or over 6. Ewe, under 2, over 1 year 7. Ewe lamb 8. Champion Ewe 9. Flock 10. Market Lamb 2. 3. Heavy weight (Muscovy, Perkin, Rouen, Swedish) 9 6 3 Medium Weight (Buff, Cayuga, Harlequin, Golden Sovereign) 9 6 3 Lightweight (Khaki Campbell, Runner) 9 6 3 GOOSE 4. 10 10 10 5 5 5 5. 10 10 10 5 5 5 7. 8. 6. Heavy weight (African, Embden, Toulouse) 9 6 3 Medium weight (American Buff, Pilgrim) 9 6 3 Lightweight (Canadian, Chinese) 9 6 3 Grand Champion Water Fowl Rosette Reserve Grand Champion Water Fowl Rosette th RABBIT SHOW Monday, July 7 entered by 7:00 pm. Show at 7:30 pm. Animals released after presentation. Each exhibitor is limited to two animals per class. All entries must be free of communicable disease and will be inspected at check-in. It is recommended that each rabbit be tattooed or marked in the left ear for identification. Exhibitor must provide own cage. Registration papers are not required on purebreds; but they must exhibit proper characteristics or they will be entered in crossbred class. Exhibitors must personally handle their entries for judging. BLUE RED WHITE 1. Purebred Junior Doe 6 4 2 2. Purebred 6-8 months Doe 6 4 2 3. Purebred Senior Doe 6 4 2 4. Purebred Champion Doe Rosette 5. Crossbred Junior Doe 6 4 2 6. Crossbred 6 to 8 months Doe 6 4 2 7. Crossbred Senior Doe 6 4 2 8. Crossbred Champion Doe Rosette 9. Purebred Junior Buck 6 4 2 10. Purebred 6-8 months Buck 6 4 2 11. Purebred Senior Buck 6 4 2 12. Purebred Champion Buck Rosette 13. Crossbred Junior Buck 6 4 2 14. Crossbred 6-8 months Buck 6 4 2 15. Crossbred Senior Buck 6 4 2 16. Crossbred Champion Buck Rosette 17. Best in Show Rossette 18. Best Opposite Rosette 19. Reserve Best Opposite Reserve Champion Ribbon 20. Meat Pen: 3 rabbits any breed or cross each weighing under 5 lbs. And as nearly matched as possible. 6 4 2 21. Champion Meat Pen Rosette 22. Reserve Champion Meat Pen Reserve Champion Ribbon 23. FUR CLASS 6 4 2 Limited to one rabbit per exhibitor. Rabbit must be shown in regular purebred or crossbred classes. Rabbit judged on fur coat. Ribbon awarded to top three entries. BUCKET CALF CLASS Exhibitors age 8 and Under 12:00 noon, Saturday, July 12th (as part of the dairy show). Calf must be born after March 1, 2014 and may be either sex of any breed, crossbred calf, dairy or beef. These entries to be on grounds and entered by 11:00am on show date and are released with dairy cattle that evening. Class may be split depending on entry numbers and age variations. This class has been added to encourage youth to become involved with livestock. DAIRY Spring Heifer Calf/Born after 2/28/14 & over 4 months of age 2. Winter Heifer Calf/Born after 11/30/13 & before 3/1/14 3. Fall Heifer Calf/Born after 8/31/13 & before 12/1/13 4. Summer Yearling Heifer/Born after 5/31/13& before 9/1/13 5. Spring Yearling Heifer/Born after 2/28/13 & before 6/1/13 6. Winter Yearling Heifer/Born after 11/30/12 & before 3/1/13 7. Fall Yearling Heifer/Born after 8/31/12 & before 12/1/12 8. Jr. Champion Female 9. Unfreshened 2 yr. Old: 6/1-8/31/12 10. 2 yr. Old: 3/31/11 before 9/1/12 11. 3 yr. Old: 8/31/10 before 9/1/11 12. 4 yr. Old: 8/31/09 before 9/1/10 13. Aged Cow Born before 9/1/09 14. Sr. Champion Cow Rosette Blue Red White 50 40 20 50 40 20 50 40 20 50 40 20 50 40 20 50 40 20 50 Rosette 50 50 50 50 50 40 20 40 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20 20 1. BEEF FEMALES BLUE Jr. Calf: 1/1-4/1/14 50 Sr. Calf: 10/1-12/31/13 50 Summer Yearling: 7/1-9/30/13 50 Spring Yearling: 4/1-6/30/13 50 Jr. Yearling 1/1-3/31/13 50 Sr. Yearling 7/1-12/31/12 50 2 yr. Old 3/1-6/30/12 50 3 yr. & Older born prior 2/28/12 50 Champion Female Rosette MALES BLUE 10. Jr. Calf: 1/1-4/1/14 50 11. Sr. Calf: 10/1-12/31/13 50 12. Summer Yearling: 7/1-9/30/13 50 13. Spring Yearling: 4/1-6/30/13 50 14. Jr. Yearling: 1/1-3/31/13 50 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. RED 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 WHITE 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 RED 40 40 40 40 40 WHITE 20 20 20 20 20 15. 16. 17. 18. Sr. Yearling: 7/1-12/31/12 2 yr. Old 3/1-6/30/12 3 yr.& older born prior 2/28/12 Champion Bull 50 40 50 40 50 40 Rosette 20 20 20 STEERS (Class will be divided by weights depending on number shown) GRAND CHAMPION STEER 50 Rosette 40 20 SWINE-JUNIOR DIVISION BLUE RED WHITE Dec. Boar, farrowed: 12/1-12/31/13 30 20 15 Jan. Boar, farrowed: 1/1-1/21/14 30 20 15 Sr. Feb. Boar, farrowed: 2/1-2/20/14 30 20 15 Jr. Feb. Boar, farrowed: 2/21-3/10/14 30 20 15 Jr. Mar. Boar, farrowed: 3/11/14 or after 30 20 15 Grand Champion Boar Rosette 6. Dec. Gilt: 12/1-12/31/13 30 20 15 7. Jan. Gilt: 1/1-1/31/14 30 20 15 8. Sr. Feb. Gilt: 2/1-2/20/14 30 20 15 9. Jr. Feb. Gilt: 2/21-3/10/14 30 20 15 10. Jr. Mar. Gilt: 3/11/14 or after 30 20 15 Grand Champion Gilt Rosette 11. Lt. Wt. (40-60 lbs) Barrows & Gilts 30 20 15 12. Heavy Wt. (60-80 lb.) 30 20 15 13. MARKET HOG 30 20 15 GRAND CHAMPION HOG Rosette 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AGRICULTURAL MECHANICS 1. This division is open to FFA members in Laclede and adjoining counties. 2. Articles must have been constructed by FFA member either in AgEd shop or as part of their SAE program. 3. Entries will be judged on workmanship, design and finished appearance. 4. Exhibitor limited to two entries per class. BLUE RED WHITE Section A - Livestock Trailers Gooseneck w/ Top 180 120 60 Gooseneck Trailer w/o Top 150 100 50 Straight Tongue w/ Top 135 90 45 Straight Tongue w/o Top 120 80 40 Section B - Machinery Trailers Gooseneck w/ Dovetail 135 90 45 Gooseneck w/ Platform 124 83 42 Gooseneck 120 80 40 Dropframe 120 80 40 Section C - Utility Trailers Straight Tongue 2 Axle 105 70 35 Single Axle 8ft or longer 54 36 18 Single Axle less than 8ft 24 16 8 Section D - Farm Equipment Scraper Blade (no hydraulics) 60 40 20 Round Bale Unroller (Hydraulics) 36 24 12 Round Bale Stinger / Forks 24 16 8 Round Bale Feeder 24 16 8 Carryall / Bale Fork Combination 30 20 10 Section E - Livestock Equipment Large Animal Headgate 45 30 15 Portable Corral System Minimum of 10 Panels 60 40 20 Cattle Grooming Chute 24 16 8 Wooden Feed Bunk 24 16 8 Gates / Metal Frame Feed Bunk 12 8 4 Section F - Splitters / Booms / Truck Beds Pickup Flatbeds 60 40 20 Section G - Shop Equipment Hydraulic Shop Hoist 27 18 9 Post Driver 4 2 1 Section H - Lawn / Household Items Picnic Table 18 12 6 Section I - Miscellaneous Points compare to other projects of same size. Total points will be divided into dollar amount to determine point value. In no case will point value exceed 50 cents. Superintendent may adjust points on all projects where necessary.
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