Rev. Med. Chir. Soc. Med. Nat., Iaşi – 2013 – vol. 117, no. 4 PHARMACY ORIGINAL PAPERS DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC METHOD FOR QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF NEW PRESERVATIVES FROM PHARMACEUTICAL FORMS Catalina Daniela Stan1, Alina Ştefanache 2, Maria Drăgan 1, Andreea Maria Corciovă 3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa”- Iaşi Faculty of Pharmacy 1. Drug Industry and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Department 2. General and Innorganic Chemistry Department 3. Drug Control Department DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF A SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC METHOD FOR QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF NEW PRESERVATIVES FROM PHARMACEUTICAL FORMS (Abstract): Aim: A spectrophotometric UV-VIS fast, sensitive and simple method was developed for quantitative determination of two new antimicrobial preservatives (oxi-acetyl-mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid) and validated according to validation quides. Material and methods: The absorption spectra were recorded at 200–400 nm, and the absorbances were measured at 256 nm for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and 258 nm for oxipropionyl mandelic acid. Optimum working conditions were established and the method was validated. The developed and validated method was applied to determine these two preservatives from ointments, in which the preservatives were incorporated. Results: The method has a good linearity in the concentration range 0.1–1.5 mg/ml (for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid) and 0.1– 1 mg/ml (for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid). The RSD for the precision of the method was 0.96328 for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and 0.797612 for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid. The relative standard deviation was 0.726367% for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and 0.726234% for oxipropionyl mandelic acid. In the ointment samples, the concentration of oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid were within the limits specified by pharmacopoeia for ointments. Conclusions: The developed and validated spectrophotometric method, for the determination of oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid is simple, easy to perform, fast and cost effective. Keywords: VALIDATION, OINTMENTS, PRESERVATIVES, SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC METHOD, MANDELIC ACID Mandelic acid is known as an antiseptic, being active against some pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Proteus sp., Aerobacter sp. etc.). It is used in urinary infections (oral use), or dermic infections (inflammatory acne), for external use. Starting from this acid, we synthesized some mandelic acid derivatives, two of them (oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi- 1014 propionyl mandelic acid) presenting high antimicrobial activity compared to mandelic acid. For these two derivatives, oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid, were carry out some studies: there were confirmed their chemical structures (by elemental analysis, UV-VIS, IR, RMN 1 H spectral analysis), there were estab- Development and validation of a spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of new preservatives from pharmaceutical forms lished the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MCI=125 µg/ml for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and MCI=500 µg/ml for oxipropionyl mandelic acid) and lethal dose 50%, after oral administration (LD50 =800 mg/kg for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and LD50=3000 mg/kg for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid) (1, 2). This paper presents the development of a fast and sensitive spectrophotometric UV-VIS method for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid determination. The spectrophotometric method was validated according to validation quides and applied to oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid determination from pharmaceutical forms (ointments) (3, 4, 5). MATERIAL AND METHODS Apparatus: - Jasco V530 spectrophotometer, quartz cells (1=1 cm); - IKA-Werke basic ultrasonic bath. Materials and reagents: oxi-acetyl mandelic acid, new synthesized preservative, obtained in faculty lab, for which we have validated the structure and established the MCI, the results have been previously published in journals; oxi-propionyl mandelic acid, new synthesized preservative, obtained in faculty lab, for which we have validated the structure and established the MCI, the results Rp/ Cetyl alcohol 5g Sunflower seed oil 20 g Lanolin 5g Vaseline 20 g Oxi-acetyl mandelic acid 0.0125 g Distilled water q.s. ad 100 g have been previously published in journals; absolute ethanol (p.a.) (Merck KGaA); cetyl alcohol, lanolin, vaseline, sunflower seed oil were produced by Redox, Bucureşti, România. There were prepared oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid stock solutions and then were obtained suitable dilutions in absolute ethanol. Taking into account that those two preservatives are active at low concentrations, the determination was performed at concentrations close to the active ones. The absorption spectras were recorded between 200– 400 nm, and the absorbances were measured at 256 nm for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and 258 nm for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid in a 1 cm cell versus a blank of absolute ethanol. The developed method was validated by studying the following parameters: linearity, detection limit, quantification limit, precision, in accordance with the bioanalytical method validation guidelines (3, 4, 5). The developed and validated method was applied to determine these two preservatives from pharmaceutical forms (ointments). According to MCI`s, the preservatives were embedded in ointments in 0.0125 g% concentration for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and in 0.05 g% concentration for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid. The ointments were prepared by the formula presented below: Rp/ Cetyl alcohol 5g Sunflower seed oil 20 g Lanolin 5g Vaseline 20 g Oxi-propionyl mandelic acid 0.05 g Distilled water q.s. ad 100 g 1015 Catalina Daniela Stan et al. These two preservatives were extracted from ointments with gently heated absolute ethanol and, after filtration; the samples were spectrophotometric analyzed at 256 nm for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and at 258 nm for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid, respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The method was validated by studying the following parameters: linearity, detection limit, and quantification limit, preci- No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TABLE I Absorbance values for establish the linearity of the method Absorbance (λ=256 nm) Oxi-acetyl mandelic acid concentration mg/ml I II III 0.1 0.0375 0.0322 0.0437 0.3 0.1675 0.1632 0.1598 0.5 0.3331 0.3129 0.3290 0.7 0.4589 0.4600 0.4656 0.9 0.5999 0.6231 0.6202 1.1 0.7325 0.7833 0.8179 1.3 0.9128 0.9323 0.9311 1.5 1.1109 0.9834 1.1991 Absorbance (λ =258 nm) Oxi-propionyl mandelic acid concentration mg/ml I II III 0.1 0.1222 0.0982 0.1101 0.3 0.2835 0.301 0.2989 0.4 0.3899 0.3943 0.4101 0.5 0.4952 0.4888 0.4903 0.6 0.5921 0.5899 0.5932 0.7 0.6854 0.7128 0.7001 0.8 0.8201 0.7967 0.8024 1 1.0098 1.0156 1.0167 The average values of absorbance are graphically represented according to concentrations (fig. 1 and fig. 2). Statistical analysis of experimental data leads to regression line equations, presented in table II. There were calculated the standard error of regression curve (SE), the 1016 sion. Linearity. There were prepared stock solutions of oxi-acetyl mandelic acid, respectively oxi-propionyl mandelic acid, from which were obtained the working solutions in a concentration range of 0.1– 1.5 mg/ml (for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid) and 0.1–1 mg/ml (for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid). For each concentration, three determinations were performed and the average value of absorbance was calculated for each range (tab. I). Average 0.0378 0.1635 0.3235 0.4615 0.6144 0.7779 0.9254 1.0978 Average 0.1102 0.2944 0.3981 0.4914 0.5917 0.6994 0.8064 1.0140 Person correlation coefficient (r 2 ), the detection limit (LOD) and the quantification limit (LOQ). In tab. III are prezented the statistical data. In conformity with the obtained data, the developed method was linear in the range of the studied concentration. Development and validation of a spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of new preservatives from pharmaceutical forms Fig. 1. Regression line for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid determination Fig. 2. Regression line for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid determination TABLE II Regression line equations for the two preservatives determination Substance Regression line equations Oxi-acetyl mandelic acid Absorbance = 0.75867x - 0.05671 Oxi-propionyl mandelic acid Absorbance = 1.00851x - 0.00396 TABLE III Statistical data regarding the two preservatives determination Oxi-acetyl Oxi-propionyl mandelic acid mandelic acid 2 0.99897 0.99920 Person coefficient (r ) 0.012876 0.008863 Standard error Intercept - 0.05671 - 0.00396 Slope Detection limit (LOD) mg/ml Quantification limit (LOQ) mg/ml 0.75867 0.05 0.17 1.00851 0.03 0.08 Precision of the system and method. Precision of the system was studied for the 1.3 mg/ml concentration of oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and 0.6 mg/ml concentration of oxipropionyl mandelic acid, for 10 assays performed in the same conditions. The results and the statistical analysis for standard deviation (SD) and relative standard deviation (RSD %) are presented in table IV. Processing data lead to a relative standard deviation RSD=0.96328% for oxiacetyl mandelic acid and RSD=0.797612% for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid, compared to the maximum of 2% proposed by the European standards, so the systems are considered to be precise. 1017 Catalina Daniela Stan et al. TABLE IV System precision Oxi-acetyl Oxi-propionyl mandelic acid mandelic acid Absorbance Absorbance 1 0.9234 0.5917 2 0.9231 0.5998 3 0.9111 0.6001 4 0.9323 0.6013 5 0.9101 0.5928 6 0.9321 0.6032 7 0.9278 0.5925 8 0.9109 0.5922 9 0.9215 0.5912 10 0.9311 0.5922 Average 0.92234 0.5957 Standard Deviation (SD) 0.008885 0.004751 Relative standard deviation (RSD) % 0.96328 0.797612 Det. no. The precision of the method was investigated in a range of 20% compared to interest concentration, grouped on a number of 3 assays in 3 concentrations levels. Using the regression line equation the concentrations and recovery were calculated (tab. V). From statistical analysis we obtained a relative standard deviation RSD= 0.726367% for oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and RSD=0.726234% for oxi-propionyl mandelic acid, compared to the maximum of 5% proposed by the european standards, so the proposed method is precise. The analysis of the two preservatives 1018 from ointments. The presence of the oxiacetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid was carried out by comparing the spectras obtained after extraction with the standards ones. The obtained data, after the two preservatives quantification from the ointments were compared with the limits recommended by pharmacopoeia (tab. VI) (6, 7). The experimental data shows us that the concentrations of oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid from the studied ointments are in the recommended ranges for ointments in pharmacopoeia (6, 7). Development and validation of a spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of new preservatives from pharmaceutical forms TABLE V The calculated concentrations and recovery for the two preservatives 0.7901 1.11 100.90 0.7821 1.10 100,00 0.9312 1,30 100.00 0.9265 1.29 99.23 0.9335 1.31 1.0801 Recovery (%) 99.09 Calculated conc. 1.09 Theoretic conc. mg/ml 0.7729 Absorbance 1.5 Recovery (%) 1.3 Calculated conc. 1.1 Oxi-propionyl mandelic acid Absorbance Theoretic conc. mg/ml Oxi-acetyl mandelic acid 0.3998 0.4003 100.07 0.4049 0.4054 101.35 0.4001 0.4006 100.15 0.5965 0.5953 99.23 0.6015 0.6003 100.05 100.76 0.5996 0.5984 99.74 1.49 99.33 0.8024 0.7995 99.94 1.0930 1.51 100.66 0.7998 0.7969 99.62 1.0850 1.50 100.00 0.8112 0.8082 101.35 Average 99.99 Average 100.16 SD 0.727444 RSD % 0.726234 Statistical data SD 0.72634 RSD % 0.726367 0.4 0.6 0.8 Statistical data TABLE VI The calculated concentrations and recovery for the two preservatives determination from ointments Theoretical conc. ± admissible deviation FRX Det. no. 1. 2. Oxi-acetyl mandelic acid 0.0125 ± 7.5% 3. 1. 2. Oxi-propionyl mandelic acid 0.05 ± 7.5% 3. CONCLUSIONS A simple, fast and sensitive UV-VIS spectrophotometric method was developed Calculated average conc. ± standard deviation Recovery % 0.01251 ± 0.0001 100.08 0.01249 ± 0.0001 99.92 0.01232 ± 0.0001 98.56 0.0508 ± 0.0501 101.60 0.0497 ± 0.0501 99.40 0.0498 ± 0.0501 99.60 and validated for the assay of two new preservatives (oxi-acetyl mandelic acid and oxi-propionyl mandelic acid). The valida- 1019 Catalina Daniela Stan et al. tion was performed according to validation guides. The developed and validated spectrophotometric method was applied to determine these two preservatives from pharmaceutical forms (ointments). The mean recovery in the ointments of the two preservatives was in the range of 98.56– 101.60%. REFERENCES 1. Stan C, Nastase V, Pavelescu M et al. Sinteza unor noi derivaţi ai acidului mandelic cu acţiune conservantă.Sinteza şi studiul toxicităţii acute. 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NEWS RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY FOR DIFFERENTIATION OF CAUSATIVE AGENTS OF ONYCHOMYCOSIS The discriminative power of Raman spectroscopy for differentiation of important dermat ophytic and non-dermatophytic agents of onychomycosis in human nail was analyzed in a study by Smijs et al. An ex vivo nail model was used to determine the capacity of Raman spectroscopy to distinguish between Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, T. tonsurans, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis and Candida albicans. For this purpose, Raman spectra (200/sample) were taken from 50-μm slices of infected nail using a 2500 High-Performance Raman Module and 785-nm diode laser. Analysis of spectra showed differences between the dermatophytes (with T. rubrum being most different) and between dermatophytes the nondermatophytes S. brevicaulis and C. albicans. In conclusion, Raman spectroscopy allows for specific and non-invasive differentiation of causative organisms of onychomycosis (Smijs TG, Jachtenberg JW, Pavel S, Bakker-Schut TC et al. Detection and differentiation of causative organisms of onychomycosis in an ex vivo nail model by means of Raman spectroscopy. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2013. doi: 10.1111/jdv.12324). Teodora Vremera 1020
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