Assistant Provost for Diversity CONFIDENTIAL

Leadership Profile
Provost for
Prepared by
Lucy A. Leske
January 2014
This Position Specification is intended to provide information about John Carroll University and the position
of Assistant Provost for Diversity. It is designed to assist qualified individuals in assessing their interest in
this position.
The Opportunity
Established in 1886, John Carroll University is a private, co-educational, Catholic and Jesuit
university providing programs in the liberal arts, sciences and business at the undergraduate
level and in selected areas at the master’s level. The University is located in University Heights,
an eastern suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, and consists of two schools: The College of Arts and
Sciences and the John M. and Mary Jo Boler School of Business. The University supports a fulltime faculty of 202 and enrolls approximately 3,000 undergraduate and 650 graduate students.
John Carroll is one of 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the U.S. and one of 500 Jesuit
educational institutions worldwide. In the 2013 U.S. News & World Report annual guide,
“America’s Best Colleges,” John Carroll University ranked seventh overall and third among
Midwestern – Master’s I institutions in retention and average graduation rates, third in faculty
commitment to undergraduate teaching, and was sixth on the “Great Schools, Great Prices” list.
The University has achieved similarly high rankings for 24 consecutive years. More information
about the University may be found at
True to its vision and mission, the University is dedicated to graduating individuals of intellect
and character who lead and serve by engaging the world around them and around the globe.
John Carroll University strives to create an environment of inquiry, a rigorous approach to
scholarship, a culture of service, a campus committed to social justice, and an inclusive
community where differing points of view and experiences are valued as opportunities for
mutual learning. The University has recently created a new position, Assistant Provost for
Diversity, to strengthen its commitment to inclusive excellence by promoting the integration of
diversity and quality throughout the institution, reinforcing a central commitment to diversity
and inclusion, and implementing a core diversity and inclusion strategy with accountability for
Institutional Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
Attention to issues of diversity and inclusion at John Carroll has been gathering momentum in
recent years. Shortly after his arrival, President Niehoff led the community in the creation of a
Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Strategic Initiatives Statement which reflects an institutional
commitment to diversity and inclusion. Since then, he has challenged the community to model
and make manifest this commitment in thought, word, and deed.
Progress has included:
The formation of active faculty affinity groups, such as the Faculty of Color Organization
(FOCO) and the Faculty Women's Caucus, and a standing Faculty Council committee on
gender and diversity
Creation of the position of Associate Academic Vice President for Academic Programs
and Faculty Diversity in 2007, which raises consciousness of search committees and
fosters conversation with tenure committees
Expansion of the Equal Employment Opportunity statement to include sexual orientation.
Revision of institutional non-discrimination statement to be more comprehensive.
Various Student Affairs initiatives, including the reorganization of the Office of
Multicultural Affairs in 2011 as the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion; enhanced
training and programming on diversity issues at orientation, in the residence halls and
with student organizations
Initiation of a Stop Bias campaign including an on-line Bias Reporting system.
Utilization of Diversity Course Development Fellowships to incorporate diverse
perspectives in courses across the curriculum
Enhanced professional development and training for staff, administrators and faculty
supervisors about creating and sustaining an inclusive work environment
Grant-funded initiatives to promote inclusion, including a campus climate survey
conducted in the Fall 2009 by FOCO and the Center for Faculty Development and the
Mandel Grants for Diversity and Inclusion.
Expansion of recruitment, enrollment, orientation and support efforts directed at
international students
In 2008, the President commissioned the Institutional Taskforce on Diversity to gather
information about University efforts related to diversity with the goal of identifying areas of
strength, areas for improvement and ways to minimize duplication of effort. Its final report in
2009 made strong recommendations for JCU to achieve a more inclusive community. The
report outlined barriers and opportunities as well as strategies, goals and objectives. It
recognized that JCU’s culture is characterized by a historically decentralized approach to
decision making and planning, but stated that “…. for inclusion and diversity to become central
to our work and mission (and our Jesuit Catholic character suggests it must be central and not
peripheral), then we have to organize the institution in ways that centralize our efforts.” John
Carroll has steadily built a central administrative team that has strengthened the University’s
ability to plan and manage change while continuing to support and work within a diffuse
decision making environment. In order to move the Task Force’s recommendations forward,
the report concluded that the central administrative team needed added leadership and
direction for diversity and inclusion.
As a result, the University created a new position, Assistant Provost for Diversity, to strengthen
its commitment to inclusive excellence by promoting the integration of diversity and quality
throughout the institution, reinforcing a central commitment to diversity and inclusion, and
implementing a core diversity and inclusion strategy with accountability for results.
The Role of the Assistant Provost for Diversity
The Assistant Provost for Diversity, with the active support of the President and senior
university leadership, will be the point person for a significant long-term change effort focusing
on all diversity-related matters and efforts at all levels at JCU. This includes setting institutional
goals for diversity and inclusion, measuring progress towards attaining those goals, and holding
offices and people accountable to ensure progress.
The Assistant Provost for Diversity has overall responsibility to build transformative alliances
with various University constituencies to achieve a truly diverse and inclusive community of
faculty, staff, and students. The Assistant Provost for Diversity is the primary advisor and
spokesperson on matters related to maintaining and enhancing an inclusive campus
environment. The Assistant Provost for Diversity works with the entire community and in close
collaboration with colleagues responsible for curriculum development, faculty development and
academic affairs, student affairs and student development, human resources, development and
alumni relations, the university planning group, and mission and identity.
The Assistant Provost for Diversity will report to the Provost/Academic Vice President and
participate regularly with the members of the President’s Cabinet. Also reporting to the Provost
are two academic deans, two associate academic vice presidents, an assistant provost for
institutional effectiveness, an executive director of academic finance, the directors of Grasselli
Library, the Center for Community Service and Social Action, and the Center for Global
Education in addition to an executive assistant. This position works collaboratively through
many constituents and structures to move the strategic agenda forward. An organizational
chart can be found at Addendum I.
Core Duties and Responsibilities:
The Assistant Provost for Diversity will be expected to:
Lead strategic diversity planning efforts, set institutional goals for diversity and inclusion
and assess progress against those goals
Engage in assessment activities related to diversity learning goals as well as collecting
and disseminating information annually about institutional progress and effectiveness
related to diversity goals
Build and maintain coordination for all diversity-related work, encourage collaborations
across campus among the various university stakeholders, and leverage resources (both
internal and external) whenever possible
Chair a university-wide diversity advisory committee that actively engages in planning
and goal setting, as well as education and development
Serve as primary advisor and spokesperson on matters related to further developing and
enhancing an inclusive campus environment
Lead the University’s EEO efforts by working collaboratively with divisional,
departmental, and unit leadership to increase representation, recruitment, and retention
of diverse faculty, administrators, staff, and students, and to develop effective means to
measure and monitor the success of equity and inclusion initiatives, outcomes and goals
Regularly teach one course per semester
Collaborate with faculty in the development and assessment of curriculum related to
diversity learning goals
Collaborate and engage with local and national efforts to further the work of diversity
and inclusion, especially in a higher education environment
Opportunities and Expectations for Leadership
Lead the Creation and Execution of a Diversity and Inclusion Plan
The primary goal of John Carroll University’s first Assistant Provost for Diversity will be to create
a plan for evaluating, attaching priorities to, and carrying out the recommendations of the
Diversity Task Force and Steering Committee. Additionally the Assistant Provost for Diversity
will work with faculty and others to assess progress in terms of students’ knowledge, attitudes
and behaviors regarding diversity. This plan will also need to complement the University’s
strategic plan. A key ally will be the newly formed Diversity Advisory Committee whose
eventual structure and purpose will be established through input and collaboration between the
Assistant Provost for Diversity and the committee. The Committee and Assistant Provost for
Diversity will want to develop quickly, a set of baselines, goals and metrics for measuring
success, including but not limited to:
increasing the recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, staff, students
curricular recommendations to reflect diverse perspectives
program development and participation
campus climate data such as NSSE
The Assistant Provost for Diversity will play a leadership role in identifying obstacles to and
solutions for successful implementation of the plan, facilitate progress by delegating and
tracking accountability measures, and develop a resource and a staffing plan to support these
Build community
John Carroll University is evolving from
a historically decentralized decision
making and planning culture to one in
which the broader community is
increasingly engaged in discussing,
planning and implementing strategically
critical initiatives. The senior leadership
of the institution has been significantly
strengthened in order to lead these
discussions and to act on conclusions or
recommendations in a centrally
coordinated way. The Assistant Provost for Diversity represents a connecting point, catalyst
and convener for diversity and inclusion initiatives that have long reflected the values of the
institution but have never had a central leader to take responsibility and be held accountable for
results. The Assistant Provost for Diversity represents an extraordinary step in the life of John
Carroll and an affirmation of all that is embedded in its Catholic Jesuit mission, its vision and its
values. The Assistant Provost for Diversity will want to take full advantage of this opportunity
to provide intellectual leadership in dialog that explores the meaning of diversity, quality and
excellence, identifies and distinguishes misunderstanding, bias and intolerance, develops core
principles for a welcoming community, challenges assumptions, develops a models shared
responsibility for and ownership of outcomes, and reports on and communicates progress.
Develop Effective Working Relationships across the University
Successful diversity initiatives and leaders depend on broad based participation, collaboration,
and articulation of a shared set of values. As the inaugural Assistant Provost for Diversity at
John Carroll, this individual will need to develop, nurture, and sustain successful relationships
across the institution with a broad range of community members. Several units will work
directly with the Assistant Provost for Diversity to carry out the plan, including the Center for
Student Diversity and Inclusion, faculty leaders and committees including the Diversity Steering
Committee, the Office for Institutional Research, Title IX coordinator, deans and faculty,
university leadership, and board of directors. In addition, the Assistant Provost for Diversity will
be expected to teach and, thus, will have the opportunity to work alongside faculty, directly
with students, enabling a deeper understanding of the John Carroll mission, culture, and
Establish Robust External Partnerships
A central tenet of Jesuit higher education is service to the community. John Carroll sees the
Assistant Provost for Diversity as a representative of the campus to external constituents
including the surrounding community, the city of Cleveland, other organizations in the
community with complementary values, goals and objectives regarding diversity and inclusion,
and national organizations. In addition, the Assistant Provost for Diversity will be expected to
work with others at the University to identify and pursue opportunities to build pipelines
between the University and potential sources of students, staff, and faculty and for potential
funding sources.
Professional Qualifications and Personal Characteristics
The ideal candidate will demonstrate the following credentials, professional qualifications and
 Terminal degree from an accredited institution
 Significant achievements in diversity-related work
 Experience facilitating organizational and cultural change
 Knowledge of history and understanding of dynamics of race/ethnicity, sex/gender,
sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, economic class, etc., in higher education
 Experience establishing metrics for and accomplishing diversity objectives
 Eight to ten years of progressively responsible experience in diversity related efforts
such as affirmative action, equal employment opportunity, compliance, multicultural, and
diversity/inclusion issues in higher education, preferably in a faith-based higher
education setting
 Understanding of the Catholic, Jesuit mission in higher education
 Teaching experience in higher education
The following executive competencies will be necessary to succeed:
 Ability to formulate and implement innovative ideas and best practices through influence
 A collaborative leadership style
 Demonstrated ability to communicate and interact effectively with diverse campus
constituencies (students, staff and faculty) and federal, state, and local agencies
 Strategic planning ability based on strong analytical skills, including ability to work with
qualitative and quantitative data
 Well developed conflict mediation skills
 Ability to contribute leadership to the University’s senior management team
 Intellectual breadth and curiosity
John Carroll University: Mission, Vision and Values
Vision, Mission, Core Values and Strategic Initiatives Statement
John Carroll University will graduate individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve by
engaging the world around them and around the globe.
As a Jesuit Catholic university, John Carroll inspires individuals to excel in learning, leadership,
and service in the region and in the world.
The University’s core values include a commitment to learning in order to create:
An environment of inquiry which embraces Jesuit Catholic education as a search for
truth where faith and reason complement each other in learning. In pursuit of our
educational mission, the University welcomes the perspectives and participation in our
mission of faculty, staff, students and alumni of all faiths and of no faith.
A rigorous approach to scholarship that instills in our graduates the knowledge,
eloquence, sensitivity and commitment to embrace and to live humane values.
A campus committed to the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical development of
each student.
An inclusive community where differing points of view and experience are valued as
opportunities for mutual learning.
A culture of service and excellence that permeates every program and office.
A commitment to sharing our gifts in service to each other and the community.
A campus that responds to demographic, economic and social challenges.
An appreciation that our personal and collective choices can build a more just world.
John Carroll University: An Overview
John Carroll University (JCU) is a Jesuit Catholic university dedicated to developing women and
men with the knowledge and character to lead and to serve.
Founded in 1886, JCU is one of 28 Jesuit universities in the United States and has been listed in
U.S. News & World Report magazine’s top 10 rankings of Midwest regional universities for more
than 20 consecutive years.
Degree programs through the College of Arts and Sciences and the Boler School of Business are
offered in nearly 60 major fields in the arts, social sciences, natural sciences, and business at
the undergraduate level, and in select areas at the master’s level.
JCU enrolls approximately 3,000 undergraduate students and 700 graduate students. JCU
supports a full-time faculty of 205; its student-to-faculty ratio is 14:1.
Twenty-six buildings on 60 landscaped acres make up the Carroll campus. Wireless internet
access is available to all students on campus, as are the campus Fitness Center and swimming
pool. The Dolan Center for Science and Technology houses the departments of biology,
chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science, and psychology, and supports initiatives
to improve K-12 education and encourage technology start-ups in northeastern Ohio.
The JCU campus is situated in University Heights, Ohio, an attractive residential suburb 10 miles
east of downtown Cleveland (metro. area pop. 1.38 million).
Located on the shores of Lake Erie, Cleveland is the heart of a thriving metropolitan area.
Home to the Cleveland Orchestra, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
and Museum, a number of theatre ensembles, including the Cleveland Play House and Great
Lakes Shakespeare Festival, dance companies, and a thriving film scene, Cleveland is a cultural
magnet. Its lively theatre district at Playhouse Square is the country’s largest performing arts
complex outside of New York City. Cleveland is also a sports town, with Major League Baseball
(The Cleveland Indians), NFL Football (the Cleveland Browns), and NBA Basketball (the
Cleveland Cavaliers).
Cleveland has the largest city park system in the U.S. and offers picnicking, hiking, bike trails,
horseback riding, winter sports, and more. The Cuyahoga Valley National Park, located
between Cleveland and Akron, features a wide variety of natural, cultural, and historical
resources. Cleveland is a three hours’ drive from Niagara Falls and an easy half-day from
Toronto. Chicago to the west and New York City to the east are both a day’s drive.
University Leadership
Rev. Robert Niehoff, S.J., was appointed President of John Carroll University on April 7, 2005,
and assumed the duties of president on August 22, 2005. Father Niehoff was associate provost
and vice president for planning and budget of the University of San Francisco before joining
John Carroll. He has worked in higher education, non-profit organizations, and church and
Jesuit community administration. Father Niehoff joined the Society of Jesus in 1972 and
completed a B.A. degree in philosophy, two master’s degrees in theology, an M.B.A. at the
University of Washington, and a Ph.D. at Gonzaga University.
Dr. John T. Day began serving John Carroll University as Provost and Academic Vice President
in August 2008. He came to John Carroll from Roanoke College, where he was Vice President
of Academic Affairs and Dean of the College and Professor of English. For over twenty years,
he was a faculty member at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, where he also served as
department chair, associate dean for interdisciplinary and general studies, and assistant vice
president for academic affairs. John has published on computers and writing, 16th century
maps and printing, Edmund Spenser and William Tyndale, the early modern Bible translator.
He graduated from the College of the Holy Cross, completed his graduate work at Harvard, and
also served as an American Council on Education Fellow at Holy Cross.
Board of Directors
Of the forty-five members of John Carroll’s Board of Directors, 36 are laypersons, eight are
Jesuits, and one is an international non-Jesuit Archbishop. The Board is responsible for the
general, academic, and financial policymaking functions of the University as well as the financial
wealth and health of the institution. It meets at least three times annually and has the
following committees: Executive, Academic Affairs and Planning, Advancement, Audit,
Corporate Governance and Nominating, Mission and Identity, Finance, Investments, and
Student Affairs. John Carroll vice presidents serve on committees appropriate to their areas.
Operating budget (FY1213)
Endowment (05/2012)
Gift support (FY1112)
Financial Aid Budget (FY1213)
$74 million
$160 million
$10 million
$50 million
Tuition, room and board and fees for the 2013-2014 academic year:
Room & Board:
The Jesuit Community
The attached Jesuit community at John Carroll University represents the Order’s traditional
commitment to higher education as one of its major apostolates. Jesuits from the ChicagoDetroit Province, as well as from other USA provinces, serve in a variety of capacities at John
Carroll—as faculty, administrators, and pastoral guides. Their community presence witnesses to
the priority that John Carroll University places on a faith that informs professional and scholarly
competencies with a strong commitment to social justice.
For more information, on John Carroll University, interested individuals are encouraged to visit
the following links:
annual report
Procedure for Candidacy
Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the position is filled.
Candidates should provide a curriculum vitae, a letter of application that addresses the
responsibilities and requirements described in the Leadership Statement, official transcript(s) of
the highest graduate-level degree received, and the names and contact information of five
references. References will not be contacted without prior knowledge and approval of
candidates. Nominations and expressions of interest should be sent electronically via e-mail to
Lucy Leske, the Witt/Kieffer consultant assisting the University with this search, at
[email protected].
Inquiries may be addressed to the Witt/Kieffer consultant, Lucy Leske, at 630-575-6122.
Documents that must be mailed may be sent to:
Lucy A. Leske
2015 Spring Road
Suite 510
Oak Brook, IL 60523
The John Carroll University values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity for all
persons regardless of age, color, disability, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, race,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other status protected by law.
The material presented in this position specification should be relied on for informational
purposes only. This material has been copied, compiled, or quoted in part from John Carroll
University documents and personal interviews and is believed to be reliable. While every effort
has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, the original source documents and
factual situations govern.
Addendum I – Organization Chart
Witt/Kieffer is the preeminent executive search firm that identifies outstanding
leadership solutions for organizations committed to improving the quality of life.
The firm’s values are infused with a passion for excellence, personalized service
and integrity.