n-"' • pc.rcme!'!t ~:c ~ yl a :-!d ; ,._,... -.:,;':'.£ · ~ ·IJ·• lV ~-· /\ /IV C T. I .... ·---,....- ~--: ~-.:::..=-- ;;;:.c:-:::6'..::::: ____~-----· - F-..dd:::-:ss L\ f() Ecrr.e: Phcc ~ ~=: o::=----------· ----N~-ne - - - - - ~ ::c~ e ________ F-_ddress _-..-...... - : : ~:.-..---: :.- rf..- ::-.,; --~- -'-'- -==-=--- _..... _____ -. ----··--:-'-~-:------'::::'--- :.- ~ _ ,_ .... -. . --- - ------·- - ---- :.....,;_ Dc~cription L .... Mee.ls P::-o·.1ic-sc_ ____ Dc.~=-----T:..:::: ____ ~c. ~ 2 _ _ _ _ _ :-:.:7:.~------ '' !' ' i ! Detective ~1 flt: ~? L:t j v!V?;r~: ::.ti.~:.-. .._. _-f~.···_-; -.1~--._.-_---.-.. _ T_ -- i I -·-.:. ".·· ·~:··~ ... ~-- ~ ---~~-~- ---~ --~-,·~----·· POLICE DEPARTMENT BAI,Tl ?\WR ~. MARYLAND l!:XP!.A?\.A TJOS Of' IUC llTS EXPLANATION O.F RIGHTS YOU ARE HEREBY ADVISED THAT: . .. . \ , '· ~ f .. .. . I. 'You ha\ve . the . absolute .right t~> remain sii~nt. .J;. J Q.S 2. Anyth ing you say or write may ht\ used agains t you in a court of law. 3. You have the right to talk with a lawyer at any time, before any q uestioning, before answering -~ l-<.!Y,<· any questions, or during any questioning. 4. If you want a lawyer and cannot afford t o him one, you will not be asked any questions, and the court will be requested to appoint a lawyer for you. 5. y'9..S J (,.) ~eS;t) . If you ag ree to answer q uestions, you may $top at any time and .request a lawyer, and no furtht!r q u~st.ions • • ?nil be asked of you. • # .... - ii):::~. ';. ,, \1 1 ....lu./ I HAVE READ THE ABOVE EXPLANATION OF J.\; FU LLY UNDERSTAND IT. .. I am willing t.o .answer questions, and I do not want any attorney at this time. tions without having an attc;rney pr esent is free and v ' ~ C' ' i • ' ' ... ' ~1Y decision to answer ques- ' 1,' I '" . .. tu re Officer's Printed Witness: _ _ a- £4 'l- L--)4-10 I i Nam~ Unit I Sequence No. Q) tJ4L~_· ____ _,_____ Wit.nc.ss: - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - STATEMENT ' ... Date:-·- ·- ~h~-~lJ____ _ Time: - -·------ - · - - -- - --- - - - - - - - - llf>0- 1(} ~l t This is a ~aped inLerview of mal~. ~a;;;;r_;-~f ric" · His date of birth is . . is ... is · . Mr. ~·. ich Avenue in zone 28. Today's date i s the 28th. of February. · t's approximately 1:30 in the morning. My name is Detective Gregory MacGilivary . Present is Detective William Ritz. We're at 601 E. Fayette Street. The o ffi ces of Homicide, specifically the Colonel's Conference Room. MacGillivary: · Um Mrllllll, for your .... for this record can you please state your full name? MacGillivary: MacGillivary: MacGillivary: tl9> MacGillivary: ~ - And how old are you sir? And what is your date of birth? And where do you reside? ~prior to us stating this ah ..... starting this tape um we filled out an Explanation of Rights at which point you read your Rights, is that correct? Yes and I fully understand it. MacGillivary: And you read one through five out loud? tllllllllllllll Yes sir. MacGilivary: Okay, and after each of the lines you did something, what was that? \ l I signed "yes" and my initials. MacGillivary: Okay. And you fully understand those Rights, correct? ~ Yes sir. MacGillivary: And after you read the five ah there was another line that you r ead? Yes. MacGilliva r y: Ah can you read that for me? PAGE 'IWO STATHMBNT OF': Yes. "I am willing to answer questions and do not want an attorney at this time. My decision to answer questions without having an attorney present is free and voluntary on my part." MacGillivary: Okay. Um Mr. ~ this office is currently investigating a ~e ah that occurred on the 13th. of January, 1999 involving a Hae Lee? Yes . .. MacGillivary: What if anything can you tell me about that? Um at .... on the evening of ah l/12/99 um Ritz: Your birthday is January 12th, right? Yes. On my b irthday, on the evening of my birt hday um .......n:ad called me and we chatted ah we made plari.~ the next day evening. That morning he called me and we t ook .... we were going to the Mall. He asked me if I could do him a favor. Ritz: Can vou recall what time he called your house ah ~ Um a little after ten, about ten forty-five, quarter to eleven. I woke .... that 1 s when I woke up. I showered so it was about an hour befor e I left. Ah we left the house, on the way to the Mall he asked me if I could do him a favor. Ritz: Did he come to your house and pick you up ? Yes sir. Ritz: Which type of vehicle was he driving? Ah Honda Accord. Ritz: And what col or i s that vehicle? Um gold or t an. Ritz: Is that a t wo door or a four door vehicle? Four door. Ritz: So he came to your house about quarter of twelve , you said it was about an hour later after he called PAGE THREE STATEMENT OF: your house ? Yeah. Ritz: He p icks you up and where do you go from that point? Um we headed toward Westview Mall. Um we did a little shoppi ng together. Um on the way of taking him to school and to go back to class , on t he way to school he had asked me if I could pick him up from, he didn't say where he just asked me if I could pick .h.;i.m up ... Ritz: Does he give you his car? Um hum and he leaves h is cell phone in the glove box. Ritz: Why does he give you his car? Um so I could finish doing, while he was in school and what. Ritz: What time do you drop him off back at school? About lunch time, so it's about twelve - thirty. Ritz: When you take him back up to school, what school are you referring to? Oh I'm sorry, Woodlawn High. Ritz: And where do you drop him off at this school? In the rear. Ritz: Then what do you do? I Ritz : go to And where is that located? Um I don't know the exact address, it's right off of ah Ingleside Avenue. . ! i i I Ritz: - Prior to dropping Adnar off at school, does he have a conversation with you about what he was going to do that day or Um he tells me he's going to believe him, I mean '1llllllllllt I didn't r Ri t z : The co nversa tion where Jllllllla tells you he's going t o k i ll Hae , where does ~ conversat i on t ake p l ac e ? In his c ar. It s t a r t ed o f f talking abou t girls wa s comi ng up , you know. We ' v~ble thi s, t h a t and the o ther. " I can't like I c a n' t believe what Ha e did t o me , broke my heart l i ke that . " Um andllllllll•lllbirthday R.i.t ;z :. Wh-3 t .di .d h e . mean by t h .&. t .?-. He s a i d t hat she wa s ... she just . .. . the y've been together f o r a while, she just a l l o f a sudden like " I don' t want to be with you." He c ouldn' t believe someone could be that heartless, or some thing like that . That was our conversation h ow the t op i c come up inaudible and I f i gured you know h i m b i tching about he r brea king his heart , h im saying he's g oing to kill her and one i n the same type of conversation but it didn't fire any warning signal s or n o thing. Ri tz: - R itz: When he said he was going to k ill he r , did he make any ment ion of how o r ah wh e n he was going t o k ill her or anything like t hat? Um he s a i d today, t hat's a ll he said. say how, whe n , where. I f you c an, I know i t's been five o r s ix we eks, try and recal l h is exact wo r d s i f you can? "I'm going to do i t . Does he .... does he r e f e r to her by name, but t h e conversations about her, so when h e says " I 1 m g o i ng t o do it , I'm g o i ng t o kill that bitch" you a ssumed that he's t alk ing about Hae Min? 49 Yeah. ... - MacGillivary: ·- I'm going t o k i l l t ha t bit ch . 0 Ritz: Ritz: ::~ He didn 't Does he say a nything e l s e a bou t what he ' s g o i ng t o do? Not at t h a t p o i n t in t i me , no. Did you b e l i eve ah him during t his conversation? Not in t h e cont ext of t he co nv e r s at ion, it d i dn 't , no . PAGE FIVE STATKM.KNT OF: MacGill i vary: -. Okay. And you were talking about Hae Lee? Yes. MacGillivary: So when he indicates t hat he's going to kill her, 4i1111111111t I t was Hae Lee he was talking about, yes. MacGil l i vary: Okay. Ritz: You dropped him back off at school you said sometime <'3r.onnd tweJ..ve - th.ir ty a t the rear .of ..the schcol? -. Ritz: ._ Ritz: Uh huh. You go back over to Uh huh. And where 's that located again , I'm sorry Off of Ingleside, I don't know the exact address, but the street starts with a 11 C11 and it ' s right o ff of Ingleside Avenue . .. } ::.....: Ritz: Okay . When you a rri ve at - . . o u s e , what do you do? Sit down , video game out. Ritz: Who was home at that t ime? Just me and ~ Ritz: Do you recall what time you a r rive at the house? No, not e xactly. I know a little whi l e hi s sister came in the house. Ritz: And who is his s i ster? Jen. Ritz: I 'm sorry? Ritz: Do you know what time she comes home? I know she g ets off of wo rk about twelve-thirty and she works in El l i cot t City so fifteen minutes (~) ~*~~~~ OF: - - . .. from Ellicott City. Ritz: And how old is ~ ~ Excuse me, I think she's eighteen. Ritz: And how old is . . .. ._. Ritz: -.._ Ri tz: " :~<-{4iir.~n~~~:e n~~~~ng video games, .~t' s yo~, - Yes. Are there any other people or adults in the house? No. -. What happens ... .... ... So you' re playing this waiting game, waiting for him to give you a call? Ritz: .. 15. Ritz: Ritz: Ritz: Ri tz: ~hroughout the afternoon? I was sitting play waiting game, you know, like 11 I'm going to call you, I need a ride. '1 he's Uh huh. Does he call you at some point in time? Yeah. What time does he call you? Um, time I remember tal king to him, actually having a conversation with him, was about three-forty something. Going back to when you dropped him off, does he g i ve you a time that he's going to call you? He told me about three o'clock. Ritz : About three o'clock, so he . ... y ou' re wa i ting around, he final l y calls about three - forcy? Yes. Ritz: Than what do you do? Go and pick him up f rom a place in the ci.ty whe re I went . . .. I wen t t o pi c k him u p f rom o ff of Edmondson Avenue at a strip a nd he a h he pops the trunk ope n a nd Ritz ; You say t ha t ... on Edmonds on Avenue o f f of a strip, do you r e cal l a ny c ross s tre et s on Edmondson Avenu e where you go to mee t h i m? I don 't know by name but I can t e ll them t o y ou by s i gh t . , . ... Ok ay so he gives you the street name? Uh huh. Ritz: And you're f amil i ar with it, you know how t o get there or does he g i ve you d irections? Um he told me ... he 9ive me a s t reet name and I 1 m familiar enough to get t o where he 's at, us i ng land marks and stuff like t hat . ~.::· Ritz: ~ong ~na -;; ••!. does it t a ke f or you to get there fr om a h .Je ns house t o this addre ss on. Edmondson Avenue? ~ Wi th tra f fi c and stop l i ghts , probably about twenty minutes. Ri tz You a rri ve t wenty mi nutes later at this l ocation on Edmondson Avenue, then wha t happens? : ~ Um Ritz: Do you ge t out of your car when you get on Edmondson Avenue a n d have any conve rsation with him? ~ Ritz: -Ri tz : •..... . ~~ R itz: I drove .... . I f ollowed h im t o ..... I f o llowed h i m o u t into .. . Uh huh , yeah. Tel l me abou t that. Um we got out, oh and we . .. . he ' s walki ng around wi t h r ed glo ves o n um What kind of gloves are they ? Regular winter g loves wi t h a h Cloth g loves o r PAGR EIGHT STATEMENT OF: Yeah, they're like wool with ah leather palms and ... and that sparked you know, "what the fuck you walking around with g loves on fo r 11 a nd then, I'm sorry , um and then he goes "I did it, I d i d it. You don' t f u cking believe me , I did i t. H He pops the trunk open and he's like "she 's all blue up i n the re inaudible i n t he trunk." ...... Ritz: Ritz: When you see this person in the t r unk, who is that person? Hae Le e. Do you know Hae Lee? Yes. Ritz: And how do you know Hae Lee? Ah I sat next to her in Biology. Ri t z: So you s ee her in t he trunk of the car, you said she ' s blue, do you recall what type of clo thing she's weari ng? Um a black skirt, um some like inaudible s tockings um and a h a white blouse. Ritz: Okay , does she have he r shoes on? No. Ritz: So y ou' re sta nding there, he pops the trunk, does he use a key to get i n to the trunk or does he use the inside l at ch ah trunk re l ease? He used a k ey. Ri t z: After he shows you her body in the trunk and tells you that h e finally did i t, then what happened? We argued for like ah about five minut es on the corner a nd ah we s t ar t drawing at tent ion arguing so he's like "ge t i n t he car, fo l low me" s o I get in the car and I follow him and we end up at the Route 70 Par k a nd Ride of f of ah um what i s that, ah Cooks Lane . Ritz: Okay, when you say you get in t he car and fo llow h im who se car a r e you drivi ng ? PAGE NINE STATEMENT OF: ~ His. Ritz: And what kind of car is that again ? Ah an Acc ord, a g old Accord with f ou r d oor s. Ritz: And he 's dri ving another vehi.c l e? Uh huh. Ri t z: What type of vehicle? It was Hae ' s car, I knew it was Hae's car. her in it befo re . Ritz: I seen What type of vehicle is tha t ? A silver ... small silver four d oor. Ritz: Do you know what make and model i t is? No. ~:":· ·}~. :::~:· . Ri t z: But you know that to be Hae Lee's car? I seen her driving it from school, back and forth a couple of times, yeah. Ri t z: After you guys are arguing on the str eet, drawing attention t o yourself, he tells you to follow him, you get back in his car and beg in to follow h i m up to a park and ride on Route 70, off of Cooks Lane? Where 70 ends. Ritz: Okay, then what happens? He gets back in the car. Ritz: What d o you do with her car? He leaves it there. Ritz: Does he r e move the body from the ... No . Ri t z: - Her car? No, no, n o th i ng just g et s in t he car . PAGE TEN STATEMENT OF; Ri t z : . _ . He g e t s into his car? Yes. Ritz: Okay, are you s t ill d rivi ng ? Yes. Ritz: Then what h appen s ? Um we went um we dropped an L back in the woods, ba.ck a.t . t.he .s.t.a.t:.e .. P·a~k .· · Ri t z : You dropped an L, what does t hat mean? Smoked a blunt . Ritz: - Ri tz: R itz: R itz: Ritz: R i tz: Um Back in the Stat e Park, where exactly are you ref erring to? Ah Hill . . . I think i t's Hi l l t op ... no , i t's cl iffs back off of River Roa d . How long a r e you guys back at t he cliff? Probab ly like thirty minut es. Okay, you say you smoked a blunt back there, t h a t's marijuana? Yeah. When you first met ~ Uh huh? When he c al l ed you, you went down Edmondson Avenue ? Ye s . Did he a p pear t o b e h igh o r intoxicated? seem alright to you? Did h e No he didn't . He, t housa nd y a rd stare, it wa sn't , I if it had to be a drug it p r o b abl y be l i ke Ac id or s ometh ing , it wasn 1 t, it was like you know a thous an d y a r d stare. It wasn't someb ody was drunk, s omebody high. I know what t h e y l o o k like y ou kno w wha t I mean? know like, f:'7·;~· ;./;..' .: PAGE ELEVEN STATEMENT OF: Ritz: .... Wel l he just kil led somebody, c o ul d it be like he's out there bec ause of t hat ? Maybe , I mean Ritz: Was he talk:i.ng o u t of his head, saying there's Mart i ans coming to ge t him or anythi ng? ·~ No , he was n't ..... he was probabl y calm, cool and col le ctive . Ri_tz..; .Calm~. cool and <::oJJ.. e~.t.ed ; . he.• s .abl e. - R itz: He just had ... he just had a thousand ya r d stare on his f ace . He calm, talking to me you know. Wel l his minds probably goi ng a t hous and mil es a minute , he ' s t ell i ng you to f ol l ow him , he ' s ... he has t his p l an, he rs able to think things out c l early woul d that be true ? From what I observed, yes. Ritz: Okay, so y ou guys go down to the Cliffs, smoke a blunt , then what do you guy s do ? I took him back to school. Ritz: You leave her car a t the park and ride ? Yes. Ritz! What time do you take him back to school? Um I don't recal l, the sun was going down. don't .. .. if I had to guess p r obably like thi rty . Ritz: Ah I f our- Okay , you sai d he had on these ah red c loth g l ove s with ah leather on the palms? Yes . Ritz: What othe r type o f c lothing was he wea ring? Um a blue rain s u it jacket, and I don ' t r emember wha t k i nd o f pant s he had on. Ritz: What h appens after you d rop him o ff a t school, is the:ce come a point in time when you go bac k to school and p i ck h im up? Yeah, uh huh. Ritz: How do you know what time to g o back to school? He cal led me on the cell phone. Ritz: Do you recall what t ime he called you? Um maybe like six forty-five, something like that. Ritz: Whe n he c alls you at six forty - five, where exactly are y9u? Ah I think I was at my house. Ritz: You're at home? Yes. Ritz: You leave home, you go back over to s chool to pick him up? Uh huh. Ritz: Than what do you do? He ah tells me take him back to Route 70 Park and Ride. Rit.z: Okay, when you take him bac k there, is the car still there? Yes. Ritz: Then what do you do? No wait, before that happened we were ... we were eating and ah pol i ce officer called him on the phone and then we cut the meal short because we got to go back to t he Park and Ride. Ritz: When a police o ffic er called him on the phone, do you r e call what t ime that was? No I don't, bu t I remember it, I remember 'cause he kept s aying ... yes no .... yes no ... Ritz: - Did he te l l you he wa s talking to a police o ffice r ? Uh huh. PAGB THI RTEEN (~· STATBMBNT OF: . _ Ri tz : Di d he t e ll you what t hat conve rs a ti on was about ? Ah he sa i d tha t Hae d i dn't p ick u p her c ous i n, they al r eady l ooking f or her. Ritz: You already knew t ha t she d i dn ' t pick up he r cous i n 'ca us e s he was in the t runk o f the ca r? Yea h . Ri tz : Wha t happened a ft er the c onve r s a tion with the o ~ f ic E?.:r? Um ah h e ah he go t kind o f f ranti c and we h a d t o g o ba c k a nd ge t the car . . . . we went back and got t h e car and a h t han we went b a ck to my hou se . I gav e h im a shovel, gave h i m a p ick. He ah Rit z: When you go back to your house , who dr i ves . . . d riv e s Hae Le e' s c a r? We didn' t h a ve Hae 's ca r t hen . ;:·t . ~~. Y.~·. Ritz: 9 Whe n he g et s t h e call f rom t he o f f ice r , where a r e you guys? Ar e y ou up a t t he Pa rk and Ri de ? No, we' r e i n a r e staurant . and ea ti ng. Rit z : Where wa s tha t? res taurant? We wer e s it t ing d own Wha t . . . wh a t ' s t h e na me of t h e Um I t hink it was McDona lds on Rol ling Road . Ri t z: McDona lds on Rol l ing Road ? Yea h. Rit z: The c onv e rs at i on wi t h t he o f fi c e r, h ow l ong does that t a k e p l a ce? Ah i t was p re t ty l o ng , a bout f i ft e en mi nut e s. Ri t z: Af te r t:.he conver sat ion , y ou guy s l eave Mc Dona lds ? Go t o my hous e a nd um he asked me fo r a p i c k and shov e l. I giv e him a l l that shit . Ri t z: Um PAGR FOURTHEN STATEMENT OF: He said take him back to the Park and Ride , I took him back to the Park a nd Ri de um he told me follow him, drove me a ll around inaudible. Got back to Leakin Park he sa id um ... . I pulled up next t o him he's like "we 'll park u p a round t he corner . I ' l l be there in a second." Um I went up a round the co r ner , af te r a whi l e it was like t en minute s, fift e en minutes . Ri tz: You go up around the corner, you st il l within a view o f ah Hae Lee' s car? No Ritz: Was i t way out of sight? Yes . Ritz : How di d he knew t hat you just didn't l eave h i m there ? He d idn 't . . .·:: Ritz: So you' re happened? up around the corner 1 so than wha t We dropped her car back around the corner and um I was turned around s o he thought 1 lef t him. He' s walking a round the s treets and I picked him up and ah Rit z: What does he say to you? He says " she was heavy" and um h e starts to t hrow up and than he ah was l ike 11 you got to take me back there. I got t o bury her." And t han ah we argue um fo r about five minutes s o we go back, we park the car and pull off up the side of the road. Ri tz : Describe the pul l off, what does that look like? Are the re any Um it's like whi te ... white ah you know t he highway d ividers? Ri tz: ,., ,~,: .. ~.. - R it z: The Jersey Wall ? Yeah. Like you s ee on a medium st rip /' .al~! ' ~ J2 PAGR FIFI'EBN STATEMENT OF; ~ ~ Yeah. Ritz: The concrete barriers? Ye ah i t was some of those around, a couple o f wood p osts and it's snow on t he ground and um I seen he r 1 jac ke t on the g round. Ritz: What kind of jacket wa s that? It was blue and red . Rif:z: . ' . ' . Was i t a nylon jacket, cloth jac ke t? Yea h, it was nylon. Ritz: - Ritz: Wha t exactly was that on the ground? Um in the ... in the walkway ... i n the path and ah I went back there and ah she's kind o f like laying against a log and he a sked me to help him dig . We argued some more than ah I started digging a h ole and Who star.ted digging a hole? ~star t digging and um threw up once mor e and he ah finished the hole and put Hae in there , f ace first. Ri tz: Okay, if we can just back up for a second the jacket was on the ground. You said i t was red and blue, in the walkway, did a nybody pick up the jacke t? Oh he p i cked i t up ... he pic ked it up. Ri t z: What did he do wi th the jacket ? Pu t i t um inaudible Ritz: So you guys wal k back, how far do you walk back once you par k your car a h Not tha t Ritz: i ...i·" f ar, probably like twenty y a rds the mos t . Okay. Describe to me when you' r e walking back, what t he geographical area looks like? Um PAGE SIXTEEN STATEMENT OF: - Ritz: You said there was a tree the re ? It's like a marsh area from a h like a r iver bed or something . Ri tz: Okay And ah there' s like a .. . there's a log with a palm of a tree and there's snow on the ground, there's like a whole bunch of old brus h around . Ritz: - R itz: Ritz: . W.l:'lf;n. .h~ ... , ~s digging.. a . hol~, d~s.cribe . for me h ow d eep a w v- e he digs? Not that deep, maybe like shi n deep. You say shin deep, about two feet·: No, no, um maybe a foot. Where is Hae Lee's body when he 1 s digging the hole? Right next to where he's digging. Ritz: After he completes digging the hole, than what happened? He throws her in there. Ritz: Does he ask you to help him pick her up? you know, she's heavy. He sai d Yeah he asked me a whole bunch o f times to he lp him carry her and drive her car and all that shit. Ritz: - R itz: When he asked you to pick her up, d escribe to me where you grab her or how did you a ss is t him? I You didn't grab her feet and help him slide her over to the hole? I Ritz: didn't. didn't touch her. When he puts her body in this shal low grave, de s cribe to me how she is positioned? She's ah like her head's fa cing away from the road, ah like her arm's kind of like twisted behind her bac k and she' s ah kind of lea ning on he r side. 4i.!::i ~~~~~~~-. Ritz: Is she f ace up, face down? ~ Face down. Rit z: She's fa c e down, what side i s s he laying on? ._. Rit z: --.... · ·· Ritz: (.,.. "'' ..;: Her right I thi nk. Right side? Yeah. The ·· ciot:hing ·· tl:iat she had on, you descr i bed she had a b lack skirt on? Yeah. R itz: Ah a white blouse? ~ Yes. Ritz: Any ot her clothing? Stockings. Ritz: When Adnar put her in the shallow grave did you see her shoes? ~ No. Ritz: What happened to her shoe s? R itz: Ritz: He tol d me he left the m in the car. He told you he left them in the car? Uh huh. As he's digging the shal l ow grave and ah can you descr ibe for me what t he light i ng conditions are, is it dark out than or Yeah. Ri tz : - R i t z: Is it j ust s t art ing to ge t dark? Dark, i t's b e en da r k fo r a couple of hours . Well h ow a re you guys a b l e to see as you' r e going back there, you're not d i gging in the dark? PAGE EIGHTEEN STATEMENT OF~ i ~ Yeah he was. It wasn 't no flash light or nothing like that to dig a hole. There was snow on ~he ground inaudible it wasn't like inaudible Ritz: How was the lighting conditions, was it a full moon, do you rec all ? I can't recall but it was enough l:ight. I couldn't read a book or nothing but I mean I could c oun t change in my hand if I had to . Ah Ritz: . . . .. ..H.Qw .l .o:qg .9.Qee... i .t. t.ak~. Adnar tn. cl:i g the grave.? Like a half a n hour. R]tz: And during the digging process do you assist him at a l l ? No, not at all. I sat there and smoked a cigarette on a log. It's kind of like I don't bel ieve what happened. Ritz: What happens after he places her in the grave, does he cover her up? No, he throws up first than he covers her up. Ritz: When he covers her up does he shovel the di rt back on top of her? Yeah. Ritz: Than what happened? Than we left um Ritz: When you guys leave, is her coat still out there or does he pick it up on the way back out? He threw it when we were walking in, it wasn't .. on the way back i t was gone inaudible on the way in. Ritz: When you guys walk back to the road way, you get back i nto the vehicles, which vehicle do you get into? The ah Accord . Ritz: And which vehicle does he get into? PAGE NINRTERN STATEMENT OF: Um Hae 's car, the silver car. Ritz Where do you guys go to fr om t h e park? Um we went down, we went to Belvedere first than he ah drove me over back over to thi s side o f t own. Ri tz: What is on Belvedere? Um the Play ers Club, inaudible it 's a s trip , you figure _ the ~t rip~s anyway . Ritz: .. Ritz: "· · a~~e~dy hpt You guys go ove r the re and j ust l isten t o mus ic or No, no. car. Ri tz : Um He was looking fo r a place to l eave the Okay . And um he figured to leave it on t he s t rip since i t was hot anywa y, he would just inaudible and ah he didn't like tha t one so we drove ba ck on t his side of town and down off of Route 40 o r Edmondson Avenue, which I do not recall, a h we went t o a strip up there a nd parked the ca r back back i n a h inaudible strip I mea n o ff ah a li ttle side s treet . Af t er he parks the car t here , than what happens? He moves it .. . . he didn't li ke that spot so he moved t o another spo t. After he moved it to the second spot t hen he g ot ou t the car and acted like he was ca rrying her purse and her wallet and he had some othe r s t uff in hi s hand and ah Rit z : - Rit z : Did he have her book bag? Maybe, I think it c ould have been. Yeah, y eah he was car:rying a whole lot of stuff. It wasn't you know ju s t hi s thin gs, i t was a whole lot , he had all h er stuff. When he g e t s all these a rt icles out of t he car, are they i n the fro nt sea t area , the b ack s eat , the trunk? ;_·:.·: PAGB TWENTY STATRMENT OF: - · . Oh I didn' t ... I didn' t see, I mean I just see n him digging in the ca r. I couldn't tel l whe re he was getting stuff from. Ritz: Describe the location where he parks thi s car , do you know what street it's on? No, it's not on a street, it's like a where a bunch of row home s, in the back of a bunch of row homes on l i ke a parking lot. Ritz: Do you know what are~ of town i.t. ··· Baltimore cl. ty, Baltimore county? i.s. is . i t . . in Yeah, it ' s on the wes t side of Balt imor e city. Ri tz: Okay, so he parks the car there, he ge ts all these a rt ic l es belongi ng to Hae Lee, out of the vehicle? Yes. Ritz: Then what happened? Um I sa id "fuck this" and d r ive myself home and on the way home he's l ike "stop here, stop beh ind .. Ritz: Rit z: He gets in the car wi th you ? Yes. Okay. And I drive myself home and on the way home he's l ike 11 stop here." We stopped at ah Westv·iew and one of the dumpster's behind Westvi ew he threw a ll the stuff in. Um Ri tz: When you s ay Westview , West view Shopping Center? The Mal l, yeah. Ritz: Try and think i f you recall which dumpster it was or whe re i t 's loc ated on the parking lot. Two or three of them, i t's one I know was like a recycle dumps ter, um like the fir st one as y ou come in in the b ack, l i ke whe re the buses are and the bank is and the rest of the stuf f wen t i n like a h t he one near the movie theater. PAGE TW'BNTY-ONE STATEMENT OF: Ri tz: - R itz: ~ What happened af ter he d i scards the ar ti cles in t he durnpster 's ? Um we argue um we a rgue some more, went to the 7 -1 1 and than inaudi ble . The area where . . . . . . parked the car and g ot al l the t hing s ou t o f it~ you gone back to t hat locat ion to s ee if the c ar was s til l there? I was .... dur i ng the commute I made an effort, yeah f:O ~ee i f i!: st i ll wap th~n~ , ye.ah it .. out of ITIY way was. Ri tz : When was the last time that you went out of your way to see if the c ar was sti ll there? Four days a go, s o the 24 t h. Ritz: When you went back to the location where he l eft it that night , was the car st ill there? Yes . Ritz: - Ritz: R it z: R it z: Does he have keys to tha t vehicle? No. What did he d o with the keys? He put those in the dump s ter al so. How do you know that? I saw them. Do you recall what type of clothing you had on? Ah um I thi nk I had on a pair of tan jeans, some work boots and a p laid coat, like a wool plaid coat . Rit z : And. where's tha t cl othi ng today? I dis c arded it . Rit z: ..·· '· ~· · - Ri tz: You d isca rded the c loth ing? Yeah. Where d id you dis ca rd the cloth ing? ~~ PAGE TWBNTY- T W O ,, STATEMENT OF: . - Um I p ut mine in the tra s h at my h o use, put i t o ut in the trash? Ritz: Why did you do that ? I didn ' t want to be rop ed up i n a nything, a nyway, any how. Ritz: Since this h appene d b ack on January the 1 3th Yes . you in flow many t i mes had b e en contact with o r h ow many times h as he con tac t ed y ou ? 49. All togethe r p robably about a dozen. Ritz: And during those c onversation about d ozen times, was there any Many r eferences he made light about the situation, ah Ritz: He made l ight of the situation? Yeah, and he ah Ritz: - Ritz: How d i d, wh at do you mean by t hat? He joked about it, like said how it was cool, how he knew it went down and everyone was looking fo r her and how ah but then on t he same token he, the next day h e 'd b e li ke 11 1 can't bel i eve I did it" and f e el bad and shit so The twelve occasions or these conve rsations t hat you had wit h h im , found, say from i s tha t prior t o the body being Not all of t hem .... not a ll of them , probably about five or six times I t alked t o him af ter that. Ritz: Okay , so half the conversa tion s were prior to February the 9 th. when her body was dis covere d in Leakin Park? Yeah. Ri tz: The other co nversat ions are subsequen t? Yeah. PAGE TWB.NTY -THRBE .. STATEMENT OF: Ri tz: • .. • . •j" •.• . ) '' ~· •• When he ' s joking ab out a h you know he can' t believe what he d i d , ah were thos e c onversat ion s p rior to t he b ody b eing found? Ah Rit z : He 's making l i ght o f the s i t uat i on? Be f ore a nd aft e r . Ritz: Ot he r t han h im maki ng light o f t he si t uat i on laughing about i t, what e lse , what was the the othe·r co nve r sat i ·o ~s ? . . ... .. . . . context· QC Um i f I knew where he could get weed . Ritz: Um Any conversa tions pert aining to Oh abou t knew .. . he kn ew ah I' m i nvolved in it, i t's too l a te um a h references t o the fact tha t h e coul d g e t a t my g irl fri e nd, I mean Rit z: When h e s aid he could get a t y our g i rlf r iend, wha t di d he mean b y t h at? Li ke ~ oh you know me a nd tlllllllllllllla re f riends , you can't s a y noth i ng to ~Rit z : When wa s the last conversati o n t h at you had with Adnar? Um p rob ably , I think that was eithe r yeste rday or t he d a y before . Ritz: And the most recent c onve rsati on y ou h ad wi t h him Yeah . Rit z: Wha t was t he content o f tha t conversat ion? Um I had l e arne d t h at you g uys were looki ng f or me and Rit z: ~ ·: ;.. -~.: ii•.-.·· How d id you l earn t ha t? Ah a lot of p eople t ol d me. Fri ends of mine tol d me that you guys want to qu estion me a nd so I went t o h im and I said you know "what the fuck d id you get me wrapped u p in. " He just t old me "ca lm down, e ve r ything will be okay." PAGE TWENTY - FOUR STATEMENT OP: Ritz: Where did this conversation take place? Um I believe it was in fron t of my house in inaudible Ritz: Other than you saying ttwhat the fu ck did you do, why did you get me wrapped up i n this" what d i d he say? He just tol d me "ain't nothing going to happen, they don't know shit and stay cool." Rit::i : ·was . . -··· - . anythi ng else said during that conve rsati on? Um he told me that he knew somebody, I mean ah I use to be involved in some illegal activities and um people on the west side , he told me that .. the jest of what he told me was that he knew a west side hit man so I mean there wasn 't .... I wouldn't call it a threat but he was letting me know. Rit:z: In a round about way that what if you said something to the poli ce that Yeah 'cause I told him I mean I was like you know if they come to me I ain't going to you know , fuck around and you know I'm just going to tel l them inaudible. He 's like "you know who I know." That• s all he sa id to me . Ritz: Prior to us turning the conversation with you. tape on - we had a Yes. Ritz: And during that conversation we spoke p robably · for about a half hour, forty-five minutes, the inf onnation that you provided du ring this inte rview was it the same informa tion that you p rovided during the first interview? No. Ritz: During the firs t inconsistencies interv iew there we re a lot of Yes . ~~:~~~. {A:.:"' Ri tz : And there a re too many to go over but you kind of dis associated yourself from a l l the information you prov i ded in this interview. PAGE TWENTY-FI':...-. STATEMRNT OF: ,._........ - - .. Yes. Ri tz : Why is that? Scared. Ritz: All the information you provided durlng this interview has it been the complete truth? To the be st of my know ledge. Ri tz: a.ny.tin1e. tj.uring .t::h.i .s .. int_ery;i,.e'.W d.:i.o. Detective . MacGillivary and I threaten you in anyway , coerced you or force you to make this interview? At. Inaudible. Ritz: Did we make any promises to you? No sir. Ri tz: - R itz: Are you presently under the influence of any drugs or alcohol? No sir. You understand everything that's taken place here? Yes. R itz; Detective MacGillivary? MacGillivary: I do believe you covered it. Ritz: Before we stop the tape and it's due to run out in about two minutes, ah if you need mor e time than that ah if there's any thing else you omi tted during this interview, questions that I didn't ask you , given the opportunity to ah y ou know give us that info rma ti on ah anyt hing else that That I think you guys should know ? Ri tz: Yes. Um one conversation he told me that he strangled her, um another conversation he wanted me to revisit the body with him. ~t ~;/,. Rit z : When was that conversation? .....;.:· PAGB TWRNTY-SIX STATEMENT OF: - ~ Ritz: Prior to her being found. Let me stop you for just a second ah Jay, we'd like to get into that, the tape is going to run out in a minu te. The t ime now is 2:09 A.M. on Sunday, ah Febr uary 28th . We're going to tenninate ah stop the inte rview jus t for a second so we can flip the tape over to side B. BEGINNi l'.:KL.Q.P SIDB B Ritz: This is Detective William RM "tz a ain. ' - I 1 m about to resume the interview wit h ·· The time now is 2: 10 A. M. once again on · ,. . y, February the 28th. Jay , you started to say that you recall a couple of conversations. During one of those conversations he told you tha t he strangled Hae. If you would, going back if you can recall the conversation he had concerning um strangling her. Um he told me he thought she was trying to say something while he was strangling her. Um he told me that she kicked like ah knocked off the ah windshield wiper thing in the car and tha t was it. The other conversation we nt Ritz: If I could just stop you for a second, the windshield wiper thing meaning the manuel switch where you turn the windshield wipers on and ah turn the windshield wipers on? Yeah. Ritz: - R itz : That got broken during the attack on her? That's what he told me. So when he actually strangles her , this is taking place inside her vehicle, is that the impression that you got? Yes. Ritz : Did he say where that took place? No . PAGE TWENTY -SRVHN ~ STATKMENT OF: Rit2: --. -. R itz: No. The other conversation you said you had wi t h him and what was that again? He wanted me to revisit the body. Ritz: And when di¢i that c onversation take. place? ·· ~ Um prior to Hae Lee's death. Ritz: How did all tha t come about? R itz: t~·::. ~~ Did h e e ver make any mention on how he got inside he r vehicle or how he stopped her or how he got her attention that afternoon? R itz: He just, he said ah '' you got to take me back there um I need to cover it more . 11 And did you take him back there? No. Where did that conversation take place? Ah I think it was at my job, at the inaudible. Ritz: He came to your place of employment , would that be the video store or F & M. ~ I think it was like my first or second night at the video store . Ritz: Since January the 13th, have you ever gone back - out t o Leakin Park to visit the gra ve s ite? No. R itz; Do you know if, other than ~asking you that - No. Ma cGillivary : Did ah y ou ..... when did you realize someone had found ah Hae's remains? night he came in the video ~ did he ever make mention that he did go back out to the park to revisit the grave site? I wa s sitting a t work and I seen it come a cross the news one night when l was sitt i ng at work. ~ ;~: TWENTY-BIGHT STATEMENT OF: J ay PAGE MacGillivary: w. Wi lds Do you remember what d a y t h at was? No I d on ' t recall. MacGi l l i vary : And a h do you rec all what the news b roadc a s t s a id? I t j u s t said t ha t t he s ea r c h for he r was over and d own t her e t h ey s howe d the crime s c e ne , that was it . Ri tz: The . cr.ime s.~~n.~ t he l ocat i on . t h at: . t hey showed o n t.. v . , was t h at that you desc rib ed to me with the concre te barri ers and Yes. Ri t z: And the fallen down tree? Yes. Ritz: Have you tol d anyone about this incident? Um, yeah I did. That night I told my friend Jen Pusat eri t ha t i f a ny t h i ng e ve r did happ en to me Ritz: You told, I 'm sor ry, who d i d you t e ll ? Ritz: - Ritz; Ritz: Yeah so that if a nythi ng e ver did h appen t o me like get loc k ed up or sent to jail that at least some body would r e al l y know wha t happened . During y ou r conve r sat ion with Miss Pusateri, what exa ctly did y ou tell her? I ... I d idn' t give h~rwhole l ot of d et a i ls . I just told her tha t kill e d Hae , about how he popped the trunk an sowed me the body a nd s hit . Other than t e lling - t h at n i ght on January t h e 13 th , d o you recall where tha t conversa tion t ook plac e? Um I think we were in a car s omewhere. reme mbe r wh e r e we we r e d r ivi ng t o . I don't PAGE 'I"WENTY - NINE STATEMENT OF: _ _ _ . . . Ritz: Other than telling her that night, have you told anyone el se , told your girl fr iend , your mothe r? No, I didn't tell~lfriend, my mother. I think I tol d my fri end ....,.-?at he ... tha t he killed her . I th ink h e' s the only· othe r person I t old. Ritz: And what is . _ .full n ame? Ritz : Ah no. He 's al college. he goes to school at Morgan. Ri t z: Do you have a phone number or pager f or him? Um yeah , I have a pager fo r him. Ritz: And what is that numbe r? MacGill ivary: I didn't get Christopher 1 s last name. Wi lds: MacGill ivary: MacGillivary: tlllllllllillli? ~ Yes. MacGilliva ry: And he 1 s a student at Morgan? Yes. Rit.z: He may be inaudible. Other t han you being with~that night do you Adnar had confided in o r bragged to that ah he killed Hae Lee? know of any other persons tna~ No bu t I imagine somebody else um maybe Tyad . I t hink he might have said some thing to ah ... I don' t think he t old Tyad he ki lled Hae b ut he to ld Tyad he killed someone . MacGillivary: Tyad? Ritz: How would you spell that? R itz: And who is - ·-· ··.. R itz: Ritz: R itz: R itz: ;, ·':! .! R itz: R itz: ._ Ritz: ... Ritz: Ritz: Just a friend of his. Do you know inaud.l.i:>1e. Do you know where No. Do y ou happen to know his phone number? No. How old is ~ He's either ~ And how ~know or why do you know that..........._ has told ,.....,,h a t happened? ~ Because of how~ Has ~ever mentioned to you tha t . . . has t old him W"T:la't" happened? No. I'm just trying to get an idea Oh yeah , you have to under stand Tyad like for a lack of better choice of words, he's into that type of stuff, you know what I mean? Into wha t , I don't know what you said. Like murders, ki l ling. y ou know. He d on't care I mean he talks about how it was wonderful in Pakistan, stuff like that. Tyad is al so from Paki stan and a Musel um? Yeah . PAGE T H I R T Y - O N E - ST.ATEMENT OF: Ritz: . Is there any thing else that you c an think of Jay tha t ah would help us in our invest i gation? Um, you guys might be able to find some dirt in his c ar um Ritz: Would that be from your shoes? From both of ours, a shovel was in there to. Ritz: Um did y ou still h a ve the shovel's and the pick that No, Ritz: he All the tools that he used? Yeah. Ritz: .. threw .those in the dumpster at Westview t.o. Um, I'm t rying to think, urn Before during the interview prior t o turning the t ape on, you stated to Detective MacGillivary and myself that you'd be willing to take us out and show us where the vehicle's parked . No problem. Ri tz: Ah are you still willing to do that? Yes sir. MacGill i vary: Also you can show us where a h initially that day you met up with him on Edmondson Avenue? It's only four blocks down f rom the car is. MacGil l i vary: Is there anything else that you 1 d like to add to this? Um I feel bad that you know I didn't come forward and do anything inaudible. I feel bad, I mean I feel like I could have stopped it somehow by y ou know maybe if I had paid more attention or you know inaudible. I just feel bad about it, that's all. That's all I have to say. MacGillivary: Jay why wou ld 41181111l11 you? Like the crimi nal element of Woodlawn. Ri tz: Is t hat a real o r a perceived reputation? f. .. -~· ~. :f:· ..·{ _. PAGE THIRTY-TWO STATEMENT OF : Ritz: - Inaudible per ceived, it's like how .... how the student body teases him you know. I mean teachers who really know me know that I'm not like that, you know, you get a certain reputation. Be cause of the c o ntac ts you have wi t h helping him get h i s mari juana , he thinks that you're in that element that ah .... that you'd be willing to assist h i m in ah d isposing the body? r would guess so, that I woul d know someone or know where somet.:l)..iIJ.9 .. but . ... . ... ... .. Rit z: The last conversation you had wi th Adnar and he said "just b e cool, and don't worry about a thing d i d he make any ment i on t hat the police were onto h i m, what his plans were? No but I'd wa tch out 'cause um a prior conversation that we had he tol d me that ah when the cops first went to his house you know his father's Muselum and his father is al l ... he said his father freaked out and he told him we have f amily in Pakistan so I mean, that's the only place I think he'd go. f '. " ~ n • ~.• Ritz: Does his fa the r know of his i nvolvement , do you think that ah he just told his family? No , I doubt if he does. Ritz: Why would his father bring up a conversation about "we have f amily in Pakistan" if the poli ce were j us t coming there and inqui ri ng and i t didn't have a ny t hing t o do with him? Muselum's families are, t hey're l ike that, t he police presence shows up they thi nk the ir al l goi ng to jail, I mean just like brothers on the corner while you run, you're chasing, you know what I mea n? understand. Ritz: I MacGillivary: Alrigh t ah r believe that concludes this interview. Ah at this poi nt. Inaudible Ri tz: Okay. Ah that con cludes this interview . The time now is 2: 21 A.M. on Sunday, February 28 t h , 1 998. MacGilliva ry: 9. PAGE THIRTY-THREE STATEMENT OF: Ritz: - 99, I'm sorry. You have been up for a while. Ritz: Yes. This taped intervi ew was transcribed by: 'OAI Il Dolly .;/ " i·~ i: ·.. "•'11 . PObrzycki. CrBlnEri on .13 March 1999 .
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