An Indexed Bibliography of Genetic Algorithms in Medicine compiled by Jarmo T. Alander Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering: Automation University of Vaasa P.O. Box 700, FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland phone: +358-6-324 8444, fax: +358-6-324 8467 Dedicated to Prof. Ela Claridge Report Series No. 94-1-MEDICINE (Updated 2014/07/18 15:12 ) available at c 1994-2014 Jarmo T. Alander Copyright c Cover image: 2007 Olli Kanniainen, All rights reserved. Near infrared measurement for wavelengths to be optimised by GA. Trademarks Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. Warning While this bibliography has been compiled with the utmost care, the editor takes no responsibility for any errors, missing information, the contents or quality of the references, nor for the usefulness and/or the consequences of their application. The fact that a reference is included in this publication does not imply a recommendation. The use of any of the methods in the references is entirely at the user’s own responsibility. Especially the above warning applies to those references that are marked by trailing ’†’ (or ’*’), which are the ones that the editor has unfortunately not had the opportunity to read. An abstract was available of the references marked with ’*’. Contents 1 Preface 1.1 Your contributions erroneous or missing? 1.1.1 How to cite this report? . . . . . . 1.2 How to get this report via Internet? . . 1.3 Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introduction 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 Statistical summaries 3.1 Publication type . . . . . 3.2 Annual distribution . . . . 3.3 Classification . . . . . . . 3.4 Authors . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Geographical distribution 3.6 Conclusions and future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 5 5 7 8 8 4 Indexes 4.1 Books . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Journal articles . . . . 4.3 Theses . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 PhD theses . . 4.3.2 Master’s theses 4.4 Report series . . . . . 4.5 Patents . . . . . . . . 4.6 Authors . . . . . . . . 4.7 Subject index . . . . . 4.8 Annual index . . . . . 4.9 Geographical index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 9 14 14 14 14 15 17 44 59 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography 61 Appendixes 137 A Bibliography entry formats 137 i ii Chapter 1 Preface “ Living organism are consummate problem solvers. They exhibit a versatility that puts the best computer programs to shame. ” John H. Holland, [1] The material of this bibliography has been extracted from the genetic algorithm bibliography [2], which when this report was compiled (July 18, 2014) contained 23099 items and which has been collected from several sources of genetic algorithm literature including Usenet newsgroup and the bibliographies [3, 4, 5, 6]. The following index periodicals and databases have been used systematically • A: International Aerospace Abstracts: Jan. 1995 – Sep. 1998 • ACM: ACM Guide to Computing Literature: 1979 – 1993/4 • BA: Biological Abstracts: July 1996 - Aug. 1998 • CA: Computer Abstracts: Jan. 1993 – Feb. 1995 • CCA: Computer & Control Abstracts: Jan. 1992 – Dec. 1999 (except May -95) • ChA: Chemical Abstracts: Jan. 1997 - Dec. 2000 • CTI: Current Technology Index Jan./Feb. 1993 – Jan./Feb. 1994 • DAI: Dissertation Abstracts International: Vol. 53 No. 1 – Vol. 56 No. 10 (Apr. 1996) • EEA: Electrical & Electronics Abstracts: Jan. 1991 – Apr. 1998 • EI A: The Engineering Index Annual: 1987 – 1992 • EI M: The Engineering Index Monthly: Jan. 1993 – Apr. 1998 (except May 1997) • Esp@cenet patents – Apr. 2002 • IEEE: IEEE and IEE Journals – Fall 2002 • N: Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports: Jan. 1993 - Dec. 1995 (except Oct. 1995) • NASA NASA ADS www bibliography database: – Dec. 2002 • P: Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings: Jan. 1986 – Dec 1999 (except Nov. 1994) • PA: Physics Abstracts: Jan. 1997 – June 1999 • PubMed: National Library of Medicine Jan. 2000 – Oct. 2000, 2012-2013 • SPIE Web The International Society for Optical Engineering – June 2002 1 2 1.1 Genetic algorithms in medicine Your contributions erroneous or missing? The bibliography database is updated on a regular basis and certainly contains many errors and inconsistences. The editor would be glad to hear from any reader who notices any errors, missing information, articles etc. In the future a more complete version of this bibliography will be prepared for the genetic algorithms in medicine research community and others who are interested in this rapidly growing area of genetic algorithms. When submitting updates to the database, paper copies of already published contributions are preferred. Paper copies (or ftp ones) are needed mainly for indexing. We are also doing reviews of different aspects and applications of GAs where we need as complete as possible collection of GA papers. Please, do not forget to include complete bibliographical information: copy also proceedings volume title pages, journal table of contents pages, etc. Observe that there exists several versions of each subbibliography, therefore the reference numbers are not unique and should not be used alone in communication, use the key appearing as the last item of the reference entry instead. Complete bibliographical information is really helpful for those who want to find your contribution in their libraries. If your paper was worth writing and publishing it is certainly worth to be referenced right in a bibliographical database read daily by GA researchers, both newcomers and established ones. 1.1.1 How to cite this report? You can use the BiBTEX file GASUB.bib, which is available in our site in directory reports/report94-1 and contains records for GA subbibliographies for citing with LATEX/BibTEX. 1.2 How to get this report via Internet? Versions of this bibliography are available via www from the following site: media web country Finland site directory ~TAU/reports/report94-1 file gaMEDICINEbib.pdf The directory also contains some other indexed GA bibliographies shown in table A.1. In case you do not find a proper one please let us know: it may be easy to tailor a new one. 1.3 Acknowledgement The editor wants to acknowledge all who have kindly supplied references, papers and other information on genetic algorithms in medicine literature. At least the following GA researchers have already kindly supplied their complete autobibliographies and/or proofread references to their papers: Dan Adler, Patrick Argos, Jarmo T. Alander, James E. Baker, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Helio J. C. Barbosa, Hans-Georg Beyer, Christian Bierwirth, Peter Bober Joachim Born, Ralf Bruns, I. L. Bukatova, Thomas B¨ack, Chhandra Chakraborti, Nirupam Chakraborti, David E. Clark, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Yuval Davidor, Dipankar Dasgupta, Marco Dorigo, J. Wayland Eheart, Bogdan Filipiˇc, Terence C. Fogarty, David B. Fogel, Toshio Fukuda, Hugo de Garis, Robert C. Glen, David E. Goldberg, Martina Gorges-Schleuter, Hitoshi Hemmi, Vasant Honavar, Jeffrey Horn, Aristides T. Hatjimihail, Heikki Hy¨otyniemi Mark J. Jakiela, Richard S. Judson, Bryant A. Julstrom, Charles L. Karr, Akihiko Konagaya, Aaron Konstam, John R. Koza, Kristinn Kristinsson, Malay K. Kundu, D. P. Kwok, Jouni Lampinen, Jorma Laurikkala, Gregory Levitin, Carlos B. Lucasius, Timo Mantere, Michael de la Maza, John R. McDonnell, J. J. Merelo, Laurence D. Merkle, Zbigniew Michalewics, Melanie Mitchell, David J. Nettleton, Volker Nissen, Ari Nissinen, Tatsuya Niwa, Tomasz Ostrowski, Kihong Park, Jakub Podg´orski, Timo Poranen, Nicholas J. Radcliffe, Colin R. Reeves, Gordon Roberts, David Rogers, David Romero, Sam Sandqvist, Ivan Santib´an ˜ez-Koref, Marc Schoenauer, Markus Schwehm, Hans-Paul Schwefel, Michael T. Semertzidis, Davil L. Shealy, Moshe Sipper, William M. Spears, Donald S. Szarkowicz, El-Ghazali Talbi, Masahiro Tanaka, Leigh Tesfatsion, Acknowledgement 3 Peter M. Todd, Marco Tomassini, Andrew L. Tuson, Kanji Ueda, Jari Vaario, Gilles Venturini, HansMichael Voigt, Roger L. Wainwright, D. Eric Walters, James F. Whidborne, Stefan Wiegand, Steward W. Wilson, Xin Yao, Xiaodong Yin, and Ljudmila A. Zinchenko. The editor also wants to acknowledge Elizabeth Heap-Talvela for her kind proofreading of the manuscript of this bibliography and Tea Ollanketo and Sakari Kauvosaari for updating the database. Prof. Timo Salmi and the Computer Centre of University of Vaasa is acknowledged for providing and managing the online web site, where these indexed bibliographies are located since Summer 2012. Chapter 2 Introduction “Many scientist, possibly most scientist, just do science without thinking too much about it. They run experiments, make observations, show how certain data conflict with more general views, set out theories, and so on. Periodically, however, some of us—scientists included—step back and look at what is going on in science.” David L., Hull, [7] The table 2.1 gives the queries that have been used to extract this bibliography. The query system as well as the indexing tools used to compile this report from the BiBTEX-database [8] have been implemented by the author mainly as sets of simple awk and gawk programs [9, 10]. string medicine medical veterinary dental drug design ,genetics Medical Medicine Biomed Medical Medicine Biomed Psychology Psychiatry neurology epilepsy epilepsy field ANNOTE ANNOTE ANNOTE ANNOTE ANNOTE ANNOTE JOURNAL JOURNAL JOURNAL BOOKTITLE BOOKTITLE BOOKTITLE JOURNAL JOURNAL ANNOTE ANNOTE TITLE class Medicine Medicine Veterinary Dentistry Drug design Genetics Medicine journal article Medicine journal article Medicine journal article Medical book or proceedings Medical book or proceedings Medical book or proceedings Psychology journal article Psychiatry journal article Neurology epilepsy epilepsy Table 2.1: Queries used to extract this subbibliography from the source database. You might also find the bibliography [11], containing biosciences references, [12], containing neural networks references, and [13], containing protein references, interesting. 4 Chapter 3 Statistical summaries This chapter gives some general statistical summaries of genetic algorithms in medicine literature. More detailed indexes can be found in the next chapter. number of journal articles may also include articles published or to be published in unknown forums. type book part of a collection journal article proceedings article report manual PhD thesis MSc thesis others total References to each class (c.f table 2.1) are listed below: • Dentistry 4 references ([14]-[17]) • Drug design 125 references ([18]-[142]) • epilepsy 8 references ([143]-[150]) • Genetics 38 references ([151]-[188]) • Medical book or proceedings 34 references ([189]-[222]) number of items 4 16 769 318 5 1 28 4 11 1156 Table 3.1: Distribution of publication type. • Medicine 796 references ([223]-[1018]) • Medicine journal article 138 references ([1019]-[1156]) • Neurology 9 references ([1157]-[1165]) • Psychology journal article 2 references ([1166]-[1167]) 3.2 Observe that each reference is included (by the computer) only to one of the above classes (see the queries for classification in table 2.1; the textual order in the query gives priority for classes). 3.1 Annual distribution Table 3.2 gives the number of genetic algorithms in medicine papers published annually. The annual distribution is also shown in fig. 3.1. The average annual growth of GA papers has been approximately 40 % during late 70’s - early 90’s. Publication type This bibliography contains published contributions including reports and patents. All unpublished manuscripts have been omitted unless accepted for publication. In addition theses, PhD, MSc etc., are also included whether or not published somewhere. Table 3.1 gives the distribution of publication type of the whole bibliography. Observe that the 3.3 Classification Every bibliography item has been given at least one describing keyword or classification by the editor of this bibliography. Keywords occurring most are shown in table 3.3. 5 6 Genetic algorithms in medicine year 1959 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 total items 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 6 17 22 48 72 52 29 37 43 28 131 123 year 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 items 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 3 4 24 47 72 61 32 20 41 30 20 160 19 1156 Table 3.2: Annual distribution of contributions. 6Genetic algorithms in medicine ccc c ccc c cc 1000 c c number of papers ccc c c ccc c (log scale) c cc s c ss 100 cc sss c cc ss s sss ss ss c s c s s s ss c cc c cc cccc 10 s cc c s c cc ss c cc s c c c s ss s sss c 1cssccs 1960 2014/07/18 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 year Figure 3.1: The number of papers applying genetic algorithms in medicine (•, N = 1162 ) and total GA papers (◦, N = 23099 ). Observe that the last few years are most incomplete in the database. Total medicine medical imaging image processing cancer neural networks drug design imaging image registration neurology chemistry classification signal processing genetics spectroscopy comparison tomography hybrid proteins QSAR cardiology SVM diagnosis radiotherapy machine learning physiology genetic programming GARP fuzzy systems parallel GA surgery ecology clustering pattern recognition inverse problems feature selection mammography review optimisation electromagnetics diabetes classifiers patent filters segmentation regression oncology MRI engineering others 1044 744 250 113 102 69 69 68 54 52 45 42 39 38 36 35 34 33 31 22 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 18 17 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 3045 Table 3.3: The most popular subjects. Authors 3.4 7 Authors Table 3.4 gives the most productive authors. total number of authors Zheng, Bin Delibasis, Konstantinos K. 3 authors 1 author 12 authors 14 authors 15 authors 34 authors 70 authors 304 authors 2892 authors 3347 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Table 3.4: The most productive genetic algorithms in medicine authors. 8 3.5 Genetic algorithms in medicine Geographical distribution Table 3.5 gives the geographical distribution of authors, when the country of the author was known. Over 80% of the references of the GA source database are classified by country. 2014/07/18 country Total United States China United Kingdom Japan India Iran Germany Italy Taiwan France Finland Canada Australia Spain Turkey Brazil Greece South Korea Mexico Slovenia special n % 1128 100.00 293 25.98 103 9.13 96 8.51 61 5.41 56 4.96 49 4.34 45 3.99 36 3.19 35 3.10 27 2.39 23 2.04 22 1.95 19 1.68 19 1.68 18 1.60 15 1.33 11 0.98 11 0.98 10 0.89 10 0.89 comparison δ[%] ∆[%] −0.33 +3.33 −1.31 −5.98 +2.92 +3.74 −2.53 +0.39 +0.78 −0.15 −1.95 +0.34 −0.74 −0.41 +1.04 +0.23 +0.39 −1.25 +0.22 +0.59 −1 +57 −13 −53 +143 +623 −39 +14 +34 −6 −49 +21 −31 −20 +186 +21 +66 −56 +33 +197 all N 21897 5762 1271 2150 2493 447 131 1427 613 507 556 873 353 531 457 123 240 129 488 146 66 % 100.00 26.31 5.80 9.82 11.39 2.04 0.60 6.52 2.80 2.32 2.54 3.99 1.61 2.42 2.09 0.56 1.10 0.59 2.23 0.67 0.30 Table 3.5: The geographical distribution of the authors working on genetic algorithms in medicine (n) compared (δ and ∆) to all authors in the field of GAs (N ). In the comparison column: δ% = nNT otal %special−%all and ∆ = (1 − N nT otal ) × 100%. ∆ is the relative (%) deviation from the expected number of special papers. Observe that joint papers may have authors from several countries and that not all authors have been attributed to a country. 3.6 Conclusions and future The editor believes that this bibliography contains references to most genetic algorithms in medicine contributions upto and including the year 1998 and the editor hopes that this bibliography could give some help to those who are working or planning to work in this rapidly growing area of genetic algorithms. Chapter 4 Indexes 4.1 Books Am. J. Trop. Hyg., [681] American Journal of Biomedical Engineering, The following list contains all items classified as books. American Scientist, Analytica Chimica Acta, [597, 44] Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Data Mining Using Grammar Based Genetic Programming and Applications, [238] Analytical Chemistry, Fuzzy Genetic Algorithms, SVM Methods for Epilepsy Classification: Fuzzy Genetic Al gorithms, SVM and Statistical Analysis in Classification of Diabetic Epilepsy Risk Level from EEG Signal, [146] Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol., Optimization in Signal and Image Processing, Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: proaches, [1005] [1064] [29] [863] [804, 973] Anesthesia and Analgesia, [83] [991] Annals of Biomedical Engineering, [1029, 1032, 1052, 1054] Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, [629] Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure, [346] [28] New System Ap- Applied Optics, Applied Soft Computing, Archiv Der Pharmazie, total 4 books [627] [148] [89] Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, [576, 579, 582, 585, 590, 616, 1145, 1148, 735, 743, 753, 770, 1150, 801, 858, 1153, 434, 907, 945, 960, 525, 1004, 1006] 4.2 Journal articles The following list contains the references to every journal article included in this bibliography. The list is arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the journal. Artificial Life, [949] Artificial Organs, [564, 766] Artificila Intelligence in Medicine, ASAIO Journal, [773] [630, 646, 670] Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, [758] Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, [793] Acad. Radiol., [542] Academic Open Internet Journal, Academic Radiology, ACOUSTICA, [308] Behavioural Processes, [1164] Bio Systems, [790] Bio-medical Materials and Engineering, [717, 733] [561] [84] ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, [31] Biochemistry, [942] Bioinformatics, [648, 135] Acta Ophthalmologica, [780] Bioinformation, [170, 814] Acta Oto-laryngologica, Biological Trace Element Research, Acta Biochimica Et Biophysica Sinica, [763] [726] Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, [879] Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Biomacromolecules, [53] [719] [847] Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry, [175] Biomarkers in Medicine, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, [1147, 398] Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, [729, 778] Algorithms For Molecular Biology, Biomed. Eng. Appl. Basis Commun. (Taiwan), [1083] Biomaterials, [761] 9 [812, 840] [754] 10 Genetic algorithms in medicine Biomed. Sci. Instrum., Computer Aided Surgery, [1026] BioMedical Engineering OnLine, Biomedical Optics Express, [157, 1033, 1037, 1038, 1041, 1042, 1044, 1045, 1053, 1057, 1068, 1070, 1071, 1073, 1074, 1076, 1077, 1080, 1084] [1069] Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, [1062] Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, [1049] Biomedizinische Technik, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Computers & Chemistry, [36, 63, 80] Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, [62, 64, 72, 107] [712] Computers in Biology and Medicine, [1141, 1142, 1144, 730, 1149, 741, 748, 760, 829, 1151, 99, 876, 1154, 903] Computers in Cardiology, [503] [728] Blood, [42] BMC Bioinformatics, [164, 165, 722, 725, 805, 817] BMC Cancer, [749] BMC Genetics, [807] Current Drug Discovery Technologies, BMC Genomics, [174, 180] Current Medical Imaging Reviews, [432] [24] Control Cybern. (Poland), [947] Control Engineering Practice, [954] Critical Care Medicine, [867, 1001] Current Computer-aided Drug Design, BMC Infectious Diseases, [855] Current Opinion in Biotechnology, BMC Medical Genomics, [177, 1127] Current Science, [1114] Diabetes & Metabolism, Die Pharmazie, [88] BMC Research Notes, [839, 850] DNA Research, [740] BMC Systems Biology, [777] Drug Discovery Today, [122] Brachytherapy, [704] Drug Discovery Today. Technologies, British Journal of Cancer, [851, 889] Drug Testing and Analysis, [105] [1167] Bull. Fac. Eng. Univ. Ryukyus (Japan), [111] Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, [747] British Journal of Psychology, [38] [390] [1152] British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, [877] [696] BMC Medicine, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, [559] [601] Biotechnology Journal, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, [271, 311, 326, 351, 365, 415, 416] [1025] [1020, 1021] Bioorganicheskaia Khimiia, [386, 488] Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, [878] Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, [382] [543] Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences, [669] [60] [92, 100, 897, 112, 113, 114] Ear & Hearing, [645, 676] Ear and Hearing, [872] Ecological Modelling, [674] Electronics Letters, [470, 956, 541] Endocrinology, [662] Cancer J. Sci. Am., [237] Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cancer Letters, [926, 950] Engineering Optimization, Cardiovascular Engineering, Chaos, [782] Chem. Res. Toxicol., [994] Environmental Health Perspectives, [660, 348] EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics & Systems Biology, [789] [40, 41, 51, 55, 69, 71, 82, 86, 102] Chemistry and Biology, ChemMedChem, Europace, [657] European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, [644] [25] Chemical Research in Toxicology, [710] EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, [692] Chemical Biology & Drug Design, Chemical Innovation, [435] [403] European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, [34, 750, 409, 79] [803] European Journal of Operational Research, [923] European Journal of Orthodontics, [732] [682] [828] European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, [1009] [50, 65] Chemosphere, [772] Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : ECAM, [891] Chin. Sci. Bull, [140] Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, Expert Systems with Applications, [887] [127] [343, 869, 428] Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, [366] Forschung Komplementarmedizin Klass Naturheilkd, [234] Comput. Biomed. Res. (USA), Fortschrittsberichte der VDI-Zeitschriften, [1085] Comput. Methods Programs Biomed., [1027] Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, [820, 873, 874, 880, 1155, 427, 894] Frontiers in Genetics, Frontiers in Physiology, Gene, [168] [783] [830, 896] [554] Journal articles Genes & Nutrition, 11 [795] Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, [678, 687, Int. J. Biomed. Comput. (Ireland), 688, 689, 339] Genetics, Int. J. Med. Inf., [158] Genetics and Molecular Research, Genomics, [769] [128] Hum. Hered., [580] Human Feredity, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, [784, 892] [941] Huaxue Jinzhan, [569, 993, 1014] [1043] International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, [108] Healthcare Informatics Research, Human Brain Mapping, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., [171] [1079] [583] International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, [550] Health Care Management Science, Health Physics, Int. J. Artif. Intell. Neural Netw. Complex Probl.-Solving Technol. (Netherlands), [974] [844] International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications , [367] International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, [865, 430] [776] International Journal of Computer Mathematics, [658] IEE Proceedings, Vision, Image, Signal Processing, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, [454] [395] International Journal of Control, IEEE Eng. Med. Biol., [458] IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, [608, 540] IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Engineering, [932] International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, [888] IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, [244] IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation, [248] International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, [334, 334] [270] International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, [595] International Journal of Health Geographics, [695, 699, 700, 708, 762] [394, 759, International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, [709] IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, [1019, 1028, 1030, 1031, 1034, 1040, 1047, 1050, 1061, 1081, 1082, 1086, 1087] International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, [883] 406, 802, 866, 1160, 871, 429, 906] [258, 352] IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, [598] IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, [396] [340] International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, [402] International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing : A Publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, [791] International Journal of Modern Physics C, IEEE International Journal of Neural Systems, Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, [1022, 1023, 1035, 1046, 1051, 1058, 1088] IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, [314] [731] [249, 604] International Journal of Molecular Medicine, [387] [898, 899] International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, [626] International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, [302, 354, 976] IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, [225, 264, 266, 275, 327, 1111, 400, 401, 455, 465, 498, 509, 531] IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, International Journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems (VLSICS), [411] International Journmal of Biological and Life Sciences, [329] International Orthopaedics, [246] IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, [846, 181] [23, 240, 935, 959] [984, 990] IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, [610] IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics, [890] IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, [172, 46, 755, 756, 781, 796, 811, 87, 178, 886] [345] [834] Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, Iranian Journal of Public Health, Irish Journal of Psychology, [1166] J. Chromatogr. B, Biomed. Sci. Appl., J. Clin. Neurophysiol, [98] [424] [1024] [1003] J. Gerontol. A. Biol. Sci. Med. Sci., [577] J. Inst. Electron. Eng. Korea S (South Korea), J. Mol. Model., [21] J. Neuroimaging, [534] [493] IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology, [1156] Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, [370] Image and Vision Computing, Journal of Andrology, [226, 256, 305, 321, 523] Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Information Processing Letters, [560] [110] [933] Journal of AOAC International, [816] Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, [1095] 12 Genetic algorithms in medicine Journal of Applied Physiology, Journal of Molecular Modeling, [715, 966] Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Journal of Biomechanics, Journal of Neural Engineering, [745, 808, 827] Journal of Biomedical Engineering (Chinese), Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Journal of Biosciences, [1036] Journal of Neuroimmunology, [800] Journal of Chemical Biology, [389, 822, 904] Journal of Neuroscience Techniques, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, [159] [693] [705, 843] Journal of Neuroscience Methods, [1066, 179, 1075] [1039, 1048, 1065, 1067] Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, [461] [663] Journal of Orthopaedic Research : Official Publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, [849] [835] [78] Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, [968] Journal of Periodontal Research, [285] [862] Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, [1059, Journal of Chemical Information and Computing Science, [137] 1060, 1072] Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, [90, 95, 97, 109] [634, 768] Journal of Proteomics, Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, [150] [706] [30, 33] Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, [18, 19] Journal of Computer-aided Molecular Design, Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, Journal of Digital Imaging, [59, 81, 93] [640, 664] Journal of Vector Ecology, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, [49, 101] [928] Laryngoscope, [691] Journal of General Virology, M. D. Comput. (USA), [924] [856] Journal of Insect Science, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, [727] Mathematical and Computer Modelling, [337] Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, [825] [1104, 1107] Journal of Medical Entomology, [1097, 310, 1098] Journal of Medical Microbiology, [1121] [1099] Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors, [1109, 407, 1118, 1124, 422] [1094, 1103, 385, 144, 1113, 1119, 1120, 418, 1126, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131] [438] Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Journal of Microencapsulation, Journal of Molecular Evolution, Mathematical Biosciences, Measurement Science & Technology, Med Phys, [56] [815] Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling, [987] Med. Dosim., [574] Med. Eng. Phys., [1007] Med. Image Anal., [491] Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, Med. Phys., [1002] Med. Phys. (USA), [492] [482, 512] Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, [707] [274, 1105, 1110, 1132, 1137, 1139] Medical Engineering & Physics, [32, 61] [442, 452] [665, 694, 701] Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., Medical and Veterinary Entomology, [188] [697] [156] Med. Imaging Technol. (Japan), Journal of Medical Systems, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, [291] MATCH – Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, [131] Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, Journal of Medical Physics, [473, 524, 539] Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, [702] Journal of Magnetic Resonance, [504] [638] Lancet, [322] [58] Jpn. J. Med. Electron. Biol. Eng. (Japan), Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes, [1163] [955] [868] [679] Laboratory Investigations, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, [152, 160] Journal of Young Pharmacists, [751] [882] Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, [1078] Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, [292] Journal of Environmental Biology, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Journal of Theoretical Biology, [737, 841, 425, 433] Journal of Electronic Imaging, [787, 836] Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, [819, 842] Journal of Computational Chemistry, [752, 813] Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, [384] [848] Journal of Computational Biology, [91, 94, 106] Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, [57] Journal of Proteome Research, Journal of Chemometrics, Journal of Heuristics, [39, 47, 73, 74, 75] Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, [921] Medical Engineering and Physics, Medical Image Analysis, [273] [1101] [1089, 1090, 1108, 397, 1115] [1138] Journal articles 13 Medical Imaging Technology, [376] Medical Physics, [1091, 1092, 1093, 268, 1096, 325, 1102, 1106, 412, 414, 1123, 1133, 1134, 464, 1135, 1136, 484, 499, 507, 1140] Medicinal Chemistry, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine, [824] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, [1158] Progress in Electromagnetics Research, [77] Medicinal Chemistry Research, [279] Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics, [115] [937] Proteomics, [703] Metabolic Engineering, [797] Psychological Review, [857] Metabolites, [786] Psychometrika, [997] [653] Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Metabolomics, [684] Methods in Molecular Biology, [765, 832, 881] Methods of Information in Medicine, [565, 1146, 637, 1000] Microscopy Research and Technique, Mol. Med. Today, [413] Robotica, [163] [393] [48, 103] [617] SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, [45, 54, 70, 852] Molecular BioSystems, [854] Molecular Diversity, [714, 37, 43, 116] Scandinavian Audiology, Science, Molecular Ecology, [167] Molecules, [52, 831] [591] [161, 162] Scientia et Technica A˜ no, Scientia Pharmaceutica, [118] Sensors, [838] [736] [713, 68, 76, 104] [1162] Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), Neural Computing & Applications, Neural Networks, Recent Research in Science and Technology, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, [628] Molecular Biology and Evolution, Neural Computation, [884] [823] Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, [989] Nature-Structural Biology, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, [381, 431] [723, 779] [806] Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi, [353] NeuroImage, [287, 145, 404, 901] Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi = Journal of Biomedical Engineering = Shengwu Yixue Gongchengxue Zazhi, [1055, 1056] Neuropsychobiology, [944, 961] Signal Processing, Neurocomputing (Netherlands), [977] Nippon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu C Hen, NMR in Biomedicine, Nucl. Med. Commun, Nucleic Acids Research, Nursing Research, [1063] [738] Spectrochimica Acta. Part A, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, [66, 837] [999] [810] [675] [720] Sports Biomechanics, [826] SpringerPlus, [420] Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, [734, 788] [483] Optics and Laser Engineering, [651] Pattern Analysis & Applications, Pattern Recognition, [739] Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, Omics : A Journal of Integrative Biology, Opt. Rev. (Japan), [939] [477] Sleep & Breathing = Schlaf & Atmung, [259] Statistics in Medicine, [785] Stud. Health Technol. Inform., [1010] Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, [958] Pattern Recognition Letters, [304, 17, 481] Systems and Computers in Japan, [529] Phys Med Biol, [621] Talanta, Phys. Med. Biol., [594, 606, 992] Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, [902] The Analyst, Physica Medica, Physics in Medicine & Biology, [584] Physics in Medicine and Biology, [1143, 602, 267, 615, 633, 746, 399, 775, 798] Physiological Measurement, [895] PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS ONE, [685, 861] [711] PloS One, [721, 35, 764, 792, 67, 809, 173, 818, 85, 176, 419, 147, 426, 1161, 182, 885, 893] Proc. AMIA Symp, [1008] Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, [655] [821, 853] [767, 870, 905] [718] [757] The Australasian Medical Journal, [1112] The Indian Journal of Medical Research, [1122] The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, [1100] The Journal of Biological Chemistry, [742] The Journal of International Medical Research, The Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, The Journal of Physiology, [383] [96] [900] The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, The Scientific World Journal, [410] [494] [1117, 1125] 14 Genetic algorithms in medicine Theoretical Biology & Medical Modelling, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, TheScientificWorldJournal, Toxicology, The University of Iowa, [650] [1116] [995] The University of Michigan, University of California, [117, 126] [794] Toxicology and Industrial Health, [875] University of Canterbury, Trans. Inst. Electr. Eng. Jpn. C (Japan), [908] [686] University of Minnesota, [557] [860] Virus Research, [169] Wall Street Journal, [136] Water Research, [771] [124] University of Michigan, [610] Vector Borne Zoonotic Diseases, Virology Journal, University of Georgia, University of Louisville, [121] [845] Ultraschall in Der Medizin, [323] [975] Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, [636] Trends in Amplification, [918] [864] University of Pennsylvania, [967] University of Tampere, [257] World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, University of Vaasa, [391] [298] World Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, World Journal of Gastroenterology, Wayne State University, [911] [859] [724] total 28 thesis in 24 schools Yao Xue Xue Bao = Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, [833] Zeitschrift f¨ ur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalyse, [909] Zhongguo Yi Xue Ke Xue Yuan Xue Bao. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae, [716] Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi = Zhonghua Ganzangbing Zazhi = Chinese Journal of Hepatology, [744] total 769 articles in 424 series 4.3 Theses [571] ´ Ecole Polytechnique F´ ed´ erale de Lausanne, Case Western Reserve University, Drexel University, [929] Duke University, [236] Gazi University, [659] Louisiana State University, Purdua University, This list includes also “Diplomarbeit”, “Tech. Lic. Theses”, etc. Rice University, [444] University of Kuopio, [952] West Virginia University, [609] [619, 295, 297] [15] Report series The following list contains references to all papers published as technical reports. The list is arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the institute. Departamento de Engenharia Eltrica, Helsinki University of Technology, [668, 342] [14] Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Queen’s University at Kingston, [22] [596] State University of New York at Buffalo, Tampere University of Technology, [281] [125] University of Vaasa, [1018] total 5 reports in 5 institutes [377] [936] [690] [129] University of New Brunswick, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, [654] total 4 thesis in 4 schools 4.4 PhD theses ?, Master’s theses Chalmers University of Technology, The following two lists contain theses, first PhD theses and then Master’s etc. theses, arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the school. 4.3.1 4.3.2 Patents 4.5 15 Patents The following list contains the names of the patents of genetic algorithms in medicine. The list is arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the patent. Apparatus and method for determining optimal locations to place radioactive seeds at a cancerous site, [572] Gabor filtering for improved microcalcification detection in digital mammograms, [245] Genetic algorithms for optimization of genome-based medical diagnostic tests, [680] Joint optimization of parameters for the detection of clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms, [265] Method and system for automated detection of clustered microcalcifications from digital mammograms, [533] Method and system for combining automated detections from digital mammograms with observed detections of a human interpreter, [243] Method and system for segmentation and detection of microcalcifications from digital mammograms, [247] Method and system for segmenting desired regions in digital mammograms, [239] Optimal parameter selection fir the detection of clustered microcalcification in digital mammograms, [262] Optimum solution method, hearing aid fitting apparatus utilizing the optimum solution method, and system optimization adjusting method and apparatus, [600] Prostate implant planning engine for radiotherapy, total 11 patents [603] 16 Genetic algorithms in medicine Authors 4.6 17 Authors The following list contains all genetic algorithms in medicine authors and references to their known contributions. Abbotts, R., Aguilar, J., [747] Abdelwahab, Nada S., [816] Abdula, Ahmed Mutanabbi, Abdullah, [33, 47] Wan Ahmed K. Wan, [520] Almasganj, Farshad, Aguilar, R., [210, 1037] Ahmad, Fadzil, [1128] Al-Nadaf, Afaf H., [32] Ahmad, Sabbir U., [581, 1049] Al-Najjar, Belal O., [34] [100, 113] Alolfe, Mohamed A., [313] Alolfe, Mohammed A., [329] Alqtaishat, Saja, [93] Al-Rawi, Mohammed, [1041] Alvarez, Daniel, [1115] [1064] Ahmadi, T., Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Khondaker, Ahmadi-Roudi, Behzad, [767] [904] Abdul-Wahid, Christopher Badi’, Ahmad Noruddin, Nur Adelina, [34] [46] Ahmed, M. N., Abdul-Wahid, Sarah, Abel, David L., Abolfath, R. M., Abramavicius, D., Abu Khalaf, Reema, Accornero, N., Ahmed, Mohamed N., [479] Ahmed, S., [479] Ahmed, Z., [1112] Ahrabian, H., [814] Aikimbayev, Alim, [711] Ainon, Raja Noor, [1113] Ait-Aoudia, Samy, [333, 349] Aizenberg, I., [256] Aizenberg, N., [256] Amin, H., [326] Akhtari, M., [461] Amirzadi, Azardokht, [422] Akyuz, Lalehan, [101] Ammar, Hany, [16] Alam, M. S., [1110] Amols, Howard I., [1095] Analoui, Mostafa, [17] Alves Hon´ orio, Nildimar, [679] [1116] [701] [758] [1158] [47] [551] Acharya, R. S., [199, 917] Acharya, U. R., [908] Achim, Moise, [613] Acree, William E. Jr, [953] [46] Abraham, Mannil Thomas, [748, 1154] Al-Mulla, Mohamed R., [1108] Aly, Nabil M., [339] Amari, Sun-ichi, [552] Amaritsakul, Yongyut, [894] Amaro, Ana, [1076] Amburn, Philip, [239, 243, 247, 262, 533] Ames, Forrest, [368, 195, 1048] [65] Adamec, J., [194] Adamopoulos, A. V., [607, 618] Adamopoulos, Adam, [723, 853] Adankon, Mathias M., [871] Alavikia, Zahra, [1124] Anastasio, M. A., [492, 531] Adhikari, D., [696] Alay´ on, S., [210, 1037] Anastasio, Mark A., [206] Adhikari, Nilanjan, [877] Al-Azzawi, Nemir, [1064] Anastassopoulos, George, Adiamah, Delali A., [786] Albani, C., [943, 978] Anbarasu, L. A., [187] Adjemian, J. C. Z., [310] Albertelli, L., [979] Andalib, Elham, [880] Adjeroh, Donald, [16] Alderliesten, Tanja, [656] Anderson, Jonathan D., [692] Adler, Dorit D., [464, 940, 507] Alektiar, K. M., [569] Anderson, Julie, Alander, Jarmo T., [693, 347, 548, 549, 1016, 1017, 1018] Anand, Christopher Kumar, [1043] [723, 853] [368, 195, 1048] Afarideh, Hossein, [823] Alghisi, Federico, [787] Afifi, Ahmed, [376] Algoul, S., [1110] Afrasiabi, Mahlagha, [407] Al-Horani, Rami A., [79] Afshari, Elnaz, [879] Ali, Fath El Alem Fadlallah, [487, 543] Agarwal, Shilpi, [767] Ali, Fath El Alem F., [497] Andonie, Razvan, [46] Ali, Hamed I., [58] Andrews, B. J., [1007] Al-Ijel, Hebah, [61] Andris, Peter, [506] Aghamohammadi, Hasan, [424] Aghamohammadi, Hossein, [424] Anderson, R. W., [183] Anderson, William S., [866] Andersson, L., [158] Andersson-Engels, Stefan, [780] Aghbashlo, Mortaza, [815] Alkhalifa, A. Y., [202] Anekboon, Khantharat, [903] Aguilar, Guillermo, [1039] Allen, S. J., [827] Angel, Pedro L. de, [260] 18 Genetic algorithms in medicine Angeles, Jorge, [802] Azar, Ahmad Taher, [1074] Barrios, Victor, Angeletti, Cesar, [638] Aze, Jerome, [764] Barros de Aguiar, Ducin´ eia, [679, 684] Angeline, Peter J., [981, 988] Azmi, Reza, [422] Barry, A. M., [1166] [446] [223, 224] Anger, Lennart T., [63] Azok, Joseph, [703] Bartenstein, P., Ankley, Gerald T., [174] Baba, Roshidad, [774] Bartholomay, Lyric C., [702] Annane, Djillali, [867] Babu, Sainath, [84] Bartlett, Karen, [710] Anninos, P. A., [607, 618] Badea, Radu, [753] Baskar, Gurunathan, [731] Anon., [120, 136] Bael, P. Van, [586] Baskent, Deniz, [676] Antonets, Denis V., [850] Bagchi, Manish C., [51] Bast, T., [1003] Bast, Thomas, [150] Bates, Paul A., [42] Bates, S., [1112] Bath, P. A., [577] Bathen, Tone F., [1063] Ant´ onio, Carlos Concei¸c˜ ao, [808] Anxolab´ eh` ere, Dominique, [160] Bai, Baodong, [354] Bai, Li, [835] Ao, Lu, [889] Bai, Lihua, [864] Aoki, Mikio, [794] Bajcsy, Ruzena, [773] Aoki, Shunsuke, [109] Baker, J. A., [469] Arafuka, M., [914] Baker, Philip N., [653, 752] Arakaki, Kouichi, [472, 483] Bakhshali, Mohamad Amin, Ar´ ambula Cos´ıo, F., [625] Bakhtiari, Mohammad, [1099] Archetti, Francesco, [678] Bakken, Russell R., [818] Archibald, James K., [692] Baldi, Fabio, [644] Arciniegas, Fabio, [26] Baleja, James D., [942] Balestra, Gabriella, [825] Battezzato, Alessandro, [1100] Arif, M., [317, 334, [1118] 334, 338, 340, 350] Ballerini, Lucia, Arif, Muhammad, [212, 624, 293, 296, 502, 530, 544, 546, 547] [396] Arnardottir, Helga Bjork, [788] Baltas, D., [612, 614, 1140, 1002] Arnold, Mark A., Arus, C., [1097] Baum, K. G., [737] Baum, Karl G., [312, 328, 344] Baumgart-Schmitt, R., [944, 961] Bavilacqua, A., [249] Baylink, D. J., [989] Bazhan, Sergei I., [850] Beatty, P. C. W., [578] Becker, Kay, [912] Beckerman, Barbara G., [698] [973] Arslanian-Engoren, Cynthia, Bauer, J. T., Baltazar, Rosario, [806] Beckett, L., [310] Baluja, S., [974] Beebe, N. W., [1097, 674] Bamer Natavan, Zahra, [875] Belani, Chandra P., [57] Band, Beatriz Fernande, [870] Beli¨ en, Jeroen, [690] Bandaru, Sunith, [369] Beligiannis, G. N., [607, 618] Bandholtz, Sebastian, [85] Beloufa, Fayssal, [1070] [675] [456] Asadabadi, Ebrahim Barzegari, [883] Asadollahi, Tahereh, [52] Asadollahi-Baboli, M., [70] Ashayer, Sahar, [823] Askari, Mansur, [823] Asvestas, P. A., [268] Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra, Ataullakhanov, Fazoyl I., [35] 886] Bandyopadhyay, Somnath, [789] Banghua, Yang, [320] [87, Benavent, Antonio Penalve, Benche, I., [290] Bencic, David, [174] Bendahl, Par-Ola, [858] Aukee, Pauliina, [982] Bansal, A., [1156] Benedetti, Manuel, [314] Aung, Min S. H., [1047] Banzhaf, Wolfgang, [258] Benedict, Mark Q., [686] Auramo, Yrj¨ o, [591] Bardossy, Gergely, [730] Benezeth, Y., [799] Austin, E. M., [655] Barik, S. K., [696] Ben-Jacob, Eshel, [809] Autere, Antti, [693] Baringhaus, Karl-Heinz, [63] Bennett, Kristin P., [26] Aviv, Amit, [822] Barker, Grant I., [46] Bennett, Kristin, [27] Aylward, S., [191] Baroni, Guido, [878] Ben-Shalom, Roy, [822] Azam, Faizul, [58] Baronti, Flavio, [166] Berg, Patrick, [150] [419] Authors 19 Berg, P., [1003] Bofin, Anna, [1063] Brezocnik, Miran, [657] Bergen, Stuart W. A., [1049] Bogacz, Rafal, [900] Brezovich, Ivan A., [704] Berger, Martijn P. F., [776] Bogdan, Malgorzata, [788] Briceno, Javier, [1153] [1121] Broadhurst, David I., [752] Bogolyubov, Alexey A., [35] Brooijmans, Natasha, [28] Bohle, Kathrin, [728] Brors, Benedikt, [886] Boisvert, Michel R., [812, 840] Broschat, Shira L., [792] Bojan, Vinoth Kumar, [146] Bojarczuk, Celia C., [620] Browder, Kathy, [688] Bolboaca, Sorana D., [102] Brown, J. Q., [649] Bonelli, Pierre, [553] Brown, J. Quincy, [426] Bong, Chin Wei, [403] Brown, Marie, [752] Bonnet, A. S., [1073] Brown, Richard, [1134] Berkey, Telford S., [239, 243, Boggs, Sarah R., 247, 262, 533] Bernardes, Joao, [1127] Bernardo, Marcelino, [414] Bernaschi, Massimo, [1144] Bernauer, Julie, [764] Bertrand, Louise, [301] Bes, F., [944] Best, J. A., [662] Bevilacqua, A., [604] Bevilacqua, V., [294] Bevilacqua, Vitoantonia, [378] Bezerianos, A., [221] Bhat, Ajita Atul, [124] Bhat, Shekara, C. Chandr, [830] Bhatia, Manish S., [76] Bhatt, Hardik G., [64] Bhattacharya, Mahua, Booth, V., [977] Brown, T., [706] [712] Brudermann, U., [554] Bosman, Peter A. N., [656] Brueckner, Adrian, [652] Bot, Corina T., [783] Brugger, S., [1071] Brunauer, Leonhard, [331] Brunner, Stephen, [1099] Brunsdon, Chris, [708] [926, 947, 981, 988] Bouma, Brett E., [330, 381, [886] [239, 243, 245, 247, 262, 265, 533] Borovskaia, A. D., Boughton, Edward M., 388, 398] Bhattacharyya, Malay, Broussard, Randy P., [660, 348] Bourgeois-Republique, C., [639] Brusic, Vladimir, [135] Bourgeois-Republique, Claire, [687] Bulgiba, Awang, [1113] Bourgeois-R´ epublique, Claire, [375] Burlinson, S., [595] [714, 771] Bourquard, Thomas, [764] Burman, Jerry A., [526] [1150] Bower, M., [1004] Burnham, K. J., Biales, Adam, [174] Braaten, Øivind, [157] Bickel, Arthur S., [1141] Braaten, O., [1027] Bickel, Riva Wenig, [1141] Brameier, Markus, [258] Bidaud, Philippe, [269] Brandt, Carlos A., [39] Bies, Robert R., [57] Brasacchio, J. B., [1014] Bigdeli, H., [970, 983] Brasacchio, R. A., [993] Bijar, Ahmad, [419] Brauer, Matthew J., [163] Bindl, G., [1020] Bredno, Joerg, [235] Bini, M., [510] Breinig, M., [665] Blackburn, Jason K., [681, 711] Brendel, Bernhard, [352] Caballero-Morales, Breneman, Curt M., [26] Bhattacharyya, Shuvra S., Bhhatarai, Barun, Bi, Chengpeng, Blackburn, Jason Kenna, [345, 360] [668] [919, 934, 954, 971] Burns, A., [595] Burns, David H., [812, 840] Burrezo, S., [592, 599] Bursell, E. S., [290] Burton, Dean, [743] Buscema, Massimo, [644] Butte, Atul J., [1152] Butylin, Andrey A., [35] Caballero, Julio, [43] Santiago-Omar, [1155] Cabrera-Perez, Miguel Angel, Bladen, K. R., [253] Breneman, Curt, [23, 27] Blanchet, Max, [552] Brener, Nathan, [384] Blazewicz, Jacek, [907] Brennan, Marie-Luise, [703] Bloy, Luke, [335] Bressloff, Neil W., [754] Cai, Hai-yan, [53] Bocchi, L., [212, 624, 296] Brest, J., [583, 1010] Cai, H., [559] Bod´ en, Ida, [548, 549] Breuer, Arnon, [1145] Cai, Jian-Fang, [716] Cadieux, S., [90] [474] Cagnoni, Stefano, [689, 916, 1081, 523] 20 Genetic algorithms in medicine Cai, Wenli, [1111, 416] Cerdan, S., [456] Chen, Jiakai, [834] Cai, Xi, [868] Ceres, Ramon, [1077] Chen, Jiann-Jone, [436] Cajko, Frantishek, [1160] Cestari, Renzo, [644] Chen, Jianquan, [140] Calafate, Carlos T., [869] Cevik, A., [673] Chen, Jiejing, [1122] [893] Caldwell, Craig, [1167] Cha, Kyung-Joon, [1117] Chen, Jinxia, Callaghan, Vic, [806] Cha, Soonmee, [773] Chen, Kaixian, [128] Calonaci, Cristiano, [1114] Champion, H., [1106] Chen, L. Leon, [866] Chan, Christina, [856] Chen, Liangbiao, [648] Chan, Heang-Ping, [457, 464, 940] Chen, Li-Li, [836] Chan, Kelvin, [1072] Chen, Mingyang, [430] Chan, Yung-Kuan, [402] Chen, Peiqi, [874] Chanda, B., [332] Chen, Qiu-Yan, [1065] [308] Chen, Ran, [768] Chen, Rong-Tai, [402] Chen, Shanshan, [890] Chen, Ta-Cheng, [995] Chen, Wei, [147] Chen, Wen-Chin, [130] Chen, Wen-Pin, [691] Chen, Xiao Yu, [891] Chen, Xiaofen, [834] Chen, Xiao-Lu, [833] Chen, Xiaowen, [769] Chen, Yazhu, [303] Cameron, George G., [454, 468, 477, 958, 488] Campanini, R., [249, 604] Campbell, J. A., [536] Campo, Felix De, [1115] Canal, M. Rahmi, [144] Chandy, D. Abraham, Candavelou, Manimozhi, [844] Chang, Hsueh-Wei, [720, 1125, Cannings, C., [1156] Cano, Juan-Carlos, [869] Chang, R., [928] Canseven, A. G., [673] Chang, Shih-Fu, [703] Cao, Hua, [342, 359, 384] Chang, Siow-Wee, [758] Cao, Maria D., [1063] Chang, Susan M., [773] Cao, Wenhua, [1123] Chang, Yuan-Hsiang, Caorsi, Salvatore, [246] Capozza, M., [551] Cardoen, Brecht, [690] Carlborg, O., [158] Carlsson, Lova, [654] Carmack, Patrick S., [785] Carnahan, B. J., [962] 178] [985, 986, 1011, 1013, 542, 545] Chao, C. L., [655] Chao, Ching-Kong, [663, 894] Chao, Chun Cheih, [722] Chao, Yuyan, [370] Chapman, Brian E., [394, 417] Chapman, Christopher Neal, Carpaneto, Jacopo, Carpenter, T. A., [571] [589, 1096, 938, 941] Chen, Yen-Hung, [218] Chaturvedula, Ayyappa, [848] Chen, Yen-ting, [514, 540] Chau, Tom, Chen, Yen-Wei, [1105] [735] [442, 452, 473, 524] Chen, Y., Chaves, Rui, [808] [466, 472, 483, 487, 490, 497, 543] Chen, Yi, [368, 195, Carroll, D. L., [499] Chen, Ai-ting, [726] Carvalho, P. d, [1057] Chen, Bae-Horng, [459] Chen, Yihan, [864] Carvalho Filho, Antonio Oseas, [434] Chen, Beibei, [889] Chen, Yuehui, [1151] Casta˜ neda, Miguel A. Padilla, Chen, Biyun, [855] [611] 1048, 390] Chen, Yuelei, [62] Castellano, Pilar, [260] Chen, Chien-Cheng, [130] Chen, Yu-Jung, [720] Castellanos, N. P., [284] Chen, Chuchu, [768] Chen, Zhongxue, [177] Castiglione, Filippo, [1144] Chen, Ding-Horng, [217] Cheng, G., [585] Castro, Catarina F., [808] Chen, Gongxing, [1152] Cheng, Heng-Da, [218] Castro, Jesus Silva, [927] Chen, Hongmei, [864] Cheng, J. C. Y., [244] Catalogna, Merav, [809] Chen, Houjin, [324] Cheng, Jian, [180] Cazares, Lisa H., [1121] Chen, Hsiang-Yin, [995] Cheng, Kuo-Sheng, [459] Celi, Leo A., [859] Chen, Hui, [719, 99] Cheng, Kuo-sheng, [514, 540] Celi, Leo Anthony, [867] Chen, J. D. Z., [486] Cheng, Shu-Chen, [1035] Authors Cheng, Yuh-Min, 21 [1032] Cheng, Yu-Huei, [781, 1125, Chung, Hyun-Tai, [902] Correa, Esteban M., [736] Cilingir, Gokcen, [792] Correia, Mauro M., [382] Cosio, C. F., [987] [1105] Co¸skun, Aysun, [659] Ciuca, I., [215] Cos´ıo, Fernando Ar´ ambula, Clague, J. E., [577] Costa, Lino, [1077] Costard, Anne D., [168] Cotrutz, C., [621] Coutinho, M.S., [948] Crampton, Jason, [336] Craw, Susan, [743] Crilly, Paul B., [555] Cristea, A., [215] Crozier, Stuart, [746] 839, 181] Cinsdikici, Muhammed G., [435] Cheng, Zhi-Bin, [835] Cheriet, Farida, [871] Chettri, A., [696] Chetty, Madhu, [172, 817] Cheu, Wen-Chin, [119] Cheung, R., [325] Clark, David E., [131, 138] Chew, Lita, [749] Clark, Kevin Patrick, [126] Chi, Hanlin, [140] Clark, Taane G., [658] Chiacchio, Ferdinando, [1114] Clarke, L. P., [1083, 534] Chiang, Cheng-Yu, [1162] Clarke, Laurence P., [463] Chihab, Najat, [871] Clavel, Jacqueline, [762] Chikh, M. A., [1070] Clegg, J., [798] Clement, Greg T., [267] Clemmer, D. E., [813] Chippindale, Adam K., [162] Clifford, Gari D., [867, 906] Chitre, Yateen, [455] Coen, Muireann, [765] Chiu, Hung-Wen, [739] Cohen, A., [521] Chiu, Ming-Jang, [147] Cohen, Eyal, [809] Curtis, Andrew Thomas, [1043] Cho, Sung Jin, [123] Cohen, G., [237] Curtis, Andrew, [681] Choi, Bernard, [1039] Colaninno, A., [294] Curzen, Nick P., [754] Choi, Chulhee, [380] Coley, D. A., [539] Cutler, Gene, [648] Choi, H., [325] Collet, Pierre, Cytowski, Jerzy, [475] Choi, Tae-Sun, [413] Czarnecki, C. A., [453] Chong, Chiet Sing, [664] D’Addabbo, A., [294] Dadfarnia, Shayessteh, [52] Ciofani, Gianni, Claridge, Ela, Chikh, Mohamed Amine, Chilov, Ghermes G., [1107] [59] [280, 282, 283, 289] [288, 639, 687, 375] Chongstitvatana, Prabhas, Choonara, Yahya E., Chou, You-Li, Colley, M., [1108] Collins, Matthew J., [804] [431] Collins, Steve M., [448, 465, 230] Colombetti, Marco, [201] Comber, Alexis J., [708] Comely, Richard, [910, 437] Congdon, Clare Bates, [918] [106] [1032] Choudhari, Prafulla B., [76] Chow, Chi Kin, [252] Choyke, Peter L., [414] Christini, David J., [783] Chu, C., [666] Chu, Na, [891] Connor, Christopher W., [267] Constantin, Alexandra, [773] Chuang, Chih Yuan, Cruz-Ramirez, Manuel, [1153] Cui, Lizhi, [874] Cui, Yaoyao, [1031, 980] Cull, A., [1106] Cunxi, Chang, [372] Curran, Tim, [404] Dagdeviren, Zuleyha Akusta, [435] Dai, Chunni, [196] Dai, Jianrong, [584] Dai, Yong, [1122, 834] Dai, Zong, [836] da Costa Filho, Paulo A., [597] da Costa Gurgel, Helen, [679, 684] Cook, Robert G., [1163, 1164] Cooper, R. D., [1097, 674] Coppel, Ross, [817] Copur, Fatih, [36] [739] Chuang, Li-Yeh, [720, 741, 781, 807, 1125, 839, 842, 178, 181] [611] Dale, Brian M., [291, 295] D’Alessandro, Brian, [400, 401] D’Alessandro, Maryann, [1034] Daliri, Mohammad Reza, Chuang, Yung Jen, [722] Cordes, Dietmar, [404] Chui, Chee-Kong, [865] Cord´ on, Oscar, [304, 321, 386] Chun, Se-Hak, [770] Cornett, Ben, [789] Correa, Elon, [725] [1119, 418] da Silva, Fernando Jose Mateus, [727] Damas, Sergio, Chung, Bevan Kai-Sheng, [777] [304, 321, 322, 386, 395, 421, 432] Dandekar, Omkar, [345, 360] 22 Genetic algorithms in medicine Dandekar, Thomas, [601] Demoury, Claire, [762] Doorn, Nienke L. va, [804] Dansereau, Jean, [871] Deng, Youping, [177] Dorado, Julian, [462] Denton, Brian T., [784] Douglas, T. S., [274, 495] Darbandi, Mohammad Ali, [104] Darby, I. B., [862] Desai, D., [665] Douglas, Tania S., [513] Darenfed, Salah, [198] Desai, Umesh R., [79, 107] Douguet, Dominique, [18] Dargahi, Javad, [802] Deshmukh, A. Y., [411] Doyle 3rd, Francis J., [715] Darwish, Hany W., [66] Deshmukh, C. N., [371] Doytchinova, Irini, [91, 94] Deshpande, Shreekant, [49] Drake, Richard, [1121] Dr´ eo, Johann, [311, 364] Dries, Laurie A., [163] Drosos, Georgios, [853] Du, Fuli, [601] Du, Gang, [1129] Du, Jiang, [885] Du, Juan, [40] Duan, Huilong, [505] Dubel, Stefan, [728] Duca, J. S., [994] Dias Vasconcelos, Sim˜ ao, [679, 684] Duerk, Jeffrey L., [291] Dillon, N., [442, 452, 473] Dumont, Georges, [269] Di Martinelly, C., [661] Dunn, Warwick B., [653, 752] Dimarki, T., [578] Duraipandian, Shiyamala, Dimiziani, Leopoldo, [787] Durant, E. A., [610] Dinevski, D., [383] Durant, Eric A., [610] Ding, Qing, [973] Durbin, Dennis R., [576] Dinov, Ivo D., [327] Dutta, P. K., [305] Delgado Atencio, Jose Alberto, [1069] Diong, B., [632] Dutta, Pranab K., [755] Delibasis, Konstantinos K., Distefano, G., [551] Duvic, Madeleine, [627] Dixit, Swati R., [411] Dwayne, Harlan J., [84] Das, Arpita, [330, 381, 388, 398] Desimo, Martin P., [239, 243, Das, Shiva K., [694] Dasgupta, Suman, [332] Devcic, Zlatko, [691] Dashtbozorgi, Zahra, [65] Devogelaere, D., [586] Datz, F. L., [925] Devogelaere, Dirk, [27] David, E., [567] Dexter, Tim, [851] David, Florian, [728] Dhaenens-Flipo, Clarisse, Davies, B. L., [987] Dhar, Sulochana, Davoodi, R., [1007] Dhawan, Atam P., Dean, David, [1093, 626] Deb, Kalyanmoy, [369] 247, 262, 533] [623] [426] [351, 400, 401, 439, 455, 556, 228] Diao, Xiaodi, Deckers, Jozef, [695] DeGroote, John P., [702] Dehmeshki, Jamshid, [326] Dekker, L. V., [747] de Ara´ ujo, Aurigena Antunes, De Chierico, Federica, [757] [1059, 1060] de Arruda, M´ ercia Eliane, [1129] [679, 684] [787] [254, 268, 440, 454, 468, 477, 958, 488, 969, 1088] De Iorio, Maria, [658] Dobrzeniecki, A. B., [916, 523] Dybowski, R., [928] Del Angel, P. L., [284] Doerner, Karl, [682] Dye, John M., [818] Dogrusoz, Yesim Serinagaoglu, [1132] Dyke, J., [237] Doi, K., [460, 492] Ebadi, Ahmad, [74] Dokur, Z., [516, 541] Ebbels, Timothy M. D., [765] Dokur, Z¨ umray, [1033, 276] Eberhart, Russell C., [222, 515] Dominici, Patrizia, [644] Eberl, Stefan, [357] Donelli, Massimo, [314] Echauz, Javier, [1034] Dong, Huiqing, [800] Edelvik, Fredrik, [148] de Lima, Kassio Michell Gomes, [1060] de Moya, Marc, [416] de Oliveira Neves, Ana Carolina, [1059, 1060] Delp, Edward J., [17] de Paiva, Anselmo Cardoso, de Sampaio, Wener Borges, [434] [434] Delsanto, P. P., [494] Dong, Jinxiang, [319] Eden, Patrik, [858] Delzell, Darcie A. P., [785] Dong, Ling, [763] Edirisinghe, C. D., [199, 917] Demeulemeester, Erik, [690] D’Onofrio, David J., [1116] Edraki, Najmeh, [71, 74] Demiris, E. N., [607, 618] Dony, Robert D., [192] Edwards, Brent, [676] Authors 23 Egorin, Merrill J., [57] Fang, Liang, [423] Fischer, Andrew H., [638] Eiler, Cheryl L., [676] Fang, Yuotong, [302] Fischer, Gary W., [995] Eilers, R., [944, 961] Farag, Aly A., Fischer, P. M., [747] Fischer, William M., [818] [278, 479, 953, 481, 511, 537] Eils, Roland, Ekbal, Asif, [886] Farag, Aly, [522] Farf´ an, J., [592, 599] Farman, Allan G., [537] Fisher, B. J., [420] El-Baz, Ayman, [278] Eldeib, Ayman M., [522] Elketroussi, Mehdi, [1079, 557] Elkhaled, Adam, [773] Farmany, Abbas, Elkorany, Abeer Mohamed, [1074] [92, 897, 112, 114, 115] [442, 452, 473, 524] Fisher, M. H., [919, 934] Fishman, Sigal, [809] Fitzgerald, Matthew B., [872] Farrall, Martin, [658] Fasinu, Pius, [106] Fitzpatrick, J. Michael, [225, 204] Fiveash, John B., [704] El-Kwae, Essam A., [498] Fassihi, A., [103] Ellis, David I., [653] Fassihi, Afshin, [41, 81] Elmekkawy, Ty, [1112] Fatemi, Mohammad H., [772] Elsen, Jean-Michel, [168] Fathi, Madjid, [912] Elshazly, Hanaa Ismail, [1074] Faulkner, Graeme, [443] Elveren, Erhan, [1103] Fei, H., [666] Embrechts, Mark J., [26, 27] Feiglin, Ariel, [316] Embrecths, Mark J., [23] Feiglin, David H., [328] Fogel, Lawrence J., [923] Emile, J. F., [799] Feitosa, Raul Q., [382] Fogue, Manuel, [869] Endo, Tokiko, [445] Felton, Michael J., [25] Foley, Brian T., [818] Foley, D. H., [706] Foley, Desmonf H., [1098] Foley, J. E., [310] Flask, Christopher Alan, [297] Flick, Robert, [174] Flotzinger, D., [913] Floyd, C. E., [469, 964] Focke, Axel, [682] Fogel, David B., [920, 923, 926, 947, 981, 988, 558] Engoren, Milo C., [675, 1001] Fen, Ping, [197] Erfania Saeedi, Nafise, [1154] Feng, Dagan, [357] Ergun, Ucman, [1053] Fenimore, Paul W., [818] Esteller, Rosana, [1034] Fereydouneyan, F., [1104] Est´ evez, J., [210, 1037] Fereyduni, Ehsan, [767] Fontana, Carolina, [847] Evans, D. J., [248] Ferguson, Allan M., [141] Foroumadi, Alireza, [71] Evans, David J., [275, 277] Fernandes, Joao Paulo S., Forster, Carola, [108] Ezzell, G. A., [574] Fernandez, Jaime J., Foster, James A., [20] Ezzell, Gary Allen, [911, 1133] Fernandez, Juan Carlos, [1153] Fotopoulos, S., [221] Fabregas, Carmen De Sola, [39] [444] Fonseca de Camargo Neves, Vera, [628] Fernandez, Leyden, [43] Fox, Michael D., [901] Fabry-Asztalos, Levente, [46] Fernandez, Michael, [43, 810] Frachet, Bruno, [639, 687, 375] Fagan, Michael J., [778] Fernando, Chrisantha, [721] Franco-Lara, Ezequiel, [728] Falgout, Barry, [742] Ferno, Marten, [858] Franz´ en, L., [293] Falk, Robert, [278] Ferreira, Elizabeth I., [39] Fraser, A. S., [151, 152] Fallah, Ali, [790] Feyaerts, Maxim, [860] Frederick, E. D., [964] Fan, David P., [1079] Fiege, J., [1106] Freedman, M. T., [476] Fan, Xiao-Hong, [716] Figlerowicz, Marek, [907] Freer, Stephan T., [923, 937] Fan, Yi, [968] Fikry, Karim, [416] Freitas, Alex A., [620] Fan, Yong, [272, 275, 277] Filipiˇ c, Bogdan, [250] Friedman, G. J., [153] Fang, Guanghua, [62] Fiorini, Paolo, [677] Friend, Stephen H., [968] Fang, Jianwen, [38] Firoozabadi, Mohammad, Frizera, Anselmo, [1077] Fang, Kuang-nan, [744] Fiscarelli, Ersilia, Froeyen, Mathy, [90] [508] [824] [787] 24 Genetic algorithms in medicine Frollo, Ivan, [506] Gao, Yang, [429] Giller, C. A., [718] Frolund, Sidsel, [50] Garc´ıa, A., [599] Girault, Jean-Marc, [427] Frommlet, Florian, [788] Garcia-Uribe, Alejandro, [627] Girvetz, E. H:, [310] Fu, J. C., [343] Garg, Rajni, Giuca, Anne-Marie, [408] [139] [707] Fu, Kuang, [405] Garg´ıa-Armengol, Juan, [697] Glen, Robert C., Fu, Xiao-Hua, [833] Garg´ıa-Herrera, G., [592, 599] Glendening, C. D., [994] Fu, Yanhua, [868] Garrido, J., [599] Goebel, Rainer, [776] Fucharoen, Suthat, [903] Garrido, Mariano, [870] Goh, Carolyn, [1075] Fuellen, Georg, [740, 805, 821] Garrido, Piedad, [869] Goh, Gerard Kian-Meng,[20] Fujita, Atsuto, [60] Garway-Heath, David, [336] Goicoechea, Hector C., [905] Gasem, Khaled A. M., [86] Goldammer, E. von, [567] Gaspar, L., [574] Goldfarb, Lev, [22] Golla, Sharath, [86] Gollapalli, Sowjanya, [844] Fujita, H., [264, 485, 504, 512] Fujita, Hiroshi, [445] Fukui, Yasuhiro, [630, 646, 670] Fulham, Michael, [357] Funakubo, Akio, [630, 646, 670] Fung, Albert Y. C., [569, 1095, 615] Gaspin, Christine, [186] Gastaldi, Laura, [1100] Gasteiger, Johann, [21] Gattass, Marcelo, [434] Golpayegani, Mohammad Hashemi, [824] Gaughan, Patrick, [339] Golubitsky, Oleg, [955] Furie, Barbara C., [942] Gaunt, M. W., Furie, Bruce, [942] Gavgani, Alireza Mazloumi, Furst, Jacob, [408] Gaye, M. M., Golmohammadi, Hassan, [65] Gomes de Lima, Reza [22] K´ assio Michell, [1059] [1132] Gomez, Juan D., [736] Gomez, Luis, [1160] Gondos, Tibor, [730] Gong, Dunwei, [890] Gonz´ alez, Fabio, [309] [813] Furuhashi, Takeshi, [185] Gayou, Olivier, [694] Fuss, R., [234] Gayzik, F. Scott, [729] Fyfe, Murray, [710] Ge, Xinna, [169] Ga´ al, B., [1146] Gecen, Nazmiye, [36, 73] Gal, B., [637] Gee, J., [191] Galeano, J., [799] Gefen, Smadar, [301] Goodacre, Rouston, [207] Galiatsatos, Dimitrios, [853] Gehlhaar, Daniel K., [923, 937] Goodacre, Royston, [725] Gallagher, R. J., [992] Geladi, Paul, [548, 549] Goodarzi, Mohammad, [49] Gallego, M. J., [957] Genever, Paul G., [778] Goodsitt, Michell M., [464, 940, 507] Ghasemi, Jahan B., [52, 68] Gopal, Jeyakodi, [844] Gholami, Maryam, [81] Gorbatenko, Aleksander S., Galvan, Stefano, [677] Galvin, J. M., [1096] Gammerman, Alex, [1051] Gandy, S., [539] Gangl, Alfred, [331] Ganjali, Mohammad Reza, Ganjtabesh, Mohammad, [37] [814] Gholivand, Mohammad B., Gholivand, Good, Walter F., [985, 986, 1011, 1013, 542, 545] [41] Mohammad-Bagher, [905] Gord´ on, Oscar, [35] [322, 395] Goreti Rosa-Freitas, Maria, [679, 684] Gorges-Schleuter, Martina, [154, 155] Ghorai, Santanu, [755] Gotshall, Stanley, [688] Ghosh, Payel, [315] Gottvald, A., [519] Gant, V., [928] Ghosh, S., [580] Goujon-Bellec, Stephanie, Gao, Bi-Xia, [716] Ghost, M. K., [305] Gould, E. A., [955] Gao, Jin, [835] Giegerich, Clemens, [63] Goulermas, John Y., [1047] Gao, Lidong, [855] Giger, M. L., [460] Gourinath, Samudrala, [67] Gao, Nan, [182] Giger, Maryellen L., [206, 478] Govindan, Sapna, [859] Gao, Qinghui, [819] Gilbert, F., [922] Govindarajan, Sridhar, [24] [762] Authors Govorun, V. M., 25 Gur, David, [712] [717, 1102, Harris, M., [1057] Harrison, Leonard C., [135] Hart, Mary Kate, [818] Hart, William E., [142] Hart, William Eugene, [117] Harvey, Neal R., [638] 542, 545] Graham, Allan MacKenzie, Gramatica, Paola, Grassy, G´ erard, Gray, H. F., Grbic, Anthony, Grebe, Reinhard, Green, Darren V. S., [327] Guraksin, Gur Emre, [1053] Gurkiewicz, Meron, [685] Gururaja, K. V., [751] Gussregen, Stefan, [63] Gutjahr, Walter J., [682] [714, 771] [18] [456] [1160] Hasegawa, Mitsuhiko, [939] Guyot-Goubin, Aurelie, [762] Hasegawa, Y., [914] Haas, O. C. L., Hashemi, Masoud Reza, [1124] [220] [31] [919, 934, Grefenstette, John J., [204] Gribbestad, Ingrid S., [1063] Hadaya, Nir, [316] Gribkova, Irina V., [35] Hadizadeh, Farzin, [98, 104] Griffiths, Robert C., [658] H¨ afner, Michael, [331] Grill, Warren M., [705, 843] Haghjoo, Majid, [824] Grosman, Benyamin, [715] Hahn, Lance W., [164] 954, 971, 1005] Grossi, Enzo, [644] Halasz, Gabor, [730] Grotzinger, Carsten, [85] Halder, Amit Kumar, [96, 877] Grozier, S., [279] Haley, Robert W., [785] Grudinina, S. A., [712] Hall, L. D., Grujicic, M., [655] Grunhut, Marcos, [870] [442, 452, 473, 524] Hall, L. O., [1083, 534] Hall, Lawrence O., [463] Halliday, David M., [339] Gruss, Michelle Z., [717] Gu, Yi-Xin, [724] Gu, Yunyan, [889] Halloran, M. Elizabeth, [861] Guan, Qiu, [820] Halpern, Zamir, Guanghua, Chunyan Li, [143] Gu∂mundsson, Mark´ us, [498] Gubernator, Klaus, [132] G¨ u¸c, Melikali, [214] Guerriero, S., [908] Gui, Gerald P. H., [851] Gulinck, Hubert, [695] Gulten, Gulcin, [109] Gunst, Richard F., [785] Guo, M. Z., [171] Guo, T., [852] Guo, Xiaoying, [768] H¨ am¨ al¨ ainen, Matti, [809] [1157, 936, 1086] Hashida, Mitsuru, [60] Hassanien, Aboul Ella, [1074] Hata, Yutaka, [286, 641, 672] Hattori, Yuya, [838] Hauke, S., [389] Hawley, William A., [686] Hayashi, Yoichi, [240] Hayaska, Satoru, [1062] Haydon, Daniel, [188] Hayenga, Heather N., [1054] Hazen, Stanley L., [703] He, Langchong, [69] He, Lifeng, [370] He, Li-Hua, [724] He, Renjie, [271] He, Sailing, [203] He, Wenxing, [1151] Hamarneh, Ghassan, [273, 306] He, Xining, [1056] Hamdy, Shaheen, [1047] He, Ying, [854] Hammer, J¨ urgen, [135] Heang, Ping Chan, [507] Hammoud, Z. T., [813] Hedstr¨ om, Anders, [148] Han, Chao, [863] Heider, D., [389] Han, Jung Ho, [902] Heinrichs, Volker, [24] Handels, H., [965, 525] Helguera, Mar´ıa, [344] Handschuh, Sandra, [21] Helguera, Maria, [312, 328, 737] Hani, Ahmad Fadzil M., [774] Helvie, Mark A., [457, 464, Hao, Ming, [44] 940, 507] Helwig, Bryan G., [715] Haque, M. Ehtashamoul, [393] Hemayed, E., [479] Hara, Takeshi, Hemayed, Elsayed E., [953] Guo, Xin, [169] Guo, Zheng, [889] Guo, Zhou-Yi, [1065] Guojun, Bao, [528] Harada, H., Guozheng, Yan, [320] Gupta, Vinod Kumar, [767] Hara, T., [445] [264, 485, 504, 512] Hemmateenejad, Bahram, 81] [975] Hemon, Denis, [762] Harboun-Cohen, Esther, [687] Heng, Pheng-Ann, [241] H¨ arkonen, Henna H., Hennig, Carsten, [608] [732] [634, 71, 26 Genetic algorithms in medicine Henriques, J., Horan, M. A., [577, 595, 966] Huang, Yueh-Min, [1035] Horan, Michael A., [950] Huang, Zhiwei, [757] Horgan, Richard P., [752] Hubley, Robert M., [165] Hernandez-Garcia, Luis, [1160] Horita, Katsuhei, [445] Hughes, Ian, [31] Herrera, Manuel, [697] Horner, Steven L., [555] Herrmann, W. M., [944, 961] Hornero, Roberto, [1115] [1057] Heris, S. Mostapha Kalami, Heritage, Trevor W., [759] [141] Hugh-Jones, Martin E., [681, 711] Humphrey, Jay D., [1054] Hung, Chih-Cheng, [733] Hunt, David L., [31] Huo, Liqin, [1056] Husbands, Phil, [721] Hussain, Zakaria, [1128] Hust, Michael, [728] Hervas-Martinez, Cesar, [1153] Hossain, M. A., [1110] Herzmann, Grit, [404] Hosseini, Z. S., [970, 983] Hess, A. J., [253] Hosseinifard, Behshad, [1068] Hessler, Gerhard, [63] Hoth, J. Jason, [729] Hickson, I. D., [747] Hou, Q., [1096] Higa, Masaru, [766] Hou, Tingjun, [1009] Hutz, Janna, [789] Higami, T., [630] Hou, Weidong, [1036] Hwa, Er Meng, [581] Higuchi, Tetsuya, [667, 998] Hricak, H., [237] Hynynen, Kullervo, [267] Hijazi, Hussein, [856] Hsu, Ching-Chi, [663, 849] Ib´ an ˜ez, L., [191] Hiley, M. J., [745] Hsu, Hsiang-Ming, [1162] Idicula, Sumam Mary, [830] Hill, A., [226] Hsu, Wei-Yen, [887, 898, 899] Igel, Christian, [605, 352] Hillis, David M., [163] Hu, Benqiong, [177] Ikenberg, Hans, [387] Hiltner, Jens, [912] Hu, Dingyu, [62] Ikezoe, J., [999] Hiltner, J., [256] Hu, Qingmao, [430] Ikuta, Kunihiko, [896] Ilancheran, A., [757] Hinds, R. Michael, [438] Hu, Wen-Chen, [195, 1048, 390] Hines, Evor L., Hinson, Arthur, Hirako, Kenichi, Ileanˇ a, Ioan, [613] Hu, Y., [813] Ilhan, Ilhan, [179] Hu, Yiyang, [891] Iliescu, Daciana D., [801] Hua, Jing, [307] Il’ina, E. N., [712] Huang, C. L., [524] Im, Chang-Hwan, [895] Huang, Chung-Hsien, [300] Imberty, Anne, [847] Huang, Cunrui, [855] Impedovo, Donato, [791] Huang, Guanghui, [99] Inaba, Takeshi, [370] Ingole, V. T., [371] Inman, Brant A., [784] Intraligi, Marco, [644] Isa, Nor Ashidi Mat, [1128] Isacke, Clare M., [851] Ishida, Toshimasa, [766] Ishigaki, Takeo, [445] Ishigaki, T., [264, 485] [801] [1034] [445] Ho, Christine, [819] Hoehn, Gerard, [703] Hoey, Tim, [648] Hoffmeister, Jeffrey W., [239, 243, 247, 262, 533] Hoh, Jeong-Kyu, [1117] Huang, Haiyan, [819] Holder, Mark T., [163] Huang, He, [1122] Holland, Brett, [29] Huang, Jau-Hua, [300] Holls, William, [555] Huang, Liling, [834] Holmes, E. C., [955] Huang, N., [852] Holmes, John H., [576, 929] Huang, Shuying, [358] Honeyman, Marco, [135] Huang, Wenhua, [430] Hong, Mei-zhu, [744] Huang, Wen-qi, [744] Ito, Hiroshi, [766] Hong, Seunghong, [493, 500] Huang, Wenqing, [873] Ito, Masahiro, [896] Hong, Wenxue, [1055] Huang, Xiaosheng, [379] Itoh, H., [449] Hong, Xiao-Dan, [833] Huang, Xiaowu, [763] Itoh, S., [264, 485] Honørio, Nildimar Alves, [684] Huang, Xudong, [177] Ivy, Percy S., [57] Hopfinger, A. J., Huang, Yan-xin, [173] Iwata, Masaya, [667, 998] [994] Authors Iyengar, S. Sitharama, 27 [384] Jiang, Chang-Bin, [835] Kaabouch, Naima, [368, 195, 1048, 390] Iyengar, S. S., [359] Jiang, Ching-Fen, [251] Izadiyan, Parisa, [772] Jiang, Gang, [177] Izquierdo, Joaqu´ın, [697] Jiang, Jack J., [1040] Jackowiak, Paulina, [907] Jiang, Jingying, [651] Jackson, M. I., [745] Jiang, Mingfeng, [671, 746, 873] Jiang, Ouyang Guotai, [143] Jiang, Qiuyue, [169] Jiang, Shanshan, [873] Jacq, Jean-Jos´ e, [1022, 501, 227] Jadhav, Swapnil D., [76] Jafari, Amir Homayoun, [790] Jiang, Tianzi, [248, 272, [883] Jafarpour, Mehrnaz, [98] Jiang, Wei, Jaffar, M. Arfan, [413] Jiang, Xiaoqian, [498] Kachelriess, Marc, [412] Kacprzynski, G. J., [253] Kadah, Yasser M., [313, 329] Kaderali, Lars, [886] Kagadis, G. C., [268] Kai, Toshihiro, [794] Kaiser-Bonasso, Christine, [455] Kajihara, N., [998] [769] Kajitani, I., [998] [180] Kajitani, Isamu, [667] [365] 275, 277] Jafari, Seyed Ali, Kabuka, Mansur R., Jahandideh, Mina, [883] Jiang, Zhibin, [1129] Kakar, Manish, Jahandideh, Sepideh, [883] Jiao, Lijing, [874] Kalantari, Masoud, [802] Jahromi, P. Eftekhar, [45] Jin, Albert Yongwon, [129] Kalderstam, Jonas, [858] Jain, Sunil K., [713] Jin, Bo, [1152] Kalganova, Tatiana, [622] Jakobsson, Stefan, [148] Jin, Qi, [885] Kallarakkal, Thomas George, Jalali-Heravi, M., Jin, Yaochu, [890] Kalra, Naveen, [425, 433] [45, 54] [613] Kaltsatis, P., [905] Jitaru, Maria, [979] Jalalvand, Ali R., Johansson, C. B., [296] Kam, A., [521] Johnson, Donald E., [1116] Kamano, T., [975] Johnson, Mark S., [30] Johnston, Victor, [1167] Jokerst, Nan M., [426] Jolivot, R., [799] Jones, Gareth, [139] Jones, Jennifer T., [24] Jalbert, Llewellyn, [773] Janc, K., [1073] Jang, Younggun, [493, 500] Janikow, Cezary Z., [559] Jansen, A., [389] Janssen, M. A., [949] Jantschi, Lorentz, [102] Javid, Samad, [1078] Jefferson, M. F., [595, 966] Jefferson, Miles F., [950] Jen, Lim Chong, [581] Jenkins, Jeremy L., [789] Jenssen, Havard, [55] Jewajinda, Yutana, [431] Jha, Tarun, [96, 877] Ji, Bingbing, Ji, Fei, Kamarulzaman, Hamzah, Jones, Matthew D., [1099] Joshi, Anjali, [371] Jourdan, Laetitia, [623] Joyce, Karen E., [1062] Joyner, Timothy Andrew, [711] Jr, V. Pilla, [538] Ju, Quan, [339] Ju, Wenbin, [876] Judson, Olivia P., [188] [778] [726] Juhola, Martti, [758] [403] Kan, Jichang, [197] Kang, Chu Chun, [722] Kang, Yujung, [380] Kanniainen, Olli, [693] Kao, Ceng-Yan, [130] Kao, Cheng-Yan, [1023, 119] Kao, Jui-Hung, [147] Kao, Ming-Hung, [366] Karajeh, Huda, [1041] Karami, Ghodrat, [1078] Karbakhsh, R., [48] Kareem, Sameem Abdul, [758] Karimi, Koohyar, [691] Karimi, Reza, [348] Karkavitsas, George, [298] Karnan, M., [1042] [612, 614] [591, 489, Ji, Jun, [1152] Jia, Chunguang, [505] Jung, Byungjo, [1039] Karouzakis, K., Jia, Jianping, [800] Jung, Hsuan, [734] Karthikeyan, Kayathri, [844] Jia, Yingmin, [819] Jung, Young-Jin, [895] Kashanian, Mehdi, Jian, Hualing, [128] Jurs, Peter C., [134] Kasibotla, Agasthya V., [84] 1084, 982, 991, 1000] [193] 28 Genetic algorithms in medicine Kasprzak, Wojciech, [742] Kikuchi, T., [999] Kokol, P., [583, 383, 219, 972, 1010] Katkova, Ekaterina V., [95] Kim, B. Y., [570] Katti, Seturam B., [49] Kim, Byung-Chun, [770] Kawamura, T., [630] Kim, Chae-Yong, [902] Kaya, Mehmet, [214] Kim, Daejeong, [895] Ke, J. Y., [951] Kim, Dong Gyu, [902] Kehtamavaz, Nasser, [627] Kim, H. C., [706] Keijzer, Maarten, [647] Kim, Jung-Hoon, [895] Kell, Douglas B., [207, 653, 752] Kim, Soo Hyung, [399] Kemsley, E. Kate, [795] Kim, Young-Hoon, [902] Kendell, D., [1101] Kimura, Toru, [794] Kenny, Bob, [270] King, M. A., [827] Kenny, Louise C., [653, 752] Kinghorn, B., [158] Kent, Alexander R., [843] Kini, P., [556] Kentala, Erna L., [591, 991] Kinjo, Tomohiro, [109] Kermani, Bahram Ghaffarzadeh, [1087] Kewley, Robert H., [23] Keymeulen, Didier, [998] Khabbaz, Kamal R., [859] Khader, Ahamad Tajudin, [403] Kinoshita, Kengo, [175] Kircher, T., [389] Kirkman, E., [966] Kiryati, Nahum, [301] Kishi, S., [914] Kishore, N. N., [369] Khadivi, Pejman, [1124] Kitamura, Mitsuru, [109] Khajeh, Mostafa, [875] Kitney, Richard I., [1075] Khalaf, Reema Abu, [33] Klein, T. A., [706] Khalil, Ahmad S., [660] Klema, Jiri, [211] Khaloozadeh, Hamid, [759] Kl´ ema, Jiˇr´ı, [1038] Khan, Mahvish, [56] Klinkenberg, Brian, [710] Khan, Riaz A., [106] Kloppel, B., [930] Khan, Saif, [56] Knaup, Michael, [412] Khandelwal, Niranjan, [425, 433] Knoll, Peter, [270, 285] Khani, Hadi, [767] Kobashi, Syoji, [286, 641, 672] Khatchikian, C., [1101] Kobayashi, Maiko, [109] Khayati, Rasoul, [419] Kobayashi, Yasuhiko, Khazaee, Ali, [1052] Kherlopian, Armen R., Kokot, Serge, [837] Koljonen, Janne, [693, 548, 549] Komatsu, Hideyuki, [109] Kondakova, Olga A., [35] Kondo, Katsuya, [286, 641, 672] Kong, Nan, [892] Kong, Xiangzhen, [768] Koppen, M., [234] Koralewski, Hans-Eberhard, [564, 1019] Korber, Bette, [818] Koriska, Karl, [270] Korkin, Dmitry, [22] Korner, A., [978] Korngreen, Alon, [685, 822] Kos, Bor, [775] Koseki, Yuji, [109] Koski, Kristine G., [812, 840] Kosugi, Y., [200, 441] Kosugi, Yukio, [529] Kotcheff, A. C. W., [216] Kotcheff, A. C., [491] Koutcher, J. A., [237] Kovaˇ ciˇ c, Miha, [657] Kovecses, Jozsef, [802] Kozmann, G., [1146, 637] Kramer, Kirsten Elisabeth, Krantz, Lena, [650] [654] Krestyannikov, Evgeny, [327] Kreusch, J., [965, 525] Krieg, Rene C., [387] Krishna, Murali C., [367] [838] Krishnan, Shekhar, [42] Ko¸cer, Sabri, [144] Krogh-Madsen, Trine, [783] [783] Kodali, Shyam P., [369] Krohn, Jorgen, [780] Khiani, K. J., [481] Koh, Chan G., [589] Krol, A., [737] Khomitch, Vitali, [638] Koh, Chang Seop, [302, 354] Krol, Andrzej, [312, 328, 344] Khoo, V. S., [1092] K¨ ohler, Bert-Uwe, [608] Krol, Marcin, [42] Khoobehi, Bahram, [359, 384] Khn, Horst, [270] Krone, Joerg, [220] Kohzadi, M., [114] Kruggel, F., [446] Khoshneviszadeh, Mehdi, [71] Khotanlou, Hassan, [407] Koistinen, Hannu, [732] Kubalik, Jiri, [211] Kido, Choichiro, [445] Kokol, Peter, [1094] Kubal´ık, Jiˇr´ı, [1038] Authors Kubinyi, Hugo, 29 Lahanas, M., [133] [612, 614, Leach, Andrew R., [139] Leader, Joseph K., [399] Leal, Rogerio P., [1076] 1140, 1002] Kudaka, M., K¨ uhl, Christofer, Kuhne, Ronald, [518] Lahiri, Tapobrata, [170] Lahsasna, Adel, [1113] [269] Lederman, Dror, [85] Lahtela-Kakkonen, Maija, Kuiken, Carla, [818] Kuklinski, Walter S., [910, 437] Kula, M. R., [1024] Kulandaivelu, Umasankar, [732] Lai, Feipei, [147] Lee, Andrew, [1123] Lai, Peggy S., [867] Lee, Dah-Jye, [692] Lai, Yan-Hua, [836] Lee, D., [782] Lainscsek, C., [782] Lee, Dong-Yup, [777] La Rocca, Renato, [278] Lee, E. K., [992] Lam, Andy Yan-Yu, [147] Lee, Eunsil, [493] Lam, Hong Yoong, [403] Lee, HeowPueh, [664] Lam, Kwok L., [457] Lee, Howard, [848] Lam, W., [244] Lee, Jiann-Der, [300, 458, 470] Lamarque, D., [799] Lee, Joon, [735, 859] Lambrou, Antonis, [1051] Lee, June-Goo, [1111, 416] Lammi, S., [1000] Lee, Jungsul, [380] Lan, Yihua, [733] Lee, Man-Ling, [19] Lanconelli, N., [249, 604] Lee, Mei-Ling Tin, [1117] Land, W. H., [979] Lee, Ming-Yuan, [829] Lee, O., [1134] Lee, P. V., [495] Lee, Peter V., [513] Lee, Sangjean, [500] Lee, Sangmin, [493] Lee, T., [1137] Lee, Tong, [252] [75] Kulkov, Val, [59] Kulubekova, Saule, [882] Kumar, A. Senthil, [640, 664] Kumar, M. Aswath, [779] Kumar, Pradeep, [106] Kumar, Praveen, [750, 409, 77] Kumar, Sumit, [78] Kumar, Sunil, [707] Kumar, Vinod, [425, 433] Kumaravel, N., [1026, 1139] Kumari, V. Vijaya, [308] Kuncheva, Ludmila I., [560] Kundu, M. K., [332] Kuntz, Irwin D., [28] Land, Walker H., [205, 242, 263] Landini, Luigi, [410] Landrin-Schweitzer, Yann, [288] Kunwar, Rakesh Singh, [393] Kupinski, M. A., Lane, R., [1134] Langenberger, Thierry, [509] Langer, Mark, [1134] Lanzeni, Stefano, [678] [531] Kupinski, Matthew A., [206, 478] Kupinski, M., [460] Kurnaz, Mehmet Nadir, [276] Kuroda, K., [1082] Kurosaka, M., [672] Kurtzman, Aaron L., [24] Kurzydlowski, Krzysztof J., Kutics, A., Kutics, Andrea, Kutov, Danil C., [717, 1102, 397, 399, 841] Lee, Yongbum, [264, 292, Larra˜ naga, Pedro, [945] Larra naga, Pedro, [957] Leendert, R. van, [567] 485, 512] Larra˜ naga, Pedro, [960] Leeson, Mark S., [801] Larson, Scott R., [702] LeFevre, J., [931] Laskaris, N., [221] Legoupil, Samuel, [363, 374] Lau, Audrey O. T., [792] Legrand, Pierrick, [687, 375] Lau, Tze Kin, [252] Lehmann, Thomas M., [235] Laughton, C. A., [747] Lehndert, R. van, [566] Laurienti, Paul J., [1062] Lei, Beilei, [40] [832] [447] [451, 467] [95] Kuznetsov, Yuryi V., [35] Kwok, James T., [318] Kwok, Leung Lam, [507] Kwon, Jangwoo, [493, 500] Lavine, B. K., [813] Leirs, Herwig, [695] Kwon, Kihwan, [380] Law, Tsui-Ying, [241] Lenski, Richard E., [161] Kyani, Anahita, [55] Lazar, Cosmin, [90] Leon, Lisa R., [715] Labelle, Hubert, [871] Lazaro-Ponthus, Delphine, Lerch, R., [561] Lago, M. A., [1071] Lazorchak, Jim, Leren, T. P., [1027] Laurikkala, Jorma, [591, 257, 952, 489, 1084, 982, 991, 1000] [363, 374] [174] Lei, Jie, [1044, 1045, 1050] 30 Genetic algorithms in medicine Leren, Troud P., [157] Li, Shutao, [318] Lin, X., [326] Letellier, C., [782] Li, Temei, [617] Lin, Yu-Da, [1125, 178] [1090] [503] Leung, Kwong Sak, [238, 244] Li, Wei, [769] Lin, Zhiyue, Levenson, Richard M., [638] Li, W., [353] Linares, P., Levin, Michael, [924] Li, Wuxiong, [648] Levine, Rebecca S., [686, 700] Li, Xia, [769] Levy-Drummer, Rachel S., [316] Li, Xiangchen, [180] Lindholm-Sethson, Britta, [548, 549] Lindon, John C., [765] Lineaweaver, Sean, [645] Ling, Steve S. H., [1058] Ling, Xuefeng B., [1152] Ling, Xuefeng Bruce, [648] Linkens, D. A., [590] Linkens, Derek A., [932] Levy-Vehel, Jacques, [687] Li, Xiangyan, [768] Lewin, Jonathan S., [291] Li, Xiaodong, [248] Lewis, Paul O., [163] Li, Xiaomei, [341] Lewis, Paul S., [1165, 229] Li, Xue-Mei, [716] Leyman, A. Rahim, [581] Li, Xue-Wang, [716] Lipinski, P., [1073] Lhotsk´ a, Lenka, [1038] Li, Yangmei, [1030, 1031] Litt, Brian, [1034] Li, Bailiang, [889] Li, Yan, [44, 835] Little, R. A., [966] Li, C., [325] Li, Yanlian, [62] Liu, Boqiang, [341] Li, George Q., [1072] Li, Yongjie, Liu, Chang, [864] Li, Guo, [835] Liu, Chunyang, [889] Liu, Dan, [169] Liu, Dongxiang, [128] Liu, Feng, [746] Liu, Gui-xia, [173] [633, 1044, 1045, 1050] Li, Jia, Li, Yupeng, [1123] Li, Zhan-Chao, [836] Li, Zhi-Qiang, [835] Lian, Baofeng, [769] Liang, Chunlin, [1126] Liu, Hong, [733] Liang, David, [83] Liu, Huanxiang, [40] Liang, Hualou, [1090, 486] [62] Li, Jiazhong, Li, Jing, Li, Jingya, Li, Jingyi Jessica, Li, Junbo, [89] [1055, 835] [62] [819] [1030, 1031, 980] Liu, Huaying, [1122] Li, Jung-Chike, [842] Liang, Xuwei, [307] Liu, Jane Jijun, [648] Li, Jupeng, [324] Liao, Mingzhi, [769] Liu, Jia-kuang, [514, 540] Li, King C. P., [854] Liaw, C. Y., [589] Liu, Jianghong, [800] Li, King, [703] Lieberman, Jeffrey A., [57] Liu, Jingao, [196] Liu, JiZhong, [42] Liu, Kun-Hong, [876] Liu, Li-Chang, [300] Liu, Li, [739, 1056] Liu, Linda Y., [1152] Liu, Ning-Han, [1162] Liu, Qiao-Dan, [835] Liu, Qingzhong, [177] Liu, Renyu, [83] Li, Kong M., [1072] Liengsawangwong, R., [325] Li, Leling, [942] Likotjannasis, S. D., [607, 618] Li, Lihua, [841] Lim, Gino J., [1123] Li, Li, [769, 864] Lima, W. C. de, [948] Li, Lin, [800] Limbert, Georges, [754] Li, Ming-Xi, [716] Lin, Cui, [307] Li, Na, [855] Lin, Feng-Seng, [147] Li, Ningshan, [893] Lin, Jeng-Wei, [147] Li, Pengfei, [69, 889] Lin, Jinn, [663, 894] Liu, Shih-Ting, [147] Li, Qiao, [906] Lin, Ming-Cheng, [807] Liu, Song-Hao, [1065] Li, Qingli, [196] Lin, Qihua, [785] Liu, Taotao, [763] Li, Shan, [889] Lin, Shih-Wei, [415] Liu, Wei, [1123, 841] Li, Shao-Xin, [1065] Lin, Xiaoling, [855] Liu, X. Y., [171] Li, Shiyong, [373] Lin, Xi-Zhang, [436] Liu, Xiaohui, [616] Authors 31 Liu, Xue-Jiao, [716] Lupsor, Monica, Liu, Xun, [893] Lursinsap, Chidchanok, [903] Makrogiannis, Sokratis, [335] Liu, Y., [171] Lustrek, Mitja, [740, 805, 821] Malcic, I., [219] [288, 687] Malhotra, Harish K., [1099] Malik, Sarfraz Ahmed, [393] Liu, Yong, [450, 959, Lutton, Evelyne, Mak, Sunny, [753] 1012] ´ Lutton, Evelyne, [363, 374, [710] Liu, Yuan, [800] Mallet, Nicolas, [900] Liu, Zhi-Gang, [835] Lutton, Evelyne, [406] Man, K. F., [951] Liu, Zhi-Ming, [1065] Lv, Linsheng, [893] Mancinelli, Livia, [787] Liu, Zhiyue, [486] Lv, Yingli, [769] Mandal, Abhyuday, [366] Liu, Zhongguo, [341] Lyell, Deirdre J., [1152] Mandava, Venkat R., [225, 204] Livdahl, T., [1101] Ma, Huijuan, [893] Manetta, S., [510] Ljubic, Ivana, [788] Ma, Lanping, [62] Manetti, Cesare, [787] Lo, Joseph Y., [205, 242, 263] Ma, Li Zhuang, [891] Mani, Haresh, [414] Lo, Justin Y., [426] M¨ a¨ att¨ a, Juha A. E., [732] Maniadakis, M., [575] Locke, A. G., [862] Mace, Michael, [904] Mani-Varnosfaderani, A., Lockwood, Larry, [26, 27] Maciunas, Robert, [626] Mann, D., [595] Lodhi, Mazhar U., [82] MacKenzie, Sasho J., [826] Mantzaris, Dimitrios, [723] Loke, Pei Yi, [749] Manuck, Stephen B., [57] Lonˇ cari´ c, Sven, [439] Manzano, Mark, [742] Longini, Ira M. Jr, [861] Manzoni, Pietro, [869] Lonning, Per E., [1063] Mao, Chi-Wu, [436] Lopes, H. S., [996, 538] Mao, C., [852] Lopes, Heitor S., [620, 948] Mao, Qian-guo, [744] Lopez, Heitor Silv´ erio, [149] Marchesi, Bruno, [149] Lopez-Andujar, R., [1071] Marchetti, Mauro, [1161] Lou, Tanqi, [893] Marchi, Alessandra, [878] Louchet, Jean, [363, 374] Lounibos, L. Philip, [686] Loureiro, Joseph, [789] Lovy, Linda S., [717] Low, Jeffrey J. H., [757] Lu, Hengyun, [1149] Lu, Shiyong, [307] Lu, Weixue, [505] Lu, Xinxin, [863] Lucas, S. B., [577, 966, 565] Lucas, Sam B., Luitgards-Moura, 1061] Madadkar-Sobhani, Armin, Madadlou, Ashkan, [815] Maddalena, D. J., [127] Madhavan, Radhika, [41] [866] Madheswaran, Muthusamy, Madhusudan, S., [747] Madi, Arwa M., [58] Madihally, Sundar, [86] Maeda, Chika, [641] [1120] Mar¸co, Paulo Henrique, [1059, 1060] Maggini, Valentina, [166] Magill, Lukas C., [46] Magill, Peter J., [900] Mahan, S. L., [665] Mahanand, B. S., [779] Mahendar, Porika, [75] Mahfouf, M., [590] Mahiou, Ramdane, [333, 349] Jos´ e Marcos, J. Victor, [1115] Marcus, Emil, [125] Marder, Stephen R., [57] Marinelli, Martina, [410] Marjoram, Paul, [734] Marks, Lawrence B., [694] Maroulis, D., [213] Marq, Benoit M., [508] Mahmoodi, M. Mohsen, [45] Marquez, Guillermo, [627] Mahmoodian, Hamid, [793] Marrakchi-Kacem, Linda, Mai, Hai-Qiang, [1065] Marten, Frank, [145] Mainardi, Luca, [1161] Martens, J. M., [949] [950] Francisco, [679, 684] [45, 54] [421] Lukhnova, Larissa, [711] Majdi-Nasab, Nariman, [17] Martinez, Francisco J., [869] Lundgren, Steinar, [1063] Maji, Pradipta, [332] Martinez-Martinez, F., [1071] Luo, Mei-Juan, [833] Majumder, M. A. A., [1110] Martinez-Perez, I., [456] Luo, X., [559] Majumder, P. P., [580] Martin-Guerrero, J. D., [1071] 32 Genetic algorithms in medicine Martini, Anna, [314] McIntosh, Chris, [306] Mihara, Kiyoshi, [60] Martins, Maria, [1077] McKee, Dan, [263] Miklavcic, Damijan, [775] Martis, R. J., [908] McLaren, CVhristine E., [691] Miliani, L., [223] McNay, D., [461] Milickovic, N., [612, 614] McNyset, Kristina M., [681] Mills, J. A., Mart´ınez-Campos, Carmen, Mart´ınez-Meyer, Enrique, [636] [636] [919, 934, 954, 971] Marvin, N., [1004] McTavish, Thomas, [1159] Marzani, F., [799] McWeeney, Shannon, [811] Masotti, Andrea, [787] Mechref, Y., [813] Massa, Andrea, [246, 314] Medina, Veronica, [260] Massad, E., [1085] Medina, V., [284] Masters, G., [922] Meesad, P., [261] Miranda, Pedro Cavaleiro, Masters, Timothy D., [242, 263] Mehdipour, Ahmadreza, [74] Miranda, P., Mastronardi, G., [294] Min, David I., [995] Minowa, Yohsuke, [794] Minster, J. B., [922] Mirakhorli, Shima, [767] Miranda, Dinis Reis, [1001] [901] [520] Mehrabian, Mohadeseh, [55] Miranda-Saavedra, Diego, Mastronardi, Guiseppe, [378] Mehrshad, N., [1104] Miri, Ramin, [71, 74, 81] Mata, la, Manuel d, [1153] Mehta, Akul Y., [79] Mirjankar, N., [813] Matecha, J., [194] Meng, Fan-Liang, [724] Mirza, Sikander M., [732] Meng, Tao, [62] Matrajt, Laura, [861] Menigot, Sebastien, [427] [254, 268, 969, 1088] [285] Mishra, A., [305] Mishra, Hrishikesh, [170] Mishra, Vijay, [713] Misra, Krishna, [170] Mitamura, Yoshinori, [766] Mitchell, Melanie, [315] Mitra, Pabitra, [1028] Mitra, Suman K., [1138] Mitra, Sushmita, [1028, 240] Miyake, Yoichi, [376] Miyata, Yujiro, [185] Miyokawa, T., [976] Mo, Yulong, [1036] Mobli, Hossien, [815] Mochizuki, T., [999] Merino, Maria J., [414] Matsui, Kazuhiro, [529] Mertik, M., [383] Matsui, K., [200, 441] Matsumoto, Hiroyuki, [939] Matter, Hans, [63] Matteucci, Matteo, [1161] [1046, 846, 886] [270] Mirzaei, S., [445] Maulik, Ujjwal, Mirzaei, Siroos, Merican, Amir Feisal Merican Aljunid, [758] Matsubara, Tomoko, Mattsson, Johanna M., [732] [317, 334, 334, 338, 340, 350, 396] Matero, Sanni, Matsopoulos, George K., [810] Mesgari, Mohammad Saad, [424] Meskens, N., [666] Messina, Enza, [678] Messing, E. M., [993, 1014] Metallo, Christian M., [797] Metzger, A., [1093] Maus, B¨ arbel, [776] Metzler, Volker, [220] Maxwell, R. J., [456] Meuli, Reto, [509] Mayaud, Louis, [867] Meunier, Jean, [259] Mazaki, Yusaku, [896] Meunier, J., [532] McAllister, Gregory, [789] Meyer, Claudia M., [228] Mccall, J. A. W., [527] Meyer zu Bexten, E., [256] McCall, John, [635] Mezura, Efren, [806] McCallum, R. W., [486] Micera, Silvestro, [1105] McCallum, Richard W., [1090] Michelena, M. J., [957] Moghadam, Z. Razaghi Kashan, [814] McCowan, Lesley M., [752] Michielssen, Eric, [1160, 461] Moghimi, S., [828] McCurdy, B., [1106] Middleton, L. T., [562, 563] Mohamed, S., [966] McDonnell, John R., [925] Miften, Moyed, [694] Mohammed, M. Z., [747] McDowell, J. J., [857, 882] Mignotte, Max, [259] Mohan, S., [989] McInerney, Tim, [273] Mignotte, M., [532] Mohri, K., [88] Mofrad, Mohammad R. Kaazempur, [660] Mofrad, Mohammed R. Kaazempur, [348] Authors 33 Moini, Majid, [879] Muldoon, Matthew F., [57] Neely, Brian J., [86] Molaei, Damoon, [424] Mun, S. K., [476] Neerinckx, Simon B., [695] Moldoveanu, F., [494] Munshi, Prabhat, [369] Neff, Bryan D., [167] Molinari, Filippo, [825] Muraca, Maurizio, [787] Neglia, Danilo, [410] [1024] Molinari, F., [908] Murakami, Kazuhito, [370] Nellen, F., Monakov, Mikhail Yu, [35] Murakami, M., [998] Nelson, J. Stuart, [1039] Mondal, Chanchal, [877] Murase, K., [999] Nelson, Sarah J., [773] Monserrat, C., [1071] Murugan, S., [709] Nemeth, S. C., [290] Montalvo, Idel, [697] Murugesan, R., [367] Nerurkar, Ashutosh, [851] Musolino, Nicholas, [97] Neto, M. Augusta, [1076] Myers, Jenny, [653] Neumann, Avidan U., [316] Myers, Timothy G., [968] Neumann, Martin, [270] Monteiro de Barros, F´ abio Saito, [679, 684] Montilla, G., [503] Montilla, Guillermo, [223, 224] Mookiah, M. R. K., [908] Moon, Woo Kyung, [415] Mooney, Michael, [811] Moore, Jason H., [164, 1080] Moradi, Mohammad Hassan, [1068] Nagayama, I., [518] Nagel, R., [492] Nagle, H. Troy, [1087] Nagpal, Isha, [67] Naguib, Ibrahim A., [66] [809] Ng, E. Y. K., [385] Ng, Joseph, [757] Ng, L., [191] Ngan, P. S., [244] Ngo, L. H., [862] Nguyen, Hung T., [1058] Ni, Guangzheng, [302] Ni, Yan-fei, [726] Ni, Yongnian, [837] Nian, Wen, [482] Niccolai, M. J., [202] Nicholis, Thomas E., [287] [904] Nickolay, B., [234] [933] [256] Najarian, Siamak, [879] Morais, J., [1057] Nakaguchi, Toshiya, [376] Nakamura, Ikuo, [472] Morbiwala, Tasnim A., [872] Nakano, Manami, [670] Moreno, L., [210, 1037] Nakao, Zensho, Moreno, Rui, [1001] [1069] [466, 472, 483, 487, 490, 497, 543] Nakazawa, Yoshinori, Morgan, Alexander A., [1152] n, [145, 900] Nevo, Uri, Moraga, C., Morales Cruzado, Beatriz, Nevado-Holgado, Alejo J., [636] [?] Morgan, K., [577] Morgera, Andrea, [1147] Morita, Koji, [109] Nandi, Sisir, [51] Niederberger, Craig, Morrill, S., [1134] Nandy, Rajesh, [404] Nielsen, Carsten Uhd, [50] Morrison, Clayton T., [205] Narayana, Ponnada A., [271] Nigsch, Florian, [789] Mortazavi, S. S., [100, 113] Narayanan, M. N., [565] Nikiforidis, G. C., [268] Mosher, John C., [1165, 229] Narayanasamy, P., [187] Nikita, Konstantina S., [969, 1088] Mosier, Philip D., [107] Narimani, Hojat, [897] Nilsen-Hamilton, Marit, [756] Moskowitz, Myron, [455] Narita, M., [938, 941] Motokawa, Wataru, [1025] Mouravliansky, Nicolaos A., na, Gabriel Ma}ga06aGManana Nandi, Dipankar, Nasab, Nariman Majdi, [14] [254, 268, 969, 1088] Mubarak, Mohammad S., Muge, Fernando, [33, 47] [588] Nassar, Diaa Eldin, [16] Na¨ıt-Ali, Amine, [361] Naushahi, Mohammad, [904] Muhammad, Majidat A.,[818] Nayebzadeh, M., [970, 983] Mukamel, S., [1158] Nazareth, Daryl P., [1099] Mukherjee, Anirban, [755] Nazem-Bokaee, Hadi, [881] Nishikawa, D., [998] Nishikawa, R. M., [492] Nishimura, Ikuya, [766] Nishimura, Y., [976] Nissanov, Jonathan, [301] Nithiyanandam, N., [1139] Niu, Dao-Li, [835] Noorizadeh, Hadi, Mukhopadhyay, Anirban, [846, 886] Ndesendo, Valence M. K., [106] [92, 100, 897, 112, 113, 114, 115] Noorizadeh, Mehrab, [897] 34 Genetic algorithms in medicine Noorizadeh, Mehrad, [100, 112, ¨ Olmez, Tamer, [1033, 276] Pant, Sanjay, [754] Olmez, T., [956, 516] Papadopoulos, Harris, [1051] ¨ Olmez, T., [541] Papagiannopoulou, M., [612, 614] Olmi, R., [510] Papathanasopoulos, P., [221] Olsen, Dag Rune, [365] Papiez, L., 113, 114] Nordal, Inger, [157] Nordal, I., [1027] Nordling, Torbj¨ orn E. M., [693, 548, 549] Norouzi, Parviz, [37] Ong, Kok Meng, [642] North, Robyn A., [752] Ono, Atsushi, [794] Novelline, Robert, [416] Onorati, Francesco, [1161] Novic, Marjana, [116] Onori, Manuela, [787] Novikov, Fedor N., [59] Onuki, T., [976] Nowack, W. J., [202] Orglmeister, Reinhold, [608] Nowe, Ann, [90] Ortega, Francis A., [783] Osin, Peter, [851] Nowshirava Rahatabad, Fereidoun, [790] Nowzari-Dalini, A., Osman, Muhammad Khusairi, [1128] [814] Osowski, Stanislaw, [774] Osuna-Enciso, Valent´ın, [428] Nunes, Jean-Claude, [311, 364] Ota, Motonori, [175] Ouh-Young, Ming, [119] [434] N¨ urnberg, H. G., [1021, 568] Ouhyoung, Ming, [130] Nyongesa, H. Okola, [932] Owen, F., [595] Nystr¨ om, Josefina, [548, 549] Ozaki, Masao, [1025] Ocak, Hasan, [1130] Ozdemir, Muhsin, [26, 27] Ochoa, Edward M., [239, 243, Ozyurt, Ibrahim Burak, [796] 247, 262, 265, 533] Pace, Fabio, O’Connor, Patrick M., [644] [968] Padilla Casta˜ neda, M. A., Oechtering, Peter, [625] [480] Padmanabhan, Radhakrishnan, [742] Oferkin, Igor V., [95] Offman, Marc N., [42] Ogirala, Mythili, [15, 16] Oguz, Kaya, [435] Oh, Chang Wan, [902] Pappalardo, Francesco, [1114] Parda, David S., [694] Pardoe, David A., [31] Paredes, S., [1057] Pareja, E., [1071] Parisay, I., [828] Park, C. H., [1137] Park, C., [1137] Park, Jeong-Hoon, [902] Park, K. S., [570] Park, L. J., [1137] Park, Moon-Il, [1117] Park, Sang Cheol, [394, 399] Park, Yoon-Joo, [770] Park, Young-Sun, [1117] Parker, Joel S., [164] Parker, Michael, [818] Parkinson, Wendy, [645] Parodi, Alexandre, [553] Parrill, A., [122] Parsons, M. D., [925] Parthiban, Latha, [550] Parvaneh, Saman, [824] Pascual-Leone, Alvaro, [901] [760] Nugroho, Hermawan, Nunes, Rodolfo Acatauassu, [701] Pahlavan, Pedram, [879] Pai, S., [499] Pal, Sankar K., [1028] Pasqualoto, Kerly Fernanda M., Palafox, G., [632] Passaretti, Sandro, [644] Palmer, Gregory M., [426] Passaro, Alessandro, [166] Ohkubo, Masaki, [292] Palous, Jiri, [211] Pastorelli, Stefano, [1100] Ohlsson, Mattias, [858] Pan, Jin-shui, [744] Pastorino, Matteo, [246, 314] Ohno, Yasuo, [794] Pan, Ming-Kai, [147] Patel, Apoorva, [159] Ohno-Machado, L., [582, 1008] Pan, Xiaohua, [834] Patel, H. C., [994] Ohta, Hiroyuki, [175] Pan, Xiaoyan, [69] Patel, Naina, [42] Okamura, T., [474] Pan, Zheng, [648] Patel, P. M., [747] Okazaki, K., [482] Panayides, N., [562] Patel, Paresh K., [64] Okunieff, P. G., [993, 1014] Pandeya, Surendra N., [750] Patete, Paolo, [878] Okunieff, P., [585] Pang, Chaoyang, [177] Patten, Philip A., [24] Oliveira, D´ ario A. B., [377] Pang, Yong, [337] Pattichis, C. S., [562, 563] Oliveira, Dario A. B., [382] Pang, Yuxi, [414] Pattichis, Constantinos S., [935] [39] Authors 35 Patton, Robert M., [698] Petrovski, Andrei, [635] Poppi, Ronei J., [597] Patton, Ronald J., [778] Petrovski, A., [527] Poppl, S. J., [965, 525] Paul, Jochen, [566, 567] Pfeiffer, Dirk U., [738] Porro, Gabriele Bianchi, [644] Paull, Kenneth D., [968] Pfotenhauer, M., [567] Porto, V. W., [947, 981, 988] Pfurtscheller, G., [913] Poshtan, Javad, [1109] Pham, Tuan D., [362] Positano, Vincenzo, [410] Phimoltares, Suphakant, [903] Poso, Antti, [732] Piazzolla, Alessandro, [378] Potok, Thomas E., [698] Picaza, J. M., [957] Potrebko, P., [1106] Piccione, Francesco, [1161] Poupon, Anne, [764] Pickens, III, David R., [225, 204] Pour-Abdollah, Syamak, [535] Pickering-Brown, S., [595] Pourabdollah-Nezhad, Siamak, Pickett, Stephen D., [31] Picton, P. D., [536] Picu, Dorin, [566, 567] Pilla, Jr V., [996] Pillay, Viness, [106] Pinto, Peter A., [414] Pirlo, Giuseppe, [791] Piscaglia, Patrick, [508] Paulson, Rolf, [368, 195, 1048] Pavlidis, Stelios P., [761] Payandeh, Shahram, [617] Payer, Hannes, [331] Payne, Annette M., [761] Pazilov, Yerlan, [711] Pazos, Alejandro, [462] P´ ean, Vincent, [687, 375] Pechlivanis, Ioannis, [352] Peck, Charles C., Pedersen, Lee G., Pedrycz, Witold, Pei, Xiaohua, Peirce, Shayn M., [556, 228] [942] [1145] [893] [1054] Pe˜ na-Reyes, Carlos Andr´ es, [579, 587, 598, 609, 629, 1006, 1015] Pourbasheer, Eslam, [37] Pourhossein, Alireza, [41] Pournajafi, K., [100] Power, Maxine, [1047] Prabhakar, Yenamandra S., [49] Prather, Jonathan Charles, [236] Praveen, Vandana, [56] Preece, Steve J., [280] Pendleton, Neil, [950] Pitcher, Trevor E., [167] Preema, N., [683] Pendleton, N., [577, 595, 966] Pitiot, Alain, [266] Pregenzer, M., [913] Peng, Jinglin, [318] Pizzi, Nicolino J., [1145] Prieto, Victor, [627] Peng, Lingxi, [1126] Playfer, Jeremy R., [339] Priftis, Konstantinos, [1161] Peng, Luying, [864] Plishker, William, [345, 360] Priori, S., [510] Peng, Shih Chi, [722] Podbregar, Matej, [657] Proutski, V., [955] Peng, Sihua, [648] Podforelec, V., [972] Pu, Yuepu, [803] Peng, Wen, [319] Podgorelec, Vili, [1094] Pueh, Lee Heow, [640] Peng, Yidong, [892] Podgorelec, V., [583, 219, 1010] Peng, Zhengwei, [111] Penttinen, Jorma, [982] Perez, Juan Manuel Sanchez, Perez, Serge, Poh, Chueh Loo, [1075] Pohida, Thomas, [414] Pohlmann, A., [578] Poizner, H., [782] [727] [847] Perez-Aguilar, Jose Manuel, [83] Poli, Riccardo, Perez-Castillo, Yunierkis, [90] [282, 916, 1081, 471, 523, 231] Pulido, Juan Antonio Gomez, [30] Putignani, Lorenza, [787] Putra, Devi, [778] Pyka, M., [389] Pyykk¨ o, Ilmari V., [591, 991] Qadri, Muhammad A. J., [1163, 1164] [148] Polifeme, C., [592] Qian, Guipeng, [319] Peters, Ashton, [323] Pollock, Bruce G., [57] Qian, Z., [353] Peters, Tim K., [564, 1019] Polo, Stephanie, [742] Qiao, Yuchen, [800] Pont, M. J., [946] Qin, Jianxin, [855] Poon, Josiah, [874] Qiu, Qingjun, [651] Poon, Simon, [874] Qu, Xiuli, [892] Popa, Maria, [613] Quesneville, Hadi, [160] [628, 636, 1097, 684, 1098, 699] Peterson, Andrew T., Petrick, Nicholas, 940, 507] [727] Puranen, J. Santeri, Persson, Mikael, Peterson, A. Townsend, [233, 255] [695] [457, 464, 36 Genetic algorithms in medicine Quintana, M. I., [282] Qureshi, Shahzad Ahmad, [317, 334, Razuc, Mariela F., [870] Rodningen, O. K., [1027] Razzaghi-Asl, Nima, [74] Rodriguez, L., [503] Rødningen, Olaug K., [157] Rodriguez, Miguel A. Vega, Rebelo, Irene, [1127] Roemer, M. J., [253] Reddy, A. Srinivas, [707] Rogers, Jack T., [177] Redfern, M. S., [962] Rogers, R. L., [461] Reeves, C. R., [934] Rogers, Steven K., Reichert, Erin D., [742] Reinstein, L. E., [499] Rejto, Paul A., [923, 937] Ren, Bin, 334, 338, 340, 350, 396] Rabani, Yuval, [184] Rabinovich, Yuri, [184] Rad, Farshid Rafiee, [233, 255] Rad, Gholam Ali Rezaei, [193] Rad, Michael von, [909] Radhakrishnan, S., [709] Radhika, Tippani, [75] Radonjic, Marijana, [795] Rafferty, Kimberly, [328, 344] Rafferty, K., [737] Rafiee, Rad, [535] Rafiee, Shahin, [815] Rahmati, Mohammad, [535] Raicu, Daniela, [408] Raj, Isha, [67] Rajagopalan, Cadathur, [906] [727] [239, 243, 245, 247, 262, 533] Rogers, Steven, [265] Roig, Jos´ e V., [697] Roland, B., [661] [833] Romano, A., [494] Repsilber, Dirk, [740, 805, 821] Romanov, Alexey N., [35] Resch, Robert, [331] Romero, Eduardo, [309] Resenstengel, John E., [265] Romero, Leoncio A., [806] Restrepo, Diego, [1159] Rong, Ying-Ci, [833] Reynolds, E. C., [862] Rongguo, Yan, [320] Reynolds, Mary G., [700] Roohafza, Hamidreza, [880] Rezaei, Asghar, [1078] Rosani, Andrea, [314] Riahi, Siavash, [37] Rosati, Samanta, [825] Riane, F., [661] Rajaguru, Harikumar, [146] Roseiro, Luis M., [1076] Rajapakse, Jagath C., [528] Ricciotti, Gabriella, [787] Rosenberg, R. S., [156] Rajpoot, Nasir M., [396] Rice, William R., [162] Rosenman, M. A., [683] Ram, Ramesh, [172] Rich, S. S., [1142] Rosenstengel, John E., [239, 243, 247] Raman, B., [290] Richardson, Mark P., [145] Rosentengel, John E., [262, 533] Ramanujam, Nirmala, [426] Rigby, Alan C., [942] Ross, Anton, [728] Ramchandra, T. V., [751] Rigotti, Gino, [878] Ross, T., [965, 525] Ramos, Vitorino, [588] Rijckaert, Marcel, [27] Rost, Ursula, [480] Ramsey, C. R., [665] Rijckaert, M., [586] Rostami, Reza, [1068] Rangel, Naykiavick, [223, 224] Rimm, David L., [638] Rouet, Jean-Michel, [1022, 501] Rangoussi, Maria, [298] Ripolles, Oscar, [901] Routen, T., [453] Raoofi, F., [100] Ritchie, Marylyn D., [164] Riyahi-Alam, Nader, [445] Rovithakis, G., [575] Rapoport, Benjamin I., [866] Roach, Jared C., [165] Rowat, P., [782] Rathbun, Thomas F., Roberts, C. B., [662] Rowbottom, C. G., [1092] Roberts, Claire T., [752] Rowe, Jonathan E., [1004] Roberts, J., [118] Rubens, D. J., [993, 1014] Roberts, M., [283, 289] Ruberto, Cecilia Di, [1147] Roberts, S., [479] Rudy, George, [135] Robinson, M. P., [798] Rueda, L. M., [706] Robinson, Robert L. Jr, [86] Rueda, Leopoldo M., [1098] Rocchisani, Jean-Marie, [363, 374] Ruffini, Giulio, [901] Rocha, T., Ruotsalainen, Ulla, [327] Rapin, Nicolas, [50] [239, 243, 245, 247, 265] Rathbun, Thomas P., Rautenbach, R., [262, 533] [1020] Raveendran, P., [642] Ray, Rajasri, [751] Razjouyan, Javad, [790] Razmovski-Naumovski, Valentina, [1072] Razon, Benjamin, [822] [1057] Roux, Christian, [1022, 501, 223, 227] Authors 37 Ruperez, M. J., [1071] Santos, Cristina, Schmidt, Steffen, [601] Ruspini, E. H., [209] Santvoort, J. P. C. van, [1143] Schmieder, Kirsten, [352] Sa, S. D., [938] Saracoglu, Ridvan, [1053] Schneider, Gisbert, [19] Sarafraz-Yazdi, Ali, [875] Schneider, Petra, [19] Sarai, Akinori, [43] Schroeter, Philippe, [509] Saadatzi, Mohammad Sadegh, [1109] Saraswathi, Saras, [756] Schucany, William R., [785] Saba, L., [908] Sarbadhikari, S. N., [1138] Schultheis, R., [1020] Sabet, Razieh, [81] Saripinar, Emin, [36, 73, 101] Schwamborn, Kristina, [387] Sabet, R., [48] Sarkar, Anita, [847] Schwartz, Jean-Marc, [786] Schwartz, L., [237] Schwefel, Hans-Paul, [189] Sebald, A. V., [920, 558] Seburyano, G., [979] Sedykh, Aleksandr Y., [619] Seitz, Jr., Kerry A., [408] Seki, H., [449] Sekiya, Masaru, [292] Sekkal, Mansouria, [1107] Selber, K., [1024] Selinger, Douglas W., [789] Senger, Ryan S., [881] Sa, S., [941] Saadatzi, Mohammad Nasser, [1109] [1077] Sabin, Andrew T., [845] Sarkar, Susanta K., [335] Sacchettini, James C., [109] Sarkhosh, Maryam, [52] Sadanandam, Abbagani, [75] Sarrafzadegan, Nizal, [880] Sadeghi, Masoumeh, Sasa, Yukako, [60] Saeedi, Nafise Erfanian, [748] Sasaki, Satoshi, [708] Saghaei, Lotfollah, Sase, M., [200, 441] [880] [81] Saghaie, Lotfollah, [41] Sasikala, M., [1026] Saghaie, L., [103] Satake, H., [975] Sagi, Elad, [872] Sathya, Shree Rajesh K., [731] Saha, Achintya, [96] Saven, Jeffery G., [83] Saha, Sriparna, [420] Savinova, T. A., [712] Saha, Vaskar, [42] Sawall, Stefan, [412] Sahin, Kader, [36, 73] Scachetti Pereira, Ricardo, Sahiner, Berkman, [457, 464, [628] Sengupta, Soumi, [87] Scalerandi, M., [494] Sepulveda, Francisco, [1108] Schaffer, J. David, [680] Sergi, Pier Nicola, [1105] Settouti, Nesma, [1107] Seyhan, N., [673] 940, 507] Saidman, Elbio, [870] Schell, M. C., Sajjadifar, Sami, [115] Sengupta, Sanghamitra, [755] [585, 1135, 1136, 484, 993] Sakamoto, Hiroshi, [109] Scher, Howard I., [57] Sakamoto, Shinchi, [600] Scherg, Michael, [150] Sakanashi, H., [998] Scherg, M., [1003] Sale, Mark E., [57, 848] Schettino, L., [782] Sale, Mark, [105] Scheubert, Lena, [740, 805, 821] Sali, Rasoul, [880] Schierz, Amanda C., [1148] Schiex, Thomas, [186] Schiffman, Susan S., [1087] Schirmer, R. Heiner, [601] Schizas, C. N., [562, 563] Schizas, Christos N., [935] Shabani, Ali Mohammad Haji, Shafiei, Mohammad, [104] Shah, Nilay D., [784] Shah, Priyanka, [78] Shah, S., [747] Shah, Vijay, [414] Shahabipour, Sara, [74] Shahin, Rand, [80, 93] Shahlaei, Mohsen, [41] Shahlaei, M., [103] Shaik, Osman S., [715] Schlaghecken, Friederike, [801] Shalom, David H., [316] Schmid, P., [234] Shamsi, Mousa, [1118] Santib´ an ˜ez-Koref, Ivan, [190] Schmidt, E., [737] Shamsudin, Norashikin, [774] Santiso, Erik E., [97] Schmidt, Evan, [328, 344] Shane, M. J., Santos, Antonino, [462] Schmidt, Rainer, [740, 805, 821] Shankar, Prakhya Laxmi Jaya, Salmelin, Riitta, [1157, 936, 1086] Samarra, Miguel C., Sampson, Jessica, Sandham, W. A., Sangermano, F., [1076] [688] [274] [1101] Santamar´ıa, Jos´ e, [304, 321, 386, 395, 421, 432] [52] [649] [75] 38 Genetic algorithms in medicine Shao, Hongwei, [854] Siddiqi, Mohammad Imran, Shapiro, Bruce A., [742] Sidhu, Preetpal S., [107] Soltanian, J., Shattuck, David W., [327] Sidorenko, S. V., [712] Soltanian-Zadeh, Hamid,[233, 255, 535] Shavandi, Hassan, [880] Sierra, Basilio, [945, 957, 960] Song, D., [782] Sheehan, N., [1156] Sigut, J., [210, 1037] Song, Enmin, [733] Shehadehh, Mayyada, [61] Sikdar, Utpal Kumar, [420] Song, Jiangning, [176] Shekhar, Raj, [345, 360] Silva, Aristofanes Correa, Song, Min-ning, [744] Shelhamer, Mark, [1029] Silva, Bruna Lais, Song, Rongmei, [837] Song, Xiaofei, [417] Song, Zhijian, [356] Soni, A., [993, 1014] Sonka, Milan, [448, 465, 230] Sotelo, Marco, [806] Soule, Terence, [688] Sousa, Luisa Costa, [808] Souza, Pamela E., [845] Spence, Jeffrey S., [785] Spence, W. D., [274, 495] [78] [434] [1060] Shen, Chia-Ping, [147] Silva, Bruna La´ıs, [1059] Shen, Gary X., [337] Silveira, P. S. P., [1085] Shen, Jing Jin, [802] Silvern, D. A., [569] Shen, Jingkang, [62] Silvern, David a., [572] Shen, Lansun, [232] Silvern, D., [992] Shen, Xizhong, [763] Silvoni, Stefano, [1161] Solomonidis, Stephan E., [513] [970, 983] Shen, Yi, [373] Simon, Dan, [974] Shenton, Martha, [273] Simpson, Mark R., [680] Sherer, Eric A., [57, 105] Sinauridze, Elena I., [35] Sinclair, A., [184] Spence, William D., [513] Sing, Chong Chiet, [640] Spitzer, Klaus, [235] Sherman, Christopher J., Shete, Deepak, [923] [371] Shi, Haiying, [1056] Singh, Harsimrat, [801] Sree, S. Vinith, [908] Shi, Jing, [892] Singh, Nitya, [170] Srinivasan, Radhika, [773] Shi, Leming M., [968] Singh, Ranjit, [409] Srivastav, S. K., [110] Shi, Tongwei, [889] Singh, Rinki, [49] Srivastava, Akanksha, [56] Shi, Weifang, [888] Singh, Yogendra, [110] Srivathsa, P. K., [392] Shi, Yinghuan, [429] Sriwardhana, C., [595] Shi, Yuhui, [515] Stables, James P., [750, 409] Shibanuma, Nao, [641] Sirisha, Kalam, [75] Stahl, Martin, [19] Shibanuma, N., [672] Siroic, Robert, [760] St¸ apor, Katarzyna, [652, 669] Shin, Chulkyu, [493, 500] Sitter, Beathe, [1063] Steele, Catriona M., [735] [760] Stefanescu, Horia, [753] Sipper, Moshe, [579, 587, 598, 1006, 1015] Shionoya, Akira, [939] Siwek, Krzysztof, Shionoya, Akitaka, [896] Skinner, Cameron D., [812, 840] Steffen, B., [1024] Shirvany, Yazdan, [148] Skov, Thomas, [905] Steinwand, Miriam, [728] Shityakov, Sergey, [108] Small, Gary W., [973] ´ Stelle, Alvaro Luis, [149] Shively, J. W., [947] Smith, Stephen L., [689, 339] Stemmer, Willem, [29] Shou, Guofa, [671, 746] Snowdon, G. M., [127] Stender, Joachim, [566, 567] Shrivastava, Birendra, [750] Sobhan-Ardakani, S., [100] Stenman, Ulf-H˚ akan, [732] Sobhan Ardakani, S., [113] Stephanopoulos, Gregory, Shu-Chien, Alexander Chong, [34] [797] Shuo, Chen, [320] Soh, Chit Siang, [642] Stephens, C. R., [643] Siarry, Patrick, [311, 361, 364] Soh, Zu, [838] Stevens, Kim B., [738] Sibata, Claudio, [1093, 626] Solit, David B., [57] Stevenson, David K., [1152] Sibata, C., [199, 917] Soliz, P., [290] Stitzel, Joel D., [729] Siccama, Ivar, [647] Solomonidis, S. E., [274, 495] Stocks, Nigel G., [801] Authors 39 Stoean, Catalin, [753] Suri, J. S., [908] Tan, Jun, [397, 399] Stoean, Ruxandra, [753] Surov, Stepan S., [35] Tan, Ou, [505] Stout, William, [997] Susanto, Ken, [631] Tang, Chuan Yi, [722] [662] Tang, Jijun, [182] Tang, K. S., [951] ˇ Strancar, Janez, [250] Suter, K. J., Strand, Carina, [858] Sutheeworapong, Sawannee, Strang, J. G., [993, 1014] Sutherling, W. W., [461] Taniguchi, K., [482] Stroganov, Oleg V., [59] Suzuki, Hiroshi, [708] Tanino, Hiromasa, [766] Strong, D. D., [989] Suzuki, Kenji, [370] Tanizaki, N., [474] Stroylov, Viktor S., [59] Suzuki, Michiyo, [838] Tao, Chao, [1040] Tao, Shiheng, [180] Tao, Ya-Lan, [835] Tapadar, P., [580] Tapp, Henri S., [795] Tarasiuk, J., [1073] Tarassenko, Lionel, [867] Tardif, Jean-Claude, [259] Tavakoli, Behnoosh, [1067] Tavakoli, Hossein, [68] Tay, Darwin, [1075] Taylor, C. J., [216, 491, 226] Taylor, F. A., [461] [175] Stubblefield, Michael A., [84] Suzuki, T., [975] Stufken, John, [366] Suzuki, Y., [1082] Su, F. C., [1089] Svaasand, Lars O., [1039] Su, Fong-Chin, [1032] Svenmarker, Pontus, [780] Su, Haoxiang, [885] Svirsky, Mario A., [872] Su, Mingbo, [62] Sweeney, A. W., [1097, 674] Suaifan, Ghadeer A. R. Y., [61] Swieszkowski, Wojciech, [832] Subacius, Vytautas, [223, 224] Swift, Stephen M., [761] Subbarao, Naidu, [67] Swift, Stephen, [616, 336] Szathmary, Eors, [721] Sze, Daniel Man-Yuen, [874] Subramaniam, Balachundhar, Subramanian, R., [859] [550] Suganami, Yusuke, [529] Tabrizian, Kaveh, [104] Taylor, Jeffrey Sniffen, [967] Suganthi, Muthusamy, [1120] Tadikonda, Satish K., [465] Taylor, Robin, [139] Sugiyama, K., [914] Tadikonda, Satish Kumar, Tazman, David, [537] Tejera, Eduardo, [1127] Temiralyeva, Gulnara, [711] Tendyke, Karen, [72] Sugumaran, Ramanathan, [702] Taga, Ichiro, [448, 230] [630, 646, 670] Suh, Tae Suk, [902] Sui, Weiguo, [1122] Sui, Wenjun, [863] Taheri, Javid, [1066] Sulimov, Alexey V., [95] Taherinia, D., [45] Sulimov, Vladimir B., [35, 95] Tai, David, [38] Sumathi, M., [367] Takagi, Hideyuki, [600] Sumkin, Jules H., [717, 1102] Takashibu, Midori, [466, 487, 490] Sun, Jizhou, [299] Talbi, El-Ghazali, [623] Sun, Lei Ming, [739] Tal-Botzer, Ronen, [316] Sun, Wei, [203] Talebi, M., [828] Sun, Xiaoyan, [890] Talhami, Habib, [443] Thangavel, Vijayakumar, Sun, Yung-Nien, [436, 217] Talley, S., [643] Thedens, Daniel R., [915] Sundaram, Suresh, [756] Taminau, Jonatan, [90] Theodosius, A., [562] Tamura, Shinichi, [472] Thiran, Jean-Philippe, [508] Sundararajan, Narasimhan, Taha, Mutasem O., [32, 33, 34, 47, 61, 80, 93] Tengku Muhammad, T. S., [756] [34] Teo, Chee-Leong, [865] Terry, John R., [145] Terzopoulos, Demetri, [273] Tezel, Gulay, [179] Thakur, Ankita, [713] Thakur, Rucha R., [411] Thangavel, K., [1042] [146] Sundararajan, N., [779] Tamura, S., [482] Thissen, Uwe, [795] Sundararajan, V., [187] Tan, Chao, [719] Thommes, J., [1024] Sung, Hsiao-Ya, [147] Tan, Chin-Tuan, [872] Thompson, E. D., [994] Suresh, S., [779] Tan, Jen Hong, [385] Thompson, Paul M., [266] 40 Genetic algorithms in medicine Thompson, S. A., [615] Tsuji, Toshio, [838] Valderrama, Patr´ıcia, [1059] Thoreau, Etienne, [18] Tsujii, O., [476] Valderrama, Patricia, [1060] Thorne, Bryan C., [1054] Tsumura, Norimichi, [376] Valdivieso, M. C., [326] Thurmond, James R., [818] Tsurusawa, Ryoya, [109] Valentine, S. J., [813] [693, 347, 391] Tian, F., [852] Tsuzaka, M., [504] V¨ alisuo, Petri, Tian, Huaiyu, [855] Tu, Zi-Wei, [835] Valli, Guido, [1081] Tian, Tianhai, [176] Tucci, Francesco, [410] Valli, G., [231] Titkov, Y., [979] Tucker, Allan, [336] Valsecchi, Andrea, [421, 432] Tiwari, Sunita, [78] Tuma, Jan, [194] Vandenhouten, Ralf, [220] To, Cuong, [362] Tung, Kai Che, [722] Vanderburg, Charles R., [177] Toga, Arthur W., [266, 327] Turkbey, Baris, [414] van Breukelen, Gerard J. P., Tohka, Jussi, [281, 327] Turner, David B., [141] Van Craenenbroeck, Elke, [776] [860] Tohsato, Yukako, [896] Turner, S. J., [536] van den Branden, Martijn, Tohumoglu, G., [673] Turney, Peter D., [921] van den Honert, Chris, [645] Toit, Lisa C. D, [106] Twelves, Dominique, [851] Van der Borght, Koen, [860] Tominaga, Yukio, [137] U, Rajendra Achary, [385] van Vlijmen, Herman, [860] Tong, Dong Ling, [1148] Uchikawa, Yoshiki, [185] Van Wesenbeeck, Liesbeth, Tong, Han-Seng, Uddin, Reaz, [82] Vanneschi, Leonardo, [678] [459] [445] Vasanyi, I., [372] Ueda, Hitoshi, [637] Tong, Jia, Uesawa, Y., [88] Vasas, Vera, [721] Uguz, Harun, [1053] Vasquez, C., [223] Uhl, Andreas, [331] Vass´ anyi, I., [1146] Uhlig, Sandra, [387] V´ ecsei, Andreas, [331] Ul-Haq, Zaheer, [82] Veith, P. D., [862] Underwood, Daniel J., [784] Vellore, Nadeem A., [84] Velthuizen, R. P., [1083, 534] [743] [860] Tong, Muchenxuan, [876] Tong, Ruofeng, [319] Tongsima, Sissades, [903] Torabinejad, Farhad, [748] Torisu, Tasuhiro, [445] Torrealba, V., [223] Torresen, Jim, [593] Velthuizen, Robert P., [463] Tourassi, G. D., [469] Uno, M., [504] Venkatesan, Amouda, [844] Treadwell, Jim N., [698] Uppu, Rao M., [84] Venko, Katja, [116] Tresp, Christopher, [912] Urbani, Andrea, [787] Vennart, W., [539] Treugut, H., [234] Uribe, Eli´ ecer Herrera, [736] Verheyen, Ann, [860] Tripathi, C. K. M., [56] Urushidani, Tetsuro, [794] Verkhivker, Gennady M., Tripathi, Laxmi, [409, 77] Urushihara, S., [975] Verkruysse, Wim, [1039] Tropsha, Alexander, [123] Uutela, Kimmo, Verlinden, Yvan, [860] Trout, Bernhardt L., [97] Vesin, Jean-Marc, [509] Viator, John A., [1039] Vico, F., [592, 599] Tsai, Du-Yih, Undrill, Peter E., [440, 454, 468, 477, 958, 488] [1157, 936, [923, 937] 1086] Vaarkamp, Jaap, [594] Vachtsevanos, George, [1034] [573, 292, 496, 963, 517, 990] Tsai, D.-Y., [984] Vaerman, Vincent, [508] Tseng, Hung-Fu, [720] Vahdani, Saadat, [98] Tsouris, Pantelis, [679, 684] Vahle, Katherine, [24] Viikki, Kati, Tsuda, N., [1082] Vaidyanathan, Ravi, [904] Villard, Pierre-Fr´ ed´ eric, [1061] Tsui, Hung Tat, [252] Vainio, Mikko J., [30] Villard, Pierre-Frederic, [406] Tsuji, M., [938, 941] Valafar, Faramarz, [208] Villeneuve, Daniel, Vidal, Franck P., [363, 374, 1061, 406] [591, 1000] [174] Authors 41 Villmann, B., [943] Wang, Lihong V., [627] Wei, Gehong, [180] Villmann, Th., [943, 978] Wang, Lijun, [863] Wei, Yuhui, [89] Vineetha, S., [830] Wang, Lisong, [449] Weinstein, John N., [968] [453] Vinterbo, S., [582, 1008] Wang, Manning, [356] Weistra, J., Virmani, Jitendra, [425, 433] Wang, Mei, [863] Wellen, Jeremy, [335] Voigt, Hans-Michael, [190] Wang, Qiuju, [726] Weller, P., [928] Volmer, Marcel, [596] Wang, Rong-Lin, [174] Wellmann, Axel, [387] von Seelen, Werner, [605] Wang, Shaomo, [874] Wells, Richard, [688] Voronine, D. V., [1158] Wang, Shen-Tsu, [1131] Wen, Cheng-Hao, [1125] [357] Vossius, G., [1021, 568] Wang, Shipeng, [177] Wen, Lingfeng, Vyjayanti, V. N., [747] Wang, Shiyuan, [769] Wen, Qiaojun, [1152] Waagen, Don E., Wang, Shouyan, [904] Werner, James Cunha, [622] [925] Waelbroeck, H., Wang, Shuyuan, [769] White, Bill C., [164] [643] [351] [86] [287] Wang, Song, Whitebay, Eric, Wager, Tor D., [1066] [85] [34] Wang, Tai-Chun, Wichard, Jorg, Wahab, Habibah A., Wicker, R., [632] Widmalm, Goran, [847] Wilkerson, R. C., [706] Wilkerson, Richard C., [1098] Wilkinson, A. A., [452] Willett, Peter, [139, 141] Williams, G. B., [524] Williams, N., [922] Wakao, S., [976] Wang, Wanliang, [820] Wakefield, Gregory H., [610, 645] Wang, Wei, [831] Walsh, Matthew C., [700] Wang, Xiao Hui, [397] Walsh, Sarah K., [752] Wang, Xiao-Hui, Walters, D. Eric, [438] Walther, Jason L., [797] Wan, Jianping, [99] Wan, Mingxi, [1030, 1031, 980] [985, 986, 1011, 1013, 542, 545] Wang, Xingwei, [1102, 397, 399, 417, 841] Wang, Yaming, [746, 873] Wang, Yanqiu, [769] Wang, Yi-Ming, [835] Williams, Richard A. J., [699] Wang, Aimin, [232] Wang, Yiting, [196] Wang, C. Y., [171] Wang, Yonghua, [44] Wilmot, Beth, [811] Wilson, Julie, [804] Wilson, M., [290] Wilson 3rd, D. M., [747] Windsh¨ ugel, Bj¨ orn, [732] Winston, Flaura K., [576] Wang, Chen, [69] Wang, Yong, [53] Wang, Ching-Lin, [402] Wang, Yuan, [703] Wang, Chuin-Mu, [402] Wang, Zunliang, [584] Wang, Chun-Lin, [1125] Wangikar, Pramod P., [817] Winter, Susanne, [352] Wang, Dong, [429] Wanschura, T., [539] Winterer, G., [930] Wang, Fang, [69, 864] Ward, Ann, [851] Wiratunga, Nirmalie, [743] Wang, He-yao, [53] Ward, Jamie, [884] Wolff, H. H., [965, 525] Wang, Honghui, [703] Ware, J. A., [215] Wong, Brian J. F., [691] Wang, Hui, [768] Wasik, Szymon, [907] Wong, C. P., [946] Wang, H., [353] Wasson, E. C., [988] Wong, David Shan Hill, [722] Wang, Jaw-Lin, [663] Wasson, III, E. C., [981] Wong, Ka H., [1072] Wang, Jinjia, [1055] Wasson III, Eugene C., [926, 947] Wong, Man Leung, [238, 244] Wang, Junmei, [1009] Watanabe, Masahiro, [600] Wong, Stephen T. C., [703] Wang, Jun, [703] Watanabe, S., [963, 984, 990] Wongsarnpigoon, Amorn, Wang, J., [1096, 171] Webb, S., [1092] Woo, T., [632] Wang, Leuo-Hong, [119, 130] Wei, Datong, [464] Wrba, Friedrich, [331] [705] 42 Genetic algorithms in medicine Wright, Thomas, [884] Xu, Bing-Qing, [835] Yang, J.-J., [1142] Wu, C. Y., [476] Xu, Can T., [780] Yang, Lei, [769] Wu, Guang, [820] Xu, Chungui, [876] Yang, Ming, [874] [182] Wu, Hao, [763] Xu, Erhe, [800] Yang, Ning, Wu, Jackie, [626] Xu, Jingru, [1151] Yang, Shi-Ming, [726] Wu, Jia-nan, [173] Xu, Kexin, [651] Yang, Ting, [1152] Wu, Jin-Ming, [147] Xu, Ling, [874] Yang, Xiao-Lin, [716] Yang, Xiuyan, [651] Yang, Xuming, [868] Yang, Yong, [358] Yang, Yubin, [429] Yanmaz, Ersin, [36, 73] Yanti, R., [908] Yao, Chang, [324] Yao, D. Z., [633] Wu, J., [852] Xu, Weidong, [841] Wu, Kuo-Chuan, [741] Xu, Wenfang, [69] Wu, Tong, [719] Xu, Xiangyang, [733] Wu, W. L., [1089] Xu, Xiaojie, [1009] Wu, Wen-Jie, [415] Xu, Xiaoyan, [192] Wu, Wen-Lan, [1032] Xu, Zhigang, [499] Wu, Wenwu, [180] Xu, Zhi-jian, [53] Wu, Xiaoming, [893] Xuan, Nguyen Vinh, [817] Yao, J., [633] Wu, Xinan, [89] Xuan, P., [171] Yao, Qiu-Yan, [833] Xue, Jinyue, [626] Yao, Xiaojun, [40, 89] Xue, Mengzhu, [62] Yao, Xin, Xue, Ruyi, [763] Xue, Ying, [885] Wu, Xingen, [584, 1091, 602, 606, 704] Wu, Yanjun, [335] Wu, You-Min, [995] Wuu, C. S., [992] Xi, Lili, Xi, Xin, Xia, Chengyun, Xia, Ling, Xia, Ting, Yaguchi, Toshiyuki, [670] Yamada, Atsumi, [109] Yamada, Hiroshi, [794] Yamada, Toru, [794] Yamaguchi, Kento, [109] [40, 89] [726] [719] [671, 746] [744] Yamany, Sameh M., [479, 953, Xia, Yong, [357] Xia, Yun-Fei, [835] Yamashita, Fumiyoshi, [60] Xiang, Bingren, [831] Yan, Macheng, [868] 481, 511, 522, 537] Xiang, Suyun, [831] Yanch, J. C., [916, 523] Xiao, Di, [724] Yang, Bingen, [631] Xiao, Hong, [855] Yang, Bin, [1151] Xiao, Yong Liang (Leon), [121] Yang, Cheng-Hong, [720, 741, 781, 807, 1125, 839, 842, 178, 181] [450, 959, 1012] Yao, Yang, [1129] Yao, Yingying, [302] Yap, Chun Wei, [749] Yasuno, T., [975] Yau, D., [279] Yazgan, E., [516, 541] Ye, Fuyuan, [868] Ye, X., [326] Ye, Yi-Fang, [833] Yeadon, M. R., [745, 827] Yeh, Jinn-Yi, [343] Yen, G. G., [261] Yeung, Lam Fat, [1149] Yi, Wei, [835] Yin, Lihong, [803] Yin, Linlin, [800] Yin, Xiaohong, [341] Ying, Wei, [372] Xie, Dexin, [354] Xie, Shaofei, [831] Xin, Y, [197] Yang, Fan, [885] Xing, Lei, [626] Yang, Feng, [405, 423] Y Montiel, Sergio Vazquez, Xing, L., [621] Yang, Genke, [1149] Yokoi, H., [998] Xinhe, Xu, [372] Yang, Guozhen, [499] Yoon, Hee Sung, [354] Xiong, Bing, [62] Yang, Hanchun, [169] Yoon, Hyejin, [818] Xiong, Hong-Lian, [1065] Yang, Jianhua, [801] Yorita, Krista L., [700] Xiong, Linfei, [865] Yang, Jinn-Moon, [1023] Yoshida, Hiroyuki, [1111, 416] Yang, Cheng-Huei, [741, 781, 807, 842, 181] [1069] Authors 43 Yoshida, H., [492] Zhang, Feng, [1056] Yoshizawa, Shuji, You, Jia, Yousif, Nada, [552] Zhang, Hang, [203] [1056] Zhang, Heng, [873] Zheng, Chongxun, [1056] [904] Zhang, Hongying, [299] Zheng, Ming, [173] Youssef, Abou-Bakar M.,[313] Zhang, J. B., [585, 993] Zheng, Wanjun, [72] Youssef, Abou-Bakr M., [329] Zhang, Jialong, [169] Zheng, Weifan, [123] Yu, Bing, [426] Zhang, Jian-Zhong, [724] Zheng, Wei, [757] Yu, Jiangbo, [324] Zhang, Jiawan, [299] Zhivkova, Zvetanka, [91, 94] Yu, Melvin J., [72] Zhang, Jie, [1056, 797, 69] Zhong, Yingchun, [355] Yu, Sung-Nien, [829] Zhang, Jingyu, [784] Zhou, Chun-guang, [173] Zhang, Jing-Yu, [835] Zhou, Lei, [169] Zhang, Jing, [318] Zhou, Min, [891] Yu, Yan, [603, 1135, 1136, 484] Yu, Y., [585, 993, 1014] Zheng, Bin, [717, 1102, 394, 397, 399, 417, 841, 985, 986, 1011, 1013, 542, 545] Zhang, Jinming, [997] Zhou, Qibing, [107] Yuan, Jintao, [803] Zhang, Lan, [800] Zhou, Rong, [169] Yuan, Qingwei, [341] Zhang, Lei, [449] Zhou, Su-Min, [694] Yudate, Henrik T., [794] Zhang, Pengpeng, [1093, 626] Zhou, Wei-Zhi, [147] Yumusak, Nejat, [1103] Zhang, Rong, [1039] Zhou, Xianxiao, [889] Yusim, Karina, [818] Zhang, Ru-mian, [744] Zhou, Xiaobo, [703, 854] Zacharia, E., [213] Zhang, Shuwei, [44] Zhou, Xiaodong, [1031] Zhang, Su, [303] Zhou, Xiaozhou, [299] Zhang, Ting, [885] Zhou, Yaoyao Cui Xiaodong, [173] Zadeh, Ataollah Ebrahim, [1052] Zaider, Marco, [569, 1095, 615] Zaider, M., Zain, Rosnah Binti, [237, 992] Zhang, Xiang, [893] [758] Zhang, Xiaodong, [1123] Zhu, Feng, [768] [746, 873] Zainuddin, Roziati, [1113] Zhang, Xiao, [726] Zhu, Lingyan, Zakian, K. L., [237] Zhang, Xingyi, [60] Zhu, Peijuan, [855] Zalis, Michael E., [1111] Zhang, Xiujie, [373] Zhu, Quing, [1067] Zhang, Xixing, [855] Zhu, Ting, [348] Zhang, Yan-Jiao, [1065] Zhu, Weihua, [768] Zhang, Yanli, [354] Zhu, Wei-liang, [53] Zhang, Ying, [429] Zhu, X. Ronal, [1123] Zhang, Yinwen, [180] Zhu, Xue-lian, [53] Zhang, Yi, [355, 356] Zhang, Yuannv, [889] Zhuang, W., [1158] Zhang, Yuanxiu, [430] Zia, Sultan, [413] Zhang, Yue, [1122] Zimmermann, Michael, [756] Zaliz, Romero, [209] Zamboglou, N., [612, 614, 1140, 1002] Zamora, G., [290] Zamudio, Victor, [806] Zandkarimi, Majid, [104] Zang, Yuwen, [449] Zare, A., [1104] Zeifman, Alexey A., [59] Zelefsky, M. J., [237] Zeng, Mu-Sheng, [835] Zeng, Weihua, Zerbato, Davide, [1030] Zhou, You, Zerbst, Ekkehard W., [564, 1019] Zervakis, M., [575] Zhang, Ao, [53] Zhang, B. Y., [484] Zhang, Chun, [835] Zhang, Danying, [763] Zhang, Fangfang, [864] Zhang, Fang, [379] [584, 1091, 602, 606] Zhang, Yunong, [893] Zitzler, Eckart, [165] Zhang, Yuquan, [868] ˇ Zohara, Petra, [657] Zhang, Yu, [1040] Zomaya, Albert Y., [1066] Zhao, Jian, [855] Zou, Xiao-Yong, [836] Zhao, Shanrong, [128] Zuley, Margarita L., [717] Zhao, Weihong, [893] Zupanic, Anze, [775] Zhao, Wu-lan, [726] Zuperl, Spela, [116] Zhao, Yaou, [1151] Zwickl, Derrick J., [163] Zhao, Yongming, [303] Zwir, I., [209] Zhao, Zhimin, [768] Zhao, Zhongxu, [232] [888] [677] Zhu, Yunping, total 1153 articles by 3347 different authors 44 Genetic algorithms in medicine 4.7 Subject index All subject keywords of the papers given by the editor of this bibliography are shown next. ABC, [1070, 428] ACO, [1120] acoustics, [561] actuators piezo-electric, [631, 655, 662] automation classification, remodelling, [1037] Baldwin effect, [183] [1005], Bayesian networks, [945] brachytherapy implant, bibliography acupuncture, [449] medicine, [1018] agents, [273] special, [1018] AIS, [1126] analysing GA selection, [393] analytical chemistry markers, [316] [698] angiogenesis cancer, [732] brain-computer-interface, brainstem disease genes, [864] DNA, [214] signatures, [789] genetics, retina, [358] [1142, 188, 1027] phylogeny, [663] CADD, [936, 1086, [1137] [136] blood blood circulation, [194] [632] blood vessels, [1041] [768] bone texture, calibration [597] cancer parameter estimation, [922] [1054] [22] NIRS, bioprocesses medicine?, modeling, [953, 625] shape design, [1071] [566] arteries CAD, [18, 19] [919] medicine, arterial stenosis, chemical, medicine, 1157] serum, building blocks [1076] brain activity, [346] [931] [617] [279] biotechnology, [793] [691] biophysics medical, relapse time, mechanism, antennas [361] breast cancer face, [311, 311] liver, [736] [163] [254] biomechanics, [958] auditory evoked potentials, breeding, [311] applications [266] [181, 1152] ICG, [226] [465] MRI imaging, brain anatomy, [167] medical imaging, MR imaging, [619] fitness, [1141] [287] UV, [1035] application, hemodynamics, [438] fluorescein, [183] [341] proteins, [161, 162] antibodies, [435] hematoma, [135] D. Melanogaster, MRI, corpus callosum, peptides, [377, 382] ant systems, brain [208] 3D, retinal, [1140] [136] biology angiography [1143] microarrays, bioinformatics, aneurysm aortic, biochemistry, [778] book review [624] biomarkers, [835] bladder, [638] brachytherapy, [704] breast, [469, 947, 979, 981, 518, 988, 1006, 535, 1011, 542, 233, 205, 587, 255, 609, 210, 293, 1037, 193, 323, 328, 1042, 720, 1102, 737, 397, 398, 793, 1063, 1120, 415, 178, 851, 426, 889] brest, [445, 242, 263] cervical, [719, 757] chemotherapy, [635] artificial life, [1085, 273] ASPARAGOS, [154, 155] degradation, [804] chemotherapy control, atrial fibrillation, [657] prosthesis, [599] colon, bones [1110] [331, 799, 830] Subject index decision support, 45 hospital stay, [749] cancer, [859] [210, 331, 755, 856] detection, [926] imaging, [496, 305, 362] drug design, [51, 75] infarction, [1008] genetics, [755] risk model, [1057] feature selection, [887] [754] fuzzy, [292] heartbeat, [1107] heartbeats, [1052] medical diagnosis, [339] medical images, [362] noun, [796] RNA, [171] rules, [944, 961] soft tissue, [1111] swallow, [735] tachycardia, [906] tissue, [940] tumors, [456] EEG, leucemia, [428] stents, leukemia, [110] CAT, [677] liver, [803, 425, 433] cDNA, [213] lung, [278, 408, cellular automata, [201] 1119] cephalogram, mammograpgy, [540] [262] chemical shift mammography, [533, 206, lipid-water, 239, 243, 245, 247, 265] markers, [297] chemistry [846] melanoma, [945, 960, 965, 588, 280, 283, 289, 627, 548, 549, 351, 747] analytical, [973, 1024, 804, 863] combinatorial, nasopharyngeal, [139] [1065, 835] drug design, oral, [120, 121, 128, 131, 133, 134, 138, 99] [166, 758, 1125] ovarian, [141] medical, [438, 409] medicinal, [132] organic, [127, 634] physical, [117, 119] classifier [325, 732, 784, 414] radiotherapy, [572, 574, 602, 1044, 1099, 1049, 1050] sarcoma, macromolecule, [713, 908] prostate, fuzzy, emergency, [942, 955, 130, 137, 140, 18, 19, 22, 25, 30, 772, 55, 64, 65, 71, 76, 78, 79, 84, 847, 852, 101, 103, 109] [784] skin tumor, [525] spectral imaging, [426] survival, [1063] drug design, [71] treatment, [954] human serum, cancer classification, [756] QSAR, cancer radiotherapy, [971] CANFIS, [550] infrared spectroscopy, cardiology, [520, 292] wavelength selection, chemometrics, [675] [660, 348] [908] feature selection, [478] features, [1145] fuzzy, [1108] [905] heartbeat, [760] [707] lymph diseases, [1074] mammography, [733] medical, [383] spectral, [1145] SVM, [876] [816, 92] [596] [642] chemotherapy, [527] CHN, [128] chromatography, [1024, 92] beats, [1052] gas-, diagnosis, [573] classification, Doppler, [1053] ECG, [671, 824] echo cardiography, [259] Bacillus, elastography, [348] biomedical information, heartbeat, [1107] biopsy, breast tumors, [760] [560, 962, 1161] cancer, chemometry [970] heartbeat recognition, [1166] classifiers, screening, atherosclerotic plaque, [553, 562, 929, 576] structural, arrhythmia, [951, 1070] classifier systems, [569] acute coronary syndromes, [146, 801, 898, 899] clinic scheduling, [892] cluster analysis [767] [563, 918, 457, 952, 481, 505, 541, 575, 234, 578, 595, 598, 622, 1037, 1053] classification evolutionary, [697] clustering, [588, 262, 265, 623, 652, 669, 336] clinical data, [943] DNA, [209] feature selection, [623] [429] fuzzy, [1083] [415] gene expression, [819] [725] [420] 46 Genetic algorithms in medicine initialization, [365] Maxent, [706] reconstruction, [497] k-means, [888] Nelder-Mead, [557, 1079] ROI, [372] protein interaction, [886] neural networks, [945, 1035, 1035] toxicity, [586] particle swarm, [381, 388] clusters SA in image registration, rare disease, [333] [762] simple co-evolution stochastic algorithm, [1156] cooperative, [598] simulated annealing, [226, 129, 1088, 340] cochlea implant, real, Very Fast Simulated Annealing, [557] [584, 896] coevolution, [629] fuzzy, selective, cognition [287] visual, [1163] [508] computer graphics color, color [344] polygonal approximation, medical image visualisation, [312] [344] control, comparison classification methods, [1000] cost-sensitive classification, GA worse, [1156] human, [688] image registration, [352] in classification, [1035] in CT reconstruction, [921] in diagnosis, [985, 1013] in docking, [142] in image registration, in image thresholding, [428] in machine learning, [918, 805] in medical data mining, [258] in melanoma prediction, [960] [566] data mining, [244] medical, [238, 244, 288] retrieval, [288] datamaining, [698] medical, [527] medical, [1038] [629] motion, [339] medical, [484] prosthesis, [667] protheses, [554] wheelchair, [1109] [932] [1104] prosthetic hand, [593] [1167] crossover real, [584] CT brain, [341] cancer, [403] [340] lung, imaging, [511] periodontal, [862] EEG, [1068] chemical penetration, [659] dermatoscope, [351] erythema, [693] lesions, [401] skin lesions, [400] urticaria, [868] wound healing, [673] design by human, [890] implant, [640, 664] [372, 399, detistry 1061] micro-, dentistry dermatology fuzzy, criminology, [921, 166] depression [950] [647] [208] diagnostics, in regression, logistic regression, microarrays, [809] [382] [1059] [236, 258, 392] glucose, angiography, in wavelength selection, medical, decisions [129] reconstruction, [968, 238, 674, 420] [920] in protein folding, tomography [236] blood pressure, controllers 384, 386, 388, 395] medical, decision trees, fuzzy, [349, 381, data analysis [1080, 610] controller [497] [210] decision support systems Conus geographicus, [942] visualization, imaging, decision support [1147] conotoxin colors [1037] databases, computational geometry, [137] testing, in Re- compression [587] [1105] image processing, [968] vector quantisation, [913] coding axonal outgrowth, data mining, stepwise linear regression, [375] cytology [412] periodontitis, [207] Subject index 47 diabetes transposable elements, diagnosis, [840] docking, fuzzy reasoning, [1058] drug design, glucose control, [1104] glucose sensing, [650, 651] leg ulcers, [368, 195, [160] [125, 126] [20, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 60, 106] EEG, classification, [144] epilepsy, [145, 146] electrical impedance tomography reconstruction, electromagnetics, drug design [1035] retipathy, [547] sensoring, [649] diagnosis, breast cancer, cancer, [452, 461, antibiotics, [56] antennas, [279] cancer, [42] brain stimulation, [1160] computational, [30, 75] Kirlian imaging, [234] de novo, [87] microwaves, [314] DNA breeding, [29] MRI, [302, 313] docking, [74] tissue, [798] [1035] retinopathy, [1036] 473, 976, 1157] 1048, 390] retinal images, [930] [1090] [598, 328] HIV-1, [49] in silico, [63] electromagnetism [951, 1011, 1015] coils, [506] cardiac disease, [550] MMP-12 inhibitors, [31] electromyogram, [493] cardiology, [573] pharmacokinetics, elitism, [1138, 506] EMG, [563, 500] [57] QSAR, diabetes, [1035, 1035] failure, [578] [124, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 48, 52, 54, 69, 81, 82, 90, 91, 94, 96, 98] fault, [253] renal anion transporter inhibitors, [89] mammography, [965] myocardial heart disease, [990] [644] diagnostics caries, tuberculosis, engineering screening, [61] aerospace, [253] SVM, [53] civil, [314] thrombin inhibitor, [35] mechanical, [663, 1076] virtual screening, [67] medical, [228, 314] [956, 996] nano-, [649] [538] process, [728, 731, 110] radio, [461] ECG, P wave, [17] confidence measure, [1051] hypovolemia, [730] [1103] dietary menu planning, [1146] echocardiography, [223, 224] entomology ecology antrax, distribution, GARP, [681] [1097] [192] regression, [380] environment pollution, [888] modeling, [628] malaria, [949] [636, 681] vectors, [636] [593] species distribution, [674, 686, 1098, 699, 700, 711] [594, 606] [135, 136] species distriution, [197] microarray, [741] edge detection, motifs, [1150] EEE heathcare, source modeling, epilepsy prediction, [702] economics analysis, sequence alignment, [1156, 727] epidemiology [855] discussion DNA, [310] hemorrhagic fever, niche modeling, [602], [310] medical, [428] image registration, digital logic, flea, [706, 710, 1101] differential evolution, [662] [485, 486, 489, 240, 253, 261] variable selection, neural, [986] medical, melanoma, endocrinology ergonomy back, [643] [498] [962] erythema UV induced, evolution, [150] [1034] incremental, [693] [153, 1020] [593] 48 Genetic algorithms in medicine interactive, [687] stack, [454] recombination, [161, 162] texture, [477] gamma knife, [718] simulation, [167] wavelet, [1108, 1154] GAP, [129] [660] GARP, evolution strategies, [564, 561, finite element mesh, golf, fish oil, tomography, Taguchi, [674] GIS, [668, 679, 684] influenca, [696] influenza, [699] malaria, [1098] medicinal plant, [751] monkeybox, [700] [15] niche modeling, [636, 710] [224] plague, [695] West Nile virus, [702] [691] in tomography, [317] interactive, [645, 676, 691] fluorescence imaging ICG, [667] [287] [952, 489, [380] forensics dental images, [663] 982, 1000, 591, 253] Fourier series, FPGA fuzzy, [261] medical, [449, 257] microarray, DesktopGARP, aesthetics, [558] [191] expert systems, feature extraction, [711] [270] evolvable hardware experimental design, climate change, fitness evolutionary strategies FPGA, [815] [1021, 568] evolutionary programming, 1+1, image processing, [411] fractals IFS, [1138] [1148] image analysis, [1035] [944, 961, 542, 26, 1055, 171, 1115, 846, 877, 113] fuzzy logic reasoning, feature selection fuzzy reasoning, [963, 517, 984] [609] [741] drug design, [27] oral cancer, [758] QSAR, [38] fuzzy rules, [185] [233, 255] fuzzy sets, [446] fuzzy reasoningmachine learning [663, 677] Bezier surface, [640, 664] brain stem, [1078] elastography, [348] injury, [729] fuzzy, drug production, [449, 1006, 1015, 598, 210, 286, 629, 70] [731] Gibberella fujikuroi, [207] figure copying task, [339] filters Gabor, [411] matched, [1041] median, [454] [1119] fuzzy systems, fermentation ARTMAP, [46] classification, [730] decision support, [1113] image segmentation, [382] modeling, [817] genetic gene regulation, [761] human, [658] genetic algorithm classification, genetic code, [548] [188] genetic programming, [915, 444, 471, 238, 620, 164, 283, 289, 657, 673, 678, 339] genetic programming classification, [456] image processing, [282] image analysis, [912] in biochemistry, [207] image segmentation, [419] interactive, [288] neural network, [550] linear, [258] neural networks, [830] regression, [647] prediction, [793] [609, 629] GA genetics, [153, 151, 152, 156, 154, 155, 183, 184, 158, 160, 166, 174, 181, 182] genetics interactive, [890] bacterial, [185] [557, 1079] breast cancer, [178] D. melanogaster, [161, 162] [451, 293, GADELO, 413, 422] optical, Gaussian mixture model finite state machine, [1037] FuzzyCoCo, morphological, [637] gene regulatory network DNA microarray, FEM, gastronomy diet, [540, 575] feature selection, features extraction, [1097, 310, 681, 686] 1019, 912, 605] medicine, [826] [280] games Subject index 49 DNA, [159] essential genes, [180] anastomosis, [808] gene expression, [175] brain, [776] gene order, [177] gene regulation, [172] gene regulatory networks, gene-gene interaction, hemodynamics medical, image processing, [204, 226, 556, 200, 440, 468, 469, 476, 477, 480, 498, 533, 346, 422] image processing hepatitis therapy, [173] [164] [359] 3D, [227] automatic, [282] [753] border detector, [915] [744] hepatology fibrosis, mapping, [186] hip arthroplasty, [599] classification, [516] phylogeny, [163] histology, [481] compression, [508, 1026] promoter prediction, [170] cancer, [518, 210] CT, [543] proteins, lung, [429] edge detection, [475] enhancement, [218] [115] feature extraction, [463, 1083] [157] tissue classification, [940] proteome, [176] RNA, [171] salmon, [167] drug design, [45] feature selection, [458, 408] selection, [188, 168] therapy planning, [759] filters, [293, 413] [46] high-speed video, [1040] HIV, sequence alignment, [187] HIV-1, SNP, [165, 179] human plasma virus, [169] GENIE, [638] 3D, GFA, triglycerides, [597] magnetic resonance, [915] hybrid matching, [725] downhill simplex, [373] [958] FEM, [660] [488] fuzzy logic, [1025, 790] [968] GP and logic programming, [238] microRNA precursors, [769] gradient, GIS [223, 224, 227, 229, 230, 231, 441, 443, 446, 447, 448, 455, 464, 470, 471, 507, 518, 234, 256, 1073] glucose, [973, 642] local gradient, [308] Gnets, [231] local search, [117, 322, 56] maximum [446] likelihood method, [294] parallel, [362] neural network, grammars, [103] [238] neural networks, [935, 493, 995, 1025, 54, 56, 875, 880] grippers design, GRNN, [439] motion estimation, [305] reconstruction, [466, 472, 487, 490, 543] registration, [501, 1088, 254, 277, 371, 379, 421, 423, 432, 435] restoration, [454] segmentation, 471, 232, 278, 652, [910, 437, 448, 502, 505, 220, 523, 534, 544, 588, 266, 212, 273, 275, 276, 280, 624, 283, 289, 296, 638, 324, 343, 1118, 417, 1073] [631] perceptron, [1128] shape, [216, 326] [242, 263] QSAR, [90] stereo, [692] simulated annealing, hardware [130, 1093, 211, 626] evolvable, morphological, pattern recognition, [249] [931] gradient based method, GP [453] medical, [310] GARP, [225, 284, 335, 1064] Bayesian network, genome geometric modeling, image registration, symmetry, [368, 195, 1048, 390] [998] SVM, health monitoring, [228] hearing aid, [610] hematology [43, 44, 1111, 407, 415, 179] tabu-search, image analysis, chromatography, [767] image correction glycans, [813] deformation, tacrolimus, [833] image fusion texture, [233, 255, 425, 433] [300] thresholding, [428] [308] tomography, [1036] ultra sound, [274] wavelets, [458] [332] image processing?, [460] 50 Genetic algorithms in medicine image registration, [446, 511, 539, 1022, 191, 15, 311, 322, 328, 342, 355, 358, 370, 379, 381, 386, 388, 395, 403, 902] multispectral, [526, 335, NMR, [509, 524, 539, 237] image registration ultrasonic, 3D, [227, 439, 501, 522, 252, 271, 300, 301, 304, 321, 356] dental, immune system [1100] simulator, electrocardiography, [1132] optical, [203] [499] radiotherapy, [581] cochlear, [639, 645, 676] scattering, [774] design, [640] thermal, [1082] prostate, [992] tomography, [353] titanium, [664] simulator, implant bacteria, [136] Fortran 77, [135] FPGA, [667, 692] LabView, [1080] MIMD, [117] retinal angiograms, [364] [421, 432] image segmentation, [14, 669] Gaussian mixture model, [377] IMRT, thresholding, [1106] [428] indocyanine green knowledge based systems, Kohonen nets, [257] [552] laparoscopy artery cross-clamping, [879] laryngology swallow, [735] ambulance locations, [708] 3D, angiography, [311] tissue perfusion, [380] learning [488, 305] brain, evolution, [442, 306] infection color design, CT, influenza, [696] malaria, [1098, 706] plague, [695] [303, 1111] eye, [1041] infections fusion, [737] classification, hyperspectral, [712] [207, 196] Helicobacter pylori, [724] Kirlian, [234] inflammation magnetic resonance, [329, 1043] intracellular signaling, [722] medical, [440, 442, 453, 460, 464, 468, 469, 473, 474, 480, 483, 488, 491, 494, 495, 498, 507, 509, 511, 512, 514, 517, 520, 525, 532, 543, 546, 237, 249, 256, 259, 273, 280, 283, 289, 292, 293, 296, 1041, influenza avian, [303] insects [166] ligands, [142] LINKERS, [1142] liver, [436] angiography, [382] diagnosis, [1126] texture, [212] transplantation, [833] logic programming, [238] LVQ, [913] [696] machine learning, [729] machine learning injury pulmonary, [189] learning classifier systems, [737] electrical impedance, [459] MRI, [592] layout imaging 459, 479, 496, 516, 547, 282, 426] knee arthroplasty, implementation voxel, [143] [641, 672] implants, [359] EEG, [1165] [423] retina, [873] neuromagnetism, multiresolution, [1064] ECG, [1086] FEM, PSO, [1061] MEG, [333] [384] CT, [1144] multimodal, optic nerve, [229, 671] [1086] [528] [303] [375, 884] inverse problems, [314] MRI, non-rigid, interactive GA, medical, [319] [271, 192, 299, 330, 349, 373, 393, 405, 410] [992] electromagnetics, local, [1047] [283, 289] integer programming, [967] immunology, [319] mutual information, [674] [1144] landmark, non rigid, [1030, 1031, 303, 425, 433, 908] imaging skin, fiducial configuration, [496, 517, 251] ultrasound, CT and ultrasound, [352] [16] mosquitoes, 351, 799] [562, 449, 935, 480, 959, 489, 1084, 981, 982, 548, 316, 698] classification, [1035] Subject index clustering, 51 brain, [697] Gaussian mixture model, genetic programming, [14] [653] image features, [408] kernel-based, [669] medicine, [553] macromolecules, breast cancer, [969] [122, 139, 141] cancer, [203, 535, coloring, [328] online, compression, [1026] optical, CT, [466, 487, 497, 267, 268, 326, 341, 372, 377, 378, 399, 1061, 406, 412, 423, 430] [278] RNA, [955] dental, [14, 15, 16, 17] macrosomia, [812] dermatology, [391] diabetes, [530] drug discovery, [335] ECG, [541] EMRI, [367] vector invasion risk, [686] endoscopy, [331] vectors, fluorescence, [380] fMR, [389] mammography, [445, 457, 940, 476, 988, 233, 255, 629, 292] asymmetry, diagnosis, microcalcification, mamography, maps, [588] clinical, [834] matching, [274] mechanics [194] fluidics, [632] medical imaging, 441, 463, 505, 537, 239, 260, 370, [225, 437, 445, 451, 454, 455, 457, 459, 476, 477, 478, 481, 482, 502, 518, 523, 526, 531, 533, 534, 540, 544, 545, 232, 233, 235, 243, 245, 247, 191, 255, 1030, 262, 265, 277, 298, 348, 352, 381, 384, 386, 388, 395, 429] fusion, [328] heart, [305] histology, [1037, 355] image quality, [402] [522, 252, 268, 271, 272, 284, 192, 299, 303, 304, 318, 319, 321, 322, 345, 349, 360, 373, 393, 405, 410, 421, 432] image segmentation, [306] leucemia, [428] liver, lung, mammography, [254] [251, 281, skin, [401] skin lesions, [400] sonar, [458] SPECT, [268, 270] surgery, [356] thermography, [385] thresholding, [434] tomography, [436, 198, 490, 241, 248, 285, 300, 314, 317, 334, 334, 338, 340, 350, 353, 363, 365, 369, 374, 396] tumors, [456] ultrasonic, [470] [513, 274, 276, 415, 427] videofluoroscopy, [1047] visual, [347] visualisation, [312] visualization, [344] X-ray, [504] x-ray, [309] X-ray, [1042] [425, 433] [403, 408, 416, 417] MALDI, registration, ultrasound, [510] [191] [462] 315, 1046, 376, 382] [287, 404] ITK, [394] radiographs, segmentation, [387] [542, 1042, 397, 398] medical imaging [327, 357] [1035, 290, 294, 308, 311, 324, 336, 342, 358, 359, 364] fMRI, impedance tomography, fluid dynamics, optical tomography, [325, 1067] retina, image registration, mass spectroscopy [351, 368, pulmonary embolisms, [1012] [535] [411] 195, 1048, 390] PET, [397] [507, 249] [452, 506, 524, 539, 343] CT scans, [1097] [472] NMR, [135] malaria [356] [485] peptides, [674] neurology, chest, [21] vectors, [522] [503, 508, 362] docking, malari multi-modal, cardiology, [160, 214] [229] [529, 266, 271, 279, 291, 295, 354, 297, 302, 306, 313, 329, 332, 337, 1043, 366, 371, 407, 413, 414, 418] neutron, DNA, magnetoencephalography, MRI, [422] 242, 263, 193, 323] machine vision registration, [439, 465, 501, 528, 268, 275, 299, 301, 307, 330, 332, 333, 343, 357, 419, 430, 435] medical imaging?, [461] [1022] melanoma, [548, 549] angiography, [286] microwave, [246] ECG, [431] arteries, [1031] monitoring, [294] EEG, [320] blood vessels, [447, 467, 475] MR, [286, 379, 435] genetic programming, 3D, medical signal processing [149] 52 Genetic algorithms in medicine medicien cardiology, Alzheimer’s disease, [177] medicin oncology, [1050] medicinal plant distribution, [751] medicine, [564, 558, 1019, 555, 557, 565, 1004, 583, 589, 608] medicine , [791, 806] [607, 223, 224, 231, 915, 920, 927, 931, 956, 217, 963, 1139, 503, 970, 517, 983, 984, 990, 532, 1008, 1030, 1033, 618, 657, 660, 671, 550, 675, 703, 709, 1052, 1053, 1107, 754, 1057, 760, 1113, 820, 824, 829, 859, 873, 1132, 906] anaesthesiology, [975] anatomy, [958, 624] andrology, [933] anesthesia, [578] anthrax, [668, 681] antibiotics, [56] arteries, [1054] arteriology, [656] Bacillus anthracis, [711] bacteriology, [863] bibliography, [1018] biomarkers, [794, 812] blood, [642, 768, 1059] blood circulation, [808] brachyotherapy, [993] brachytherapy, [612, 614, 1002] EEG, [913, 1138, 736, 147, 887, 898, 899] Chinese, [891] [563, 935] classification, [560] endoscopy, [269] environmental, [613, 852, 888] clinical classification, [1075] [559] critical care, [867] Crohn’s disease, [903] CT, [326] cynegology, [1117] cytology, [638, 1105] data processing, [916] decision support, 1130] decision tree, [972] dengue, [636] dentisry, [1025] dentistry, [953, 828] [1039, 659, 673, 693, 774, 401, 868] diabetes, [973, 649, 650, 651, 1104, 1058, 825, 840, 1070] diagnosis, [567, 921, 952, 959, 963, 1084, 219, 517, 982, 984, 985, 991, 1000, 531, 1006, 1013, 545, 573, 205, 206, 582, 595, 620, 622, 1035, 629, 647, 357, 1126] diagnostics, [246, 1094, 609, 680, 1051, 383, 1103, 730, 770, 1074] [736] brains, [446, 448] diet planning, [637] breast, [841] DNA, [741] [449] drug design, [121, 122, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 140, 142, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116] drug development, epidemiology, [929, 576, 628, 636, 1097, 668, 674, 679, 684, 686, 738, 855, 885] ergonomy, [962] estimation, [723] fungi, [787] gait, [1089] gastroenterology, [644] gastrology, [486, 1090] genetic, [761, 842] genetic maps, [658] [1010, 635, brain interface, [445, 464, 940, 945, 947, 125, 950, 951, 954, 957, 960, 964, 965, 968, 979, 981, 518, 986, 988, 992, 525, 527, 1011, 1012, 1015, 569, 574, 205, 206, 1028, 587, 588, 598, 603, 1095, 615, 280, 627, 629, 634, 648, 548, 549, 1099, 704, 713, 719, 720, 1102, 747, 749, 1110, 755, 756, 757, 758, 51, 763, 397, 398, 784, 793, 803, 1063, 813, 1119, 1120, 1065, 830, 414, 415, 835, 1125, 846, 178, 851, 856, 425, 889, 433, 908] [689] [562] dianostics, cancer, editorial, EMG, dermatology, behavior dynamics, [857] [521] electromyography, consultation system, [914] [932, 590] ECG, [24] 1129, 892] anaesthesia, [816, 870, 897] chemotherapy, administration, [930] drug testing, [854] clinical trials, alcoholics, [731] cellular, accident resource allocation, [869] [643, 1112, drug production, [848] genetics, [580, 727, 734, 172, 777, 781, 1116, 788, 789, 792, 807, 810, 811, 814, 817, 819, 175, 1066, 176, 1127, 864, 876, 896] genome, [601, 769] geographics, [762] geriatry, [595] gerontology, [577] glaucoma, [616] 164, 786, 173, 839, glomerular filtration, [893] hearing, [645, 676, 687, 845, 872] hearing aid, [600] hematology, [597, 767, 1060, 813, 76] hemodynamics, [632, 194] hemorrhagic blood loss, [966] hepatitis, [744] hepatology, [995, 753] histology, [926, 575, 881] HIV, [923, 1009, 707, 45, 759, 886] HIV-1, [937] hospital mortality, [1001] human genetics, [918] Subject index 53 imaging, [227, 230, 910, 200, 442, 494, 370, 737, 1111] odontology, [862] oncology, immunology, [728] implantable lung, [630, 646, 670] infection, [1098, 695, 696, 699, 700, 702, 706, 711] infections, [1014, 1092, 1093, 621, 626, 1096, 633, 166, 665, 1044, 694, 1045, 701, 1106, 773, 799, 426] ophthalmology, [969, 1088, 547, 1029, 1035, 290, 294, 652, 308, 669, 324, 1041, 336, 342, 780] [710, 712, 724, 1121] oral, [511] inflammation, [722] orthopaedics, [804, 832, 834] infrastructure, [1124] orthopaedy, [663] injury, [729] orthopediatry, [688] instrumentation, [561] orthopedics, K, [942] laparoscopic intruments, [766, 778, 849, 894, 1076] [617] orthopedy, [989, 1032, 641, 672] [735] osteoporosis, [989, 853] learning, [948] oto-laryngologia, [726] liver, [833, 1071] paraplegia, [1007] lung, [416, 429] pattern recognition, [623] [949, 679, 684, 686] malaria medicine, [877] mammography, [925, 455, 460, 478, 492, 507, 985, 1013, 249, 604] management, [708] medicinal plant, [751] MEG, [229] metabolism, [716, 765, 797] metabolomics, [725] microbes, [837, 847, 1072] peptides, [732] pharmacokinetics, [678] pharmacology, [586] pharmacy, [572] radiology, [453, 941, 698, 717, 718, 733, 823, 1123, 865] radiotherapy, [612, 614, 911, 919, 1134, 934, 1135, 938, 941, 484, 971, 992, 1140, 1005, 581, 584, 1091, 585, 594, 602, 606, 654, 1049] report on activities, [590] review, [924] scoliosis, [871] sensing, [610] sensoring, [1081] sepsis, [867] serum, [905] signal processing, laryngology, malaria, radio therapy, [996, 1003, 687] sleep apnea, [739] sleeping, [552] smoking cessation, [1079] sport, [745, 826] sports, [831] statistics, [785] stem cells, [740, 821] [619] surgery, physiology, [939, 202, 946, 715, 746, 1108, 776, 783, 1115, 790, 406, 798, 809, 827, 890, 900] [920, 974, 578, 592, 599, 269, 611, 625, 631, 640, 655, 661, 664, 666, 677, 690, 697, 802, 878, 879, 902] planning, [775] TCM, [874] plastic surgery, [683, 691] thermotherapy, [1082] pre-eclampsia, [653] tomography, [556] prediction, [928] toxicology, [994, 714, 771, 772, 875] mobile service, [682] pregnancy, [752] monitoring, [743] prions, [116] MR-imaging, [912] prostate, [987, 237, 585] mutations, [658] prostehesis, [667] prosthese, [1136, 998] prosthetic hand, [593] prosthetics, [274] proteins, [764, 844] proteome, [1122] vision, [551] neurology, 936, 980, 605, 307, 721, 782, 822, 148, [909, 935, 944, 149, 961, 505, 976, 977, 991, 150, 570, 143, 591, 1029, 275, 1034, 286, 287, 639, 662, 320, 685, 687, 688, 339, 705, 1056, 389, 750, 144, 145, 779, 404, 146, 407, 800, 801, 805, 838, 418, 843, 1068, 866, 884, 895, 901, 904, 1078, 1017] traffic injury, [883] triage, [1131] urology, [933, 952, 1084, 982, 1000, 257] vaccination, [1114] vaccines, [818, 850, 861] vectors, [1101] virology, [967, 742, 836, 860, 907] neurology?, [1062] protheses, [554] vision impairment, [692] neurosurgery, [1100] psychiatry, [978] vitamins, [815] nuclear, [999] psychitry, [571] vocal fold, [1040] nutrition, [795] psychology, voice, [748, 796] walking, [1077] would healing, [673] [943, 997, 880, 882] obstetrics, [236] radiation therapy, odantology, [537] 1133] [199, 917, 54 Genetic algorithms in medicine yellow fever, fuzzy, [955] [996] neural networks, medine cardiology, oncology, [551, 563, 228, 565, 198, 460, 476, 966, 985, 1013, 570, 23, 45, 779, 85, 828, 1153, 893] [211] neural networks [210] amyloid fibrils, [1158] BAEPS, [361] brain activity, [1086, 1157] brain imaging, [509, 266] melanoma, [957] Bayesian, [1011] brain oscillation, [866] metabolic profiling, [752] cellular, [256] brain oscillations, [904] brain stimulation, [1160] brainwaves, [1162] cancer, [773] dementia, [357] metabolism tracing, classification, [944, 215, 956, 961, 496, 517, 518, 1012, 578, 263, 1033, 634] [797] metabolomics spectroscopy, control, [688] [725] data mining, [258, 392] micro-arrays, [648] diagnosis, [205] microarrays, [761] drug design, [112] electrodes, classification, [842] electronic nose, [1087] epilepsy, image processing, [213] feature extraction, [575] fuzzy, [538, 240] microbes tuberculosis, microbiology, modeling, [843] [149, 150, 143, 1034, 144, 146, 147, 148] fMRI, [404] hypoxia, [1056] hybrid, [136] image segmentation, [529] ion chennel conductance modeling, [1159] knowledge, [914] lateral sclerosis, [854] [331] Kohonen, [552, 232] lesions, [407] [871] learning, [957] motoneurons, [977] [959] nerve activity, [946] neural oscillations, [838] neuronal paths, [721] biochemistry, [1159] machine learning, hemodynamics, [632] medical applications, [135, 1032] [450] membrane potential, [662] optimisation, polyominos, [683] pattern recognition, [481, 595] MOGA, [630] perceptron, [1128] molecular dynamics, [942] prediction, [930, 833] MRI [883] RBF, [1151] chemical shift, [297] simulation, [605] Dixon acquisition, [297] SOM, [261] excitation pulse design, [313, 337] structure, [928, 164] excitation trajectory design, [291, taining, [947] Parkinson’s disease, [339, 782] Parkinsonian oscillations, 295] training, experimental design, [366] [926, 462, 276, 1103, 858] monohedral, [354] traning, [496] open magnet, [302] walking, [1089] weights, [117] random trajectories, [1043] neural stimulation [279] multi-objective optimisation, [316] waveform, nerve fibre activity, [946] neuroimaging neural network, [1056] MRI, drug design, [100] drug testing, [897] neurology, [705] [900] prosthesis control, [667] rehabilitation, [1017] sclerosis, [800] sleep, [944, 961, 570] transcranial RF coil design, [145, 801, 1068] [786] microscopy endoscopy, EEG, DC stimulation, [895] transcranial stimulation, vestibulo-ocular reflex, [901] [1029] vision, [1163, 1164] visual attention, [1161] neurons io channel modeling, [685] niche, [931] niche GA, [319] NIRS [327] blood, [1060] [1165] microbes, [837] Alzheimer’s disease, [779, 805, 418] wavelength selection, [768, 1059] Subject index NMR, 55 [473, 506] paralled GA, brain imaging, [343] parallel GA, excitation pulse, [329] imaging, [529] [727] [155, 560, 566, 117, 1137, 967, 604, 163, 272, 275, 277, 822, 431] NMR imaging, [442, 260] grid, [309] NOC, [803] PVM, [454] workstations, [249] variable selection, [795] oncology chemotherapy, parameter estimation, [1137] Pareto, [663, 345, 360] MRI, [635] [119] optics, [649] physiology, [966] brain hemodynamics, parallel GA nutrition molecular, [776] cardiac transmembrane tials, [746] poten- cardiomyocytes, [783] eye movements, [1029] fatique, [890] glucose, [809] heart, [820] [291, 295, 297, 297] radiotherapy, [1092, 1093, 621, 626, 1096, 633, 665, 1045, 701] operating room scheduling, [661, 666] Parkinson’s disease, [619, 58] muscle fatigue, [1108] particle swarm, [688, 376] nutrition, [202] oximetry, [1115] patent, ophthalmology diabetes, [533, 572, 239, 243, 245, 247, 262, 600, 603, 265, 680] pattern recognition, [290] [226, 507, Parkinsonian oscillations, [900] respiration, [406] thermoregulation, [715] vision, [221, 1088] voice, [1040] walking, [827] 526, 578, 259, 1032] glaucoma, retinal imaging, tumours, [652, 669] blood cells, [298] EEG, [320] FFT, [331] [969] [780] opthalmology retinal imaging, [488] melanoma, [965] optic disc, [308] phoneme, [1155] tumor, [525] planning [384] optical coherence tomography, optics, medical, layout, [348] medical center location, [1069] skin, skin imaging, spectroscopy, [774] [280] PBGA, [185] PCA, [357, 736, 746] [1065] optimisation classification, diet, penicillins, Pareto, [682] [637] operating room, [666] plastic surgery, [683] therapy, [569] planning radiotherapy, [378] PLS, [719] pollution, [613] popular, [136] [36] multi-objective, multiobjective, menu, [424] [709] [637] [291, 630, 295, 646, 670, 214, 345, 360] [708] peptides surfactants, [852] [196, 718] peptidome, [724] optimization, [1141] perceptrons, [578] global, [117] pharmacokinetics multi-objective, [531] Pareto, [931] DNA breeding, [29] population model selection, pharmacology, multiple, [1079] population size, [168] [105] [135, 848] 100, oral cancer drug design, [21] toxicity, [586] [226] post mortem dental identification, risk, [1125] orthopaedics pharmasy, [23] [50] arthritis, [834] pharmocology, bones, [804] physics orthopaedy implants, [663] bio-, [660] medical, [492, 499] [15] prediction, [1038] breast cancer, [964] survival, [620] process fermentation, [728, 731, 110] 56 Genetic algorithms in medicine prostate implants, [1095, 615] protein docking, [142] protein engineering DNA breeding, protein folding, amyloid fibrils, [29] physiological, psychotherapy, [978] pulmonary embolism, [647] puuttuu (ISI), [732] QSAR, [123, 129] [1158] structure prediction, [844] [120, 1009, 141, 26, 634, 55, 64, 65, 70, 71, 76, 78, 89, 852, 101, 103, 877, 115, 116] QSAR drug design, protein folding?, [118] QSPR, proteins, [119, 130, 136] QSRR [942] albumin, [642] QSSR, apicoplast, [792] quantum computing directed evolution, blood, [595] [24] docking, [923, 937, 967, 139, 140, 1023, 28, 764, 58, 83, 95] drug design, [125, 126] HIV-1 protease, [937] homology, [124] interactions, ligands, [1151] [438] [40, 96, 98] [120, 114] 17-residue, apolipoprotein epsilon4, [287] [767] [897] DNA, [159] radiation shielding, [823] radiation therapy geometry, radiology, recursive, [24] registration retinal image, [969] regression, [120, 950, 1058] exponential, [704] linear, [860] logistics, [694] piecewise linear, [1145] PLS, [642, 51] radiation dose, [704] SVM, [66] regressions, [968] reliablility, [253] REM, [552] report on activities medicine, [1133] radiography subtraction, recombination [590] retina, [1088] ICGA, [309] [941, 992, 999] [364] retinal imaging indocyanine green, [254] beam angle, [1123] [97] impedance, [717] biomedical applications, [968] implants, [1135] computational intelligence, [923] mammography, [733] [777] [718] Computer-aided sign, [131] sequences, planning, signature, [1121] thorax, [370] similarity, [1149] radiosurgery, [484] [1009] radiotherapy, [911] proteome, purification, QSAR, recognition, proteins folding, [787, 836] beam optimization, [654] proteome hepatitis B virus, [763] proteomics cardiology, PSO, [703] images for, [453] implant, [603] IMRT, [1096, 633, 1044, 1045] [1120, 179, 428, 898] intensity-modulated, review molecular GA in drug design, [128] image registration, [254] medical image registration, medicine, [579] molecular design, [138] of [162], [1064] source location, [148] intesity-modulated, [1099] optimisation, urology, [933] planning, dementia, [595] diagnosis, [571] psychology, biological, robotics control, [320] grippers, [631] medical, [269] mobile, [185] [1106] psychiatry [1134, 584, 602, 1095, 615] reasoning de- [432] [161] operating room scheduling, [621, 665, [222] neuro-fuzzy rule generation, [240] 701, 1050] image registration, [515] [1167] case based, [743, 770] routing, [682] [645, 676] fuzzy, [990] rule based system, [489] [690] Subject index rule based systems, 57 [449, 1084, ECG, [956, 824, 431] EEG, [736, 801, FT-IR, [207] 982, 991, 240, 609] medicine, scattering, [571] gingival crevicular fluid, [862] 1068, 147, 148] impedance, [1102] infrared, [596] [1069] electrocardiographs, [927] [774] feature selection, [529] finger movements, [782] chemotherapy unit, [1112] FPGA, [431] mass-, [716] clinical pathways, [1129] heart rate, [829] melanoma, [627] operating room, [661, 666] medical, metabolomics, [725] vaccination, [1114] inverse, scheduling scheduling ¿/operating room, [690] screening diabetic retinopathy, [290] in silico, [32, 33, 47, 52, 61] virtual, segmentation, [327] CT, [365, 372] segmentation?, [490] selection [973, 597, 642, 650, 651, 548, 549, 693, 347, 1060, 825, 837] [221] sEMG, [1108] NIRS, [768] speech, [645, 676] NMR, [519, 765] ultrasound, [427] Raman, wavelets, [884] [796, 845, simulation, catheter, skin, [1039] wavelength selection, [596, 548, 549, 693, 1059, 773] [1033] splines, signal processsig medical, [207, 757, 1065] 872, 1154, 1155] [916, 529, 3D, NIR, multidimensional, voice, 546, 239, 243, 245, 247] [653, 813, 1121, 862, 863] [444, 493, 521, 536, 1034, 361, 375] visual to audio, [59] mass, [692] sport [500] muscle fatigue, [1108] [1142, 557] sports [656] clenbuterol, biomarkers, [821] diffuse optical tomography, feature, [407] NIR spectroscopy, [1158] wavelength, [1060] surgery, [611] [831] [325] SQUID, [618] Staphylococcus aureus Sortase A inhibitors, [82] sensing skin hearing, [610] tactile, [879] sensoring, [1087, 578] sensors melanin, skin modeling optical, skull, tactile, [802] serum [768] shape design FEM, [808] shape model B-spline, [266] signal procesing medical, signal processing, medicine, [858] stem cells [391] [267] sleep apnoea, triglyseride, statistics [774] biomarkers, stereo vision on-line, [1115] [740, 821] [692] strain testing snakes, [502, 544, 546] arteries, [1030] SNP, [165] implant, [641] solid modeling, [958] SOM, [261] spectroscopy, [66] support vector machine, [355] 2D correlation, [1158] surafaces biomedical, [519, 250] blood, [780] structure molecular, [659] [538] superquadrics, [503] [555, 1080, 1139, 996, 346] surgery, [352] brain, [866] classification, [653] liver, [1153] classifiers, [500] feature selection, [825] MRI, [302] compression, [1138] fitting, [1145] operating room scheduling, [690] 58 Genetic algorithms in medicine planning, [592, 599, 382] CT, [315, 365] urology, plastic, [878] EIT, [1036] USA, [489] [1029, 1095, 615] protatate, [625] EMRI, [367] radio-, [902] impedance, [459, 510] robotic, [879] lung, [326] sensoring, [802] medical, [485] simulation, [677] MR, [508, 344] spinal, [356] NIR, [353] vascular, [808] NMR, [958] OCT, [348] optical, [351, 353, 400] survey microarray data analysis, [208] pattern recognition, [208] vaccines PET, [719, 37, 748, 753, 769, 65, 810, 416, 846, 1130, 856, 425, 864, 433, 898, 899] [327, 344, [248, 270, 285, 317, 323, 334, 334, 338, 340, 350, 363, 374] [270] feature selection, regression, synovial fluid, system estimation, [671] [1077] ultrasonic, [494] X-ray, [504] x-ray, [285] [767, 68] [694] [417] vectors mosquito, [1101] Yersinia pestis, [310] venoms snail, [834] [975] telecommunications influenza A, virus, [746, 873] tomography elasto-mechanical, [942] [836] [885] dengue, [742] yellow fever, [955] [323] vision TOPAS, in hospitals, variable selection, virology [1161] Tikhonov regularization, [818] lung, SVM classifier, filoviral, vascular tree reconstruction, SPECT, [861] regression, 363, 374] SVM, allocation, [18, 19] [1124] early, [605] evoked potentials, [221] toxicology therapy UV, environmental, [771] QSAR, [714] [619] thermography palette design, training ocular, [385] surgery, ulcers, liver, [365] time series [995] traffic, [883] VLSI design, voice Mackey-Glass, [959] tress, [880] medical, [316] TSP, [443] tissue skin, tissue perfusion ICG, tomography, brain, [380] [198, 512, 523] [275] assessment, [345, 360] [593] [748] wavelength selection tutorial [280] [942] VLSI FPGA, transportaion [344] vitamin K, transplantation thomography cancer, [625] [368, 195, 1048, 390] visualization GA in drug design, [122] image, [196] QSAR, [133] NIR, [642, 651] QSPR, [134] NIRS, [973] ultrasound, bone, [561] wavelets, [267] voice, [470, 541, 318] [748] Annual index 4.8 59 Annual index The following table gives references to the contributions by the year of publishing. 1959, [153] 1960, [151] 1962, [152] 1970, [156] 1976, [1020] 1977, [554] 1980, [564] 1985, [561] 1986, [1021] 1987, [568] 1988, [204, 189, 190] 1989, [225, 154] 1990, [1141, 1142, 909] 1991, [553, 558, 155, 562, 1019, 436] 1992, [551, 555, 226, 563] 1993, [223, 224, 1166, 552, 556, 557, 227, 559, 560, 228, 229, 565, 230, 566, 567, 231, 198] 2001, [249, 24, 159, 250, 251, 589, 1092, 252, 143, 590, 591, 592, 253, 254, 160, 255, 256, 593, 257, 594, 1029, 1144, 258, 595, 1030, 25, 259, 26, 596, 1031, 597, 260, 598, 1093, 261, 161, 262, 599, 600, 601, 1094, 1032, 263, 162, 602, 264, 603, 1033, 604, 605, 265, 606] 2002, [266, 607, 1095, 608, 609, 267, 610, 610, 208, 268, 269, 209, 210, 211, 212, 611, 163, 612, 613, 614, 270, 271, 615, 616, 617, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 618, 277] 2003, [278, 619, 620, 621, 279, 280, 622, 281, 623, 624, 625, 27, 1034, 164, 282, 283, 28, 284, 626, 285, 1096, 165, 1035, 286, 287, 1036, 29, 288, 289] 2004, [627, 628, 290, 291, 629, 292, 630, 631, 293, 14, 632, 294, 1145, 192, 633, 634, 295, 296, 649, 354] 2005, [166, 635, 636, 1146, 637, 297, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 298, 299, 646, 647, 648, 1037, 300, 1038, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 15, 656, 657, 1039, 301, 658, 302, 303, 548] 2006, [304, 659, 305, 660, 1097, 661, 662, 663, 306, 664, 307, 308, 665, 16, 193, 309, 666, 667, 194, 310, 668, 311, 312, 669, 313, 670, 314, 671, 17, 315, 316, 317, 318, 672, 167, 319, 320, 321, 322, 549, 1016] 2007, [550, 673, 323, 674, 675, 324, 1040, 325, 676, 677, 213, 678, 679, 326, 680, 681, 327, 682, 328, 329, 1041, 683, 330, 684, 685, 331, 1042, 686, 687, 332, 333, 334, 334, 688, 689, 335, 336, 1158, 337, 338, 339, 340, 1018] 1994, [910, 437, 438, 199, 1079, 911, 912, 913, 117, 1167, 118, 914, 1165, 119, 200, 439, 915, 916, 201, 440, 917, 441, 120, 121] 1995, [183, 442, 918, 443, 444, 919, 445, 1080, 446, 447, 184, 920, 448, 921, 922, 923, 924, 449, 1081, 925, 450, 926] 2008, [1043, 690, 341, 691, 692, 1098, 342, 1044, 343, 693, 344, 214, 694, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 695, 351, 352, 1159, 353, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360] 1996, [451, 452, 927, 453, 454, 455, 928, 1133, 456, 457, 458, 929, 930, 459, 460, 221, 931, 932, 1134, 933, 934, 122, 935, 462, 463, 464, 123, 465, 1082, 1083, 937, 1135, 938, 466, 467, 468, 469, 939, 470, 471, 472, 1136, 941] 185, 461, 936, 940, 2009, [361, 362, 696, 1099, 363, 1045, 364, 365, 697, 366, 367, 368, 698, 699, 700, 701, 369, 702, 370, 1046, 371, 372, 703, 704, 373, 374, 195, 375] 2010, 1997, 944, 215, 954, 957, 473, 949, 955, 958, [376, 705, 377, 706, 30, 1047, 1048, 196, 707, 1049, 708, 709, 31, 710, 711, 378, 379, 1050, 380, 382] 149, 950, 480, 959, [942, 124, 943, 202, 1156, 945, 474, 946, 475, 476, 947, 477, 125, 948, 951, 216, 126, 478, 952, 1137, 127, 479, 953, 128, 1138, 481, 956, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490] 2011, 493, 499, 968, 509, 135, 518, [491, 129, 492, 960, 961, 962, 130, 217, 963, 131, 494, 495, 496, 222, 964, 497, 132, 218, 965, 133, 500, 966, 967, 501, 1139, 1084, 502, 969, 504, 970, 971, 505, 506, 134, 507, 219, 972, 973, 510, 974, 1085, 511, 512, 975, 976, 513, 1086, 978, 220, 979, 514, 980, 515, 516, 136, 517, 981, 983, 137, 984] 186, 498, 503, 508, 977, 982, [712, 32, 33, 1100, 713, 168, 1051, 381, 1052, 714, 34, 715, 716, 717, 718, 1147, 719, 720, 721, 722, 1101, 169, 383, 723, 724, 1148, 1102, 35, 725, 1103, 36, 37, 726, 727, 1104, 728, 729, 730, 1105, 731, 1053, 1054, 1149, 732, 733, 170, 734, 384, 385, 1106, 38, 1055, 39, 735, 386, 736, 40, 737, 738, 387, 739, 740, 741, 1056, 41, 388, 1107, 42, 742, 743, 744, 43, 745, 746, 44, 45, 1108, 1109, 389, 747, 748, 390, 749, 391, 392, 750, 171, 751, 172, 46, 47, 752, 48, 753, 144, 1110, 393, 394, 754, 755, 756, 395, 396, 757, 49, 50, 758, 51, 759, 1057, 760, 761, 762, 1058, 52, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 1111, 397, 53, 769, 770, 1112, 398, 771, 54, 772, 399] 2012, [768, 1059, 773, 1113, 774, 145, 1060, 55, 775, 776, 400, 777, 778, 401, 779, 780, 781, 1150, 402, 403, 56, 782, 783, 1114, 1115, 784, 785, 1116, 786, 404, 57, 58, 787, 59, 405, 788, 789, 790, 1061, 406, 60, 61, 791, 792, 62, 793, 63, 64, 146, 65, 407, 794, 795, 66, 796, 67, 68, 797, 798, 1117, 799, 800, 801, 69, 802, 803, 804, 1062, 408, 409, 805, 806, 807, 808, 1063, 410, 70, 71, 72, 809, 810, 811, 812, 173, 813, 1118, 814, 1119, 815, 1120, 816, 73, 1064, 817, 74, 818, 75, 76, 77, 78, 819, 820, 821, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 174, 822, 411, 823, 84, 824, 825, 1121, 826, 175, 85, 1065, 86, 827, 828, 87, 412, 413, 829, 830, 1066, 176, 414, 1122, 831, 415, 1123, 416, 832, 833, 834, 417, 835, 836, 837, 1151, 88, 89, 90, 838, 197, 1124, 91, 1125, 92, 839, 840, 418, 93, 841, 94, 842] 1998, 1999, 2000, [519, 520, 521, 522, 1087, 985, 986, 523, 987, 988, 138, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, 139, 524, 525, 994, 995, 203, 526, 527, 528, 140, 996, 997, 998, 529, 999, 187, 1140, 1000, 530, 531, 1088, 1001, 150, 1002, 532, 1003, 1004, 1005, 188, 1006, 1007, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 1008, 1009, 141, 538, 1010, 539, 142, 1011, 1012, 540, 1013, 1014, 541, 542, 543, 544, 1015, 545, 546, 547] [232, 569, 157, 570, 571, 572, 18, 573, 1089, 574, 19, 20, 575, 21, 233, 234, 1090, 1022, 235, 236, 576, 1023, 205, 1024, 22, 206, 1025, 237, 238, 1026, 1027, 158, 577, 578, 579, 1028, 239, 580, 207, 23, 1143, 581, 240, 582, 241, 1157, 583, 242, 584, 1091, 585, 586, 587, 243, 588, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 191] 60 Genetic algorithms in medicine 4.9 Geographical index The following table gives references to the contributions by country. • Algeria: [333, 349, 1107, 1070] • Argentina: [209, 870, 905] • Australia: [443, 450, 127, 959, 135, 279, 1097, 674, 683, 357, 362, 172, 1058, 817, 1066, 176, 1072, 862, 1154] • Austria: [913, 270, 285, 331] • Belgium: [508, 586, 690, 695, 90, 860] • Italy: [231, 1081, 494, 502, 510, 523, 530, 544, 546, 547, 246, 604, 212, 624, 293, 294, 296, 166, 314, 677, 678, 378, 1100, 714, 1147, 1105, 771, 1114, 787, 791, 410, 825, 1161, 878] • Japan: [552, 914, 200, 441, 445, 447, 449, 451, 1082, 938, 466, 939, 472, 941, 474, 482, 483, 485, 490, 963, 496, 497, 504, 512, 975, 976, 517, 518, 984, 990, 998, 529, 999, 543, 573, 1025, 600, 286, 630, 641, 646, 667, 670, 672, 370, 376, 43, 766, 60, 810, 175, 88, 838, 109, 896] • Brazil: [149, 948, 1085, 996, 538, 597, 620, 628, 679, 684, 377, 382, 39, 1059, 1060] • Jordan: [1041, 32, 33, 47, 61, 80, 93] • Bulgaria: [560, 91, 94] • Kazakhstan: [711] • Canada: [198, 184, 921, 129, 1007, 22, 259, 617, 273, 1145, 192, 306, 167, 1043, 1049, 710, 1106, 735, 1112, 812, 826, 840] • Malaysia: [1064, 642, 34, 758, 1113, 774, 403] • China: [505, 980, 203, 140, 1009, 232, 248, 143, 1030, 1031, 272, 277, 1096, 1036, 633, 354, 299, 648, 651, 302, 303, 671, 318, 319, 320, 324, 341, 1044, 353, 355, 356, 358, 1045, 372, 373, 196, 379, 1050, 716, 719, 720, 169, 724, 726, 1149, 733, 1055, 40, 1056, 744, 746, 44, 171, 763, 53, 769, 768, 62, 800, 69, 802, 803, 173, 819, 820, 1065, 1122, 831, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 1151, 89, 177, 1126, 423, 852, 1129, 99, 855, 863, 864, 868, 873, 874, 876, 1131, 885, 888, 889, 890, 891, 893, 429, 430, 906, 238, 241, 244, 252, 337] 185, 487, 137, 292, 794, • Mexico: [987, 260, 611, 625, 284, 636, 643, 806, 1069, 428] • New Zealand: [323] • Norway: [157, 1027, 593, 365, 1063] • Pakistan: [317, 334, 338, 340, 350, 82, 413] • Poland: [475, 652, 669, 760, 832, 1073, 907] • Portugal: [588, 727, 1057, 808, 1127, 434, 1077] • Romania: [613, 215, 753, 102] • Colombia: [1006, 1015, 579, 598, 609, 309, 736] • Russia: [712, 35, 59, 95, 850] • Croatia: [439] • Singapore: [528, 581, 589, 640, 664, 385, 749, 777, 865] • Cyprus: [562, 563, 935] • Denmark: [50] • Slovenia: [219, 972, 1010, 583, 250, 1094, 657, 383, 775, 116] • Egypt: [1074, 313, 66, 816] • South Africa: [274, 106] • Finland: [936, 952, 489, 1084, 1086, 982, 991, 1000, 1157, 591, 257, 281, 548, 549, 327, 1018, 693, 347, 369, 30, 732, 391, 1017] • South Korea: [1137, 493, 500, 570, 380, 770, 399, 1117, 902] • France: [553, 227, 186, 501, 532, 18, 1022, 160, 269, 623, 288, 639, 687, 346, 361, 363, 364, 374, 375, 168, 762, 764, 799, 847, 427] • Germany: [612, 614, 1020, 189, 190, 154, 909, 155, 1019, 912, 930, 943, 480, 965, 133, 970, 978, 220, 983, 525, 1140, 1002, 1003, 21, 234, 235, 1024, 256, 1144, 258, 605, 608, 682, 352, 728, 387, 740, 389, 63, 805, 821, 85, 412, 108] • Greece: [607, 221, 969, 1088, 575, 254, 268, 618, 298, 213, 853] • Hungary: [467, 1146] • India: [1138, 1139, 187, 1026, 1028, 580, 240, 159, 305, 308, 550, 330, 1042, 332, 696, 367, 1046, 371, 709, 713, 381, 731, 170, 388, 392, 750, 751, 393, 755, 49, 51, 767, 398, 779, 56, 58, 64, 146, 67, 409, 1120, 75, 76, 77, 78, 411, 87, 830, 96, 844, 420, 425, 886, 110, 433] • Iran: [634, 193, 1052, 37, 1104, 41, 45, 1109, 748, 759, 52, 54, 772, 55, 790, 793, 65, 407, 68, 70, 71, 1118, 1119, 815, 74, 81, 823, 824, 828, 1124, 92, 418, 419, 1068, 98, 100, 103, 104, 875, 879, 880, 883, 897, 112, 113, 114, 115, 535, 255] • Ireland: [752] • Israel: [521, 233, 301, 316, 685, 809, 822] • Spain: [945, 957, 960, 592, 599, 210, 1037, 304, 321, 322, 697, 386, 395, 1115, 421, 1071, 869, 432, 901] • Sweden: [158, 654, 780, 858, 148] • Switzerland: [509, 19, 587, 629, 789] • Taiwan: [436, 119, 458, 459, 470, 130, 217, 514, 540, 1089, 1023, 251, 1032, 1035, 300, 663, 343, 722, 739, 741, 781, 402, 807, 829, 415, 1125, 839, 842, 178, 147, 849, 1162, 887, 898, 899] • Thailand: [903] • The Czech Republic: [519, 211, 1038, 194] • The Netherlands: [647, 656, 776] • The Slovak Republic: [506] • Turkey: [956, 516, 541, 1033, 276, 659, 673, 214, 1103, 36, 1053, 144, 73, 1130, 179, 101, 1132, 435] • United Kingdom: [226, 1166, 442, 919, 452, 453, 454, 928, 931, 932, 934, 468, 471, 1156, 473, 946, 477, 950, 216, 954, 958, 488, 491, 131, 495, 971, 513, 138, 139, 524, 527, 1004, 188, 536, 141, 539, 1012, 577, 578, 207, 242, 1092, 590, 594, 263, 275, 280, 622, 282, 283, 289, 635, 653, 658, 326, 689, 336, 339, 1047, 708, 31, 1051, 721, 1148, 725, 738, 42, 743, 745, 1108, 747, 1110, 754, 396, 761, 765, 145, 778, 786, 1061, 406, 795, 798, 801, 804, 827, 851, 867, 884, 900, 1075, 904] Geographical index • United States: [20, 156, 204, 225, 1141, 1142, 558, 557, 559, 229, 230, 910, 437, 438, 199, 1079, 911, 117, 1165, 915, 916, 917, 120, 121, 183, 918, 444, 1080, 920, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 455, 1133, 457, 929, 460, 461, 1134, 933, 463, 464, 123, 465, 1083, 937, 1135, 469, 940, 1136, 124, 202, 476, 947, 125, 951, 126, 478, 479, 953, 484, 486, 492, 962, 222, 964, 132, 498, 499, 218, 967, 968, 134, 973, 974, 511, 977, 979, 515, 136, 981, 993, 522, 1087, 985, 986, 988, 989, 992, 994, 526, 997, 531, 533, 534, 537, 1008, 142, 1011, 1013, 1014, 542, 545, 569, 572, 574, 1090, 236, 576, 205, 206, 237, 239, 23, 582, 584, 585, 243, 245, 247, 191, 24, 253, 25, 26, 1093, 261, 161, 262, 162, 602, 603, 265, 606, 266, 267, 610, 208, 163, 271, 278, 619, 621, 27, 1034, 164, 28, 626, 165, 287, 29, 627, 290, 291, 631, 14, 632, 295, 649, 297, 638, 650, 655, 15, 1039, 660, 662, 307, 665, 16, 668, 312, 17, 315, 1040, 325, 680, 681, 328, 686, 688, 335, 1158, 692, 1098, 342, 344, 694, 345, 348, 351, 1159, 359, 360, 1099, 366, 61 368, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 195, 705, 1048, 707, 715, 717, 718, 1101, 1102, 729, 1054, 384, 38, 737, 742, 390, 46, 394, 756, 1111, 397, 400, 1150, 782, 783, 784, 785, 1116, 404, 57, 792, 797, 408, 72, 813, 818, 79, 83, 174, 84, 1121, 86, 1123, 416, 417, 841, 843, 845, 848, 1067, 97, 854, 859, 426, 861, 1152, 1160, 105, 872, 182, 107, 1163, 892, 895, 1164, 1078, 908] 706, 734, 773, 796, 414, 856, 881, • Unknown country: [446, 448, 456, 122, 942, 944, 949, 955, 481, 961, 966, 507, 995, 1001, 150, 1005, 571, 1143, 1091, 249, 595, 601, 616, 637, 644, 645, 661, 666, 310, 311, 675, 676, 691, 723, 730, 48, 757, 401, 405, 788, 1062, 811, 814, 197, 846, 422, 1128, 424, 180, 857, 181, 866, 1153, 871, 877, 1155, 882, 894, 431, 111, 1076] • Venezuela: [223, 224, 927, 503, 520] 62 Genetic algorithms in medicine Bibliography [1] John H. 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Holmes, Pier Luca Lanzi, Wolfgang Stolzmann, and Stewart W. Wilson. Learning classifier systems: New models, successful applications. Information Processing letters, 82(?):23–30, ? 2002. ga02aJHHolmes. Notations †(ref) = the bibliography item does not belong to my collection of genetic papers. (ref) = citation source code. ACM = ACM Guide to Computing Literature, EEA = Electrical & Electronics Abstracts, BA = Biological Abstracts, CCA = Computers & Control Abstracts, CTI = Current Technology Index, EI = The Engineering Index (A = Annual, M = Monthly), DAI = Dissertation Abstracts International, P = Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings, PA = Physics Abstracts, PubMed = National Library of Medicine, BackBib = Thomas B¨ack’s unpublished bibliography, Fogel/Bib = David Fogel’s EA bibliography, etc * = only abstract seen. ? = data of this field is missing (BiBTeX-format). The last field in each reference item in Teletype font is the BiBTEXkey of the corresponding reference. 138 Genetic algorithms in medicine Appendix A Bibliography entry formats This documentation was prepared with LATEX and reproduced from camera-ready copy supplied by the editor. The ones who are familiar with BibTeX may have noticed that the references are printed using abbrv bibliography style and have no difficulties in interpreting the entries. For those not so familiar with BibTeX are given the following formats of the most common entry types. The optional fields are enclosed by ”[ ]” in the format description. Unknown fields are shown by ”?”. † after the entry means that neither the article nor the abstract of the article was available for reviewing and so the reference entry and/or its indexing may be more or less incomplete. Book: Author(s), Title, Publisher, Publisher’s address, year. Example John H. Holland. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1975. Journal article: Author(s), Title, Journal, volume(number): first page – last page, [month,] year. Example David E. Goldberg. Computer-aided gas pipeline operation using genetic algorithms and rule learning. Part I: Genetic algorithms in pipeline optimization. Engineering with Computers, 3(?):35–45, 1987. †. Note: the number of the journal unknown, the article has not been seen. Proceedings article: Author(s), Title, editor(s) of the proceedings, Title of Proceedings, [volume,] pages, location of the conference, date of the conference, publisher of the proceedings, publisher’s address. Example John R. Koza. Hierarchical genetic algorithms operating on populations of computer programs. In N. S. Sridharan, editor, Eleventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-89), pages 768–774, Detroit, MI, 20.-25. August 1989. Morgan Kaufmann, Palo Alto, CA. † . Technical report: Author(s), Title, type and number, institute, year. Example Thomas B¨ ack, Frank Hoffmeister, and Hans-Paul Schwefel. Applications of evolutionary algorithms. Technical Report SYS-2/92, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, 1992. 139 140 Vaasa GA Bibliography Vaasa GA Bibliography 141 Vaasa Genetic Algorithm Bibliography Search & Optimise Main features: • Over 20,000 references to published papers • by over 20,000 researchers. • Available as over 70 special bibliographies online:*bib.pdf files. • Covers all sciences and engineering fields, from basic theory to applications. • Several indexes and statistical summaries. • See what problems evolution can solve for you! Global optimisation and search heuristics called genetic algorithm mimics evolution in nature using recombination and selection from a set of solution trials called population. One of the most prominent attractive features of genetic algorithms from the practical point of view of software techniques is their simplicity, which makes them easy to implement and tailor to solve practical search and optimisation problems. In spite of the seemingly simple processing, the genetic algorithms are good at solving some problems that are known to be hard. The simplicity, generality, flexibility, parallelism, and the good problem solving capability have made genetic algorithm very popular among various disciplines desperately searching methods to solve difficult optimisation problems. ————— Observe that our server has also a selection of our papers on genetic algorithms and other compuational topics. See our bibliographies or file for further details. 142 file . . . gaACOUSTICSbib.pdf gaAIbib.pdf gaAERObib.pdf gaAGRObib.pdf gaALIFEbib.pdf gaARTbib.pdf gaAUSbib.pdf gaBASICSbib.pdf gaBIObib.pdf gaCADbib.pdf gaCHEMbib.pdf gaCIVILbib.pdf gaCODEbib.pdf gaCOEVObib.pdf gaCONTROLbib.pdf gaCSbib.pdf gaEARLYbib.pdf gaECObib.pdf gaECOLbib.pdf gaELMAbib.pdf gaESbib.pdf gaFEMbib.pdf gaFINbib.pdf gaFPGAbib.pdf gaFUZZYbib.pdf gaGAMEbib.pdf gaGEObib.pdf gaGPbib.pdf gaIMPLEbib.pdf gaINVERSEbib.pdf gaIREGbib.pdf gaISbib.pdf gaLCSbib.pdf gaLASERbib.pdf gaLOGISTICSbib.pdf gaMANUbib.pdf gaMATHbib.pdf gaMEDICINEbib.pdf gaMICRObib.pdf gaMILbib.pdf gaMLbib.pdf gaMSEbib.pdf gaNANObib.pdf gaNIRbib.pdf gaNNbib.pdf gaNORDICbib.pdf gaOPTICSbib.pdf gaOPTIMIbib.pdf gaORbib.pdf Vaasa GA Bibliography # refs . .. 557 190 2566 911 405 184 174 720 1177 1635 1407 938 2277 1121 392 232 1881 1453 723 679 1569 177 574 464 1556 90 891 440 540 1353 1521 140 458 1586 1006 1500 276 291 218 87 2475 211 58 649 741 846 1162 1810 83 113 1231 575 117 267 1883 1125 2168 923 1704 updated . .. 2009/08/17 2013/06/14 2014/05/06 2012/08/01 2014/05/06 2014/05/06 2013/05/14 2014/04/28 2014/05/06 2012/07/30 2009/07/24 2014/05/06 2014/05/06 2008/09/18 2012/08/08 2008/03/20 2014/04/28 2003/07/09 2012/07/16 2012/07/16 2012/07/20 2008/08/13 2011/12/29 2014/05/06 2013/05/22 2014/05/14 2011/12/29 2003/07/09 2012/09/21 2014/05/06 2014/05/06 2004/09/22 2012/07/30 2012/07/30 2003/05/23 2010/01/08 2014/07/04 2009/08/17 2013/05/14 2012/08/08 2009/07/31 2003/07/09 2014/05/06 2009/07/27 2014/07/18 2003/07/09 2008/03/31 2009/08/17 2012/08/08 2013/08/15 2012/07/17 2013/11/18 2012/06/28 2013/11/18 2014/04/28 2003/07/09 2012/07/30 ...table continues on the next page... contents GA in 1990 . .. GA in 2002 GA in acoustics GA in artificial intelligence GA in aerospace GA in agriculture GA in artificial life GA in art and music GA in Australia and New Zealand Basics of GA GA in biosciences including medicine GA in Computer Aided Design GA in chemical sciences ; previously in GA in chemistry and physics; divided into and 2002 GA in civil, structural, and mechanical engineering GA coding co- and differential evolution GA GA in control and process engineering GA in comp. sci. (incl. databases, /mining, software testing and GP) GA in early years (upto 1989) GA in the Eastern Europe GA in economics and finance GA in ecology and biodiversity GA in electromagnetics Evolution strategies GA in the Far East (excl. Japan) GA & FEM GA in Finland GA & FPGA GA in France GA papers available via web (ftp and www) GA and fuzzy logic GA and games GA in geosciences GA in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland genetic programming implementations of GA GA in India GA in inverse problems image registration immune systems GA in Japan Learning Classifier Systems GA and lasers GA in Latin America, Portugal & Spain GA in logistics (incl. TSP) GA in manufacturing GA in mathematics GA in medicine GA in the Mediterranean GA in microscopy & microsystems GA in military applications GA in machine learning GA in materials GA in nanotechnology GA in NIRS (spectroscopy) GA in neural networks GA in Nordic countries GA in optics and image processing GA and optimization (only a few refs) GA in operations research Vaasa GA Bibliography file gaPARAbib.pdf gaPARETObib.pdf gaPATENTbib.pdf gaPATTERNbib.pdf gaPHYSbib.pdf gaPIEZObib.pdf gaPOWERbib.pdf gaPROTEINbib.pdf gaPSObib.pdf gaQCbib.pdf gaREMOTEbib.pdf gaROBOTbib.pdf gaSAbib.pdf gaSCHEDULINGbib.pdf gaSIGNALbib.pdf gaSIMULAbib.pdf gaTELEbib.pdf gaTHEORYbib.pdf gaTHESESbib.pdf gaVAASAbib.pdf gaVLSIbib.pdf # refs 833 469 462 1654 2313 57 1004 491 92 547 302 775 331 868 295 2587 1037 840 2654 578 284 799 1998 129 143 updated 2012/07/30 2009/03/24 2009/07/27 2012/09/21 2008/04/07 2012/07/18 2014/05/14 2008/03/12 2013/08/15 2011/03/09 2012/07/20 2009/07/27 2009/07/24 2014/05/14 2009/07/27 2012/07/27 2009/07/24 2009/07/27 2012/09/17 2009/01/07 2010/08/17 2012/07/16 2008/05/22 2013/08/15 contents Parallel and distributed GA Pareto optimization GA patents GA in pattern recognition incl. LCS GA in physical sciences ; previously in GA & piezo GA in power engineering GA in protein research Particle Swarm Optimisation quantum computing GA in remote sensing GA in robotics GA and simulated annealing GA in scheduling Selection in GAs GA in signal and image processing GA in simulation GA in telecom Theory and analysis of GA PhD etc theses GA in Vaasa GA in electronics, VLSI design and testing GA in United Kingdom GA & X-rays Table A.1: Indexed genetic algorithm special bibliographies available online in directory New updates only as .pdf files.
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